TNURSDY, AUUST lth, 14 ?TMECANADIAIi STATFM. EOIWANV1LL. ONTARTO -,- ---. 1WW British currency. -Red Cross vol- unteers quickly scrved the travel weary Britishers with refreshing tea and sandwiches. After refreshments were serv- ed, the single men in the graup were escorted by Salvation AxAmy e officiais ta the Barnardo Homne, 538 Jarvis St., where they will be accomniodated for three days. Single young women arnong the MaoI immigrants remained at the Red, MOE EoeNM s Cross Receptian Centre where te are rvddwt bed and break- m Red Cross Co-tiperates WIth Gov.rnm.nt Un W.Ucomlng Immig'rants When the third group of air borne immigrants from Britain arrived in Toronto an August 7, they were transported by bus from the MaltaqsAirport ta the Red Cross Reflo Centre, 398 Jar- vis St., Toronto. Their relatives and friends previously notified by Red Cross of the time of arrivai were on hand.- Red Cross volun- teers Provided the new arrivais with an envelope suppiied by the Ontario gavernment, containing a ration book, a map af Ontario and other helpfui information includ- ing an explanation as ta the com-. parative values of Canadian and NOTICE to APP LE GROWERS YOU ARE WELCOME to visit our N rseries ta see growing in the Nursery Row a grand lot of one and two-year.old Apple Trees. Drop in at aur King Street Nursery an the NORTH saide of No. 2 Highway and have a look at the two-year-old block of trees. The one-year treeu are nortb of the Greenhouses. WHY NOT BEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING? These trees have just been inspected by Dr. Upshall of the Vineiand Experimental Station for trueness-to-nanie, DRtOOKDALE]KligSWAY INURSERJES Bowmanvilie Phone 345 eA~ ¶0otoO 7 fast 1formree aays. Volunteers wbo assisted in wei- coming the newcomers, inciuded members of the Canadian Red Cross Corps; Health Services; Hos- pital Services; Toronto Branch of Red Cross and staff members of Ontario Division Red Cross. Fluff y Pudding, V / cups milk, 1/2 tsp. saît, 1/3 cup light corn syrup, 1/4 cup quick cooking wheat cereal, 1 egg, sepanated, 3/ tsp. almond extract, 2 tbsps. sugan. Scald milk, gradually add cen- cal and sait; cook aver boiling water 20 minutes, stirning occa- sianaliy. Add egg yolk, corn syr- up, aimond extract; beat well. Wbip egg white stiff; gradually add sugar, beating canstantiy. Fold into cereal mixture; chili in electric reinigerator. Serve with sauce. Yieid: 4 servings. Raspberry Sauce Pick aven 1 pint raspbennies; wash and crush. Add 14 cup sug- an and 1/ cup water; bring ta boiiing point; simmer 5 minutes. Press through sieve and chili. Take A Tip 1. To prevent fruit froi loating in gelatine base desserts, let the gelatine mixture chilI ta a syr- up thickness-the consistency ai molasses - before adding the fruit. 2. Save ail juices and syrups ta make dessert sadces and give added flavour ta chilled drinks. 3. To keep cut apples, peaches and bananas frorn turning dark, dip thern in lemon juice. 4. Sprinkle a littie inuit sugar an bernies ta draw out the juices befone cbilling tbemn for short- t cake. 5. Dip oranges and grapefruit in bhot waten ion 2 or 3 minutes, then in coid waten; the peel and white membrane may then be easiiy removed. Chili fruit be- fore senving. The Question Box Mrs. C. M. asks: Wbich is the best way ta make iced tea. Answen: There are two accept- ed ways ta make iced tea: take Your choice. (1) Pour double- strengtb bot, fresh tea aven glass- es iilied with !ce cubes on crush- ed ice. The ice chilîs and dilutes the tea at the same time. Or (2) cool average - stnength tea before senving time. Then pour it aven glasses bali-iilied with ice. Mrs. D. G. asks: Wbat is the secret ai making a "short" pie crust? Answer: Oun neigbbor says that chillîng the pie dough ion even an hour will do the trick. It should be wrapped in wax paper and placed near the ireezing unit ai the electric reinigerator ta cbill quickly. Mns. S. R. asks: How can you prevent the skins ai piums fnomn bunsting during the canning pro- cess? Answen: Pnick witb a iork on darning iteedie when wasbed. Anne Allan invites You ta write ta ber c/o The Canadian States- man. Send in youn suggestions on bomemaking 'problems and watch thîs calumn ion replies. When unconsciaus oi a mistake, one thinks be is nat mistaken; but this false cansciousness does nlot change the iact, or its resuits; suf- iering and mistakes recur until anc is awake ta their cause and characten-Mary Baker Eddy. oner Bac* Iqhkem fmacM*t Aà.nj 1 Hello Homemakers! Are you serving your fresh fruits just as they came? Sa many ai theni- blueberries, raspberries, peaches and apricots-need no sugar ai f ail. Prepare, wash and chili. An bour in the reirigeraton will make a fresb fruit extra lusciaus ar set a dish af fruit in a largez bowl oi crushed ice. Sweeten the cream if necessany ta -suit thb e "sweet-tootb."-' Ideas For Fiesh Fruit 1. Fresb pears stuffed witb cot- tage cheese mixed with a littie minced peel éan be served on crisp lettuce and tapped witb mayonnaise. 2. Cantaloupe sliced in short pencii-sized pieces is attractive mixed with appie cubes whicb bave been dipped in lemon juice. Honey Raspberry Dellght 2 tbsps. gelatine, % cup cold water, 11/2 cups milk, 1/ cup ban- ey, 3 tbsps. lemon juice, 1% cups red raspberries, i cup whipping cream. Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. Scald milk and pour it aven the gelatine. Stir until the gelatine is dissolved. Cool. Mix honey and lemon juice and stin in the milk mixture. Chili and when it begins ta set add the whipping cream -md raspberries. Pour inta 8 custard cups. Place in a refrigenator until very coid. Serve in the cubtard cups. Orange Cantaloupe Cocktail 2 medium cantaloupes (3 cups cantaloupe bails), mint sprigs, 1 cup orange juice, 2 tbsps. lemon juice. Cut cantaloupe into ball-shaped pieces with a French bail cutter. Mix tagether orange and leman juice. Pour over the cantaloupe balis. Place in six dishes. Chili Serve in the glass cups and garn- ish witb sprigs ai mint. (Serves HOME AND SCHOOL y - 1 "The Dutch immigrants will be a boon ta farmers wbo are pressed for labon at this time ai yean. During the haying season it was. impossible ta MIl the demand far farm labor and the same condition exists now in the barvesting sea- son.,, At the time oi writing it was not known bow man*fii any, ai these additianai Dutch farmers would be aliotted ta Durham County farms. Cammenting funther on bis trip, Coi. Kennedy said be gave cansid- erable study ta dykes in Holland "for certain reasons," but declin- ed ta give details until be bas re- ported bis flndings ta the gaverq- ment. He said dykes in Hollaffd bave been, repaired aiter the de- vastation of war and that the far- mers are doing weli despite the fact that a short time ago most ai their rich fields were inundated. "The farmers in England are bearing up woniderfully weli,"I Mr. Kennedy added. He visited wheat experimental stations at St. Ai- bans where farmer3 have been growing crops on the same land for 112 years. He also visited cat- tie and pas ture expenimental farms, and discussed agricuiturai and food problems with British gavernment cabinet officiais. "Everywhere I went I foundJ that Canada stands high in thel opinion ai the people," declared the ministef. It is expected that County Ag- nicultural Representatives wili be advised as ta the allocation ai these new immigrants on their ar- rivai. Farmers needing help may learn further particulars through their local representative or by writing direct ta the Depart- ment ai Agriculture, Queen's Park, Toronto. An appeal ta parents ta co-ap-corsage ai ed rases ais n erate with educationai authonit- She was attended by Mns. C. ies, issued fnom Ottawa, is based Robinson ai Toronto, who wore on the need for continuation team- a navy blue suit, white accessor- play and discipline. ies and corsage ai carnations. At- At school, children learn that tending the groom was Mr. Clyde they mnust abide by accepted rules Robinson ai Toronto. ai social behaviaur, for their per- l'he couple will reside in Osh- sonal profit as weil as for collect- awa. ive weii-being. Parents can fur-____ then this type ai training by en- MTLR CLE AN suning that pninciples ai sports-' manship and ca-operation are A quiet wedding took place on honored in the home. Saturday, Aug. 2, at tweive o'- Jackson's Point - d iern up-ta-date and booming me- CHRISTI tropolla. imiPaso la about halit- way betwcen Los "Angeles. If 1 remember rightiy anc of the Pinch boys settled in El Paso. I have bad a nice Uie here but Texas is far too dry and hot for my taste. I have two lovely grpat grandchidren bere, anc seven and Uic other two. I tell you, George, there la notbing like dean littie chiidren ta make the worid seem brighter. Remember nie kindly ta al aid fniends in Bowmanville, and with ail goad wishes ta you and yaurs, Yours affectionately, May Weeks Dutch Immnigrants C@mlng t. Canada DurIng Month of Sept. Hon. T. L. KeneyMistra Agriculture frteprovince af Ontario, who bas been overseas for some time seeking immigrants ta relieve the farm beip shortage announced on bis return iast week that 850 Dutcb farmers are expect- ed ta reach Ontario during Sept tember. Bath Mr. Kennedy and Premier George Drew personally visited Britain and the continent ta secure immigration ta relieve labor shartages at this tirne. As a result upwards oi 10,000 are ex- pected ta arrive by the end ai the year. Mr. Kennedy stated that the Dutch contingent are 100 per cent farmers. In bis interview he stat- Obituary IMS. NORA ANN ARCHER (Fort William Times-Journal> A weIl known and highly res- pectcd resident of the city for the past 27 years, Mrs. Nora, Ann Ar- cher, mother of Dr. C. D. Archer, 223 South Brodie Street, died, Au- gust 5, at the family residence. She was 78 years aid. Mrs. Archer had been lin iaillng heaith for the past year. News of her death, although flot entireiy unexpected, cornes with a feeling of deep regret by the many friends of the famiiy at the Lake- head. Born at Hampton, Ontario, she came here in 1920 and had resided here since. She was a devout member af St. Andrew's Presby- terian church and was interested greatly in the variaus arganiza- tions for the weifare of the church. Her home, garden and church were her main interests in lifie. She is survived by one son, Dr. C. D. Archer, 223 South Brodie Street. Her husband, George Ar- cher, died in 1926. Members of the medical and dental professions, the nursing staff of McKellar hospital and aid time residents attended the funer- ai, August 6. Officiating was Rev. A. H. Johnston of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. He spoke of the ever-present iriendiiness which radiated from the persan- ality of Mrs. Archer durîng ber long and serviceabie life. The affection which she showed for her family and for ail friends and the faithfulness she bad for ber church were spoken of by Mr. Johnston. H. H. Browne, L.R.C.M., presid- ed at the organ and played many favorite, selections of Mrs. Archer. Many floral tributes were received and interment was in the family plot, Mountain View cemetery. The palibearers were: Dr. J. C. Gillie, Dr. J. R. Sproule, Dr. G. E. McCartney, Dr. Albert E. Allun, Clinton B. Reed, Fred A. F<air. Put Your Car in Good Condition For a Pleasure -Bound Vacation Bei are you stant an yaur wefl-earned vacation - drive inta aur garage. Our expert mechanics wiil compietely over-haul your car - bumper ta bumper - ail and grease every moving part and put your auto in top-notch condition. Thon, mister - take ta the roads 1 GAR¶'ON'IS GARAGE 64 KING ST. B. PHN 66BWMNIL Oshawa Belleville ,trSa pawerful . .sa simple and easy ta handle . that all :o ayou have ta do is fallow and guide it Economical an rar-fuel, too. Has ail the equipmerit for cultivating, seeding, itry discing, haymowing, iawnm-owing and plowing in light Souls.0 Also provides portable power - just drive it ta the lob. Power take-'off will ua separatar, pump, etc. In fact, Hoe-Trac is so versatile you'il wodrhow you gat along without one.11 HOE-TRAC Priced at Write ta Oshawa Store for Mail Order Dellvery. We deliver any. whcre ln Ontario. @00 IMMEDIATE Cuit ate 23.0 Lan MDer LIVERY Weddings CAMERON-MANNING A quiet wedding taok place on Saturday, August 2, at the Simp- son Avenue United Cburch, Tor- onto, when Rev. W. F.. Banister united in marriage Evelyn Irene Manning, daughter ai Mr. Harry Manning and the late Mrs. Man- ning ai Oshwa, and John M. Ca- meron, son ai Mr. Hugh Cameron, Sr., and the late Mns. Cameron ai Bowmanvilie. The bride wone a blue gabar- e dlock at the Keady Manse by Bev. John MacDonald, Minster of Chalmers United Church, whéb Grace, yaungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jobert McClelland, be- came the bride ai Orme Miller, son oi the late Mn. and Mrs. Ro- bert Miller. The bride *ore a blue after- noan gown. The feature of the bride ,sadresu was the sait draping and seif-colored lace. Her mat, ching bat was'crownless and her accessories were navy. Hen cor- sage was Rapture roses and sbe worc a three-strand peari neck- lace. Mrs. J. V. MacLeod, sister of the bride, was the attendant gowned in a begonia rose jersey with blaclt, accessories. She wore a corsage oi Lestra Hibberd rases. The best man was Mn. T. J. McCieiland oi Toronto. The bride's gaing away costume was a gald wool crepe suit with brown accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Miller motored ta Port McNicholi and took a cruise ta Fart William and Part Arthur on the Upper Lakes. They will return ta take up residence -at Pontypool, Ont. Editresa Rack in 8(7s Now 88 Years OId Has First Plane Ride Many aider readers ai The Statesmnan, will recali back in the 80's when Mrs. May Weeks was the editress an this paper. For mnany years now she bas been liv- ing with bier daugbter in Caliior- nia and some years ago became biind. But such an affiction bas flot dampened bier cheerfulness and optîmistic spirit although 88 yeans af age. As proof of these characteristics we quote extracts from a letter she typewrote bier- self received recently by the edi- tor: 755 Rowland Drive, The Friendly Chain of Hardware ami Electric Storea are again offering not only aomething new but aomething truly remarkable. Mont gomery-Ward Hoe-Trac or PIow Trac. À. MUST for gour farm WARD'S- PLOW-TRAC 300, .UY D T . 3 . ............ MEIT TRUPMAT, AUGUST 14th, 1947 WATER AT CAMP Health officers iN Ottawa Issue a seasonable waru1dig ta summer campers that care nmust be taken with rural water supplies. If a camp is ifemote frorn a tested wa- ter source, it is -urged that local beaitb authorities be asked ta examine and certify it. Uniess and until a medical officer bas giv- en it the o.k., all water sbauld be boiled before use. Even spank- Fort Worh.rTex: eArsGorgil e: - hs ete as ow ilee ty o tsrtr, Tar no Mnyh ct gai ForgteWrh, Texas.iMynghranddaugter bas ben lsIving bere incethe waprn, anc a sv e ry ie chisgespri camehrked fo terchangeIan i beas warkd awonersIfor I now fen aygoodasne tw I few bre aune May30anr. t ase mdeira- journeys ar. Ibve aea-d lnd aouneys balthI by waitnand flan. aTd e fet mwulrike tiratys flying.te tiA meica00Ailas, mnae te tnp, some 1,400 mile plne Ittgeover ou ourvs.DaThes plaeIo ack05 o.ndearves alas TexAnls 3:050p. . d rrve La Ngee aout ormdoft yu ave omyade Ibt yourte moaitrave or yehars, but I antd you t arno hd tefre it ad IMas.88ayeas aie as aie at May. I ras atiesw eer Thisugbperhas a trihle sw- er, Th stateba e t wsum-e mers, I bad sina. idet as te ext ta Ly osiana. eI baen butceei bt evo ter nc1Cae, buti the clmate aifoutheringCal- ifoia spilsac frlvigi Fony orthplace. ic ct Fhort WDthls qbuite3a nilescity tbon,.Dalas bth30iles ar- dhern uon asthe aas a mniam- ling waters may be contaminated. Bot Water Heating Repairs Affnt for OU--Matie 0U1 Burners Inutafled lu Amy Tl>i Jack Drough Phol nu 3 ring 8t. 1 u LS M Lt n e PHONE 2M BoTrEANVILLZ a . Increase Profits' a a with Oshawa Bdle*ille