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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1947, p. 10

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10W TR EBT ... BWIFT CAKADIAN( We can xive you good delivery now. Green Cross Inecticides ln -Stc Bug Killor Potato Di 3% Basic - Cep - 14%/0W.ttabie1 Let us put a DeLavai Xilker in your barr bave labour and patience. GRb-MOR .ock ust Powdr mna"~ 4.? STMDY MORE BOOTS.' AKMY STYLE AND»fMATERIAL = COMPLETE RANGE 0F SIZES Reasonablo Price BEE THEM TODAY AT 30 WMNVLLE HnOE REPAIR.,Ê 12 Division Street -,.$ PAGE Tfi Congratulations ta the Mimses Gwendolyn Brooks, Stella Best and June Wood who passed theory and. piano examinations . held ln Bowmanville, with honor. , Goodwill Evening Auxiliary met ln the Sunday Sehool oom ai Park St. United Church last Thursday evening. lira. Evelyn Hall's group had charge ai the meeting and lira. W. A. Reid's goup the social hour. Members became better acquanted with lira. A. Eustace who was guest speaker and told many interesting experiences o! hem life as a min- ister's wife ln a northern mining tawn. It was declded to cancel the August meeting of the Auxil- iamy and hold the next meeting the third Thumsday ai September. The social hour was very inior- mal and the spirit ai gaodwill felt ànd enjoyed by ail. *Mr. and lira. Jack Gibson leit on Sunday to visit lmas. Gibson's parents in Newfoundland. lira. C. S. licLaren and son Donald are on a motor trip ta Massey, Ont. Mm. R. E. Logan who ecently bought the brick building owned by the township ai Clarke, la mov- ing his shap soon and will later emodel the upper fiat inta a mo- demn apatment. Congratulations ta lMr. Ronald Patterson wha attained his Bach- elor ai Arts degmee at Toronto Un- iversity. lira. Jas. Dickson has eturned from a very enjoyable trip ta Mexico with Hamilton frienda. A number ai parents 'and fiends ai Omono Girl Guides vis- ited the girls at their camp on Pigeon Lake on Sunday and Wed- nesday. Capt. lira. W. E. Arm- strang eturned f rom camp ast Friday evening. A baptismal service was held on Sunday morning in Park St. United Church, when Glenys Keane and Douglas Arthur Walk- er were baptized by Rev. Hamiet Woliraim and Rev. A. Eustace. Mm. Arthur Bell, Bowmanville,- sang duing the service. lira. A. H. Keane and Mr. lier- vyn Keane attended the funeral ai lmas. Keane's cousin, Mm. Hun, ter, at liantreal. The Garden Club of Whitby' made a tour ai the Provincial Forestmy Station ast Thursday ev'- ening and through the kindness ai Mr. G. M. Linton and bis assis- tants were shown all the intemeat- ing spots. The Hancock iamily picnic was held at the Park last Wednesday and ail report a good time. Visitors: lisas Verna Ommiston, Toronto, andi Miss Roberta Hoakin, Port Hope, with Mm. and lira. Ivison Tamblyn. lir. and lmas. Chas. Wood with lira. J. R. Hoidge and Miss liar- janie Haidge, Toronto, a recent weekend. liMr. and lmas. C. F. Awde at Mr. Harold Awde's, Toronto. Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, spending two weeks' vacation at her home. Rev.' W. G. Hancock, Vancou- ver, B.C., with Mr. and lira. Ed- gerton Hancock. Mm. and lira. J. Blue and Mary with fiends at Toronito and Palm- pela/ I m Shoddy Shrinks SHO9DDY may look like real "iail wool" when you buy lt-but flot for long. Cheap insurance may seern like sound protection but i value shrinks when a loas cornes. When you in- sure your propeity avoid shoddy-insist on real pro- tection through Stuart R. lames INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Successor te L J.. Mason & Son Phones: Office 881 - Houa. 493 King St. Bowmanvmle 1- Thé, Orono News'.. ---------------- Misa ldred * Snowden spent a few daya, with hem siater, lmas. Otis Pitihard, Manotick. Mm. Archie Thampson, Misses Beryl, Hilda and,'Gladyà Thoinp- son, Salem, spent Suniday, With Mm. and lira. Fred Wright.. lirs. Sam -Dewell. lira. - Elrer Wilbum, Hampton; lira. Evemett Hoar, Town;,lira. Leslie Collacutt, lira. H. R. Faley, liaple'Grave, spent Tuesday with Mmm. L. C. Snowden. . Ah repart a vemy- enr. jayable time. Rev., Dr. Green, Tomonto, will accupy the, pulDit an Sunday in the intemeat ai Bible Society.., lira. C. H-. Snowden la. visiting ber daugbter, lira. Albert Brown, Hamilton. Women's Institute will meet on Monday evening, Aug. 4th. Note change ai date. Miss Marlon Snowclen la hal- daying at'home. Don't forget cammunity picnic on Wednesday, Aug. 6th. See caming events for further partic- ulars. .Visitora laat week with Mm. and Mms. C..Mills: lira. Roy Goode, 1&. A* lin. Goode, Shirley Clark,. Can- nington; Mr. and lira. R. J.- Wells, Janet, Barrie; lira. Gardon Shunik, Mamie, Marion, lir. lable Wells; Part Pemry; lmas. Ed. Jenninigs ana family, Actan; Mr. and lirs.:Len- ord'Stainton and faniily, .Mm.. apd lira. Harold lis and family, En- niskillen; Mr. and Mms. Wm. P ery and Rickie, Part'Permy. Misses Barbara and Joyce Millg are visiting their cousins, Marie and liarion Shunk, Part Pemry. Congratulations ta Mr. and lmas. Otis Pritchard, lianotich, (nee Betty Snowden) an the'armival af a son.i Evenlng Auxiliary met et the home a!flmas. Howard Crydermnan on Thursday evening. lira. Wal- lace liunday. pragmam canvener, opened the meeting with prayer; scritpure meading, lira. Stephen Jeffery; meading con "Christian Stewamdship"' by lira. Wallace Munday; Community Friendshi.p, lmas., W. H. Brown; prayer, lira. Ralph Ommiston; vocal sala, Dom- een Jeffery; piano solo, Edna Swalhaw. Business was conducted by lira. E. Twist, President. At this time the President spoke al few words explaining how aorry they weme ta baose anc a! their members, Misa Susie Laird, wha is heaving next month ta go ta Edinburgh, Scotland, for a year on the exchange o! teachema. lira. Wallace Munday presented Susie with a photo album, Susie thank- cd aIl for the lovelY gift. A social time was enjayed. Next meeting at Mms. Stephen Jeiiemy's Aug. 28th. The featumed musical attraction at the Canadian National Exhibi-. tion this yeam will be the magnifi- cent band of the .United States Navy. The band will be under the leadership of Lieut. Commian- der Charles Breridler, and 'wfill be composed of eighty-two skilled musîcians. This band, which ap- peared- at the Exhibition porne years aga, has been described. by music critics as perhaps the most popular band ever to appear at the C.N.E. This la The Bout Place To Soli Your FAIM PRODUCE At tlii.sea of the year we are «ed&U'ely goed buyers of liENS - SPEINO CmICKENS EGGS . SPIRING LAfflS and VEAL CAL VES Il w. aie not-gettlng your pro- deee now we would appreclat. your glvtn &us awIL Ybg wilI fin" Our .pion equai t. or botter t4n thoe.yoeu m,«ai eiewhere. Pickéring Faims Lti Wbutby 336 - NIght or Day WbItby . Ontario - -I Tr-. [~A STA~MA, BWUAZ<VILE, ONTAMI =r erstion. Misa; C. McKay of the' Arm-; stmoxig store, holldaying with Mr. and lirs. A. G. McKay, Kincar- dine. Mr. C. S. MicLaren w1th Mir. ihd: Mr&. Harry Clark, Presdott. Mm. axid Mmm. A. Latiyton,, Hax- wood,,with lir. and MÜ.s. ToÈeph Walker. With 1&., and li. A. H. Keane and family, lirs. Black, irelaind, Mir. Gea. -Keane, Toronto,, Rev. and lira.,H. Wolfmaimac aýy Anpriar. ~R n amy Mir.adsR. E. Logan, Mms.' C. Wood and David Phasey-with Mir. and lira. Lorenzo.-Truil at William's Point, Lake Scugog. Mir. and Mrs. Harold HËancock and family, Oshawa, with Mr. -and Mia Edgerton -Hancock. lmas. Lloyd Crabbe with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. DouglasSimpson and baby at the MicIsaac's cottage. Mm. and lira. Ray Canleton*;'nd family, Woodstock, with Mr. and lirg. Mac Carleton. Miss liunroe, Toronto, with lira. Win. Lynch. Mir. and Mrs. Gordon Major and Penny Jayce, BoWmanvillé, with Mir. and Mrs. Russell Major. lira. F. Tamblyn with lmas. Wm. Wilbum, Hampton. Mir. and lira. Frank liason, of Oshawà, and Mir. and Mri. R. Van- homne, Whitby, with lira. F. Tam- blyn and Mir. and Mrs. C. Miler. Maple Grove CRTS The ewcatle mdpUlmt Phome: Clarlie 381 glas,'and Jlimy,.8carboto BMzft at Mr. qnd- Mra. Roy McGIU-g Miss Laverne-Orvhaidand'1fubs Elva Orchard, Bôwmanvil%- at Mir. and Mrs. iton Stail's. -Mr. and lira. Jack Trimmrno, Toronto' 'ai 1*?.,W. H. Moore. lira. J. lb. Brawn, Ororro,- at Mir. and Mrs. R. Ormiston's.. Mrs.'A.' Lead4eater mnd baby George spent tic week .witkre1- atives in Toronto. IF"O «Chot: X.R&Y -Atuïe 1Soaeothe fineg dyý.Of the freercjibest X-roy survey spon- sored b«e . by th~e Bowmau4ville L4ifflClub hi .co-peration with the, OnUiooT1uberculosis Associa-ý tion and the Ontario Depatm t qfHe, over 3,00O esiderds ofi Camwrlght, .Manvers and -Clar'ke. gorhis re ceived, ealiain 1lh.rpleased W-ith the results, surv~ey -ff içials, expressaaedtheir appeiation of the fine response given.the project by local citizens, many of whom willlngly aerved as, canvassers and'survey attendants. In accordance 'with 'generally accepted survey ?outine,* no ef- fort was made to canV'ass child- mon undêr 13 years-of age so that the figures about represent a vemy excellent attendnance at the sur- vey c entres. In fact, one munici- pality had a, 95 per cent attend- ance which speaks well for the or- ganization of the:.canvass as well as the great public interest in the praject Prelirninary reports'already re- ceived In the Health Unît office would ifidicate that'the people ln, the rural areas of Durham county show a very marked esistance to the dread disease of tubercuhosis. Those who have received no cam- muhica'ýion egarding their X-ray can now assume that "no news la gaod niews." Famiely Réunion ~Irhe basket o-f beautiful roses ln the,.ýUrited Church 01V Sunday morming was placed there. in loy- fiw me*iaty of Jop*than A. Awde ogpaseed away in July; 1941. Éfaa Paline. DeLine and Miss Margaret Asb are recaverlng frmm p attack af the niumps, wbicb !ave been prevalent in the vil- lage. 'Misa Margaret Wright, Toronto, vlslted hem grandniother, lmas. H. A. Wetlierell. ý;.The employees ai the J. Ander- son Smith Ca. are enjo«ng a ten days' vacation. lira. Donald Clapper, Windsor, .the 'former Miss Hilda- Gibson) irlsited lirs. Fmank Gibson.' lins. Harald Hajtken vlaited hem 4iusband in Tamonto General Hos% ital an Sunday. . She wa& aCccm- pgnied by Mm. Tracy Embley and Mr. Stanley Powell. lirs. Joseph Ison, Calgary, Alta. (the. former Miss liabel Atkin- son), is gueat ai hem sister lira. W. H. Pearce. It la 18 years since lima. Ison was East. lirs. Russel ,Calwill and.Mr. and lira. Roy Col.- will, Toronto, motored hem down from Toronto, on Friday. Hem many irienda are glad ta welcome back ta the village lira. Jack Gibson, who has been resid- ing in Windsor for the past Iew yeara and who is now visiting hem son and daughter-in-law, Mir. and lmas. Jim Gibson.. Mm. -and Mms. Jack Wade at- tended the branch meeting af the Canada Lufe Assurance Co. in Pet- emboro on July, 24. A banquet was held at the Empresa Hotel and aiterwards the evening waa spent at the home ai the bmanch manager.,lMr. James Marshall. lira. Herbert Brown and lira. Robert Gibson-spent a couple ai days in Toronto this week. Miss Coma Butler and Miss Hat- tie liason have been, holidaying in Tomanto and Niagara Falls. Rev. and lmas. W. W. Patterson, Miss Kathleen Toms, Misa Clame Aluin, Misa Louise Hancock, Mr. Francis Jase are attending the United Church Young People's Union Camp at Oak Lake. lira. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, la visiting ber mother, lira. George Rickard. Mr. and lira. T. Enwright, Con- nie and Wilired, and Mm. and lmas. Ross Embley are holidaying at Strathmoy. Mr. Douglas Walton also aperit a few days in Strath- roy. lira. Joseph Hocken spent the weekend in Kingston with hem husband, Lieut. Joseph Hocken. Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, was home and attended the Rick- ard famîly picnic at- Orono Park on Saturday. lira. D. Schwalm and lira. George Toyne, Rouge Hill, were viaitara with lira. Gardon Aah. Miss Helen Ash has returned home aiter srnending a fevr datrs in Toronto with hem aunt, lira. R. G. Wright. Miss Phylhis Dickens, Belleville, spent the weekend guest ai Mm. and lmas. J. S. Dyer wbo'also have their httie granddlaughter, miss Judy MeKeown, Toranto, visiting them. Mm. J. Ahvorn, Oshawa, is me- lieving Manager~ J. H. Smith, ýCa- nadian Bank oai Conmmerce, while he is on vacation. Burglars broke into the home af Mm. Asa Clark on Saturday ev- ening and ansacked the bouse, takng among other thiigsa awrist Wac the property oi his son, Clarence Clark. Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Brawn and son Bo'bby are visiting hem parents in Part Elgin. Miss Dareen Selby and lis Barbara Osborne are vislting their aunt,lira. Leslie Guy, Oshawa. lembers ai Newcastle Basebal Team are eplendent in new gray and red uniforma. Each of the accampanying liat af names con- tributed $10.00 ta purchase a suit and which bears the name o! the donor on the back: H. S. Britton, E. Tomlinson, B. Harris, H. J. Toms, J. S. Dyer, Jim Smith, J. Taylor, K. Aiken, K. Weyrich, G. Graham, A. Glenny, D. G. Walton, E. Johnston, G. Ferguson, B. Ward, W. D. Thickson, H. C. Bon- athan, R. LeGresley, Tony Byras. Erînùiillen lira. Vemna Wood, Toronto, at Mm. and lira. S. R. Pethick'a. Mm. and lira. S. Rodman, Mr. and lira. C. Graham, Misa Dor- othy Graham, Scugog, Mm. and lmas. J. Trimmer, Toronto, Mr. and lira. Gardon Beech. and Jan- ice, Bowmanvîhle; Mr. and lira. I. Travell and Bruce, Oshawa, with Mr. and lira. O. C. Aahton and lira. E. C. Ashton. Miss Mary A. Bradley is visit- ing Misa Doreen Rahm, Tyrane. Mr. and lira. Lamne Griffin and Jean, Pumple Hill, with lira. Mary Griffin. lira. J. Bhackiord and Bruce, Leaside, Mr. and lira. Norman Wright, Bowmanville, at Mm. and lira. Edgar Wright's. Miss Gloria Wright is holiday- ing with Mm. and lira, W. E. San- derson, East Whîtby. Rev. and lira. Seymoaur have eturned from their hiolidays at Stephenson's Point, Scugog Is- land. lira. S. Trewin with Mm. and lira. Hugh Annis. Mm. and lmas. Harold Ashton spçnt the weekend with Mm. and, lira. R. Keraey, Trenton. Mr. Gardon Stevens visited friends in Toronto. Mm. and lira. H.,licGill and family visited Mr. and lira. F. Bray, East Whitby. Masters Joe licGill and Grant Werry are holidaying with their aunt and uncle, Mm. and lira. J. Borrowdale, Oshawa. lira. McHugh, Jean and Gracie, Taronto, with Mm. and lira. L. Wearn. Master Ray Ashton la holiday- ing with Master Bert Werry. 1' Headquarters for Eloctric Appliance Repairs Higgoii Electic. 'POUR- GENERAL ELIBOTRIC APPLIANCJE DEALERý Phone 438 42 King Ot. ~ 58s The Friendly Chain of Hardware ami Electric Stores are again offering not only aomething new but aomething truly remarkable. IVfont gomery-Ward Hoe-Trac or Plow Trac. A, MUST for gour farm. ..Increase Profits a awuth S8 NDE-TRAC entractor Sa powerful ... so simple and easy ta handie . .. that ail ours ta a you have to do is follow and guide it. Economical on able gar- fuel, too. Has ail the equiprnent for cultivating, seeding, s, country discing, haymowing, lawnmowing and plowirig ini Iight SOUlS. Also provides portable power - just drive it ta the lob. Power take-off .e wilI run a separator, pump, etc. In fact, Hoe-Trac is so versatile you'il wonder how you got along without one. HOE-TRA&C Pri-ced at z00 Write ta Oshawa Store for MailIMDAT Order Dellvery. W. deliver any- weelu Ontario. '0111LVERY WARD'S PLOW-TRA C.00 H"1vY DUTY. ,31 KHo..... P..............E30lUVa Jackson's Point e *Oshawa Bel leville Mrs. A. Sharp, Captain' and Mrs. Hl. W. Gregg and Donald with Mrs. Henry, Pour Mile Tae Mir. and lirs. Cameron Oke, Oshawa, holidaying wlth Mr. md Mmm. Albert Oke. .Master Clark Werry is viaitlng with Keith Van, Camp, Black- stock. Mr' and Mrs.--Haward .Oke, Osh- awa, Mm. aid lira. ruce Ashton and Larry, 'Purple Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John Oke with Mr. and Mrs. Walter -Oke. Mr. Lawrence Adams, Mir. and Mrs. Milford McDonald, Bow- manville, Mr. Jimmy Fallis, Cad- mus, with Mir. and Mrs. James Adams. Miss Jean Adams, Bowmanville, holidaying with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams. Despite a cantinual downpour of main, a large congregation at- tended the re-opening service of the Enniskillen United Church on Sunday evening. Special music was given by Hampton Choir un- der -the capable leadership of lirs. K. Caverly. Rev. W. C. Smith, Port Perry, in his sermon gave a distinct challenge to A~l to be liv- ing examples of their leader, Je- sus. He congratulated the resi- dent minister and the decorating' committee on the beautiful edifice and also thanked ail who donated fiowers. On Monday evening, Solmna Young People presented their play "Look Out Lizzi&' in the church shed ta an apprecia- tive audience. Al ai the parts were well taken and everyone en- joyed the evening ta the utmost. Community singing was conduct- ed by lirs.' Seymour. Proceeds are for the decoration fund. Mr. and lirs. Fred Billett, flou- .... .. ----------. ~ - - - - - - - - mi b WILL TAKE AWAY ALL Dead or Crippled Farm Stock FREE 0F CHARGÇ' Highest Prices Paid for OId Norses ]PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERSE CHARGES N. PECONI, Propriotor. 4 4 FERTILIZER NEWS Now in the trne to thlnk of ordering the Tertilizer for your Pau Wlieat. W H. DROWN DRALEE FOR Cam FaimmMaeblnery - Fwge Tf. DeLaVUl Mkeum Nd Deatty r... Stable Euhpmeaî si Kig st. -W.,pm4 COMPLE WI-RINO SERVICE If you are in need of wiring for house, fa rr or business why not have it done in 'one oper- ation. We apecialize in ail types of electrical wiring and can f ill your every need., Give -us a call to-day and we will. b. gla.d ta furniali you with a free estimate, AND . RESTAURANWI OnIy thie Best > QUALITY AND SERVICE Phone 855 TROMPSON PICNIC The remaining. members and their families of the Thompson Clan, sons and daughters of the late Mr. -and Mrs. Edward Thomp- son, were united again in happy fellowship, when they held their famiy picniic at Orono Park on July 20. Durirng the afternoon sports and swimmnlng were much enjoyed by the younger folk while the old timers were quite satisfied to sit and talk over old times. When called at supper hour more than 45 sat down to a sump- tuous mea.l with a table laden with aburftance and treats such as fresh fruit,, pies and watermelon. Aiter satisfying -their hunger some car- ried on with sports while- others took in the trip through the for- estry which is at its best- this time of year. Members present included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson, Oshl- awa; Mr. anld lrs. Thomas And- erson and. family, Whitby; Mr. and lira. MltonThompson and farnily, Unionville; Mir. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson and family, Tyr- one; Mr. and Mrs. Simon McCoy, oldest couple present, Tyrone; Mir. and lirs. Elwood Levy and family, Flint, Mich., who made their first visit in over 10 years; Mr. and lira. Allan Thompson and family, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Calmer and family, Bracebridge; Mir. and Mrs. Ray Anderson and family, Anprior; Mm. and lirs. Francis Thompson and family, Mir. and Mrs. Stanley .Hodgson and famlly, Mir. and Mrs. H. Moses, Mr. and lirs. George Grahamn and family, ah aof Bow- manville. 1% LP kiL 4v-mýw q

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