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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1947, p. 7

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 2sut, 1947 Miss Winona E. (Nonie) Clarke, M.adMs o mt n ~iaghtr o Mr an Mm Wm A.Alan spent a week wlth her un- Clarke, Bowmanvulle, has been cie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elxner awarded a scholarshlp from St. Cox en route from Lancashire, Mchael's College, Toronto, for ob- England, to Olda, Alberta, where talnlng fIrst class honors ln her Mr. Smith has accepted a position first year University of Toronto on the teaching staff of the High examinations. School. NvEW VICTOR RECORDS "ALL 0P ME" "I KIBS YOUR RAND MADAME" Vaughn Monroe "I AIN'T IVAD AT YOU" "JUNGLE KING" Count Basie and Orchestra "CECELIA" "THE GOFFY GAL 0F TEGTICIGALPA"b The Three Suns "I'M 80 RIGHT, TONIGHT" "GEORGE WASHINGTO N" Phil Harris and Orchestra_____ "FEUDIN' AND FIGHTIN' " "HOW CAN I SAY I LOVE YOU" Tex Beneke and Orchestra "FINE THING" "STOP THROWIN' ROCKS AT THE DEVIL" Charlie Spivak and Orchestra .-i"HITLER LIVES" "I CAN'T TELL THAT LIE TO MY HEART" Rosalie Allen and The Black River Riders "CHANT 0F THE WANDERER" Sons of The Pioneers "GE-T U TROE STIRS, MADEMOffÉSELLE" "DREAM STREET" Deep River Boys "!SOMETHING FOR NOTHING" "LAST NIGHT IN A DREAM' J'reddy Martin, "4TALL MMSE" "I WISH I DIDN'T LOVE YOU 80" Vauglin Monroe "COME TO THE MARDI GRAS" "LOLITA LOPEZ" Freddy Martin YOUR R.C.A. VICTOR DEALE1R The Radio Shop KB ing nt. &. Bowmanvmle, Phone 573 WHETI[9 TOU WRITI- HI-S is YOUR -in -M'ILm a ""JaUNTAIN fEN IiI~ STERLING SILVER -VERt npIn Il 00 0 f2aved md ngn IL'e lTER dNI " L MARRSO eY4., ;i THE CAI(ADIAI( BTATMAN, DOWMANqVHL, ONTARIO Paulino, Leskard, in their b.- movomnent. A13o - fa other rela- tives of Mmc. Robblns who was formerly Pearl Rantan, a highly mespected residont ot Hampton. -Miss Marilyn Pearce, Tomantc epent two weeks' holidays wil] Miss Ann Crydemman, Shaw's. Mm. Albert Valee, Toronto, wa weekend guest with Mm. and Mir Carl Devitt. Mm. Richard Hawkey is leavinr tonight ta visit friends at Melforx Sask., Mm. and Mmc. Wilfmed Addinall London, were guests o! Mm. anc Mmc. Gus Bounsaîl. Mmc. Chas. Murdoff is visitinr hem granddaughtem Mmc. Lorri Kleinstiver at Dashwood. Mmc. Arthur Wight, Hamilton was a recent guest of hem sister Miss Olga Tod. Misses Audrey Fletcher anÉ Yvonne Henning enjoyed a week'. school holiday at Cobourg beach Mmc. Rose Imwin, Cowan Block spent a pleasant thmee weeks' va. cation with relatives in BelleviliE and Bancroft. Chie! of Police Sidney Ventar and family are enjoying their an- nual holiday in the Georgian Bay district. Mrs. V. R. Oliver has retumneè from spending four months wit hem daughtem, Mmc. MaeMillan Cornwall. Mmc. C. C. Hatman who has spent two months in Ontario me- turned home with hem daughter and son-in-law. Mm. and Mmc. Norman McCul- lough, Winipeg; Mrs. Veale, Mmx. Thomndyke, Bethany, weme guests o! their cousin, Mmc. M. Comstock. Dm. and Mmc. Harold Slemon and two childmen, Toronto, are visiting hic parents, Dr. and Mmx, C. W. Siemon. Dr. and Mmc. Harold Fox anc son, Washington, D.C., are guests o! hem aunts Misses Ethel- anc Helen Morris. Mm. and Mmc. Bill Oliver anc his mother, Mms. V. R. Oliver en- joyed two weeks' holidays at their cottage at Loon Lake. Mm. and Mmc. Chas. Papineau. -and Mm. Loftus Papineau spent the weekend with their parents, Mm. and Mms. C. H. Papineau. Mr. George Allum, Mr. and Mms. Turner and thmee sons, Toronto, were Sunday guests o! the form em's sister, Mmc. F. Cator, Salem. Mmc. Mina Colwell, Mm. and Mmc. Albert C olwell, Teddy and lmwin are holidaying with fiends at St. Catharines, Welland and Watem- down. Mmc. Harry Wesley, Regina, Sask., Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, and Mmc. Jack Yellowlees, Solina, weme guests of their aunt, Mmc. Henry Carpenter. Miss Jacqueline Clarke and fiend Miss Pat Hitchcock, Tom- onto, are spending a few days with the !ommem's parents, Mm. and Mmc. Wm. A. Clarke, Lovem's Lane. One cool day in a whole month of oppressive heat was the week- endi treat enjoyed by the people of town and district. Weathem prophets went completely off the beam. Mm. and Mmc. Gardon R. Elliott have retumneti fmom their honey- moon and have taken up esidence ini the Kitson Apatmentc, King St. West. Coniderable local news, includ- ing sevemal obituamies, are held over till next week owing ta un- expectecl .demand of advertising space. Mmc. Don Allun, County Health Unit sta4, Bowmanville, has me- tumned after visiting hem parents at Calgary, Alta. Dm. and Mmc. Wm. Tennant and Mm. Edwamd Bookham were among the out-of-town guests at the Popham-Way-White wed- ding which took place in Oshawa recently. Mayor Sidney Little, Messrs. Chas. Cattran and Geo. W. James, had a vemy enjoyable and success- fui fishing trip at Wing!oot Lodge an Temagami Lake, Northemn Ontario. Mmc. Florence Pearce, Toronto, visited Mmc. Lawrence Cryder- man, Shaw's, and called on rel- atives and !riendc in Shaw's and Newcastle communities. Miss R. Williams and Mr. C. Uren, Bmantford, spent the week- son. Mmc. Isobel St. Louis, Detroit, with her sister, Mrs. W. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kimnbali and family, Port Granby, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough. Mr., and Mrs. Jimn Boughen, Bewdley, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Tufford. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Lowes, of Mount Pleasant, with Mm. and De Sure Your CHILDRENf'S SHROES ARE READY FOR SCHOOL Sehool will ho startlng ln a few weeks but now'is the time to see that their shoes are ln Perfect shape. Don't hesitate bring them ln to-day. Only the Best Matemial Used Throughout Womkmanshlp Guaranteed REASONABLE PRICES DO WMAN VILLE SHOE, REPAIR 12 Division Street TrY Our Doudcous BAKED GOODOS For Thoso Extra Special Meals The whole famlly will rave about those extra special baked gooda you can buy in our store evory day ofthte week. The poorest appetlte willI ask for more wbon they 500 fthe tompt- fr.g, doudcous goods that our master baker. turn eut every day. Drop In to-day and seo the marvellous cholce you have. IDEAL ICE CREAM la thé hot weather dessert troat. POOLE'S .BAKERY- Phono 654 53 King St. E.1 Mmm. Carroll Nicholls. Mr. and Mrs. Bmistow and fam- ily, Kingston, with Mr. and Mmc. J. Dickerson;' Mmc. Arnold Thorndyke and daughters Sharon Anne and Carol with Mm. and Mmc. C. Payne. Weddmig , nd wlth Mmc. F. Calmer. Mrs.J. LWilliams returned home wfth them. Miss Lena Taylor, Public Health Nurse, Miss Florence Werry, town. Mrs. Pearce, Orange, N.J., and Miss Effa Wright, Oshawa, are holidaying at -Hufl's Lake, Hali- burton. Bowmanvillo was represented in the McLaughlin Gold Cup bowling toumnament at Oshawa on Wednesday by a ink composed of J. Infantine, Walton Pascoe, S. M. Scott and Frank Williams. Mm. and Mms. Frank William~s lel t today ta apend a few days with Mm. and Mm,. Russell Wil- liams at Niagara Falls, N.Y. Dur- ing the weekend the Williams bro.. thems will participate In bowl ing taurnaments at St. Catharines and Buffalo,. N.Y. More retmeshing than a water cooler was the splendid spray of pink gladioli presented tai the ed- itor on hot and humid Monday by Dr. E. W. Sisson. It was taken fmom his garden from which hic many exhibits at the Canadian. Gladiolus Show in Oshawa won a championship cup and more than a score of first prizes. Daring car thieves drove off with a Lyon's Dairy truck Idst week. The sign on the vehicle escaped the notice of the. police as it made the long journey te Ot- tawa where it was abandoned. When recovemed it showed little damage but the gas tank was dmp- ty. Police are still looking for the daing joy-riders. On Sunday, Aug. 17, several relatives and neighbors witnessed a pretty ceremony at the home of Mrs. Amy Hobbs, when hem two grandchildmren were baptized. Rev. C. Quigley pemfammed the itual in a beautiful setting of sum mer flowers. The childmen weme Mar- ion Lowell Christina, daughtem of Mm. and Mrs. John D. Brown of Crenshaw, Miss., and Allan, con of Mm. and Mrs. C. T. Rab3r. Fol- lowing the ceremony the guests were served with punch and cake. Out of town guests included Mis. H. C. Harris, Peterboro, Mr. and Mmc. H. Downey, Oakville. Trebi. Tournansent At Bowling or«n Oshawa Rink A vemy succ e'Sdul treble lawn bowling tournament .took place on the local green Saturday after- noon when 10 ifinks from Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry and Bowman- ville pamticipated. Enthuslasm man high as many scores weme vemy close and victory was li doubt until near the end. Winning inks weme skipped by: lst--Sandy McMillan, Oshawa, 3 wins, 61 points. 2nd-Jim Newman, Bowman- Mmc. E. White is home after- visiting Mm. and Mrs. L. White, Map~le Grave. Mm. and Mr&. Don Stapleton and daughtem, Newtonville, at Mm. Lomne Todd's. Shiloh W.A. met at the home of Mms. Wm. Hallowell on Wednes- day. A gdoo, attendance listen- ed ta an address. by Dm. Miller, The evenlng closed with a very dainty lunch. Miss Beulah Hallowell has me- turned home.fmom visiting with friends in Owen Sound. Deep sympathy is extended to Mm. and Mms. Reg. -Elliot and family Kendal, on the passing of their daughtem. Mm. and Mmc. Howard Ormiston andL daughtem, Maple Grove, with hem father, Mr. A. Minto. Mm. Ross Hallowell has a new car. Mm. and Mrs. A. Rogers, Osha- wa visited Mm. and Mmc. M. Shut- ka. Mr. and Mmc. C. Allen and fam- ily, Iirby, Miss Dorothy Farrow, Toronto, and Mm's. G. Plitz and family, Pickering, at Mm. V.- Far- row 's. Mm. L. Todd, Mm. E. Robinson and Mmc. R. Boughen have had their homes wimed for electriclty. Mm. and Mmc. Wm. Coulson, Oshawa, at Mr. H. L. Trim 's. Mmc. Forester and daughtem, o! Westport, with hem sister, Mrs. A. Dobson. Mm. and Mmc. M. Shutka in Osh- awa. Wesleyville Sunday School was held at il a.m. with a good attendance. As Dr. Oke is on hic holidays there wlll be no services on August 17 or 24. Mm. and Mmc. Don. Comby and family, Toronto, with Mm. and Mmc. Harold Austin. Miss. Joyce Bumley, Kendal, with Miss Donna'Qughtmed. Jack »emnill and Harold .Blow brought 13 Sea Cadets out to Har- old Barmowclough'c Beach where they, camped for the weekend. Mmc. Fred Souch, Toronto, spent Fmiday with Mmc. W. Payne. Mm, Victor Thorndyke spent Sunday with fmiends; in Millbmaok. Mm. and Mmc. Archie Ford and daughtem with relatives in Sun- derland. Mrs. Lloyd Bumley and Diane, rTewtonville, with Mm. and Mmc. Roy Nicholîs. Congratulations to Mm. and Mrs. Hamipton Dm. J.B. Reynolds, Port Hope, Mmc. R. H. Reynolds, Miss Lenome Reynalds, Toronto, wîth Miss L. Reynolds. Miss Reta Kerclake, Bowman- ville, at Salter's. Miss Alice Creeper, Toronto, guest of Mmc. E. H. Cale. Mm. and Mmc. S. Nash, Detroit, with Mm. and Mmc. W. Chapmani. Mmc. Wes. Taylor and four daughters, Tyrane, at Mm. W. E. Stevens'. Mm. and Mmc. Will Kinsman, Saskatoon, Sask., visited Miss Wil- mn Leach a!tem visiting in King- stan wheme their son graduated frôm Queen's University as a doctor. Mr. and Mmc. Hal Johiaston, Memphis, Mich.. wlth Miss Wilma Leach, other visitors weme Mms. Al! Pinch, Oshawa, and -son, Mm. Will Plnch, Cleveland, Ohio. Mmc. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa, with hem cisters. Mrs. J. R. Reynolds visited hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. Brodie in Toronto. Miss Mary Moyer, Kitchener, Is guest o! Miss Minnie Horn. Dm. and Mms. W. R. Horn and little daughtem. Pattie, Mt. Kisco, N.Y., Mmc. Cathamine Jacob, Port Hope, guests o! Mm. and Mmc. W. W. Horn. Mmc. W. G. Doidge with Mms. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa. Miss Elena Niddemy, Tarante, at Mmc. L. Niddemy's. Mm. and Mmc. Livingstone Mil- ler, Solina, at Samn Dewells. Mmc. Carl Wilbum,. Oshawa, Mmc. Alan Wilhum anxd Sharon, Taun- tan, Miss Domothy Wilbum, Downs- view, at Elmer Wilbur's. Mm. and Mmc. Orme Cmuick- shank and Joan, Petemboro, Mmc. H. E. Tlnk, Master Lomne Tink, Sauina, Miss Ruby Dewell, Osh- awa, Master Kenneth Tlnk, Eben- ezer, at Pemcy Dewell's. Sympathy le extended ta the family a! Mmc. Aldon Truli in. the death o! their mother. (Intended for last week) Guests of Mm. and Mmc. M. Blackburn weme Mmm. E. J. Moore, Winnipeg; Miss Besuie Blackburn, Salem. Miss Grace Blackburn spent a few days wlth Mr. and Mme. M. Blackburn. Miss Cecile Petit, Toronto, at home. Miss Gladys Chapman, Toronto, at W. Chapman's. Mr. and Mmc. M. W. Blackburn, Mm. and Mmc. W. E. Blackburn and family, Haydon, at Mm. H. H. Sadler's, Port Hope. Mm. and Mmc. H. R. Foley, Bow- nianville, at Blackbumn's. Mmc. J. L. Paterson, Miss Bes Armmetrong, Aglncourt, at Miss Lulu Reynolds'. Mm. and Mmc. Hilton Peters and sons, Toronto, at thc Salter home. Mm. and Mmm. Isaac Bulmer, Oshawa, with relatives. Miss Noirah Hemn with Mmc. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa. Mm. Ed Moyer and daughtem, M~iary, Kitchener, and son. Ross, Toronto, with Miss M. Hern. Mmc. S. Williams with Mmc. E. Wood, Bownianvllle. Misses Bertha Ammour, Elleen Wray, Domothy Adamson and M'adlyn Wllcox at Oak Lake Camp. Church service Sunday evening was a union service of the three appointments. Rev. Fletcher, Osh- awa, gave an lnspiming message. A. vocal duet wau nicely rendemed >y Misses Pearl Leach and Ileen Balson of the Eldad charge ac- aompanied by Miss Lerna Taylor. Hampton choir led ln the slnging. About 50 W.I. inembers and mliends enjoyed a pienle at Omono Park on Thursday. Mmm. Melissa Servals enter"ab-' ed a number of ladies 'recently.. Mrc. F. Honey bas been on the lck: 11sf. bympacthy is extended ta ýMm. Lorne Robbins and daughter, I i I t I c I f I e .5 DRUOS W. Deliver I I PAGE 8EV1 ville, 2 wins, 56 points. - rd-Chas. Hcming, Oshawa, SWins, 52 points. 4th-Norman Thomas, Whitbyz 1 win,. 46 points. A feature of the aft.ernoon wae, the splendid bowling by Bowman.&, ville "Colts," this being their firsC season at this popular outdoazW sport. The rink was composed of H. Carpenter, Doug Carter an(P Jim Newman. At the close President BerCý Dudley made a brie! address and, presented prizes to the winninfiC rinks which included sweatersZ thermos bottles, socks and bracegiv Many compliments were exten-,. ded by visiting bowlems on the' excellent condition of greens. , DRGP- E la D, A. BRAND SPECIALS CALAMINE Lotion, Reg. 9_5c..........18e CRE.AM Tartar, 2 ozs., Reg. 20c .......16o ESSENCE Peppermint, 1. oz., T Re". 25c........................... 19CD E L X ROCHELLE Salts, Reg. 15c, 25o 12c,19c * KETONWRSTLES SPIRIT Ammonia, Reg. 15c, '25e 12c, 19c 0CLEAR HANCLES S SPIRIT Camphor, Reg. I Se,'15e 12c, 19c PLASTC CONTA ER SPIRIT Sweet Nitre, Reg. 115c,25c .............. ...12c, 19C ALMOND Lotion, 6 ozs., Reg. 50éc...39c LANTIGEN "E" for hay fever - - $6.00 HAYTONE - - - 25c-S50c -$1.00 VICK'S INHALER - - - - - 39e RAZ-MAH Caps. - 50c - $1.00 - $5.00 New Treatment! Quick Relief! BOUles of 20 enid 60 tablots ANTIp.O1JPHVACC3NqE TA<LF5 W2' vTAMIN SCOTT'S EMULSION 59C - $1.19 Tampax -~--------- 25c-39c-$1.14 Vemo Powder------------------- -25e Modess 12's, 48's -- ------ 31c-$1.12 Quest Deodorant Powdem ----33e Kotex Beits 25e EPHAZONE $1.50 - $2.50- $7.50 EPHEDRINE Inhalent - 49c VITA VAX Capsules - 7$2.504$7.00 GRAY'S BALM 43o - 79o Mýacean'a Tant), Pacto 29e-45c Ipana Tath Fastoe.--- 29c-49c GILLETTE SHAVING ÏKIT Tech Razor, Shaving Cream a.nd 2 Packages of Bluo Blades ---------- $1.32 Mennen's Shaving Cream Yardley's After-Shave Powder .-------- - --- KiIi Files with FIy-Tox Spray -------24c-43c-73c Fiy-Ded------------ 25c-43c Acrosol Bombs ------$1.35-$3.95 Shel-Tox Spray ------24c-43c-73o gug-Blitzer Bomb -- $3.98 Acroxon Fly Colis 2 for 5e Fly Tox w1th 5% D.D.T. - . 24c-43c Sapho Pest Paint 5% D.D.T. - - 25c-43c FIy Sprayer 35e-50c-$1.O0 PABLUM New 18 oz. Size «0c Fletcher's CASTORIA .3mumm3c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREGOR 39e - 85e Phone 792 SOCIAL AulPROA VITAMINS IDAMALT Malt & Cod Liver 011 59e - 980 - $1.69 O! local interest was the mar- riage on Satumday, August 9, o! Luella Pearl. daughtem of Mm. and Mmc. James Rath, Putnam, ta Mm. Gordon Raymond Elliott, Bow- manville, son o! the late Mm. andi Mms. R. G. Elliott, of New Lis- keard. Rev. T. V. Hart of Wood- bfidge officiated, and Miss Enid Shore of Woodbmidge, accompan- led by the bmide's sister, Mmc. Kenzié Longfleld, sang. The bride, given in mammiage by hem father, was in misty pink sheer net over taffeta with mat- ching headdress andi shoulder veil. She cammieti a shover of roses, ba- by's bmeath and fein. Hem cister, Miss Velma Rath was bridesmaid in blue net over moire taffeta with matching comonet. Hem nosegay was o! rases, baby's breath and fern. Robert E. Elliott of Toron- ta was hic bmothem's gmoomsman. Aftem a meception at the bmide's home, the couple lef t for a honey- moon at Maniteulin Islandi. They will live in Bowmaniville where Mm. Elliott is on the teaching staff of the High School. à Friendly Personal Service m Lowest Prices l' il DRUGS

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