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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1947, p. 4

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MA02 Ouls -____________________________________________________________________________________________ -- *. - -. --. ~U~DAX, JIJLY Sut, 1941 TEE CANADZA1~ STÂTFSMA~I UÔWItA1~VffLI flN'PAWYfl iggeut WeeIdy Ever Ibuu Caps Career of Durham Boy ba America's Oldesi City The editor of The Statesmgi of this very rernarkable weekly was pleaaed ta receive lant week volume. First ln impotnçe ln the greataut single Issue of a aur estimation la the tact that It .weekly paper ever ta corne wlthin was conceived and carrled out by our purvlew. It la fthe July 11-18, editor J. A. Osborne, 86 years of 1947, number of The Virginia Ga- age, who with this number caps :Ztte of Williamsburg, Virginia, a career hlghly notable ln the V.S.A. Pubiished ini 16 sections, publishing field. We were happy ,'comprisiiùg 128 pages, It was as- ta receive as well a personal let- sernbled as an Historie Edition in ter written strongly in his own connection with a new and larg- hand as a contemporary greetlng er out-door theatre in Williams- with his huge edition af the Ga- burg where historical drarnas wiil zette. be enacted every sunimer from Oli Durham Boy june ta September. 1There are many points afin- Joe Osborne was bain at Ty- terest that require speclal men-- matie, Durliarn.Caunty, and as a tion in aur ail tao brie! review youth entered the field o! print- KEEP YOUR SUMMER C LOT HES Looking Their Smartest, Take Advantage of Our Efficient Cleanlng and ]Laundry Methods To-day ! o4I. Oshawa Laundry & Dry' Cleaning COMPANY LIMITED Phone Zenith 13000 Oshawa1 IT'S A LIFE SAVER to b. ridIng on Top-Qualiy General, the tire that biu alwmy kept far ahead in safety, comfort, and rellablity . . . the tire that delivers more miles per Pound of rubber. To the longer trouble-fre mileage of the timuOsQmneral &ilent..Grip Tire, acd ita qulck s"lestffsi Its quiet smooth ride, and you have the lostg-neegnbend readont why so mmny quality-minded car Ounm s hande.o,'er fo Gerierale. Drive lni anime, us &bout w newGeirulé fror S Cr. RETREADING by fý Rit - _ 1.d P . Jamieson TIRZ DEPOT Corner King and Silver Ots. Pl Phone lng a"d publiahlng. For many yeuirs hi publishad and odited, Va. prs et varlous points ln Canada bforeb going to Florida where ho net up a modern plant to contin- ue ln the saine field. Learnmng JolacOsborne that The Virginia Gazette equir- cd eorganization, his sense oi hi:- torical values led hlm ta purchase tue paper Jan. 10, 1930, in the midst ai the depression. He mov- cd is modemn plant from Floida to .Wlliamsburg. He was then 69 yeama a! age. Hia gcnius ecs- tablished the paper and now at four score and six, Mr. Osborne la stili gaing strong. Oldest Paper The Virginia Gazette wa s Jounded by William Parka, Aug. 6, 1736 and it la today, 211 yeams later, the oldest newspapcr souti af the Potomac. It atarted as a Court Journal whilc a colonial de- cree barrcd publication ai a free press. As revolutionary agita- tion arase it began ta carry loc- al news aud gadually became an influential wcekly as freedoni was wan by the colonista. The Ga- zette lias survived sporadie com- petîtion down the yearn, lias con- tinued under mauy editoma, noue more wlse and vigorous than Joqi Osborne. Historie Figures This great Historie Edition of 128 pages la made up ai Uic reg- ular weekly section plus a supple- meut of 112 pages that sets forth a panorama o! history reaching back thrce centuries, for it ln- cludes the foundlng o! James- town (1583) birthplace ai the «U. S.A. Printed in full is the De- claration o! Independeuce, the Vîrgînla Resolutions and ail the main events that took place leadi- lng -ta ludependeuce and the growth of democratie Institutions. It permits thc eader ta travel along wlth George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancoak and ail the noted figures o! those great dayi for it quotes their words and actions. Link With Past The Gazette stili carnies on its masthead its. original lhue iu aid EnglI&h type; "Containing 411 tue freshest advlces, foreign and do- mentie." And the type still fea- turcs the letter "S" in the faim ai a fisli-hook. Each'weekly copy carmies a columu taken from an- dient files thst reminds the. read- cm of! the history that won frce- dom. But lu ather respects, the wiole paper is a strictly modemn weekly dealing .with curment ev- enta, social news, faim news, sports, caunhtry correspoudeuts, literamy page, etc., an.d aiso edlt- oriels from Uic peu o! ecUtor ou- borne. Mlodern Format The press work and particular- ly the photo cuts are a standout of the Gazette.' The Illustrations include a double-page photo of costumned local actoma who take part in the stage presentation of the sessions of the General'As- seznbly af 1764. It la a splendid reproduction. An intemesting eut in -a, photostat ai a receipt for, a subacriptian to the Gazette (30s) byGeneral Washington, May 22, 1779. And-ail through the paper appears th e splendidly arranged advertlaements a! the merchants ai the present day together with greetings from the State and many arganizationu. Agelega Paper We have seen nothlng like this greac Issue that links the present with past. Many times we have sald that the truc hlstory ai the nation ls iound In the columns af the weekly press. No paper bet- ter empliasizes this truth than the agelesa. Virginla Gazette. We cauldi go on for rnany more col- umne telling of the wealth af ma- trili ound in this splendid issue presentcd by Mr. Osborne, , but enough ha& been net down ta show how ane weekly editor at leanc has carried out the truc con- ception and purpose ai a weekly paper. True Put-pose The truc purpose ai a weekly las ta pramate the welfare of its community in ail ways possible. ITCH2:KÊD Aued0 409nghsm& a =rpu mehatau&htni t. de oweMir wth hlm Yis.le nsaheai aldd y4ed the 4w y ui baddsr dmsidus mch as Bach- a~, Hmàh haua& ie m Laldh Lmé ioep ad Enma v"» cs.oaisé a rmd r «m h6M.ah ei.i temenr k«pkidmeys sad derl Cm orde. If you are uaau4, orpast h1 b lb. sake of y t-eit hand a< a happia ka" nueDedd'à LdumyPilâledi"YI - G.W.J. HOG MARKETINGS CONTINUE TO RISE Hag marketings continue ta risc. In the manth ai June this ycar, liog marketings thmough iuapected packing planta totalled 336,034, an increase ai 15.4 per cent over June, 1946. Marketings for May were 8.2 pcr, cent higlier than iu May, 1946. This Inérease la entlrely due ta lies vier marketings in Eastern Canada, said L. W. Pearsaîl, Meat Board manager. Ontario market- ings totalling what la belicved ta le 'an ail-time high for June a! 176,478 epresented 52.5 per cent ai total marketings for the Do- minion. These Ontario, June mar- ketings weme 39.6 per cent highcr than lu June, 1948, and 15.6 per cent higlier than in June ai the record yeam, 1944. Marketings ln the province af Quebec rase 66.7 per cent above those ai June, 1946. Incrcase lu the Maritime Provinces was 32.8 per cent. Although the Prairie Provinces marketea 13.2 per cent fcwer haga than lu June, 1946, this la a lesscir decline than lu May when mar- ketings in these provinces werc 20.5 per cent beiow those ai May, 1946. All the outtits ta lie showu at the C.N.E. will go on sale lu Uic retail stores aemoas Canada lm- mediately followlng thc Exhibi- tion. STYLEMASTER Retail 116"~~ ~~ Wh1ba rc 118" WhelbuseLes, Taxa, Business Coupe ..........51157.13 5 Pamenger Coupe .....1224.32 Town Sedan ..............1239.18 Sport Sodas ................. 1302.58 Sedan Delivery.............. 1201.37 FLEETMASTER 116" Wheelbas. S Passenger Coupe........ Town Sedan .............. Sport Sedan ........... 1296.87 1312.78 1372.42 FLEETLINE 116" Whoelbus. Aero Sedans................1349.59 Sportmaster Sedas .........1407.59 g I Newtonville It wlU be seen that Mr. Osborne, at a very advanced age, seized the oppartunlty te inspire public op- inion. on the occasion ot the e- tablishmnent of a great communlty enterpriso, a new auditorium and theatre for thecoultural uplitit of the. people af todey and tonior- row. With ingeuious journal!=m he ha&traced inspiring h1atory to strongly one ai unity and common purpase. Congratulations, Mr. Osborne, on a great task se splendidly don.. It has b)een a rich. experience I~o rcad the Historie Editian whlch wc have iiled with treatured doc- uments ta be read aain from tinie tatie and share4wlth ath- ers from yca.r ta year. Our hope is that you will be spared for sanie years still ta wield a. vlg- oroUs pcn. thur Rcc~kuap weme appolnted M shows a! back-to-schoal clathes. p (Intended for lust week) Mmi. P. Boyle wlth hem thrce children, Orval, Rînnit and Lin- da af -Ajax, ler mother, Mrmo. H*amilton Kilby of Golden Lake, Ont., vialted her cousin, Mira. Ray- mond Bruce. Mr. aud Mira. W. Farrow wlith Mr. and Mrs. Perey ParroW, Shil- oh. Mm. Levi Burley is hoine !rom the west vlsltung hi& brother Geo. and siater , Mi&. George Oviens. .Mmi. Zenna Carlow, Warkworth, with lier aister, Mir&. W. H. Joues. Joe Martineil, Kendal, and Cec- il Burley are au a wcek's trip. Mr. and Mira. Bort Samis are living lu part o! Roy Smith'& house. Theur daughter and ler husbaud, Mm. and Mrs. O. Edger- son, Bawimanvllle, who recently suffcrcd a fume lbas are with them. Mm. and Mira. Clarence Turner, Newcastle, wlth Mm. and Mirs. WII- lis Farrow. Mr. and Mira. Sld. flutohinson are enjoying a vacation an Rice Lake. Master Blake Moore, Castîcton, la visitlng lis sister, Mira. Jas. Stark. Mra. Thos. Burkell suffcred sev- erely in a tra!iic accident Manday. Tirce accidents lu the space ai an hour la high record for this dis- trict. Misa Olive Johustan who la spending lier vacation with hem brother, Tupper, visited Mm. and Mrs. Wil-bcrt i{ancock. Mi. Neil Anderson, Port Brit- tain, will teach ln aUr public school for the coming year. Thrce hundmed and eighty- eight attended the clinle Monday and Tuesday. Miss Leone Lau. is visiting hem grandparents, Mr. and Mm.. W. C. Lane. Mira. Hemb Gilmer who lias becu vislting lier daugliter, Mrs. Bert Stapleton lias metumned ta Bow- nianville. Mis. John Wadc wlio has been vislting lier son Arnold has me- turued home. Misa Jean Wade lias. returned from Lindsay aud la with.lier. Several attended the Officiai Board meeting lu Kendal, Mou- day evenin.g. Lamne Bell, Lau Hallowell Sld Lancaster anid Ar- If you areu't satioiied with youm kitchen, put down on paper just iow you would re-arrange It. Your plan mlight Win $100 at the Canadin National Exhibition. That money would help ta make your kitchen lufe less miserable. Teen Town Theatre lasanime- thing uew for students at the Ca- nadian National Exhibition. It will lie thc hang-out for the young fry with continous pragrarns and broadeasts day and night. Theme's ta be a record bar and fashion DELIV'ERED Maintenance Commlttee of Par- zonage. ftey were inutructed ta look ito thc matter af water sys- tein for bathropin Also ta study miens to privent water gettlng iln c ellar thus destroying furnace. Mr. and Mirs. Howard Wilson have moved ta Newcastle wheire ho has started a watch repalmang business. Mra. Wilson la a daug- liter ai Mr. and Mrs. Stan John- stan. Rev. and Mrs. John McLachIan, Whitcvale, vlsite. their son Jack and family ai Cobourg. They stopped ta cmli ou thc few friends turne allawed. We werc glad ta sec them looking 80 weil. Kelth Burley accompanied a Party ta Loon Lake over thoe weekend. Newtanville 4Womenlas matit- utc held their annual pienie, July 16 an the grounds of Mr. and Mira. S. Johnston'a attractive home. An iutercatlng pragram ai races and contests were min off under the direction ai Mra. W. Farrow. Mrs. Gea. Kimball assisted Rev. Mr. Bunt. Prizea wereý presentcd ta the eldeat lady p resent, Mrs. M. J. Holman and t he yauugest, lit- tie Kathleen Wilso; i o Newcast- le, as well as to the lucky chair hoider, Mrs. Gea. McCullough. The more energctic enjayed a game ai soitball. Mr. Bunt riak- cd lufe and limb iu his Job afi umpime. Reports ai this hectic game arc two varied ta attempt ta give any score. A game ai carda was eu'joycd by the elder ladies ai the group under the shade of the trees an the well kept lawn. Ice cream and. a bountiful lunch was enjoyed. Mrs. Bert Samis expressed appreciatian of the 40 people present to the ladies in charge and ta Mrs. Johnston for co-aperatian and liospitality. PRICES 0F GENERAL FROM time to lime, as a matter af public Information, ae. have published the Retail Delivea'ed Pices of General Motors Automobiles. . In accordance with this practice and to eliminate any uncertainties or confusion, we are again publisbing the present Retail Delivered Pices. These prices include Stand- ard Factory Equipment, Dominion Taxes and spare tire. Provincial and Municipal Taxes where such apply, license fée, and. opuional cquipment arc, of course, additional. .W. sell these makes and models at the prices shown. You may rest assured, we will distribute them as'fairly'as possible with proper regard for orders placed with us and dependent upan the availability of modela. SShauld you be offered, fram some cîher source, a new car, or one wiîh low mileage, we suggest that yau pay no Dominion Sales and Exu,. Tai $158.87 169.68 170.82 179.42 71.63 178.13 180.22 188.58 Total »eli*erod Prie@ $1316.00 1393.00 14 10.00 1482.00 1273.00 1475.00 1493.00 1581.00 185.41 1535.00 193.41 1601.00 FLEETLEAIDER ]PONTIAC 116" Whoelban Business Coupe ..........51196.1164.39 Sport Coup..............1261.1<r 172.81 2 Door Sedas .............1276.05 175.95 4 Door Sedan .............1339.43 164.57 Sedan Dellv.ry ...........1258.89 75.11 FLEETLEADER SPECIAL 116" Whelbase Sport Coupe ............. 2 Door Sedan ............ Sedan Coupe ............. 4 Door Sedas ............ 4 Door Sport Sedan........ TOP1PEDO SIX 119" Wheolbcite Sedan coupe.............. 4 Door Sedan ............ sSot coupe . ........... buoinacoupe............ DOLuXO.G beible Coupe 2 Door Sedan .............. 1351.24 1368.05 1403.99 1426.80 1461.13 1510.85 1559.59 1487.30 1495.10 1947m7? 1567.23 185.78 187.95 193.01 198.20 200.85 207.65 214.41 204.42 197.90 282.03 10.77 81361.00 1435.00 1452.00 1524.00 1334.00 1637.00 1558.00 1597.00 1823.00 1862.00 1718.00 1774.00 1892.00 1683.00 2200.00 1784.00 more than lte prices listed. Y!'u wIll obviously find kt to your mdvantage ta wait a Iitde longer, unîl we are in.& position to deliver a car against your own order. e. We are sonry 10 say that delivery to you. may b. delayed for some lime yet. Titis is due, ini pmnicular, to the shartage of many materials. General Matois itas donc a splendid pro- duction job under the circumatances and expects ta steadily increase the rate of production. Meanwhile, these conditions, combined with the wide popularity of General Motors cars, and such an unprecedenîed demand, mean titat delay in some instances is quite inescapable. We entreat your patience and understanding while the shortage exista. W. realize that aur success depends upon the confidence aud goodwill of aur many custamers. We wlll strive at al times, trough good business practices, ta justify, and there- fore retain, this mont valuable asset. PONTIAC-comd. TORPEDO EIGHT Btail 119" Wheelbaseo Lesaa Business COUPe ...........51548.18 DeLuxe Convertible Coupe 1997.15 2 Door Sedan .............168.31 DE LUXE TORPEDO EIGHT 119" Wheelbaxe Sedan Coupe ..............1647.74 4 Door Sedan .............1696.94 Sport Coupe.................. 1624.91 STREAMLINER SIX 122" Wheeibase 2 Door Sedan Coupes.......1659,01 4 Doar Sedan .............1727.67 8TREANMINER EIOIiT 122» Wheulbuae * 2 Door Sedan Coupe .....17 14.09 4 Door Sedan .........1...1780.74 Dominion Sales and Excita Tai $194.81 259.85 203,69 226.26 233.08 223.09 Total DelavereS Price $1743.00 2257.00 1822.00 1874.00 1930.00 1848.00 209.99 1868.00 217.33 1945.00 216.91 1931.00 224.26 2005.00 SPECIAL SIX 119" Wheolbas. Club Sedan ...............31586.13 4 Doar Sedan .............1633.48 Club Coupe ..............157301 Convertible Coups........... 192.28 1682.99 2024.16 1714.01 1768.65 $217.87 224.52 215.99 250.72 210.01 258.84 213.99 219.35 $1804.00 1858.00 1789.00 2213.00 1893.00 2283.00 1928.00 1978.00 OLDSMCOBILE-cont'd. DYNAMIC CRUISER SIX 'p"" Dominion Toala P,. Salean d Dollveora 125" Wheelbciae LtiT Bxs xItT z Pre Club Sedan ................51718.97 $215.03 $1934.00 DoLux. Club Sedan........1847.45 231.55 2079.00 4 Door Sedan .............1802.72 225.28 2028.00 DeLuxe 4 Door Sedan ....1929.50 241.50 2171.00 DYNAMIC CRUISER EIGHT 125" Whoelbulle Club Sedans.............1783.80 DeLuxe Club Sedan........1875.54 4 Doar Sedan ............1903,12 DeLuze 4 Door Sedan ..... 1986.32 CUSTOM CRUISER EJONT 127" Wheelbcite Convertible Coupe........2301.72 Club Sedans................1959.78 4 Door Sedas ............2025.53 DUICE SPECIAL 121" Whoelbase- Bedanot.......................179.12$219.79 $2019.00 4 Dor ar S.................. 1870.45 228.55 2099.00 SUPER 124" Whoelbaso Sedanet .........................2021.13 Convertible Sedans.........2488.99 4 Doar Sedan ............2125.85 ROADMABTER 20» Wheelbase Sedanet....................... 2343.88 Coavertible Sedans.........203.41 4 Door Sds..... 2475.19 ROT 'W. NICROLS COURTICE fail Of 1941. The àhibit was orlginallyré. rired for the M1dd1ueir Se«4 FaradExport; show et Lo.: don this year, and was so popular with the wornen visitors- that -I has beau declded to offg'ý It to other taire desirous of havlng It. Fairs wishing to have tie exhibit are asked to write ta thé Womora'a Institut. Branch and Home Ec- ononuca Service, Departilent. cf Agriculture, Pawýbmeit Build- ings, Toronto. WOMEWS INSTiTUTEEXIT OFFEE F019 FALL TAIES Mina Anna P. Lewis, Director qf the Wamen's Institute Branci and Home Economics Service of tue Ontario Department of Ag. inculture, annaunces that an ex- hibit, demanstrating "Good Food for Good Realth" lias been pre- pared by the Brandi ami will be available for showlng et a limlled number of Clan B Faims lu the Proc1ai M I hereby I Monday Aul fortht i OWMA and respectfully request MO)S V proclaim ;uut 4, 194,7 [OLIDAY tail to observe the same Sidney Little, MAYOI. THIE KING I i M M a M M M M M i i M M M M M M M M M M M M i M M M M M a'., M M M M M M M M M i M M M M i M M M g M M M M 1 ! BOWMANVILLE MO.TORS CARS CU VROLET 223.20 233.46 239.88 249.68 310.28 250.22 2007.00 2109.00 2143.00 2236.00 2872.00 2210.00 SPECIAL ETONT 1110" Whselbaae Club Coupe.............. C4bvertible Coupe......... Club Sedan ............... 4 Door Sodas............. 251.87 322.01 264.15 288.14 302,59 Prtoo aub)nf te change wftb«f ou. 2273.00 2811.00 2390.00 2832.00 3221.00 4 GM-147,. Ob m m . a ONTARIO 77-1 mation li, 1 zi buoq . or a TIRE it's C unts Tffl CANADIM STATIOMM. BOWUANV=X. ONTAMO A %W ý»ý» qm ..- -- .- 7 town of OLDSMOBILE

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