t- TEE CMIADXAN STATESMAiÇI EOWMAKVILLE. ONTAEIO THUESDAY, 3UIIE IOUi, 1H? P.sTake Royale §«II Screwy Fiasco On- Local Dlamond 'h. largest crowd of the. year pi nesed the welrdest gaine of thec year Wednesday evening, Junei lth a the Hlgh School grounds S when Peterboro Interinediates boat Bowmanville Rayals 98 in a Lakshore Basebail League gameMoss, pitching for Petes Iu tii. 8th and was replaced after B3owmanville picked up 4 runs. Mlichaels, pitching for Bowman- vile lost control in the 3rd and r~0 r. FA~ WA 400 Outslde rooms with bath and radio. Air-. conditioned Lobby and Lounges. Fireproof and centraIIy Iocated. 207 'j' f J I êM w was mleved by Arty Clemien&e. The Petes third sacker crashed 2 home uns whlch coupled with five Bowm-anvilie errars accounted for the. margin of onc run ai thc end af the Mt. A squabble with the umps delayed the game until h. consentcd ta Uic ful aine in- nings. Free htting, loase play and ump baiting pleased a cowd of mare than 300 fans. In Uic fourth inning Petes wcre icading 3-1 but in the fifth they took advantagc of 4 hits, 3 thefis, a boot and a walk ta score 4 uas. Bowmanviice picked up 2 la the fifth, 1in thUi sixth and *went ta tawa in Uic eighth whcn.- Petes' pitcher waikcd himscif out of the game. Osborne was anc wiih a single. Pageit doubied. Tbree waiks forced twa runs then Tom Cowan hit ta score two mare. The ninth was blank. Summary: Petes: 9 uns, 13 bits, 2 errars, 6 waiks, 12 faaned. Rayais: 8 uns, 9 hits, 5 errons, 7 waiks, 8 fanned. Home uni: Petes 2; thnec-bag- ger, Clemence; twa-bagger, Petes 2, Padgett 1; double piays, Petes 2. Umpires, Cailadine and Fair. Rayais: Cowan cf, Giihoiey 2b, Younth ss, Ames If, Ai Osbarne lb, Furcy rf, Tysan c, Michacis p, Clemence p. USE THE SCORE BOARD Basebali notes picked up among fans ai the High School games: Why not have the executive or the sports director arrange ta post the scores on the very fine board crected by Roy Nichais, Generai Motars dealer, for that purpose? Do not bang hevy ioeds on pipes in the home. The pull mey loosen joints, or strain supports. Only haif of ail homes in Can- ada have a private bath or shower. A dripping faucet wili event- ueily discolor enamel piumbing fixtunes io thettheic itemca- not be nemovcd. ý 4' lil là ih i*d i ' I 1 1 ; il Plan your hollday travels by motrncch . .. and Four vacation dollars will carry you farthen! Modemn, luxurlous coaches, convenlent schedules, on major Ontario hlghways. Connections thmoughout Canada, and to the. United States. Local Agent: GARTON COACH -LUNES BOWMANVILLE TELEPHONE 2666 i A1 * s SeeHOUSEHOIDý FINANCE *BORROW $20 to $1,0o... for almost any worthwhile purpose, without endorsers or bankJable security. And take 12 or 15 months to repay. Or even 20 or 24 nionths on boans of larger amounts. - Here's ail you do to borrow. Just phone or visit the. Household branch office nearest you. Tell us tihe amount you need and how long you want to take to repay. Your money can be ready - usually the smre day you apply. Use Household Finance's prompt and friendly money service whenever you need money. No other company in your community offers lower rates for thii type of service. là Simcoe Street South (over Kresge's) Phone Oshawa 3601 OSHAWA, ONT. »a- l $m-o mWMua* t wM #» HOUSEOLD INANCEuI I ýSPORT NEWSI Softbali Standing As of June l7tIî Training Schooi Mike's Imperials2 Pepsi Cola Local 189- Annis & King 0~ Rural ----0 Battlng Averages AB H Rundie, C. 7 5 Osborne, H. 1h 6 Mutton, W.- 8 4 Depew, T. 8 4 LitleD. _- 6 3 Pollerd, K.- 13 6 Richard,,, R. il 5 Osborne, A.-- 15 6 Jobnson, B.----- 5 2 Home uni: A. Osborne Wermy 2; D. Mason 2. Av. .714 .545 .500 .500 .500 .462 .454 .400 .400 Town Athietes Make Good Showing At East York Meet Bowmanville High School ath- letes taok part in the Track and Field meet et the East York Col- legiate, Saturdey, June 14, beid unden the auspices af the Glad- stone A.C. The team wes made up of Bill Dadson, Gregor Friend, Tom DeGeer and Slip Rowe. Neis Osborne drove them ta Toronta in bis car, accompanied by Recrea- tionai Dimector Bant Smithson. Competing with tic ieading ath- ictes o! Ontario, Dadson and Fricnd made a strong bid in the open 100 yards, with Bill piacing 4tb. The teem ai 4 werc wcll up in the eiay and piaced 4th afier a delaying fumbie. The boys are naw training for the Ontario Chempionships ta be beid la Var-. sity Stadium, Toronto, June 28. Aitue East York field day wbicb was featuned by the 26 mile Marathon, rnany aid time winners werc prominent guests. They in- cluded Bobby Kerr, Oiympic sprint champion, 1908 and Ai! Shrubb, former middle distance champion who was officiai assoc- laie starter of treck events. Poultry Business Play& Important Part In Durham County (Hcid fnom hast week) Whilc paultry of course came into the farm picture ia tue early days of ibis district ht was a minor source ai revenue until recent yeams. -Aide fnom suppiying farm tables with eggs and Sunday dia- nemi the main outici for surplus was the gencrai barter af eggs ai local stores and the suppiy of local butchens witb feu fettened birdi. Fiocks werc generelly mixcd breeds and few came elong ta spe- cialize in anc strala and ta exhibit at feins. But city markets and exponi de- mand ln the peut few ycars greatly chenged the picture. A notable development bas been that 'f batchenies on a commercial scale very wideiy across Canada. Haw many bave been establishcd la the county we are unable ta say but iwo important devclopmcnts af tuis nature have taken place ia Uic vicinity of Bowmanviile. Harvey Brooks, Maphe Grave, and Donald Gibsan, Newcastle, now have individual hatchenies thai have grcatiy expanded la the pamt fcw ycars. Observing high standards la mosi modern plants they serve an ever lncneasing cmr- cie af custamers bath locally and throughout Ontario. Sa pauitry naising bas become a very impor- tant local industry on the fam f'in Durhamn county. 1 CHICKS TO ITALY BY AMR Word has juil becn eceived from Mn. A. P. Bissonett, Acting Canadian Commercial Represen- tative in Rame that sbipment af baby cbicks arrived in Rame on June 2nd, via Trans-Worid Air- uines, en route ta Prof. Ghigl, at the University of Bogona. Mr. Bissonett reports that tbey arrived in excellent condition. This is the second shipment a! chicks forwarded by the Bray Hetcheries, ta Prof. Gbigi for me- esteblisbing bis poultry work at the University. These sbipments included spe-, cieiiy seiected Barred Rocks,' Rhode Island Redi, White Leg- horns, Light Sussex and White Wyandottes. Aitbougb the spirit be not mast- er of that wbich it creates tbroug4.h music, yet it is biessed in ibis cre- ation, whicb, iike every creation of art, is migbtier then the artist. -Beethoven. The language af tones beiongs equaliy toalal mankind, and mel- ady ib te absolute ianguagc in which the musicen speeki ta eveny heart.-Richand Wagner. Local Juniors Los. To B'FNal BvRIth Bowznanvil1e Juniors lait a close game ta B'nal B'rith, at Oh- awa, June 11, ln Junior Lake- shone League basebail. With Cie- mence and Strike the Bowman- ville battery and strong hitting by Dadsan gnd Hooper the icad was held until the 7th when Osh- awa garncned two runs ta make the final score 6-5 for, Bowman- ville's third defeat. Dadson scored ln the lst, hom- ered in the 5th and came home again in the 7th on Hooper's dou- ble. Legree pitched steady bal f9r Oshawa and was given better support than Ciemence. Eric Pogue, hockey star for Oshawa Generais, was a sparkplug for Oshawa. Bawmanviiic: Martyn, Dad- son, Hooper, Williams, Strike, Cowle, Rundie, Cox, Clemence. B'nai B'rith: Bannes, Czerewa- ty, Dell, Hanna, Legree, Blair Patte, Wilson, Pague. Rotary Juniors Loso To Poterboro Kiwanls Bowmanviiie Rot,---y Juniors playing ai Peterbono June 18, against the Liftioclc Kiwanians in a Junior Lakeshore League game got off to a bad start in the finit inning when cight uns were racked up against them. Things got worse as the game went alang ta a full seven innings with the final verdict 26-O for the Petes. Jaquith pitching for Pett's gave up five scattercd hits with Wood- ward getting twa singles and 10 fanned. G. Sturrack, Dadson and Woodward took turfs on the hili for~ Bowmanville and coilectiveiy yielded 22 hits. Sturrock fanned 3, Dadson 3, Woodward 0. Bases on bails, Sturrock 7, Dadson 1, Woodward 0. Hit by pitcher, Stur- rock 2. Passed bails, Gallagher 6. Six errors by Bowmanviiie as against one for Petes who nipped 11 lne bits by Bowm nviiie about sums up the play. No Bowman- ville runner got past 2nd base. Bowmanvillc lads have lots of abiiity but can't seem ta get or- ganized sa far in the season. Bowmanville: Dadson lb, p; Pi- per rf; Gailagher c, If; DeGeer If; Williams If, _-; Woodward ss, p; Sturrock 3b, p; Cox cf; Cowie 2b. Ennilklhn Lads Football- Lougu. WUt Five Wlns Wlth 21 games afready played ini the 1947 Darlington Football League, the Enniskillen team Is away oui front with five wlns and no lasses. Acconding ta latesi fig- ures sent ta The Statesanby Jack Reynalds, Hampton it ap pears thai no team has seored a single goal against the alnazing Enniskillen eleven. 'The aid rivais, Hampton and Salina played ta a scoreicus dnaw in their first contIst Saturday night and are tied for secand place. Ail schcduied games luave been piayed except one between Zion anid Onono, raincd aut May 28. Resuits the past week are as follows: June: 14-Orono 0 at Bowmanville 1 Hampton 8 at Zion 2 18-Enniskillen 2 at SaUina 0 Courtice 1 at Tymone 1 21-Sauina 0 at Hampton 0 Courtice 2 at Onono 1 League Standing W. L. D. Pt. Enniskillen - 5 0 0 10 Saline __-__ 4' 1 1 9 Hampton 4 1 1 9 Courtice 3 2 1 7 Tyrone 1 3 1 3 Orono . 1 4 0 2 Bowmanville -~ 1 4 0 2 Zion __ 0 4 0 O Lacrosso Revived With 4-Team Group Given Free Sticks The lacrosse meeting Friday ne- suiied in a good turnout which promises a 4-team box-lacrosse league in Bowmanvilie this sum- mer. The meeting was addressed by Provincial Secretary Dopp and lacrosse prexy Sandford, Toronto. Mr. Sandford is the father of Ed. Sandford, hockey star with St. Mikes who will play with Boston Bruins next winter. Tbrough these officiais the Bow- manville club will receive 2 doz- en free lacrosse sticks and 2 dozen more are being purchased. Regu- lation sticks cost $4.35, so under this arrangement the players can buy their sticks at $1.50. The grounds at Rotary Park are being put in shape for practice leading up ta a 4 team league. The winning team will receive Ontario crests from the Associa- tion. Exhibition games are plan- ned with teams in Oshawa and Brooklin during the season. Mayor Sidney Little is one of the leaders in boosting box la- crosse in Bowmanviiic and the Rotary Club is co-operating by making the grounds availabie. Take note of this last line: Prac- tices will be beld et Rotary Park each Friday evening from now on. BT. Saff Nlgbt An Hisarlous Affair The. evening gaod old FlrTday the 13th found thc uchool auditor- iumn at the Bbys' Training School primed and ready for a "'get ta know yaur fdllow staff members and families" aight. The. theme "Down on thc Farm" produccd an, appropriate stage seiiing and staff members supply- mng plcnty of carn in iheir musical programn numbens. At the same time more outsianding artists werc spattcd ta put the. eniertain- ment over. A general sing sang led by Mm. Rickard; a short movie ta the ladies "Qucen Cotton," raunded oui the occasion, iopped off with a hall hour of dancing. The whole cvcning, impramptu fram stan tat finish, produced much mirth and laughtcr. An excellent lunch readied by Mr. Smith, Mrs. Harrison and Mr. Ascot; srving was headcd Up by cxpcrienced hands namneiy, Mrs. Densem, Mr. Crassey and Mmm. Harrison assisted by Mrs. W. Hay, Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mrs. W. W. Bag- neil, Mrs. S. W. Rickard, Mrs. T). H. Williams, Mrs. Doug. Bryant. In the musical program the sa- las by Miss M. W. Aflin and Mr. Jim Hancock were outstanding including an aid fashioned jig from Mr. A. E. Fairman. The entire occasion was arrang- ed by Messrs. Bagneli and French of Recreation Depanimeni and the stage setting niceiy done by Mr. Jim Hancock. Expenses in- curred werc offset by immediate members of staff being assessed a smail sum. Those wha remained ta dlean up and e-arrange auditorium for mamning chapel and others who pitched in, we of the Recreation department thank you ail for making the night a success. The dlock read 11:50 as we trucked on home. Those who attended included Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eastaugb, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rickard, Mr. J. J. Brûwn, Miss M. W. Aluin, Mr. and Mns. D. Bryant, Mrs. Densem, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Harrison, Mr. W. J. Knox, Mr. D. C. Mp'son, Miss R. McCready, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bagneil, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wil- liams, Mr. and Mns. J. W. Braden, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Connors, Mr. E. L. French, Miss D. A. Saun- "mp&d asb.or $Md~d* wmmlaI.Conodett o m h pai.CoIm my of CumdmUhed Just see a GMOT lOTu You l&adLekAnlnww ROY W* NICHOLS c2and r mtouth CEPVROLECT, PONTIAC, OLDOMOBILE, BUIOX ANI) OADiLLAO CARS y . ý tUa.~ o'h Gu OHEVROLECT AN~D GOXO. TRUCKS uad thti 'e COMRMIE -ONTARIO mha 0f i ýP saefor EOUd me h:TeI lie ù[,ý 19* meiroldù=li .'. , b , - , > , "V £~W FAR es~ 4-1, ;4;,- does, Mir. and Un. W. C. Nay. Mr. J.. F. laes Mr. and Mms. G. U. Martyn, Mr;. and Mms W. T. Me- Hugh, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Pollard, Mr. R. F. Ascott, Mr. Vern Ott, Mr. and Mrm. Ramstead, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hancock, Mr. W. C. Cross- ey, Mr. and Mmi. L. Flnn, Mr. and Mmm. T. W. Miler, Mr. and Mnm. J. C. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Clarke, Mr. and Mrm. H. A. Cuthbertsan, Mr. and Mmm. A. E. Fairman, Mr. M. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sturgess, Mr. and Mns. W. W. Cunningharn, Mr. W. Bent. Many members of staff braught their children along, as was plan- ned, and the, also supplied many an unexpected laugh. A nursery was set up for the smaller tats Jury House, with bcds and a play room cquipped with gymt mats, light balis of ail colors and pins they could knack aven and a rec- ord player ta soothe the sleepy ones. By Many Other Names Shakespeare was downnlght naive with "What~s in - a name? That which we call a rose, by. any other name . . ." Othen name is it? Who cails a rose aniy a rase thcs. days? There was a urne whcn a man needed oniy the name Amenican Beauty at tongue's tip ta mark hlm as a c&,nnoisscur in the wonld of rases. Thene werc garden-van- iety rases, and there wenc Ameni- cen Beauties-as simple as that. Oid bat naw. For anc thing, no anc gets thase aid mcd nases any mare. For anoiher, anc needs a quiverful af names even ta get through the sccd cataiog. Dora- thy Penk rs m. Roasevelt, Joan- ne Hili,WPVictory, Peace, Blaze, Red Radiance, Talisman, Mme. Ciang-the tities prolifenete as anc wîshes thebushes did. Copy- rigbted, al af them, and patented, toa, the iush beauty of the garden brought within commerce's tight uines, made ta conform in the faintest sbading of the tinicst pet- al, made to answer obediently whenever celied. And by number, too, flot just by name. MacDoweli was lucky, writing "To a Wild Rose" when be did. Todey bc'd have ta do it as; T Rose Pat. 276,984 (pendin.- St. Louis Star-Times. TM CAMADUS STATESMAN, BOWMANVUI..& ONTARIO, i -Tuu tuny, 3UNI lffib. -le" > --- -1