~»AGE SIX -~~~TTSM C~LJA2 I~~t~,BOWmALNVILiLS U1TAJU TRaA,.UE O ,' Th e Orono News A large number of Orono peo- F]riday evening, the smre day the .p>le attended the piano and organ- the Woman's Association are plan j;ee[tal o! Miss Pbyilis R. Chals ning a strawbermy festival. 4ýn Trinity United Cburch, Bow- Mr. C. H. Froste bas been ai jnanville, an Fiday evening. Or- sent from bis store tbe past week ono pupils wbo took part were: having been a patient i Bowman ]Patsy and Harold Moffat; Jean, ville Hospital. Jack and Ted Wilson; Charles, MranMs.GL.cGeO -'Bi an May An Arnst91g tawa, are building a new housi Donald McLaren, Alec Dmum- jnod, arin, arvcenandAr-on their lot, west of Mr. J. D ,ýnod, arin, arveenandAr-Brown's bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Re: lene oyd.Thompeon have also started a cot Mrs. Oliver returned to ber tage on Cburch St. Soutb. home in Bobcaygeon after visiting Wdedyo atwe a -'ber daughtcr, Mrs. N. F. Porter. ednabeday o!nlathweckwso Archie McLaren and Jim Pat- memobe dayo the ives Ict terson wcrc camping in thç Hall-memers f ti henWoe's0,nst burton district last week. ofutem aiOuntaiowentovGelph t SYoung Billy Williams entertain- belp celebrate the 50tb anniverî .ed a number of bis friends on Sat- sary o! the founding of this ar. eurday at a birthday Party. ganization. A bus load o! ladieg Miss Joyce Comnish bas a posi- from Orono and vicinity enjoye "tion in the office of the Orono a splendid trip and the day's pro- kreamery. ceedings at the Ontario Agricul] SRev. and Mrs. A. Eustacc, Bar- turai i.allege. A wonderful pa- 'bara and Leslie, arrived on Tburs- geant depicting the bistory of the edlay a! last week ta take charge o! Society durîng the years was the :Orano Circuit o! the United bigblight of the activities. :Cpurch. They motored from Win- Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs Inipeg in four days. A large con- Bruce Mercer wbo have a fine igregation grceted them in the baby boy. 40rono Church on Sunday xnorn- Ing with a full choir in charge Mrs. H. R. Pbillips of Lubboclc 2)f the singing. Mrs. Cecil Joncs Texas, bas arrived ta spend the eook the solo part in the anthem summer with ber daughter, Mrs. ,and Mrs. A. A. Drummond sang a P. M. Lunn, and Mr. Lunn. Miss 3.'ery ]ovcly offertory solo. Orono Alice Phillips of Luhbock, anc %Girl Guides and Brownies parad- Mrs. Thomas Upshaw and Brenda Ita cburcb under the leadership of Levelland, Texas, accompaniec Df Captain Armstrong and Brown Mrs. Phillips. 0wl Lycett. Rcv. Eustace will bc Mrs. F. O. Cooper and Mrs. Inductcd in bis new charge on Lloyd Crabbe bave been patient: SMART SUMMER WEAR.... For Play and Social Activities. t-.'. New Shipment of Summer Dresses New dresses ideal for these hot summer days and ln the latest styles you're sure to like. Visit aur ready-to- wear department and seo these new beauties, They 'ro easy on the budget. & Bathing Suite Omart for tho water or just loafing an the beach. You 're sure fa like them. Be sure ta get yours soon. Slacke Ideal for loafing on your suminer holidays.- Dexigu- od for cool coni.! rt and stylish appearanco. Largo election froma which to chaos.. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWXIANVILLE Garton .80 WMAN VILLE h Effective Friday, Juue 27, 1947 la» mDOWN :X w» ~ *>~Wà,>. -- C- C -t -Cno .-'l *Z .0' OmZm.0 aux .à P.m. p.m. pan. P.m. a.m. arn. a. 7.00! 6.30! 4.301 2.00110.30 7.30: Lv. 8.00* 7.301 5.30> 3.00111.30 8.301 Ar. I8.151 3.45j 7.30 ZEAD UP >, :Bd la l nmU arn. .m. p.m. p.pm. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. I.15 4.15' 6.10 10.10 .11 101 12.1 315 510 .009.10,1010, 11.0 i5.101 5.50i 8.101> ii1 110.301 I 4:30J 5.10> 7.30 10.35 X.4 X 'c"103 'de 'c,' C- "(4. w >~ mU - C- U~O 00i1 Bobeaygeon Llndsay Hlaoketoek bowmavJe Connections at Lindsay for Toronto, Peterboro, Fenelon Falls, Haliburton, Orillia, Kirkfield buses ancf C.N.R.trpins. Connections at Bowm-anville for Oshawa, Whitby, Toronto, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Kingston, Montrea1. Bus &ho cala at Hampton, Enniskillen, Burk.ton, Nestleton, Veiverton, Janetville, Pleasant Point, Dunsford, Thuratonia Park, Scotch Lino and Red Ichool. e elebraïte 38,th Weddlng Annivrsary I 'BEowmanvlfe Hosgital. Mn. W. J. Stainton opened her foeon Tuezçlay of lait week th the, members et the Women'a Christian Temperance Union for their June meeting. Mrs. K. Walsh - Presldent, had charge of the meçt- ýa lng and those- who took part welr ,n_ Mrs. R. Ralney, Mrs. Delve, Mrs. W. H. Rowe and Mrs. F. Kelly. Five Orono and Leskard girls b- have been chosen to take part in k, the Popularity Contest ta $be held n- at the Legion Carnival, Bowman- ville this sunirer. The girls are tJean Fee, Pauline Robbins, Shir- se ley Flintoff, Patay Moffat and D. Ruth Elford. x Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Tyrrell are Sholidaying in Muskoka. Women's Instiiute met FrIday a with Mrs. J. Richardson, convenor of the Home Economics Commit- ti tee, in charge of the program. M Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn gave an in- toterestingan informative tallc and r-dernonstration of the pressure rcooker. The time and labor sav- ds ing qualities of the cooker were ,explainecd, and a camparison was made of food cooked in the press- ure cooker and food prepared in regular coaking utensils. Mrs. le Tamblyn gave a short talk on the le many tasty recipes to be found in. the Pressure Cooker Recîpe abook and told of the great advan- te tages of using ane of these modern kitchen aids for canning. One of the oldcst Canadian Ehandicrafts is hooking rugs and it was indeed a pleasure to have Is Mrs. D. G. Hooper demonstrate d this art. Full information was giv- a en regarding materials, frames, d patterns and hooks. Some of the ladies tried hooking the rugs and found that with a littie patience, sa great deal could be accamplish- Min a short time. Mrs. Hoaper displaycd rame of ber own worki and some rugs that had been donei 35 years ago. It was a most en- joyabie program and grcatly ap- preciated by the ladies. Refresh- ments and a social balf hour brought the meeting ta a close. Miss Gwennie Phasey played a piano sala during the program. Mrs. Wm. Stutt held a sale of furniture an Saturday afternaon. Mrs. Stutt is renting her bouse on Church St. ta Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patersan and is leaving ta spend the summer with relatives in the west. The clasing meeting af the 1946- 47 scasan for the Orano Girl Guides and Brownies was hcld last week in the Guide Hall. Mrs. A. Frank, District Camimissioner,s and Mrs. G. W. Miller, Bowman- ville, were present as well as members of the local association, and Girl Guide mothers. Foure Brownie-kins were enrôlled byS Mrs. Frank, c.g., Jean Williams, Madeline Cowan, Marilyn Lock-1 waod and June Wood. Mrs. Freda Lycctt, present Brown Owl and Mrs. Ross Gilbart, bandicrafts in- t structress, who have passcd their tenderfoot tests, were enrollcd as s Guides and presented with pins. t Plans were discussed for GirlP Guide camp at Pigeon Lake in July ta which a number o! localh Guides will be going. House Emn- blems consisting of six different badges were presented to Maur- cen McKcnna and Kay Gamsby. .C Saturday and Sunday were thé - first real warm days a! the season. Large crawds enjoyed the facili-T ties o! the Cammunity Park. t Miss A. Basnett- and Miss F.C Grey have gane ta their homes in E Toronto. Mr. Jas. Powers, Campbellvilîe, W with bis mother, Mrs. C. Powers. H Mrs. W. G. McCulloch with ber sister in Columbus.W Mr. and Mrs. McHolm, Morrisb, with their daughter, Mrs. Cecil D Joncs. B'Wakr n Mr.an r.Ca.Wle and a, childrcn, Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooper.M Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Thompson it and sans, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis. Cý Mr. Donald Staples, Malton, M with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples. Miss Wilda Hoacy, Bawmanvillc M with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoaey. M Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid, Joan and Elva with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dr Reid. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Ken- dal, with Mr. and Mrs. Vance Ai- fe len. nc Miss Rose Kibzy, Bowmanville, M~ with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor. 1Miss A. Thnto, ilbrok i Coach Lne m LINDSAY ib BOBCAYGEON DIVISION o! Montreal and Mr. George Bracken, Toronto, came ta the Bracken famm at Manotick, out- side Ottawa, with eight grand- children for the holiday. A, large group o! Progressive Conserva- tive Members o! Parliament visit- cd the farm on Saturday ta pay their respects ta their leader and his wifc. beld in aur park on Saturday a!- ternoon, and was weil attended. About 30 ladies enjoycd a trip by Garton chartercd bus ta Guelph on Wedncsday wberc tbey attend- cd the 50th ann-iversary celebra- tians o! the Women's Institute. Annivcrsary services next Sun- day aftcmnoon and evening. Mm. and Mrs. Al!. Randle, Eve- lyn, Eunicc and Marlene, Mrs. F. Adams, spent the wéekend at Cales Point, near Campbellfomd. W.M.S. met at the home o! Mrs. Linstcad witb Mrs. A. E. Billet, president, in charge. A reading was given by Mrs. Cale, Christian stcwardsbip secrctary, also a read- ing by Miss Katerson, Temperance secretary. Mrs. J. R. Reynolds was in charge of the progmam, "The Cburcb Cames Back ta Asia." The following took part, Mrs. H. Salter, Mrs. J. R. Rey- nolds, Mrs. Cale, Mrs. Hoskin, Mrs. Luke, Mrs. Mountjoy and Mrs. Adcock. A meeting of Hampton Imancb o! British and Foreign Bible Sa- ciety was held in basement of the church recently and was conduct- cd by Rev. E. S. Linstead. A de- votional hymn was used in apen- ing the meeting wbicb was fol- lowed by Scripture, and prayer offered by our pastor. A short business pcriod was held and Mr. Gea. Barron was re-elccted pres- ident and Miss L. Reynolds sec- rctary-trasurem for the following year. A report o! hast year's work and givings was prescnted by Miss Reynolds, wbicb was encauraging. Over $54 was çollccted last ycar. Rev. H. E. Young, grandson of Rcv. Edgerton Ryerson Young, rcprcsenting the British and For- eign Bible Society, gave an inspir- ing and informative message on this important work and present- eda sound film on the life and work o! Wm. Tindale wbich was very interesting. It was regret- table that the attendance was not larger at this meeting as maucb valuable information may be gain- ed o! the wonderful work done by the Bible Society. Subscriptions for the work will be taken later. Congratulations ta Ralph Peters on passing bis Grade 1X piano, Toronto Conservat8ry o! Music witb honors. fommerly a pupil o! Mrs. J. Albert Cale, Bawmanville. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Hampton Mrs. J. Purdon visitcd relatives at Janetville and attended anni- vemsary services. Mrs. Ettie Hastings, Osbawa, spent a fcw days with Mrs. Leta Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryder- mian and Mrs. Will Wilbur visit- cd their sîster Mrs. H.- Hoidgc, Stouffville, who is quite Ml. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Macklin, Tyrane, werc visitors witb Mm. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens. Mms. C. E. Horn with hem daugh- ter, Mrs. Percy Allun, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Purdon, sons John and Burn, and daugb- ter Helen, Toronto, visitcd bis Parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdon. Mrs. S. Williams bas meturncd home'after spending same weeks with ber daughter, Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowmanville. Mrs. M. Crydemman, Joan and Grant, with Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Wilbur. Mms. Minnie Godkin and son, Tronto, accompanied.by ber sis- cer, Mms. Brown, Vancouver, B. Cwerc guests af ber ncpbew A. Mr. W. W. Horn spent the weekend with bis brother, J. B. Horn and family, Dutton.' Miss Eva Williams, Cartwrigbt, witb Mm. and Mrs. S. Williams. Mm. and Mms. J. A. Cale, son Donald and Douglas Cavcrly, Bowmanvillc, at Ken Cavcrly's and. C. W. Sauch's. Mm. and Mms. Clarence Tom- linson and son, Bawmanville, vis. ied ber father, Mm. Frank Rogers. Mr. Peter Servos and bride, St. Catharines, visited bis aunt, Mrs.g Melissa Servos. Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackham, Manilla, visited their daughter Mrs. Bruce Hogarth. Mm. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, David and John, visited relatives In Toronta. Mrs. A. E. Billett entertained a rw ladies ta tea on Friday a!tcr- mon in bonor a! Mrs. Godkin and .rs. Brown. Miss Annabelle Adcock with Wiss Isabel Carter and Jean Mc- aughlin, Burketon.1 Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa,1 ;isited hiem sister, Mrs. Joe Chap- ian.1 Miss Gladys Chapman, Toronto,( t home.E Sympathy is cxtcnded ta Mrs.i fihi Chapman in the sudden pas-1 ing of ber brother, Mr. Geo.t ibbs, Oshawa, wbose burial took c lace at Hampton ccmetery Sat- rday a!ternoon.I The Pascoe family picnic wase I m a. ai b si P1 Frank Piper IRecelv.s Long Service Pin Back from overseas service, Frank Piper jolned Goodyear- Bowmanvllle li 1917. Rccentiy h. recelved bis 25-year pin for con- tinuous empicymnent. He Is one of tbree brothers, ail bomn in Bow- manville, wbose combined record wltb Goodyear is 65 yeaqs. Frank's three sons and alsa bis sister, Mrs. Neli Wilson are Goodyear em- playeea. Some record for ane fa- milyl Keenly intcmested in sports the Piper famlily bave been represent- ed on most of the Bowmanvillc basebali and hockey teams for tbree decades. Some years baclç Frank was a star catcher and bea- vy bitter in the Lakeshore League. Now be is near the top among the great number af Goodyear cm- ployecs who have won long-ser- vice pins. Congratulations. Kendal Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey and fa- mily were visitars bere Sunday. Miss Clara Seens, Bailieboro, with ber sister, Mrs. Reg. Elliott. Miss Madelon Allen, Orono, with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer. Mrs. Milton Robinson and Mrs. Darlington, visitcd Mrs. Jack Han- cock and Miss Allie Cooper at Col- borne. Mrs. Luxon and Marion werc at their cottage near Dorset. Congratulaions ta Mr. Clarence Bell and Miss Louise Foley, R.N., who were married Saturd-ay ini Maple Grave church. Mr. George Mercer was at the Western Hospital, Toronto, for further X-ray and is now allowcd ta walk around. Congratulations ta Miss Margar- et Jackson who passed bier first form exams at Markham Higb Scbool. Margaret returncd home with bier parents Sunday, from Milliken. A number from here attendcd the Goodyear annual excursion, crassing by boat from Cobourg ta Rochester and spendîng the day there. Miss Clama Seen, Mrs. Frank Stoker, Mrs. Luxon, Mrs. N. Pat- ton, Mrs. R. Mercer and Mrs. W. Mercer attended the 5Oth anniver- sary celebration o! the Fedcmatcd Women's Institutes at Guelph on Tuesday. Tbcy were much im- prcssed by the historical pageant "Let There be Ligbt," depicting the W.I. from its start at Stoney Creek ta the present, now expand- cd ta the Associatcd Countrywo- men o! the Warld. An unusually large crowd gatb- ered Thursday evening for the ice crcam social put on by the Sunday Schoal. Everyone enjaycd the generous scrvings, o! ice cream. A capacity crowd filled t}'e b!,11 In sec the moving pictures put on Fr. Fru by Mr. C.-Carveth, Newcastle. The Sunday Sehool room was decorat- cd luat fall ahd plans are now un- derway for çlecoratlng the church. The character ci the mm mkee thel difference betwii laatlng getncsu and a metugis flash là thBloanm ROLLS- Rot sultry dayu are not conducive to hearty ap>ttu. But it's so easy to put an extraordinary touoh to, juit ordinary summer meals if you'll serve smrn of 01 w deliclous baked goods. Corne in and got thern o-ay ... and then enjoy them for your neit meal. For an added Treat serve IDEÂL ICEÉ CRI»! for a cooling dessert, Poole's Bakery. 53 KING ST. E. PHONE 654 ----------- Order Your Coal NOW M'hile the present prices on Anthracite are higher than the public has been used to, paying in the last few years they stiil represent sum- mer prices only. Any information we can get' from the mines indicates an increased cost this fail. ThisB, toirether with the possibility of an upset in Canadian Freight rates, builds up a definite possibiity of another increase i r. tail fuel prices. The Sheppard & Guil Lumber Co. Limlted Hon 1 Mowmavill FUELFmng St. E.1101 MORRIS 66th Anuversary 'Sale' Canada's Finest Furniture! 0191 TMIl INI Snyder Living Room croup An outatAndÏng Special i the Anniversary Oale - available lI choico of colore, 2-pce. suit., 3 or I-pc.groups in stock. <~tiION PAISNTID' NEW SUS SCHEDULE Hon. John Bracken, M.P., lead- er of the Progressive Conserva- tive Party, is shown above with Mrs. Bracken in a photograph talc- en shomtly before they celebrated their "family holidayl" on June 21. The date marked their 38tb wed- ding anniversary and Mr. Brack- cn's 64th birthday. Two o! their sons, Dr. Allan Douglas Brackcn lived in India for a number o! ycars, it was mast intercsting. It was aur privilege at this meeting ta meet Rcv. and Mrs. Eustace. During the social boum lunch was served by Mrs. C. Miller and ber group., 1. 1 Mon== e Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen, o! Newcastle, with Mm. and Mrs. Fred Bowen. Your correspondent bad the happy privilege o! going witb the Orono W.I. ta Guelph. We trav- elled in anc o! Garton's cam!ort- able buses driven by Clair Garton himsel!. The pageant put on in the evcning dcpicted the bistory of fi! ty ycars o! great achievement whicb lies bchind the Womcn's Institutes and with the colorful costumes amid beautiful surround- Engs made anc o! the rnost enjay- able trips we bave ever bad. Miss Belch treated aur scbaol children ta a weiner roast in the woods near the school an Monday î!tcmnaon. The cbildren report a lot of fun and plenty o! weiners. Home and School Executive met at the borne o! the president, Mrs. Wri. Barchard an Tuesday even- ing ta camplete plans for aur an- nual picnic at Cream of Barley Camp on June 7. We hope the .vhole section will came out and bring well-fillcd baskets. We are to meet carlier this year about 2 P.m. Dr. Miller was in the section looking for someone ta organize. for the X-ray survey. Mrs. Wm. Barchard bas cansented ta contact the people o! this section and dis- tribute the necessary cards. Mm. and Mss. Jas. Garvock and Ronnie werc guests o! Miss Shir- ley Macpherson. Mrs. Delve and Mrs. Curtis, Orona, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buck- ley, Newecastle, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glenncy. The Osborne-Allin quartet sang at services at Shiloh on Sunday and on their way bomne cailed ta cee Mm. and Mri. Howard Bowen and sang several, numnbers for Lhem whlch wcrc greatly cnjayed by the wbole Bowen bousehold. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ahin accom- anied their guests, !rom Alberta as far as Tomanto and spent a few ays there. Mr. and Mmi. Austin Turner ad [elen visited Lew HaUaowell's on unday and attended &nerr iexvices at Shiloh. . ffl%ý«m Phone 715 Bowmanville ÎQý.ý 96 King st. IL cou .1 # 't