*1'KE CMiADIM< STATESM.&?t ~flW &UVYLT.V.~ flU'PAWTfl ~??fl~1~ A W ~ W d - -- --. -- -. --. -n ~-- -----* ~ dLtAjX tU~ WEST BEACH and Tenry in: "Good-E-Nuft." Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker anc Dr. and Mns. G. Millen and David, town, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Miss jean Mifiezi, Mr. and Mrs. Culley, Marilyn and Bille, Tor- Norman Millen ini the "Lost anta, with their parents in Wene. Weekend." Venfus. Mr. and Mns. Frank Battrel at Mrs. F. Mathews and Miss Bet- l"Seldom Inn." ty Mathews in "Tacoma." Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baunsaîl, Mr. and Mns. Ted Goddard and Tom and Teddy, Miltan, in the faniuly, Montreal, with bis broth- O"Better-Ole." rMr ebGda. Mn. and Mrs. J. J. Brown inerMr. Her Godadsn a the williams, cottage. Ms .Mry n o a Mr. and Mns. Gea. Wiggins in with her mother in "Moonshine.' 'Keo-Wgg" Mr. and Mrs. M. Lawson, Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cattran and Faye and Gardon, Toronto, witli sans in the Goddard cottage. their mather, Mrs. Wm. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. T. Doyle, Margar- Congratulations ta Mr. James et, Bernice and Pat in "Sand- Gleaday and bride and Mr. Wm. hurst." Street and bride, on their receni Mr. and Mrs. Art Hooper and marriages. Bath boys have been Mr. and Mrs. Lyle in the Quinn life-long residents ai aur beach. cottage. Once again Bowmanville's bea- Messrs. F. Cowle, W. Woad- ches welcome back the annual re- ~ward, E. Ward and R. Moff at are sidents, visitorsand iriends ta it's spending the holiday in the beaches and cool reireshing wa- "Brooks" cottage. ters aiong the shore ai Lake On. .Mr. and Mrs. S. McTavish and tario. s'ons, Oshawa, with the Curries. The West Beach store and Mr. and Mrs. A. Masters, Doug, dance hall under its new propri- 7h nL 710U S DELIGMTFULi 0144& You'll reaiy Rive Your family a treat when you serve our delicious baked goods for that extra special meal. Visit our store and see the daily specials we are off ering each and every day of the week ta make your meals more tempting. Ail goods baked oven fresh in our own shop For cooling delicious desserts on hot summer days TRY IDEAL I0E CRFLAM Poole's Bakery 53 ]KING ST. E. -' PHONE 654 BOWMANVILLE *Pepsl.CoI lob.erblit.ed trade mark In Canada af thé Papsi-Cola CampanY ef Canada Llmftd ain. 11!l ils: 50-lb bago. le Powder ay and Phone 497 Ietorship is ready, and most anx- îous ta serve everyone and help make their stay qn the Beach moai convenient, as well as pleasant. Refuse collection has begun with H. Raby supervising this work, which is compulsory imv- ery cottage ,of necesaity, have taken to criving down on the beach front, the need being causéd, *fram flooded roads, as ia gener. ally the cage throughout ail On- *tario. Ail the ladies wiil welcome the new hair dressing parlor apened *in Bosky Dell. This is a new de- parture on the beach, and under the capable and deft hand oi Mrs. J. Perris (nee, Margaret Cole) is assured ai success. Norman Green is rushing tc completion his log cabin, on the lake front. Benny Severs is bus- sily engaged on his cottage on the beach road. t Deepest sympathy ai beach re- isidents is extended ta Mrs. Wm. Dunn, "Resty Nook" in the pass- Sing ai ber husband. And aise to -Mr. Roy Rice ai "It Soots Us" on sthe ioss of his wiie. Bath have -been ie-long residents ai the »beach and will be missed. by ev- eryane wha knew them ta be 1 friendly and intereated citizens af a ur beach. Those who have taken Up res- idence an the beach for the sum- mer in their cottages are: Mrs. Wm. Dunn in "Resty Naok." Miss E. Robinson, Mrs. W. Won- nacott, Joan and Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dilling, Catherine and Gary in "Linger Longer." Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cale and Gary in "Gary's Paradise." Mr. and Mrs. J. Perris and Lar- ry in "Bosky Dell." Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Street, Mis- ses Peggy and Jean in "Wene- Venfus." Mn. and Mrs. David Ault, Shir- ley Velma and David in "DaVel- 'y."p Mr. and Mrs. R. Hughes ini "Leaside." Mr. and Mrs. O. Fowler and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowe at "Irma-Deli." Mrs. A. Edwands and Mr. Bert Edwands at "Fra-Vel." Mrs. B. C. Latimer, Miss Zetta Latimer, Miss Mary McPhee, To- ronto, in "Vel-Etta.'1 Mrs. T. Carpenter and son Ray, Mr. and Mrs. J., Regan and san Ronald, Miss Alice Tomkins, To- ronto, in "Rendezvous."1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Luttreli in Mrs. Hutton and Margaret in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. R. Oke and Dou- gie, Mrs. C. S. Halinian, Mr. and Mrs. R. HalInian, Teddy and Di- anne in "Fyvie."1 Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. Curnie and Misses Joyce and Dorothy Ann, and Mrs. F. Pethick in "EEEE's."1 Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Varcoe, Nan- cy aitd Michael, Mr. and Mi-.. B. Murchison and Bllie with Mr. and Mrs. N. Green and Donald in their "Log Cabin." Mr. Wallace Dilling ai "Linger Longer" has accepted a position an the S.S. Norisie, travelling on Georgian Bay and Lake Huron between Tobermory and Manitou- lin Island for the summer. Miss Faye Lawson, spent Sun- day at Jackson Point, Lake Sîm- coe. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Severs, Ajax, Miss Barbara Fry, Mr. Stewart Fenguson, Mrs. B. Spencer and Barbara, town, with Mrs. F. Cale ini "Gary's Paradise." Miss Joyce Allin, Oakville, with Miss Catherine Dilling. Mr. and Mns. A. Mathews in "Idylwihd"" Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Betty Marie and Shirley Ann, Oshawa, in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sharpel, Jîm- mie and Lillian, Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. T. Davidson and family, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. W. Canruthers and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. Lunney with their parents, town; Mr-. and Mrs. Lawson, Oshawa, ail in their cottages again. Mrs. Newton is having a new verandah erected an her cottage, "Twillingate" by Messrs. Byens and Haoey. Mrs. F. A. Diling entertained the executive ai the Home and Schaol Association at her cottage "Linger Longer." Mr-. W. Terry, Toronta, bas Purchased the Ross cottage, and intends to rent it for the çeasan. Ti-ce With a Hlstory A giant Douglas fin tree 13 icet in diameter near the butt, felletI for lumber in* Washington State in 1946, was 586 years aid, ac- coi-ding ta the growth rings coun- ted on a cross-section. ManY are corning to believe it wages and pnices are inseparabie, like a couple ai coat hangers in the recesses ai a hall closet.- Detroit News. THE ICOVE Here is the lineup ion summer, B1947, ai the "aid-timers" as whis- tled by "The Little Bird that Tells." Cottage 103: Mi-. and Mrs. W. S.McCartney, Sheila and Don- iaid. 1 Orma-Nook: Mn. and Mrs. Hen- 3ry Black and Bobby; Mn. and Mn.. eClare Childs and Mariene. * Cottage 105: Mi-. and Mns. Geo. Harrap and Tommy. f The Neuk: Mn. and Mn.. Vaugh- an and Molly. Summerhaven: Mr-.and Mrs. H. W. Simpson, Wiila and Albert. Laf-a-Lot: Mn. and Mrs. George *Chow and daughtens Mei-lin and Sue-uine and Miss Juanita Chu, niece ai Mn. Cbow. Three Gables: July, Mn. and >Mrs. Graham; August, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fleming; Mr. and Mrs. 1James Hathaway. Cape Cod Cottage: Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Carlton I. Glenwood: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carlton II; W. H. Carlton III and Bobby. Hill Top Lodge: Mi-. and Mn.. David Barr and David Barr, Jr. Cave Cottage: Mrs. W. D. Fox, Gardon and John White. Chequers: Mr. and Mn.. John H. Fox and Holly. Windrows: Mr. and Mrs. F. R.. Whatmough. El-Ti-Di-Sa: Mi-. and Mrs. El- mer Ott and Sally. Cottage 125: Mn. and Mrs. Ramm, Gardon, Margaret and Barbara; Mr. and Mrs. Bowen and Beverley. Braeside: Mn. John Martin, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Pickard, Elea- non and Margaret. Cottage 129: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leslie. Gale Cottage: Mi-. and Mrs. W. J. Pitfield, Mn. and Mrs. Huether and Biily; Mr. and Mrs. Siater. Claver Cabin: Mr. and Mrs. Nash; Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Cons- tance, David and Sandra. Daisy Dell: Mi-. and Mirs. Ar- thur Fox, Adrienne and Jack; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay. 1Happy Hutch: Mrs. Onville Hutchinson; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Doreen. Buflny Burrow: Mi-s. Alice Meyers; Mr. and Mns. Sid Gage;, Mrs. Lee Sutherland and Grace. Gray Sennen: Mr-. and Mrs. G. Barricl<, Edmund, William. andI Marsden. Then here are six littie new- camera fnom five months ta twa weeks aid: John Daniel Carlton, son ai Mn. and Mrs. Noble Carl- ton; Sandra Doreen Gray, daughi- ter af Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray;- Elisabeth Marsden Barrlck, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Grey Barrick; George Leonard Suther- land (Lee), son ai Mi-. and Mrs. Russell Sutherland; Patricia Lynn Atwell, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Attwell; Marilyn Joan Attweli, daughter ai Mi-. andI Mrs. Bei-t Attwell. Ail beauties! Visitons: With the George Harraps: Mrs. Arthur Holmes and Alan; Dr' Frank C. Gaved ai Guernsey, Channel Islands,- Mrs. A. Pawer and daughters Berniece and Di- ane. With the Canltons: Noble, Gla- dys, Susan and Danny-bay and Jack and Mavis. With the David Barra: Mi-. andI Mrs. Thos. Hurson ai Lachine, Que. At Cpve Cottage: C. P. Robins. At Windrows. Miss Varia Cas-f sidy. At Chequers: Mr. and Mns. Al- an Dickson and Sandra. At El-Ti-Di-Sa: Dick Ott en- tertain.ed several friends ta cele- brate bis 2lst birthday on Fni- day, June 27. He has leit for as short visit With Mi-. and Mrs. R.( V. Duncan at Montreal.S Betty Bair and her husband, Howard (Hank), are motoring on a business trip thi-ougli the Ea§- tern States. What -does a mrilliion dollars t look like? The Bank ai Georgia, t Atlanta, iri a moment ai pity for1 the average man stacked up $1,- 000,000 af ills and coins on ther premîses for the curiaus ta gazev at. We can aimost hear a local c, housewiie saying: "Lan' sakes,a thatf won't go ve&- fa-- n4 wa days." Congratulations ta Anna Staplem and MarJorie McLaren who passed their tirat year exania at Torontc University and ta Dawn Mottal and Jean Harness wha passed'jr their, Normal Scbool course. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hammn ai- rived in Orono on Thursday anc will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mns. E. Hamm and. other re- latives. Mrs. M. Ledrew, wbo has beer in Orono for the past two years, has sold.ber furniture and is re- turning ta New York State. Miss Ruth Gaode's Classala Public Scbool beld their closing exercises an Tbursday aiternoor when the childi-en entertained their mothers with sangs, piano solos and folk dances. A very large crowd was In attendance al the Stnawberî Festival held on the Iawn o! the Park St. United Churcb on Friday evening under auspices ai the W. A. Rev. andI Mrs. A. E. Eustace were present ta get acquaintec witb members ai tl½e congregation. The fine warm weather made il passible ta enjoy this autdaoo gatbering ta the full. Mrs. Jas. Dickson was in Ham- ilton witb Miss G. Beck who i-e- turned home with her for a visit. Mr. Walter Nugent, who passed away in Peterboro last week, was well known in Orano as he and Mrs. Nugent frequently visited their daughter, Mrs. Russell Ras- bora during the years they lived here. The induction service for Rev. A. E. Eustace was heid in Park St. United Church Friday even- ing and was in charte ai Rev. J. E. Griffith, Bowmanville. The sermon was preached by' Rev, Linstead ai Hampton and the charge ta minister and congrega- tion was given by Rev. W. W. Patterson, Newcastle. At the close ai the service the Pastoral Rela- tions Committee camposed ai Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, R. E. Logan and Heber Souch received with Rev. and Mrs. Eustace. Mrs. H. McDonald was taken ta Bowmanville Hospital last Thurs- day. The Happy Hour, a class for children in bible study and handi- ci-ait, under the leadership ai Mr. and Mrs. H. W. O'Brien and their assistants irom Bowmanville, had its closing exercises Tbursday ev- ening aiter two weeks ai inten- sive work. Parents and iniends attended the closing exercises and appreciated very much the work accomplished.- Mr. and Mrs. Cliii Cooper have a fine, baby girl bai-n in Bowman- ville Hospital. Death occurred in Toronto at the home ai bis son-in-law oi Mr. Melville Roy Bryson ai Hamilton. Service was beld ini Orono United Church on Monday aiternoan with interment in Orono Cemetery. Congratulations ta the fallowing pupils who passed Taranto Con- servatory af Music examinatians held in Bowmanville: Patsy Moi- fat, Arlene Boyd, Joanne Cornish, Mary Ann Armstrong, Harry and Bernard Lynch and June Wood. Miss Anna Staples leit; Sunday ta takre up duties al Bolton Camp far the summer months. Miss Mary Somerville is back at the Bank ai Commerce aiter several weeks vacation. Mr. Liv- ingstone is now on vacation. Mr. L. G. McGinnis is taking a summer course in Agriculture at the Ontario Agricultural College,. Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Leamen and Pearl, Toronto, are on two weeks' vacation. The l65th Scout Troop ai To- ronto, under the leadershii? ai Mr. McKay and Mr. McGuîre are camping on the Forestry, property again this year. Eight Qi-ana scouts have the pniviiege ai camp- ing with them.% Mi-. and Mrs. C. S. McLar-en and iamily spent the long weekend at a cottage in Hamilton. A very quiet wedding was sol- emnîzed in the United Churcb, Sudbury, June 25th,. when Aili Newman of Sudbury, was united in mariage ta Leroy G. Brown, son ai Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono. The bride and groom are spending their boneymoon at Lake Rosseau, aiter having a trip ta Ottawa and a short visit in Orono. On Saturday evening a reception was held for the happy couple al Mi-. and Mns. J. D. Brown's when abut-- reatvs-er-pesn 0 ri t AILAU C.P.Ii.. flJLUNiAUUIJJJ Executive of the Bnatherhood of Maintenance of Way En ployees of the Canadian Pacifie Railway for the next three years la shown ab>ve following their electiân at a meeting at the Chateau Frontenae in Quebec. The next genenal meeting of the organization will bo held et Vancouver in August, 1948. Left ta rlght, aitting: A. C. Mykie, Wînnipeg, assistant genenal chairman for western Unes; W. Donnelly, Ottawa, secnetary-retsrn .J.OrdOtaa ie praîdent; S. Burns, Toront, jeneral chairmnan; and W. K. MeKee, Winnipeg, vice general chairmmn. Stnig: J. Inglis, MedicinieHat, assistant general chairman for western lines; G. Cochran, London, assistant general chairman for eautern Unes; IL Gauthier, St. Thenese, Que., assistant general ehairman for ensteraU lnes. 'when they celebnated thefr_ sitj weddlng axinivensary as well' asl Mr. and Mns. Sid York's 6th wed- ding annlversary. A large crowd gathered at the cemetery on Sunday aiternoon for Decoration Day Service. Qi-ana Band led in the musical part ai the service and Rey. Eustace gave the message. Visitons: Mrs. J. Blue and Mary Jack with relatives at Palmerston. Mi-. and Mrs. Wmn. Hoar with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass ai Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. C. Wood with Mrs. Hoidge, Toi-onta. Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, at home. Miss Fer n Chapman witb ber sisten, M-s. Weish, near Brantford. Miss Gertrudei Dewell, R.N., Bowmanville, with Mrs. E. Dent. .Mn. Colin Taylor with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.- Brown, Guelph. Miss Shirley Myles, Toronto, with Mi-. and Mrs. D. Myles. Miss Edrea Best, Toronto, with Mrs. li. Best. Mns. Maria Smith with relatives in Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor with Mr-. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, New- tonville. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Duncan with relatives in Spencerville. Mn. and Mrs. Melville Burns and son, Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm. .Miss Joyce Jones at Mn. Ethan Jones', Newtonville. EXAMINATION RESULTS ORONO C.S. A bnacketed subi ect indicates a failure; Con. indicates a condition in a Subject which will have ta be carried with next yean's wark. Middle Schéol Promotions In onden ai menit. Grade XII ta Grade XIII: Betty Bourne, Joyce Cornish, Audrey Cochr-ane, Jean Turner, Helen Wood (Geom.), Raymond Lunn (Eng., Anc. and IViod. Hist.). Grade XI ta Grade XII: Mer- vYn Harness, Helen-Lewis, Gwen Cnattei-tan, Ruth Eliord (Agric.), William Moffat, Lorraine Mac- Donald (Geom.), Wilda Hooey (Agric.).. Lower School Promotions Grade X ta Grade XI:-First Ciass Honors: Barbara Rolph, Ar- lene Bodyd (Con. Math.). Second Class Hlon~: Kay Gamsby, Jean Rainey, Ailan Cochrane (Con. Math.). Third Class Hon.: James Pollard. Reid Hanness (Con. Math.*), Marguerite Rutherford (Con. Math., Con. Fr.). Pass: William Found (Con. Math., Con. Fr.). Grade IX to Grade X-First Clasa Honiors: Ross Taylor, Jean Wilson, Carole Connish, Fl'orence Linton. Second Class Hon.: Patsy Moffat, Lois Dean, Shirley Flin- tait, Maureen McKenna (Con. Math.), Ross Patton, Marvleen Bayd, Donald McLaren, Joyce Sutton, Gardon Lowery. Pass: Keith Wood, Wanda Maiiey (Con.î Math., Agric.), Joan Neilson (Ag- riculture), Grace Mencer (Con. Math., Con. Agi-.), Aleck Mollat (Hist., Geog.), Anna Hall (Math., Con. A.gric.), David Fee (Math.ý -k.L. VC . Mc flls, .Principal .I Griu-Free Creamy MliPc In Every Iottle . In our modern dalry, under scientlflcally controlled condi- tions 6~y trained workmen your miIk la bottléd with the utmost qare. Our cap on the bottie la your guarantee otý purlty and sanitation that cannot be excelled. Order fromi us now and get that rich, creamy miIk that adds deliclous. nesa and heaith to your table whenever served. Glen Rae Dairy, PHIONE 444 FOR DELIVERY lind Mass X-Ray Survey Cartwright -m anvers m'Clarke BLACKSTOCK .July 2.-3 BETHANY e.e* uuly 4 ORONO - -- July 7- 8 NEWCASTLE - .uly 9-il1 NEWTONVILLE JuIy 14-15 Be Sure Keep Your Appointment If by any chancý you have not received your appointment, YOU are advised to report at the dlinio at any time convenient to you. 'nies. clinica are being -held under the auspices of the Bowmanville and Newcastle Lions Clubs. Don 't Dela.yl Have your summer wardrobe cleaned and pressed... ready for that big suminer vacation. 24 HOUR SERVICE You 're bou.nd to be a succeas if your clothes handsome and new with dry cleaning,. are kept .Phono 520 For Pick-up and Delivery lPcwmanviI le Cleaneirs and [)yers The Oriiono News It's Hay'ngTime à and time to check your hay fork rope, trip ai of your haying equipment. W. can fi your re-juirements. W6é have a good supply of the followîng mater GREEX CR088 BUG KILLER, 2, 10, 20 and1 POTATO DUET, 3% and 14% - 50%/ Wettai] 50% Micronized ]Powder for LivestockSpr for spraying the barn. - SELL LIVSTOCI SIPRAY RUBEER TIRED WAGONS3 I DRAILER FOR Cam ara sMacinlery - Firestoue DeLaval Milen and Seator Beatty Dia.. Stable Egulpuent il lKb et. W. ?402 TWELVI -TIM CAXADIAN STATESMAN. BOWXAUVffZ& ONTAMO qqrrT&QnAv -Tm-w Il.& ""Aè r