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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1947, p. 6

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CANAIAI STTESAN. OWM~qVLLE ONTRTO.LLUIURA, AUUUT Z8t, 194t Burketoxi Miss Mabel Webb, Toronto, Mrs. George Finlaysan, Blackstock, 'wvith Mr'. and Mrs. J. Carter. 1 Mr'. and Mrs. B. Slingerland and Lynda, Mr. Henry'-DeMille1 with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair with frienda in Picton. Mr'. Art Prentice, Mnr. M. Hew- itt, Part Penny, with Mra. E. Caughwf. Mrs. 1E. Rahmn with Mr.and Mrs. George Avery, Little Britain. Mn.. L. Haesman is home ater staying with her daughten in Peterboro. Sunday, Aug. 17th. an impress- ive chritening ccnemany took place when Rev. Seymoui' bap- tized two children: Leona Han- thenn, infant daughter of Mi'. and Mrs. Bruce Hanthorn * and Mar- garet Argue, daughtcn of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue. Mn. and Mns.' Binnell, Mrs. L. Cochrane and Har'old, Toronto, Outgrown? 18 the amount of insuranýe you carry on the contents of yeur home enougli ta caver their value today? Have you added new things without penhaps increasing the amount af your fire insurance? Ask this agency ta de- termine whether you are fully or only partially insuzed. There's no obligation t Stuzart R. James INSVJRANCE - REAL ESTATE Succeasor to J. 3. mason & son Phones: office 681 - Hanse 493 Kint St. Bow anvilie with Mru. Harry Rahm. Mr. Bud Thrasher, Toro Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa,v Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bailey. August meeting of W.A. held at the homne of Mrs. J.C ter' August l4th. It was deci ta have a Sunday evening seri at 7 p.m., Sept. 7th, with1 Seymour as speaker and ta 1 a concert thxe foflowing Mon evenmng. Treasurer's half-yei repart showed: Receipts-Cash hand, $75.40, Donation, $2 Articles sold, $3.00; Total Cal t i o n s, $5.95; Entertainme $35.25; Total $121.60. Expei tures-Donation ta Bowman- Hospital, $10.00; Play, $12 Table, $4.50; Advertising, $1 Caretaker, $15.00; Total, $42 Balance on hand $79.10. j Enfield Regular $34.50> For - $2950 New Steel Panel BED and SPRINGS $12.50 Five-Plece Walnut BEDROOM SUITE Regular $189.0 For - $175.00 FLOOR MATS $1.30 up CHROME KITCHEN CHAIRS Stralght Legged $9.25 each MU RP HY'S APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE STORE Phone 811 57 King St. W. No matter whether prices go Up or down You'il stili save money on this Special End-of-Season Clearance of Children's Summerwear. Little Girl's Sun Dresses A wide selection of Dressy Sun Dresses for the littie girl in charnbrays, checks and ginghams. Sizes 3 to 6. Reg. $1.49. En2d-of.ýseason inn 13ALE $1.00 Girls' Cotton SUN DRESSES An exceptional value in fashionable Dresses for the older girl. Smart printed cotton dresses in variety of colours. Sizes 10 -12. Regular $2.29. End-of-Season tI~ SALE $i.50u For the Style Conscious *... Young Lady Smart percale Sun Dresses that ivilI young lady's taste. Sizes 6 and 8 oni.1 End-of-Season Slu $2.195 PAGE six 1Orono News Mns. Vincent Rcddings and Sheila, Oshawa, with her sisten, Mrs. Fred Samis. Mns. Wilbent Smith and Don- othy, Oshawa, at A. W. Pnescott's. Marion and Evelyn Pascoe holidayed wîth fniends in Osh- awa. Mrs. M. Pierce, Ind., 'U.S., with Mr. and Mns. Milton Samis. Mn. and Mrs. E. Ormiston and Mns. J. Gnieves, Bowmanville, with Mns. W. J. Ormiston. Mn. and Mna. Robent Smith, Toronto, ane holidaying at Tal- madge Taylon's. Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pnescott and family with Mrs. Charley Pnescott, Salem. W.A. met at the home af Mrs. Hoakin Smith. It was the annual mothen and daughten meeting and there was a good attendance in spite ai extreme heat. Program consisted ai neadinga by Kathleen Smith, Margaret Hoopen and Mrs. R. Smith; two piano duets by Marion and Evelyn Pascoc, and Mns. G. Bowman and Mary Helen; a very fine talk by Mrs. R. M. Seymour on "Mother," and a vocal duet by Lois Ormiston and Mary Helen Bowman. Lunch was served on thc lawn. No anc scema ta be enjoying the weather. H suit every Reg. $2.98. For the Young Lad. . . Cotton Plaid Suits These stundy bclted Plaid Suits will rItand Up ta plentyv of rough ivenr. Smart]v ta:iored in mannish style. Sizes 3 ta 6. Regular $3.49. End-of-Season SALE $2.25U Ail Wool SWEATERS Warm and stylish all-wool sweaters in blue, yellow, gold and rose. Sizes 2 tai 6. Reg. $ 1.98 END-OF-SEASON $ 2 SALE l2 Wee Lassiez' Conton Plaid Dresses For the littie 1àss who likes to be dressed up, these Plaid Dresses are Iust the thing. Sizes 2, 4 and 6. Regular $1.39. End-ol-Season SALE 75 Alpine Cloth S KI RT S A real buy! Smartly tailored alpine cloth skirts ini turquoise, blue, red and brown. Sizes 8 and 9 only. Regular $3.98 END-OF-SEASON $ .9 SALE $29 _e g 7/aM£e4c21a4e4, .Eù2nM*dd Phone 451 TIHE MODERN STORE Bowmanvllle onto, with was Car- ided rvice Mrs. hold nday early ýh on ý2.00; ffec- ents, cndi- ville 2.00; ;1.00; 2.50. Mr. and Mns. Robert Stewart have returned from vlsiting with fniends ln Saskatchewan. Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., Baw- manville, bad charge of the mor- ning service at Park St. United Church on Sunday mornlng. Mis- ses Stella Best and Jean Ralney sang a duet durlng the service. Congratulations ta Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin on the arrival of a baby boy, in Bowmanville Hospi. tal. Kendal handball. team won out in the final playoff with Orono on Tuesday evening last week in Or- ono. The score was 3 to 2, but the Kendal team demonstrated what practice will do in the playing af any game. Mrs. Tom Lewis, Lorna and Ma- rie, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ransberry in Montreal. Lorna had the misiortune to break her arm just before leaving for home. Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn, Mr. and Mns. T. A. Reid, Mrs. Jas. Eagleson, and Miss K. Colville attended the funeral ai little Annette Elliott at Kendal on Saturday. Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Lycett and Donald spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winter at thein cottage, Lake St. Peter. Mrs. A. C. Beatty, Garden Hill, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truli. Othen guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Truli have been Mrs. N. Rickard, Newcastle; Mrs. Dun- ham, Toronto, Mrs. J. Dickson and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Canning, Osh- awa. Mr. Wm. Cobbledick, Rolph's Hardware Store, is having a vaca- tion. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blue have ne- turrxed from a very pleasant three weeks' holiday. Mrs. A. C. Beatty, Garden Hill, and Mrs. J. Dunham, Toronto, with Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson, Ton- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Keane, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Mr. and Mrs. Hangraves and iamily, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren on Wednes- day af last week. Miss Ruby Fralick, Toronto, with her aunt, Miss Mabel Davy. Mr'. and Mrs. A. C. Stevenson and famiily, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron, Ton- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Duncan. Miss Catharine Rans'berry, Mon- treal, with her grandparents, Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Duncan. Women's Institute met June 20 with Mrs. V. Robinson convenen af the social welfare committee in charge ai the program. Guest speaker was Mrs. Anne Raby, Childnen's Aid Society, Port Hope. We have long associated foster homes and adoptions with the so- ciety but we little realized how many other departments are han- dled by this organization. We were given a glimpse into the machin- ery of social weliare work and a short summary of protective cases, court cases, the Lodge at Port Hope, foster homes, foster par- ents, adoptions, unmarried parent cases, veterans and family affaira, and their newest work, investiga- tions re baby bonus cheques. It was explained that the soci- ety is almost entirely dependent upon Tag Days and donations as the government grant ai $1,000 per yean barely covered office ex- penses. From women's clubs, :hildren's clubs and individuals, the society receives donations ai money, used children's clothing, bedding and time to, knit sweat- ers for children, the wool being supplied by the society. Follow- ng this very intenesting and ed-u- cational address, light reiresh- nents, were senved and the mcm- bers had the opportunity ai meet- ng and speaking with Mrs. Raby. Newtonville N c c s C s e C a ti e u ti p p CI ti rr b ej ýl Ir ci MI bi ir Mr. and Mrs., Hugh Stapletoni have returned fromn a vacation at Montreal and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stephens, Hespeler, visited Mr. and Mns. Willis Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Langstaff and children, Toronto, with Mrs. Mabel Langstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt have returned home to Virginia, U.S., after visiting relatives in his home town. Little Jacqueline Taylor and Barbara Tavener have returned ta Toronto aiter vacationing with Miss Mary Burley. The finals between Newcastle and Newtonville girls' softball teams are postponed until Monday evening, August 25th on account of ramn. .W.M.S. met August l2th in the church basement. In the absence of the president, the vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Geo. Stapleton was in charge. Mrs. Stapleton had a treat in store when, besides a splendid study period, a panto- mime "Abide With Me" was pre- sented by Dorothy Stapleton and Doreen Milîson, Laurie Stapleton singing. Aý large gathening of fniends and neighbors met in the community hall on July 16th to honor Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis (nee Leta Prouse). Mr. Wm. Laing as the chairman presented a varied and interesting program intermingled with impromptu speeches. Mr. Cleland Lane, a boyhood pal of MelviIle's, read a fitting address while Mr. Harold Burley and Mr'. Lloyd Clysdale presented themn with a davenport and purse. Mr. and Mrs. Samis .both sincerely thanked their friends for their kind thoughts and gifts. The rest ai the evenlng was spent enjoy- ing the bountiful lunch and dané- ing. Miss Shirley Tuf ord, Bunker Hili, has been vacatianing with her sister, Mrs. Harold 3urley. Miss Shirley Paynie has accept- cd a position in the box factory, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hutchinson are home from their cottage at Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Unionville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell. Mr. Kelly has recavered alter his accident. September 2 ndj Wc have a full stock oi Supplies for Public and High Sehools: Text Books - Work Books - Rulers - Pens Erasers -Pen cils Crayons -Paints Sehool Bags Telephone and out-of-town orders given our best attention. Je W.f JIWELL "BIG 20" PHONE 556 27 King St. W. Bowmanvllle your fcsmily ? Ca ring for bis family in tho way it deserves takes inuch of a man's effort. But the cast of acdequately providing for your laved cnes wauld be just about the same, even if you were nat here. Since 1869, the Mutual Life cf Canada bas been pro- viding policyholders with low cost life insurance. utivo and lot him show you how easy lt is ta b. sure Mn. and Mns. Ivan Eilicott and that you: family wIlI b. Sandra, Peterborough, at N. C. proporly loalcod aftor, no Yellowlees'. moater what happons ta Aften winning the softbail YOU. game Friday night about 35 mcem- bers oi the Girls' Softbalh Club and Teen-agers Club were enter- tained at the home ai Ruth and Jean Reynolds at a surprise party L in honor ai Phyllis Niddeny, who heaves Auguat 27 ta study at St. Michmcl's Hospital, Toronto. Ruth eynolds nead an address, ex- pressing the fond wishes of ail, and Audrey Kersey pncsented a plastic bill fold and Five-Year diany ta Phyllis on behal! o! ber miany friends. Follo*ing the presentatian, games were enjay- Bnînch Office cd at the Park and a deliciaus 435 George Street, lunch concluded the happy even- Peterborough Ontario ing af feliowship. -Maple Grove Mis ar and Master Gardon Sîean, ot Hope, are visiting lMan Mn. C. P.swallow. Misa Manguarite Wright, St. Catharines, Miss Hazel Wright, Washington, D.C., are hoiidaying with thein parents, Mn. and Mns. N. E. Wright. Mrs. Stan Little, Cobourg, spent Sunday visiting Mn. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, Mrs. John Sanders. Westmount, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Bille and Betty, Hamilton, Miss Marion Snowdcn, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Mrs. Brown and child- nen have nemained for a week. Mrs. N. E. Wright has rcturncd home from St. Catharines, aiter a pleasant visit. Mrs. Leslie Keith, Toronto, spent the weekend with her ais- ter, Mrs. N. E. Wright and niece, Mrs. Fred Wright. Miss Florence VanNest, who has been viaiting with relatives and friends, ne- turned home with her sister. Mn. David Hill, Simcoe, with Mr. Bob Stevens, Jr. They at- tended their classmate's wedding at Smithvllle.g Dr. and Mrs. L. H-. Coates, son Danny, Brantford, with Mrs. L. C. Snowdcn, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston were on a motor trip ta Orilija, Barrie and Muskoka. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. John Mills, Ajax, at E. R. Taylor's. Mn. and' Mrs. Gardon Taylor, Miss Grace Anthes, Toronto, at E. Millson's. Mn. and Mns. C. C. Cook, Brant- fond, at J. W. Yellowlecs'. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy at Napance. Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and Harold with Mr. and Mrs., Jack Marks, Toronto. Marilyn Marks returned home with them ion a holiday. Mn. Alan Borland and Mn. Isaac Mathunni, who conducted Young People's meeting here hast week, were guesta with Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees and Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Overton, To- ronto, Mn. Tennyson Pereman, Columbus, at Lamne Hoskin's. Murray and Allyn Hoskin are holidaying with their cousin, Misa Judith Innes at Minden. Miss Pearl Leach with ber par- ents at Taunton. Miss Evelyn Parninder Is en- joying a weck's vac-atioa at heme. Mr. and Mrs. Nélson Fice and family, Taunton; Mn. and Mrs. Percy Davidson and faraily, Zion, at Tom Westiake's. Mr. Gea. Awde, Drayton, Mn. and Mra. Blake Awde and Jean, Windsor; Mr. and Mns. Arehie Keith, Oshawa, at Arthur Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bnown and Eric, Oshawa, at A. L. Pas- coe's. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Gilbent are spcnding two weeks' vacation at Canada Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westhake and family at Milton Cochrane's, North Oshawa. A large and Intcrested number o! young people from aur union and ncighbouring graups attendrd the meetings at the church hast Thunsday and Friday when the Forwand Movement team, Alan Borland and Isaac Mathunni, con- ducted eveninga ai great fellow- ship and inspiration. Jerry Milîson, Ray Pascoe, Francis Wotten, Bruce Taylor and Mr. John Cnuickshank accom- panicd Mn. E. A. Summers on an observation trip last week. Church services will be nesumed next Sunday as usual with Rev E. S. Linstead. During the sevene ehectrical stonm Monday njght Charlcs Nay.. lor's barn, a mile west ai Solina. was burned with ail his hay, 1000 bushels ai wheat, 17 tons of dairy ration, a purebred Ayreahire bull, heifer and two caives. Through the efforts of the Bowmanvllle Fine Brigade and neighbouring volunteers, who gave valiant ser- vice, the milk bouse and other buildings connected ta the barn were savcd. The bass was partially covcrcd by insunance. A bit af irony crept inta the scene wben it was discovcned that some mean minded persan had stolen a car belonging ta aonc o! the kind helpers. Haydon W.A. met at Mrs. H. Ashton's on ThursdaY. Miss Vivien Cow- ling read the Bible neading and Mns. W. Blackburn the devotian- ai. Mns. C. Sleman led in prayer. Mrs. Theron Mountjoy gave a neading; Mrs. Lloyd Ashton* nen- dered a solo and Mi'.. A. Read gave an instrumental. Miss Aleen Aked gave a veny enjayable talk on "Hobbies." She showed ail paintinga, mats, scrap books and stuffed toys that she had made and a collection of shela she jgather- cd while down south that contain- cd many beautiful shelas in cx- quisite coloninga. Lunch was scrved by Mrs. Cecil Slemon's group. The worst thundenstonm o! the scason was experîenced here Mon- day night when a fine eat ai hene and anothen anc southwest of here wene- sighted. Church service was held on Sunday aiternoon with aur pas- ton back from his holidmy. er vice will be held on Suidya 3p.m. Sonny ta report that Mns. C. Av- ery is under the doctor'a cane. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aikenhead, Toronto, at Mr. L. R. Ashton's. Mn. Melville Bertrimn visiting his father at Crow Lake. Mr. and Mns. A. Beech at Mn. Everett Beech's, Port Hope. Bruce Bowman, Enfield with Ray Ashton. Mn. and Mrs. Melville Bertrim wlth fniends in Oshawa. Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, holidaying at home. Rev. Eugene Bccch, St. George, Mrs. Charlotte Stevens, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Ennis- killen, at Mr. A. Beech's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family at Mn. Russell Onmistan's, Enniskilien. Mr. and Mns. Sulas Trewin, Mn. Jim Martyn, Miss Clare Trewin, Bowmanvillc, at Mn. W. Tnewin's. Omitted from last week's news was Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mount- joy, Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestle- ton, Mrs. Chas. Brigga, Tonontoi Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Bnooking, Bowmanville, at Mn. C. Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mi'. Ross Ashton, Miss Audrey Mc- Laughlin at Haliburton. '0/ W Drice Sale laEVERY SUMMER BLOUSE *EVERY SUMMER ARTICLE IN THE STORE at HALF P RICE -See Our New Faîl Sam pies- YOUR FAV ORITE Get your favorite food brandi for less. Get theni at their beut .,.* where yau get the moèeut yet pay the least. Everyday we line theni up for yaur inspection. You'll find your favorites here.1 You'll Find What You Want ln FRESH AND COOKED MEATS FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLP1S HIGHI CLASS GROCERIEZ at EDMONDSTDNE'S MARKET - RKARVEY JOIW, Prop. Phone 375 29 King St. E. Low Prices, Carega Powder ... 23e-39c-69o Lactogen Baby Food 69c-$1.59 Pinkhîm's Comp.----- 87o Noxzema Specil 98e Cuticura Soap- 23c 100 A.S.A. Tabs. - -------- 19c Roblnson's Baniey Floue 33o Vacation Needs First Aid Kits - 95c-$1.254$2.25 Thermos Bottios ---$1.19-$1.50 Lunch Kits------------- . 69e Carbolie Ointment . 25e Snowtan ---- --------- 19c-40c Poison Ivy Lotion...-----250 Tooth Brusheq----- - ,)-~3O White Shoe Ciemixer ---- 15c-25c Hay Foyer Rel;9f Lîntigen E....-.....-$6.00 Allergîtabs ....... $1,00-$2.50 Rîzmah CaD.. - ---- 50c-01.0055 Nyaqua Nase Draps-......50o Kleenex Timses REVLON FASHION PLATE MAKEUP.-- $1.75 PONDS~ ANGEL FACE POWDER S 1.25 Films Developed end Printed .......... 32c PhonO W~JLING'S DRUG STORE w. vis Parowit 1-lb. Powder Put!. Bobby Pins John T. McCreery Optomotrist EYU Examinsd Thuusday - 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Optw c fi a COWLINCGS DRUC STORE PI' lilackstock1cforatnndays. M'MrsMm. Clifford MeGfil - and children with Mrs. Luke Sunday visitors with Mi,. W. C. Mountjoy. Fenguson were Messrs J. H. John.- Mr. mnd Mrs. Lorme Bradbura. stan, P. Corbett and A. Bellnian, and children, Toronto, with Mr'. Bownxanville; Mr.and Mrs. Gar- and Mr.. Wesley Bnadburn. don Ferguson and baby, Franklini, Charles Venning la building j Pese River; Misa Olive Dodds' neW ,addltian ta lis home. Wfnnlpeg, 'qnd Mrs. jas. G*lne, M.adMh i ye ma Whltby.and Linda Torontb, with Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. John Venning Mrs Ira À and Joan are hldaying, at Wil- g;ue. berfonce. M. Fisher has taken his shec#5 Mn. and Mrs. George Sadler, taw xiton Terry and Shirley, Cobalt, wlth M. Clarence Parr, Bowman. Mr'. and Mrs. Robt. Sadler and ville, v)ith his mother, Mrs. P.. Vivian. Parr. Miss Gcertrude Henry, Toronto, Mn. and Mn.. Mervin Grahani with her mothen, Mrs. James pent the 'veekcnd in Fenelqxi. Henry. alla. Grace and Jean Harris ne- Hery.JonM eel itiga turned home with themn. Mrs. on Members of R.B.P. No. 398 and Feneon Fils.the Cartwright Fife and Drum Misa Clara Marlow bas gane ta Band attended the celebration at thxe Rangera Camp on Lake Sim- Marmora Saturday. Walicer's Present End..of-Season Sa[e of ChilIdren's Summerwear Keralake's Sweet Plekie Mixture For Rects and Cucumbers 2_gal. 20 _ 1-gai.a35 Shelltox----24c-43c-73c, Tat Ant Trape ----. - 35e Insecticide Bomb $1.29-$3.98 Skeeter Skatt'1 -.35e For TIRIFI Shoppors 1 48 PFODt $112 '41M m ---- -M amw The Town Shop «M CANADIAN STATROMAN. BOWMAXVnM, ONTAIUO t a b announces Hampton Glauu ritted

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