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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1947, p. 6

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-~ y ~ W d.a. ~ THURSDAT. ITILY Mat. 104? - TEE ~ANA2T2TAw WPA'I'~msIaoe ~tEAM~1W ?~ ~ A U1~ ' t M . W ndo a M issL. Dbo nia Lu- M u Blanchard or Mr. Misq ,S U a isrc r l e t0f W s l m u ft N r h m in Hosen fr y al tre fl w th her' ar nt , iMr. and unte r w v s a e t e r s n-A a " s o Lr. . Wndoran saDrs Lt- B wman illeon-te-Be ch j dm cCa tne dhr a. ueD1n. l ntlus lr.Werly pouto ntretmsa lira. E. Luttreil achsetrambe '&ivTa.nalspoke on "What w. as women cax lknMnvl o »eCl Mr. and Mrs. James Chilcott ln oser t rbl tabIlerafnal-ck.. isses Eeuale Eu, elen Miler give ta Cltlzenshlp," and en- F RcrP d it. nh beek ihbrrcr Ilner Longer." oronteraenal.anid Arvilla Beckett are attmndlng treated ail to co-opemate towardai,63l.ftfom280 b h.and Mrs. E. C. Ford, Mr.'EAC hud edsoniud Tlko EarlY Sunday morailng Gordon Y.P. Camp at Oak Lake. belng good citizens. The speaker Mlm Sylvia çolant]a ebrg%~r~ et42~e 61 andMrs R Daiesan Daid ndWES BECHshold e iscntiue. TinkofWhite files the fiAg from the Cha- Mr. and lira. Jack Moore, St. left us wlth xany fine thoughts. 01 the Elmcro therdaiperd nMrs. . Dies ornand Diid the children, dont break bottles 171 Rod arch thowng that -The Catharines, are vistng Mr. and Thanks were tendered the speaker Hitiamltle yR a ouseis n Suio." H~e tak« pM .Sde eel ygoplaeMs lir. m. Crrie Toroto, t "E- inMargaret Hayes, Taunton, for amal foot ta tread an! Other the alma-basixipresented to the lMr.and lira. Aldexi Hoarviait-and ma180ta Veronica Frlond, pianto the latest OmnadimaL osei a(CiS EEs it eraut n"Gry Pr- anes ur bhndriooui s ael lisu i Se eal st heSdney roup lader, ira.sGodm10 Mrs. Pearle Cale, lMr.G. A.dise."an McLreTylr n ete helx, hae c, hsbcm Edodtn t"Bse el"bullets from hoigoe h Beachers,,and ho là carefulta peggy DvisoHrot, Eng- Marlaxi Hayward for a dellghtful Scal proclucera. ilir ora awoalandidy-waera.Sharpegaeono.a rhaxiguaif Mr, andc Mr'.Loat eeen Toronto, ing at "Milfrd Manor," Muskoka. lr uselHima a. h ang dock lxi vicw fftmthc land, who are visitlng in Tot. duet. lira. Goodmani gave ai n- ore sr t ul o u s on _____________________ Miss B Greestree, hi. M r.nguhselv aca n n a uhn tnpspeaker'& deak. N,. r.and lira. George Rahm and historical sketch cf Tyrane In- r h a rdcdh ee In te ILos Whi..t. MiEB. rdest, lr . and n EI hro vacOtaio' otra fzin tip At 10:25 Mhi..Carlton hurries lielen, Saitiield, lin.and ira. stitute front its oegin Jan. leth, lactations a total of13,0 l, warda, Toronto, With hi.. A. Ed- Misses Barbara Goddard and up h odt e ..faied by Cecil Rahm, Union, wlth hi. and 1914, wlth lira. A. W. Annia, Pre- niillc containing 5,837'b.butr BU O Rwards lni "Fra-Vel." Catherine Dilling are attcnding hcr assistants WlIIa Simpson, Li- lira. Walter Rahm. aident, and Miss Pearl Skinner fat. Her test recordwsmaea BU Y URMr ndMr. .Thompson and Girl Guide Camp on Pigeon Lake. brarlan, Betty Taylor, Treasurer, Mr. and hi.. L W. Larmer, (lira. N. Woodley) Secretary. She a three year-old whenal r - a~iLUUS Ifflt~ Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Porter,- The weekly cuchre was held et and Grace Sutherlan'd, arganist. Miilbraok, with Mr..and lira. G. also read the liat of charter mcm- duced in 365 days aourtm ICMIIIEDU I3UUU Goodwood, and Mir. Wm. Thomp- EEEE's, the wliners for the even- She ha. been preceded by the Rasevear. Larry Rouevear rcturn- bora cf which only two remain in a-day mllklig, 28,10 b.mlo m v l For Dunn i the "Rusty Nok." Beach; Mr. N. Bottrel, "Sldom David Gray. BiyHehr M hi. Elva Beckett, Bowmanville, and Mr. R. Hodgson. West3.carcetai 1,3 b,.ft aea lra. M. Lawsan is vacatioilg Inn," and hi,. Wm. Street "Wene.. Theai you cmxi catch glinipses af with hier niothen, lirs. Laura vir- There was a large atte'ldace at record stands second frmlca NEXT WINTER M Veri us." Mrs. F. Mathews "Ta~. thc unrecognized workers, -the tue. tis meeting preslded over by fourtil for fat in Canaai i Mr n r.M on n ocoma," rcie h oslto mothers, sc sMs oad Mr. and lira. Leon Moore, John lira. Rosevear for a short business senior three-year-old caa N W !Smlih Falls andMis arre prize. Plckard and lir. Ramm who and Paul cxiioycd a week's hall- session; report of strawberry soc- She also bas thneE. ie-d N Livingaton, Toronto, with Mir. and The Bowmianville Beach Sports se d forth thc tnibutarles ta Uthc day wlth Mr. and lira. The a li howed net receipta nearly mllklng records aof 9lb.f Duy y th Cas anilave Mrs. J. Cully in "Good-E-Nuff."' Day under the capable convenor stream aof ardent young schalars Down, Lakefield. Bill e Down re- $35.0; Oshawa Pair Commlttec, from 458lb.ik;32lsfa Mr. nd lraW. DrnoMr.ship of Bruce Murchison, l. maae- tumbling along the grassy alope. turning with them for a visit. ln.L niM.J ok ia rm2,3;81l. a Cholce Quallty, 20-os, tins Mac Durno, Mir. and lira. Pat ing dlaim ta be the biggest and Then cames an hour later a triao isNn agsn ahntn G. Alldread; Sunday Schoal ser- from 21,450 lbs. milk adatie Carrots . 24 - $ 1.95 Yeo, Toronto, at "Cheerio." beat yet. A good alate af sport- ai mon who agree wlth the Psalm- D.C., is visiting her parents, lir, vice, July 27th, in charge of -a-daymlkng2, reIord i831l Mn. amecPerisattededain2evntsis tncdns.Wm. iat that they would rather be and lira. R. J. Hodgsan, and lMr. stitilte. Ncxt meeting, Ag.20 atesfror22019 tn (JholceQuallt, 20-o. tins stag party in honor of a regirncn- Street will conduct racing eventa doankeepers irn the house a their and lrs. R. ClapiletUchm lr. Goryn Bent n n es atoycred e Mnda. dln.J olnTr races, as good prizes have been LXXXIV. 10). These men, Mes- Russell Stewart, Centreton, and mothers, fohn n hlrnliaid frmwh1,4 hegav861lb. Mr. .. 4 .a ndtMrs. Mary Sha's. r-provided. 1All ourfrlend: from. ors. SdGage, Jack Attweilland Mn. Bert Stewart, Calgary, visited vted.c-mmnityareaske uchayin a t frolm ,4vi0 lb.ilk Van Camp's Fancy QualltY. Mr. and lira. Andrew Matbews, af an open house or rather cat- two little pines, give genial arnles Sart'.W.lacnd's M.r.lisvR. a askt lnch alo En yaClantha j, a daugh 20-ai, tins Mise Betty Mathews, Miss Joyce tage on that eventful day.' All aloxig wath books af hymna and Miss Lillian licRoberta, Taranto, caîl was "Miy most embanasaixig tCold ant berk anhad Tont on, Mn. and lins. C. Chandler, Beach. We wene aasurcd ai iallaws with hem trcasurer's bag Mrs. R. J. Hodgaon and Misa Yellowleca gave a splendid de-so. elaarthrothWadAN yu[ SA Julce . ... 24 - $2.50 Toronta; and Mn. Lionel Parker, prompt attention and action on Uic and the Quest Book. Observant Nina Hodgson apent a fcw days votional. lins. Goodrnan's group town, with lins. F. Mathews, "Ta- West Beach road and eagenly housekeepens pick up the odd with lin. and lins. C. D. Hodigson served lunch. Raisins ...... M i 7c coma." await its campletion for Uic con- scnaps le±t fnom the children's ser- at Hall's Lake. A1 0U Miss Shirley Fowler, Miss Peg- venience af town and out-of-town vice and sureptitiously slip themn Miss Darcen Rahm spent a wcek FT M e E T R ' gy Street' Toronto, at ".Wene- guests. A full day bas been pro- into the scnap barrel. withi her cousin, Helen Rahm at Newtonville T nerus." vided from rn lx hntithe Alti iligsriegoca on anied f FE T R Mn. Wrn. Street is enjoylng hi. mrnrng ta the carnival of gaines week by week ta kcep Uic golden li.adlns .A ooper, On July 8th Mr. and Mna. Mcl- vacatian an Uic beach and in- li the cvening. Dancing li the chain ai worship uxibroken G eorg e and Ed war d,Taoraon C ,,wiUi ville Samis (nec Leta Prouse) B1ROTHER pnoving bis cottage with a coat ai pavilion uiider the Beach Associ- thraugbout thc yean. Mn. and lira. Howard Brent. werc sbowered upon their recent OUR U T FRUIT TOREe ation on Satunday night and en- FR I S O EThe Misses Kirby, Toronto, anc tertaiximent for the kiddies andi July 27 marks thc first time i Mn. and lins. Walter Rahm,. manrage by relatives and fnienda ____ Tu tr lhholidaying in "Irma-Deil." iesaosta u-unra-Dre ndCm Sevie lns J Bdwllan ldaters on Sunday nne seson at truicsner a- oren nd of lemn attended the ne- fnom Elizabethvillc, at thc home W iib Th tr ihM.adMs .Bdeladfinally the draw an Monday nîght nucdta h evcswn oeiga nikl hrh OfaihUicbride's parents, lin. andW. iIb.Co dGodcrtesltlag. Sevc adnviiY M. and lis. . JSinaîWsHl , M ad dy itHlsdason l clmicancelled an accaunt ai Uic wca- Sunday and viaited her mothen, lira. W. R. Prouse. Rev. P. F. ca espnml fsf Phono 674 44 King St. B. radln.T oia etHlCvcHldywl umnate aur ther. Fontunately lin. George lins. Mary Gniffin. Gandinen was chairman. Aften an fromse Creimdcas FREE DEIVER lr. J an r.Ad Ronni, Mrn R ay te o o Bowmanviile Harnap will give bis talk on "Tat- 'lin. George Brooks spent a few enjoyable pnagnam lins. Elmen IU!!Vh i ie Carpenter, Mn. and lins. T. Car- orne one, corne ail. Came big tle-Tale Gray" at a later date. days at Mr. Leslie Thompaan's. Elliott read an as by Laie nUv auUisSody ___________________ oeater T acto inavert"Rnen-and saal, ta the West Beach at Dntfail thec cildren at their lin. and lins. Harry HatherlY Tnew, Pearl Elliott, Leona Beatty, doevous. ctinigat"Rn Bowrnanvile. open session ncxt Sunday at il and cildren, Tonanto, and Mn. Mac Reid, Mn.. H. Sheppard, Inez T m& dzos arn. Corne with no fear ai sun and lira. Jack Hathenly and fam.- Todd, Betty liencer, Greta lic..T Master Douglas Woodlack, af or nain. Our extension awnings ily, Newtonville, with Mn. and Millan. An array ai useful gits A TIU T l h O DEA Hampton at the Wonnacott cotshould be ready if labon and maxi- ira. R. Hatherly. was presented ta the newlyweds. AUCUSTALE tage. agement ane able ta co-ordinate. Mn. and lira. Albert Wood and Thc bride and groom thanked LASS W AR E lis. D. J. licClean, Kingston, Stephen Jeffroy made a special childrni and Mn.. Dave Park and thoin friends aiten which aihln.N Mlhiad social (Inclusivo R S U E wt r.N uloln.trip from Maple Grave with cedan cildren at lin. Heni Caneron's. tirno was spent followed by re-B wm n le Miss Velda Latimer, Miss Editi pales; Sid Gage got us aur nails Mn. and lins. Russell Philp and frehents. hors r o cLs n r n ooks; the Daisy Dell people children and lins. Taylor, Peter-_________ FOR HROLIDASIoo ae D. Rowe, Miss FernalicClcan, To- went to infinite pains buying, cut- bora, with Miss Jean Philp. . ronta, at VellEtta. ting and sewing Uic caxivas, and Master Warren Cross, Toronto, Weed nspector Mr. and lins. Jack Carponten, ___ Mn. William Leslie bas kcpt his visited Ronnie Philp. Buned b osnIyC John and Judy, Toronta, holiday- c____ Bu byn tPeoison n.vy CoErnetCSteE.tMurreill ing li "Rendezvous."crfumyao h eeton iS.teat vStew atMiss Wil O E-DSTODAE Mn. and lins. Wm. Bnown and Sufferlng fnom severe arm n n ma Steart visitr. atlin. twm. un casoe ypioniy pig Beveag s 18KgStEPhn 5 f ~ Penny, Winnipeg, at tic William,' T 1 lacnd'R M. lSStwnts u r naocsoee osniy cottage. u etnadM.RB.catsboen- and under medical care, the town lins. S. Wiggixis, Toronta,,with _______n turnirng ta their home at Salmon wccd inspector, Oliver Robents,, hem daughter-in-law, lins. G. is .SignadArBC a sc i ulct eaea Mr.andMrs L.Sligerand Miss Mary Adeline Bradley ai this noios ee at hspriu gins, "Keo-Wig."Osaa and Leonard, Niagana-on-tie-lake, Toronto, with Doneeni Rahm for lan time. Sa fan as tis arficu- Mrt. lnds. . aian shawa, with lins. E. Caughill. a holiday. thene are only two patches in Miss June Gabounie, Tonanto, -Mn.. H. Giîl and Donald return- lin. Victor W. Dceley left on town, anceli the NniWr n *.~ witi lis. R. Oke. d aiten spending a wcek at thein Friday for two wecks' holiday at anNaUcrathe r a nd tl in. a d is. . M te wsne o t eweek-e oa . Stl U ~~~~~cottage at Bobcaygeon. W igwissan, M uskoka Lakes. sfeig h a c ni un n tc_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ending in "Idylwild." lin. and Mn,. Robent Carter Mrd and lins. McCuish return- job with assistance ai thé county lin. anidlins. Fonreat Dilling at An evii sun-spot ail this wcek wei Petorboro and Part Hope eeks' vac on awi th n.E ree oad ipcto.ntl h patches Big Tub Lodgc, Tobernony. has been tnailing its 150,000 mile for their vacation. Deey. Mntin ih r . rets asa wnka Siooting on tic Beach has been diarneten bctwcen us and tic sun lin. and lira. L. Sanders and Women'a Institute taok charge tic patch on tic lake raad which ' IFUf S IWlA '1 Afi tic subjcct ai concemn by summen causing atmaspheric disturbancea. daughten, liullbnoak, wene recent ai Uic Sunday School session last he mistook for poison oak befone ~ V ~ MU .V residents. This is a dangenous as Tic social and comrnunity efforts guests ai Mn. and Mn.. Ken Rab- Sunday witi lins. G. Rosevean be discovened tic sligit difference LO CIL m . u m well as unlawiul practice and have thereby suffened a shnink- lin. presiding. Piano duet was nicely in tic leaves. Banc anmed, he was lins.utLthecotabealwrtp Jart* Mn. anidlins. Bennett and Joan, played by Lillian and Helen Cole. stung sevcnely, tic first time, as oustomera who hv rvosyaoe o okn FOR - nd Lonrainerais itin tc amm- Toronto, wlt Mr..and lins. T. lins. R. Glaspel took charge ai ho pointod out, in is 50 years asaerqute coacusnndatlfrthr and Lau oriens. Hawka Baieoy. tic lesson; lins. Jowell playcd a a gardonen and landscape eusd ~Umm~I TgMEî ba m E acoalens a avBotae aue, aa.n t iahelwle a hrg lieha a iilrt to SUM ER IMEVerne ak witi hi, Scarboro Mn.. E. Caughill with Mna. H. piano solo; lina. Hoan gave a read- Tic roal poison îvy, as he cx- own2 looker. Makeyou tale nviigW V C HIES lin. and lins. Firby and Paul Isabel Carter la staying with ai Uic juniors. Owing ta tic stern small troc plants. Tic ivy la of Maeyour ftdale lnvltng . . . .1 Oawe c9S/aa4d z'nd Z C&ewith tic Sutierlands at Bunny lira. George Carter, Bowmanville. tiere was flot as many out as ticnhus nadicans îarniîy wîile Fresh FroznF hAiasA Jai ____Burro. *Mn. axid Mn,. Gardon Hudson, migit have been. tic oak i. tenmed nhus vernix and e DEPENOABLE Henb Penny and Clark Cnyder- lin. and lira. J. Nonse, Pctembana Misses Stella and Margaret Wil- bath have tic toxicodendron as- * CUAEmaxi at tic Barra. Mn. and lira. S. lioffat, Oshawa kinsan, Havelock, Mn.. Margaret pects. But tiese anc punoly teci- JUICE GLASSES ANDCo.Blan lia Bou ai eeSudy Woodley, Mn,. Stevenison, Oshawa, nical terma, familiar only ta weed eATEAGLASESATGae',l. iland Mwr hasts on Men,. . Gren. o M. n Miss Florence Gardiner, Bowmaxi- specialista. Hi, advice is, "keepB W MV LL e DEAUTIFUL f Fox and family last Tuesday. lins. T. Hopley was li Hamilton ville, with Mr. and lirs. Albert cdean wien i doubt." Se and up Hili.l. lr.Canno n orwihfredr i. Robents sent sample lbaves Evey ORI Wtc isMr ad Ms.Camro o tor ilxirensorn t t a eterm ne orthenGI O KE YS E 7 nue onrqettirougi Eastern and Centnal Can- lin. Frank Mansfield, Toronito, a atcgvnretlbrtn I~ egaiist ail risks of LORIE LA S. 2975 ada fnam New York, pitcied thiî la spcnding is vacation witi lin. W NSISITT liiaoontio iaterime ti n ITO R S FRUITr BOWLSor omie natwas tenta rySonnen in tic mld- and Mlra. Fred Neediam. Higiligit af tic July Women's ty inspector witi spnaying equip-Ph e 7 FRUIT BOWLSe* o lu ole w th weeo.argadtsy Mr. Howard D:vey, Bownan- Institute meeting held at tic home ment is assisting Mr. Roberts inxI 73 KIig 6t. W. AND NAPPIES clea, Ouve . o David Banr, Sr., la nccvening lira. R. Davey. M nin address given by ir, S. E. Wery. witin t twn limita. 17.ieel fom a erios setbackpathiiesn Svalescence from last winter'a ill- SPECIAL es. "POLA DT" everge etsMn,. R. V. Ducan, sisten aiflira. "POLA DT" evenge etsE. Ott, spent ton days at El-ti-di- 16 plecea, S glasses, S spoons s .as. lins. E. licNulty, lins. Ott and Saily will spond tic first $3.00 per Set haif ai August in otel Chequens, like a Phoenix, la ris- ingd fain ita asies. A recent old PireKin Tale las andLORE MRff $2.73cauntry visiton with a rare sense FIn eK n T al e G . a iLof M RT 5 i hum o n ask d fo n tic Prim o Ove Wne ~Modem 17. loe Ministen. He was siown a figuire, Crisp, fresh vegetables, top quality* meata, and The Chapel-on-the-HU .J.I..04AI ROICS-Ie high quality grocery etaplea gîve you a wide "How amiable are thy tabernacles FROM WOOOPULP... varietY for Planning menus. And aur econonilcal IO Lod ai hasts."t I b prices holp you propane botter meala for les.. hind Uic simple loveliness aifUice _____________________services at Uic C ap l-n-te-H il, l. i , ' take a stroli during the. pro-ser- vice bouma ai any wcekend. v'ee Early Saturday Tommy Harnap OIW aritcinvitation carda ta bis A OYEAy Rîij WR Eéi store for everything you need to squad ai assistant.. Tic BarrlckFETFtN IGfM J (fYYAAMLOWdSmR BRWN CMP YLMiD baya and John White caver Cedan make cool invlting meals. Crs; Adr~ien Jack Fox ad p, two ai severai aider volunteens, tie Eat Beach. lins. Moyens la EDMONOTONE'S MARKET ain he aranes liabse for wr h EDMO DST NE MA KET skfuyag rrtc 1anelnfowase o teorgan box. A worker who proeer ta romain unkxiown la re- KARVEY JOINT, prop. movlng Uic traces af "tie awal- Phone 375 29 King st. 1C. 1Iows which have made their neat. neheasng witii saoloists, lins. H. W. Simpson, Mn. E. Luttrell. 'J PAGE six .1 TEZ CANADL4N RTATZMUW- ànWWAWvnýT-le- n",àlvilv% -,,

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