- ~~MCAVAflMr SATÈRAX. EOWIIANV= E.ONTAUIO Talcs Notice M aa<Huaementu, minimulm clate from Mai date wil be J)EPEW-Mr. and MIrs. Thomas Vepw ae hppyta announce the Vrr ju ýo hi son, William 10oms at Bowmanvile General sopital, June 25, 1947. L OSKIN-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ioskin, Carstairs, Aberta, are vapyta anounce the birth of theirdaughter Dorothy Hope, on June 1, 1947, a sister for Patricia imd Bert. 26-1* DJEATH BARRETT-At the residince 27 Queen St., Bowmanville, on Sat- uray, June 21, 1947, Annie Srnith 33arrett, beloved wife of William j3arrett, aged 71 years. Interment 33owmanville cemetery. IN MEMORIAM 13URLEY-In iaving rnemory of our dean fathor James Buniey who passed away June 6th, 1937, and our dean mother, Sarah Jane Murlcy who passed away, June * - 8th,1938. 'While you dean parents rest and sleep, Youn ioving memrnoy we'll always keep. i--Lovingly remembered by thein sons, Clarence and Roy. 26-1* EDGERt-In loving mernory of William Edger, wha passcd away June 27th, 1928. Nothing can ever taki away 'Xho love a heant halds dean; T[ond memonies linger evemy day, gemembrance keeps him near. ,-Lavingly remernbened by the Family. 26-1 GRAHAM-In loving memory aof a dean husband and father, T. H. Praham who passed away June 26, 1946. 44A year has passcd sinco that sad day, God called the anc we loved away. l orget him no, we nover Wiii, yor in our heants, ho liveth stilVI. -Even remembemed by his wife1 and daughter Verena. 26-1 ORAHAM-In loving memory ai a dear brother andi uncle, T. Hon- ry Graham who passed away Îune 20, 1946. 0oquietly you usedi ta core- I~.memory we hold dear, ut, busy with our hornely tasks, W did flot think you near luâtil you reached aur open door, Wth cheerful srniling face; c lace where hatrcd- neyer found Th mallest lurking place. fut now we know you'll came fia more, X'hough aIt we wish you noan. oUr quiet step and gontie voice memomroy we hoid dean. ut niaybe, when we've crossedc tlhe tide, Ipnsome bright momning faim, With quiet stop and gentie voice We'1î find you waiting there C .Sadly missedi by Oscar, Lulu,2 and Aima. 26-1* POLLARD-In loving memr" 0f Xabel Julia Christian, ebeloved wile of Albert A. Polard and dean mather of Doreen, Muriel and Gladys. Tim. speeds on, a year has passedi, ince death, its gloom, its shadows .cast PTthin aur homes, wher-> ail seem- c d bright, edm took from us a shining light. ce misa that light, and always wil; Ver vacant place, no anc can fil. Down here we mourn, but not in vain for up in heaven we will meet .again. ,-Lovlngly rernember by husband, daughters and grandchildren. 26-1' Custom Work CULTIVATING, plawing a nd Seedlng; also John Deere repairi z~rsand repairing donc. F. S.1 Alen, 44 Concession St. Phonei WP4. 17-tf . d~ A ~ d~U ~UN A UIU. lira. McKnlght and famlly wiah ta thank Dr. Siemon, Dr. Bfrks and nurses of Bowmanville Hos- pital and relatives- and friends for their kind expressions o! sympa- thy and floral tributes extended during their sad bereavement. 261' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Therteil, Kendal, wish ta thank their friends and neighbora for their assistance rendered dunlng the tine their home was destroyed by fire, also for the subscription tak- on up an thein bohalf ta help partiaily caver their loss. 26-1* Alice, Harold and Marilyn Cob- bledick wish ta extend their heart- icît thanks and approciation for the acts ai kindness, messages af sympathy and beautiful floral of- fenings received from thoir fniends duing their sad bereavement in the death ai their darling son andi brother and also ta the members af Heather Rebecca Lodge No. 334, Rev. Patterson, Rev. Andrew Eus- tace and Mi. J. J. Mellor. 261' COMING EVENTS The Werry-Wright-Philp fa ily picnic will be held at Hampi park, Saturday, July l9th, 19 Plan ta attend. 2 On Friday evcning, June 27, 8 o'clock, Sauina Worncn's.Institi will put on their play, "The Fa: crotte" at Burketon Unil Church. Admission 35c and1 Good cntcrtainment. Z Be sure and plan ta attend dar in Newcastle Comrnunity H, Friday, Juno 27th under auspi( Board of Management. Ri Creighton and his Varicty Dar Band. Dancing from 9 p.m. D T. Admission 50c per persan. 'a- ton 947. 26-1 rat tute ýrm-1 ted 15c. 25-2 nce ices uss ncc 5-2 Reserve Thunsday aitemnoon, July 3rd, for O.E.S. Garden Party and Homo Cooking Sale ta bo held at the home af Mrs. James Marn, 23 Lowe St. fram 3 ta 6 a'- dlock. Proceeda for Durhami Chapter Hospital Room Fund. 26-1 The Nestieton United Church Sunday School are holding their annivcrsary services June 29th. Morning service il o'clock. Mr. T. E. Hancock, Pontypool, wii pneach. Special music by the Sun- day Sehool. Evening service at 7:30, Rev. Fred G. Joblin, Port Penny, will preach. Music by The Osborne Quartette, Bowmanville. Monday, June 3Oth, a auppen from 5 o'clock until ail are served, fol- lawed by a play put on by Hamp- ton W.I. "The Stnukeofa the Ladies' Aid." Evemyone welcome. Came and onjay a good suppen and con- cert. 26-1 Notie Dr.FR. E. Dinniwellis office will be closed fnom June 28 ta July 7. 26-1 Dr. Baliantyne's office will be ciased from June 28 ta July 7, in- clusive. -.,26-1' Dr. W. H. Birks' office will be closed from May 27th ta July îst, inclusive. 20-7 Dr. V. H. Storoy's office will be Closed from June 28 ta August 15. 25-8' Dr. H. Ferguson's office will be ciosed frarn Juno 27th ta Auguat 2nd inclusive. 25-3' We have a quantity ai canning corn seed which will mature la 80 laya. Any interested growcrsai corn or cucumbers please contact Canadian Cannons Limited. Phone 782. * 25-2 On Friday, June 27, the Good- year Rod and Gun Club wiil hold a special event in Goodyear Re- creation Hall at 8:15 p.m. This la ta be a general meeting af Dur- ham Federation af Fishermen and Huntors. Representatives will be there frorn ail parts of the county and the president, Mr. Lintan, is afixiaus ta have ail members oui for this evening. The local Rod & Gun Club is a part af the larger organization and evcry member la asked ta be present.- 26-1 Radio Service THE Radia Shop, Bownianvillc, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and tnained person- nel. Our two radio technicians bath hold Gavcrnment Certificates af Praficicncy in Radio. Phone 573. 20-tf, I n t ~ s--.- I - - I1r. an lra. Talmage Taylor, Burketon, announce the. engage- muent of their. daugher £velyn Rose to Robert Smith, son of lira. Smith and the late Mr. Robert Smith, Toronto. The marriage willl take place on Saturday, August 2 at 4 p.m. at Sherbourne United Church, Toronto. 26-1 Articles For Sale CANQE, 16 ft. C. H. Welsh, 106 Elgin St., Bowinanville. 26.1* MOFFAT handi-chef. Phonie 648. 26-11 STused tires 600x16. Aýpply 37 Odeil St., even-ings. 26-1* ONE set 12,000 lb. scales, can be seen in Hampton. Apply J. D. Hogarth. 26-2' FORD coupe, '31 Model A, rumble seat. Excellent condition.Apy 25 Queen St. Bowmaitville.261 M.-H. Mower; two rakes, Deer- ing. Apply W. R. Wood, Orono. Phone 84 r 10. 26-1* QUANTITY of ncw bricks. Ap- ply Walter Goade, 21 Liberty St. N. 26-1* SLABS, mixed soft wood, stove length. Woodley's Mill, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2414. 26-2 PONTIAC coach, 1928, in ý,good running condition, 4 good tires. Phone 2226, Bownanville. 261* CHROME kitchen -set used anc month, cost $89, selling for $75. Phone 811. 26-1* ABOUT 3/ of an acre of alfalfa and mixed hay. Apply Matthew Brown, Newcastle.261 LTSED chesterfield suite, 3 pico, Eroeiler, springs like new, $24.50; also iran bcd and spring, nearly new. Phone 811. 26-1* HEINTZMAN & Ca. piano, wal- nut, good tone and good keys. If interested write on telephone Fred Mitchell, Bawmanville. 26-1' SEVERAL acres af standing mix- cd hay or on ahanes. Apply La- verne Clemens, phono 2436, Hamp- ton. 26-1 DODGE '39 Model D13, coupe in good running condition. T. S. Mauntjoy R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2503. 26-1' McCORMICK?Deering mower, 5 ft. cut, reasonable price. R. P. Stenger, Enniskilen. Phono 2824. 26-1 USED sewing machines, bought and sold. Highest prices paid. Write or phono Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontanio St. Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf NEW Indian motorcycles, used motorcycles. Parts and accessor- les. Tires, ail and batteries, etc. Repaira. Dac Berry, 313 and 292 Pine Ave., Oshawa, phone 4121J. 26-4 I. PIANOS - Walnut *Wormwith from Heintzman & Ca., mefinishod and reconditioned, liko new, $225. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Phono 251. 26-2 PIANS-eigh totachoose lrorn, al reconditioned, $85 and up; anc apartrnent size. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Phono 251. 26-2 MONARCH coal ail stave, anc month old, $12'.50; also Simmons foiding couch complote with sing-fhld mattresa, $7.50. Phono 811. 26-1' USED De Laval Sterling milker, 2 units, goad as new; used Gem rnilk cooler,' la Ai condition; uaed McCormick 5 It.* mower. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phono 497. 26-1 McCORMICK-Deering mnawer, 5 ft., i reai good condition, also 2 yaung hanses, black mare 3 years aid, grey golding 4 years aid, bath suitable ion wagon horses. Apply Bruce Ashton, Bunketon, R-.R. No. 3. 26-1' SPRING tooth cultivaton; twa- drum iran roUler; logging sleigh; duxhp cant, hay wagon and rack; daublo,.team plow. Apply Al Shru-bb, phone 2680. Cream cf Barley MiIE 26-1' NEW Case 2-!urrow tracton plow; ncw Case wagon, rubber tires; new Spraymotor, rubben tires; two used tractar plows; 4-section drag harrow, new. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone 497. 26-1 SINGER matons and liglits are naw available ta attacli cn your sowing machines, brand new. Motors $28.50 and liglita $5.25, ai- ea buttonhole attachiments $10.75. Singer S ewing MachIùne Company, 16 Ontario St., phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf OSHAW'S ncw !urniture store- Everythlng in modern. Chester- field, bednoom and dlnlng rooni stes, and studios. Bcdding and fonr coverigo a specialty. Quai- ltY merchandise ai competitive priccu. Becire buylng viui Brad- ley'a New Furniture Store, 156 Simeae St. S., Oshawa. 46-t! REPAIRS OIL and grease job Ion washing machines $2. Munphy's Phono 811. 26-1' NEAT-WAY Shoe Repair: gaod, aubtantial. workmansaMp, relia- bility, dyeing, solin , ewmng, etc. TI-y Uic Neat-Way, KI-ng St., W. REPAIES ta al -makes ai refrig- cratars, domestie and commercial. Hliggaa Electric 42 R:lng St. E., phone 438. 26-tf If là flot well to sec evcrythlng, ta hear evenything; let manyr caus- es of offense pasa by un unnaticed. C lassiflid Ad î?ates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 350) Muai bc psu before Insertion IF CIRARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum soe» 25o extra for box aumbels or replies dlrected te ibis office ADDITIONAL INSIERTIQNS SAME RATES Ail Clansslfld Adiets Muet De ln Mot Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY You muatiinclude cash, siamps, or moaey order, with copy ta ici 10w rate. FARM-181 acre farrn, 154 dlean- cd, Part Hope district, 1 mile county road and sehool, abund- ance af milling timber. Ganar- aska river running acnoss end, ideal fishing, sou dcay loarn with alope enough Ion drainage, 90 acres warkable in high state ai cultivation, good grain, stock fanm ail freshiy seeded ta claver and alfalfa. Fonces, gatos, etc. good ropair, beautiful mapies aiong driveway. Two-stomey six-room- cd brick bouse newly decomated bathmoorn, hard and saIt waten, large celiar, smali appie onchard. Main barn 30x80 cornent stabling throughout; second barn 30x50, atone foundatian, ciaaed shed, hog pen 40x2O ail steel roafed. Every- thing first clasa conidition. Hydro availabie. Reason for solling, fia help. This is an outstanding fanm clean af noxiaus weeds. Apply Arthur Dunn, Newtonviile, Ont., R.R.l. Phono 1502 Clarke. No Sunday inspections please. 26-1 Livestoék For Sale FOURTEEN Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old. Harold A. Pascoe. Phono 2187. 26-1 THIRTY piga, ready ta wean. Apply Clarke Williams, Nestie- ton. 26-1 EIGHT piga 6 weoks aid. H. L. Anderson, phono 2215 Bowman- ville. 26-1' SHORTHORN caw, firat elasa, fresh, heifer cal at aide, 4 years aid. Apply Albert Zilvensmit, R.R. 1, Enniakilien, phono 2291. 26-1' ONE advanced, registered York- shire boar. Also double bed felt mattreas, like new. Blake Short, phahe 2479. 26-1 SIX Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks aid. Apply Cyril Rundile, R.R. 2. 26-1' TWO fresh Holstein cows. Phono 2895. 26-1 TWO Holstein bulîs, sorviceable ago. Black cow, 4 yoars, spring- Lng; big Holstein cow, 6 years, due In 10 days. Phono 2338. 26-1 PUREBRED Shorthorn bull, solid rQd, serviceable age. Punebred rarnworth boar, serviccable age. Albert Wright, Nestîcton P.O. Farrm sauthwest ai Blackstoek. 26-1' TWO young Holstein bulis; yaung registercd Aynshire bull; also number aI registerod Aynshire heifora. Appiy Schwarz Bras., Courtice, phono Oshawa 491W11. 26-1' Seed Grain For Sale BUCKWHEAT. Prescott Bros. Phone 2151. 26-1' RE-CLEANED buckwheat. Hamp- tn Miii. Phono 2141. 26-1 BUCKWHEAT. Arthur Harvey, R. R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Orono 54 r 21. 26-1' QUANTITY seed buckwheat. Ap- lIy W. S. Staples, Bowmanvilie. For Sale or Exchange PARM-150 acrés, 2 miles south- west af Pantypoal, with barn 60x 40, good roof; and a frarne house, nine roams; calony hause; 2 acres potatoes and hall acre corn, bal- ance in hay with 40 acres bush; or would exchangc for amali gar- den farrn. Apply A. Hickey, Ponty- pool, R.R. 3. 26-1* Lost THREE keys on chain lost an King Street, June 2th. Finder please return ta Statesman Office. 26-1' Personal SUF;FERING from backachei, rhcumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago is not necessany. Use Rumacaps at once for quick relief. Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. 26-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goads) malled pastpaid In plain sealed envelope with pnice list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 18-9- Chicks For Sale BRAY chicks,9 immediate dclivi Most varietied, day-olds and ai started, pullets, non-sexedi cockercls. Contact- us aoon prices. August chicks should ordercd now too. Agent F. L.: arn, Tyrone. Wanted to Rent rery. ,orne and for 1be By- 26-1 FLAT, apantment or noams by young couple, abstainers, and 18 month aid daughter. Write T. C. Dam, Bowmanviiie Post Office. 26-1' MIDDLE aged couple, no child- mon, roquine 2 or 3 ux4furnishod rooms suitable for light house- keeping. Write Box 914 States- man Office. 26-1 WANTED by married couple, no children, suite of nooms, apant- ment or houso. Would consider purcase ai the latter il available by' September. Write Box 911 Statesman Office. 26-1 For Rent ROOM for lady, with grill pnivi- loges. Write Box 913, Staternan Office. 26-1 SINGER portable clectric in your own home. $5 per month.* Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf HY-VU cottage, four roorna, scmeened veranda, hydro, conven- ionces, Bowmanviile Beach, east side, overlobking lake. A. H. CIe- mens, 38 Concession St., phone Hlelp Wanted STRAWBERRY pickers. J. H. Alldread, High St., Bowrnanvilie. Phone 496. 26-2* WOMAN as housekeeper and com- panion for eldenly gentleman. Du- tics light, srnali modemn home in Bowmanville. Live in or out. Write P.O. Box 107, Bowmanvilio, Ont. 25-2* AN OPPORTUNITY-Establish.. cd Rural Watkins District avail- able. If you are aggrcssive, and betwcen the ages af 25 and "5S, have or can secune travel outfit, this is your opportunity ta get established in a profitable business af your own. For full particulars write today ta The J. R. Watl<ins Company, Dept. O-B-9 2177 Mas- son St., Montreal, Que. 23-4 Strayed AYRSHIRE heifer calI 3 months Iold strayed Irom Lot 27, Con. 3, Darlington on June 22. Anyone knowing whcreabouts please phone Oshawa 491W11. Schwarz Bras., Courtice. 26-1* Work Wanted PAINTING, intorior and extenior, and paperhanging. Reasonable Wanted Iro Buy ALL types livo poultry and lee thers, top prices paid. M. Flat R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethar 7 r13. 1 tt, 'y LIVE hanses for ruink and fox food. AIl hanses humanely slaugh-1 tened. Cail us for highest pricos.1 Mamgwîll Fur Famm, R.R. 1, Tlyr- anc. Phono Bowmanvil 2.679. OLD nonses for fur ianm, $ 1.00 per hundmed, appraximate weight, delivcnod home. For slightly bs we will humanely dostroy your hanses an your own larm. Ran- kine Mjnk Ranch, Haydon. Phono Bowmanvllle 2888. 38-tf LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Sharpens b>' Grindini on an Emery Wheel MOWERS RUN EASIER. ..STAY SHARP LONGER W. Pick Up end Deliver - Call Us - PHONE 467 G. P. Jamieson RING AND SILVER UTO. TEACHER WANTED S.S. No. 2 Lake Shore, Clarke, requires tencher to, commence du. tics Sept. Hydro iif school, snoW- ploughed road (milk route)- Ap- ply stating qualifications and ex- perience if any, also last inspectar ta Chas. T. Alldred, R.R. 3, New- castle. 2,6-1 AUCTION SALE Giving Up Farming The undersigned has received instructions from Mac Stapleton LOT 13, CON 3, CLARKE TWP. 1 mile west of NewtonvIlle, one concession north ta seli by public auction on Real Estate iFor Sale BOUSE - SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned for an 8-room brick veneer house, woodshed and over an acre of land. This property is in the village of Manvers Station, close ta county road and railroad. Immediate possession when deal is closed. Highest tender flot ne- cessarily accept. AIl tenders ta be submittcd not later than July 11, 1947. R. John Payne, P5ontypool, Ont. Phone Bethany 10 r 211. 26-3 FAÉM-75 acres, Lot 12, Con. 8, Darlington Twp.; bank barn 36x 88, cernent floors; frame house, in good condition, ncwly decorated; new garage; hard and soIt watcr indoors; near church and school; beautiful shady lawns; trout stream f ull length aI farm. With or without stock and equipment. Possession at once. T. S. Mount- joy, R..R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2503. 26-1* STALLION SERVICE PREMIUM Belgian Stallian, Glas- lyn Genemal Franco Na. 6776, bol- ed in 1937, inspocted Oct. 11, 1945. Passed "B" Premium. In colon ho is a chestnut roan with two goad ends and a gaod back and middle, a nice head and neck, standing on good foot and iimbs; 161/ handa high, weighs around 1 ton, la very quiet and gentie and aI cam- manding appearance. Will be standing Tuesday evenings at Clii- fard Allin's, ane mile and a hall west af the Guide Board Canorns; Fmiday oveninga at Carman Choates, Lot 30, Con. 1, Darling- ton. Phone Oshawa 180J1. Wili spend the roat aI the week at his own stables, Lot 10, Con. 9, Dan- iington. Terma $12.00 payable April 1, 1948. Ail action at awn- ors' risk. This hanse is the pro- pcnty af John Tabb, Tyrone. 25-2' Remanded for Trial Appcaring befone Magistrate Gee la Bowrnanviile police court, June 24, Vernon D. Ellison, who has been on romand Ion some tirne under a charge aI attempted waunding af Lindsay Scatt, whiie bath weme on a work shift at the Goodyear plant, was sent up lon trial at the fali assizes in Cobourg. Bail was renewed in the amount af $5,000 put up by two sumeties. The case for the crown was pro- sented by Harry Deyman and the accused wds repmesented by A. W. S. Greer, Oshawa. Called ta give evidence were C. Fagan, T. Phili- ips and L. Scott, presont at the sceneofa thealleged offence in- volving a firearm. The arsting olficers, Chief aI Police Sidney Venton and Night Constable Kit- ney also gave evidence. Highlight in the court pmoced- une waa the expert evidence given by Sgt. Sutherland, Ottawa, baIl- istics specialiat. Ho flew up from the capital ta relate the cimcum- stances af his tests with a recov- ercd bullet and the gun Iound at Uic scone. Ia summation the mnag- iatrate had no athen course than to romand the accused for trial. Mono lave la Uic great need of mnankind. A pure affection, con- eentnic, forgetting soif, forgiving wrongs and fanestalling themn, should swelî the lyre o! human love.-Mary Baker Eddy. ENGAGEMENT Miss Yvonne Byarn has returned home fnom. Cannington. Mn. and Mns. Ernest Tomlin, Cobourg, and Mrs. Haines and son, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mme. Willis Stewart. Mm. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson and children, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mms. Joo McRobents. Mn. and Mns. Jim Clarke, Ken- near and Donald, Agincount; Mfr. W. S. Sîceman, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. Ross Pooley, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Bront with Mr. and Mms. Howard Brent. Congratulations ta Mms. E. White who celebnated honr 86thi binthday on June 19. Mrs. White spent a few days .with Mrs. S. Rundle, Bowmanville. Mr. Jas. Alidread ls on the sick list. Mrs. N. Yellowlees, Hampton, Mn. D. Yeliowlees, Toronto, at Mn. Frank Wright's. Mrs. R. Hatherly at Mr. G. Bon- nett's, Bowmanville. Thene will be fia church service next Sunday mamning owing ta annivorsaries. A lange gathering ai relatives and fInonda atiended the funcra. af Mr. Levi Skinner Friday aiter- noon in the Tyrone Church. Rev. Cnesswell canducted the service and Mn. Gardon Brent sang "The Old Rugged Cross', Mn. Thomas Gibbs toceived word Thunsday that his brother, Mn. Gçorge Gibbs, Oshawa, had suddenly passed away. Mn. Murray Tabb, Huntsville, with Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Tabb. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Hatherly and chiidren, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Hathorly. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon White, Barbara and Jimmie, Oshawa, with Mns. Addie Miller. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Ronnie and Marilyn, with Mn. and Mms. Russel Philp, Peterboro. Mr. and Mns. Russell Virtue with Mn. and Mrs. Thea Down, Lake- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE the home af Mrs. D. Staintan with Mrs. J. Cook presiding. Roll cal was answered by a "Fruit or Veg- etable and its Chiel Vitarnin."1 There was a good attendance. A special foature of the pro- gramn was a "Salad Demonstra- tion" given by Mss Mildred For Sunburn Gypsy Tan---- - --5SO Sunbrella Lotion 75e Sko! -------- ----- --.-- 55e Gaby Suntan Lotion - 35c-O&c Gypsy Cream 35c-65c Nivea Skia 011 ---50c-90c Sun Tone ------------------ 60c Noxzerna Cream- 39c-59e-Ogc bee-Mint ------ 50c-$1.0 Tan-Gel----------o REVLON "Fashion Plate" A Cream Wafer Make-Up la Ten Shades $1.75 6-12 Insect Repeliant Soc Skctofax ------ --__ _ So 2-Way Repellant - 39C Rexail Insect RePellant - Soc Skeeter Skoot Cream ------ 35e Films of aIl aises now ini stock Jlffy Kodak. 620 -. *1.00 Brownic Reflex 89.25 King st. W. 1 - AT 12:30 F~.M. D.S.T. The following: HORSES Bay Belgian mare, 9 yoars; black Percheron golding, 6 ycams. CATTLE Grey Durham cow, 3 yeans, cal at foot; grcy Durnamn cow, 4 yoars, caîf at foot; Hereford cow, 6 years, ealf at foot; Hercford cow, 5 years, cal at foot; Hereford cow, 3 years, caîf at foot; Hereford cow, 6 yeans caîf at foot; Hereford cow, 5 ycars, caîf at foot; Holstein caw, 3 ycars, calI at foot; Holstein cow, 4 years, caif at foot; Holstein cow, 3 years, caîf at foot; groy Durham heifer, 2 ycans, caîf at foot; red Durham cow, 3 yoans, calf at foot; 4 baby beels; anc fat stoon; Hereford bull, 18 months aid. SHEEP 15 Dorset bnoeding cwes; Il Don- sot lambs ; Shropshire ram. SWINE 16 suckling pigs; 2 brood sows. HAY and GRAIN 22 acres rnixed grain; 35 acres of hay ta be sold in field; 31/z acres ai cantract tomatoes. MACHINERY Cackshutt hay loader, ncw last yoar; Cockshutt manune apreader, large size, neariy now; Cockshutt mower, 5 ft. cut, nearly now; Cockshutt single piow, neani now; Case pony disc plow, nearly now; set toboggan sleighs, nearly new; rubber tined wagon, neariy new; sot ai steel wheei trucks, good; Kid Kangaroo plow, good; International disc, good; 2 single scuffiens; 4 section harrows; Mef- Cormick hay rake; Massey-Harris 1l-disc sced dmi11; Ford jeep, neanly new; two-whcel trailer; fiat bottomn hay mack; fanning miii and baggom; steel stone boat; cutter; rubber timcd buggy; M.-H. binden, 6 ft. eut, gaod; M.-H.sn gle plow; set af team harricas; forks, shoveis, chains, rnany other articles. At the same time the farm con- siting af 175 acres, wîth 125 acres under cultivatian, 45 acres in bush, with Preston steel barn 73x 36, ton roarnod cornent block house with Hydro, will be offemed for sale subjeet ta a rosenve bld. Terms Cash. No Roserve. RernarIks: As Mr. Stapleton is in paon hcalth overything rnust be soid. .Jack Reid Auctioneor. 26-1 Bathlng cap& 35C - soc Apple Blossom Deodorant 5ec Veto Cream "codorant 39c-59c Neet ------- «- ---..39C Presti 39c-59c Odorono Cream-- 39c-59e Odorono Ile ----.----.---- 59o Bachelor Deodorant ....40e Arrid - -----89o-59c M u m . . _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 9 C -6 3 C Non spi - - 490-890 Les Lotions Elizabeth Arden Velva Let Film ---SI.00 Let Miique $1.00 D u ratio n _ _ _ __ _ _ 49e For a limited time ouly A Deautitul 5 x 7 Enlargement la Easel Mount JURY <& LOVELL The Rexaîl Store Phone 778 C.N.R. Ttkehs WREN WB TEST ETES if 1S DON£ PROPERLY EowmauvIlle 4 VACATION IGS~NuEPS watch For Bugs W. Carry Green Cross Insecticider For the. Farm, Garden and Home Potato Dut and Spray for Biws and Blight in large or imafl quantities GROW SEEDLESS TOMATOS %Y suPraYlag bIlou with our «"NO-BEED" 1Spray Pont Moss.- Bon. Meal - Sheep Manur. t FerUulfZers Stewart's Seed Store "ma" 71 owmmffloU j CAICU5 OF THANK5 j_ 1 ' - 1 1 i; - 1 - Auctlon Sales .I have- been favared with in-. structions from Mrs. Cecil Pawera: Church St., Orono, te sell by pub- lic auction on Saturday, July *, #t the above address, - her entire houschold furniture, silverware, and carpenter tools. Sec bis. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:30 p.ni. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 26-2 Mr. Milton Graham, Lot 11, Con. 1, Base Line, Clarke T*#i nc concession south af MorgaxI's Cor- ners, half mile wcst, is glving Up farming and will sen by public auétion on Monday, June 30, at 1 p.rn. ail his horses, milk cows, fat cattie, implements, etc. Termýs cash. No reserve. Sec bills. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 25-2 I have been favored with in- structions frorn Mr. Lanson Mill- son and Son, Lot 10, Con. 2, Clarke Twp., half mile wcst of Newton- ville, half mile forth, ta sell by public auction on Friday, June 27, at 1 p.rn. 3 young horses; 10 rnilk cows; 7 Hereford steers, 850 lbs. each; 6 Hereford steers, 700 lbs. cach; 10 Hereford and Dur- harn steers and heifers, 600 lbs. each; 25 pigs; DeLaval milker; Fordson tractor and plow; full, line af good farm machîncry and a quantity of hay and grain ta be sold in field. For further particu- lars see bis. Terrns cash. No re- serve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 25-2 1 -- lelý 1 - 1 - 1 --, 1 --- 1 - 1 - DATED the twenty-fourth day af June, 1947. H. R. S. RYAN, Sccretary, Ganaraska River Conservation Authority. 26-3 Snowden,M1vaple Grave. This was very intesting as well as In- structive. She showed five dit- forent vegetable and fruit salads and many excellent points were brought forth. Mrs. E. White ten- dered a vote af thanks to Mlsq Snawden. The pragramMcr th 1" d- ship af Mrs. Stffinton an hr group presented tho following:. reading Iby Mr. Wright "Poor- hause Man"; duet by Mrs. G. Brent gnd Miss D. Wright "Whis- poring Hope"; roading by Mn. Rosevoar "The Institute Croeci.' This business was transacted: Group leaders tarake eht~ announcement re meetings; mittee appaintod for Strawvberf Social after bail game; pay, $2.oo ta, Federation af Agriculture; de- cided not ta enter pragram corn- petition andl show this year again at Oshawa Fair. Mrs. L. Goodman was appainted delegate for Convention in Nov- ember. Expenses ta be paid hy Institute. W-1. Hospital Board consiste ai H~ampton (Mrs. Cale, convener) and Presidents of Solina and Tyrone Institutes. Next meeting at Mrs. H. Philip'u with an address by Mrs. Rolph, Orono. 1 : 1 - 1 1- 1 - 1 1. 1" Public ?otice- NOTrICE IS HEREBY GIVJN Cf By-LawNuniber 1541 of itheUn-, ited auntes af Northumerlad and 'Durham restlc theiceut-; ting of treca withinthe anraka Watershed purauan4ta UicheTrees Conâervation Act, 1946. The lollowlng is a umary of -thc provisions af the By-La*:, 1. The by-law d ois not Inter- lere with thc nîght o! Uic occupant af land to cut trees thereon for his own use, wlth the righta or pawors af any Municipality or of thc Hydro Electric Powr Com- mission of Ontaia or af any othor Board or Commission acting for the Govennment af Ontaio,, or with the cuttîng ai trocs on any highway or uopened road allow- ance an in any woodlot having an area nat exceeding two acres. 2. The by-law doca not inter- fere with the cutting of dead, broken, stunted, fire-damaged, dis- eascd or însect-infested trees or ather trees removed ta improve growing conditions. 3. The by-law docs not Intenfere with the cutting af Chistmas trocs whcn gnown as a crop for Christ- mas troc purpases, excepi under special conditions. 4. The by-law does not inter- fore with the cutting af haw- thonne, chokcchery, red or pin cherry, poplar, ironwood or Man- itoba maple trocs. 5. Except as abave-pravidd and except in special circumstan- ces with written permission from the Authonity, no persan shall within the Ganaraska Watenshed cut any treo aI bs than the fol- lowing minimum sizes: (a) For birch, black ash, black locust, cedan, soIt maple, tarnar- ack- and willow trocs, af a miniý mum diameter ofI fve inches mca- sured four and anc-hallfooet fromn the ground. (b) For ail trocs net othcmwisc specifled, of a minimum diameter aI ton inchos rnoasured four and, ane-hail feet from the ground. .Fan funther details consult the Cicnk af the United Counties af Northumberland and Durham at Cobourg, Ontario, or the under.