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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1947, p. 13

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~HURSDAY. JULY Sut, 194? TEE CAIiADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO PAGE T~RTEEN .---~ ~ %TA1NAN-Mr. and Mr8. Bill Wannan, Orono, anounce the birth of their son ai Bowmnanville Hos- pitl on July 27th, 1947. 31-1 DEATIl ANDRUS - I n Bowmanville o n July 29,- 1947, Jennhe Andrus, wi- dow of Burton Andrus, aged 79 years. Resting ai the Morris Fu- neral Chapel, Bowmanville. Ser- vice i the Chapel on July 31, at 3:30 pm.i. Interment Orono cern- etery. SHAVER-At 1374 W 9th Ave., Vancouver, on July 27, 1947, Charles Leslie Shaver, husband ot Gertrude Moase and beloved father of Alice Shaver. Interment Ocean View cemetery, Vancouver, B.C. 31-1* TOD-Suddenly, at Whitby, on July 24th, Charles Tod, beloved husband of the late Ida Louise Burden, and dear father of Walter Douglas of Three Rivers, Que.; Mrs. Francis J. Mclntyre, of Whitby, and Mrs. Albert W. Ham- bly, of Oshawa, in his 85th year. -Interment in Bowmanville cerne- tery. WOOD-In Montreal on July 28, 1947, Wilmot D. Wood, beloved husband of the late Myrtie Rowe. Resting at Northcutt & Smith's Funeral Chapel for service on Thursday, July 31 at 2 p.m. In- terment Bowmanville cemetery. IN MEMORIAM TINK-Cherished rnories of a kind husband and father, Herbert Edward Tink, who passed away July 31, 1943. -Ever remembered by Wife and Family. 31-1 Articles For Sale. OLDSMOBILE sedan, 1934, i good condition. Apply 195 Albert St., Oshawa, or phone 4589W. 31-1* NEW potatoes my the basket, bu- shel or bag. Apply H. Snowden, one mile north o! Maple Grove Church. 31-1* THREE-burner gas stove, good- condition. Phone 2681. 31-1 WOODEN bcd, sprIngs, and mat- tress, low price, dressing stand. Apply 67 King E., Bowmanville. 31-1* PIANO, Karn, good condition, just tuned, $125.00; five piece mahog- any parlor suite $35.00 Clarence C. Cook, Myrile Station. 31-1e INTERNATIONAL grain binder, 7 ft., complete, good condition, $50.00. Apply Murray Byers, Burketon. 31-1* WALNUT finish tea wagon, with glass tray top, also occasional chair, two walnut end tables, and tilt-top card table. Phone 432. 31-1* CABIN trailer, 6x13, accommo- dates two. Everything built in, $150.00 or offer; also gas water heater $10.00. Phone 863. 31-1* FORD tractor, 1941, new rear tires, plow cultivator, saw and pulley, and hydraulic scraper. Phone Bowmanville 2520. 31-1* COAL range, nearly new $29.75; including shelf; rangette good con- dition $2950. Murphy's. Phone 811. 31-1* CHROME kitchen tables, regular $42.50, for $29.95. Murpby's Phone 811. 31-1* THRESHER tank and Case pump, mounted on heavy wagon equip- ped with short tongue for tractor. Will seli separately if desired. L. A. Squair, phone 2223. 31-1* USED De Laval 2-unit rilker complete, reasonable for quick sale; 2 used tractor plows; new De Laval water pressure systems. Apply W. H. Brown, 91 King St., West. Phone 497. 31-1 McCLARY electric range, slightly used, cream color, four burners, large oven, price $100. Apply Miss R. Gravel, Leskard. Phone Orono 62r20. 31-1 MASSEY-Harris disc plow in good condition; Percheron mare 16 years old. Apply Wilson Ab- ernetby, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 2419., 31-1 DO WMAN VILLE Business School Courses ilu Stenography - Bookkeeping and Office Practice Fall Term Begins Sept. 3 and Oct. 1 Write or Phone 434 for Catalogue of Courses 154 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE RoOFINGc ASPHALT - FELT -SHGE SBrick. Slding Eavestroughlng FURNACES AND OILDURNERS Caîl on us for Guaranteed Work DAVIS & GRANTI PHONES: 2842 - 2674 CHEVROLET Master coupe, 34,1 recanditioned '36 motar, new bat- tery, good tires, new starter and gencrator. Phone Clarke 3331, nights 7 ta 8. 31-1* IONE rangette, oul burner for kit- chen stove, bcd and spring. Phone 811. 31-1* SIX-foot Massey Clipper Com- bine, power take-off. Will wark on Super Massey or Junior Mas- sey Tractor. Phone 2878, Bow- rnanville. 31-1* HAY-14 acres standing me-top hay, $5 per load, to be cut by purchaser. Mrs. F. Cator, Man- vers Road. 31-1 FORD coach, 1940, good condition, tires nearly new. May be seen at Mr. Wilson's, Corner Liberty and King, Friday evening to Mon- day evening. 31-1 SMALL coal and wood stove, iv- ary, with shel!, like new, $39. Also used chestcrfield, Kroebler, $10. Murpy's, Phone 811. 31-1* R.C.A. Victor car radio, new 1947 design, latest miniature tubes, $64.95. Thre Radio Shop, 38 King St. E., phone 573. 31-1 USED sewing machines, bougbt and sold. Highest prices paid. Write or phone Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf COING OUT 0F SHORTHORNS -Your Opportunity W. are selling by private treaty ail our Bhorthorn cows and heifers, bath registered and grade, and also two bulls. For 10 years w. have weighed all milk and long aga weeded aut low producers. Articles For Sale BINDER twine, pre war qualty, 600 fi. 8 lb. balle, $17.50 cwt. Stewart's Seed Store. Phone 577. 31-1* OAK 8-piece dining room suite, $40. Also churn $2. Phone 2383. 31-1 FIFTY cords of Cry pine slabs. Apply W. Vaneyk, RR. 1, Tyrone. 30-3* SINGER motors and lights are now available to aitach on your sewing machines, brand new. Motors $28.50 and lights $5.25, al- so buttonhole attachments $10.75. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St., phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in mode.n. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise ai competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf OUTBOARD motors, immediate delivery, 4.2 at $155 350 gallon per hour automatic pressure sys- tems, complete wîth tank and fitings, *109.50. 1% h.p. garden tractors, $190. 3½% h.p. garden tractors at $380. Attachments ex- tra. Transportation prepaid any- where in Canada. Christian's El- ectrie and Hardware, Oshawa, Ont. 28-4 Livestock For Sale ABOUT 75, year-old B.R. hens, layîng 50 per cent, for immediate sale. Room wanted for pullets. Phone Clar],e 3812. 31-if TEAM of bay mares, seven and eight years aid, weight about 1300 lbs.; also yearling gelding and set of brass mounted breechlng har- ness. Phone 2318, Bowmanville. 31-1 EIGHT pigs, seven weeks old. Ap- ply Earl Trewin, Ennisklllen. Phone 2351. 31-1* HENS-250 hens 1 year old, most- ly Leghorns. Phone 2527. 31-1 GOOD Holstein bulîs, ready for service. Schwarz Bros., phone Oshawa 491-W-1l. 31-1* 00W, excellent milker. Phone Bowmanville 2993. 31-1 YOUNG caîf suitable for vealing. Apply Clive Lamb, Bowmanville. 31-1* Real Estate For Sale PROPERTY-Two lots, with one dwelling, 90 Elgin St. Apply J. Quinsey, 79 Elgin St. 39-2* NEW bouse, livable but flot quite flnished, double garage, one acre o! land, anc mile north o! Tooley's Hill, Caurtice. Apply R. D. Bar- rabali, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 31-1 BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, hydro, garage, and fair sized garden, sit- uatcd in Hampton on blghway. Immediate possession. Phone 2656. FARM-110 acre farm, 8 miles east o! Oshawa or 2 miles west Bowmanvilie and 1%½ miles north No. 2 highway, with a creek run- ning through. 75 acres early workable land, 40 acres suitable for tobacco and 35 acres suitable for market gardening; 1 acre o! standing grapes; 35 acres mixed bush and pasture. Seven-roomed newly stuccoed house equipped with water, telephone and fur- nace; electricity available; bank barn 102'x45', double garage, and chicken bouse. Apply Bert Bu- dai, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 31-1* Cicks For Sale BRAY started pullets, 3-4-5-6 weeks. Also day-old and started chicks. Limited quantities, but for immediate delivery. Inquire now, and also place your order for August-September chicks. Ag- ent F. L. Byam, Tyrone, 31-1 For Rent SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per monih. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-U Wanted to Rent TWO or three rooms, unfurnish- cd, for young couple being mar- ried in Bowmanville. Write Box 933 Statesman Office. 31-2* THREE or four rooms, apartment or small house, in vicinity o! Bow- manville. Write Box 928, States- man Office. 30-2* SMALL !arm between Bowman- ville and Oshawa, wanýted to rent, with option o! buying. Write Box 931, Statesman Office. 31-1* UNFURNISHED room in Bow- manville for middle aged woman. Write Box 932 Statesman Office. Wanted ro Buy FOR export, Grade and Regis- tered dairy cows and registered bulis. Schwarz Bros., phone Osh- awa 491-W-1l. 31-1* CALVES suitable for vealing. Ken Butson, phone 2823. 31-1 ALL - types live poultry and fea- thers. top prices paid. M. Platt, R.R. 1, Biethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf PIANOS-Smail or medium size preferred. Telephone 492 or write Box 353 Bowmanville. Fred J. Mitchell, 31-1' ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Geo. Sutherland, St. Cath- arines, announces the engagement of ber eldest daughter, Barbara Ruth, bo William Paul Symons, eider son of Mrs. Muriel Symons, Bowmanville, and the late R. Clare Symons. The wedding will take place in Knox Presbyterian Church, St. Catharines, on August 23rd. 31-1 Work Wanted PAINTING, interior and exierior, and paperhanging. Reasonabie rates. Phone 2960. 23-tf Hlep Wanted SALESGIRL, experience prefer- able. Apply Manager, Waiker Stores. 31-1 BOYS wanted for weeding ai Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 31-tf STENOGRAPHER for law office in Oshawa. Must have good edu- cation. Experience desirable but not essential. Good opportunity for advancement. Write Box,919 Statesman Office, Bowmanville. fi '28-4 OPPORTUNITY-Powerful com- pany has apening in your locality for honesi, dependable applicant, well acquainted wlth district. Ex- cellent remunerations and pros- pects for bright future. Blue Brand Products, 7227 Alexandra, Montreal, Que. Depi. 0-B-3. 28-4* AN Opportttniiy - Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and be- tween the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity ta get establish- cd in a profitable business af your own. For full particulars write today ta The J. R. Watlsins Com- pany Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. 27-5 Cartage Wanted CARTAGE at reasonable rates. Long and shart trips. Phone 2493. R. D. Preston, Bawmanville R.R. 3. 31-2* Position Wanted MALE school teacher wishes po- sition in graded or ungraded school. Duties to begin Sept. 2. Apply Lawrence Milison, New- tonville P.O., or phone Clarke 3623. 31-1* Custom Work CULTIVATING, piowing a n d seeding; alsa John Deere repair parts and repairing done. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone 594. 17-tf Room and Board BOARD and room in home with modern conveniences and in vi- cinity of Bowmanville preferred, for eldcrly lady. Apply T. R. c/o Box 934, Staiesman Office. 31-2 DOOS BOARDED DOGS baardcd. Phone Whitby' 839, Lowes, R.R. 3, Oshawa. 28-4* Radio Service THE Radio Shop, Bowmanvilie, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and trained person- nel. Our two radio technicians both bold Government Certificates o! Proficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 20-tf REPAIRS ALL makes wasbing machines, elcctric ranges, radios, toasters, irons, etc. Murpby's, phone 811 for pick up and delivejy. 31-1* REPAIRS to all makes af refri- erators, domestic and commercial. ffiggon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, relia- bllity, dyeing, saling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-if Personal HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price lisi. Six samples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 27-9 Lost BLACK water spaniel answers ta name o! "Blackie." Straycd Tues- day. Anyone baving information please phone 2777 or caîl at 30 Duke St. 31-1 Found MAN'S watch. Owner may have same by identifyîng property and paylng for ibis advertisemcnt. Phoanc 648. 31-1 Transportation r rom Newcastle and Bowmianville ta Bloor and Yonge St., Toronto, daily and return. Telephone ev- eninga,- Clarke 1212 or write D. L. Bennett, Newcastle, 31-2 CARDS 0F THANKS Mr. Charles Stephenson, Helen and Shirley, 61 Brown Street, Part Hope, wish ta express to their many friends their b.eartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts ,o! kindness, messages of sympa- tby and beautiful forai tributes extended ta them in their recent sad bercavemeni in the bass o! a lovi ng wife and mothËr, cspccially thanking the Rcverend J. W. Gor- don and Dr. McKechnie for their comforIing words. 31-1 Mrs. W. D. Joncs wishes ta very sinccrciy tbank ber many -friends in Newtonvilie for the me- ception in her honar, the address and bands3me pariing gifts, also Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Lancaster for special favors. 31-1* We wish ta tbank aur many and neighbors for their hclp and sympatby during and after aur fire. -Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Parker 31-1 The Ladies' Auxilîary ta the Canadian Legion wish ta tbank ail those who worked or cantrib- uted ta make their booth a suc- ccss, ai the Legion Camnival. 31-1 Mrs. AI! Randle wishes ta ex- press ber sincere thanks and ap- preciation ta ber many friends, relatives and neighbors for fiow- ers, fruit and cards she rcceived ai the lime ai ber recent opera- tian; also thanks ta Dr. Austin, Dr. Rundle and nursing staff af Bawmanviile Hospital. 31.1* Bruce Montgomery and family wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation ta their frîends and ncigbbors for ail their kindness and belp ai the lime o! their re- cent fire. 31-1 Mrs. Frank Rogers and family wish ta ihank Miss Harding and nursing staiffaf Bowmanville Hos- pital, Drs. Ferguson and' Austin, also their neigbbors and friends for kindness, messages a! sympa- thy and floral tributes exiended to thcm in their recent sad bereave- ment in the bass of a dear bus- *banfd>and fatbé,. 31-1' COMING EVENTS The Maple Grave community picnic, Wednesday, Aýugust 6.* Sports for the children, beginning at 4:30, supper 4t,6:30. Ail arc weicome. Came and bring your basket-potato pies, cold meat, salad, pickles, cake, taris, or pies. Drink wiil be providcd. 31-1 Haydon Community picnic will be beld ai Orono Park, August 2nd, ai 3 p.m. Ahl former resi- dents are invited ta join us in ibis annuai gatbering. Bring lunch and dishes. 31-1 Girls' softbaîl gamne, Clarke and. Darliigion League, between Or- ana and Newcastle. will be play- ed in Newcastle Park, Friday, Au- gusi 1 ai 7:30 p.m. Silver collec- tion. 31-1 Ladies' Auxiiiary ta Canadian Legion are having a picnic ai Osh- awa Beach on Saturday, Augusi 9. Bus leaves Garion's at 2 p.m. Please don't leave your children ai home. Bring ihemn. 31-1 Neariy eighi pair of full-fash- ioned ladies' hosiery were made and sold in Canada during 1946 for each Canadian woman over 15 years of age. TakeNotice Bfrths, Marriages, Deaths, Cards of ThanKs, In Memorlams and Engagements, minimum charge from this date wlll be $1.00 Plumbing qi Furnace Classlfled Ad Lates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Muai be pald before Insertion IF CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25c extra for box numbers or replies dlrected l toibis office ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Alil Classified Adiets Must Be In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY Ton must Include cash, stamps, or money order, wlth copy to, tet low rate. TINDERS TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Public Utilities Commission SEALED tenders marked on the autside as ta contents will be received by tbe Commission until 5:00 p.m., August 7th, 1947, for laying appraximately 7,000 lineal feet o! 6" watermains. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Engineers. Lowest, or any tender, not ne- ccssarily accepted. Proctor, Redfern & Laughlin, Consulting Engineers, 36 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ont. GEO. E. CHASE, Manager, Public Utilities Commission, Bowmaville, Ont. 30-2 To the aoft recorded music o! the Boston Pops orchestra, these lovely models go ýthrough their paces ane night a week on the bal- cony of the Women's Building on thie Ce..E. grounda. Notice Dr. V. H. Storey's office wlll be closed from June 28 to August 15. 25-8* Palmer's Barber Shop will be closed from Monday, August 4, to Thursday, Augusi 7, inclusive. 31-1 Dr. H. Ferguson's office will be closed from June 27th to August 4th, inclusive. The office of John A. Holgate and Son will be closed for holi- days from August 4 to August 16 inclusive. 31-1 The office of W. Ross Strike, K.C., will be closed from August 111h to Augusi 3th, inclusive. 31-5 NOTICE is hereby given that The Ontario Shore Gas Company have made application to amend By-Law No. 1241 authorizing them to increase the rates for users of gas in the Town by ap- proximately 15 per cent over the present rates charged for gas. Any ratepayer who wishes may appear before Council at the riext regular meeting on Tuesday, Au- gust Sth at 8:00 p.m. in the Coun- cil Chamber, to register their com- plaint against the proposed In- crease in gas rates. A. J. LYLE Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville July 29th, 1947. 31-1 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ELLA HALLO- WELL, deceased. All persons having dlaims against the estate of Ella Hallo- well, late of the Town of Bow- manville, deceased, who died on or about the .l7th day of July, 1947, are hereby notified to send in to W. Ross Strike, K.C., solici- tor for the Executors, Bowman- ville, Ontario, on or before the lst day of September, 1947, full pprticulars of their dlaims. Immediately after the said lst day of September, 1947, the as- sets' of the testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- entitled thereto, having regard on- ly to claims of which the said sol- icitor for the Executors shahl lhen have notice. DATED at Bowmanville, this 28th day of July, 1947. W. ROSS STRIKE, K.C., Solicitor for Executors, Bowmanville, Ontario. 31-3 TENDERS TENDERS for the wiring of Kirby School, S.S. No. 14, will be eiv ed up to August lst, 1947. 'The highest or any tender flot neces- sarily accepted. For specification of blueprint appiy William Coch- rane, Orono, Ont. 30-l* TENDERS' ToWNSHIP 0F CLARKE County of Durham TENDERS FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, will be re- ceived Up to 12 o'clock noon, Frlday-, Augusi 15th, 1947 for the construction of the follow- ing reinforced concrete structures. (a) One 12'x5'x26' concrete cul- vert at Lot 31, between Conces- sions 7 and 8. (b) One 12x4'x26' concrete cul- vert at Lot 9, between Conces- sions 3 and 4. (c) One 18'x8'x27' concrete bridge with handrails, at Lot 9, be- tween Concessions 3 and 4. Further information on plans, specifications and tender forms may be seen at the office of the undersigned. Marked cheque for 10 per cent of contract bld must accompany each tender. Tenders to be on separate jobs or collectively. Lowest or any tender flot ne- cessarily accepted. J. J. MELLOR., Clerk, Auction Sales I have been authorized to sel by public auction for Glen Hos- kmn, Lot 10, Con. 1, Cartwright (one mile north of Burketon), on Friday, August 1, 22 head of cat- tle; four horses; 13 pigs; and his farm implements. Terma cash. Saea p.m. Elmer Wilbur, In order to settle the Dingman Estate there will be offered for auction-sale a large quantity of household furniture and furnish- ings at 103 Scugog St., Bowrnan- ville, on Saturday, August 2nd. Sale will includé piano, 2 antique couches, hall rack, several bcd- room suites, springs, mattresses, odd tables and chairs, millinery show cases and equipment, clocks, lamps, hand macde silk quilts, wash stands, churn, crocks and numer- ous other articles. There will al- so be* offered for sale, subjeet to reserve bid, 13 goad building lots facing on Scugog and Prospect Sts. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Win. J. Challis, auçtionecr; T. S. Mountiov, eclerk. 31-1 The unders._- ,:C auctioneer will seIl by public auction the proper- ty of Harold Moore on, the prem- ises af J. Nichols, Lot 25, Con. 3, Darlington township (one mile east of Courtice and 3/ mile north of No. 2 highway, on the Solina raad), on Saturday, August 2, his farm stock and implements, mat. ched blood team; eight good milk- ing cows; seven yearling heifers; 18 shoats, 50 ta 75 lbs. each; new. set of back band harness, along xith the farm machinerv. Sale at 1:.10 p.m. Terms cashi. Clif- ford Pethick, auctioneer. 31-1 The undýersigned has received instructions from the Executors of the Estate of the late Mrs. J. H. Hallowell, Temperance St., Bow- n-anville, to s.di by public auc- tion on Saturday, August 9, at the above address here entire hous2hold furniture, bedding and dishes, and garden tools. For fur- ther particulars see bills. Terms cash. No reserve. -Jack Reid, auctioneer. 31-2 I have been authorized to sdIl by publicauction for A]ex Kona- packi, haîf mile north of Courtice, an Friday. August 1, the follow- in.-: Two horses; 1.00 spring chick- ens; pigs; portable silo; impIe- ments, including new iran wheel trucks; 194~7 Ford Ferguson trac- tor, on rubber: with plow, culti- vator and -power take-off; quan- tity of hayi ete. Ternis cash. Sale at 7 p.m. Please note lime. El- mer Wilbur, auctioneer. 31-1 Wionted, LIVING accommodation for cou- ple being married, in September. Cortact Jack McNulty, McNuty's Sports Shop.. 31-1 O0bituary FRANK ROGERS Mr. Frank Roger-s, ahighly re- spçcted resident of Hampton ai-d friend of ail who knew him, wvas called to rest ai Bowmanville Hos - 1 pital on July 15, ai the age o! 52.1 He had suffered ill health for the 1 past year. .Born ai Whitby, Mr. Rogers was son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Fran- cis Rogers. Af ter bis iriarriage ta the former Annie Elizabeth Mc- Leod, who predeceased him in 1940, he moved to Hampton where he carried on a successful trucking business throughout the entire farming district. Their four daughters now mourn'the loas of a loving, father, Bernice (Mrs. Clarence Tomlinson), Bowman- ville; Isabelle (Mrs. Fred Muir), Caledonia; Betty (Mii. Gordon We Deliver 31-1* KNOX'S HONEY NATURES FINEST QUALITY PRODUCT FURS SEE THEM% BEFORE YOU WEAR THEM' CHAS. R. KNOX, ORONO Pli t4rt P.S..AII those w~ho have order- cd hbney please cail for sarne at Fur Farm. It will flot b. kept Indetinitely. d PRESCRIPTIONS Prescriptions fillpd ln thîs store carryv the iruarantee of the finest auality in their ingrredients and the utmost care and sklI in comp.oundint. Creams & Lotions FOR SUNBURN Sunorella----------«------- 715C Hind's Cream -- 29c-49c-98c Jsrgen's'Lotion ...29c-49c-898c Tangel - ----------- -- 50c-$1.25 Noxzcma 5kIn Cream lO-oz. --- . -.- ------ 98C Noxzenia Suntan 011 -- 3OC-600 Snowtan ----------- -------49e Gypsy Tan - ------------ 50c Skol-..----------- ----- -53c.75c Sun Tone -------------------60c Log Preparations Neet, dipilatory - -----68c Sleek--------------- $1.00 Velvet MItten Hair Remover ---- 250 "Aquacade" Leg Lotion ---81.00 Velva Lcg Film------ --- $1.00 Leg Silque - ------- 1.00 Duration Leg-do 49o Summer Saline* Certlfied Health Salts Eingltsh Style ...----.. -----59e Kruschen Salta fiS Alka-Seltzer ------ 29c-7c Sal Hepatica.-----33c63c-$1.21 Citrate of Magnesia -. 29c-990 Eno's Fruit Salti----- -59c-Dgo Kknovah Salta-i...s 29c-79o Andrew's Liter Sai& - 35c-65c Seililz Powders ..... - OC Have your favourite negatives enlarted tb 4 x@ Inchesad mounted lu attractive Studio Polders. Com ple - - 2 for 20C Hila), Hamilton, and Relen ai home. He later married Thelma. McMullen Williamis who also sur- vives la mourn bis passlng. Besides bis wife and da.ughtex-s he is survived by bis stepmother ai Whitby, seven grandsons, five sisters, May (Mrs. Wm. Dollery), Buffalo, N.Y.; Maude (Mrs, Robt. Irwin). Toronto; Goldie- (Mrs. Bert Fulford), Toronto, Gertrude (Mrs.' Fred Drew). and Hazel Rogexs o! Whitby; and two. brothers, Robt. H., Sani Francisco, Calit.,, and Gordon.of Claremoni. Theý funemal was held 'froin Hampton United Church on July l7th, unider auspices o! thc Mason- lc Order. The service was con- ducted by Rev. E. S. Linstead and. was largely attended by friendu- and relatives !rom far and near. Among the béautiful floral tri. butes which bore sulent testimony of the affection in wbicb he was held by bis mnany firiends were' offerings from.:'Hampton Womtn's Institute; Jerusaiemn Lodge, A. & A.M.; L.O.B.A. No. 1012, Jaunet- ville; Himpton Bible Clasi,;-Pal- estine Chapier; Staff and cm- ployeca of Bawmnanville Founidry Ca.; Hampton Teen-Agers Cib. Fcllow members o! the' Masonje Lodge were palibearers: A. Blan- chard, C. Warren, W. QreenaWay, A. E. Billett, P. Cowhing and M. L. Clemens. Interment was at Mount Lawn, Cemnetery, Oshawa. Mounia in observation c a r-s, wbich unobsiructed view o! scenery through the Canadiart Rockies, will again be in us» Ibis summer en the Canadian Na- tional Railways thraugh the Rock- ies. The cars will be attached t6 the east and wesi bound "Contin- ental Lirnited" trains -between Jasper and Kamloôps Jct., B.C. HERE AT IAST GLOSSTONE The kenuine Plastic Floor Finish Elimninales Waxing Ends Scrubbing Skid-proof Long Lasting Washabie Dries in. One Hour Apply witb a brush Uscd ex tensively' in hÔspitalà, fac- tories and offices dur-Iing the *r Now available for borne use. Phone Bowmanvii.le 698 rý - 1 THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN, BOV;?JANVI=, ONTAIUO PAGE THMIIM

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