fKN CANADIMi STATESMA2i, ~OWM&NVILLE, ONTARTO !rHIESDAY, AUOUST t4th, 194? SPORT NEWSJ Old Timers Win Victory lun Fast Game With Juuioir&s TM SOGN 0F A ROML Li ve ln a "IRED SEAL" ,'Wired Home and Like t You surely will. The adecp*e wlrlng it provides will enable you to live electrically, which means more com- fort, more convenience. Ask Your Contractor Aboutl the Advantages of Ample Wiring MOI PLAN I8SBUPPORTP1D AND ADV1I3ED BY THE~ BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION For Pull Information Cal Dowmanville Publie Utilities Commission MORE THAN A MILLION CANADIANS SAVE AT THE 8 aofM --'f.------------------------------------------ ----------- --- -a-- BANK 0F MONTREAL a.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WOkIOW 1IfHC ÀM N0AIMS 1HM E£VE RY W ÀL K 0 F L 1F E SI1N C E 1I8I1 On Account of- Your Health ...Drink a quart of creamy, wholesome, delicious milk every day! Bottled Vitamin D gives you sturdier bones, more energy for "knackout" work and play . . . A lovelier complexion, sound white teeth for greater personal confi- dence. Speedy daybreak deliveries. Phone 444 for delivery. OLEN RAE DAIRY KIng Street West Bowmanville - Ual The bleacher cacophony raised by the large crowd at Uic High School grounds Wednesday even- ing was evidence that a basebal game between the stars of yes- teryear and the juniors of today can be just as partisan as games between rival towxis. The game wvas arrangcd as an exhibition be- tween Mike's Oldtimners and the league-leading Bowmanvilie Ro- tary Juniors. Gate receipts were ticketed for ncw uniforma and equipment for the Bowmanvilie Juvenile team which enters the O.P.A. piaydowns against Whitby, Friday night. The aid stars, many baid, some grey, ail confident, took the field without previous practice and took the game 6-4 in 7 innings o! thriiling play. A feature o! the game was the appearance o! tbree of the Piper clan which bas fig- ured in basebali, and hockey in Bowmanville for hall a century. Geo. pitched, Ab. caught for the oidtimers to start the game and Les., junior piayed left field for the Rotary nine. They fanned the youngster every time at bat, al grinning. Here's how the scoring went: lst inning; Bert Coiweli fouied out. Shinny Moise singled, ad- vanced on a balk. Dutch Osborne doubled. Don Williams laid clown a bunt and Shinny scored on the play. For the juniors, Martin singled and stole. Dadson bunted, stole. McIlveen tripled for 2 runs, came home on a sacrifice f ly by Will- iams. Score 3-1.' 2nd inning: Bun Moore was on through an error. Bill Corden singled. Cameron filled the bas- es thraugh an errar. Geo. Pip5er doubleci, scaring two. Dutch got a base on an error. Don Williams iWaiked and A-b. Piper bit to cen- tre for a dropped bail and anotb- er score. Total 3-6. From there in it was shutout bail save in the 3rd when Hoop- er singied. MIcIlveen grounded through Dutch at short, who sprawled for a questionable error and Hooper scored. That ended it. The lit 4 innings were bianks. Gord Sturrock pitched for the Battlnt Averages A~B Hits Avà D. Furey 36 15 .417 D. Giihooiey - 48 16 .333 D. Williams 6 2 .333 C. Osborne ___34 il .324 R. Richards____ 28 9 .322 A. Osborne 32 10 .313 T. Bagneil 51 16 .312 M. Yourth ____ 55 15 .273 T. Cowan 46 12 .261 P. Micheal ____ 22 5 .227 R. Ames M-____2 6 .214 D. Sutton -___ 15 3 .200 F. Pagett -17 3 .177 B. Tyson 37 5 .135 W. Bagneil 15 2 .133 J. Crombie 14 1 .071 Oshawa Wallops Local Veterans 18-3 Oshawa Legion put it ail over Bowmanville Legian in a league so!tbail game played in Memorial Park, Thursday evening. The fin- al score, 18-3 just about sums up the menit o! play. On their tocs ail the way, the Oshawa gang werc opposed by an aggregation that booted 10 errars and faiied ta bit when at bat. It was quite a reverse o! farma for the local' nine. lst: Pop Wilson, pitching for IBowmanville, was touched for a single, retired the next two, then on a 3rd easy fly, Weish dropped the ball and 2 runs scored. An- other* came in on a bit and another error. Bowmanvilie came back with 1 run in the same frame, batted in by Wilson, wbo tried 'ta pep a raliy. but three struck out. In the second, Wilson fanned twa in a raw, was set back by an- other error before getting the 3rd out. The locais went dawn 1, 2, 3. as bath offence and defence crumbled. iThe 3rd climaxed'the. rout. Wil- son was let down with 3 mare er- rons whiie Oshawa siammed out IR DALYSE TEAM 9 bits, a homer, a 3-bagger, à doubles and 4 singles ta net il ruma. Trewln came ln as relief pitcher, fanned two, but a bit aud error accounted for two more runs. Bowmanvllle taflied anoth- er on a hit and a perfect bunt by Middleton. Score 16-2. Oshàwka got 2 more runs ln the 4th on a bit, a walk and 3 errors. Bowmanville followed with an- other run on 2 hits and Oshawa's lone error. The 5th and final frame was *coreless, but Middle- ton hit a 3-bagger. Plate Ump: Jack Knight. RHIlE Oshawa: 3013 20 18 14 1 Bowmanville 101 10 3 7ý 10 Sportlng Events At Boys' Training School (Intended for Last Week) B.T.S. Boys vs Orono The game was a very fast a!- fair from the start and Orono boys stepped out in the front by a 5 to 4 lead in the end of the 2nd in- ning. In the 3rd inning the B.T.S. boys brought in 7 runs and it look- cd pretty bad for the Orono boys as they came ta bat and couid not score a single run. In the 4th and last inning We saw'some very ex- citing piays, witb the B.T.S. boys scoring 8 more runs, which macle their total 19 runs. Orono came ta bat with a iead of 14 runs ag- ainst tbem and did a very good job o! trying to bring their team up on their batting average, They slammed in il runs before they went down in defeat with ail col- ors fiying, and believe me they had the boys of the scbool really ;Aorried. Final score was 19 ta 16 for the B.T.S. boys. Orono: Keith West, Boyle, Ray West, Bill Armstrong, Bill Hovey, Chas. Armstrong, Lynch, Goode, Mercer. B.T.S.: McCann, Hawlcy, Krick, Saunders, Duffy, Urquhart, Wind- sor, Christenson, Gilmour. B.T.S. 0 4 7 8-19 Orono __ 0__ O5 0 11-16 Special Holiday Sports at B.T.S. juniors until reieved by Clem- ence in the 4th. Dutch Osborne reiieved Geo. Piper in the 5tb. Piper fanned tbree, lu a row in the 2nd and three in a row in the 4th using an out drop and a fast baîl that iooked like an aspirin tabiet. Both Clemence and Dutch Os- borne pitched no hit-no run bail. Ciemence also fanned three in a row in the 5th. Pitching record: Piper, 5 hits, 4 runs, 6 fanned, 0 waiks, 4 stole. Sturrock: 4 bits, 6 runs, 2 walks, 2 fanned, 1 stole. Clemence, 0 bits, 0 runs, 0 waiks, 0 thefts, 3 fanned. Osborne: 0 bits, 0 runs, 0 walks, 0 thefts, 4 fanned. Oldtimers AB R H E Bert Colwell, 2b 4 0 O 0 Shinny Moise, cf 4 1 1 0 Dutch Osborne, ss, p 4 1 1 1 Don Williams, 3b, ss 4 0 0 0 A-b. Piper, c 2 0 0 0 Bun Moore, 1f 3 1 0 0 Bill Corden, lb 3 1 1 0 Scotty Cameron, r! 3 1 0 O Geo. Piper, p, 3b 3 1 1 0 Bob Bates, c (4th) 2 O O 0 32 6 4 1 Rotary Juniors AB R H E Martin, c 3 1 i11 Hooper, ss 3 1 1 0 Dadson, lb 3 1 1 0 Mcllve'en 3 1 1 1 Williams, 2b 3 0 1 0 Cox, 3b 3 00 2 G. Sturrock, p 1 0 00 L. Piper,lIf 2 00 0 H. Sturrock,* rf 2 0 O i Ciemence, p 2 O 0 0 Cowle, pinch bitter, 7th 1 0 0 0 2ý6 4 5 5 Umpires: Bill Bagneli, plate. Mayor Sid Little and an Oshawa fan on the bases. Next game, 1948. FINAL STANDING CF BOWMANVILLE ROYALS Won 10, iost 4. tied 1. Pltchlng Record Won Lost Paul Micheal 4 1 Daug Sutton - 2 1 Daug Furey---- 3 2 Clarence Osborne --- 1 0 Rayais scored 110 runs and had 57 scored against them. Maxie Yourth scored 18 runs with Ted Bagnell 17 and Don Gilhooley 15. Ted Bagnell and Don Gilhooiey tied with 10 stolen bases each. Maxie Yourth had 8 and Tom Cowan 7. Yourth led in home runs with 2. The Royals batted .274 as a tearu. good Job and everythlng was fair and square. Juat before the box- ing began Mr. W. 3. Eastaugh, superlutendezit of B.T.S., deJlver- ed a short talk to the boys. He also took moving pictures of sev- eral of the bouts. Judges were Messrs Ranstead, Cutbbertson, Rabb, Thompson, Clarke. Time- keeper, Mr. Bent.' In the evenlng ail the boys as- sembIed for the gxeased pole pil- Iow fight. Winners were: Junior, Farley; Senior, Mason. Immed- iately followingý this we had a huge bonfire on -the field. We al- s0 had a slng-song led. by Mr'. Stanley Riekard. The staff of the school, just to prove they were good sports, put on a very fine stunt, also Mr. Clarke accompan- ied the sing-song on his violin. A stunt was put on by each bouse. After this refresbments were served, and a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. W. J. Bent who was responsîble for the very e4-1 cellent day at the school. Giants Beat Mldgets in Juvenlie O.B.A. Playdown Here Frlday Brawn, skill and skull added Up ta a 7-3 victory for Whitby Giants, playing against Bowman- ville Midgets in their first play- down game in O.B.A. basebail on the High School diamond, Friday evening. The game was called at the end of the sixth on account of darkness. The Bowmanvilic kids, manag- cd by A. H. Sturrock, took the field in breech-clouts and nondes- cript sweaters, averaging 12 15 years in age, 98 pounds in weight. Whitby fielded a team in natty grey uniforms, age limit 18, weight and' height unlimited. Severai were weli over six feet taIL.; The incongruity of the iineup rockeà the bleacherites number- ing 25 die-hards who predicted a comic strip contest with Whitby ticketed for a roundbouse shut- out. But the Midgets heid the line with a surprising defence and copped three counters on unex- pected breaks. Levitt and Frank for Midgetq and McCioskey and K. McDonald for Whitby were the starting bat- teries. Gord Sturrock relieved Levitt in the fifth. Neai took the mound from McCloskey in the third and was in turn repiaced by McDonaid in the titth. ~ie Cowle caught Sturrock and Nip Piper and J. Mohun were pinch hitters for Midgets in the sixth. Whitby taliied one in the first on a walk, a hit and an overthrow. Another came in the second on a walk, tbree theMt and two singles. A walk, am error, a double sent two more acroas iu the third. Thrcc errera four theflsansd'a single Iu the.fourth added the. fin- al tbrce counteri for the Giants. The Midgets took a gift run iu the fourth on four walks aud fot a single bit. In fact they got noa bits until the ilfth. Whitby'drew in their outQelders almost to the baseline In a comcedy move after Harnden reached firat on an er-, ror. Then Pewee Fala lined a three-bagger ta right for a score and a great big hand. In the slxth Nip Piper walked and smail Glen Fry doubled ta left for the tbird and final score. R.H. E. Whitby 112 300-7 5 2 MIdgets - 00011L113 2 4 Midgets: J. Levitt p, J. Frank c, J. Rice lb, W. Harnden ss, R. Falls 2b, D. I;tutt 3b, D. Hod'gson cf, R. Moorecraft r!, Glen Fry 1f, G. Sturrock p (5th), Cowle c (5th) Piper and Mohun pinch bit in 6th. Whitby: Anderson Sb, Mowatt lb, Yuiil ss, McDonald If, Tur- anski 2b, K. McDonald e, Neal cf, p, Hare rI, McCloskey p. Umps: Ai Osborne, plate; Scot- ty Cameron, bases. Local Tennis Partes Prove HUt of Season The Bowmanvllle Tennis Club this season bas proved te be just about tops in the social aud recre- ational life o! the community. Or- ganized on a membership bauia at a nominal cost the club now num- bers about 50. Uloer an arrange-' ment with the 'Management of Cream of Barley Park the tennis enthuslasts flxed up the grounds and equipment and each second rWednesday during the suminer months there bave been tourna- ments, practice games and cou- viviality at each meeting. Wednesday, August 6, afier- noon and evening, more than 25 members took part in a bin tournament on the courts a!- ter whlch there was a picnic lunch with wieners and soft drinks about a camp fire. Later at dusk a sing-song was lead by Miss Don- nie Creasser. Membershlps are stili open. Gatherings will b. held until fali and corn-roasts are in prospect for the future. Sec President Bert Johnston, Domin- ion Stores, for information on memberships. KEEP YOUR SUMMER CLOTHES Looking Their S martest Take Advantage of Our Efficient Oleaning and Laundry Methods To-day 1 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleanîng COMPANY LIMITEP, Phono Zenith 13000 * 7bday ire Live inz a createrCnvd - - -- -- -- -- -- ---.............- -- -- -- -- -- -- ras " t4OW Produots sud materials-never miade ini Canada before -today pour from Canadian plants. Ranging in variety from penicillin to electric razors, these new additions ta our industrial family swell modern Canada's record-breaking production totals. In their extent and diversity they perfectly typify the increasing, interesting and varied opportunities awaiting those who commence their careers in Canada today. The glant spheres and towers of Canada's great synthetic rubber plant are dramatia symbols of war-born chemical industry which includes a whole new range of plastics prorducts. TrYlglcl, taa, of industry developed for war, now serving us inpeace, isour pro. duction of optical glass. It seemed imipos- sible, but we became ane of the great suppliers of optical instrumenta in the allied world. "..TODAY'S LAND 0F OPPORTUMITY" Ex-F/L R. C. (BILL) SHEPHERD, aften lis dis; - charge front the R.C.A.F.; refused ta let cliffi. culties interfere with his determination ta make aviation his life's work, managed ta buy aud ovenhaul three planes, comnienced air service& at Windsor. Today, in less than twa years of operation, his business is making steady sud profitable progress-now operating six twin engined aircraft sud eight single engine aircraft from Windsor, Chatham, and Toronto, providing Charter Service, flying instruction snd serial photography for many Western Ontaria centres. MR. SHEPI;RD sys: "Our veiy saisfactory progress ta date luzs con- vinced me of the soundaess of my decision ta follon' a Canadian carrer. AJy choice iras aviation-but for practicawll-v evey kind of u'ork, it's the sinme: Canada is certainly today's land of opporîunity.!i' A tliirIIg rapidly expanding tay indus. try represents an entirely different type of newcomner on the Canadian industrial scene, strikingly indicates the amazing diversity of new Canadian production. In the morning o! August 4 out on the bail diamond we had very many relays and races o! ail sorts and the morning proved ta be very enjoyable. Ail the bouses divided into groups for the relays. Cen- tre House won ahl the games ex- cept one. Centre House, 40 points; North House, 30; Kiwanis House, 25; North House, 20. In the afternoon we bad 14 boxing matches, which were re- fereed by Mr. McNulty of the Sports Shop, who has bad 15 years' experience in the ring. He did a -f Oshawa I l 4 L . M CANADIAN STATMBUN, BOWMANVMIX, ONTARIO "MPMAT, AUGUST Itth, 1041' PAGU POUR