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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1947, p. 9

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the Milison home. Cowanville Miss Phoebe Edwandae, Peter- borough; Miss Lura Edwards, Ta- ronto, are spending their holidays with their mother and aiter, Georgina, at the Édwards fanm. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Ramsbot- tom and daughtem Dora, grand- daughter B4!h Bungess, Mn. Bruce Ramsbottir and friend Pauline Mathewe, Herman, made short visita aver the weekend et Mr. and Mns. J. W. Stringen's, Mn. and Mme. Andrew Bandy's, Mn. and Mrs. Wes Stringer's and at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley, Doreen and lCenneth viited at Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow's, on Sunday. Mr. Delbert Flshleigh visited at the Millson home, Sunday. The threshing machine made its first appearance in the commun- ity and threshed out Mr. 541 1IMal- lowell. M aple Grove Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Shel- la-Munroe, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick. Mr. Ross Metcalf, with Mr. Al- lin Werry, Enniskillen. Miss Jean Power, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman, Miss Shirley Cryderman returned with Jean for a visit. Mr. John Swallow, Kingsville, visited his cousin, Mr. F. Swal- low. Mr. Ross Trenouth, Toronto, vis- ited. his mother, Mrs. A. Trenouth at his sister's, Mrs. Roy Metcalf. Miss Joan Allun, town, visited her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Lymer. Mr .and Mrs. F. Swallow were in Toronto attending the funeral of his cousin, Mr. Harvey Swal- low. Church School will be held next Sunday and will meet at 2 p.m. Rev. F. Yardley, pastor, con- ducted a flower service on Sun- day. Sevieral nice bouquets adorned the front of the church. with a cross at the front. The children marched to the front of the church. Misses Pearl Colla- cutt, and Jean Burgess were at the front of the church and took the small bouquets from the children and placed them on the cross. Our pastor had a special message for the boys and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jeff ery, Miss Dorczen Jeffery spent Saturday in Toronto, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Watt, and also visited their brother-in-law, Mr. Floyd Willoughby, Winnipeg, who was en route to Halifax on business. About 100 men, women and childrcn of the community gather- ed at the school grounds, Wed- nesday, August 6, to enjoy a pic- flic supper -together. After sup- per, races for the children were run off under supervision of Mr. Stan Snowden and committee and a basebail game was enjoyed,, married men versus single men. Afterwards everyone journeyed home having enjoyed a pleasant evening. Low Rail Fares ta the OTTAWA EXHIBITION AUGUST 18 - 23 FARE AND ONE THIRD For the Round Trip Good go4ng Saturday Aug. 16 to Saturday Aug. 23 Inclusive Return Limit - Aug. 25 full Information tram any agent CANADIAN NATIONAL VISION C. H. TUCK Cpt. Disney Bldt. (opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1518 No. 29 Don't overlook an apparent physical condition when studying the eye and its defects. Many eye defects are more pronounced * due to a run-down or over-taxed physical condition. To some ex- tent an explanatory theory will apply to cases but will apply at times only in part. One person with no apparent effort wilL do a piece of work well, while an- other with a waste of much time à and effort must-give up. If this means of wastlng effort appeals ta ns you or the case applies to you selc the reason or the rcmedy p for your own sake and bath you and your employer will appreciate it. If it applies to your ehild don't blame the child yet. It mmy directly or indincctly be connect- t. ed with function of vision. $ee In the bcst Optometrist available. I will endeavor ta deal fully th with cach af these Symptoms sep- aratcly as I find modern use af MADE IN CANADA the eyes prompts an explanation. (To be Continued) SLEEPTIOHT with SEALTITE lis your bedroom too hot for comfortable sleéping ? If go. whv flot have your honte isulat- ed aitaimnt thé mid-day aummer heat. Insulation keeru your home cool land confortable during the. hottest surn- mer days. SEALTITE INSU LATION Hm ROCKWOOL Fa.AL.]BRUCE V7 Queen S3t. Bowmanville Phone 4"4 TEE CA2iADTA STATESMAN, EOWMAK»Vl=N, OMAM "-~ Blackstock Mns. Fred Cowling, Purpie Hill, sent hon naine in some germent lu a clothing drive snd recentiy ne- celved the followlng letten: Rotterdam, Holland 25th June,- 1947 Dean Mme. Fred Cowling. One ai these daya wc neceived a great meny clothes from your country end on one ai theni youn letton was put ta. I think you will be suxiaus ta know something about it snd that le why I seud ta yau a pha- tagrephy ai the factory where al things anc dividcd. About 1,000 people anc work- ing in that iactôry prQducing margarine and I cen tell y ou eech of them la very thankini for the gits wo necd sa much. You ask- cd me ta write something about aur country. Now Rotterdam le a town ai 700,000 inhabitants and la ane ai the towns the most des- trayed oi aur country. About 30,- 000 houses have been destroyod and meny people missed. The lest wintem befome the end ai the wer the situation was unteneble and we cennat be too thankiul for the liberatian by the Allied army. Our connection with the English and especielly with your people will make us ta have trust iu fu- ture. I have nover been lu Çan- ada but I am veny intercsted andl I hope yau will be sa kind te ne- turnae few uines or photographies ai your tawn. World's iriendship must be. My kind regards. Yda Yong, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Merle Henry and baby, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mms. Louis Henry.a Miss Vera Farder, Toronto, et home. Mr. Finlayson in General Hos- pitel, Toronto. Rev. Mn. McKibbin in Toronta. Mme. Rutledge, Bancroft, with friends. Mn. and Mms. A. L. Bailcy, Mr. and Mme. Roy Taylor with Mr. and Mme. Gamnet Murray, Ux- bridge. Miss Norma Hooo3r et conter- ence et Lake Couchiching. Mr. and Mme. H. S. Breathwaite and daughten Betty, Flint, Mlch., with Mms. Robt. Bruce. The Black Knights-marched te the United Church Sunday even- ing with the Fie and Dnum band in attendance. The Presbyteriau minister £ram Janetvllle was guest speaker. Mm. and Mrs. Jeck Kewen, To- onta, et Tewin brothers. Mn. and Mme. Sutherland sud femiIy et Bancroft. Mme. W. A. Dawson, K therine and Sandra with Mme. PFns8ailey et her cottage. The Women's Institute inet et the lovely home ai Mns. Nanann Malcolm an Wednesdey, August 6, with a good attend ence ai members and visitons. Mrs. Earl Doreli, president, was ini the chair. Bible reading was teken by Mme. Hoploy. Mfter the bus- iness session the pnpgram was in charge oi Miss Evelyn Sendenson and hon group. A littie poem "My Garden" was readi by Doris Mar- low. We weme fotuliate te have aur. Agicultunai Representative, Mr. E. A. Summema, with us. Ho gave us a wonderiui talk on hie hobby ai gladiolus growing ang had came fine spikee with hlm. Two conteste wene e]so enjayed, and a social chat and lunch. Tbe next meeting will be the lest Wed- nesdey ln August. On Fidey evening the coin- munity hall wes the scene of a shower la honor ai the newly- weds, Mr. andi Mme. Ronald Gina YOUR EYES. .Laugh to be healthy, say those versed In medical science. There's a warming, stilmulating, upliftlng quality about cheenfuiness, just as there ls a sense af colduess and depression ln gloomn. MOVINS WESTi rugoo. it &#§ae m keào anda DeA» hoRSeS h CATXL TORONTO - Adelaide 3130 COBOURG - 48J GORDON YOUNG, LU#UTD mil (ueeoMarlon Phayre). The. hall wa deconated with streamners of pink and white and baskets ai summen flowens. Mn. Clara Pallia was a splendid chaliman for the occasion. The iollowing pnognam was well givon Piano Instrumental, Clara Mariow; two fine solos by Mn.. Lorne Thoippson accompan- led by Mn . V. MW. Archer and nos- dings by Mn.s. Clarence Menbow and Mns. Wm. VanCamp. Aiter the many gif ts wene vlewed lunch waa servod, including wedding cake, passed by thc bride and groom, follawed by dancing. The best wishes oi the community are cxtendod ta the happy young cou- plé. Tho Bieckstock club unit known as the "Sewin.g Pals" attcnded the achievement day et Onono in July. Arriving there we met aur coach Mrs. B. B..- Mustard and hon help- ers UiceMisses Invin. The day consistcd oai fret registering and thon the placing of. four pieces of materials for pyjamas, and thon the piacing of four pairs o! pianias and reasons for placements. We count it an honor ta think out oi aIl the girls preseat Aileen Toms wes the only girl ta place thc py- jamas in correct place. Mrs. Mustard commented on gowns and housecoats with each individ- ual. In the afternaon skits, and demonstretions were put on by al clubs present. They were al on- jaycd and showed the grand work the girls are doing and how al cnjoy lt. Badges werg given ta the leaders. Four aif he leaders wcrc club girls wlth county hon-. ors: Mrs. Moore, Joan Toms, Mil- drcd Snowden and Betty Fallis. Thon certificetes were givon ta girls compieting two and four years. Two yeams ta some ai Millbmook, Bownianville and New- tonville girls and four yers, ta Aima Graham. It was suggcsted by Mrs. Mustard that the clu' s look at the Blackstock record books for references for better books for next year. UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS OF BLACKSTOCK CQNTINUATION SOHOOL Belley, Merlin-Lit. C, Chem. C, Fn.A. -III. Bradley, Norm-CoVip. I. Lengfeld, Miidred-ýHist. C. Larmer, Beryl-Comp. II, Phy's. C. Mountjay, Audrey -Lit. C, Gcam. C, Trig. C, Phys. C, F.A. III, Fr.C. C. Thomfpsan, Eieanor-Comp.ý 1, Phys. C. Thompson, Marlon-Camp. Il, Lit. II, Hist. C, Geom. II, Phys. III, Cheni. III, Fr.A. III, Fr C. C. Newtonville -PACE NMN Hunters WIn Dispute Agalnst Juniors 4-1 Monday Evénlng Playlng off a disputed game ln the Junior Basebail League, Osh- awa Hunt Club outclasscl Bow- manville Rotary Juniors on the RIgh School diamond Monday ev- ening with a 4-1 win id seven in- ningi. The locals however field- cd a scratch team with thrce subs which icssened hitting power and outfleld defence. The. game was cinched for Hun- tors in the flnst. Gord Sturrock walked the second man up then gave up four hits in a row includ- ing a double and triple to yield 3 runs. An error, another walk and a sacrifice scored another in the second. Two more hits in the third brought Dadson ta the hil in the fourth. He heid Hunters ta two hits, fia ruas for the ne- mainder of the game. Bowmanville got a gif t rua ln the fourth in a no-hit trame. Two errons put MeIlveen and Williams on bases. A sacrifice fiy by Cox scored Mac. The locale got only anc hit in the game, a single by Catcher Martin in the third after Cowle and Woodward fanned. Hunters: 4 runs, 8 hits, 3 errors, 3 fanncd, 2 walked, 3 stole, 6 lef t un base. Bowmanvilie: i run, 1 hit, 2 er- rons, 4 fanned, 4 walked, 2 thefts, 4 leit on. Local lincup: Martin, Dadson, Hooper, McIlveen, Williams, Cox, Sturrock, Cowle, Woodward. nfield Mr. and Mrs. Glen Watson, Miss Jean Taylor, Mr. Frank Thamp- son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burgoine, Oshawa, at T. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ormiston and Daw- na, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Stark and Jimmie, Oshawa, at J. Stark's. Mrs. R. Best, Miss Stella Best, Orono; Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, To- ronto, at W. Bowman's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor and fam- ily attended the Smith-Taylor wedding in Sherbourne United Church, Toronto. Ken Smith, Oshawa, with Mur- ray Prescott. This correspondent and family recently enjoyed "Blue Skies" at1 the Royal Theatre, Bowmanvillc, as gucats of The Statesmaan. Per- fect air-conditioning makes this little theatre .4 pleasant place ta be in hot wcather. ]Burketon Mothers are asked ta bring children on August 28th and ev-1 eny fourth Thursday of the month ta the Hcalth Clinie, Blackstock, with Mies M. Morlock, RXN, in the office from 2 p.m. ta 5 p.m. Phone Port Perry 106-2-2. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Alex Massie, Tor-« onto, are spendlng their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Needham. Mrn. Ed. Caughiil with Mrs. Ida Sniales, Hampton. Master Harold Cochrane, Ton-1 onto wlth his grandmothen, Mrs.1 Hanry Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Siute, Rag- lan, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatch-1 lli. Mr. and Mrs. George Tompkins and Jean, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins. Miss Gerry Geliey, Niegara Falls, with Isabel Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gatchell, Mr. -Harold Gatcheli, Toronto, with Mr. Leon Gatcheil and fam- lly. Mrs. James Gatcheli motored ta Buffalo with hen grandson, Mn. Tommy Gatcheil, and visited rel- atives there. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aldred and fa'mily, formeriy of Burketon, spent their holidays at Caesarea. Glen ls staying with Freddie Car- ter. Mr. Henry Trick was in Toron- ta over the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Trick and David, Pontypool, were Sunday1 guests of Mn. and Mrs. Grant Car- nochan. Mn. and Mns. Randal and fam- ily, Mrs. Fred Adamis, Hampton, -4t, Mr.--An Rs.f.- Aams Recreation Calendar 1 ý TJsursday, August 14 6:30 p.m.-Midget besebail, Baw- manville et Whitby 6:30 p.m.-Soitbell Ajax et Bow- menville. Memomial Park 7:00 p.m.-Lacnosse practice et Rotary Park Saturday, August 16 Bowmanvile Royale et Part Hope. let game ai Playoffs Monday, August 18 6:45 p.m.-Softball Town League playofis - Public School 7:00 p.m.-Lacrosse practice, Ro- tary Park. Tuesday, Augus9 6:45 p.m.-,Softbali Town League playoffs, Public School. 7:00 p.m.-Anchemy Club - Lions Community Centre. Wednesday, Auguet 20 5:30 p.m.-Intermediae Base- bail - Port Hope vs Bowman- ville Football gaine postponed ta Set- unday, August 23. Dadson Deat Oshawa Bai Team Top Junior Leagu. Dedsoa pitchcd Bq&manville Rotary Juniors ta a 4- nin aven Oshawa B'Nai B'Rith atuday, in Oshawa, and won fa the firet time thus season, Uic leadership oi Uic Junior Lakeshore League. The game went into the lOth frame and Dadson allowcd oniy thnee hits aven the entire route. But thc Oshawa Hunt Club won back thc title, Mondey, in Baw- manvilie, when the local. idta a 4-1 deicat. Deve Simpson huriod for B'Nai B'Rith, gave up 7 hits, fanned 7, but weakened in the luth \Wlth twa hits thet gave Bowmanvllle the win. Dedson did a tcnniflc job of it as he gained a three-hitter. Bath Oshawa nuns came in an errors and sa he wesn't nesponsible for the two taillies scored against him. He hed nine strikcouts and look- cd good ail the way, setting dawn the Oshawa bitters in a wey thet became distinctly lmiteting ta the hometown fans. Bowmnvillc tallied the first run in the top ai the second, when with two out, Cox singled past second base and thon scored on G. Sturrock's si.ngle deep into ici t field. It took Oshawa five frames ta catch up with the Rotanians, but thcy finally did in the lest ai the seventh. Henna got ta third on an errar to -the third baseman, who thnew wildly ta first whene Uic bail wes defiected into fair ternitory. Wales gat ta firet on a perfect bunt that pushed Hanna home. Wales stole second, went ta third on a dropped third stnike play ta Simpsoa, and then scorcd when Czerewaty went down on a well executed sacrifice. Thet made it 2-1 for B'Nai B'Rith and immediately Bowmen- ville started ta turn on the heet. They scored anc rua in the top of the eighth ta tic the score, as Simpson loadcd the bases an weiks and then scored the run an a walk. The geme went inta the first avertime inning, and Bowmenville hit their stride. McIlveen singled sharply ta centre, stole second, and came home on Cox's single ta centre. He ini turn was hit home by G. Stunrock who bounced anc past third base. Bawmenville had e 4-2 edge gaing into the lest ai the tenth and Dadson begen ta bear down -in eamncst and stmuck out the firet twa men ta face him and then forccd the next man ta pop out ta centre field. G. Sturrack and Cox weme the big threats fromn Bowmenville, while Wales hit wcll and ,blayed his sensationai catching game. -Bowmenville: Mertin c, Hoop- cm ss, Dadson p, Mcllveen ci, Wil- liams 2b, Cox 3b, G. Sturrock lb, Cowle If, and H. Stur k ni. B'Nei B'Rith: Patte f, Bernes cf,*Dcli ss, Bethe If, Hanna 3b, Wales. c, Simpson j, Czerewety lb, Wilson ni, and Lcgree ni in 7th. Umpires: Higgins and Hobbs. League Standing, Aug. 9 Woa Lost Ticd Bowmanville - 9 6 0 Cobourg - 8 6 1 Hunters------ --8 6 1 B'Nai B'Rith - 8 7 0 Peterboro _ 4 12 0 Why wonny about what to have for youn summen meals? Just drap luto aur store aud cee the marvellous array of taste- tempting baked goods that thse eutfre iamily will like. When you buy aur home bakedi goods you cave yourseii a lot af turne andi trouble on these hot days aud you will neally give the folks a treat. Drap ln to-day aud cee thse many speclals we have ta offer. POOLE'S BAKERY Phone 654 53 King St. E.1 "il Toumam»nt At Cremm of Bariey A ball tournament anid dance managed by the CHICA Youth CuBowmanville and TUCA Club ai Oshawa, and supenvsed by the Canadian Orden aofPores- ters will be hcld in Bowmanville, Saturday aiternoan, Auguat 16. The Cneam ai Bariey Camp has been veny kindiy donated for the occasion, and District Deputy H. B. MeCabe and Hia Worship May- or Syd Little will open thc tourn- amont. The four girls' teamsInl the C. O.F. League, Bowmanvllle, will play flve-inning games, and one ai the featune attractions wlU ho an Ail-Star team trom this league who wlll again compete against the Pickering girls fon thc McCabe Tnophy. This trophy was won by Pickering at thc tournement held in Nestieton. Arrangements are aiea under- way ta have an ail-stan Intenmed- late C.O.F. teeni from Toronto play the Scugog Ramblers. Umpires appointed are F. Black- burn, H. Hamm and R. Ferguson. Genenal Supervisor, Cal Braun, Gnound Supenvisors, J. McRee and R. Pollard. CHICA Committee: G. Graham, B. Barnett, W. Hawkshaw and V. Cookson; TUCA Committce, Bull Burnett, Eleanor Stark and Nor- ma Bolvis. The latter club wili have charge of the gate and the dance, and the net proceeds will be turned over to these two clubs toaessist them in their youth work. Thrce presidents of national women's organizations will light the Lamp oi Service in a color- ful and dnamatic ccremony at the Canadien, Nation al Exhibition bandsheil each night at twilight. Following the ceremony, the lights wili come on al aven the grounds. FOR s ummer Meals ACTUAI, SIZE $17.00 Per tan sold by Owen Nicholas Readfnt-Authraclte Coal Semet-Solvay Coke C.N.R. Yards Phone 410 m .EN'S WORK BOOTS * GHEST QUALITY *Army Style and Material Lowest Prices for this style à ofa Work Boot. I i-ComPlete Range of Sizes Corne ln and see them on= * O WMAN VILLE i =SHOE REPAIRI I 12 Division Street - Best Materlal Used =In Repalrnn Your Shoes MAPLE GROVE WOMEN'S NTUE are holding aM GALLS VSTYT on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Allison on Thursday, August 21 Prom 3 ta 5 p.m. and after 7:30 p.m. Sale'of BEWING, HOME COOKING, VEGETA.BLES, and BEAUTIFUL HAND-PAINTED PLAQUEÀS Bowmanville Band will be in attendance during the evening. Musical selections in afternoon. 1PRICES: Afternoon 25c. Evening 35c. Children- 15c. FARM EQUIPMENT SAFETY WEEK AICIJST lSth-23ird ALWAYS AVOID ACCIDENTS Bring machines ta full stop befone cieaning, oiling on edjusting. Xeep handusud feet awey fnom warking parts on aIl machinery. Teep mittens and clothing away fnom. beîtsansd chains. -Never handie gasoline near a lantern, fine or any flame, non stant an engine where gasaline has been spilt.l ROISON Fan. Equipunent BE CAREFUL AVOID ACCIDENTS Close cavons and put guards back in Diace befone starting machines. A careful operator is the best insurance 'against an accident. The complete observance of one simple rule would prevent many thousand seniaus injuries each yean. That rule is. NEVER ATTEMPT TO CLEAN, OIL, OR AIDJUST AL MACHINE WHLZT IT 10 IN MOTION 1 JHoward Hancock Massey - Harris Doere THUMRDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1047 V,*i Durng ixyears af war Cana- da had 4,000 war casualties and 170,000 atreet or highway acci- dents. sa qua y f.oIe M- -me&.whthsm * d u.kmd lm --*-* omrs.hof 1Im alohi .uk Mr. and Mn.. P. Bradley, Ton- onto, with their mother, Mme. Wm. Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap aud Douglas with hie parents. Mn. and Mre. Jlm Nesbitt froni acrs Uie border and Miss Allie Nesbitt, Tomanto, wli their sis- ten, Mies Anale Nesbitt and Mn. snd Mrs. Fred Nesitt. Mr. aad Mme. Tom Turner, hie sisten and mother, Mrs. John Turner, Omono, with Mn. and Mme. Fred Nosbtt. Mms. Wm. Todd and sou-in-lew Mn. McGahey, Oshawa, attended Memoniai Service la Uic ceme- tory Sunday aitennoon. Miss Ana Langstaff, Toronto, le visiting hon graudmother, Mrs. A. Langstaii. Mrs. Leushuer, Niagara Flls, visltèd hon sisters, Mrs. F. Gilmer and Mme. J. T. Pèerce. Philip Gil- men aad Billy Lane returned wlth hem parente. Mr. and Mns. Ronald Burley and Mr. Leurence Gilmer vielted lu Niagaranalals aven thc week- end. Tobacco hanvesting ou severel ferme begins Tuesdey 12th. Sev- oral yauugpAple are aiding ia the rush. Mies Fac Joncs bas neturned fnom hem vacation la Warkwrth. Construction wôrk on the high- wey stnaightening et Margaa's Corners snd. Hope ad Clarke boundeny le making botter pro- gnose la the dry weathen. Church services wlll be held et Uic usuel time on Sunday. The ennual Decoration Day was held lest Sundey aitemnoon. Rev. Duncenson ai the Presbyterian church, delivemod a fine message and Mme. Swarbrick, Kendal, led in the hymne. Flowens were not eo plentiful this year but stili Uic plots loaked verv beautiful and ta Mr. Stanley Glovon, the came- taker, goe thc credit. Collection o! $30.74 was taken. We wene gled to sec Mn. and Mn.. Emnie Stephens sud hie uls- tor, Mrs. Heard ai Canton in the village on Suudey. Recent visitons with Mn. and Mme. James Stone were Mn. sud Paul Johuston sud Bruce, Tampe, Florida; Mr. Jack Tozen, Tomanto; Miss Audrey Rose, Peterboro and Mn. sud Mns. Douglas Ogden sud Ruth, Oshawa. Branch Office: 169 Charlotte St., Peterborouagh P. J. MATHER. .Dlvlslonal Manager Place To S.11 Your FARM PRODUCE At this season ai the year we are especiaily good buyens 'ai HENS - SPRING CHICKENS EGGS - SPRING LAMBS and VEAL CALVES If we are flot getting youn pro- duce now we would appreciate youn givlug us a tril. You wIli flnd aur pmlces equal taon botter than those you eau got elsewhene. Pickqing Farms Ltd. Whitby 336 - Night an Dar Whltby - Ontario wu Hm BROWN Cas. D«ere MW, -il - ------------------ 1 I.À # " 1 v C*«4«4*4%

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