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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1947, p. 9

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VETJRSDAY, ATJGWT SIh, 104? CM. V ÂI V LM.., OIRAAJUU AE < Rarry Grady, Carmnan Cornlah and Roy Frorreste re enjoying a week'a vacation ia Mrs. T. Jackson ha& returned lter ueveral week's vioit with Mns. Cocil Glass and other friends, X endal. Misses Laura and Isabel AllUn, Oshawa, calied on' loverai friends in Orono Iast week. They sap nt ieveral woeks vlitipg thoir bro- ther Rev Cecil Alun Jr' the Unit- Mr.aJ. H Arnott returned last week alter spendlng two montha ln Saskatchewan'. A football team of several Or- dnio boys, some from Bowmnanville and Tyrone played an exhibition.1 r?î u H i n w w i M M u M s j s u M g M w r~1.t> * E E w M w. w -M M M w M M M w *,at every meal. Why? Bec a u à the bottle's brim- Ming with vita. mini, minerais . oozlng with cal- cium and protein . . . ail the ele- monts which com.. bined with those cantalned in the other foodi yon est . insure a, stabilized, wel.or- dered diet! jgame on Saturday aiternoon wlth thre C.G.E. teerri af Peterboro. The result was a win ai 4.1 for the loc- al teain. Misa Lois Turner o'~ Orano Tele- Phone Co. han been on vacation. Wornen's Christian' Temper- ance «Union held Its Auguit meet- ing Jr' Park St. Church Scbool room wlth Mrs. Howard Walsh prealdlr'g. A lovely program was enjoyed and consisted of accor- dian selections by Mr&. Jacksont, a vocal solo by Miss Stella Beit, ac- companled by Enla Chapinan, readings by Mns. W. H. Rowe and Mr(s. Walsh, musical selections by Denny and Harry Lynch. A pic- nlic supper, which was ta have WK *MEN -WANTED FOR PACKING PLANT STARTING PAY 7;"/2c PER HOUR Good Worklngý Conditions end Leads Supplled To Flrst Class Room end Board Accommodation W. have severol openings for sturdy young mon for generol help in modern packlng plant. Reply In persan, or write, glving age, height and welght. Employ.ent Office: CANADA PACKERS LTD. j 220ST. CLAIR AVL WEST, TOROT«O, ONT.. STOP in TODA.Y! Consuit us about your SUPPIy of fertilizer for your fall wheat. We can now give you good delivery with Bwift's Can- adian Gro-Mor. Camne ini and 800 'the new Pirestone Radios and Bi- cycles. Pirestone Tires and Tubes. 'mli The lOrlono News PHONE 444 For Delivery OLEN. RAE DAIRY King Stu'et West uam -w' uuau~vIII. -4 Tae a tip from the millions of motoriste who know-Good- year tires give greater mileege, greaten traction, greater safoty. Put super-value Goodyoars on your car nou> *i. we have your aize in stock. Youu I GOOD/VEAR Bowmanville Motor Sales C. E. Murrel DODGE-DESOTc> DEALRR 168 King st. E., PhoneSU58 -1 Fair WIII b. F by M. C. D. GRAHAM, I) t- -s -s-- Mn. and Mrn. Pennlngton and deughter spent fflday wlth Mr. and Ms., L. Oughtred. Mr. and Mrs. Amnold Thorn- dyke and daughters, Sharon, Ann and Carol spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. Mr. and Mns. Harold Banrow- clough and BilUy attended thre Martin reunion at Cobouirg. Min Muriel Austin spent her holidays lni Sunderland wlth hen aunt, Mns. Sanguine. Misa Beverly Odlumn, New York, spent a few days with Mr. and Mma C. Payne. Formally 1:00 P.M. DeDputy Min been held en the Ilw, becuse inclem.ent, weather, wua served the schéol room. Mrs. Wm. Hein bas been assis lng ln thre Corner Store whi members of the staff ire on vi cation. L Mr. Boy Powers and Grant, T ronto, have- been fper'dlng t[ week ln Mrs. C. L. Power's ne cottage. Miss Penn Chapman has b. stayir'g with her cousin, Miss Be tha Catin. 0 Mr. and Mrs. VanWintergarde: Crystal Beach renewed acquai tances ln Orono. Their son, Kei neth remalned for a week wil Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Waddel Bethany an'd formnerly of Oron received word that teirson, F. Alfred Waddell, whose plane wi reported missing near Burinaj March, 1944, has beenposthumoi siy awarded goid operationi wir'gs and certificate for gailar try. A Scout Troop from Scarboi went Into camp on Sunday on th Forcstry property. Mr. Leroy Hamnilton, former af Toronto, who has been livir near Lcskard for severai mônthi has opcned an Insurance offi< on Main St., Orona. He has rer' ed two roonis fromn Mr. Wrr Watson and has thein very nicel equipped for his new business. Mr. an'd Mrs. R. A. Forresterc 'the Times office are vacatiorrin at Cedar Harbour, Lake Smmcoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staintoi have returned aiter a week's vAa tian at Lake Scugog. Rev. and Mrs. A. Eustace ar enjoying a holiday in the vicinit. af Perth. A -reaily big event for Oron was stagcd at the Park last Wed r'esday whcr' large crowds gatl ered during the afternoorr and e er'ing for the Newcastle Lio= Club Sparts. Day and Carnival The weather which. was verý threatening ail forenoon, wa most favorable during the remain. der of the day. The afternoon wai giver' over ta races for the child. rer', a midget-soitball gaine an' other sports. A wor'derful mid way was arrar'ged on the picniq ground with a real merry-go. round for the children and al, sorts oi gaines of chance for th( aduits. The whole park was we]' lighted for the ,evenîng. A tem. porary platformr was set up whent dancing was enjoyed for severa, hours with music supplied by Ro3 Forrester and his 7-piece orch- estra. The whole event was a de- cided success, and the Lions Club members are to be congratulated an their first effort to raise mon- ey for charitable purposes. Tabacco picking is in full swing in this vicinity and several local people are being employed at the lifferent farms around Orono and Kendal. Orono Police Trustees and Hy- ira Commission heid their Augusi mneetings in the Hydro office on .onday evening. Mr. Ab. West of tue Armstrongi store is an vacation. Mr. iHerb Burgess is assistîng part tirue. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Keane and baby and Mr. Sam Keane spent Sunday vith Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patter- son at their cottage, Newcastle. Visitors: Miss Ida Stephens, Salemi, with Mrs. A. Roy. Mr. Jim Linton, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Linton. Mr. Ross Thompson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Lewis. Mrs. C. L. Powcrs, with Mr. and Urs. Jas. Powers, Campbeliville. Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn with fionds ýKendai and Perrytown. David Limbert, Toronto, with Ar. and Mrs. R. H. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Froste with ýlatives at Deseronto. Mrs. J. C. Gamcy and Miss Mary issons at Mrs. Sissons' cottage ear Beavertor'. Mrs. Howard Cole and Mrs. Lusseli Luke, Hampton, with Mrs. Curtis. Joyce Joncs with her cousin, Ybil Sheppard at Elizabethville.- Of Orono Girls Wl. ln The McCabe Trophy st- In C.OF. Tournament ra- (îr'tended for Last Week) '0o nc again akindly weathoi M Barley Park, Bowmanville, Sat. urday aiternoon an outatanding tri success. r. The. tournament was officially oned by District Deputy H. B. en, McCabe, who welcomed both the r- Tr.U.C.A. and C.H.I.C.A. Youth !n Clubs, and complixnented them [th most highly on the splendid start they had made. Dwelling briefly f, on' the history of the McCabe 1, Trophy tho District Deputy utated '. that seven years ago that day, a las siMiliar group gathered in Nap- in 'anee to assist the Red Cross in 1- their good work, and only by such Lai endeavors could the Order justify ,- their existence. Bro. McCabe then introduced ro Mayor Sydney Little who congrat- he ulated the two Youth Clubs for .their enthusiastic outlook, and ex- 1y tended his most hearty wishes for 1g their continued success. At this ', turne the clubs presented the Dis- ce trict Deputy with a birthday cake ýt- ln remembrance of his 72nd birth- r'. day, this cake being klndly do- Y nated by Tod's Bread, Oshawa. The CHICA Club of Bowmanville of supplled the girls bail teams and g taurnament arrangements while *the TUCA Club of Oshawa looked )n after the gate and dance. a- First gaine (Girls)-Rovers vs. Ramblers, bath from Bowmanville, e Ramblers taking the game by the Ly one-sided score of 13-1. Lineup: Ramblers-B. Ellis, E. Shred, C. OWlllets, B. Cole, P. Smith, R. VWelsh, E. Tomlinson, D. Wright, jL. Bates. lsR- vr-.GatL a ,M J. Osborne, D. Rahrne, A. Kennedy, ýJ. Alexander, S. Gat G. Snow- isden. B. Stevens. ,_ Umpires-H. Hamm and V. LSCookson. 1- Second Game (Girls), Ramblers dvs. Maple Grove. The Ramblers jagain came down in front, defeat- iing Maple Grave with a score of c-1. Bates, Toinlinson and Wcish jsparking the Ramblers attack. Ruth Snowden pitched excellent bail for the losers with 6 strike- -. outs, and was weli handled by ,eNancy Hagernian starry littie Lcatcher who has been out of the game for the past month. Norma y Hagerman also played wcll at 3rd base. - Lineup: Maple. Grove-N. Hag- erman, G. Murdock, K..Campbel, dD. Snowden, R. Snawdcn, J. Penrt, -D. Rahine, N. Hagerman and d' Wright. 9 Umpires: Blackburn and Fer- eguson. S Third Game (Men's) Oshawa C.O.P. vs. Bowmanville C.O.F.- Final Score 7 to 2 for Oshawa. -This was the oniy men's gaine af t the tournament. Arn Green, the classy hurler, Wes. Richards, Hurst and McRac starred for the win- ners, while Blackburn, Cookson, RundIe and Snowden lookcd goad for the local Court.' Lincup: Oshawa-Hurst, Mar-r tin, Green, Richards, Briscbois, Reeson, McRae, Ferguson, Young. Bowmanville-Blackburn, Run- dle, Coatam, Craig, Snowder', Hawkshaw, Cooksor', Harness an~d Barnett. Umpires* Stark an'd Bryant. Fourth Gaine, Pickering GirL4 vs. 1-aple Grave, was an exhibi-; tion gaine, final score 15-W~ for Pickering. In this gaine the ex-' penience and weil coached Picker.. inig Club again showcd thcir' superiority. Lil Ross pitchcd ex-ý cellent bail for Pickering, an'd was assistcd by Betty Wade, Freda, Watson and Ella McRac. Lineup: Pickering-B. Wade, L. Ross, D. White, E. -McRae, B. Wade, M. James, J. Pearson, M. Martin, F. Watson. Prior to this evcnir'g gaine Geo. W. Graham, Supervisor of the CHICA Club, was introduced ta the fans by Harry Hammn and F. Blackburn. Mr. Grahamn aut- lined the aims and ideals af bath clubs, the bail leagues and tourn- aments, and introduced his teamn managers, Wm. Hawkshaw,13. Barnett an'd V. Cookson. 'Ken OPened Isten of Agriculture ENGLUE NEW8PAPE Thé weekly edition of the ver'- erable Engllsh newspaper, Thé Manchester Guardian, la now be- ORONO lng flOwn s&cirWeek ta Canada by Trans-Canada Air Lines' ex- proe service. Mancheuter Guar- dian officiais iiy this la the firat attempt at large acale overseas distribution by air. Brisebois, Supervisor of TUCA Club, introduced bis assistants, Bill Burnett, George Wall, Bob Elson, Bob Martin, Norma and Joan Bolvis and Bleanor Stark. Birthday presents were ao pré- sented by Shirley Grant, or' behalf a1 the. Bovers, ta their team man- ager and wife, Bill and Katherine llawkahaw. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Payne, who supervise the Orono Bail Club were ao gîven a bearty welcome. Aiter a picnic supper a large crowd gathened for the feature attraction, the 5th gaine of the tournament. wben the Orono Girls cballenged the winne-s of the day, Ramblers of Bowmar'ville, for the MaCabe Tnophy. After a fast, hard-fought gae. Orona came up with a 10-3 victory. The Orono Girls put or' a beau- tiful exhibition of bail. Miss Johnson, starry pitcher for Orono, has a fast bail and a mistifying change of pace and was weli as- sisted by her teain mates, J. Ten- nent, West, Holmes an'd Caswell. Lineup:, Orono-Flintoff, Hol- mer' Johnson, West, Tennant, McI4r'na, Joncs, Caswell and J. Tennant. The dance in the cvenir'g was wcll attended and prize wlnners were Bert Snowden and Betty Grant, tickets donated, by the Regent Theatre; Danis McClintock and Bob Martin, tickets donated by the Biltmarc Theatre; Bill and Katherine Hawkshaw, prize do- natcd by D. J. Brown; Bill Soko- lawski and Shirley Grant, prize donated by Ron Watson. WesIeyville Bowling Academy saturday, Austust 3c? J. F. MARTYI1, Prop. Deputy Minister WIII Open Orono Fair Saturday, Sept. 6 President Gernet Riard bas been notified that the invitation cxtended ta C. D. Grahamn, Dep- uty Minister ai Agriculture for Ontario, tocoen Orono Fair hes been accept . Mn. Graham will deliver bis addrcss and declare the Fair aiiicially opened on Satur- day, Sept. 6. While inside exhibits will be asscmbled on the previcus day, Sept. 5, the Fair wiil really get under way on Saturday. Admis- sion ta the grounds will be, adults 35c, cars 25e and childrcn under 12 will be adxittcd free. Fniday nigut, Sept. 5, a big dance wili be beld under auspices ai the Fair Board, ln Newcastle Community Hall, admission 50e per penson. Russ Creighton's Variety Dance Band wiil furnish the music. Saturday night a grand concert will be held in Orono Town Hall with the pnogram by the Jessie McGrgor Concert Company, =d9t,5Zc, childrer' under 12, 25c. At tue Fair an Saturday the. Orona Bar'd will provide a con- cert froin i ta 2:30 15.m. The mid- way attractions wuhl include a mcrry-go-nound and an amateur show wiii be put on at 2:45 p.m. Two classes ai horse races wiii b. a Meature et the fair, each for. a purse ai $150. The above are the main attractions appearing an the bills postcd throughout the district. Bigger an'd better than ever is the slogan for the Fair. Plan ta join tue big crowd on New Excltlng Midway 1 Amateur Show - 2:45 p.m. A RouI of Exhibi lu HORBES, CATTLE, BHEEP, POULTRY, HOGO, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES the producta of the farm DOMIZTIC, MANUFPACTURE, HOME OOKIG, q PAINN, NEEDLECRAjT AND PLOWER8 SPECIAL PUR PXHXIBIT IPROM KNOX PUR IPARK De sure te se. the exhibits In the Junior Deparm im ASPHALT TILE FLOýORING FOR FLOORS THAT ENDURE Sultable for Factory, Office, Store or Home QUALIFIED APPLICATOR L. BROMLEY -PHONEC 653 LET OLD MAN WINTER CATCH YOU WITH YOUR STORMS DOWN Whitby Window Cleaning Service 862 Whltby (lace Your'Orders Now) Th e Quality Tea ORANGE PEKO! DE LAVAL MILKERS end SEPARATORS ready for Ummediate dellvery W* H. BROWN DEAILER FOR Case Faim Machlnery - Fireatone Tires DeLaval MMIen ad Sejuaratars Beatty Bros. Stable Etulpmeat eli" lgst. W. Pitau Durham Central Agricultural Soci'ety Friday & Saturday, Sept. 5 &6 HARNESS RACES UNDER THE DIRECTION 0F ORONO flRIVING CLUB 2.21 and over - purse $150 2.21 and under - purse $150 pl ORONO CITIZENS' BAND wilI1 give a band concert from 1 te 2:30 p.m. EIUis Vair Lance COMMUNiTrY HALL, NEWCASTLE Friday Night, Sept. SU, RUSS CREIGRTON and his VARIETY DANCE BAND wfill b. ln attendance Admission to Dance 30o per person Grand Ccncert TOWN HALL, ORONO Saturday Nlght, Sept. Sth by JESSIE McGREGOR CONCERT COMPANY of Caledonla, Aldmiuion: Adulta OOc, Cbidren 2fc Sur'day Schooi was held at il o'clock with an attendance ai 24. Mr. and Mrs. George Martyr', Welcome, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Piche and Mn. and Mrs. Larmour, Ottawa, are holidaying with Mrs. JimnSrell. Mr. and Mrs. B. Binstcd and famuly are visiting relatives in Orillia. Master Paul Woolacott had a very bad accident when h. feul off a shed and broke his arm ir' thrce places. Miss Elva Benn'ett, Ottawa, visited with Miss Helen. Barrow- clough. the grounds. F L AT ý 1 C!AmAniAu Grand Openlng OF THE NEW, MODERNIZED i 497 m

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