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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1947, p. 11

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THURSDAY, JULY 3 lit, 194? TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWM~NvrLLii ON'I'AMn U A MU UV--- J SPORT NW JqnIor Basebal Leffue 8tasWing AO iJuy9Sth The executive ai thé Lakestiore .Tni~r~,~eS1lLeague has at 1 A!W-.tidiaid .time étoýcoiftrm teami st dlaU$ up tô Juliy 25. The, fol- loing.doc*s not- laclUde games pl ed , Saturday, July 26. Bow- nvIle -fel ta fourthi po'itiôon ai- tIà*los, ta WPNai B'Rith, but ýwith fot* gamnes yet t'a be registered the locals may win back a rung or two. After he game in Cobourg, Sat- urday, Bawmanville have threc mare games before thie season ends, Auguat 6, and the piayoffs begin. Hunt Club arc here July 30, tien a trip ta Peterbaro, Aug. 2, is followed by the final, Petes ah Bowmanville, Aug. 4. The Record W. L. T. B'Nai B'Rith 7 4 0 Cobourg 7 4 i Hunters 6 5 1 Bowmanville 5 6 0 Peterboro 3 9 0 At> Household Finance Cor- prioyou-may borrow from $20 ta $1000 without endorsers or bankable security. And, you may take 42:or 15 znonths ta repay. 21 éven 20 -or 24 months pn bansof i rgeéraniaunts. JUST 3 SIMPLE STEPS~a to get the money you need, First: phone, visit or write the Hbusehold Finance office nearest y'our home. Second: decide how much mney you need and how you want to repay it.'Third: as soon as your application is approved, the money is yours, usuàlly the same day you apply. You may borrow at Household for almost any worthwhile purpose- To pay overdue biils Repair your praperty Educalional expenses Purchase ncw equipmentr Doctor, dentist fées Business opportunities So, neit time you need extra money, use Household's prompt, friendly money ser- vice. Phone, write or visit the Household Finance Corporation office near your home today. Rurale Los. te B.T.S. In Overtime Gamie .Brenton Rickard crashed out a 9th inning hamer to sin-k the .Rùr- als 7-6 in a scitbail League game at the Public Scliool grounds Fnl- day evening. It waa a classic contest in which the Rurals had the B.T.S. hanging on the ropes at the end of the 61h by a score of 6-2. For Rurals, it would have been their first win in six starts. But they weakened- in the 7th ta tie the score and two extra inn- ings were played for the. break which Rîckard supplied. As the surnmary below shows it was an odd game so far as hits meant scores, for Rurala had only 4, anc a homer by Gay, againat 10 by B.T.S. But the school teach- ers bootcd 4 errors against 1 for Rurals who were spectacular in the field. Wood 's went the route for Ruf!- ais against Ace Richards and Don Mason for B.T.S. Mason reiiev- ed Richards in the 7th and. 8th, but Ace came back in the 9th to cop the win. Woods fanned 4, waiked 8. Richards fanncd 12, walked 10. Mason aliowed oniy 1 hit in 2 frames. Rurals got 1 in the 3rd on a waik and an error. G 'ay homer- ed for another in the 4th. B.T.S. evened in the same frame on a walk and a double. flurals added 2 in the 5th on a walk and a left field hit that was a gift home run. The 7th paid off for B.T.S. Wil- liams daublcd, came home on a passed bail. A walk waa ad- vanccd on Poilard's safe bunt. Rickard, pinch-hitting, doubled. Ace smackcd a long sacrifice ily. Mason walked and Connors sing- led. Net 4, runs and a 6-6 tic. Rickard tore it la the 9th. RE Rurals 001 122 000 6 4 1 B.T.S.. 000 200 401 7 10 4 Batteries: Rurals, Woods and Art Richards. B.T.S..' Ace Rich- ards, D. Mason andi Connors. Rurals: Blackburn, L e vi1t t, Johnson, Pickell, Gay, Osborne, Woods, A. Richards, McDonald. B.T.S.: Mason, Connors, Miller, Williams, Werry, Bagneil, Ran- stead, Pollard, Ace Richards, Rickard (5th). Umps: Coyle, plate; Hobbe,j bases.11 Hooper Tops Pltchers in Belleville District Ed Hooper, iran-arm pitcher for Bownianviiic Rayais Iast year, continues bo shine on -thc mouad for the Napane lean ln, the Belle- ville District Inhermediahe "A" group luis seasan. Having turix- ed la some notable performances duigseveral weeks past, Ed. troucd Trenton R.C.A.F., on Saturday, by a score ai 17-3. Ed. wiammed tiem acrasa the plate for a shuhout up to, 1h. ixth. wicn tie huge Napance leadà ledi hlm ta relent by threc ruas on easy offerings. Eci. is tic manager of the Napane. branci, Dominion Stores Ltd. H. pitcheci fine hall overseas with a Canediart team in Europe. Goodi idea la in- vite Napanec ta play, an 'exhibi- tion in Bowmanvllle. Aladdin, was ü Lucky FeIIow!l CAiaddtc end the gong* of bis megtc Iamp coutd produce onything doslred .. ne scactis . . . no doiys. but whon 1? cernes te building n.w Hydre generotlng plonts te supply OntorIe's over-growing demand, teck et building matenlais le proving e problim for whlch Hydre hot ne maglc cure. Dem*nd fer elotecity Io growlng lutter thon new pewor plats con b. buili. Ift akos. asiggenieig ameunt of cencrets, steel, tumber and oleitnIc.i equipment te bulld a new power devalopment. If ail hos te be shepp.d fer, dlilver.d ta the job and eseembled. A difficuit task ln theso, deys of short supply. To provkftob"yeowlth ailitheo ottricdty they mlght 1k.e euse durlng fait and wlnt.r 'menthe woldrequit* n.w goeretnq stations *quel te one-flfth of sur present total supply of over 2,600,000 Construction on thoe encd other Hydro proets hue been under way for a long time. Your I4ydro lu pushihg them just es faël os matorle-con b. obtain.d . .. coing ta de in 3 veut% whef wouid nermolly t te.7! yeors. On. wiIl start dellverino 4'. 70,090 becsepaw04' tht, tati. Another 8 1,000 horseper in* 1948. By 1930 the hugè 08mw.r River devotopmect wtil $tort to pour its 360M 0@hors.pew.r tnite .OctertoHydre eyst.m. Few piaces ia.the worM have as much electicify cavollable pet porson es Ontarie. 1)etwew muet conserve star .Iectrlcity s. thet new homes, forme end industries wiII «Il reoelve iheir shureg ne thej lb. wheete of mur faectoriese 'Y 6 wtl b. kept turminq end maximum emptoyacont und production manlned ..USE HYDRO WISELY ecd thore wilt b.e c.ugh fer' ail. UiS-AR IV R .P VE C M l,-I)N (r (N A I - -o- - - Wlnner of Open Seagram. GoId Cup Here's South Africa's Bobby Championships -at Toronto Scar- Locke and the SeagramGold Cup, bôro. Locke's victory takes the embiematic of Canadian goifing Seagram Gold Cup out of North supremacy, aiter Locke had es- America for the first tim'e in his- tablished a record of 268 for 72 tory. holes in the Canadian Open Golf Ajax Waiiope Locale After 3 Straight Losses Failure ta, hit led ho the defeat af Bowmanville Legion in an in- ter-service softball league game playeci on the Public School grounds Thursday cvening. Siam- ming out 4 home runs, 3 triples, 2 dou'bles against 1inl each cat- egory b y Bowmanviile resuitcd in a final score af 15-7. Ron Rich- ards hut a circuit clout in the 6th as the only feature for Bowmaa- ville. Trcwia was replaced an the mound by Ace Richards la the 5th, who blankeci Ajax ia tke last twa frames whilc tihe locals won back thrce runs. Tie loss follow- cd 3 straigit wins by Bowmnan- ville over Ajax. In Thuraday's gamne severai af tic local regul- ans failed ta htum out. The game was delayeci due ta playens hav- ing ta cicar up débris left by the Legion Carntvai. Summnary: Ajax, 15 runs, 14 hits, 3 errons, 5 fanned, 2 walkcd. Bowmanvllle: 7 runs, 9 hits, 4 errors, 8 fanned, 6 walked. Ajax: Wiles, Hood-, Harold, D. Barefoot, Koch, Leonard, Arsen- auit, R. Barefoot, Stewart. Bowm*anville: Little, R. Rich- ards, Jackman, Micdileton, Ace Richards, Shehan, Tice, Trewin, Knight, Poiley (7th). R HE Ajax 325 410 0 15 14 3 3owmanville 100 321 0 7 9 4 t b e v 9 h E ai a A B Royal's Se9 t Whitby Un Listless Camne By Score of 12-3 Four pitchers figurcd ln a fea- hureless Intermmediate 'League basebali gaine on the High School diamoad, Saturday, wiich me- sulted inl a 12-3 wia for Bowman- ville Rayals over Whihby Woivcs in fine innings. Piillips, ex-Strahiord sauthp~aw, started on the mounci for Whitby and was down 4-1 whea reiievcd la thecfflti. Miciacîs for Royals, tossed tic pili ta relief pitcher Furcy ia the seventh. whcn he wcakencd andi retiredi with the count 9-3. Furey ailowed aniy one hit from Ihere in. Whit'by's Pinch pitcher was hammered for eight ruae. Yourti was Uic standout af the session, scoring four rune, getting lhree huts, coea homer, anc a two-bagger and he was stnuck by a pitcheci bail la thie ighth. "Par- ky" Osborne uit tire. safeties and hwo cach wenh ho Giliooiey, Furey: and Tyson. Royals got hwo la the first on a waik ta Ted Bagneli, a hit by Yourti and both came home on Furey's drive ta centre. A dis- pute arase la thc third, Giliool- ey gat ho hhird on two successive errors and stole home when Mi- chacîs fanneci for tic Ihird aut, but thi. bail waa droppcd andi lie throw-out at flrst came after Gil was safe home. Yourth homercd ia lie fouti. Ia the fith Uic Rayais ham- mered thie new pitcher for tire singles andi two doubles for five rune. "Pamky"' Osborne slngied, Bill Bagneli, who rclilvcd Rich- ards, waikcd, Cowan hit foz hwo, Miciacis singieci, Ted Bagnel walkcd, Yourth doublcd and Gil singlcd but was caugit oIe first. Tic cigh ended it for Rayais. Yourth was beariec, Glluhooiey was on through an error, Furey doubi- cd, "Porky" 'sîngied, Bill Bagneill walkcd again, and tir.. runs counted before lie side was re- tired. Whitby gat' a lone.tally ln Uic third> on an error, a waik and a scratch uit ta centre liaI was booted and tic run counted.- In tic seventh Michael& wastouched for three straightt uts,- hwo -dau- bics and a single for twa carned runs. Fureywernh in cold andi re- tired th. aide with atrîkeouha. Whltby ___001 000 200--~~ 3 7 3 Rayais --- 201 150 03X--12 14 3 Rayais: T. Bagneli, Yourth Gil- haoley, Furey, C. Osbarne, hîci- ards, Cawan, Michacis, Tyson, W. Bagneli (5th). MOVINS WEST %.Rwliusom Lttsd r«01"17 ,m.k. Md mmdshp Hiiald uïeulur. IruIBht "tuis. t abIIahed 1055 e» Yow4. St.. Tocam .Kité5dai. 5Sin MM - ffl. Juniors Tako Cobourg, ln the County Town By Score of 4 to 1 In a strong comeback bid.for a playoff place in the Junior Lake- shore Basebali League, Bowman- ville's. Rotary teamn invaded Ca- borg, JýSaturday ta register their fis in ai the season aver tic County Town aggnegation by a score ai 4-1 in nine, innlngs of bang-up basebali. It was quite a reversai af play against B'Nai B'Rith ah Bowmanvillc. Ciemence andi Martin took coin- mand by rctiring nine mcn straight in thc first thrce innings. But Bowmanville were helci as weli as the game continucci score- less lato the flfthi. Two doubles ln a row gave Cobourg their sole tally. 1h came as a break in tic oniy thnee hits in the game off Ciemence. EHooper starhed is teammates off in thc sîxth with a double, tie first ai his two extra base clouts, which evened lie score, and ad- dcci anotier for gooci measure. Well placeci hits, theits andi buats added single scores in the 7th and 9th, with DeGeer doubiing a fly into the lake. Williams replaceci Cowle at se- cond for the game and,' Dadson was back ah first whlch tightened the inficici with a limit ai anc scratch errar. The outfield erroreci tire limes on hard chances. Cobourg booleci hwo. Ih was a reai pitch- c rs' duel. Clemence didn't walk a man. The story is tl in eight huis for Bawmaavilie, lirce for Cobourg. It was tie final league gaine behween lic two teains. The final gaine is August 4, with Pet- erboro ah Bowmanviile. 'COUETICE CourtIce Spiurg. Upsets Standing ln FoothaN PIcture S#owlng a burat of power that has upset cuirent caiculat.lons, ln the Darlington Football League, the. Courtice teamn made headlinea Iast week by defeating Zion 6-0 and downing' the league-leading Sauina heam 4-1. The wins place Courtice above Hampton andi wise money naw backs Courtice ta win the piayoffs. Bath Solina and Hampton ap- pear ta be weakcning or Orono la greatly strcngthened for thc best Solina coulci do waO ta tie Orono 1-1 andi thc worsh Hampton coulci do in a postponed game was ta, ac- cept a 2-1 bcating from Orono. Enniskiiicn vas idie last wcek which permitteci Courtice ta pull even for second- place in the lea- gue. Officiai figures phoncd ln give the following league stand- ings, July 29. W. L. D. Pt. Sauina --------7 2 2 18 Enniskillen ____6 1 e 15 Courtice _____ 6 2 3 15 Hampton 6 2 2 14 Tyrone - 2 4 3 7 Orono ______2 6 i 5 Mon 1____ i7 i 3 Bowmanvillc __ 1 i8 i 3 Smile . .. No saur pusses now *.. Give yourseivcs some contrai *... make those ankies work. How ta walk-there's somcthing ta il. That's what the new mod,- els for the Canadian National Ex- hibition are finding thcs. nights as thcy concentrate on precision steps under the direction af Pas- quale D'Angeio, model instructor. 1 Local Ternis Club Holde Round Robin -At Creain Of BarIey of Uic Bowmanville Tenuis- Club g tered et Uic courts ah tthe neam of Barley Camnp ta partic- ipate ln a round robin. and weiner roast. The round robin proved Warden's Excursion: Mouday, August 4 ONTAIO James and Don Maa ilîe the victors. Mn. Jamesand4. >& kept the other playm.uhusU$Vng, through the entire -evoo4~ 1 9:30 a huge firewus biutM n'. tlred playeri mat clowni to.OO9y. hot. dogs and soda pop. u . James then lad th. m#Mbe»s li a slng-sang afler which. 6"~.'n departed wlth hopesoai ano.thor COBOURG TO ROCH ESTER Leave Cobourg at 8 a.m. - Arrive back at Cobourg, 12 midalght EVERYONE WELCOME ON TRIS EXCURSION Tickets may be obtalncd from any Reeve, Deputy-Reeve or- Clerks of the Counties. 'NORMAN GREEN, Warden, Durham and Northumberland' j- A BUICK buycr is practically that, of £Lcourse, the minute h. takes over any new 1947 Buick. Neyer before has any autamobile so completcly won the country by its béauty-ao ciearly defined theshape of cars ta came. But ta really take the stage and holdit- ta cut a dasbing figure in the smartcst of imart Àcompany-people evcrywhere are settingtheirsigbtson tlis boldb'eautyhere. It is witbout question the moae.'exciting version of Canada's most wanted car. le's wanted for the freedoin one feels when its hand y control swings back the top-tild the sky becomes* your roof and the birda your travel mates. It's wanted for the lift and surge of its ssinyustraight-eight Pirebai power plant, ANNUAL SPORTS AT DA Y DIOWMAN VILLE BEACH (WEST SIDE) Civic Holiday, Au;. 4 Games and Contents forý,Children and Aduits SPORTS START at 9 a.m. andis 5p.m. DANCING - REFRESHMENTS - FREE FERRY SERVICE NEW BOOTHS - PLENTY OF ENTERTAINMENT Corne Early and Spend the Day. EVERTONE WELCOME master of every grade and bill, monarch of the farthest horizon. lt's wanted for bignessaand the deep comfort of low-set, cusblony seas- wanted for thc floating eaue of soft ail-coil springing, and the sure-footed aride cf a car that's big enough and brawny enough for its job. It's wanted for styling that already bas set thc pattern for years ta came-it'à wanied for fun, for adventure, and for year.round, ail-round full fsmily use. Sa many people want Buick, and oniy Buack, tuat the demand continues fer ahead of cnr ability to deliver. But this big brawny beauty deserves your last ounce of patience . .. so while you watt, depend, on your Buick Dealer's expert service ta keep yourproient caron the roid. ONLT DUICE MRAu A!ili THU 4AIRFOIL FEPE RFRALL POW * ACCURITE CVUIU 8soma 4 uE wU0HT PISONS *DIJIOIL Pfflom * PJWLLENO1H TOEQUOUE DRIVE M4 M P*- M ENNG4*DOADRIM tWLS 4STPON PARMONGDRAKE 4DWFLIX SUAT CWOffi mm EL<TZONE D800V M<NTW 4CURL-AROUND 5UMPER* 4M«fifUL4M OCU Wheli bettei hef, bentqqqtire butit BUICI( L will b il t1ild BORROW Without Endorsers HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 1 .Sinco. Street Souma rover os) Phono Oshawa 3601 OSHAWA, ONT. s" S.I..' moi. fteum. sand ,.ddWi f eoyf howm I Roy; W.NICHOLS CIREVIROLET - PONMIC - OLIMtonLE . turCK AND CADILLAC CARR CIIEVItOLET AND G..C. T19UCKS TnmqsDAT, MLY sist, 1947 M CANADUN STATEMIM. BOWMANVMU. ONTAPJO 1 pAtIlE wrimmn Lq,

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