PAGE SIX -.~ TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO TKtmEDA?. .im.v ~.A ,m&, SPORT NEWS Scorelos Football Foature etftdu Week Since Salina and Hampton play- ed a scaneless draw June 21 ln Uic Darlingtan Football League, Uic habit has been extcnded Urough th: paît week. Tyrone lias been thc surprise in this department, playing two scoreless draws in Ui pce ai three days. June 25 Tyrýone. nvaded Enniskillen ta hold the league leaders ta a 0-0 score. But Enniskillen can stîll boast they have flot been scored against this seasan. On the 28th Tyrone and Zion repeated with a 0-0 contest. Meantime Bowmanville lias siipped into the cellar by ialling twicc ta the fanm lads. Zion came into tawn ta take the city slickens 1-0, and June 28, Bowmnanville went out ta Solina ta be trinined 4-0, on4he grass plot et thec]Public Schaol. What team ta, bet on et the moment ls the pnoblem ai the fans who numben hundreds aiuich upsets citer calculations. Reasoxýing £rom recent results it would appear that Ennhakiflen, Solina and Hampton wiil be ln et the payoff in the League. But don't discount Tyrane. In paît years a lot ai football stars have came up from these rural parti. Too late for aur present issue are Uic resuits ai games played over the holiday. Courtice plays in Hampton Juiy 1, and Orono tack- les Enniskillen July 2. Satunday, July 5, Hampton batties Bowman- ville on the Higli School grounds. COMPLETI CONFIDENCE is priceleas part of the ciiving satisfaction you enjoy when you ride on Generals, the tire that bas built itu reputation on an unbroken record of Top-Quality performance. To the longer trouble-fre. nilleage cf the famous General Silent-Grip Tire, add its quick saf &e ... its quiet smcoth ride .. . and you have the long-remembered reesons why mc many quality- I ninded car owners change.over to Generale. Drive in Vend see us about -new Generalu for your car. Com eto owr shop for EXPERT VULCAIZINE Tire Inspection end Repair Service G. . amieson TIRI DIPOT Corner King and Silver BS., \4- hone 467 I. 'J Peterbore BaH Team Te a 6 &Il Decision Intermediat. Basebali Teain cf the campact but hualn village a0 Newcaotle invadedtegiya Peterbora with ite 30,000 popula- tion, Saturday June 28, ta play a scheduled Lakeshore League gaine. It was a game that showed the fighting spirit ai Newcastle for aiter being down 4-0 ln the 4th they went an ta the MGtt tie the score 6-6 as the game was called on account af darkness. It was a pitchmng duel mast ai the way with iron-man Sandy Grahami going the full route for Newcastle while Murphy for Petes was relieved ini the 8th by Dawson. Graham was nlcked for one run in the 3rd, three in the 4th and twa in the 5th but he blanked the Petes for the rest of thc route. Newcastle came ta ie in the 5th with a brace of runs and reaily went to town in the 8th on a lashing attack that netted four counters to tie thc battie. Cat- cher Johinson led thc attack for Newcastle with twa hits and El- liott hit a homer. Summary: R H E Newcastle - 6 7 1 Peterboro . 6 7 3 Bateris:Newcastle, Grahamn and Johnson; Peterboro, Murphy (8) Dawson and Girard. Royal* Take Newcastle ln Intermedlate Came Playing at Newcastle, June 25, in a scheduled Intermediate basebail game, Bowmanville Royals smothered the home team with a barrage oi hits to chalk up another win by a score oi 14-5. Gilhooley with 4 hits and pitcher Furey with 3 led the parade to the -plate which resuited in 17 bingles, which were offset by 3 errors. While Newcastle played error- less ball they were held by Furey to oniy 5 scattered lits with Mid- dicton getting 2 of them. Smythe came on from Peterboro to pitcli for the'locais but had an off day. However, with no errars, New- castle played sound bail ail the way and ralhied in the ninth ta net two runs. R. H. E. Royale 430 032 llx-14 17 3 Newcastle 000 200 012- 5 6 0 Rayais: T. Bagneil, Gilhooley, youth, AI Osborne, C. Qsborne, Ricehards, Cowan, Pagett, Ames, Sutton, Crombie, Furey. Newcastle: A. Gray, Winters, D. Walton, Middletan, Kimble, Ward, Creamer, Graham, M. Walton, Bonathan, Smythe. Port Hope edged out a fifth straight win by taking Whitby Intermediates Fridiay, at Whitby in a close 4-3 basebaîl game. Bow- manville Rayais play at Port Hope, Juiy 9. Royal. Beat Whitby Un.Dingdong Battis. By Score of 6-4 Railying in the sevcnth ta pro- tect a ane-run lead, Bawmanvillc Rayais crashed out five lits, twa for extra bases, ta score four runs and cinch thein Intermediate base- bail contest against Whitby on the home diamond Saturday ai- ternoon, by a 6-4 score. Hodson who pitched a steady game for Whitby was relieved by Quantrill in the fateful scventh. Rayals lield the line with Mich- aels pitching until lie weakened in the 8th ta yieid a walk and twc lits netting two runs, then Sut- ton taok over ta fan two, nip an- othen off lit and end the scoring for the day. Hit by thc pitcher in tic sec- ond, W. Bagnell made two steals and came home on a bad throw ta third, with no lits in the marne. Whitby tied it in the third on a single, an error by Yourth and a two-bagger. Rayais tailied an- otien in thc fith on Tyson's sin- gle and theft and Gilhooley's neat bunt.1 In the sevcnth Michacîs si1Agled Ted Bagneli tripled, Gilhooley singied, Yourth doubled, Ai Os- borne singled and 4 runs wafted Hodson off the mound. Features in the game inciuded shoestning putouts by Yourth and W. Bagneli, two double plays sparked by the same two play- crs and an easy double play by Whitby. Protests by Al Osborne enlivcned the fans in the heat af the day. Summany: Threc..base hits, T. Bagneli; two--base lits, Yourth 2, Whitby 3; double plays, Rayais 2, Whitby 1; lit by pitcher, W. Bag- neli, Quantrili; left an base, Ray- als 6, Whitby 6. Stnuck out by Michacis 6, Sutton 2, Hodson 4, Quantrili1 C. Osborne ncplaced Richards et third in the th. R. H. E. Whitby -.001 000 120-4 8 i Rayais .-010 010 40x-4 10 3 Champlonshlps at Varsity Stadlum Friday,. July 12th The Women's Ontario Track and Field Champlonshipi will be decided in Varsity Stadlum, Ton- onto, Saturday, July 12, cammenc- ing at 1:30 p.m. Sanctloned and canducted by Uie Wom.n's Ama- teur Athletic Federation ai Can- ada the mec: la Uic finit held since Uic war and i preparatany to th.e 1948 Olympiec Games ta be held In London, Eng., July 30 ta Aug. 14 inclusive. This newa together wlth entry blanks ion eny possible candidates was recelved by The Statesman toci late for publication lait week. It wau iound eloa tht entriez close July 1, whidh eliminates lo- cal entries. It lu likely however that some peaple frcm this dis- trict wili wiah to take in tlie event. FPurther particulans mey be lied by contacting recreetional director Bart Smlthuon. Large Amazan EBa" r Te tropical Amazon basin Io n.arly alarge as th@ United 'Stalas. Cadet Bulletin Usts Standings 0f District Schoole The annuel 18-page Royal Cen- adian Army Cadet Bulletin for June, 1947, has Just been released by Capt. R. C. Graves, Cadet Training Qficer, Eastern Ontario Area. It lists Uic standings af Cadet Corps together with pro- motions in Uic ranks and certifi- cates won during the ycar. The ratings anc in categories ai centres having 2W0 or more cadets down ta 50 and under, numbering four in thc eastern command. Bawmanville High Schaol, in the 3rd division, 50 ta 100 Cadets was placed 1Oth among the 16 inspected Uhis year. Alexandria Higli School came first ta win the Col. Donnan Trophy. Newcastle and Campbelliond High Schools were tied in 2th position out ai 24 inspected in thc 4th division under 50 Cadets. Walter M. Stacey, B.H.S., was posted as Lieut. Cadet Corps., Sept. 1, 1946. Aiso under an order dater May 12, 1947, among cx- service personnel pasted as qual- ified Cadet Instructors is Lieut. E. C. Witherspoon, B.H.S. Posted in Order No. 5, for New- castle Higli School, as "Advanced" are: Major H. M. Britton, Lieut. K. G. Pedweli, c. Sgt. E. T. Powell, Sgt. M. R. Walton, Corpis. F. W. Creamer, W. C. Holubenko, T. S. Venner, L!Cpl. J. R. Mellow and Cadets R. J. Brandi, G. T. Gib- son, H. R. Hoskin, B. W. Brunt, L. A. Martin, A. G. Martin, J. F. Mercer, R. Stephenson, S. R. Turner, N. C. Seiby. Under Order No. 6, the folaow- ing certif icates are granted ta members ai Uic B.H.S. Corps: Offr. Instrs. Harold Stevens, Glenn Brooks, Gerald Morris, Morice Tamblyn, William Harnden, Wil- liam Fpaser; N.C.O. Instrs. Grant Williams, Arthur Maguire, Don- ald White, Nelson Gardiner. Under the same Order the foi- lowing Newcastle Cadets are named: Off r. Instrs.: T. Venner, Spence Creamer, Ronald Powell; N.C.O. Instrs.: R. Mellow, R. Ste- phenson, W. Holubenko,. Keith Pedwell. When a persan spcaks into a microphone, a listener close toaa radio haîf way around the wonid heans liii words before they are heard by people across the noom irom the speaker. DAKERY AND RiSTAURANT OnIy the Best QUAL ITY AND SERVICE Phone 855 Before you throw. away a pair of shoes bring them ta us and wve'll tell yoiù what we can do wlth them to make them give you more wear. MisfIt shoes can often be made comfortabie at littie cost, too. Bowmanville Shoe Repair 12 DIVISION STREET Ir_ This Summer To EASTEIRN QUIBmc and the MA RITEIMES reeadyeage ai die eiwsummet ares fr oh hoidayl ta Eastern :anada ... for a visit home or swa) vth fnicads. Roture limit 21 days, vith stopovers permitted. ueffetive lUNE 23rd to SEPTEMBER 19i FCandia,, Pac Railway AienI. R. H.E. Bowmanville 000 001 0-1 1 1 Hunters 000 000 0-0 2 3 Bowmanville: Cox ni, Williams if, Hooper ss, DeGeer cf, Ciem- ence lb and p, Rundie 3b, Cowle 2b, S]eep c, Dadson p and lb, Martyn rn in Sth. Hunters: Murphy cf, Thampson ss, Souch 3b, Baxter lb, Wallace 2b, Cook ni, Stovin c, Hayward lf, Gavas p. League Standing, June 23 W L T Cobourg --- 5- 0 1 Oshawa Hunt - 5 2 1 Oshawa B .N.. 4 2 0 Peterborough - 2 5 0 Bowmanville 1 5 O Juniors Edge Petes Un Holiday Game By Score of 12.8 Bowmanville holiday basebali fans saw Rotary Juniors demon- strate. a bunt and erron game against Peterboro' an the High School diamond, Tuesday and edge out a win 12-8 ta boost their standing in Uic Lakeshore Lea- gue. EFctra base lits and fait running with steady pitching by Clemence overcame il errons which gave Petes maît ai their. scores. Jaquith on Uic mound for the Petes weakcned in the 7th and Marshall took over with the score 6-9 for the locals. Hits were even up at 10 apiece but Ciemence had the ed-ge by fanning 12, issuing anc pais and clipping anc batter. Petes pitchens fanned oniy five but yielded nine walks and hit anc batter. Mcliveen and Cowie hit triples and Ciemence a twa-bagges whiie Petes had arlc in ecd department. Bowmanvilie started the scaning with a bunt and run attack which accounted for most of their runs and ai 10 laid down, 6 wenc safe- tics. In this crossfire Petes made ail four ai their errons. Summary. R. H. E. iPetes -010 121 102- 8 10 4 Rotary '-114 110 31x-12 10 il Batting Averages Individual batting averages ai iBowmanviile Rayais Intermediate basebail team at June 28, show most ai the players well up in ability ta wieid tic hickory. Pit- cher Daug Furey stili heads tic lust with an unusual average for a moundsman. Whie some names may lie missed the foilowing is taken irom tic officiai score book: AB Hits Av. D. Furey 13 6 .461 A. Osborne 22 9 .409 T. Bagneil 27 il .407 D. Ferguson 6 2 .333 R. Richards 16 5 .313 C. Osborne 7 2 .286 D. Gilhoaley 21 6 .285 T. Cowan 25 7 .280 M. Yourti 31 7 .226 P. Micheal 10 2 .200 R. Ames 14 2 .143 F. Pagett 14 2 .143 B. Tyson 16 1 .063 W. Bagneli 5 0 .000 D. Sutton 6 0 .000 J. Crombie 7 0 .000 In stoien bases Ted Bagneli and Don Gilhooiey arc tied with 6 ecd with Tom Cowan next with 4. Maxie Yourth lias onc home run ta lead in that department. Pitching Record Won Lait D. Furcy 2 1 P. Midheal 1 1 D. Sutton 0 1 Bowmanvilc Rayais have, scar- cd 45 nuns, with 37 nuns against thcm. Bowmanviile Won 3, Lait 3, Tied 1. Tyrone In Top Form Against Ennlsklllei (By, Roy A. Werry) Enniskillen played their finit sconeless game June 25th on home grounds in a Danlington League Football game against Tynone's eleven whici showed sunpnising strength. It was a 0-0 conteit with Enniskillen fortunately able ta maintain its season's record ai nat a single goal belng sconed against the team. The first hall wes fairiy even but In the second heuf Enniskiiien was badly autrun, very seldom getting Uic bail out of home terri- tory. Aimait eveny cleanance was kicked back in by Theisbergcr who ranged about centre field fon, Tyrane. Generaily autpiayed, Ennhskil- len was lucky ta hold their oppon- enta ta a tic. Fans wene persuadcd that it was simply an off night for Enniskillen but their ianm wlll be watchcd July 2, when Orona plays a return gamne against the hilltop speedsters. Tyrone: goal, A. Richards; backs, A. Hoar, B. Thicîberger; halves, L. Skinner, J3. Graham, Stan Hall; forwards, R. Hil, R. Maynard, W. His. A. Cnesswell, H. Miibert; sub, P. Wcrry. ZnniskiIln. goal, Grifieni backsa, Girls have acute hearing, they always detect the engagement ring in a man's voice.-Milwau- kee Journal. J- g Soift - INUULATOU An %optimlist: A man who mer- A railroad jaurney £romn Nèw rs Mssecretry thlnklng be'» York ta Jacksonvile, Fia., re- continue ta b. a ble to diotata -Wt qulred 27 1-3 hours la 1900 but her.-Typo Graphie. Ion]>'le01-3 ln 1944. Juniors Win AMain Talc. Oshawa Hunters The outtanding gaine of the year ln the Junior Lekeshore Basebali League was played et Oshawa, June 26, when Bowman- ville Rotary Juniors beat the strong Oshawa Hunt Club team 1-0 ini 7 innings of sensational play. It was a pitcher's duel ail the way between Gavas of Hun.. ters and Dadson of Bownianviile, with Ciemence relieving Dadson ini the lait twa frames. Wlth anly three hits registered in the entire game, Oshawa got two of them but lost the game on three successive errors. fle Geer was the hero of the game. Punch- ing out his team's oniy bit in the sixth lie was safe steaing second on a wide throw. He streaked for third was hit. on the back by the recovered bail and, like Enos Siaugliter, kept on for home and made It. His hit came after two were out. Clemence heid Hunters hitless in the last two innings ta hold the one run margin. Having won two in a row Bowmanviile appear to have recovered their form. Sumniary: X. M cLaughlin, R. Sharp; halves, B. Veale, H. Bradley, C. Mc- Laughlin; forwards, G. Stevens, J. McLaughlin, Y. Bray, P" Virtue, C. Brunt. Local Leglon Hall An Attractive Centre For the Veterans Down on Qucen St., a short distance east of the High School, the Bowmanviile Legion lias taken possession af the home and grounds formeriy occupied by Barrister M. G. V. Gould and Mns. Gould, and before that for many years it was the home ai the late Mr. and Mrs. John Lyle. The executive of the Legion won un. animaus approval when the deai was completed for the premises are spaciaus enough fdr ail pres- ent needs and offer a view which takes in the broad sweep of the creek valley leading ta Lake On- tario. From this centre the Legion which is now counted as a leader in community service wiil now have a place ta dcvelop Uic large Plans conceived for the .coming years. The interior will be ne- decorated and reurnished for the accamodation af -thc 400 or more veterans who now make up the membership ai the entire district. Winner ai thc shield for the larg- est percentage increase in mcm- berships in 1946, Bowmanville Legian at last has a home ofii ts own. What is more notable the pur- chase was made without any dir- ect appeal for corhmaunity help. It lias been Uic custom in many dis- tricts ta appeal for financial sup- port from municipalities or to ac- cept donations from wealthy pa- trons to secure Legion halls. But Bawmanvilie lias gane &long on its awn and lias attracted public support only on the basis ai an annual carnival ta supplement its resaurces for bath a Legion Hall and community service. Most people of the district are interested in the success of the Legion. Many wiil be pleascd ta pass by the Legion Hall and sec the improvements bcing made. The landscaping is being donc by veteran Oliver Roberts at his own expense. Busy as hie is as super- intendent ai C.P.R. gardens and officiai wced inspector fpr Bow- manville, Mr. Roberts is land- scaping the grounids an Qucen St. in masterful manner. This brief repart icads up ta the current announcements in The Statesman that the second annual Legion Carnivai and Beau- ty Contest wili take place Juiy 18-19 at the Public School grouna. Mark the dates for accarding ta entries paurin.g in this gala local carnival wiil be the bidgest in the history af thus cammunity. Pro- cceds wîli be devoted incrcasing- iy ta community service. Later stories will tell about the entries in the beauty contest and al the athqr attractions for the two-ev- ening frolic. Keen Ear "De~n rI1 L A High-Gloss, Durable TIleLike Plastic Finish Beautifies, pratects, presenves new or aid floors - wood, concrete, mastic or linol- eum. Eliminates waxing hardwood iboors; doci away with "dustl' on cancrete. Ideal for table tops, woodwork, furniture, boats and mhetalwane. ALMATEX hs a tcsted, guaranteed product - 50,000 galions were used in wan-time service. Sold and irecommended by hardware, paint and department stores across Canada. Colon Card and descriptive circulars on request. Supplied In Clear and 6 Attractive Colors p Isn 't it a Fact?'9 0 It motter& liflie what you want ta buy lb... doys .r; ; soup- a shirt; a new car; ; ;: even eiectrlcity (which you don't have to lins up for> continues to b. scarce ln Southern Ontarlo. Have you trled ta bulld a home Iately? ;;; ried t. buy building moterlals of ony kind. What a headache I How would you Mek te be shopping for what's needed for a new electiic power plant? Unimaginable amounts of concrete, steel end alter materials, os Weil os tremendous quantifies of electricai equlpment, wouid have ta be sought out and purchased. t tokes severol monthe flow ta get such equipment as transformers end costs or* up by more thon haîf. The bigger they or* the harder they are t. get. What about the huge generoting stations requlred te supply Ontario wlth an oadltlonal bodly needed haif-millilon horsepower? Wol, they are beîng bullt. They were storted years ogo. Out they cannut ail be ready In 1947. Some won't be reody next yeer. ln the meontime, demand for eiectricity so grewing faster thon new power plants. Few people onywhere use as much electrlclty per person as in Ontario. Few have os much t. use. Enjoy your Iow-cest electrlc power, but use il wlsely. Your Hydre Commission Is doinq everything possible te increase the supply; but ft wiIl ili b. necessary ta conserve electricity thîs fulend winter. moi Mis HYDO-EECTIC POW R CMMSSIN O O TART IOT I.. * O e e e il ' ; r- 64 -e How té live up té a dream .., "PINE TREI" m INTERNATIONAL STERLINe T TS part of your dream-for-two: candlegloiv Jacrosa a table ... the gleam of your own sterling silver... And here's the pattern to, help the dream alang . .. International's dainty, Iavely " Tree," with its delicate outline and the tiny 'Pine Tree on the back cf each piece. "Pine Tree" is sterling silver . . . silver tbrough and througb. Yours for a lifetimneof satisfaction and pride and confidence. Corne in and see "Pine '11,e"9 won't you? MARRIS JEWELLERY TEE CANAZ)UN STATESMM,,BOWbL4NVI= ONTAMO PAGI SIX TRUPMAT. :ULY SM. 190 ri 1 i