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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1947, p. 10

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PAG~EIi¶'WUt'~VAflAt. U'WA'tW~l W ~eIU A . IVVV 2iItq Bo~* id -emnu Popularity booth .AlX .NuÀd' Fer' Grounds Comninttees J. Parker IABIu CWIIvUIThree Card Maie - J. Kmight Over and Under -___Ted TiCE Pî*k yotir favorite gaine or Dart Gaine ___Bill Tait, Jr. rIay th=. riglit across the board Vs tue pontaneous invitation of Bingo -_ __ _Bill James te Bowmanvllle Legian. ta their Graceries ____ A. Denseni super-carniVal and beauty con- Fruit --- . Oke test tbeb held an the Public Blankets______ C. Samis School Graunds, Fridey and Sat- urday evenings, July 18 and 19. Bail Gaine -Bill Harrison, Jr. Penny Gaine - Reg. Harding Meet the men af twa wars Free Money --------L. Parker whose valor heiped ta preserve Merchandise booth - Bun Fagan the freedom ta, even hold a carni- Horse Race ____ R. Keane val. Yau wiiI find them at the Money Bags - F. Couch bootha offering good cheer and a Weight Guesser - Stan Dunn fair break for your patronage. Fortune Telling A. Kilpatrick Named as booth managers for the Hot Dogs - A. Barron, T. Carter occasion are the following veter- Duck Game A. Lobb ans: Merry-go-round --Bill Tait, Sr. 'Ticket Boath -- M. Hart Provosts ----- --- C. Fagan I WILL -TAKE AWAY ALL Dead or Crippled faim Stock FREE 0F CHARGE Hlghest Prices Paid for OId Horses ]PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERSE. CHARGES N. PECONU, Proprietor. o I ISIaws H. a&.Cilai WeIcom.s Newcoff At t. Annual Piect The anxiual picnic spoc by Shaw's Home and Schc ssociation which was open ,residents af the section wai an Friday at Orono in the munity Memorial Park. Ideal weather prevailed the large representative & ing ai young and aid, attesi the popularity of this ever welcome was extended ta s newcomers ta the section were present at the pîc 1joined in variaus events. Zhope was expressed thata 7turncd men who have taki )residence here recentiy wil at home. Many youngr enjayed the swimming Po ground and booth in thisI favored spot. Great credit is due the committee for the excellent per which included strawbi and creain as well as a mea salad plate and an abundan other goad eats. Supper time vided a pleasant interiudi meeting friends and neighb this community wbich is di in town, church and telel service as it *extends from manville ta Newcastle. Aiter supper one event of cial note was a liveiy game o between the married and men and boys. While the won they bad ta work barda score 15 ta 10 plainly ind-ici Lineup for ball game: Single Men and Boys: H I-ammond, Bill Sokolowski, Stacey, Peter Stacey, DonalÉ quhart, Reg. Brock, GlennF Ross Prout, Bill Cox, Earl B and Gerald Brown. Married Men: Garnet Rie Brenton Rickard, Chas, Cl Gea. Allun, Hubert Stacey, Squair, Kenneth Robb,J Price and Ross Lane. At the conclusion of the game the young people gail in another part of the grc and guided by the teachei joyed a program arranged b: sports committee. Unavoi: absence af Garnet Rickard Mr. Cryderman ta round up ious classes. Vo>lunteer he assisted making the event joyable for bath active pa pants and spectators. Results ai event.s having 6 ta 16 contestants in each were: Race, 6 years and under boys and girls: Frank Stacey, lie Richie. Race, boys, 7 ta 9 years: neth Bragg, Donald Gilkes. Race, boys 10 ta 12: G( Brown, Merrili Brown. Girls, 10 ta 12: Anne Cr3 man, Mary Husak. Boys, 13-14: Earl Brown,1 Stacey. Girls, 13-14: Joyce Bragg,1 Brock. Boys, 15 and over: HaroldE mond, Bill Sokolowski. Girls, 15 and over: Ruth Bi Ruth Brock. Sack race, boys'and girls:1 neth Bragg, Terry Price. Three-legged race, boys girls: Betty Brock and Helen lin; Ruth Brack and Joy'ce Bi Shae race, boys: Ross Pi Glenn Prout. Sboe Race, girls: Ruth Bi Anne Cryderman. One event was omitted asd ness overtook the merryma who wended their way home py and contented with memr af another pleasant outing. Id ""Il. ~A4' E,~I Is there a NOOSE around Your hom'e? ln other words, is your home mortgaged? If s80 could your dependents pay off that mortgage in the event of your death? If they could flot, then you can arrange with Confederation Lifo Association to have it paid off by means of a special Mortgage In8urance Policy. It will be worth your while to Inquire about this policy, whether the mortgage wa8 arranged with an individual, a company, or under the National Hou8ing Act. B E F431OU1 Write now for bookiet "Your Home". It tells ypu how your wife can have cash Ito pay off the mortgage if any- thlng happens to you. Conf'ederatïon Life à - HEAD OFFICE Associatioa. Branch Office: 169 Charlotte Street, Pet.rbou-b P. J. MATHER, Divisional Manager TORONTO Canada celebrates-ber8Othbirtb- day, July 1, 1947, b. suggested that this event was a point at wbicb every Canadian should take stock and decide seriausly ta employ tbe franchise in the in- terests of a true Canadian demo- cracy. MOVIH 'WEST nhdt.d"Pool Cure c. Me01tobla. U.akatCR- mon.ADptm4Bri" M . ooad Ob CêlifomWa.Wrlt@ etro e forerduoed frelihe rat& , ... , SML I614 Taft* st, Tormate Kilge". BSN nWmVArLi Vai.**x, ONTARlIO .JITHUMSAY, J'ULY3SA, 1947 Ill T.Ottawa 5com morrt RevIwd in Bm.adcst le By Durbama sMemtber )nsared Broadcasting from Peterboro, ail As- Saturday everilng, C.--E. Stephieni ta aUl son, M.P.' Durham. County, gave 18 held his constituents a short review af Com- Ottawa highlights as parliamrent is about , to conclude its 3rd fu11 d and session since the election oai 1944 gather- It was bis bixth broadcast during sted ta the year dealing with- tapici af !nt. A generai interest. ;everal As a mernber af the officiai ap- awho position led by Hon. John -Brack. le and en, Mr. Stephenson sa;d that twc The developments an the gavernment ail re- side were cbieily ta be noted. The en up fréquent shifting ai Ministers. i feel from post ta post ln the' cabinet people and the obviaus jockeying among 1, baIl some af them in a bid for party bîghly leadership following Mr. King's announced intention ai retiring menu before the next election. These it sup- things are seen as weakening the berries administration. at and 1 Laek o! Harmony rice ai There bas been many evidences ,e pro- in Liberal ranks that the aid time e for harmony is disÈolving, .notabiy in )ors in the criticisms ai back benchers. livided Al ai which is none tao reass .ur- ephone ing at a time when forceful, clear- Bow- eut policies and strong leadership is the prime requirement. Many >f spe- littie side issues have been given of bail precedence aver important leg- single isiation. latter Dealing with housing Mr. Ste- as the phenson observed that iumberîng ates.\ bas suffered from lack ai sound policies ta the extent that its ef- 1arold fect is feit in every community John and thousands ai veterans are d Ur- stili without adequate homes. Ev- Prout, en in small towns and rural dis- Brown tricts shortages ai lumber and nails and other building mater- ckard, ials must convince the average xilkes, persan of this situation. Kyle Soclallst Complex J. S. Wbile Ministers prétend ta sup- port thé principle oi private imi- e bahl tiative in peacetime reconstruc- tbered tion the delay in giving tasc relief .ounds ta capital ta permit expansion bas ýr en- merely accentuated the muddle. by the It is part ai the socialist complex idable in government thinkin.g wbich de- I lef t nies ta the individual enterpriser pvar- the right ta run bis own affairs. elpers It alsa indicates the extent *ta it en- wbich bureaucracy clings ta pow- artici- er delegated during wartime,' Now as we enter the third year from ai peace the gavernment appears class unable ta get away from wartime habits. Only recently they forced ýr for through a bill ta enable them ta ,Bil- operate any number ai. crown companies quite in the manner ai Ken- the C.C.F. in Saskatchewan un- der whicb 13 crown companies erald have sbown such disastrous fin- ancial apérations. ,yder- Crawn Campantes There is growin.g complaint Peter about this system for employées af crown companies form a super Ruth civil service drawing, high -pay, not chosen on menit, and under Ham- no proper check by parliament. Among the mînisters adherig tô ragg, this pahicy there may be-named particularly the Minister ai R.- Ken- construction, the Minister ai Ag- riculture, the Minister ai Finance and and other lesser lighis.. But. their n AI- increasing demands for - power ragg. merely refleet the general think- rout,' ing in the cabinet wbere final de- cisians are ratifled. ragg,1 The bousing situation, the wbeat deal ancd contro>l o.ver agri- dark- cultural surpluses, theioreign ex- ,akers change contrai are examples in ,bap- point.. A further consolidation lries was sought under a bill ta set up a governmrent propagande bureau -known as the Canadian Informa- tion Service, which fortunately owing ta demands ai the opposi- tion was shelved for the trne be- ing. A feeling ai uneasiness is growing up in the country as these trends become apparent. Personal Problem The speaker declared that mea- sures of this kind are wrong. Test it out; ask yourseli this question: -Do I want ta be directed and reg- imented by the goverfiment or do I want ta run rny own show?" *Fighting over the issue the gov- erfiment and the C.C.T. group have generally lined up together while the Progressive Conserva- tives and Social Credit party have opposed them. The same thing The Near East In the Near East too it bas been shown that in the face ai a deter- mined policy, Russia may pratest but backs clown. United States aid to Greece and Turkey when British financial strength waned halted Dardanelles aggnession and the logicai sequence was an about face ai the Russians in Palestine where their determined pQlicy ai siding with Arab states ta unden- mine western influence was haIt- cd. Summing Up the physirai facts af military and diplomatic strength the speaker reienred ta two other points af Russian en- deavor to create worhd chaos, the establishment ai a strang central German government designed ta recreate a status irom which we have just escaped and atomic en- ergy contraI. The resuht bas been ta align more closely Britain, U. S.A. and France ta presenve dem- 1 Yon UUII5 e5rvatives NolM Summer School With each ai the -provincial nid- ings sending two delegates, nean- ly 200 Young Progressive Conser- vatives wîhl attend the four-day summer school, opening at Gen- eva Park an Lake Couchiching, July 7. A committee, headed by Jack Hilton, president ai the Young Progressive Conservative Associ- ation ai Ontario, bas arranged an extensive pragram for the sessions ta b. held morning, aiternoon and evening. Feature ai the meeting wihl be an address by Premier George Drew, wbo will be on hand fan mast ai the four-day session., Many cabinet ministers and sev- eral fedenal membens will also take part in the proceedings. Ruasians Ov.radd Major in Mmacar« Stat.. in Addrose Ma lgatajoint meeting of MasnleLedesini Oshawa, June 10_ Major James R. MacBrien, Oshawa barrister and Ontario County Progressive Conservative standard bearer ln the last feder- ai election, outlined some ai the factors surrounding efforts ta achieve warld stability today. DeAhing with bis subject, "Vic- tory in Peacée" be went very fully into the question ai Russia. He intraduced an entirely new thougbt by asserting that Rus- sian strengtb was on the dechine despite imperialistic inroads in Central Europe highighted by the recent Communistic coup d'- etat in Hungary. Presenting a carefully reasoned 20-point thesis, Major MacBrlen drew on personal expenience as an officer with the ImperiaIs in the Airican Campaign in the late war and bis contafts with informed observers on bis recent visit over- seas. This report will attempt brieily ta summarize the main statements af fact set forth. Retreat lns Persia First ta be noted was Russian retraction at the time ai the Per- sian recapture ai the province af Azerbijan. When the Persians started ta march tbey were war 'n- ed by the Russian Ambassador that four Russian divisions would oppose by force any Persian pen- etration. It was a 48-bour ulti- matum. The Persians advanced steadily and soon resumed con- trai over this part ai their na- tional doinain. Tbe ussans fail- ed ta march and a few days later their Ambassador gave official assurance that it was merely a misunderstanding. It was a clear case ai a weak bluff. Russian penetration ai Czecho- Siovakia on the. industriai front was another example. In the matter aif getting release ai a scientist employed in a Czech in- dustry. for work abroad it was found that an appraach could b. made only by getting around pal- itically appointed managers. Oth- erwise the sought aiter man might become suspect and re- moved ta Siberia. Here again the direct influence ai Russia was decreasing for it can be circum- ocratlc freédom and ta about-face fram a policy of appeasement. flefeat Communlsm The. pronauncement af Secre- tai-y Mai-shail at the Moscow can- ference with.bis six-point defence af freedom was a iorthr!ght dec- laration that cleanly deflned the stand af the democracies as appas- ed ta Russian imperialism. The speaker suggested therefore, that in these developing circumstances, we bave little ta fear, pbysically at ieast, from a Russia sbawing weakness militarily, diplomatic- alhy, and neyer strong on the ec- onomic iront. The speaker suggested that the main thing we now have ta watch is ideological penetration, the de- termined infiltration into aur own saciety ai cammunists. That this 'tbreat is reai bas been shown in spy trials. Beiieving that ta out- law this type ai sabotage would b. a sign ai weakness, the speaker advanced some fundamental prin- ciples we can apply aside from normal application ai aur cnim- mnal code. Moral Rearmament Major MacBrien developed the thesis that aur main defence against aggression ai the kind un- der discussion was moral rearm- ament ai the individual, the home and the state. Quatin-g irom Charles Merivaie's "History ai Rame" he traced the parahlel of the experience following the death ai Caesar with aur own ta- day. His dehineation ai bistory recapturing the tinherent moral strength ai the family circle. For this unit basically was the. strength ai the state, and its foun- dation the moral -doctrine ai the Christian Church. Concluding, the speaker aff$rm- ed that if the United Nations Or- g4nization is ta succeed it must be prajected as a vital force into the daily lives ai those it was creat- ed ta serve. He emphâsized two main points in summing up his strong address: "War with Rus- sia is not inevitable if we but real- ize aur comparatively greater strength and work ta break clown Russia's suspicions ai us and through a far better exchange ai information, convince ber aur one desire is Peace. The means ta this end is a truc spiritual rebirth within ourselves. NEW HJGHfWAT KULES IN EFFECT JULY 1, New Highway Traffic 4&ct reg- ulations came inta effect on July 1, and motarista are warned ta pay particular attention ta tkiem as there are a number oi sweep- ing changes. The regulations will be much mare strict, and drivers stand a chance af losing their licenses for a number af offences under the Act. A license af a*matorist will be automatically suspended If there is a conviction arîsing out af any one of the foilowing of- fences: Failure to stop at a stap street or through street; failure ta heed a traffic signal; making anj improper turn at an intersection;;, was a very forceful argument for 1: A DURO FAM M Em co Fixtures & Fittinys StyIed for Beauty and UtiIity for EMCO Kitchen, athroorn ani Laundry . . . protect the heolth of yqur famnily . . . add te the comforts of daily living. Loarn how eusily und ecenomnically you can moderniz. your home. Coli us today. Bert Parker & Sons PLUMBING AND HEATING nie 651 47 King st. 'F. EM1PIRE uGffI IlFE. EU. LIMITED LonDon -4namiLTron -TronROfT-suDeufiy-winnipeG -vAflcouvWR 1 1 Il %U4~ FOLKS EVERYWHERE are singing thse praises of thse smart new Oldsnsobfle car. Style alone would make it thse smart buy of the year! Long, flowing lines, tasteful trim, beautifully tailored interlors i. . ail combine to give ehis car a smoath-as-a-melody, !'new-as-tomorrow" look. And when you consider that the new Oldsmobile is thse lowest-priced car to offer GM Hydra-Matic Drive*, thse General Motors drive-tbat makes Oldsmobile a smart choice automatically. For Hydrae{atic Drive* is the onlyjully proved, fally automatic drive. Thse only drive tEat shifts gears through four forward speeds without any effort whatsoever on your part. Thse only drive that elimi- nates thse clutch pedal entirely! . . . Just forget the clutch and gear i; . aul you do is sit and steer.' No wonder so many smart people say "It's SMART to own an OIds.'l hydre.Matk DPriv o ptimal eo 00 cool. Cas e I ROT W. NICHOLS CHEVROLET, PONTF&Cp OLDSMOBULE, BUICK AND CADILLAC CARS CHEVROLET AND G.M.C. TRUCKS COURTCE e Le ONTARIO 4 I fallure ta signal properiyý wheri turning; driving without propèt Iights; operating with defective brakes, and overcrawding the driver's seat. Ini addition to this tlghtening up of the reguiations, one of the maiL important af the new amendinents ta the Act is the establlshing ai a fund ta pay court-awarded dam- ages not callectible fromn a pen- uriaus motorist. This fund will be established by collecting a fee of flot more than $1 frora each persan abtaining a 4yýver'à or chauffeur's licence ikr-948. The new regulatians do not detract from the value of motor vehicle insurance, as the motorist pré- tects himself, and bis smail con- tribution ta the fund will enable him ta collect damages: R UN NING water le a necessify lis the farmn home today. And in stables, barns, poultry houses, green- houses and truck gardons it aidds production and profit enough ta soofl pay fer a DURO Pump installation. The now DURO is the Farmer's Pump - buit ta give a life- time of satisfactory service. Se. us for complete informa- tion ki::ý6 ý%.. ý fAI.

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