* '. Durham County Farnera Are Backbone of Local Prosperlty If theré Io one central thought we would wish ta emphasize ln thiu' larmi edition 0f The Statesman it ls that the farniers of Durham County stili are the backbone of prosperity ci the entire community. It has been so for more than a century. It will be so for the next century provlding the atom aâge does flot dest];oy ail communities. But it is sale ta say that larmers will continue at their appainted tanks close ta the "1good earth" until the crack af doom. Track back ln Urne as far as time can be reckoned and it will be found that &il urban centres have had their origin through the ap- pllcatio;i of labor ta land. That Is if we inter- prêt correctly Adamn Smith's "Wealth of Nations." 'But rnany people ln urban centres whose family trée were rooted in the soil too oiten forget the perpetual debt they owve ta farmn familles. D veloping artificial snooty social circles' in metropolitan environments, f arm origins ail too ofteni are reiegated ta the limbo .Of forgotten thingu.. The same goca for too niany of the political leaders vcsted with author- lty projected frarn carpeted offices furnished at public expense. But wc hasten ta add that a* very great number in urban centres who have nover reached the helghts are stili "home people" 'in their hearts. You will find their names as subscribers ta the rural we.kly press and as vcry loyal contributors ta homc.town commun- Ity projects., * The very hisiory af this country in wrltten In the hard back-wracklnÏg, constant 1toil on the farms; the up-at-dawn day alter day, in- cluding Sundays, incessant work that -ends daily long alter dark and finaily in a country graveyard. Yet actuaily ail this is accepted by the men, wamen and children ln rural Canada as a niatter af service they consider a way of lite they wouid not renounce once they are 'namared of ito essentials ai freedom and in- dependenice. The points we shôuld like ta make here are firat, a tribute ta fari? familles, second an appeal ta "important" people who hâve lef t the land flot ta forget their obligations ta do 811 they can ta shape up real equity for agri-. culture. Food Production Planned on Vast International ScaIe * If plans set in motion as a result ai revised thinklng due ta experience durlng and follow- Ing the late war corne ta iruition, Canadian farmers may* iook forward ta many changes as compared with former years. Arising from the United Nations setup nathing appears more hopeful in securing and maintaining peace than the steps taken ta assure ample production and distribution of food throughout the whoie world. It wili be recalled that Hitler declared "If goods do not pass acrass international boundaries then armies will." Sa a vaut Inter-related programnme an the food front has developed out af confer- ences attended by delegates ai the leading food 4 producing nations af the worid. It is iikeiy that few people have followed very clascly the resuits of these conierences. The story cannot be told ln any brief manner. But the main setup ls the Food and Agricultural Organization comprized oi representatives from nmre 16 member nations. The tank oi the FAO :la ta formulate worid policy on food and ta recommend agencies ta co-ordinate the whoie scheme. One af these is a plan for a World Food Board. The basic idea insas ta di rect pro- duction and distribution that people af 'al nations will have the greatest possible stan- qards af nutrition. The proposals caîl for an international agency with funds and author'ity ta stabilize prices on the world market, ta establish a world food reserve as an offset ta perioda af drought and ta co-operate in securing international cre- dite, In short the acheme ln basicaily onc af better nutrition and a stable price structure for farm praducers. A whole range of other pro- posals having ta do with better piethods ai production and better quality ai food is on the developing agenda ai the FAO. At the smre tirne farmers ai the world are oéganlzing aniang themselves with parallel ob- jectives. Only recently the Federation ai Agri- . 1 1' Grealt Record Mode by Junior wit -- --- iute1 1.1 Wilh Wh" i nc Ieraierated lia. Dowmaavtlo News. The. Newcastle Independent, aud The Onu, Nom Ul TesftsCentinueus Service te The Town Au*olue s .econd Clam Mail. Ft Office Debarment, OttRwa.. 1 mber . * Audit Bureau Weekly Newspapor* oUDSCIPON RAIES $2.50 a Teti stnlctly ln advanse. $8« a Tsar la the Ufited statés 05.W. JAIM O .miles Let Us Corne Down to Earth \Th«' Minister ai Finance, Mr. Abboti, uinder s litIle needling frorn tbe Opposition, argued' that it would b. dangerot sta let veterons wba buy bouses have the -rigbîta oevict preleni ten- anIs, mince they migbî be evlcting paorer vet- crans.- Tbey would, ln mont cases, be evicting non- veterans, for mighty few veterans havte bèee able ta gel bhouses as yet. Where ihey are marrled, mont ai Ibern are living la anc or. two raoms, or with their parents. Ia any case; wby sbouid we balk aI the idea that the firat man ta get a baume should be 1he man wbo can affard to buy one? Wben bouses are short la supply, as- they naw are, omeane bas ta gel the firsi bouse wblch lu built. Itlela obviously not possible ta say that il sbouid be.tlb. pooreat veteran. The Gqvcmnment can scarcely set up a court' ta de- cide wbich veleran, witbout regard ta bis abliIy ta psy, sbould have, lb. right to buy a bouse which cornes an thé market..' AU Ibhis tbeory *im wbat la blocking tb. building ai enough bouses soathat every veteran can have a chanice ai getîing ane. The cure for a shartage' ai bouses is ta let people build tbem, nat tla set up a systèm aif, elabomate con- trais. There Is to much ai Ibis idea Ibat this country sbould be. rua on the bMasa of always Ibinking baw ta prevent people £rom daing wbai they want ta dÔ. That sort ai grandmotherly iussing neyer mode a nation rich--or- great yet. Free Chest Exarninations PlannÇd For Durhamn Count Y On. ai the greatesi taska conironting the nation at Ibis lime lu the maintenance ai national bealtb. One ai Uhe mont serious diseanes, and at the same lime anc ai the mout eadily curable when found la ils early stage, lu tuberct1losis., 1hta Uic thecredit ai the ]Bowmanvillic Lions Club and thase who buy Christmas. seau that every residenî ai Ibis district, whetbher man, woman or child, may take precautlonary sieps against Ibis insidiaus disease by having a free chest examination witWn Uic next iew wecka, wbich wiii be heid ai Biackstock, Newcastle, Orono and' Bethany. Until apparatus using miniature film was developed, mass surveyu wene impractical a'nd costly. Chesî ciinics had ta be conflned to, known and suspected ýcases. As a resuit nol more than anc in five persans suffering from the disease was discovered until il had pragnesa- cd la serlea stages. Now Ibis dangerous situa- tion can be remedied. Pound la ils early stage, and properly treated ai once, tuberculasis can be cured and tbe passibilhty ai passing It ta, others overcome. More persans la Ontario, aver five yearu ai age die frorn tuberculosis than from al ather iniectiaus diseases cornbined.* This la iargeiy because an affectai persan may go on fan same lime nai ai ail aware that he bas the diàeame. Any one ai us can b. altacked by ibis dîscame and ai any lime. The aid belief Uhal thome over 30 yeams are'no langer suceptible la entirely witbout foundation. Helping in Uic task ai destroying Ibis ençmy ai man la a cluty that belonga ta us ail. The surnta way af doing so la by having an X-ray. Main Farm ProbIem l'a Lack of, Farrn Help Ail durlng thc war Uie people an ftrmç stuck ta il wllbout much grumbliag -and Xoll'ed up a record. ai production neyer equailed' by so iew in the- hintory ai ibis couany. caand wamnen literaily taxed themselves almout b.- Yond endurance ta provide food tonrthe amcd services, Uce people ai Bitain and factory work '- enu at bonis. Ail this wa.s donc with -th% soie view ai helping ta win victory an4 preserve 'lb freedain that -la U&0much a Part af fanm lf.. For Iheir efforts the fana peoplesofi Canada r*Sivcd hlgh praise irom gavernmcatfp ai home and abraad. And wblle tb.y worked mm .ny Ahousada of arin yauth valunteersd -and siÈrved ln the arrned forces'on almoot,îl fronts. The entire tory in an epic whielv» hi*tory, au usual. wifl fail ta record. I - AI Iwa mfIm higher. by 400 percent Over the pre-war figure. The sustaining hope during wq-r years wao tUs more farm help 'would be .secured following demobilhzatlon. But the fioee han prove futile..' At no time han fari.nheip been more scarce and more - ostly. That this le truc ia found aimat i very hand la Durham County, It la the main farrn problerni the moment. The result is that very many who workec no faithfuily durlng wartime are continuirij under great diffilculties ta keep up some sem. blance ai farrn production, But as shown in officiai reports, farm producti 'on has fallen ail down the Une. High praise -accorded bý, the government seems ta be forgotten now that farmners. are, given littie help In setting about farrn rehabilitation including. land, buildings; machinery. Little progress can be nmade with- out adequate help and a fair break in prIces and coits. Immigration is one ai the prime s olutions but little is bcing dqne. As the num- ber ane farrn issue today, the farm help pro- blern will be a central issue in the next electiôn. Bogus C.C.F. Proielytes. Art Undermining Free Press Still another exemple ai how C.C.P. social- lsts prate about morale and denocratlc lfree.- domaend. protection ot "the liýtle niant' and, then deliberately set about* destÈoying hlm has comne ta light recently In the bureaucratic action of the C.C.T. government oi Saskatchewan. Placing a ban on a certain type ai advertising re- cogniz.ed as legitimate by the Dominion govern- ment, the C.C.F. salons snatch away frorn the weekly press and allied trades ubwards ai $75,- 000 a year without ln any wgy consuling weelc- ly publishers. This comes on top oi other dictates snatching job printing from the week- lies and giving it exclusively ta, C.C.F. agencies. We propose ta expose the whole setup th future issues but first we will quate frami the' Yorkton Enterprise on this advcrtising ukase: The brcwing industry, without advertising dir- ectly, has been running a national and patrio- tic series, "Men ai Vision." Weeklies have been carrying this series on that basis. At the same lime outside magazines flood the province car- rying direct, illustrated àdvertisementi oi beer and liquors.. And at the same tirne the C.C.P. government ta in the iiquor business and der- ives great revenue from it. But it nôtified brew. ers flatly they could no longer rdn their Patri- otie advertisements ln Saskatchewan papems ai- ter being deemed legitirnate by the dominion. There was no consultation, merely Uic sud- den Hitîcrian decree. But mark tbis cynical authoritarian concession laid d1awn later! Pub- lishers were tald 'thcy could run anc "4d" a month ta ensure. the t.C.F. autharity would gct back empty batties and kegs. - But tbis advcr- tisement, must be. preciseiy of thc smre char- acter as *the former brewver'n advertisement, a patriotic appeal. These monthly "ads". muet be titled, "This is Saskatchewan" and musI tellioai thc taurist attractions *of thc province. Get- ting back the empties ai course was only inci- dental. Notice the oid, insincere moral dodge behind this brazen attempt ta bankrupt the small Sas- katchéwan weeklies. The C.C.F.'eru while not èfticially approving ai the emnptying af beer and liquar baIlles were quite evidently greatly concerncd ta get them back for refIliin.g. And sa evidence continues ta pile up ta support the dlaim that socialiste wiil destroy a frée press by hook and croalr, wil force "the litile man" ta Uic wall once they are la power. Maple Grove Mis& Marlon Snawden, Toronto, spent q~ weckend at borne. M.Jacobs, Mn. Gardon Jacobs, - FQathili. spent weekend wiih Mm. and Mns. N. E, Wright. .Misses Helen, Mary Snowdcn, Mr. Rossa Pollard, Mn. Charles Weeka, Toronto, spenit weckend with tUc former'. grendpargnts, Mr. and lins. R. -R. Stevens and Mn. and lins. W. J. Srlowden. WVeddJng bells are ninging in thus comniunity. Congratulaions te Mr. and lira. Wm. Lewis (nec LiIli Snawden) on Uder manniage. A number ot fricads and re- latives were entertalned at the vrariaus homes on Sunday: lira. Alfred Laird ad daugbter, Vivian. Toronto - spenl weekencl Iwith ber parenia, Mr. and lins. ýR. D. Trimble. Lake Shc Mr. and lins. tended tUe 1 wedding ai Newv bfç. and lira.j the Mlibnok mpent Uic we.k, lins. Bruce Mu Stirling. Syaipathy la Ken Dean ina tI faiber. Mr. and Mn.. iarnily. Bramnpt m"s. W. molinci ,»#r. and lim, filny with ,IM Alidred, OrQno, The uchool ch anc hundred their I.acher,J tendcd the Field dal on Fnlday,1 lag along te bu] '-,-~' s AMins the various articles la Uhit Issue deallng wlth famn prq"eaton nàne-, *W b. found oai pester Intercesithan the record ai th* Junor Farmera of Durhamn County durng th« pant 17 years. It wifl' undenscore the assertion Canada la that oi rural youth. Whiie U e tary deal moatly. wlih theýsuccesa ai membensaof Baoa' Clubs lan judglng contens t1 wift not b. forbtten. that 'Uic Girls' Clubs of Durham County have #îla for nome yeÏnm tiken,. hlgh plat* la competitiôns ia Uic nature of Dam-- tic Scienc'e. Thé record of thon pize-winning. Marne realiy originaîed"la the local Agticuitural Of- fice wbich ban been presided over for 11 yearu by one oi Ontario's outsindlng farm service repreeentatlvýqF, E. A. Summera..- He in a man wba continually shuns publicity but wbo has been the aparkplug la devoïloplng judging tfa i hat havecroaied consistent re- cords, year alter year, sécond to'fl0flInlag& Canada.* Theae records ought to b. deed amaag 1h. outstanding baais aithe.'people ai Durham .County. While Uic niary la wnltten ail taoc biefly te brlng ouI thé bigblights afiIndividuel accom- plishments, Il keynotes the valup of toamn-work and the veny high value ai insplred teaching a&M leadership. la paying tribut. ta the rural yodtK. who have sbared In tUcie remankable winnings there wlll b. univerual accord In giving sanie piecedence la Ihe great womk oi Bd. Summens. ThÈis tribute ai The Staiesman faliafen short af giving full credit for a great job donc aven Bo many yeara.à 1 ta decide that issue. Thon why bother washing re, Clake cour&eng.tmei cksoth ofMr your car yourself, whea w John- Tfendry'a was- th. icone of cm» do it for you at short Eenderson - Brown whlcei the brakemnu akilld. ntcada mî ot. 'teaivilie, Saturdayf (Intmndsd for 'lot w.ek> J_ lendry attende&d Ii. an d Mis. R. 'T. Alldrcd andK Hanse' Show and îa vislîed Mn. and iMua. W. K ep Your Forrn Stock Happy wlth rend with Dr. and = 0StIIE ER IC ger.CKSP A urray and fanufly, Mai. J. Cole, Antier, Baak., w*tliCTE E VC LV ST C P A exteded o W mr.and n.ob AUdrW. the«pamig f"hia Mn. an~d Mri. Fred.,Glbogn, Couniland, N.Y., and Mn. sud X"r. Glenn Pollard.and ]D. A. Valleau Oshawa, witli Mn. ton, with Mn. and and 1,Cs. W. Mojina., Li The symPathY of Uic commun- R. T. Alldred snd ity -je extMsdedJto lin. W; Mol- r. and Mais. . Mu la 1he psuiag 01 ber mnother. OOS A E hildren turned oui Plymouth - Chrysier Cars - argo Trucks percent and wih 1 , ahall try t. correct arrera l KI azji1ton. at- when. ahown t. W error& ns d 1i2I 0 ing nt. Il owmanvlle Phono 487 1 Dy eldetICen- shafl adopt newv'vlewmsgo fait as several adtults go- they #hall appfer te be true vfews. Pply cari -sndom- -Abraham Lincela. 4 te-Ws th* 1 UU ab eltn thé mpôrtaneeofthe- h.Vary limited notice, th W§re a U k anfinhbreed fan shfe rt ~ V tum Itwou re.uir. »ver al col- Wlin*tolist h..aing liglitetn. A'uM ahf *&i dM#inIrliiOn- e... owneft of ,i=i W odwould.ie#A&$ requir#aiuch >'pai ,RêgVer. ~~ ~durir4- lb. yeir they Ilévie been UlikIIoS IOM i. metoned -ireqî.ailn lI The Cih .~dt ot Stâttsmn.Co m utde nw t n, point ai numbel's It le con- ra »sp*" mn l cecled that* Hoîstelas flor cuinuin- qp .wa ber today other bréèsmof *catti -e" OMalà» II.to in1h owtr.8pplyini mlk fggW.falelAerAihsn lard* City faites together With local dainies thé volume 0f pro- àAqiueaib 1usd imuds oout"ld . Iove or blw w ta 00 duction aiof àuid ,gù1k.hiu ee durinâ récent yaÏs a total ot caM pres uumi eWbe cha slingle item n Iiillai arm ihistory. t -4CONCUMTUION? WOH? MASONRY UNITSi Aside. main this,'Uic niet 61 puti-t..,~«PASU brcd Holhteing At hoM~e and COoCIETPLSR abroad have grown to, great pro- . ct uiia aîa. portions.a s o n dmt -It w4uldbe lhntoestlig ta sècUT, a"ep aj>çroilmate. figures of Uic cale tl lnv.sted Jn.Durh#,m daim- ty . loteins and th. annuel vol- umwe of: lncômé frain mllk and fu be aim'Iu 'e Sheppa'ra & GUI cut1 etai latin îim lame more Luamber'C.. Limit.d comprehonsivel stoay aleng thestPhone. 715, Bomsanvme o 96 King Bt.E fines.' Meantimb this short tiue to 'Rlsteip brecders ai Durhani ln tncluded ln this Issus. -Thçre art -hbree ingredientsln a good life: Leannlngi carnin' and ycarning.-Christopher Morley kt esnInJcnmc Thé Board. o Education require a caretaker for 4:1 Candy bars, formerl3t sold at a nickel, are Bewmanville fligh B.hooI startlng July lot, 1947. d noa ullng 'nt etiht cents, and, from toast, ta Person ueolôtied- te have f ull responsiblllty of &Il e sI, children are striking, boyecotting stbres, caretalklnt dutieu, tneludine cars of grounds. List of 5 and Improving their digestions, by buying no ities tuai, 1b. paocured from Principal L. W. Dippeil. " candy bars - na't ta speak ai having more af thei alowac. a sèndor~othr tlng. -Applications, stating salary expected, must b. re- a the Goverament, faced with this,,crisin, îlots, eived by Secretary before 6:00 P.m., Monday, June 23, g n9t live up ta ita record oi smoothing things 1947. *over by fooling Uic 'public. nBreadl oeils, ta take a, single example 0'Bado Euain Many, at a 10w ceiling. price because thé Gový e emnmenl pays a Érawback an flour' ued -'in STÇART X. JAMES, Secy.-Treaa., t Canada, equal ta hait the price ai whéat. . he 34 King St. E., Dowmanville. t taxpayers pay the subsfdy ' pardon, drawback - and icel happy aI buying,'bread cheaply'. . There la 'fia shortage of breadl, There il, * pienty ai Competition ln Uic bakery business. e Bread. wouid goUp fi the subsldy were stolpped, but, th. public wouid psy much the, nams price. for bread, leisath. considerable colt ai handling * thé' subsidy. 0f course the coul ci other Ingréd-- lents in bread, plus. transportation charges, have QUA L IY increased alsa, and Ibis wil neceasîtats an in- crease of a few c ents per boai once contraIls are dropped.AN If tbe Govemnment has të go ta ail tbis * trouble to. fool tlýe growxi-upn, why not try lb. ý Yj smre-,trick on the; childrcta, and pgy as subsidyE on B ,- aOr does.the.Ciovernme.nt.leelP U5 that the children would b. harder to-fool thani tbe grown-ups are? Lack of Feed Grain. May Red*uce; Llvestock Foliowing a long wet spring an announce- mient bas been made by Hon. T. L. ]Kennedy, Minisîer ai Agriculture for Ontario,.. that. alinost a million acresm-in, Ontario can praduce no feed grain thia year. This me5ns a provincial short- age af sarne 45 million bushelsof feed. Il Io an alarniing situation which brogght the Federai Minister ai Agriculture imb Ontario last week ta piead' with Ilvcstock farmnera nulta sacrifice any animals until reports -oaa be received-as ta the prospects ai feed grain crops in western That 'saur throo-point platform for getting yau Canada. . Meantime. -il li fortunate that goqd -u epn yua tayat evc pasture lu prevalent. But fil in' fot only a mat---adk pg o asAstdy uosevc tër ai livestock for teganden end'vegetable eustloer. We'd 11k. to have your business, cropa may net canp'lderab1lus eni n volume.> and yon'll enjoy. a imoothor.runniag car whea Comnientlng on the itUjation, H. H. Hannfam à1Utu tne ôi President, Canadian Féderation ai Agriculture, ~ tr loe *n stressed three immédiate problems, Tirai, whe- Tzuz.=2ýy. j-cmm lâra