TmE CAADIAN STATESUM, DOWMANVJLL , NTA5IO TUSlT ~4r ___ 2556'ff5 BIRTH ,DORRLL-Mr. and Mrs. Roger T.'Dorrell are happy to announce the blrth of their son, Martin Charles, at Royal Victoria Hospi- tal, Montreal, Quebec, June 24, 1947. 27-1* ELLIOTT-Mr. and Mrs. Jack EMllot, Newtonville, are happy to announce theé birth of their daugh- ter, Dorothy Joan, at Port Hope Hospital on Sunday, June 22, 1947. 27-1 STAPLETON-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton are happy to announce the.birth of their daughter, Mar- ilyn Marie at Bowmanville Hos- ypital, on June 28th, 1947. 27-l* MARRIAGE BELL-FOLEY-At Maple Grove United Church on Saturday, June 21, 1947, by the Rev. Frank Yard- ey, Gertrude Louise Foley, Reg. S., daughter of Mr. Howard R. Voley and the late Mrs. Foley, to Clarence John Bell, son of Mr. Lawrence D. Bell and the late Mrs. Bell, Kendal. 27-1 rAM T-O 'OU'R FUN "Hawks Boogie" 111 Had a Good Cry"l Erskine Hawkins Orchestra "One 0'Clock Boogle"i "Meet Me At No Special Place" Count Ba'sie and Orchestra I'm a Lonely Little Petunil" "Mahzell" "Bugle Cali Rag"' "Barnacle Bill The Sallor" The Happy Gang I Want To Be Happy" "The World Ie Waitlng For The Sunrise" Bert Niosi Orchestra "Tomorrow" "There's ThatLonely Feeling Again"' Charlie Spivak Orchestra alvy0p "Say No More" Vaughn Monroe Orchestra "Pet 0' My Heart"I "Across The Valley From The Alamo"' The Three Suns "Dangerous Ground"l I'm Restiessa" Roy Rogers "The Drunkard's Son" "The Answer to The Galveston Rose" Hank, the Singing Ranger "Ida-Idaho" "A Home 0f My Own" Texas Jim Robertson TYOUR RCA VICTOR DEAILER THE DEATII CREASSER-At the Toronto Hos- pital, Weston, on June 26th, 1947, John Creasser, dearly beloved fa- ther of Donalda Jane, and belov- ed brother of Ellen, Mrs. J. H. Needham, George and Harold. SCOTT-Clara Frances-At New- castle on Tues&ay, July 1, 1947, Clara Frances Gibson, beloved wife of the late John Thomas Scott, aged 80 years. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. Service in St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, on Thursday,*July 3rd, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bond Head cemetery. 27-1 IN MEMORIAM CARTER-In proud and loving memory of our beloved son and brother, Flying Off icer Roy Ed- ward Carter, murdered by the Gestapo in a house in Tilbury, Holland, July 9th, 1944; also his cousin, Flying Officer J. R. La- tremouille, iyho was killed with all his crew while on his second tour of 44th operations and bath were posthumously awarded the Golden Wings for Gallantry. Also mentioned in despatches, June 14, 1946. St. John 15:13, said: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." -Deeply mourned and sadly missed by Mother and Father, sisters and brothers. 27-1 JAYNES-In loving memory of my mather, Mrs. Evelyn Jaynes, who passed on to rest, July 9th, 1944., Deep in my heart a memory is kept, 0f my mother I loved and shal neyer forget. Silent thoughts bring many a tear For my Mother I lost, and loved sa dear. -Daughter Audrey. 27-1 WRENN-In laving memory of my dear husband, Edward A. 'Wrenn, who passed away, July lst, 1918, and also my two sons, Leroy E. Wrenn, killed in Fland- ers in 1915 and Alexander Wrenn, killcd at Zillebelle, June 11, 1916. -Always remembered by Wif e and Mother. 27-1* CARDS 0F THANKS Jack and Margaret Elliott wish to thank the W.A. of Newtonville and their many kind friends for their gifts and their cards of con- gratulations. 27-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nichols wish ta extend sincere thanks ta their neighbars and friends for gifts, flowers and congratulatory mes- sages received on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. William Barrett and fam- ily wish ta express their deepest gratitude ta the many friends and relatives for their kind expres- sions of sympathy 'and floral tri- butes extended during their sad bereavement. 27-1* The family of the late Levi Skinner wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral off erings received from their friends during their recent ber- cavement. 27-1 Notice Dr. V. H. Storey's office will be clased from June 28 ta August 15. 25-8* Dr. H. Fergusan's office will be closed from June 27th ta August 2nd inclusive. 25-3* The Estell e Beauty Salon will be closed from July 14 ta August 15, inclusive. 27-2 LEARMONTH Agencies, special- izing in accounting systems, mon- thly audits. W. R. Learmonth, proprietor, 17 Quebec St., Osh- awa. Phone 1145W. 27-1* The Bowmanville Public Lib- rary will be closed from July 3 ta July 21, inclusive. Fergus E. Morrill, 27-1 Secretary A meeting ta arrange for the Adams and Ferguson picnic wilh be held at Enniskillen school grounds, July 7th at 8 p.m. Ali interested in having a picnic, please be on hand. 27-1 Custom Work CULTIVATING, plowing seeding; also John Deerej parts and repairing donc. All1en, 44 Concession St.1 and repair F. S. Phone 17-tf COMINO EVENTS The Cryderman-Ruse family picnic will be hcld in Hampton Park on July 12th, 1947, at 2:00 p.m. 27-2 Girls' softbail game, Courtice at Newcastle, on Friday, July 4, at 7:30 p.m. Silver collection. 27-1 Annual District Church Parade of Cartwright Loyal Orange Lodges, will be held Sunday, July 6th at St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, at 7 p.m. 27.1* Dance ta Harry Charuck and his 7-piece orchestra every Sat- urday night at Williams' Paint Pa- vilian, Caesarca, and Harold G-ad- frey's Ohd Tymers on Friday nights. 27-1* ,Group 4 of Solina Women's In- stitute is holding a Strawberry Tea at the home of Mrs. Percy Dewell, Hampton, Wednesday af- ternoon, JuIy 9th. Admission 35c. 27-1 Strawberry social, with salads, home made buns, biscuits and tarts, will be held at Tyrone Church, Tuesday, July 8, com- mencing at 6 p.m., by Tyrone Wo- men's Institute. No concert. Sup- per 35e and 20c. 27-1* Zion (3 miles east of Newton- ville and 11/4 miles north) W. A. *will hold a Strawberry Festival, July 9, with full course meal of salad and meal plate, hcipie made rolis, strawberries and cream; also a goad programn. Supper be- gins at 6 p.m. Admission: Aduits 50c; chil'dren under 12, 30c. 27-1 For Rent RADIOS, vacuum cleaners, elec- tric floor polisheus. The Radio Shop, phone 573. 27-1 SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Wanted to Rent FARM, any size, or house and land1 with out-buildings. Phone 2538. 27-1 SMALL house or apartment ur-j gently required by young couple and baby. Write Box 916 States- man Office. 27-1*1 Public Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of By-Law Number 1541 of the Un- ited Counties of Northumberland and Durham restricting the cut- ting of trees within the Ganaraska Watershed pursuant ta the Trees Conservation Act, 1946. The following is a summary of the provisions of the By-Law: 1. The by-law does not inter- fere with the right of the occupant of land ta cut trees thereon for his own use, with the rights or powers of any Municipality or of the Hydro Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario or of any other Board or Commission acting for the Government of Ontario, or with the cutting of trees on any highway or unopened road alhow- ance or in any woodlot having an arca not cxceeding two acres. 2. The by-haw does not inter- fere with the cutting of dead, broken, stuntcd, firc-damaged, dis- eased or insect-infested trees or other trees removed ta improve growing conditions. 3. The by-law does not interfere with the cutting of Christmas trees when grown as a crop for Christ- mas trec purposes, except under special conditions. 4. The by-law does not inter- fere with tife cutting of haw- thorne, chokecherry, red or pin cherry, poplar, ironwood or Man- itoba maple trees. 5. Except as above-provided and except in special circumstan- ces with written perfhission froni thc Authority, no persan shahl within the Ganaraska Watershed cut any trees of less than the fol- lowing minimum sizes: (a) For birch, black ash, black locust, cedar, soft maple, tamar- ack and willow trees, of a mini- mum diameter of five inches mca- sured four and anc-hall feet from the graund. (b) For ail trees not otherwise spccified, of a minimum diameter of ten inches measured four and one-haîf feet from the ground. For further details consuht the Clcrk of the United Cointies of Northumberland and Durham at Cobourg, Ontario, or the under- Éigned at Port Hope, Ontario. DATED the twenty-fourth day of June, 1947. H. R. S. RYAN, Secretary, Ganaraska-River Conservation Authority. 26-3 Sealed tenders for instahling stable equipmnent at the Counties' Home, Cobourg. Contra'ctor ta supply gravel, cernent and forms. 1300 E l'S Plans and specifications.mayCbe seuIngat the Counties' Hme, a-1 GIF SHOP 10:00 a.m., July 8th, 1947. Lowest or any tender not ne- 28 King Street, W, ccssarily accepted. B8wmanvil.l Board of Management of The Counties' Home, Cobour. Ontario. 27-1 Classimed Ad Lates CASH RATE: 2 cents a woril (minimum 35c) Muat be pald before Insertion IF CHARGED». 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25e extra for box numbers or replies dlrected to t"isoffice ADDITONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ail Classified Adiets MWust Be In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY Tou must include cash, stamps, or money order, wlth copy 0 -to get low rate. Real Estate For Sale DOUBLE building lot, excellent locality 86'x265'. Will seli toge- ther or as two separate lots. Write Box 915 Statesman :Office, Bow- manville. 27-1 FARM-100 acre farm, haîf mile west of Hampton highway with good frame buildings with stone foundation and plenty of water. Possession first of April, 1948. Mrs. E. Winterburn, Hampton P. O0. 27-2* HOUSE - SALE -BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned for an 8-room brick veneer house, woodshed and over an acre of land. This property is in the village of Manvers Station, close to county road and railroad. Immediate possession when deal is closed. Highest tender not ne- cessarily accept. AUl tenders to be submitted not later than July 11, 1947. R. John Payne, Pontypool, Ont. Phone Bethany 10 r 211. 26-3 Chicks For Sale BRAY Chicks. Day-olds and some started, in most varieties, pullets, nan-sexed and cockerels. Contact us soon for prices, and breeds available. August chicks should be ordered now also. Ag- ent F. L. Byam, Tyrane. 27-1 Personal IF backaches are slowing you up, take Rumacaps. Pains and aches are relieved after the flrst dose. Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. 27-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 27-9 Work Wanted PAINTING, interior and exterior, and paperhanging. Reasonable rates. Phone 2960. 23-tf YOUNG girl desires light house- work in town. Phone Bowman- ville 2616. 27-1 Births, Marriages, Deaths, Cards of Thanks, In Memoriams and Engagements, minimum charge fromn this date will bc Wanted To Buy Articles For Sale HAY tedder. Phone 2150. W. Ashton. 27-1* EIGHT acres of standing hay. J. E. Cook. Phone 2435. 27-1 10CE box, 50 lb. capacity. Phone 811. 27-1* QUANTITY standing hay. James Stone, Lot 3, Con. 4, Clarke. 27-1* MASSEY-Harris hay tedder in good condition. Phone 2203. 27-1* GOOD tent with floor, complete with, 2 cots, $35. Ph=ze 811. 27-1 ROWBOAT. P.O. Box 10, Bow-I MASSEY-Harris hay mower. Gar- manville. 27.1 net Rickard, phone 2813. 27-1 USED bicycle in good condition; also child's wagon. Write Box 917, Statesman Office. 27-1* ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf LIVE horses for mink and fox food.. Ail horses humanely slaugh- tered. Caîl us for highest prices. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyr- one. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 13-tf OLD norses for fur farm, $1.00 per hundred, approximate weight, delivered here. For slightly less we will humanely destroy your horses on your own farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone Bowmanville 2888. 38-tf Help Wanted PART-time janitor, honest "and reliable. Apply Royal Theatre, Bowmanville. 27-1 WANTED-A leading dairy farm équipment manufacturer has op- ening in local territory for man to service and sell their equip- ment. Good salary to start. Pre- fer young married man with dairy farm background. Write Box 918 Statesman Office. 27-1 AN Opportunity - Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and be- tween the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get establish- ed in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Com- pany Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. 27-5 Auction Sales I have been favored with in- structions fromn Mrs. Cecil Powers, Churcli St., Orono, to seil by pub- lic auction on Saturday, July 5, at the above address, her entire household furniture, silverware, and carpenter tools. See bills. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 26-2 REPAIRS NEAT-WAY Shoe Repair: good, substantial workmanship, relia- bility, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf Seed Grain For Sale SEED buckwheat. Garnet Rick- ard, phone 2813. 27-1 CIJEAN, phump buckwheat seed; also choice Sebago potatoes. Mrs. W. Leask, phone Oshawa 1652W11 27-1 ONE set 12,000 lb. scales can be seen in-Hampton. AppyJ.D. 1Hogarth. 26-2* SLABS, mixed soft wood, stave length. Woodley's Mill, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2414. 26-2 PONTIAC coach, 1928, in good running condition, 4 good tires. Phone 2266, Bowmanville. 27-if I0E-box, in good condition. Ap- ply Bert Budai, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville. Phone 2810. 27-1* HOT water coal jacket heater, size No. 2, and fittings. Phone 2669. 27-1 * HANDI-CHEF, perfect condition, ideal for cottage or light house- keeping. Phone 648. 27-if TWO used tractor 2-furrow plows also new Case hammermili. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, phone 497. 27-1 ONE chesterfield, Kroehler, $12.- 50, good condition; also two ches- terfield chairs, $4.50 each. Phone 811. 27-1* LA SALLE Sedan, 1939, in good. condition, good tires. Apply Char- tran's Store, Bowmanville, phone 567. 27-1 CHEVROLET coupe, 1932, recent- ly overhauled and good tires. G. S. Kovacs, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone 62 r 10, Orono, evenlngs. 27-1* TRUCK, 1937 Ford panel, hall ton, in good running condition, good tires. Price $425. Phone 664. 27-1 SEVERAL acres of standing mix- cd hay, or on shares. Apply La- vern Clemens. Phone 2436, Hampton. 27-1 FORD car, coupe, 1935, serial No. C 18U 19646. Good running order. M. E. TaIbb, T rone.Phn 2346. 1 27-1* MASSEY-Harrls binder, 7 ft. with tractor hitch, in Ai condition. Reasonable price. Apply 106 Con- cession St. 27-1* ELECTRIC mnotor, 71/' h.p.; no further use for it. John Holgate & Son. Phone 428 or after 6, 802. 27-1 LeRGE gate-leg table; china cab- inet; electric icebox; chesterfield; bed and spring mattress. Ahl must be sold this week. Phone 2851. 27-1 FURNITURE-New dinette suite; kitchen cabinet; new McClary cookstove, coal and wood grates; two kitchen chairs. Phone 172 r 12, Port Perry. 27-1* MELOTTE Separator, capacity approximately 600 lbs., in good working condition. Apply Ed.gar Gibson, R.R. 1 Burketon. Phone Port Perry 195 ring 111. 27-1 EMPIRE stave, complete, white enamel, used six months; ice re- frigerator; kitchen cabinet, first class condition. Brenton Rick- ard. Phone 2218. 27-1 USED sewing machines, baught and sold. Highest prices paid. Write or phone Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf NEW modern bedroam suite, bcd, dresser, chest of drawers, acca- sional chair. Also new Findlay range. - Apply 25 Queen St., Bow- manville. 27-1 HEINTZMAN upright grand pi- ana and bench, mahogany. Sel- ected for professional use, perfect condition. Hulatt. Phone 432. 27-1* PIANOS - Walnut Wormwithi from Heintzman & Ca., refinished' and reconditioned, like new, $225. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcae St. N., Oshawa. Phone 251. 26-2 PIANOS-eight ta choose from,! ahi reconditioned, $85 and up; anc apartment size. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Phone 251. 26-21 PIANO, Nordheimer upright, wal- nut, good tone, good ivory keys. Secure your piano now, bargain. Telephone 492, Fred J. Mitchell. Bowmanvilie. 27-1* HOT plates, electric kettles, fans, electric grills (steaks, chops, etc.), electric frying pans, visit The Ra dio Shop, 38 King St. E., Bow- manville, phone 573. 27-1 ONE Spramotor combinatipn aprayer, 2 bbl. capacity, used two weeks, equipped with 6 h.p. air- cooled motor, also maunted on 2- wheel traiher. York Motors, 81 York St. N., Uindsay, Ont. 27-1* 1 NEW Indian motorcycles, used motorcycles. Parts and accessor- ica. Tires, ail and batteries, etc. Repairs. Doc Berry, 313 and 292 Pine Ave., Oshawa, phone 4121J. 26-4 IABOUT 60 acres of standing hay. For particulars write E. L.Rada R.R. 2, Bowmanville, or apply at TEL.E ROME 63 TO à4Y B former Kush farm hait milie west of Maple Grove on Base Li ne. 37-1* Articles For Sale TWO - Piece chesterfield suite, springs like new, $22.50, includ- ing slip covers; two dressers at $10; reconditioned coal ou stove, $9.50. Murphy's, phone 811. SINGER motors and lights are now available to attach on your sewingý machines, brand new. Motors $28.50 and lights $5.25, al- so buttonhole attachments $16.75. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St., phone 696, Oàhawa., 23-tf OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in mode:n. Chester- field, bedroom and dlning room suites, and studios. Bedding Énd floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- Iey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Livestock For Sale LEGHORN roosters 4 months old. Phone 2538, Bowmanville.. 27-1 ELEVEN choice pigs, 7 weeks old. Lawrie Cole. Phçne Clarke 2421. 27-1 EIGHTEEN yaung pigs, 6 weeks old. John Liptay, Hampton, phane 2738. 27-1* TEN Yorkshire pigs, eight weeks old. Apply Cyril Rundle, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 27-if TWO red Shorthorn bulîs, 13 and 9 months old; one will register. Richard Rowan, phone 2745. TWENTY Yorkshire pigs, 6 wks. old: a cream separatar practically new; toy Pomeranian pup, 10 months old. Clarence English, phone Clarke 12 r 34. R. R.- 2, Newcastle. 27.1* RadIýe-rvIce THE Radio Shop, BoVrxianwllp offers honest charges, lat«teatyis equxpment and trained person. nel. Our, two radio teChnliansÉ both hold Governinent Certiflcat.e. of Proàficlency in Radio. Phone 573. 01 LAWN MOWERS I SHARPENED I Shiarpens by Grlnding on an Emery Wheel MOWERS RUN EASIR. ..STAY SHARP LONGERý W. Pick Up and Deliver - CaU Usý - PHONE 467 - G.F.Jamieson KING AND SILVER STS, Watch For Bugs We Carry â.reen Cross Insecticidee For the Farm, Garden and Home Potato Dust and Spray for BuRs and Blight in large or umail quantities. GROW SEEDLESS TOMMTES by sprayinaz blossoms with our "NO-SRED" Spray Peat Mess - Bon. Meai - Sheep Manure Fertilizers Stewart's Seed Store Phone 577 "wanvlle Goso I nEntn Stysonunitwahd ff......... Gosa vr onI ste lan t e nysa osut . Stays on unti Beigeh -Suof Bronze El00zaoethAen's ialnswo t0 airtefstocking oe.. hs eau ..thfu, fat e iu uttua t e ove simple toUS a ecomeles in ot ea8 a nder1u25. FavorTe nihe d.TwReaightor saes og P iheeycsuesmt n hodeeo7sunt.N.Te WHWe TEhpiyjSTa t res Ir ONthe oE.L Igin!SuntBeige-Sun Bronze