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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1947, p. 5

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-r ?ffuRSfAY, JUL? d H JdaaLtANIL41JJI'W I TXLTNiA1', BOWMLANvILLP. oNTAIRIO Mr. Harold De Line, Toronto, I Io nding his vacation in New Mr. amd Mre-Aflan Howard, TIoronto, were guçsts with his mother, Mrs. Scott Howard.ý Mx,. Laura Headley, Toronto, spent thé holiday with her aiter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. CecilPergusan and accompanied byý Mrs. Ferguson left this week on a trip to Montreal. Neil Britton represented New- castle at the Ontario Junior Track and Field Champonships at Vars- *ity Stadium, Toronto, on Satur- day, and came in 4th in the pre- liminary 100-yard dash Junior A (under 19 years). Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose and Douglas have returned from their trip ta British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs.. A. W. Glenney and Edward are holldaying at William's Point. *Mr. Harold Hoar, Toronto, was home for the holiday weekend. We regret two names were in- advertently amitted from list of names af pupils who passed their entrance inta the High School without writing the examinations, tliey are Catherine Dewdney and Karen Ainslee. 2nd Lieut. Joseph Hocken, C.O. % T.C., Brockville, spent the week- end with Mrs.' Joseph Hocken and Daniel. Mr. Stewart Milligan, Canadiani Bank of Commerce staff, spenti the weekend and Dominion Day e ýr ic daughter Sheila Gogeriy, left 1«r Rochester, N.Y ., last week to at- tend the weddlng ai Miss Marlon le de mun eut Comerford on Saturday. They will spend some time at Ramona DhÈke3314Beach, N.Y., before returning ________________________home. Mrs. Henry Ragen and Mn, ln Deseronto with his parents. Walter Douglas spent the week- An open air church service was end in Kitchener. held ai Newcastle on the Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton McLeani Sunday evening, June 29, with and daugbter Linda, Toronto, the Orono Band in attendance. were guests ai Miss Ethel Lock- Rev. A. Eustace, newly appainted hart. minister af Orona United Church, Mr. Wilbert Graham, Oshawa, led ln the singing and Rev. W. W. spent tbe weekend ai bis home Paiterson addressed the gather- bere. ing. Congratulations ta Mn,. Harold Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, Carn (the former Miss Virginia spent the weekend and holiday Cooke) who is on the teaching with Mrs. H. R. Pearce. staff ai Port Creclit public school The Lakeside Ladge, Newcastle and wbo has been laking night on the Lake, opened Sunday, June lectures at the Toronto Univers- 29. Mn. Weinburgen, whose ity, on passing one ai bier B.A. daughter Eve attended bigh, subjects, physiology. school here three years ago, is Miss Darolhy Tnenwith, Toron- the propnietor. ta, Mr. George Trenwith, Wind- Do flot forget the iree clies'î X- sr, were guests with Miss Lau- ray clinic sponsored by the New- ise Trenwith. castle Lions Club and which is Tiecocmmunity is sonry ta learn being heid in Newcastle, July 9- Ibat Billie Brunt, son ai Mrs. 10-11. Ruby Brunt was taken ta Oshawa Hospital on Manday. We ail wish Mrs. Mary McEvoy spent the hia peyrovy holiday weekend in Hamilton masedyecvr with bier daughier and son-m -____ law, Mr. and Mn,. Selby Spencer. Miss Pearl Abar, Toronto, is NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL spending bier vacation wiii ber mother; Mrs. Edmund Thackray. The fallowing students passed Mr. A. E. Mellow, Toronto, was in. the grades indicated: home ion holiday weekend. Grade 8-Betty Lau Hagerman, Mr. and Mn,. Don Prince, Mrs. Catherine Dewdney, Keiti Mel- A. E. Prince, Miss Jacqueline iaw, Karen Ainsley, Vivian Me-r Prince, Mn,. McKay, Toronto, git, Patrick Creamer, Keith Aik-1 were Sunday guests ai Mrs. R. en.1 W. Gibson. Grade 7-Mary Holubenko,1 Professar and Mn,. E. G. R. Ar- Norma Allun, Jack Allun, Connie dagh, Toronto, are ai their sum- Enwrighl, Jean Toms, Mariene . mer home in Newcastle. Edwands, Christine Alldread, Mn,. Percy Brown and grand- Tilly Harris, Roliy Spencer, Ida Printed Cotton Table Cloths Brighten up your kitchen or dinette with one of these colourful printed cloths. So easy ta launder. Fine quality cotton backgrounds of pure white, with conventional or flowered designs. ~ ~ Size 56 x56.' EACH ----------$29 Other sizes at $3.39 and $3.98 si I th ki gr ye TERRY Towels Yau'Ii like tiese extra sait, deep piied tcrry towcls. Fine quality in a generous bath sizc. Ideal ion home or cal- tage. Pure white witi check design and barder, ai green, blue onrO peaci. EACH 87c COLORED PLASTIC Seat Pads Reversible plastic chair pads that will add colour ta your kitchen. Weli padded for miont. They wili flot ,rack or peel. Calours are gren buean _ 1.0 SI alPAIR Beautiful paper drapes for home or cottage, I bigit floral patterns. Spccialiy pnocessed ta han ln cioti-like foids. Reinforced edges ta reduc tcaring. Full 2¾/ yds. long. Natunai colour baclk gnound. Malchîng tie-backs. Yau wiii wani severa 'pair, ai tuis low price. Plastic .Table Covers Save yaunself iaundry in ibis warm weathei with anc ai tiese cdean transparent plastii ciaths. Easy ta kecp cican, jusi wmpe wiih damp cioth. Will flot crack or peel. Size 54 x 54. EACH . Size 54 x72 $2M~~ ALL LINEN Towelling Here', tea tawelling that wili kecp yaur glasses and dishes sparkling. Ail pure linen, 20 inches wide. Col- aurcd bonder ai gold, made in Ineland. YARD ____87c CHINTZ Shàoe Bags ICeep youn sioes togetier in anc ai these bandy shae bags. Glazcd chintz with dlean plastic pockets. Bag has sections ta hold six pair af shocs. Gel ane for every bedroom$1.29 EACH fi.a FLOWERED Chintz An inexpensive chintz ln bigit floral calours for use ai collages on in sunrooms. Ideal ion recavering boxes in bcdroom,. 36 incies wîde. YARD ai39C k/aMe* s046, 'houe 451 Bowmamvhie 1 Junior Room Grade 2 ta Grade 3-Ronald Dickinson, Nelda Edwards, Ed- wand Gienney, Sheila Gogerby, Kenny Gray, Gerny Harris, Vel- ma Harris, Jimmie Kirkpainick, Marlene Laking, David McCul- lougi, Jimmie Miller, Calvin Murray. Grade lA ta Grade 2-Camilia Aiken, Paul Aluin, Bobby Brown, Donnie Couch, Morley Lake, La- verne Martin, Lynn Middleion, Margaret Noden, Danny Sallows, Ronald Tomkinson. Grade lB la Grade 1A-Jack Gianvilie (nec.), Paul McCullough Cecil Miller, Karen Wrighb. lB-Bannie Cummings, Brentan Gibson. LEWIS PARNELL HONORED At a largely attended banquet in the club bouse, Trenton, span- sored by the Canadian Pacifiic Employccs, honour was paid to Lewis Parnell, <iarmerly ai New- castle) naw ai Trentan, who ha, retined on pension ailer many years senving as section foneman on lie C.P.R. He was presented wibi a bill iold and a sum ai money for which he grateiully thanked one and ail. Sevenal speeches wene made and extending ai besi wishes and long lii e ta bath he and bis wiie. A bounteous supper was pro- vided and a veny picasant lime was had by ail. Aiten singing *'He is a joily good ichlow"l the enjoyabie evcning came ta a close. Mr. and Mn,. Harold Gay an iamily, Oshawa,,,-Mr. and Mni Bruce Garnard and babe, Ennis kilien, ai Mn. Chas. Garrard's. Mn. and Mn,. Thea. Slemor Enniskiilen, Miss Annil MQatn joy, Mns. J. E. Elliail, Bowmn ville, ai Mr. T. S. Mountjoy's. Mn. and Mn,. Clifford Pethici Ennskillen, ai Mn. Jack Polis. Rcv. and Mn,. A. E. Cnesswe. and iamily, Mn. and Mn,. Luthe Goodman, Tynone, ai Mn. C. Sic mon's. Mn. and Mn,. Gardon Beeci an( Janice, Bowmanvilie, Mn. an( Mn,. Fred Ashton and family, To ranto, ai Mn. A. Read's, wiih Mrs Ashton and chiidren slaying fai holidays. Mn. and Mn,. Dick Gniffin, Mr and Mns. Cccil Rahm, Unian, Mr and rMs. Don Canr and family Enniskillen, Milton and Gardai Siemon ai Mn. A. Beech's. Mn. and Mns. Jim Aikenbead Miss Venna Ormision, Miss Au. dney McLaughlin, Toronto, Mn, and Mn,. Roy McGiil and family, Mn. and Mn,. Francis Werny and Teddy, Mn. and Mn,. Adan Sharp, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Or- miston, Enniskiiien, ai Mn. Lloyd Ashton's. Mn. and Mn,. RolandI Tiamp- son and Karen, Enniskiilen, at Mns. W. Thompson's. Mn. and Mn,. Jim Grant, Mn. and Mn,. Douglas Fontaine, Tor- onto, ai Mn. E. A. McNeil's. Tcddy Werny, Enniskillen, bol. idaying witi Roy Ashton. IMn. and Mn,. Nelson Gage and family, Tiornhill, Mn,. E. Gage, Toronto, ai Mn. M. Bcnlnim's. Mn,. E. C. Ashton, Enniskiilen, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Mn. and Mn,. Clifford Trcwin, Mn. and Mns. Sulas Tnewin, Mn. Jim Mar- tyn, Mn. and Mn,. Gardon Beech andt Janice, Bowmanvilîe, ai Mn. W. Trewin's. Mn. and Mn,. Walter Rahm, Clem and Doneen, TyronaMr ROY Gnaham's. na n Mn. and Mn,. Stanley Cowiing and John, Mn. Joe Cowling, Sal- em, Mn. and Mn,. Mark Black- hurn, Hampton, ai Mn. W. Black- 'burn's and Mn,. T. Cowiing's. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mn,, George Tabb on tic arrivai ai a daugiter. Mn. and Mn,. Arthur Brenl, Mr. and Mn,. Gardon Breni and Da- vid, Mn. Wesley Hilis, Tyrone, ai Mn. Leslie Graham's. Mn,. M. Berinim is in Bowman- ville Hospital. W. hope sic will b. home saon. 2Swinday School will be held ai 2p.m. and churci service ai 3 p.M. on Sunday. W. welcome Mn. and Mn,. For- gel and family ta aur cammuniîy, having moved mbt the bouse on lie Wenry fanm. Intended for Lasi Week) St. Germain', have brightened their bouse with a coat ai paint. Rcv. Bunl, Newtonvilie, took change ai the church service on Sunday. Jaques Lapante à8 home witb his grandparents ion the holiday, aller attending sciai down casi. Mr. and Mn,. Tom Abbott and iamily, Enniskillen, 'ai Mn. C. Rankine's. Mn. and Mn,. Louis Ashton and iamily, Toronto, ai Mr. H. Asi- lon's and Mr. A. Rea(d's. Miss Meta DeGeen, Bowman- ville, ai home. Mr, Glenn Thompson, Miss 1 Summertime once again and you wili find that Walker's have just what you need to make it more enjoyable, be it at the cottage or at home." We invite you to come in and see for yourself.. and save money. "BELVATEX !. Paper Drapes Rogerson, Ernest Spencer. rec. Grade. 8&-Velma Aide, Helen Alkenbrack, RonneGa hani. Grade OB-Merle Fisher, James Creamer, Nellie Holubenko, Joan Brown, BUlle Fisher, Gary Han- cock, Douglas Dewdney, George Noden, Seldon Parker, Leone Stoneburg, Doreen Selby. -Frank A. McMullen, Principal ROOem2 Grade 5 ta Grade 6-Reg. Crea- mer, Joy Dunbar, Gordon Gar- rod, Albert Graham, Charles Gray, Boyd Harris, Eileen Roger- son, Roy Stoneburg, Betty Smith, Jack Gray, recommended. Grade 4 ta Grade 5-Kenneth Cummings, Carolyn Friedlander, Ruth Garrod, Wanda Hangerman, Lyle Haris, Bill Lake, Fred Glan- ville, recommended. Grade 3 ta Grade 5-Billy Brunt, Donald Lake, David Rick- ard. Grade 3 to Grade 4-Billy Brunt, Neil Chard, Carol Gaines, Nancy Lake, Donnie Lake, Dav- id Rickard, Bob Smith, Patsy Schramn, Ruby Stoneburg, Ann Thomas, Donald Whittaker. Rec- ommended: Earl Foster, Keith Rogerson, Joan Stoneburg. Namnes are in alphabetical or- der. -HA.Msn ecr June Boorman, Toronto, holiday- ing ai Mxs. W. Tbompson's. Miss Florence Chase, St. Paul, Minn., Miss Mabel SUis, Mr. Fred Rass, Mr. and Mrs. Rass Rice, Mr. and Mx,. Fred Raynes and son, Toronto, Mn,. C. F. Rice, Mn. El- gie Harnden and Bull, Bowman- ville, ai Mn. Don Cameron',. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and Mary, Toronto, Mn,. James Kennedy, Enniskiilen, ai H. Ash- ton',. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Wallace and son, Mn,. Wallace, Sr., Osh- awa, ai Chas. Rankine',. WesI.yville Sunday Schooi was held ai il a.m. wiih ail teachens present and altendance ai 24. Mn. and Mn,. Frank Cowiard,i Ajax, and Mn. Wiiired Milis, Ta- tJ ronto, spent Sunday with M. and a Mn,. Ken Mills. 0 Mns. Bcnick, Toronto, spent the t] weekend with Mn. A. Thorndyke. r Mr. and Mrs. B. Binsled and famly spent the weekend withhr, Mr. and Mrs. D. Payne, Onillia. S Mrs. Jack Demili and childnen, Pont Hope, are spending two a wecks wih ber panents, Mr. and ti Mn,. A. R. Hale.IV Mn,. L. Bunley and Diane, ai Newtanville, spent Sunday with F M. and Mn. Roy Nichols. F Congratulations la Mn. Simon Barrawcîaugh who bsenved his aý 801h birtiday on Fiday. Mn. and Mns. Harold Barrow- Ielough and Billy speni Sunday P. with Mn. and Mns. A. A. Martin, Vl Brighton. Mn. and Mn,. Hector Danke and Donna are spending a few days .vith Mn. Cynil Darke. ec Mn,. George Jones, Part Hope, eé M4ary Janes, Newionville and L( Joyce Jones, Onono, visited Mn,. Il] W. Payne. Sunday visitons with Mn. and VIns. Percy Snell were Mn. and vIns. Roy Cable and Ritchie, Phil- adeiphia, Mns. Ernest Cable, Ra- chester; Mn. and Mn,. Lang and Dean, Mn. and Mn,. Ken Lang- mani and family and Miss Naa Holdaway, Toronto; Mn,. Arm- trong Whiiworth and Harvey and tIns. Tomley ai England, Mn. and tIns. H. Buriey and Harvey, New- tonville; Mn. and Mn,. Fred Tuf- ford and family, Bunker Hill; Mn. nd Mn,. Ken Dinner and Ronnie nd Misses Mania and Isobel Rab- ison, Newcasle. Miss Canal Watt, Port Hope, spent a few day, with Miss Ruth Payne. Mn. Ethan Joncs and family spent Sunday with Mns. W. Payne. Miss Doroihy Mason, Pont Hope, ýpent the weekend wilh ber par- ani,, Mn. and Mn,. W. Mason. Sunday visitons with Mn. and \s. C. Payne wene Misses Ruth and Pauline Peter,, Marris; Miss Beiiy Chapman and Mn. Dick Wrion, Onono. Mn. and Mn,. Jenson, Oshawa' Jent Sunday wiih Mn. and Mn,. >.Barnowcloug. Mn. and Mn,. Carrall Nichals td an enjoyable trip on Sunday alling ai Kingston, Prince Ed- vard County and acnass the )idge mbint he Saes. Mn. Archie Ford visitcd friends rKingston. A goodly number allended lhe usiard contrai demonsînation by he use ai DDT on the farm of irnoli Nicholîs. Congratulations la Misses Jane Leve, Margaret Binsted and iith Payne who passed thein ex- ninations. ROYALN ETEATRE THURSDAY - FRIDAY - JULY 3 - 4 DOROTHY MeGUIRE - ROBERT YOUNG Claudia and David 'The Ghost Goes Wild' featuring James Ellison - Anne Gwynne Edward Everett Morton SATURDAY - JULY 5TH. Roy Rogers and Trigger 'H1ELDORADOe ADDED ATTRACTION ISPOILERS 0F THE NORTH11 Speclal Purchas Multi-«colour Rag mats $L49 EC We have been fotunate in securing a numben oi these popular multi-colouned nag mats. Well made and sinongly bound with fninged ends. Easy ta launder and keep fmesh. Size 25 x 48. THE MODERN STORE PAGE, IPIV Starkville Mr. Bill Trim, Port Hope, witl his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trim. ai Shiloh church, Friday. Miss Alice B. Hallawell, Tor- onto, ai home. Miss Nellie Sbutka and friend, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mr. S. F. Baulch, Mrs. C. Ham- [y and Mrs. L. Baulch, Part Hope, with Mrs. Richarn4 Hallawell. Miss Beulah Halioweil, Toron- to, with Miss Norma HalloweUl. Mr. and Mn,. W. E. Reid and family with ber parents ai Caes- area. Mr. and, Mrs. A. Dobson and M'ary Lou, with iniends. . Miss Helena Halloweil, took pantwith the music on Sunday at the opening ai the church at Caes- irea ior summer services. A choir of 45 voices took charge. Later the choir was entertained ta din- ner. Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Balton, To- 'onto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Mr. and Mns. Morley Robinson attended the wedding of her sis- er, Miss Leta Prouse ta Mr. Mrs. G. Plitz and daughter, of Pickering, with Mr. and Mrs. V. Farraw. Mr. George Smith has punch- sed a house in Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Williams, Mr. E. W. Whittaker, Miss D. Parks, Mr. B. Livingston, Toronto, isited at Mns. Richard Hallowell. Oh Concentration About 88 per cent of the Unit- ýd States supply ai ail is produc- Id in six states; Texas, California, Oshawa Pr.sbytory -Courtice Y.P.U. Plcnlcs 1__ 1Outstandlng Succesa Mr. and Mrs. Robin AUIdr.d and famnily, Lake Shore, Clarke, Oshawa Presbytery Young visited Keith and Mrs. Ormiuton. People's Union have held twof Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peaker and picnics recently. Approximately wee soni, Tommy, Toronto, were 50 young people af unions of the with ber parents, Wiil and Miit. eastern section sat down toaa Marshall. bountiful picnic supper in Orono Mr. and Mrs. Wally McKnlght Park on June 18, One week later,I were guests of his parents, Mr. June 25, about 7 P peaple gathered and Mrs. Arthur McKnight, Selby. in Geneva Park ta enjoy à delic- Mrs. Mechin, Sr., Mrs. Robinson, ious assortment af food in the Oshawa, Mrs. Howard Sprung, form aof a picnic, supper. The Windsor, and Mrs. Fred Balsan, main item of interest following visited Cedric and Mrs. Robinson. supper was a basebail game. The Mr. and Mrs. Gus Oke, Mr. and competitive'sparts were in charge Mrs. Sam Mainhood, Miss Audrey oi Ella Down, Ebenezer, new. Re- end Wiltoý1 Oke, Toronto, were creational Convener for Presby- guests at Wiii Bickle's. tery, and consisted af fîve relay Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bickle visit- races. At the picnic in Orono, ed their daughter, Mrs. Hawkins Newcastle Y.P. Union carne out and Jack, Oshawa. on top with 45 points. At Geneva, The Home and Schaol Club Brooklin Union won with 33 sponsored a Come-and-Go Tea points. Consequently Newcastle and apron sale at the home ai Mrs. were the winners of the Presby- Orville Hooey on Thursday ailier- tery Sports Shield. Congratula- noon, which proved quite satis- tians Newcastle! factory. Several attended fromn Dick Morton, Orono, led the the Home and School Association camp-fine sing-song at the eastern of Oshawa. The tables on the lawh picnic and Glenna Wilson, Osh- had for decoration shasta daisies. awa, at the western picnic. A It is with deep regret we, write very inspining wonship service ai the death of one of aur beioved with an appropniate theme and ladies, in the persan ai Mrs. Grant challenge prepared by Madelyn Bennett (nee Elva Clarke) who Wilcox, Hampton, Presbytery suffereda stroke on June 23 and Fellowship Conyener, brought the passed away an Wednesday. The events around the camp-fine ta a funenal was very langely attended, close. Af ter the singing ai taps and the many floral aifenings be- everyone started on thein way spoke ai the esteemn in wvhich the home satisfied that the picnics had deceased was heid. Interment been sa successiui and glad that was in Bowmanville Cemneîery. we had been iavoured with such To the iamily the deepest sym- grand weathen. pathy is extended irom their many friends. Pride and HumlIitY Services on Sunday were quite Knawledge is proud that he has well attended wiih Rev. F. Yard- iearn'd so much;. ley in charge. Sacrament ai the Wisdomn is humble that hie knows Lord's Supper was observed. This no more. wiil be the last Sunday for the. ouisiana, Okiahorna, Kansas, and linois. Willi m Co per 17311800 Sun Yav 5urhr, se o n ior a rew weeS and wiii give the faithful Iteachiers and aificers a litile holi- day. The communiîy picnlc held 'ai No. 4 school grounds on Friday aiternoon, had an attendance ai about 150. An abundant pienie supper was senved. Games, races, etc., were indulged in and ail pro- nounced il most enjoyable. Ladies' Class Meeting Berean Ladies' Class met at the home ai Mn,. Stan Coveriey'.on Thursday aiternoon with an at- tendance ai 30 adults and seven children. The chair was occupied by Miss Ann Hoît. Opened with a few minutes ai silence, followed by prayer in memory ai the pasa- ing ai Mrs. G. Bennett, a valued member oaithe class. Devotional was in charge ai Mns. Russell Gay who read the scripture. Tis period was closed with prayer by Mn,. Hopkins. Theme was "Par- able ai the Goad Shepherd." Mrn. Herb NichaIs and Mrs. Lloyd Crago are canveners for next meeting. Mrs. K. E. Courtice and Mrs. Wili Bickle wene appoinîed- a committee ta purchase a giit for the adopted girl ai the ciass, Eleanor Smith. Mrs. G. F. Annis contributed a vocal solo. Guesi speaker, Miss Aileen Aked, Ty- rane, was then introduced by Misis Hait and gave a masi intenesting address on 'Hobbies" and also de- manstrated painiings, shells, scrap- books and rugs. Miss Hait express- ed thanks on behcllf ai the ciass. Piano sala was given by Fay Found. Reireshmenîs were sen- Ived. Miss Aked was accompanied by ber moihen whomn the ladies enjoyed meeting. The buyer's market is drawing nigh as evidenced by salesmen going through the mations. Auto- mobile salesmen excepted. ýr Blackstock r. Miss Laurel Kay, Canninglon, r.with Miss Tielma Fergusan, and accmpaied Thelma and Mss n Lois Larmer la Torontotaaka summer course. 1, Miss Norma Ransberny, Mont- 1real, visiting Mrs. Charlotte Far- r der. F, M. and Mns. Chas. Smith, Mn,. d Vinginia M. Archer and Oliver i Smith visited in Toronto wiih Mr. -and Mn,.. Harry Vincent, and d calied an Mns. James Mar]ow. Mr. and Mrs. Clifiord McGiii, -Vernon, Beth and Betty, Part tPenny, with Mn,. L. Mounijoy. Miss Peggy Finiayson bas ne- signed iram bic Bell Telepiane Ca., Toronto, awing ta ill heaiti. She was presenbcd an leaving -wibi a iovely corsage ai Amenican Rase,, a silver compact and lovcly 1 penfume, tokens ai ber service. * Mn. and Mn,. T. R. Bowman wene visibed on Sunday by themr family from Haydan wiih a new great-gnandson, 4 montis aid. Congratulations ta Grant Fer- guson and Richard Bowics on suc- Lcessiuily compieîing their firsi year ai Toronto University. Mn. Bill William, and Miss Cathie Elliati, Toronto, visîting Mr. and Mn,. George Finlayson. Mn. and Mn,. W. A. Dawson, Katienîne and Sandra, Windsor, with Mn,. Fred Baiicy ai ber cottage, Caearca. Rev. and Mn,. M. R. Sandenson and iamily, Toronto, wiii Mn. and Mn,. Clarence Mariow. Mx,. R. Bruce, Miss M. King, Mr. and Mn,. R. Curtis and iam- ily, Cobourg, with Mn. and Mn,. Gardon Strong. Mr. and Mn,. Lamne Bradburn and famiiy, Toronto, with Mn. and Mn,. Wesley Bradbun Mn. and Mn,. Wiil Malfait, Man., wîth Mn,. Fred Bailey, Cacsanea. Mr. and Mn,. Roy Ferguson, Mn. W. C. Fenguson and Mr,. Cecii Hill matoncd ta .Meadowvale on Tuesday ta, attend lhe funenal -ai Mn,. J. J. Fenguson. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Kewcn, To- ronto, visiling aitich Trewin Bras. Tic Swain family received word lasI wcek ai tic dcath oai hein uncie, Mn. Lewis A. Werny at Daytona Beach, Flonida. Mn. Wenry was iormerly ai Cartwright Township and wqs a mernbcr of -the Statesman staff in Bowman- ville ai anc lime. Mr. and Mn,. Graham Finlay- son have gone ta, a ncw home in Edmonton. Four types ai yclaw pin. which grow in tic South are used ion 60 per cent ai tic United St-aies wire service pales, qwv eqAleàTlr-àw ommAnmourAle COOL COOL ý ItOYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 589

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