PAG EITTRÈE CANADIAN STATESMM.. EOWMANVILE- ONTARTO THUBSDAY, AU<dUgr21L t i IThe Newcuwele [dependent I Phone: Clake 3314 .Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Epps, Clin- ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Caneéton, Guelph, who attended the Cana- dian Gladiolus Show, Oshawa, Epcnt the weekend with Mr. anc Mr-. Harry Jose. -- Sunday, August 24, the ser- v:c2! at St. George's Church will be in charge of Mr. G. R. Gwynne- Timothy of Trinity College, Port Hope. This service will be at 11 a.m., and wili be the only service a: St. George's. it the annual meeting o! the Canadian Gladiolus Society held t t p g q h t new stramlined ecommfueLMode with smolszes of Famous Reading Anthracite, pressed into ~,solid lumps Mek this j g, 'I. ACTUAL . wÏZU $ 17.00 per ton sold by Owen Nicholas Reading-Anthraclte Coal $emet-Solvay Coke C.N.R. Yards Phoui, 410 Dowmanville's e 1 Oshawa, SatuZday, Hanry Jose, Newcastle, was elected Vice Pres-' ident of this national orgarnzation, Miss Jean Toms accompanied Miss Caroline Freidiander to visit Caroline's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Friediander, Toronto. Mr. 1and Mrs. Howard Toms went to .Toronto on Sunday to bning Jean Lhome, qÀhile Caroline remained to attend school. Miss Evelyn Allun who is on two weeks' vacation from the Ca- nadian Bank of Commerce, and 1Miss Manjorie Toms are holiday- ing in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Toms and Joan. Newcastle Girls' Softball teami played Newtonville Girls Friday evening in one o! the playoff games and won by- 15-11. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith have neturned from their holidays. Messrs. Harold, Ted and Frank Hoar and friend spent the week- end with Mrs. E. C. Hoar who has just returned from a trip to the West. Miss Jean Holmes and her flan- cee spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Davage and Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. P. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetier, Osh- awa, and Mrs. Pepper, Wbitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Powell and other rela¶tives. Mr. James Toms, Gladys and Violet, Mn. and Mrs. Earl Toms and Shirley, Agincourt, were guests of Mrs. Mark Aluin and Evelyn. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Bowen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clnton Farrow, Newtonville. Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, spent a few days of hen bolidays with Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Miss Pa- tnicia Pearce, R.N., Oshawa, who has been holidaying in Muskoka, returned Wednesday, and xviii be spending a few days with hier mother. Miss Barbara Bonathan left on Tuesday to enter training at Lon- don Hospital. The graduating class of New- castle High School held a corn roast Monday evening at the home of Miss Betty Stephenson. The Young People's Union are planning a boat trip to Niagara on Wednesday, August 27. Those who have not been contacted may enquire about trip from any of the older members. NEWCASTLE BEACH Mn. Fred Wood and daughten Madeleine, spent the weekend at thein cottage, Woodholme. Mn. Joe Halpern and family arrived Satunday for a two days' stay at Buckahoe. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Hewlett, M. 'and Mns. Truman Barber, Joyce Parkinson and Margaret Bowmanville Motor Sales FOR AUTHORIZED GOOD/VEAR SALES & SERVICE Bowmanville Motor Sales C. E. Murrefl DODGE-DESOTO DEALERHe 166 King St. E., Phone 585 q THE SIGN OF A * WELL-VIRED HOME. A "RED SEAL" 'Wiring job Us the Foe of Drudgery- It enables you ta use electric appli- ances and equipment ln ful and to have good lighting - The free use of electric labor-savinq conveniences eliminates mnuch haurd drudgery. Live the **RED SEAU Way and Enjoy Its Add.d Comforts Higgon Electic YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIO APPLIÂNCE DEALER Phone 438 42 King st. E. Matthews wére guests of Mr. ani Mrs. Mark Matthews. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Colton ai guesta of Miss Gladys Long at heý cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Meyer o New York is staying at Lakesid Lodge. Guests at Lakeside Lodge ovoi the weekend were Mrs. Elizabetl Besen and Mrs. Irene Besen. Mrn Irene Besen, who is a British wai widow, is visiting her Canadia, niother-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Be. sen. Thos. D. Allun Retire* To Native Newcastle After 70 Years BankhIn A native son o! Dunham County, Thos. D. Allun, age 86, who ne- tired Juiy 30, 1947, aften 70 years in the banking business, plans to return shortly to the village o. Newcastle where he wiil make his home in the juture. This welcome news is contffined in a story pub- lished in the South Side Courier, Chicago, Illinois, which has just reacbed the editor o! The States- man. The following account is taken from the Chicago paper: "August 1 will mark the ne- tirement from business o! Thomas D. Allin, assistant vice-president o! the South Shore National Bank~ o! Chicago at Jeffery and 7lst St. Directons, officers and employees tendered him a farewell party ai the bank on July 30. Mn. Allun, Wvho celebrated his 86th birthday on May 9, bas spent his entire business cancer in bank- ing. A native o! Newcastle, On- tario, Canada, be became an cm- ployee o! the Standard Bank of Canada upon his graduation fnom bigh school at the age o! 16. His intencst in banking domin- ated bis boyhood ambition o! be- coming a dnuggist and in 1877 be became associated with the West- ern Bank o! Canada. He contin- ued with thîs financial institution for 16 years, senving its Oshawa and New Hambung branches-as manager o! the latter. In 1893 Mn. Allin entened Chi- cago banking when be accepted a position with the Menchants Na- tional Bank. 1895 saw the beginning of a 35- yean period o! service With the National Bank o! the Republic. He servcd in the capacities o! tellen, officen, assistant cashier and assis- tant vice-president until 1930 when the bank merged with the City National Bank. After a temporany retinement o! six yeans, duning wbich time he maintained bis interest in bank- ing, Mn. Allun became active in the organization o! the South Shore National Bank of Chicago. This bank opened on January 21, 1939, and Mr. Aluin served as as- sistant cashien until 1942 when he became assistant vice-president." We are happy to extcnd com- munity gneetings to Mn. Allun on his return home from a long and successful cancer in the business wonld. Few men In Amenica can boast of such a long tenure in the banking profession. We wish hlm many more ycans o! zest and en- joyment in bis native village and county. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin and famlly and Mr. and Mrs. T. Ven- ner and family, Hampton, had a picnic at Geneva Park. Miss Joyce Martin who had been vis- iting with the Venner's returned home. Mrs. Martin in Toronto with Mrs. Clarence Turner. Mrs. Archie Hendry, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Weese, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McMinn, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry. Mr. Arthur Bedwin has had a telephone installed. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerviile and famiiy were in Oshawa visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. E. Coppin. Mrs. A. Pethick, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams. Miss Audrey Adams and Mr. Bob Rutherford with Miss Gladys Whitney, Newcastle. Miss Jean Holmes and Mr. Bob Sh upak, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mrs. A. E. Hotson with Mr. N. Allin, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston and farnily, Ebenezer, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alidred. Mr. and Mrs. G. Skelding and family and Mrs. Aif. Brown and family were picnicking at Willow Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alidred and family and Master Jimmy McKay were at a family picnic at Orono Miss Hazel Powell spent a week at Downsview. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and famiiy at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry and family in Stirling with Dr, and Mrs. Bruce Murray. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and family at Bailieboro. Miss E. Holmes with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. Mr. Don Leach, Port Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Leach. jMr. and Mrs. Rev. Jaynes at JCeylon. Mrs. C. Walkey, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bail and fami- LOW RAIL FAXES TO TRE CANAqàDIANÏ NATIONAL ExHilB lITION i AT- TORONTO AUG. 22 - SEPT. 6 Prom BOWMAN VILLE $2.00 Coc Good goint Thursday, Aur. 21 to Saturday, Sept. 6 Inclusive. Return Lumit - Sept. 10 # Full information-from any agent. ir d eo Skéli g.%r Lloyd Ashton entertained Nestieton re Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldred and the Mission Band at a Party at her r faxnhly in Cobourg. home on Monday aftenon. About Sympathy la extended to Mts. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderton 30 children enjoyed the games led Wm. Samelis and familly ini Mr. >f and famlly, Lansing, MiCh., with by Mn .Seymour. The story in Samelis' passung. le Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean. the study book was very capably Mr.-Wm Steele vlsited her Mr. and Xrs. A'lf Holdaway and given by Mrs. L. Wearn. AU en- agtrMs'agreSel, ýr family with Mr. and Mns. S. Pow- joyed a splendid lunch of sand- Ldon.", isMagrt tee ;h ell. wiches, cake, ice cream and cho-Lnd. 3.colate milk served under the trees. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm r are on a trip to Detroit and other irOn Saturday evening, Augustwetrpons .ri2ffns-iImn lSth, a goodly numben of the Mr. and r.M shlMacm peoble of Enniskillen 'and sur- and Ann called on friends before Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr with rounding territory. gathered in leaving» for their lbome in' Strat- Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beach, Port the community hall to bid fane- ford. Hope.d A number from here enijoyed Mrs Frnk pryandGi well to Dr. and Mrs.' Austin and the trip- by bus to Marmora on chester, N.Y., with Mr. and M f.amily who are moving to Bow- Satunday. SEdgar Wright. manville. A splendid program. Combines and threshing mach- Mis WinifedCol, Mss d~composed of local and outside tai- mnes are busy these days. Crops Mina G ierteandoMn. Ward Gilbecnt was pnesented. Among the are turniing out very good. -Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. E. A' artists was Ross Metcalfe, Maple Mi5 .W alo n itr Wer.Grove, accompanied by his moth- Mrs. Mackie, Oshawa, have gone er's svealvoalsoosan to Timmins to visit the former's d Miss Jean Werry with her par- mouth organ' selection. This d.andterMss SnowiyenManviw- ýents, Mn. and Mrs. Francis Wer- young man has the promise of a Mn. hs an Mrs. arvynryMuvis- ery. future with bis very fine musicalitdhspenMradMs.T Miss Elva Orchard, Bowman- ability. William May, a visitor Henry, Janetville. ville, at Mn. and Mrs. Milton from Toronto, delighted the aud- Miss Joyce Sutton, Orono, Miss It Stainton's. ience with his. piàno selections. Ruth Elford, Manitoulin Island, The W.M.S. meeting waff%held Our rniister, Rev. R. M. Seymour, visited thein aunt, Mns. George sat the parsonage, Tuesday, Aug- whom we ail agree has a very fine Bowers. ust 12 with 22 present. Minutes voice, displayed much talent in Mn. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm, o! last meeting were read and the singing o! bass sea songs, ac- Blackstock, Miss Ruby Veale and sadopted and roll cali answered. companied by Mns. Seymour. In Mn. Chas. Fallis, Toronto, visited tMeeting opened with Mns. Han- lher usual very efficient way, Mrs. Mn. A. H. Veale and Mn. and vey McGill reading an opening Seymour, a student o! the school Mrs. John Gnieves. poem. Bible reading by Mns. o! speech at Northwestern Uni- Mn. and Mrs. George McGahay, sLloyd Ashton, devotional by Mrs. versity, Evanston, Ill., amused ail Peterboro,. vîsîted Mn. and Mrs. tH. McGill and prayer by Rev. present with bier bumorous read- George Johns. Seymour. Mrs. Seymour gave îng. She aiso cond*ucted a sing- M and Ms. a vyCrossmans- sthe last two chapters o! the Study song accompanied by Mns. M. awan std M ns. W' sm amelOs tBook in ber pleasing manner and Stainton. -'Mn. Ernest A. Werry in and, Mn. and Mns. Kinnet Sam-l a vocal solo was enjoyed by Rev. bis capable mannen acted as the adM.adMs KnehSm Seymour. Meeting closed with chairman and director of cerQ- euls. Next Sunday, Aug. 24th is prayer by Mrs. D. Carn., A vote monies. The guests o! the even- "Cottagers Sunday" when Mn. *o! thanks was moved to Mn. and ing were escorted to the platform Clane Fallis, Toronto, will speak. Mrs. Seymour for opening their by Mrs. Orville Ashton. Mn. M. Mn. and Mns. Frank Playfoot home and to the group in charge. Hobbs addressed them with some and Bryce, Lindsay, visited Miss Ice cream and cake wene .enjoy- veny appreciative remanks and a Ethel and Mn. Henry Thompson. ed for lunch on a very warm day. presentation o! a lange silver tray Mn. Frank Emerson, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. R. J. Weaning was made by Miss Marie Ashton Misses Eunice Wilson and Pat with hier parents, Mn. and Mrs. on behaif of the community. Dr. Bowles visited Mn. and Mrs. M. W. H. Moore. and Mrs. Austin neplied very fit- Emerson. Mrs. ernaWoodat M andtingly thanking one and ail. Af -_________ Mrs. S.R ethicWod s. M. adter a bountiful lunch, the evening Mr. nd rsW. . Morearewas concluded by dancing. A vote' It is our pride that makes an- vistig hs istrsin onon ndchairman to ail who had partici- will -that makes - another's deed are attending the Rice-Countneypadin aknthseeigaofnivuretsm htfes wedding at Kincardine. aeinmkn hseeigsofesvo gts htfel Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Strutt, Osh- enjoyable. We wish the Dr. *every 4urt by anothen's self-assertion.- awa, at Mn. Clifford Pethick's. success in his new field of labor. Mary Baker Eddy. Miss Phyllis Strutt returned home with hier parents after spending a week wîth bier grand- mother, Mrs. E. Strutt. Miss Marion Kensey, Oszhaw.a with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ash- ton. Miss Lorna Rankine, Manitou, Manitoba, who is interning in oc- cupational thenapy at Toronto Genenal Hospital was the week- Lend guest of Margaret Seymour at the pansonage. Mn. and Mrs. L. Wearn and chul- dren with Mn. and Mns. C. B. Wagg, Uxbridge. Mn. George Reid at Mn. and Mrs. V. McMillan's, Pontypool. Mn. Harry Fenguson, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mns. A. Oke. Mrg. M. Welles, Pont Penny, with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Milîs. K Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbeaten and baby George with Mn. and Mrs. L. Williamson, Pontypool. Miss Donna Lewis, Pont Penny, with Mns. A. Leadbeaten. Mn. and Mrs. Oliver Beckett *.'*..* and family, Tynone; Mn., and Mrs. Henry Beckett and family, Strat- ford, and Mn. Bill Webber, Bow- manville, with Mn. and Mrs. F. Adt Beckett. Adt Mn. and Mrs. Fred Sandenson, Winct Detroit, Mich., with Ralph and Evelyn Virtue, Evelyn retunned choi home with them for a week's hol- i idays.a Mns. T. M. Slemon is travelling as fan west as Calgary visiting rel- atives on the way. A few relatives gathened at Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater's home to celebrate Mn. George Reid's 8th birthday. Sympathy of the community ls' , extended to Mn. and Mns. Harold Mills on the loss of thein baby I~>PU4k s WHY DaIy's us Deliciaus 0 Dal1Ys Tec le deliclous because It là aihlgh qualiiy toc. Ask your grocor for Dcly's Toc. You'iI .njoy Il. with the sky and the Sun-; ; And to these add 'f -lesters . 'Blended Right"l from three of the world's )icest tobaccos, Turkish, Virginia and Burley... .That's combination that spells "Ultimate in Contentment' p(CI«f#G ifet,; YEfAIS Fir Aarin-Boxes- In Bowmanvi. Fire Chie! Lucius Hooper has asked the press once again te pub- listi the list and location of tire alarm boxes in Bowmanville. As he points outý minutes count when tire strikes and a quick alanm turned in will help to save pro- perty and even lives. Chie! Hooper suggests that the number o! geftie alarm phone and tre al 'arm locations be posted in homes for convenlent, reference. Here is the setup: Pire alarm phone: 300. Pire Alarm Boxes No. 2, corner Division and King No. 3, corner Ontario and King No. 4, corner Durham and Ontario 'No. 5, corner Liberty and King No. 6, corner Lowe ahd Centre No. 7, corner King and Silver No. 8, corner Elgin and Second St. In reportfftg a fire, ring in from a box or phone direct or both. But be sure to give the house number or as near to it as pos- sible where the tire is located. The correct location often saves many minutes. If you would not be of an angry temper, then, do net feed the habit.-Epictetus. This la Important. Weed Yqupector Village of Newcastle Newcastle Citizeus TAXE NOTICE Ail weeds ln the Village ef Newcastle must heouot before September Iht, 1947. After thia date, It w1ll be neeesmSy for the Weed Inspector te have N'i j qPOCERY FE,4TU>ÉS PAGE H. T. MANES,