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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1947, p. 15

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2TUUDAY, JiiE 14TH, 1047 TI4E CANAflLALI ~'1ATY2~LL~JI. rik?:vtt.!.!! ~A~Mi iL ne Orono News RveE. X. Woodyard attended Lod e AF. & A.M. was held on County Council in -Cobourg lait Thrsday evenlng when a large lwek. numnber of visiting brethren were Mr~. sud Mrs. t3hwton Cobble- present. Wor. Bro. Harry C. Pal- dIck have moved fr.m Church St. mer and his teamn from Cedlar to Mr. Ervin Rainey's house on Lodge, Oshawa, were in charge of Main St. South. the instailing of these officers: .T"h funeral of Mr. Ed. Dean, W.M., W. Bro. A. F. 11cKenzie; Who paad away ini Oshawa Gen- I.P.M., W. Bro. G. W. Hawke; Sr. eral îHospital, was held Monday W., Bro. W. W. Sherwin; Jr. W, atternoôn at his late residence, Bro. J. J. Mellor; Chap., W. Bro. M'lin street, with Rev. S. Little- Ca-rl Bilings; treasurer, Rt. W. Wood, Bcbcaygeon, conducting the Bro. 0. W. Rolph; secretary, W. service. Internient was in Orono Bro. J. C. Gamey; D. of C., W. Bro. cemetery. C. B. Tyrreil; Sr.D., Bro. Norman Mr. J. J. Mellor was guest speà- Allun; Jr. D., Bro. J. H. Lowery; kor oh Wed.nesday last at the an- Sr. S., Bro. P J. Chapman; Jr. S.: fluai picnic of Wentworth County Bro. P. M. Lunn; I.G., Bro. Virtie Federation of Agriculture at Dun- Wilson; Tyler, Bro. Roy Berry. dao. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, president Loyal Temperance Legion held of Park St. Woman's Association, a very interesting meeting when was in charge of the June meet- severfi readings and recit4tions ing with Mrs. W. H. Rowe leading we given by the children, and the worship period. Mrs. Walter Ane est played a piano solo. Couch and Mrs. Rose Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hammn and in charge of the program and the Mr. and Mrs. Melville J. Burns social half hour when a dainty and baby, Peterboro, were pres- lunch was served. Mrs. H. Walsh eut for the 1Oth birthday cele- gave a reading entitled "The La- bration of their grandfather, Mr. dies' Aid" and Mrs. J. C. Tam- C. Hughson. blyn a splendid address. . Plans Orono Boy Scouts collected one were made for a strawberry festi- and three quarter tons o! salvage val the end of June. M ss Wda Hoyha.oe aoThe community was saddened MineWild Hoey hs gne t onMonday to get the news of the Bowmanville where she has a pos- passing of two-year-old Morley 4*ti the Hospital. Cobbiedick, son of Mr. and Mrs. f1?v.W. P. Rogers, Bowman- Harold Cobbledick, after a ser- te, conducted services at Orono ospeaonithSikCld -%r ited Church and Kirby on Sun- reu.sopiaTro n to.Sc C day last. Rev. and Mrs. RogersresHsiaTon. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Messrs. W. J. Riddell and Ev- Mellor. erett Brown are attending 1.0.0. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Grand Lodge in Hamilton. Jack Stobart on the arrivai of a Miss Beverley Payne has taken baby girl in Bowmanville Hospi- a position on the Bank of Comn- tal. mnerce Staff, Newcastle, and Ray Installation of officers at Orono Bryson, Kirby, with the Orono R0BYKLE THEATRE TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY -FRIDAY - JUNE 19 - 20 Heart-Beats in a Thrill-a-Second Love Story! Lucille Bail - John Hodiak - Lloyd Nolan "TWO SMWART PEOPLE" -Added Attraction - "RENDEZ VOUS WITH ANNIE" STARRING Eddie Albert - Faye Marlowe - Gail Patrick SATURDAY - JUNE 2lst I(e's Back! q-igger! Detter! .4.. ~ç1 CASS COUNJY BOYS 4-À .AREPUBLIC PICTURE. ADDED FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT JUDY CANOVA int "SINGIN' IN THE CORN"#À "Big Boy" Willians and The. Singing Indian Braves Color Cartoon MON. -TUES. -WED. JUNE 23 24 - 2 I du,,,.o. a.,4.... IÇ School with highest points: New- castle 54. hmon Boys' Senior Champion: Charles Armstrong, Orona. j Girls' Senior Champion: Noue. Boys' Intermediate Champion: Raymond Trim, Starkviile. Girls' Intermediate Champion: Jean Toms, Newcastle. Boys' Junior Champion: Billy Hancock, Autioch. Girls' Junior Champion: Jerry Harris. Newcastle. rox Late INews Cartoon branch. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dayr Sun- deîrland, hava corne to the fi. W. Staples faim, Mri. Day acting au herdâman. On Thuradny, June l2th, a me- morable. eveunt was celabrated in Orono, it belu the lOth birthday af Mi..rnius Hughson, a wel known and beloved resident of this cammunity who has resided in Clarke township since 1852. His four childrein, Mi9. O. Sander- cock, Ms. E. J. Hammi, Mr. Sid- ney Hughson and Mrs. J. Richard- son were ail present ta celebrate with their father and ta reeive over 100 cailers who came ta ex- tend their congratulations and best wishes. A beautiful birth- day cake with 100 candles was on the )able where Mis. Donald Hamm poured tea. 0the~r grand- daughters, Mis. Neil Hamm and Mis. Melville J. Burns, Mis. Len Hughson, Mis. Jas. Grant served the guests. About 70 cards, let- ters and telegrams came in and an address was read from the committee in charge af the puise of money which was prcsented ta Mi. Hughson. Visitors: Miss Fern Weber, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mrs. Jos. Walker. Mr. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, at bis home. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemens, Oshawa, with Mis. C. L. Powers. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Riddell with Rev. and Mrs. Littlewood, Bob- caygeon. Mrs. Hazel Flintoif, Toronto, at her home. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan with relatives in Belleville. Mr. Wm. Rowland, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cowan, Mantreal, with Mi. and Mrs. New- ton Cobbledi'ck. Mrs. Miller, Tyrone, with Mrs. Ed. Dean. Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. J.ohn Armstrongi with their son, George, and fam-j ily at Timmins. Miss Lorraine McDonaid, Kirby with Miss Wilda Hooey. Clarke Twp. Pupils HoId Field- Day at Kendal, June l3th Pupils ai Clarke Townslip held their annual Field Day of sports at Kendal on June 13, with a gaod attendance and ail eveuts keenly contested. The winners are. Broad Jump Si. Girls: G. Gamsby, Orano; J. Glanville, Orono; D. Selley, Newcastle. il it. 6 in. lut. Girls: Jean Toms, New- castle; Marjorie White, Orono; Ruth Jackson, Kendal. 10 ft. 6 in. Jr. Girls:, Carol Gaines, New- castle; Jerry Harris, Newcastle; Kathleen Jackson, Kendal. 5 i t. 11/2 in. Si. Boys: C. Armstrong, Orono; G. McNair, Browu's; F. Cowan, Autioch. 13 it. 31/2lu. Int. Boys: Keith Rogerson, New- castle; Fred Gianville, Newcastle; Harold Moffat, Orono. 12 It. Jr. Boys: Billy Brunt, New- castle; David Rickard, Newcastle; Billy Haucock, Antioch. à it. 4 in. Softbail Throw Si. Girls: Jean Stacey, Newton- ville; Doreen Milîson, Newton- ville; Christine Alldread, New- castle., 145 ft. ILut. Grs Carolyn Jones, Or- ar na.; Merle Fisher, Newcastle; Jean Toms, Newcastle. 91 it. Jr. Girls: Jerry Harris, New-1 castle; Nancy Lake, Newcastle; Lynu Stephenson, Brown's. 50 f t.1 Si. Boys: Francis Cowau, Anti- och; Arthur Norlaud, Newton- ville; Raymond Moore, Autioch. 177 ft. lut. Boys: Jimmie Farrow, No.1 7; Donnie Lake, Newcastle; Lloydi Lowery, Kirby. 123 ft. Jr. Boys: Biliy Hancock, Ariti- och; Teddy Lane, Newtouville; Douglas Gamsby, Onono. 77 ft. 4 in. RUning High Jumi, Si. Girls: Olive Brown, No. 9; Betty Lau Hagerman, Newcastle. lut. Girls: Carolyn Joues, Or- ana; Eleanor Osborne, No. 9; Ruth Gaîîod, Newcastle. Jr. Girls: Jerry Harris, New- castle; Marilyn QVantrill, Crook- ed Cîeek; Kathleen Jackson, Ken- dal. 3 it. Si. Boys: Gardon Johnson, Ken- dal; Rounie Graham, Newcastle; Jim Gilmour, Newtouville. 4% ft. lut. Boys: Garry Haucock, New- castle, Raymond Tiim, Staîkville; Jack Walton, Orono. 3 ft. 8% lu. Jr. Boys: Billy Hancock, Anti- ach; David McCullough, New- castle; Edwaîd Andrew, Leskard. 3 it. 50 Yard Dash Si. Girls: Helen Getlick, Cow- anville; Karen Ainsîce, Newcastle; INana Osborne, No. 9. lut. Girls: Jean Toms, Newcastle <Mary Lau Dobson, Starkville; Mvargaret Getlick, Cawauville. Jr. Girls: Betty Hatherly, New- tonvilie; Joyce Bostock, Orano; Berneice Lunu, Orono. Sr. Boys: Don Mencer, Onono; Ivan Bernard, No. 9; Charles Arm- strng, Orono. lut. Boys: Raymond Tîim, ai Starkvilie; Ronnie West, Orono; Robert Coilett, 6th Line. Jr. Boys: Biily Hancock, Anti- och; Don Whittaker, Newcastle; Dave McCullough, Newcastle. Shuttie Reiay Girls: lst, Orono; 2nd, New- castle; 3rd, Newtouville. Boys: Orono; Kirby; Newcastle. Rural: Antioch; Biown's; Cow- anville. Sot tbail Gamet Seniors: Newtanville. NATIONAL LEADER Hon. John Brieken National leader of the Progres- sive Conservative party and offi- ciai opposition leader in the House af Colimons, Hon. Johin Bracken hes been in public life more thon a quarter of a century while contiuuing ta aperate suc- cessfuiiy. as a ieaing, practical Canadian farmer. Born an a fanm in Leeds caunty he became presi- dent, Manitoba Agricultural Col- lege before hcading the Manitoba governnient as Premier for more than 21 years. Leading his party in the iast election lie increased it.s bouse membership 70 per cent. Four years ago lie annouuced a long- ternm charter for Canadian agri- culture in whichi his demand was complete cquiity for farmers in sharing the national income., He will vigarousiy press this program at the next election and it is fiee- ly predicted that he will become Canada's first faîmer Prime Min- ister. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Oui Home and Schooi beld their last meeting for 1946-47 sea- son last Wednesday. A uew siate ai officers was brought in by the Nominating Committee, naniaely: Pies., Mis. Wm. Barchard; Vice- Presideut, Mis. R. Branch; Sec- retary, Mis. A. Turner; Treasurer, Mis. Wm. Allun; Exec. Com., Mis. F. Bowen, Mis. Stan Allun, Chas. Glenuey, Robt. Allîn, R. Osborne; Pianist, Miss Betty Allun; Audi- tors, Mis. C. Gibson, Mis. Wal- lace Gibson. It was decided ta hold aur pienie Juue 27th, ah ai- rangements ta, be leit in the hands of the new executîve. An enter- taiuing pîogîam was enjoyed wîth solos by Miss Pauline Deline; reading by Mis. P. Brown, and quartette numbers by Ross, Glen and Bill Aluin and Wîlbuî Baskeî- ville. î\ess. Albeit Hill and Vernon Hill, Beaver Lodge, Alberta, and Mr. and Mis. Wm. Sperry, Gîim- shaw, Alta., are visiting Mi. and Mis. Wm. Allun. We were sorry, ta bear that Mrs. Maurice Pedwell had under- gane an operation iu Bowmau- ville Hospital, Satuiday.- We wish her a speedy recoveîy. Mis. Irwin Allun came home iîom the hospital last Wednesday. We trust she Is -much'better. The whoie cammuuity was shocked when word came that Mr. Edwaîd Dean had passed away on Friday. Mr. Dean, until the last couple ai years had been a highly îespected resident ai No. 9 at Dean's Corner where his sou, Harold, now resides. We extend deepest sympathy ta the bereaved iamily. Mr. and Mis. Percy Neale, Mn. Max and George Bradford, Pic- kering, Mis. Kathleen Stephenson and Grant, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mis. How- ard- Bowen. Blackstock Mis. Jack Byeîs, Ottawa, visited fîieuds in the village. Miss Marion Beacdck, Toronto, with ber parents, Mi. and Mis. Austin Beacock. Miss Chapman visited Rev. aud Mis. R. B. Harrison. Several members af -Women's Institute weut by bus ta attend the celebration at Guelph, June 18. On Tuesday Miss Phyllis Gray and Mis. Darothy Venuiug char- tered a bus ta take their pupils to Peterbora ta speud the day, visit- iug places afiniterest and picuic- ing. But due ta the mumps epidemie sweepiug aur commun- ity several childien were unable Cadmus The special service held lu Cad- mus United Idhuîch Suuday after- noon, inu cnnectian with the cele- bration af the lOth Anniversary o! thc formmng af DevItt's L.O.L., lqa. 43, was well attcnded. Mem- bers af the ladge, as well as al Who httcnded are deeply graielul ta Rev. R. B. Harrison for his splendid sermon and ta Mrs. L. Thompson.ind Mr. Leonard Job- lin for their solos. Mrs. Thomp- son sang "II Heard the Voice of ïIesus Say" and Mr. Joblin "Who Çivest All."1 Mr. Herb Hooey, a fhie-long member af the lodge, read the scipture lesson. The S. S. choir very kindly assisted with the service. The lOth Auniver- sary is a great milestone in the lodge. 1The lodge continues is celebra- tion on Friday night, June 20, at the Orange Lodge with a special speaker aud social evening iallaw- ed by dance aud refrèshmcnts. Geo. Black bas purchased a new tractor. Master Wayne Oke, Part Peîry, Is visiting bis grandparents. W.A. met iu the church June l2th. It was decided ta ha 1ve a play "The Farmerette" ifrom Sa- lina, the latter part af June. Mrs. E. Caughill has moved baq* into her own home after giving up housekeeping for two .years. Neighbours gathered Fniday evening ta charivari Mr. and Mis. Robert Carter (uce Mary Adams). Health Clinie is every iourth Thursday at Blackstcick. Mothers are invited ta bring thei babies and pre-school children far a check-up. On the occasion ai ber birlbday Miss Gwen Dean invited a few girl friends ta ber home for sup- per. The sacrament o! the Lord's Supper will be obseîved next Sunday. We would like a goad attendance as there will be no church services on June 29, July 6 and l3th. Visitais: Miss Ruby Bailey was home. Mr. Chester Hoskln visiting at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Mrs. E. Strutt, Bowmauville, with Mis. E. Caughill. Misses Hazel and Ruth Aldred, Oshawa, with the Glenuey's. Mrs. E. Culhani and family motoîed ta Guelph after visiting her mother, Mis. T. Hopley. Mr. and Mrs. George Fillysan, Blackstock, with Mi. aud Mis. J. Carter. Eniskillen Mr. and Mrs. Walteî Oke with Mi. and Mis. George Hubbaîd, Raglan. Mrs. 1. H. Knight and Miss El- va Orchard, Bowmanviiie, aI Mr. and Mrs. Milton Staiuton's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGIil and iamily attended Kedron an- niversary on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Harold Milîs and family with Mi. and Mis. Cecii MiIls, Maple Grôve. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Brunt and family at Mr. and Mis. Robent Preston's, Mapie Grave. Mi. and Mis. R. McGill and iamily at Mi. and Mis. Foster Suo'v'den's, Kedron. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. John E. Griffin, Yelveîtan,, on the anrival of a fine baby girl, Muriel Ann for sister Laura.. Mr. and Mis,. L. Wiiiiamson, of Pontypool, at Mi. and. Mis. A. Leadbeater's. Mi. and Mis. Frank Osmond and Canule, Newcastle, with Mi. and Mis. Roland Thompson.. Mis. E. Strutt, Bawmanvilie, with Mi. and Mis. Clifford Pc- thick. Mis. G. F. Leask and Ewart with Mn. and Mis. H. Annis. Mn. and Mis. J. A. Werry, Mi. and Mis F. Werîy, Mr. and Mra. H. McGiil attended the Golden Wedding o! Mr. and Mis. R. J. Luke at Kedion on Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Alex Tel-fer and family, Toronto, with Mi. and Mr$i. A. M. Wearn. Mr. and Mis. R. McNeil visited Aith friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Lawrence Adams, Final examinatians at the Cou- tinùatiou School commenccd this week. Mis. John Marlow and Doria Maîlow attendcd thc Royal Thea- tic, Bawmanviile, ta ace "The Jalson Story" on camplimeutary tickets kindiy gîven by The States- 1 Know Jusf man. We took thnee other ladies with us and ali eujayed the ahow How You Feel" very much. "I know becausoI hve beeathst way myscif. 1 have been o0 chron- ically tired that 1 thought 1 would Y zm 7 , neyai feel well af.i. Hawever, 1 - UWWjP' faund that Dr. C aes Nerve Fo>d soon gave me new pop and eneruyand C N W I put me on my feet.' C N W L Tired feelings, indigestioan md aIoAn of aieep ame quickly relieved by Dr. rO NU _A IR W Chses Nerve Fod. If YMe "ieant. efrchins IC.INT te AA fr th neweco- ri Tob fér ciacniisbumiti8 caluseand Ask forthe flC econ-coins. Tieed Musces nespo"d quiMky toeh" amy aise battle of àSte pplication of SMohin& rSmy.whawe Dr. has's nedicna ICEMINT. he rereshun,.tin- Dr. Choe"s 1 au that it»Ssogins rifht to work on the foot Nerv F. d ~Pains that put the wvea i n fl robw.Ge 60 pâla-Octd. 180 pflIS.50 At Jury & tovefla and baui rugelst4 1 2 WesI.yvil.e Sunday School wai held at Il a.m. with an attendance of 27 and onc teacher absent. Church wmm held. at 7:30 p.m. with Dr. 0k. preachiug a goad sermon on, "Growth." A lar enumfber 0f members of Womanrne Association motored ta Part Hope on Thursdiay afternoan ta bold their meeting at the home o! Mrs. W. T. Nicha la and enjoy. ed the hoseitality of'their member. On rridàay Field Day was held at Cailloui with Douglas Be. wlu- ning the Juniqi championship and David Dickerson the Intermédiate chamnpianship. Mr. Arthur McKny, Newton- ville, peut Suuday e~'ening with Mr. &Mand . Earold Barrow.. Mr. mand Mus. Lionel Sugh« ae, chuldier pe tStrndy j lt Mr. and Mrs. mas S E, lat Ville. MIr. L. Iloldeay la vWsIhS(at Muakoka whUe lier kuhtèr MWs Nola Holdaway, oronto, la ipen&é iug a few days at ionne. Mr. and MÉÏ. Clar-ence Mitchell, Marrish, speut Sunday with Mr, and Mri. C. Beigliton. Mrs. G. Jones, Port Hope, visit.-4 ed lier daughter Mm. W, Pa 0n. Mr.mand Mgo. Arnold Thoriidy ke aud Carol spent Sundy with M.I Enfield Mns. A. W. Preseotsnd ]Ruth ln Toronto. Mr.,ànd Mnr. E. Johnson, Misa ,,ealm urlut, Owen Souund, at SMr. and Mirs. H. Smilth, Mr. IF. Smith at J. Smilh', Bobeaygeon. Betty Burgess, Long Sault, and Rome Marie Premcott exchanged visita. M-s R. Pascoe, Hampton, with Mis.G. Bownian. Miss; E. Cunningham, Brantford, Miss P. Sneller, Baden, at W.- Pascoe's. Comniuty picnic will be held next week. Particulars an requeit. MWr. and MMi IWrd MacDoad, Eowmawflhe; Mr. aMd Mms. Ver- don Léathasigue #ndta N]1, s;uad Mr. -Ne IOn ud Hudio liaszeha ned dalle visltlng eMi. a" mis. Uthangue. Mr. John E. Oriuu and lAura, Mrs. Mary Gil, Yelverton, at Mr. sud Mrm. R. Grlffhu's. Mis. E. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Lois and Chas' Misa June Ashiton with Mr. M Mms 3. Rodman Port pery Mis. E. C. n with ler daugliter, Mrs. Stanley May,rlor- onto. Mr. and Mns. 0. A. Pethiek and Gall, Master Teddy Lacey, Miss Jean Rabbinu, Mns. Varna Wood, Mr. Floyd Pethlck, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. E. J. -Dickinson,- Oahawa, with Mr. and Mrs, S. R. Pethlo. Mms E. C. Ashiton and family hald a surpris* Party at Mr. and Mro. S. flodman's PortPerory, B. Rl. 3, to honor Màr. snd Mi. Ira TIaveil, Oshawà, oi theixlî 1li weddung annlvermary. The-din-. ner table was centredwith a two- layer wedélng cake and the bride and groom of tenyetarsa ag were preoented with a glft of xuoney, to which they very fittingly re- plied.. Mr. X. Byers, Tôronto, was maiter ofi ceremonies. A trio, Meadamea S. Rodman, 0. Eeech aud Mr. 0. C. Ashtoni sang 111 Love You Truly, " with Mr. Stanley May ett he Piano. Mater BlHe May rendered aeveral piano solos, Mr, and Mis. Albert Wright, Mr. and Mm P.*Fred Trewin, Black- stock, with Mr. Earl and Sydney Just unpacked 1 Fabrlcs that make sewlng a deligbt. Boits and boite of gay, colourful prints, smart strIpes and checks, and of course ALL WASHABLE. Buy now for your çomplete summer wardrohe. PLAIN OOLOURED the thing for cool sumnier playsuits. Colours are rose, tan and gray, 36 inches --Juqt dresses and red, 'blue, wide. $1005 YARD Seersucker -In bold stripes and floral designs that will stand any amount of tubbing. Save yourself ironing ou hot summer days. 69c YR Dotteci%,Swiss -It makea up int such daintv suni- mer blouses. Sa cool ta wear and easy ta launder, 36 iuches wide. 75c YARD Chambray -The perenial favourite for suminer frocks. Cool as a cucumber ta wear shopping or &round the hanse, 36 iuches wide. 89C YARD SPhone 481 THE MODERN STORE Bowmanvllle r' bethville. mas Pauline Pelais, Moulh enid Mum Gardé Ro0wdPor an' spet te weakend W M. Mia. L. Burley and ]Dîm, New- tonville, snt Sunday with Mr. Mud Mnà.ly Nichoi. Mr. Murray Payrle sna,.,d "e weekend visiting friends ln Otta- wa. Borne Wlowerm Rogues' Seed growers cali flower plants =rogueIl when they revot te ealer types and do nôtprduo 135 yards Unbleached Factory Cotton f25cé AR Ourprlsed? Oo were w. when we received this fine faotory cotton at this low prie. Quantity is lirnit.d, be here early for thua. Llmit of ô yards to a oustomer. on SALE lEfl)A PA RER NOISE eo/4'e SeOler aise Pl**f Add 1 envelope 10781 Pm Riing »yY" an d 1 u>p supFt to 1 c.i ukewanm witer. Suir; let stand 10 mi&. Scaid 1 c. miik, add 5 tbs. ugi:; add 2 tmp. sakt, cool to luke. warm. Add to yeait mixture. Add 3 c. mlfted leur, beat until perfactly mmooth. Add 4 tbm. meited ahonsamlng and 3 c. more ifted glour, or enough Co make eusily han. dled dough. Knuad welli Place -in greased bowL Cover, let rime in wmrm place undi doubled in bulk, about 1% houri. Punch dough dCwn in bowti let rime *gain in warm place until eauly doubled in bulk, about 40 a"n. Wben IJ#htý roll out 3." hlck. Brush over ilghdy wlth mehoed ahortenlng. Cut wlth 2" biscuit cutter, cresse through conter heRvily whh dull odge cf knlfe, fold over in Pocketbook uhape. Place on well..greamed âhmllow pans 1" pn..Cov', etrime until llght, about 1 bout. Bako in 4001, oven about ýl 1, 4 11IL C.VZADIýUl' 01l;T.UUO i-li t ceeet- .1 rewi+ee THE MODERN STORE Dewmanville 1

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