THE CANAnIAW ~'I'A'FI~UAW WIAM'mYV f %M'I! -- Y ~ SJ&I J~C~.I~L'.J THTTIIMnAV A kettie o! boiling water poured down thc sink dirain regularly wII help keep thc trap anddri from cîoggîng. Bowmanville-on-the-Beach Dontovesheat Uic range boiler, advises tbc Canadian Institute ai Plumnbing and Heat WEST BEACH Dr. and Mrs. G. Millen, Mn. and ing.If he ate bols t- il!Mrs. N. Milieu, Miss June Miliu sirug. If thediwabc r ala lbhell Mss. J. Mitchel, Isliugtou; Mrs. and Miss Joan His, Toronto, in watr up ny sdieuseomthe A. Ashford; Mn. aud Mrs. F. Uic "Locst Week-End."l act raplysuo case icStewart and Barbara; Ms. and Ecr !Ui ekwshi fauetstasunbron.Mrs. A. Boutette, Toronto; witb abuichrSaodland gueksbhe bbi Mrs. G. Mitch.el lu the Quinn Cot- rzwinswe: -tage. P1owuur ee (l)Bent Edwards - 'Tra-VeIL"9 LOW RAIL FAIRES TO THE Mn. and Mss. Art Hooper have (2) Miss Mac Botrell-"ýSeldam1 rcturned home mter spcuding tbc Inn." (3) Mrs. Smith Sandlauds.( ADIANsummer at thoir cottage. Cousolation-Mrs. B. Lattimer.1 Mr. Tom Bounsall, holidayiug Men'a prize-F. Cale. NATI N AL wibh bis parents, Mn. sud Mrs. C. A surprise birthday parby was 1Bounsaîl in bbc "Better 'l. held in houas ai Mn. Bert Marvin,1 E X I 3I T I O N Mn. sud Mrs. W. Durno, Mn. sud a guesb iasb weekeud ini"lb Soots 1 AT TORONTO Mss. Wm. Durna, Jr., Mrr Bruce Us.", Mn. sud Mrs. Marvin were Z Durno, Toronto lu "Cheenia." also cciebrating their 21st wed- c AUG. 22 - SEPT. 6 Mn. sud Mrs. Bruce Berry arc ding anniversary. Many beauti- i From BOWMANVILLE vacationing in their cottage "0O- fui sud useful gits were present-J So-]$ze." J cd by visiting fionda irom Tan-t $2.00O Coach Mn. sud Mrs. Rus. Hughes, Mn. auto sud ueighbarng cottagers. A1 sud Mrs. E. Hughes, Taronto, lu deliciaus birthday cake wss made Good gclnt Thursday, Aur. 21 "Leaside." sud donated by l?4rs. E. Harcourt J to Smburdmy, Sept, 6 Inclusive. Ms. G. Tyrel sud Ms. Kennetb of Tarante. Mrs. May, hostess,c Retissa Limit - Sept. 10 Tyreil, Toonto, wibh Mrs. Tyreli, exteuded ber grabeful thanks ta Pul nfrmtin rai ny Nancy Pameila, Sylvia sud Brian. "Doctos" Thomas Doyle ai Sand- 1 Fullinfrmaion romany Kennebh bas reccnbiy returned hurst, for the job ai Master o agent. - irom a trip ta bbc Paciie Coast. Cenemonies and ion makiug tbbc Mn. sud Mrs. Jack Harcourt sud party a tremendous success. y f Dug., Mn. sud Mss. Lloyd Arch- The "Black Carrier," a couvert- w_-i, I a ibaid sud iamiiy, Ms. sud Mrs. cd landing barge and naw a Sand- Bert Manvin, Toronto, Mrs. Non- sucker, is creatiug a wealth ai __________________________man Harcourt, Miss Marjosie Han- iuterest ta beachers sud visitons, ________________________court sud flyjnce, Detroit, w i t b as it goes abaut its task ai widen- *Mss. M. May lu "lb Soots Us." ing sud deepening the harboun. tJ FREE SERVICE Miss Joan Bartiett, towu, with Old sesideuts wclcome the im-c Catherine Diihing in "Linger provemeut ta bbe harbaur, sud c' DEAD HORSES & CATTLE Langer." crafts seeking refuge fram bbe p REMOVED IMMEDIATELY Mrs. H. Feather, Miss Shirley wrath oi Lake Ontanio's storms si adsud Roger Feather bave neturned wil be happy ai a safe anchor- si WITHOUT C!IARGE ta Toronto irom vacaioniug at age, free irom the fears ai sun-b Telephone Callect: Miss E. Robineon's. niug "agraund." ,Tbe barbour is TORONTO - Adelalde 3636 Miss Cannie King, Town, at -now having a nemadeiliug, aiter COBOURG - 48J "Boskey Dcil." being dcepcned the crib-wark t) GIORDON YOUNG. LIMTED Mr.sud Mss. C. Struthens, Mrs. will be nepaired sud rebuildiug p ________________ Y._ Parker, Toronto with Mss. Wm. ai the brakcwaber added. si Dunu, "Rusty Nook." Tbe Beach Association hcld its n r final business meeting and edec- blon of officers for 1948. These oficera wll take office effective Oct. 1, 1947, and be prepared in advance for aji eanlystart ln the '48 season. liau. Pros., Dr. G. Milleu, M.P.P., Toronto; president, Bruce Murchison, Log Cabin; vice-pres., (1> Rus. Hallinan, Fy- vie, Tonw; (2> James -Perris, Bas- key Dell; sec'y, Mrs. Forrest Dill- ing, Linger Longer; treas., F. A. Dilig, tawn, Linger Longer. En- tortainuient convener, S. Shar- pels; sparts day, B. Berry, O-So- Bze; Narm Green, Log Cabin; au- clibors, Messrs. F. Colo, "Garys' Panadise" aud D. Aulb, "Daveley." A weiner rast will be beld ou tbe beach, in iront o! the Log Cab- ii, for ail the childreu ai thc beach on Saturday eveuing, On Sunday cveniug the eubertsiument committee bave procurcd a mav- ie for tbc cubertainnient o! ail. A silver collection .will, be taicen ta defray expeusos, good billing provided. The saiiing race for the Glen- Rae Traphy will ho beld on Lab- or Day, around a msrked course on the lake off bhe West Beach, .aud speakers. wiil be used ta broadcasb the pragress a! the sailboats. Came and cheer for yaur favorite. RHYTHM BENEFICIAL Medical authoritiés apprave the training ai children alanrg musi- cal liues. They admit that ail chldren cau't be truly musical, but >0mb 'out that the littie ones lu- stiuctively love harmoniaus pul- sations and that this baste shouid be cultivated. The bealth authonities believe iiab if chiidren are taugbt ta ap- preciste good music, rather than simpie jazz, they wiil get much Visitors: Willia Simpson with the Ramm.. Bowens. Margaret Ramm and William Barrick bath celebrated their 8th birthdays at small parties on Au- gust 26. Mr. R. E. ginton af New Zeal- and with the Harraps. Donald Copeland. at Cave Cot- tage. At Ormanook: Mr. and Mrs. E. Dyer, and Gardon; Fred Slnger, Bob Or msby and Murray Mc- Guire. At i-ti-di-sa: Mrs. Hazel Haw- elh and Ginny Lee; eighteen guests from the U.S. and Mantreal also made flying visits ta the Otts ou Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dual ut Braeside during Mrs. Howard Pickard's absence in the Bowman- ville Hospital with,Eiizabeth Irene the latest additian ta "The Cave"l Cradie Rail. On Friday the indefatigable Mrs. Caritan gave her S.S. schol- ars their yearly treat. It ook the These- White Lines Help to Reduce Accident Toil in Province of Ontario THE t c s t 1< e, I a lE ti P( M th ki fan R< M: Ri ch mai a le Mi bei ci Bo ven vi 1 a bur it Co< Mea '1ý vill h Ein Hal a Mrs, sud Mss. Rusell Virtuc fi. id John Maoro accampanicd 1 r.Fred Moore sud irieud ta Mi ikcfield. sud viaited Mn. sud Ty s. Thea Dowu. Bille Dnwn se- ued home wibh them. Mr. sud Mns. Howard Philp h Ms. sud Mss. Goodiellow, lningbon. Miss Jean Philp sud rilyn returncd hamc ster fa: ing Mr. sud Ms. Goodfellow. ex] 'ho annunal Harvoat Homo mer-,t es o! Tyrn. chuch wili be ma Id Aug. 31 sud Sept 1. Sec advt. !na1 tbis issue. Mr. sd Mrs. N. Yellowlees, îoî impton, with Mr. sud Ms. vei th ter Do yu happen ta know a kid ho. with an exrardîary crp o! ies, freckles? Tell himn about the. the freckle-faced kida compebibian at the Canadian National Exhibition this year. Ho can nake is enty b now. Oh yen, girls are eligible Car too. j ue. 1 - - - . - 1 ,al Neanly balf the homes lu inada atili use wood as heating The "Eager Beaver» driver can't take hi. foot off the acceleratar. requlred t o msa the road et the car on the right. Car on the lit restricted arca lu a real hazard with a blini hIl coming up. Machine Will Mark 2,400 Miles Highway This Year; Uses HugeQuantity Paint Those white lunes on Ontario highways are not put there by the man who marks out tennis courts. They're applied by a spt-cial truck that averages, as lb works, 8 to 10 m-iles an hour, and carrnes a crew o!fblirce. The Ontario Depai'tment o!fllghvays has, lu fact, five o! these truicks, representing mauy thousands of dollars of valuable equlp- ment. Tbey are au Important fact-9 or ii keeping aur hlghways samie. So fan Uis year, some 1,500 miles HFighways Ainister of black blghwmy bave been "white- lned," lnvolvlug bhc use a! aboutM 11.000 gallons ai paint. lb in ex- Pected that 2,400 miles oi Ontario hlghways wili be so, marked this year, accordiug ta a bighwmys de- Pariment engineer. Laying thase white lUnes, with whlch so many motarlsts arc fam- Mbar, requIres thc skm and perspir- ation ai a sizable crew. Be! ure the line-mmrklng equip- ment is braught into play, engin- eers precede lb and mark wlth sym- bals Just where the unes and bars are ta be placed. There la no man- glu for errer; aymba]s placed lu te exact centre oi the road Indi- date where and whmt type a! mark- ing la required. Aiso precedlng Uic mrktng ma- chine la a suPPly truck with a crcw ai bwa that carnies an adequate aupply o! little red flags mauntcd on waadeu blocks. These flags are dlropped miong te fresb markings H6N. GEO. H. DoUCETT by a belper lu a railer attached to te mrking truck, warnlng maton- Minuster of Highwaya, ]Province cf ists ta koep clear of thc wet paint. Ontario, whoue department las e- The supply ruck precedes thc uponsible fer bbe ytemt of hlghway marklng machine bY a few miles Marking au part of a constructive and leaves stock piles of bhc red flaga by te aide of Uic road. ILater, prcgframn for highway safty. It retrievea tbc flagsa mter bhc paInt ha dry. Ta show up the white marklugs at Stockdale says. Equipped with nlghb. glass bead paInt la applled on comprcssor and air curtain, the the mare hemvlly travelle< roads. trucksampply a smooth, even coat a! Fine Parblcles a!1bard, arnoabh glass paInt. A long V-sbape fin attacbod (barmiesa to tires) la dropped inta ta Uic front ai the truck mnd pro- bbe paint, providiug a reflectîng surface for car headllghtis. far trudng sontc 10 feet, provide ani this year, about 21,000 pounda o! accurate pointer that keep the truck1 this glasa bemd paint bas been laid ln Uic rigbt path for niarkclug. on Portions a! Ontario hlghwaya that carry beavy nlgbttrafB Hlgbwaya Inspector, Ivan Ras- t borry. stresse.s that Uic white linesj Same 23 year M mobbthelhte are put ou for Uic protection ofithec paint was Put on by brush fromn a travelling public, and their warn-d liaud-drawn ',buggy," George Stock- ings should be abserved. Wbere j, dale, higbways foroman* reports. vision la lesa than 500 feet double Tbhi was a slow and tedîaous Pro- white linos are laid. Their meanlng cess and became quite Inadlequate ta motorista la dlean and concise: o1 as the pravince'm paved blghway "*Do not crosesicld lUne on your tj was expanded. Aàspry gu= vas ide." next used but the truck wblch car- Pl rled ltb *ad ' DDY sufident Pentt Coat a! vhite lines average about Sc mark about 8 Mies a day. $30 a mile. The public pays for nI this work: It la gaod sense and safe dl The new trucks. built by the De- practice ta make sure lb la not I) partmnitof ai llhi,.ays. carry 350 wasted. Many accidents ciuld be CI galions ai paint er.cli. enough fer a avaided and lives saved by -obey- YE d"_t dMy d a lialta Mek, r. ID&" the white lines, Seconds only aeDON'T DO IT! swinglng wide in aj Solid white lUnes on your aide must NOT bcecroased! Here are ail the elements, of a 1fatal accident-a curve, a soid white Une, au Impatient driver, an approaching car. Operatar Bruce Dure la read,. ta pull trigger cf spray gun that paints white mankingu on Outario hlghwmys. His helper, Frank Brewster laI prepared to drop lineocf roi fiaga varnlng motorlats ta keep off tbc fresh paint. Pointer lu front of truck enables driver Ralph Lee ta keep operator'a gun la thc exact centre o! romd. On- tario Depantasent of Hlghwmys operate. five of these trucks and se far this year bas "whlbe-llued" about 1,500 miles of black hlghwmy. Hopeful signs that Ontario Is making progress in traf- c e cietpev inae seen by the Hon. George H. Doucett, Minister A. Highways, who lias announced that lu the face of the heaviest traffic in the Province's hlstori, deaths from motor accidents %~ ere 22 iewer lu July this year than lu July of iast year, and 59 fewer than lu Juiy of 10 years aga,,wheu the volume of traf-9 flic lu 'Ontario was very mucb savlng of nine children'a livea ln a smaller than 1t la today. single manth la an Indicatian that Warnlng that July's impravement we can rcduce the tre4edy af rai! ic ln the traffic deabli rate cauld be lasses by a unlted and cantlnuous qulckly reversed, Mt, Doucett de- effort. clared: ',There la certainly no "Thanka are certalnly due ta aur ground for camplacency or for let- 5011001 teachers, the Departrnent a! Educatlon, the newspapors, radio1 ing Up onl aur samiety efforts stations, and Cher groupa includ- throughoub Uhc Province because af xng drivera, wha canbrlbubed ta fewer fatal accidents lu any single tbis victory. Iu June, befare the mntnh. Our mobor vehicle traffle achool holidays, the Department ai la stillilncreasing rapidly and our Educabion and my awn departmentt worst porlad of the year for fatal temmed up on a spoclal chlld safetyC accidents la atml ahcad. In fact, I drive. A four-page bulletin vast am even hesit.ant about releasing sent ta 25.000 achool toachera aaklug0 bils encauraging newa about Uic them to close thei classes vfth aB ruly drap ln fatalities when right sfety lesson; then smre 540,000 now bhe vorst week-end for acci- carry-homeI safeby messages for par- ents, thc Labar Day week-end, la ents were dellvored throughout the just ahead ai us. schools te Ontario cblîdren. News- t papers thraughout bhe Province, and a "In the July trafflo toI! figures, ail thc radia stations gave us inar- c me o! the resuits whlch vil gladdon vellous suPPOrt." he hearta of overybody la Uic lmi- The seriausnesa and alice of On- pi 'rovement lu fatalities amang tario'a traffic saaety problem la not, U chool mgo oblldron. The prellii- lu Mr. Doucetb's opinion, reallzed an iary figures, gathered by the cci- by enaugh people. "Ontario now hbas t cnt Moordlng division o! Uic aven a million licensed driveraand tu epartment ai Higbwmys, show five aur mator vohliele rogLstration la or hilîdren killed lu the five ta 14 running 10 per cent over lait year," Ii ,ar age graup. as campared wi' h he po;nted out. «Added ta the te I dath l Juy ! litycar. That some 720,000 Ontario yebhlelc, ve14 Mr. Doucett explalned that lu the jSprlng of 1946, lu anticipation a! a large increase lu traffic, a detallcd study ai the Province's trafflo safeby problems was made. Anising fram thls research wark, a planned pro- ,gram ai public education ou smfety was put lu operatian. lu the Spring ai this year, as a corrective ta the still greater Increase ln trafflo, lIn- portant amendments werc made to the Ontario Highway Trafflo Act, and this new legislation was timed ta came ita cifect ou July 1 when thc susumer trafflc was maunting rapidly. 'T'he impact ai tItis new legisla- tien ounbte matorIng public and the very fine support which thc new sm!ety laws and thc whale cause or traffle saiety la receiving from the Ontaria newspapers and radio sta- tions ha& probably contributed to aur iawer fmtality results ln July," Mr. Doucett states. "Improvement ln a single manth, however, noth- Ing mare than a hopeful sign. lb la no proof that we have yet reversed the uptrend ai trafflo casualtca. I add thc warning that thc dangers of an Increase in thc traffie toli to even marc appallng tatala than ln pre-war ycars la a very real danger bhat la with us ail bbc tinie. Lawa, »fety engineering and tbc general building a! a aafety coiisclous atti- tude an the part ai the public eau only go so f ar lu reducing accidenta. In thc lait analysis, continuaI at- teution and effort by aul of us In çicecdC." le NewtonviRe front of Hilcrest Lodge. Shi wàasmssated bY Sheila McCartney, Wllla Simpaon snd Grace Suther. land,. Races of all kinda provld- ed a profusion o! ptizes.. The Chapel-on-the-HilI The place wltb Uic coolesi breeze sud Uic wanmcst welcome, At the cbildren's 10:30 service: Another cattager stops out ta de bis bit. Mr. Ernest Ramm, au. penintendent o! Uic S.S. at The Cburcb ai Uic Nativity,, Toronto. deligbted Uiechcildren witb the story o! "The Raising ai the Daugbter a! Jairus." At Uic adults 11:30 service: Per- hapas ecalloctions ai GeorgeHan. rap's former inspirational talks based ou Uic commercial slogans "Quality Tells" sud,"Tho Pause that Refreshes" brougbt out same three-scorc beachers ta fiud oui wbat be bad ta say on a-lie iu- surauce captiou "The Ligbt That LNover Fails." Ho ssisfed is bible sbudent listenors with bis apt selection o! verses raugiug from John I ta Rovoistions shq - Iug Christ as Uic light ai the wanld, but ho shawed bis quality as a isyman preacher wben ho outiued bnieiiy bbc development ai different forma oi ligbtxng Uiroughoub bbecenoturiesansd bnought a subdued chucicle as ho used for the finale of bis intro- duction the linos: "Now vanishcd ia tbc rush-ligbt's glow; The flambeaux that illumined the Caesars, Have becu supplanted long ago By Edison sud other geezers."3 His message, that Cbnist's lighb is trnsmitbed ouly Uirough bis !ollowers, became grsphic by bis refereuce to s custom in the Greek Cathoio Chuncb lu Russa. At a Christmas service, a cathedral lu utor darnesa is filled wibh wan- shippers (uuseatod) eacb holding au uulighbed candle. Pneseutly a light appears sud bbc ligbt la passed along to kindle eacb candie bill the wbole building la aglow. Grey Barrick, a moat plesng lynic teoa gave as s solo "I{aw aimable are Thy dwdllings." At the annauncoment pcnio d James White brougbb lu a higbly satis!sctory repart on Uic cost ai installation sud equlpmeut for smaîl life-saviug stations. As s resulb bbc $11 from Sally Ott's Fais was sumgeubed by $6 con- tributions sud labos by $l0-from lte West Beach Association. The work will be doue before Uic 1948 esson opens. Next Suuday, Ms. Albert Ball uf Codas Cnest will d.raw from bis long expérience ai psaving God's promises as ho speaks from bbc toxb, "I wholly fallawed the Lord MY God." Tyrone Ms. sud Mss. E. Deelcy spont tho weekcnd in Gait sud attend- ed bbc weddiug af their nýiece. A goodiy number ai ladiêâ sud 'huldson abtended. the W.I. picuic Friday ou Mss. Gardon Brent's lawn. A short business session tok place wibh Mss. Glaspeil in bharge. A Frozen, Foods Demon- strabion Course la ta be open ta th public, Lt was dccided ta cx- hibît at Oronoand Oshawa Pairs. Messns Regiuiaid sud Dale Gas-r lun, Moncton, N.B., wîth Ms. sud Mrs. George Alldread.j Mn. W. J. Tape, Font Erie, Mn. id Mss. L. A. Wiliamson, Pont>'- ýool, wibh Ms. sud Mns. R. Hath- Ms. sud Mss. Hensry Milles, 'aOuglas sud Marshall, Haliburt- si )n, witb Mrs. Addie Milles. Mss. r [ilion retund ta ber home with hem. Si Miss Isabelle Rabm, Mr. Alex h osifer, Mns. G. Wbibttaker, Eva Inn, Hamilton, sud Miss Jean h~ saynes, Bawmanviiie, with Ms.c id Mss. W. Rabm. Mn. sud Mss. H. Steele suda tonald, Peberbano, wibh Ms. sud E gra. Walter Park. Ronald ne- 1V aiued ion s it. Ms. sud Mss. John Oko, Enuis- V ileu, with Mr. sud Mss. Neil B rellowlees. Mn. sud Mss. Walter Park sud «m amily with Mn. sud Ms. S. Du- b] al. Mr. sud Mss. W. Rahm, Ken- te i.- st e. e: [0 1- Le D. ýe ýe is e e it 's s e t THE FOR AND RESTAURANT OnIy the Best QUAIwy AND SERVICE Phone 855 " 'j SCHOOL OPENING SPECIALS FOUNTAIN PENS IDSTERBROOK - a point for overy writer WEAREVER - Bail Point WATRRMAN'S and ECLIPSE Mechanical Penelis A wide range ai styles and pnices Zipper Note Book Binders -4oo Bg fi Ji Sc m Sc m h( 01 ai El m 'W Bi w th ýej u àd LE in tri h4 in ris ec 1 ni ýa m Ir 1 Ir 'y] 1 )r CIP la, ýc Ba iii ~1 .3 PAGE TGT j Il c 9 t e fi n ti Ji ni di ju an th Pr Sc lis le DE ýh Mr. and Mnu. Cha. Morris have returned from a motor trip to eestern pointa. The weatherman lu giving the farmera and threshera smre very ;t tough breaks. Several have ali'eady taken ln the Toronto Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lockhart *and daughter Florence, Niagara eFalls, are vîsiting Mrs. Lockhart's 0. mother, Mrs. John Lancaster ad ebrother, Mr. Sid Lancaster. e Visitars with Mr. an.d Mrs. Raymond Bruce are Mr. and Mrs. - Chester McMillan and family of *Detroit, Mich. and Mrs. McKen- szie, McCreary, Man. s Rev. Mr. Totten, Richmxond bHill, preached lu the interests of > ILord's Day Alliance" Sunday eveulng. Owing to the excessive heat And holidays only- eight twere present to hear him. We ad- 9mlred him for the fact that lie 1preached just 'as fine a sermon and with just as much enthusjasm as if there were eighty present. >He was guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce. WomenIs Institute met at Mrs. Clintan Brown's, Aug. 20, with 18 members and two visitors in at- tendance. Mrs. Pearce reported permission had been received ta use the Orange Hall as a Library. President and Secretary werc asked to act with Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Bruce in arrangiug same. A lettei- was read from the Wamen's Division of the Orono Fair Board concerning an exhibit fram aur branch aud the followlng com- mittee placed in charge: Mrs. Wade, Mr s. G. Heuderson and Mrs. C. Farrow. Convener, Mrs. Milligan took the chair for the remainder of the meeting. Mrs. Morris gave the history o! the poem "The House by the Side of the Road," followed by Mrs. Redknap's vocal solo, ::Open Thine Eyes." A paper on "Good Citizenship," citiu.g as an example Dr. Martin Niemaoeiler was con- tributed by Mrs. W. H. Joues, in the absence af Mrs. Burley. It is expected that next month's meet- ing will b. held lu the United Church basemeut lu the evening and will feature an exchange of slips and bulbs. Enniskillen a 1 1 _j= 1 ý_:: 1 Teuiperance instruction was conducted at the Sunday School with Mrs. H. J. McGill, Depart. mental Supt., presiding. There was a reading by Clarke Werry and a piano instrumental by Dor- een Rahm. Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Tyrane, was given a cordial introJ duction. Her address was preced. ed by a story of the late Gipsyr Smith whose lufe iuspired so many thousands. Mrs. Rosevear presented the view that anythiug but abstinence la just unthink- able. The Child conference wil be held on Thursday, August 28 from 2-4 pam. at the Health Unit Nurse's office, Blackstock, with Miss Morlock, Health Nurse. Mr. and MMs.A.. Leadbeater, r- Geo. Reidt andr Miss Donna Lewis in Toranto. Mr. and Mr,% H. Qibson and !amuly, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick's. Mise Margaret Osbarne, Bow- nanville, with Miss June Ashton. Little Gail Pethick, Toronto, is îalidaying with ber grandpa.reuts M'r. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton Aith Mr, and Mrs. R. j. Burn, ranetville. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Tbomp-' an With.Mr. and Mrs; Frank Os- mond, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling and son and Mrs. Williams visited Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. The Service club met at the iamle ai Mrs. Roland Tbompson )n Aug. 19. Rev. and Mrs. Frank E. Orch- )rd and family, Flint, Mich., Miss Elva Orchard, Bowmanville, with UIr. and Mrs. M. Staintan. Masters Bill Werry and Clarke Vrry visited Mr. and Mrs. J. arwdale, Oshawa. Miss Jean Werry, Mr. Roy ?Verry and Mr. Bey. Veal speut he weekeud at Listawel. Master Rav Ashton with Mas- er Ted Werry. We welcome Mrs. E. Strutt ack ta aur village. She bas rent- ,d a room fram Mr. and Mrs. -eonard Stainton. Mr. RaY McCannell King, Mr. rid Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and'fam- y, Haydan, Mr. and Mrs. James .ikenhead, Taronto, with Mr. nd Mrs. Russell Ormiston. Mrs. R. M. Seymour is attend- ig the School for Leaders under e W.M.S. at the Ontario Ladies aillege,1 Whitby. Miss Eva Souch bas undergone n aperation on ber eye. Her iany friends wish her a speedy cavery. Mr. and Mrs. Milford McDon- Id, Miss Jean Adams, Bowman- lle; Mr. Jim Fallis, Cadmus; r. and Mrs. H. Adams, Bruce nd Brian, Hampton; Miss Marie athaugue, Poutypool at j. Ad- ns,. Mr. and Mns. E. Wright and Imily visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright, Maple Grave. Mr. G. Fleet with his parents, r. and Mrs. J. Fleet. Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil visited lends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke visited r. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees, Troue. FORESTALLING U4LNESS When you are wcl l the time r that mnedical check-up, amy tbe ýprts. Conditiona unfavourable ,physical or mental weIl..béing iy be detected by careful exam- atian before you become ill. "Although you may feel per- tlY weli, a check-up may re- ýai that there are smre littie [ngs, such as your dietary or her habita, which require at- ntion if you are to retain ýalth," say the medicai authorit- 1 la 1 A full stock of regular texte and supplies for Public and High sohools Store Open Tuesdmy evening until 9 o'clock, and Wednesdmy aftcrmaoon W. will endeavour to .Iei you our very boit ini prompt service. Je Wu JEWELL #«BIG 2011 PHONE 550 27 King St. W. nowmanvillj. PHONS: 842367 ul-_ 1 - is -e y 7, r t 1 I hues. Schel Courses in Stenotraphy - Deekke.pins aud Office Practicie Start Either September 3rd or October l'ut but ENROL NOW Write or Phone 484 for Catalogue of Courue.> 154 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE ROOFING' ASPHALT - FL HN m Eavestroughlng FURNACES AND OILDURNERS Cmli on us for Guarmnteed Work DAVIS & GRANT THE CANADiAm sTATESMffl. mmmAiRTP% AVOUST 2M, !W-.