T~E3DAZ AU~IVZT Zlst, 1547 TKE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA~V!LIZ, OI4TAR!O PA<W 1'nlw SPORT NEWSI Football WInduo. kiown. Solina was boaked to 3 Ca e* ostpued play Bowmanville and Zion tan- 3 Ga e~_ostpned gled with TyronéM Resuits iast weekfindSolmna and-Enniskillen The Darlington Football League tied for top place with 21 points completed its sehedule last night each. save for three postponed games, Aug. 13, at Courtice, the Orono but we go to press before the re- teamn went down by a 2-1 score suit of the ccntest- last night areI while Hampton at Solina iost 3-2. JUNffI o O u.is Lalceshore Playoffs SECOND GAME COBOURG vs. DO WMAN VILLE 3 P.M. Satuirday, Auusrt 23 High'School Grounds ADMISSION - - 25c %.*-..ATLANTIC& PACIFIC ,_.c.u DAI-LI QUAKER MUFFETS HERSHEY'S GIANT CHOCOLATE BARS SWEET MIXED PICKLES CLARK'S PEANUT BUTTER ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSINC Aug. "' , Hampton at Courtlce won a 3-0 shutout and Enniskillen won at Orono 2-0. No announcement has been made as ta when the poýtponed .ames will be played. ZMon and Orono have a double game ta play and Tyrone meets Hampton. The standing in the iower brack- ets may be siightly changed but it appears that Solina will wîn top place in the league standing. Playoffs for the league champion- ship wiil be announced latei. Standing at Aug. 16 Sauina --- Enniskillen____ Hampton Courtice-____ Tyrone -- Orono ------- Bowmanville___ Zion W. L. D. 9 23 8 25 8 32 73 4 2 10 1 19 1 Oshawa Hunters Win McCalium Trophy Piaying off with Cobourg iast Wednesday the Oshawa Hunt Club won the championship o! the Jun- ior Lakeshore Basebail League and captured the McCallum Tro- phy with the victory. The score was 7-2. The Hùnters will now rest during the playdowns among the other clubs in the league and then take on the winner in the O.B.A. finals. Bowmanville will play off with Cobourg in the Junior "B" series and Oshawa B'Nai B'Rith tangle with Peterborough to decide which will meet the Hunters. Prior to Wednesday's game the standing was as follows: W. L. T. Oshawa Hunt Club 9 6 1 Cobourg ------- --- ---9 6 1 Bowmanville ---- - 9 7 0 'Nai B'Rith 8 8 0 Peterborough -------4 12 0 O.B.A. PLAYDOWNS Rotary Junior basebail team will meet Cobourg in the second game of the O.B.A. piaydowns on the High School diamond, Satur- day, August 23, at 3 p.m. 2 pkgs 17c *each ,3 5c 16 oz lar 27c 16 loz jar 8 8oz jar SLICED LOAF CHEESE MONARCH CHEESE làABY ROULS ( lE 6HCý PERFECTION COCOA - l.33o LIBBY'S NUSTARD 6Jar 8e LIBBV'S ASSORTED BABY FDODS 2 Tins 15e McLAREN'S QUEEN OLIVESJUMBO 16-ox.49 AYLMER 01101 SOU? 2 Tins 17e FOR FLOOEIS CHAN WAXI 'Tinb. 63% OCEDAR POLISH Pint 599 WHEN AVAILABLE USE OXYOL 2 Pkgs. 579 CHIPSO Pkg. 8 CANAY SOAP 3 Cakes m3 l YT FLAKES Pkg. 29o IVOIT SlOW Pkg. 29e 29c 23c lb 39c lb 37c b SERVE ICEDN A&P BOKAR COFfEE CUSTOM GROUND ANN PAGE NILK BREAD ,Z 24 oz loaves 15Sc Royal* oni Rampage Swamp Port Hope In Flrst of Piayoffs Port Hope Ontarios ran into a rude setback on Saturday after- noan at Port Hope when Bow- manvilie Rayais showed Gander Pointer and Iran Arm Woods no mercy, poiing out 15 hits ta take a one sided triumph 13-4 in the first of the best of five playoffs before a large crowd. The Rayais lit on Pointer for two in the first, bombarded himi and Woods for six more in the second and coasted home with two; in the fourth and one in each of the fifth, eighth and ninth. Port Hope were held pretty weli in hand by Sutton o! the Rayais although they did get 10 bingles. They scared one in the third, two in the fourth and one in the eighth. Ted Bagneli in ieft field for tbe Royals led bis team with a waik and tbree bits, a single, double, and triple in six attempts. Buzz Foote bad a single and triple while Paul Curreiiy racked up twa singles and a waik ta lead the losers. Gilhooiey and Dawley, rivai second sackers, came up with be3ýutifu1 infield plays while the. highlight of the whoie game in a fielding sense was a catch by W. Bagneli in centre for the Rayais. Buzz Foote tripled ta lef t centre in the faurth. He came up again in the fi! th wîth two on and drave one ta the saine spot that had bomer labelied on it. Bagneli came over fast and made a beauti- fui one-handed catch, crashing into the crowd. He recovered quickly ta double Zeaiand off second and retire the side. Bowmanville - T. Bagneil, If; Yourth, ss; Gilbooiey, 2b; Furey, r!; C. Osborne, 3b; W. Bagneli, cf; Dadson, lb; Sutton, p; Tyson, C. Part Hope-Keeler, If; Ashby, cf; Edwardson, lb; Zealand, c; Dawiey, 2b; Porter, rf; Smith, r! (7); Foote, ss; Curreliy, 3b; Point- er, P; Woods, p (2). R HE Bow'ville 260 210 011-13 15 2 Port Hope 001 200 010- 4 10 3 Umpires: Dutch Osborne, Bow- manvilie, at plate; Mickey Divine, Port Hope, on bases. Newcastle Bicycle Club Hoid First Outing At Bond Head Tbe Newcastle Lions Bicycle Safety Club, organized a month ago under chairmansbip o! Pro- vincial Constable Russ Poilard, member o! Bowmanvilie Lions Club and prexy o! the Bowman- ville Bicycle Club, beld a picnic at Bond Head, Saturday forenoon. The lakeside gathering foilowed the two regular meetings held since the club was organized. 1Constable Pollard was invited ta get the Newcastle bike club started at the request o! Newcastle Lions Doug Walton and Ken Pollard, the Bicycle Club Co- mittee for Newcastle Lions. Mr. Walton is the chairman. The Newcastle bike club now bas about 20 members and school pa- trais wili be organized after schooi resumes in September. At the Bond Head get-tagether, Constable Pollard was accampan- ied by Mr. Ken Pollard and A. L. Baker, Statesman staff, Bowman- ville, wha delivered an address an the early settiement araund Bond Head. He told some o! the ex- periences o! the first white set- tler, Richard Lovekin, wbo land- ed at Bald'win's Creek in 1796, and traced the later settlements in Clarke township. A!ter soft drink refreshments the children enjayed swimming and bad a grand outing. The of- ficers of the Newcastle Bicycle Safety Club are: Presiden,, , Kffl)- erine Dewdney; vice-president, Roy Stoneburg; secretary-treasur- er Karin Ainsley. Artie Clemnence Offered Bid From St. Louis Cardinal. According ta basebali prexy Wait DeGeer hee bas received dir- ect information that the field scout for the St. Louis Cardinals, world basebali champions 1946, bas offered a contract ta Arty Cie- mence, star pitcher for Bowman- ville Rotary Juniors. If Arty ac- cepts hie wiil report for spring training in Florida. With Rotary Juniors now en- tering the playdowns for the Lakeshore League chamqionship, Arty bas declined ta sign the big league cantract in the meantime. His signature wauld invalidate bim from taking part in the local playoff games. President Mullin o! the Hamil- ton Cardinals, one o! the farm teams o! the St. Louis Cardinals, bas heid a regional basebali schooi for the p.*t year or two at which promising basebail talent bas been given tryouts. Arty's first appear- ance at the schooi gave him littIe oppartunity ta pitch on accaunt o! persistent rain. Last week lie was among many candidates at the school wbo were called out bý numbers instead o! names for diamond workouts. Before his turn came Clemence was down with the mumps but hie took the mound without disclos- Iing the handicap. His performr- ance was so satis!actory that bis number was compared with bis name and be was affered a con- tract. He is in bed at home re- covering from mumps at the mo- ment. President Muilins plans ta came an ta Bowmanville within the next week or sa with a showing o!f warid's series basebali films at wbich time be wiil again attempt ta sign Arty ta a cntract. "OId at 40Y 50,607"1 -IanYou're Crazy Foegt Yowurl lkamsdmar e ppyt70. Try "Peý pplg p"wth O.trez.CoUtai. tamlc0 foi Wemk. rundowm faeeing du. e ly to bodys lack ôf 'rom whicb mamymmm and WOMeM oeil1 **Old.'» Be delitbted- or gt your money back. T rv OtretTomâc 'na let, l'or mew Pep, ~gr vi mdy.r xier feeling. thm ,erydy Edigur Shows Cias* At Toronto Tryout Bill Edger, Peterborough, son o! Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger, Bawmanville, was one o!f6M On- tario balîplayers wbo took part in the Maple Leaf basebafl scbool tryouts beld in Toronto recentiy. Edger pitched with such success that be was one o! only '0 re- maining in the finals ta decide the two players ta be sent up to the International League. Possessing an iran arm and good contrai, Bill bas been a star pitcher since High Scbooi days. He wiil be seen in action at tbe great Ail-Star basebali benefit game ta be piayed on the. High Scbool grounds, Tuesday, August 26. A member o! tbe Peterboro Senior "A" teamn he wiil pitch against a team made up o! star players o! the Intermediate Lake- shore League. Ail-Star BalilGame Headiine Feature In Sporting News According to the number ot tickets already sold and many en- quiries received fromn out o! town, the Ail-Star Benefit Basebal Game to be piayed on the High School grounds, Bowmanvilie, on Tuesday, August 26, at 6 p.m., will break ail attendance records. In case o! rain the game will be played on the same grounds, same time, Thursday, Aug. 28. The Oddfeliows Service Club ln co-operation with the basebal clubs in the Lakeshore Basebali League are sponsoring the con- See Our Windows FOR Ii Special Sale OF - DASEDALL - SOFTBALL - TENNIS Equipment 20% OFF NEW AND USED C.C.M. BICYCLES ARE NOW READY McNulty' s Sports Shop COWAN BLOCK BOWMANVILLE test as a benefit for those ber- eaved as a result of a train-auto accident which occurred as five Bowmnanville basebail fans were proceeding ta Peterboro. ta 'cheer for the local team. Names of tbe players taking part in the game have flot ail been received as we go ta press but it can be said that it wiil be Senior "A" basebali. The ciassy Peter- bora club willi play against an Ail- Star team chosen !rom teams aiong the lakeshore from Wbitby to Cobourg, *with Bowmanvilie players well represented. Seidom bave the citizens o! Bowmanville and district been given tbe oppo#~unity ta support a more wortby cause. The Odd.- feilows Service Club makes a spe- ciai appeal for public co-apera- tion in making the acbasion one that will be quite in the tradition o! this community. Please re- member the date and plan ta be in attendance. Softbaii League Standing, Aug. l2tb (Heid over from last week) W. L. T. Pt. Mike's Imps---- 7 2 1 15 Training Scbool -- 5 2 2 12 Local189 --- - ----5 5 o 10 Pepsi Cala ----------- 5 5 *0 10 Annis &King ----- 4 4 1 9 Rurals -------------- 1 9 0 2 Results Aug. 6- R. H. E. Annis &King ------------ 13 17 3 Rurals----------------------- 4 9 0 Stevens and Hately; Woods and Penfound. Aug. 8- R. H. E. B.T.S ------------- 13 14 1 Local 189 ------------------i1 4 1 Richards and Connors; Keleman and Tice. Aug. Il- R. H. E. Pepsi Cola --------------- 12 il o B.T.S --------------------------5 9 3 Pollard and Little; Mason, Ri- chard 2 and Connors. Aug. 12- R. H. E. Local 189 ----- 4 9 2 Rurals----------------------- 3 5 i Keleman and McMurter; Gay and Blackburn, Richards 2. Batting Averages AB R H Av. McMurter, S. 18 4 9 .500 Mutton, W. 10 3- 5 .500 Conway, M. 23 7 Il .479 Snowden, H. 26 8 12 .462 Depew, T. 35 12 16 .458 Crombie, J. 9 1 4 .444 Rundle, C. 37 12 16 .433 Osborne, A. 35 13 15 .429 Cowan, T. 21 4 9 .429 Rundie, L. 33 10 14 .424 Johnston, B. 12 2 5 .417 McKnight, R. 17 7 7 .412 Couvier, N. 17 4 7 .412 Connors, H. 37 il 15 .4061 Wiliiams, D. 30 10 12 .400 55,000 Trout Stccked ln Durham Streams The Ganaraska Fish and Garne Club reported the traut strcims în Durham County bave been rc- stocked with over 55,OGj trù-at ranging from six ta eight inches long. This wark bas been accom- piished through the co-operation of Dr. R. P. Vivian, member o! the Legisiature for Durbam County. About 30,000 of these trout have been fed Into local streams in Hope township, but it is ex- pected a large number will jour- ney further north inta the head- waters of the Ganaraska River. This operatian completes the re-stocking that wiii be done this year, although the Department of Fish and Game, according to the Fishi and Game Club, have blgger plans for next yeai- when the streams will.be stocked with fish ail over eight inches in iength. BODY LUDRICATION In warm weather the human body may need iess food: for fuel, bilt it requires more lubrication. And experts point out that the ibody Is "water-cooled." If allowý ed to run dry, it .may "knock."1 If people prefer drinks, as weI as other things, "sugar-coated,, the health people suggest Ila1 there is variety as weil as s let in fruit juices. These may be chilled, but sbouid flot be diluted with too mueh ice. Not bucking broncos, but sbiny new 1948 model cars wiil be al the disposai of high schooi stud. ents for the "Roadeo'4 drivini competitions being beld at tht Canadian National Exhibition. Entries must be received by Aug. lst. When we let selfisbness take its course, it carnes us down hili. WASHINGTON FREESTONE PIRUNE PLUS CRATE (Aperox. 16 lb..> 2 Ibo. 234 $*1.49 4 6' P Super Right QuWlit~ Meara 'I ME o« BLUE DIAND EEF - STEAKS o PORTERHOUSE, SIBLGIN OR WING DONELESS ]ROUND* BLADE ROAST BLADE BONEOU seu- Food MDggoeMIo FRESE CHROE SALMON STEAKS SILTEE-IGE SALMON STEAKS Il-HADDMOCK FILLET FRESECOD IFILLETS hORSTS lb. 52e lb. 49o &.4w< lb. 27o Sb. 3b< lb. 274 TORONTO EXHIBITION BUSSES DAILY FROM August 23 to September 6 DAYLIGHT SAVINO TIM!E Leave (Going) 1Read Down A.M. 7:00 7:05 7:25 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:20 10:00 Arrive Return Read Up Fare $3.00 3.00 2.95 2.85 2.75 2.65 2.55 2.40 2.20 ,45 p.m. Pues Include Exhibition Admission Bus Takes Passengers Right On To Exhibition Grounds and Stays There All Day for Convemience of Passengers. E LINDSAY EXHIBITION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 12 and 13 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Leave (Going). Read Down 10:30 10:40 10:50 1 1:00 11:10 11:15 11:25 11:35 12:00 Bowmanvillc... H-ampton .......... Enniskillen ........ Burketon .......... Blackstock ........ Nestleton ......... Yelverton ........ Janetville .......... Lindsay ........... Read Up Fare 12:05 1 1:50 11:40 11:35 1 1:25 11:15 11:05 10:55 10:30 $1-75 1.65 1.65 1.35 1.25 1.10 .55 For Information: Phone BOWMANVILLE................ LINDSAY ..................... 26SS 1058 (IUAIIANIEED PERFECT AND INSURED FREC AGAINST LOUS HOO)PER'%S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP Phone 747 28 King St. W. Bowmanville CALIFORNIA Doz. à%&- O RANCES VALENCIA, 28's a CALIFORNIA Doz. DRN VALEN<CIA, 220's 479 PEAIS BRLE 2 m9 SCAROLINA Ibo.23 M MACES ELBERTA 2 3 GEAES RE MALAGA 2 Im.350 GRAPES CALIFORNIA 2b. 3 APLS NATIVE DUCHESS '6q. leje SWEET for 254' COU GOLDEN 8UNSHINE 6 CAOT CORELESS 3 Im 134 iBEST FOR PRESERVING -1 TORONTO ADLINDSAY E&XHIBITION SPECI ALS GARTON COACH LINES Uuine Lailv Frcm AuQust e-3 Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy traffic, parking or crowding for street cars. Kawartha Maples .. I1:35 Janetville ....... 1:25 Yelverton ..........1:15 Nestieton .......... 1:05 Blackstock ........ 12:55 Burketon ......12.45 Enniskillen......... 12:35 Hampton .. ........ 12:25 Bowmanville ....... 12:15 Toronto Exhibition Lv. 10:d Children - Haif Fare M% % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UIMMMAY, AUGUBT ZlSt, 1947 MM CAMADIAN STATMSMAN. BONVJANVrLLLF, ONTARIO PAGE Il iVP ýx 1