- PAGE EIG~~ THE CAXADIAN STATESMMf. BOWMANV1LLE. ONTA~O 'XHURSDAY. AUGUST l4tIi. 1041 Now's the' Tin To think about your FE3TILIZER NEEDS Wheat. W. can supply your needs with Swift Gro-Mor. Let us book your order. De Lavai Milkers and Separat< for immediate delivery as well as De Lavai Pressure Water Systems W. have arrny knapsaoks, haversacks and r& in stock. These are the real things for the f is and the boy going to school. Remember the Garden Part at W. G. Allison 's, Maple Grove - Thursday, Corne and see the Case Combine Demonstratio DURING THE EVENING W. H. DROWI DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery - Flrestone DeLaval Mlkers and Separators Beatty Brou. Stable Equlpment 91 King St. W. ne 3for Fal tCanadian ors on hand Linood shran y Aug. 2lst n e Tires Phone 497 Solina Visitors: Mns. Bpryce Brown, Mns. R. J. McKshck, Oshawa; Mns. Alan McKessoçl, Thamesfond; Miss Muriel '?mith, London, at A. L. Pascoe's and cailed on other friends. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Neals, Pet- erborough; Mn. and Mrs. K. Sam- elis, Mrs. Charles Venning and Linda, Mn. Sam Ferguson, Black- stock; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mont- gomery, Ian, Donna and Meriam, Oshawa; Mn. Melville Montgom- ery, Bexley, at Bruce Mantgam- ery's. Miss Ida Reynolds, Mrs. Han- ry Westley, Toronto, with their sister, Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees and visited othen relatives in Bowman- ville. Miss Fannie Smales, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Smales and David. Miss Vena Gilbert, Tom'nto, at home. Mn. and Mrs. Archie Tbomp- son, San Pedro, Calif.; Mn. Rus- sell Thompson, Mrs. S. Thomp- son, Mrs. Janet Fnize, Mrs. Ma- bel Leslie, Toronto, at S. E. Wer- ry's. Mn. and Mrs. James Abernethy, Mrs. John Metcalf, Bowmanville, at W&Werry's. Mrn n Mrs. Orme Cnuick- shanks and Joan, Peterborough, at Bruce Tink's. Mns. H. E. Tink at Hilton Tink's, Base Line. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Lamne and Diane, with Mns. W. A. Or- miston, Brooklin. Mrs. Eanl Innes and Judith, of Manchester; Mrs. Tennyson Pere- man, Columbus; Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Wilson, John and Paul, Osh- awa, at Lamne Hoskin's. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Smales on the birth ai their son, David John. Tom Baker is suffening an in- juned knee andi Lloyd Broome an attack ai pleunisy. s Plan ta attend the meetings at the churcb tanight andi tomorrow night, with the Forward Move- ment tearn. Sincere sympathy is expressed ta Mns. Roscoe Baker on the death ai hem father, Mn. Robent -J FOR DISHES aid WOOLENS PURlITfL Oun BRUFT package 29c 7 lb bag23C 24 lb bag73c ?i~*1~ &e64 TAMTYCHICKEN HADDIE 1Tio.25 SLICED LOAF CHEESE lb. 39g CATELLI READY OUT MACARONI - Pkg. 9< CORNFLAKES BRUAKER « 3 Pkgs. 25e LIBBY'S NqUSTARD * Jar 18 OLVM PIC SPICED HARN Tin.37e FANCV JUICE ORANGE- 2 Tins . 294 it's Refreshing! Cooling! SERVE ICED A&a P COFFEE CUSTOM GROUND DOKAI lb 39c VIGOROUS & WINEY WHEN A MAIIR S SHORTEN ING IDGNESTIC l.30o TOILET 8OAP PAILLCake 8e TOILET SOAP. PALMOIEIVE Giant11e LAUNDRV 8OAP P. &9. '3 Barhl19e CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS Pkg. 310 GRANGESCALIFORNIA VALENCIA GRAPESCALIFORNIA RED MALAGA GRAPES No1Grd PEACHES 8.CLIRA o.1Grade WASHINGTON BARTLETT, No. 1 Grade - Cage APPLES OKN OTRIO GOLDEN BANTAM CO GIN o. 1 Grade JS COLORADO, FRESH, LARGE PO>DS, No. 1 Grade CELEY BRAALOR CGGINGGNINSNative rw Doz. 27< 2 Ibo. 35% 2 Ibo. 29e 3 Ibo. 2no 2 Ibo. 2n< 2 Ibo.194 6 for 250 l b. 19% 2Zfor 19# 4 Ibo. 19e ANN PAGE-WHITE or BROWN MILK BREAD - 224 ozî 1ài5c MASTER BRAND DOG BISCUITS - 21 flb bags 29c NO RIN.ING-NO WIPING SPIC & SPAN -m- Picg 23c AYLMER BABY LIMA BEANS -20 zmozinl8c HERSHEY'S GIANT CHOCOLATE BARS ea 35c CLARK' PEANIIT BUTTER 160-ZJar 29c ANN PAGE MAYONNAISE i- J~ar 23c 4& 1~ PSprRight Qai~M t amD or PLUE DRAND nomNDSTEAK on ROAST BONELESS l. 49< SELON STEAK R nROAST M. 520 BLUDE Boa"fl BLADE BONE OUT ib. »0 FRESZ HAIDDOCK FILESMb 9 Y FEmun CS ILETS 8b. 27% WEI AEO ASM" Rll'4& hi Mrs. Wm. Martin has solti the bouse and lot belonging ta the farm ta Mn. Thomas Westover. We welcome Mn. andi Mns. Thos. Westover and son, andi Mn. andi Mrs. Frank Westovem ta aur com- munity. Her many fniends here wish Mrs. Ross Richards a speedy ne- cavery. She was operated an in Oshawa Hospital, Monday. Mn. and Mrs. A. Read anti fam- ily attendeti the Fleming family reunion at Oak Lake, Wednesday. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Publow, To- ronto, at Mn. A. E. McNeil's. Mn. anti Mrs. Harolti Gay and family, Oshawa, at Mn. C. Gar- rard's. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Woollings, Toronto; Mns. Ken Anstice anti son, Sault Ste. Marie, at Mn. H. Ashton's. Mns. A. E. Reid, Mn. F. J. Con- nelly, Peterbono, Mn. andi Mns. Joseph Bullock, Kingston, at Mn. Forget's. Mn. and Mrs. A. Brown and ba- by, Toronto, with Miss May Tre- win, with Mns. Brown andi baby staying for a few days. Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family, Mns. T. Cowling and Vi- vian at Toronto. Mn. andi Mrs. Jack Potts and family, Mrs. W. Martin at Mn. Deibent Myles, Orono. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton anti family at Mn. Fred Billett's, Scar- bora. Mns. George Hilîson, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Grey, Sud- bury, M-ns. T. Prout and Vivian, Mr. and Mns. Clifford Trewin, Bowmanville, at Mn. W. Trewin's. INtended for Last Week) Messrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ross Ash- ton, Melville Bertrim and Alymer Beecb enjoyed a flshing trip to Crow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grabam and Rena enjoyed a camping trip 0v- er tbe holiday weekend. 1Mr. and Mrs. Forget and fam- ily spent two weeks' bolidays at Mr. Wm. Connelly's, Kingston, and Mr. Harry Connelly's, Parry Sound. Mr. Jack Potts bas purchased a car. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Umbel and cbild, Lansing, spent the weekend at tbeir place. They have bought Mr. Richard Mc- Neil's property, east of the vil- lage. Mrs. E. Gage, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gage and family, of Thornbill;, Mrs. Ken Smith and Sally, Kingston; Mrs. E. Mark, Lindsay; Mrs. C. Rice, Bowmani. EVERYBODr'S, B3usINIEss Practically every successful man I have ever met radiates an attitude of self-confidence. It is safe ta assume, there. fore, that without this atti- tude, it is almost impossible ta get ahead in the world. So the ambitiaus man who real- izes this fact wiil, by erect posture, clean speaking voice jand firm stride, try ta convey an impression of his self- confidence thnough outward appearance. And this in turn wili hcip generate his self- confidence inwardly. But anc must be careful neyer to appear cocksure. This causes people to shy away frorn you. Furthermore, it is invaniably the pose cf the man who does flot know as much as he would like you ta think he doca. So try ta express your self. respect in a manner that re- flects confidence mixed with a large portion cf modesty. a a a A man's feeling cf uelf-confi. dence is increaucd by the. financial independence that cornes from owning Life I-. surance. No other inavestinent provides the security enjoyed by life insistance policyhold- ers and their families. Boyle, Toronto. Mrs. Lame Hoskln, Murray, Allyn and Grace, are upendlng a Wteek's vacation at their cottage, Geneva Park. Memnbers af the Wamcn's mti- tute were entertalned at the home of a former active memben Mrs. Clifford Naylor, Columbus, last Thursday aitennoon far their reg- ular meeting. Mrs. Roy Lang- maid presided for the business and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin conducted the program, the motta for the month being: "Do not live ta cat but cat ta live." Mrs. Larigmaid presented an lntenesting account ai their trip by air ta Charlotte, North Carolina. Musical selec- tions were given by Pearl Leach and Mary and Elma Crydernian. Fail wbeat threshing is yieldlng about "0 bushels per acre. Haýydon Mrs. Elsie Thomas, Toronto, with Mrs. Ella Balson and Fred and Mrs. Balson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vinson and Jimmy, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balson, at Bracebridge. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright with Mrs. Oke and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson and Jean, Hampton, with Blake and Mrs. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemens and Marilyn, Toronto, with Fer- gus and Mrs. Kinsman and atten- ded the funeral of the late Mrs. A. Van Driel on Saturday. She was sister of Fergus. Master Howard Saunders cele- brated bis lOth birthday and en- tertained a few of bis young friends. Mrs. Cameron Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Fuffer and family, Peterboro, with George and Mrs. Reynolds. Mrs. Verna Millar, Toronto, at the Reynolds' borne. Miss Gladys Reynolds is spend- ing a month in tbe Georgian Bay district. Her friends hope this may be an impravement towards better bealth. Clyde Saunders and Master Howard in Windsor. Master Carl visited Belleville. Doug and Mrs. Oke with Fran- cis and Mrs. Courier at Port Hope. Mrs. Sam Vinson is home after her severe iliness. She bas been with ber daugbter, Mrs. Frank viile; Mrs. Don Carneron at Mr. M. Bertrim'a. Mr. and Mrn. Silas Trewiný, of >owmanville; Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Trewin's. Mrs. A. Read at Mr. Fred Ash- ton's, Toronto. Mrs Bert Ferguson, Enniskil- len; lvs. Gea. Ferguson andi Gar- don, Mr. Arthur Slcep, Oshawa, at Mr. Jack Potts'. 1Mr. andi Mns. K. A. Smith and Sally, Kingston, Mrs. Mechin, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mechin, Osh- awa, Mrs. C. Rice, Bowmanville, at Mn. Don Cameron's. The Sunday School picnic was held at the Ononp Park on Satur- day. A game of' softball was en- jayed. At 6:30 ail sat down toaa bountiful supper supplemented with ice cneam. After supper Mrs. T. Cowllng took charge of the sports. Winners ai the races: Fxrst children's race, Wayne Blackburn and Lynda Potts; sec- odchildren's race, Bobby Rich- arsand Bradley Ashton; third children's race, Maurice Richards and Ray Asbton; scavengen bunt, Mrs. B. Ashton and Claytan Read, Vivian Cowling and Bob Colber- ry; men's ball throwing, Ross Ri- chards and Wilbur Blackburn; ladies' bail tbrowing, Mns. B. Ash- ton and Vivian Cowling; calling contest, Mrs. A. Beech and Vivianj Cowling; wbistling contest, Bobi Colberry and Wilbun Bla.ckburn; measuring race, Mrs. A. Read and Mrs. Dan Carr; coat race, Bob Col-j berry and Ross Richards; shoe kicking, Mrs. B. Ashton and Viv-g ian Cowling; oldest present, Mrs.j Mark Blackburn; youngest pre- sent, Leon Carr. Courticej One hundned pountis of roe were taken from a sturgeon caught recently in the Fraser riv- er at Haney, B.C. A new "hot air" engine, In its 15 h.p. version said ta muni quiet as a sewing machine bas been de- veloped in Holland. Hedges of tough-stemmed ras- TONICO0F LAUQHTER es inatead of wfre fences are re- There'a nothlng as infectlous aà commencled by the U.S.A. Dept. laughter, and It's one type of con- of Agriculture. tagion which the doctors welcone. A Canadian psychologist con- The happy soul in office, in class tends that the greatest safeguard room or in the home, is the foun-à agalnst a mental breakdown Is a tain-head of a tonic better thain friend. anything which cornes in botties. plICKa PEPSI 0 Baison. Alan Vinson, Taronto, was a weekend guest with his parents. Gordon PiékeUl, Detroit, la vis- iting relatives in. Ottawa. Jack Pîckeil and sons, Jack Jr., and Marshall, Detroit, with their many relatives here. Miss Audrey Beauchamp, Ton- onto, and Mn. and Mrs. Monty Mil- lar and daughten, Hanmony, with Charles and Mns. Found. Miss Mona Morrow, Winnipeg with Mrs. A .J. Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgan and son, Kendal, and Gardon Griffin, Toronto, with Norman and Mrs. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and sons, Don and Bill, Mn. and Mrs. Herman Rogers and three cbildren, Oshawa, with Harry and Mrs. McLean. George Kazak, Saskatcbewan, is with bis sister, Mrs. Harry Hut- ton and Harry, wba have alsa just retunned fnomn visiting Kay's par- ents in Saskatchewan. Miss Helen Graham and Mns. Malcolmson, Toronto, with Tab and Mrs. Gearing. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allin and son, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cautts, Mrs. J. Nicholson and son, Toronto, Charles Hoît, Pickering, with Mrs. Annie Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hutton are in Guelph, as Mn. Hutton, Sr., is quite iii at bis home there. Mn. and Mrs. George Goddard aad daughten, Louise, are holiday- ing at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pickell and deughter, Kingston, with bis rel- atives bere. Community, Sale August 23 in the afternoon, is the date for the "Icommunity sale," ta be held on the No. 8 school ground. It is boped a good sum will be realized in aid of building fund for the church. The conven- ers bave covered the most of the district. If any persan bas been missed, they are asked ta let any of tbe committee know, and any donations will be called for. Auc- tioneer'Frank Stirtevant, Oshawa, will wield the baton. Mlscellaneous Showcr Misses Aura and Lila Osborne and Mrs. Blake Oke, were among the guests at a miscellaneous shower for the guest af bonor, Miss Bennice Arnott, bride-elect, given by Mrs. George Scott and Miss Grace Scott at their home. Contests were enjoyed, aiter wbich Grace, assisted by ber lit- tie nephew, Douglas Scott, pre- sented ta Bernice a basket decon- ated in pink and wbite, and filled witb a lovely assortment of gifts. Bernice m&-de a very fitting reply. Dainty and lovely refresb- ments were served by Mrs. Scott, Miss Grace and Mrs. Ray Scott, witb Mns. Jesse Arnott, presiding at the tea unn. Guests were fromn Scarboro, Columbus, Osbawa and the immediate neighbonhood. "THE MASI24UP4E" altfer a painting by Shelley Logier. ANGING CLUBS-Conservationisgs By asulstlng in the work of r.utocking lakes and treama wlth game fiah, angllng clubs become cm important factor in oona.rvatLon. The. Mnlidnonge, king of Canadasu fresii-wciter fighteru, in faut disappeciring froin many of aur lakes. Au a resuit, thousanda of fishermen are availing thernselves af modern transportation to reacli hitherto inaccessible nonthern waters. True sportsmen at the saine lime realize that even in thes. new areas, the. supply oi fish is limited. They welconie and conform. with legisiation providing for the conservation of the. "tmuoukieo *îlBoatmen and baitmen, hotel-keepers and guides feel the. pincii when the. fishemman drives further nortii because he can catch nothing but perch and sunfiuh ini the lake that used to teem with bass and maukcinonge." *An excerptf rom -CONSERVATION and CAMADA'5 GAME 7151 hG. C. Toner, M.A., one lu a serias of pomphl.ta publlahed by The Caling Conservation Club. THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO. ONTARIO D-339 «.Posi-Cala hE the registu.d frade mark ln Canada ohf the Pepti.Cala Company cf Canada Umted FAN TANS ae*t~ RECIPE Add 1 envelope Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast and 1 tsp. sugar to 1 cý lukewairmn water; Stir and let stand 10 minutes. Scald 1 c. rnilk, add 5 tbs. sugar; add 2 tsp. sait and cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture; Add 3 c. sifted flour and beat until perfecdy smooth. Add 4 tbs. melted shortening and 3 c.. A," more sifted flour, or enough to make easily bandled dougb. Knead well. Place in greased bowl. Cover and let risc in warm place until doubled in bulk, about 2 / hours. Punch dough down in bowl and let risc again in warma place until nearly doubled in bulk, about 40 min. When light, roll out into rectangular sheet Y1" thick. Bru.sh with melted butter or shortening, ait into strips W wide. Pile 7 strips together, cut into piece 1" wide. Place inch- side up in greased muffin pans. Cover; let risc in warm place, free from draft, until a light, about 1 hour. Bake in 400'F. oven for 20 minutes& ESTABLISHED FOOD STORES 1 -------------------- ---- - - - - iiiiiiiiilffl MF PACM MGR. . THE CANADIAN STATESUAN. BOVILANVM=.- ONTARIO IIMMDAY, AUGUST 14th, lé«