THURSDA , AtTG ST 28ti, 1947.RE CANAD IAN !TATESMAKO BOW M ANqV ILLE. CNTA IUO U V V Poison Ivy Spray CompUted Last W..k lispectorReports Weed, Inspector Oliver Roberts hb as just about recovered ftom ,poison ivy burns, was busy last .week accomrpanyii the county weec! inspector wh6 supervised the spraying of ail poison ivy patches in the town of Bowman- ville. pghe work was completed Friday. Mr. Roberts sccured authority from council ta bring in thecoun- ty svrayinm truck for the job. Op- erating with a pressure tank tai which was attached an 8-nozzle1 spreader it was aniy a matter of a few beurs until ail patches werc sprayed from the lake ta Scugog St. north. Another application will lic made next season. Mr. Roberts accompanied In- spector P. Bentley in bis car ta point out the areas affected and generally ta assist in the opera- tian. Much impressed with tbe resuits, Mr. Roberts told the pr*ess that he beiieved every town could save money and do a reai effec- tive job by purchasing a weed spraying autfit. His work is now about complete for the season. Witch hazel is a pleasant after- bath rub. .., TOMORR:W. aMYAI FoiIow the Icad of more than a million Canadians who save for tooeorrow. .. open your B of M account today. BANK oF MoNTREAIL warking tih Canadia-ns in sey iwalk iif 1,» rinco 1817 t - THE COVE (Intended for last weetc) Mid-August always sees a gen cral scrambie ta chear the sheet o: the summer's agenda af enter tainment and s0: Last Saturday the resuit ofE remarkabîc picce of organizatior for a l-ycar-old culminated ine "Grand Fair" staged by Saily Ot on Middlcmarch, for which shE bad dcsigned arnd circuiatcd orig- inal posters. She bad as heipers seven brown-skinned spalpeens, Gordon Ramm, Bi]Iy Leslie, the Barrick boys, Billy Huether, Jack Fox and John White. She bac flags and streamers flying fron- the poplars; servcd Cold Springs beverages and sandwiches; gave surprises at a touch-and-take ta. bic; and had a barker gathcring in players for croquet at 5c a game. Adrienne Fox proved a capable co-workcr. With nick- els and dimes they gathered $12.. 50 for the Bowmanvilc Hospita] and $11.00 for the Chapel-on- the- Hill as a nucleus for their life- saving equipment !und. Wcli done, Sally! Until the last shovc sandwiches you did it ail your- We'vcnever heard your grumbli self. W've neyer heard you croak, Mm. and Mrs. W. H. Carlton I, And now we would express ta yoi also Saturday, had their îawn en~ The tbanks we'vc lcft unspoke." fete for the Young People's Sa- Ahl summer genial young gen c isty fChurch. okRod ap and two young sons Robert anc Mrs. James A. Wbite heid a gar-Kenhfomaqitcrro dca tca at Cove Cottage, Wcd- the outer benches joined lustil; ...EM211 ncsday, for the mothers o! the ln the services, In answer ta thE fricnds o! ber three sons.Seci, Fin, on 9p ibr twelcomed Mrs. W. S. McCatney, last Sunday he took the speaker'i "iMrs. George Harrap, Mrs. David dcsk and spoke on a "vyorthwhilE Barr Mr. W.H. arltn, rs.Dip," based on the story o! Naa- Ramr, Mrs. We.Ctn, Mrs Ge man, the leper. It was a spîca- Leslie and Mrs. H. W. Sim:pson. did graphie portrayal a! a story Make him style-leader of Young assistants were Sheiia exempli!yiulg the necessity o! bu- McCmtny, rac Suherandandmility and obedience for the at- hi ls ihor4'Willa Smso.taina-ict o! forgiveness o! sins. hi.helaes . soto "ure HAlSiCpsyn, Aneighbor advîses the beach- 'hcdysol"TeHyCiy mannicli styled suite s .cs owtc .-ot .i Mri was offercd by Mr. George Cbow, I Piekard wbo seems dcstined ta beasigrocntct-iefm a C.NE. swmmcr.who along with bisYoung daugb. ter, Main-Lin was entertained at i ii new lok o-s, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cooper with dinner by Mr. and Mm.. W. H. Wifhiug 01<5 ~, the Ramm-Bowens at 125. Carlton I. fot ..Inne flltoed M r. and Mrs. E. Davis, Toron- Mm. John Martin told Mm. Gage tane- ~to, witb the Lesies. e could raid is Braeside garder to-school boys shades. M r. ald Mrs. Jas. Williams, Mr. for flowers for the argan loft. Re- and Mrs. Lloyd Shaw, Toronto, suit, a basket o!f lfowers beauti- withthe . G.Shaw, 13. 'fuily arrangcd by Mrs. Meyers. Junior wan 't be late for A as ci r.Js .Hn Next Sunday at 11:30 Mr. Gea, Ion and Patricia Le tte s Harrap will spcak on "The Light * sohool this terni. He'llnNYadMs rgetTtNvr Fails," anc of his ta- loveriaig erly o pu onHarding, Oshawa; and from Tor- spiriag commercial- slogan taiks ont, M. ad Ms. m.H. Easter, as aPPlled ta, the Christian life. toga whenMr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay, Jr. At Ormanook: Mr. and Mrs. A. The world turas aside to let any OnOOf bes sute.Harris, Billy and Barbara,Mm man pass wbo knows wberc be is enso!t~xiesuie.and Mrs. Howard Hadiow with going.-David. Starr Jordan. the C. C. Ormsby's. Miss Frances Tolhurst with the B sns ietr George Harraps. Mrs. H. J. Stead, with the Geo.LEGAL Hewitts. Mrs. Barrett and Wendy Dwight W .SRKKC Flat Gieawood. W .SRKXC Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hurson Barrister - Solicitor - Notary !r P en ty 0f bave ie!t for their Quebec home Solicitor for Bank o! Moatreal after a two wecks' holiday with Moncy ta Loan - Phone 791 the Barrs. onevleOtai M. C. P. Robins o! the Provin- Bwinnc nal C L A SS -ci Hghways Dcpt., at Cave Cot- ]LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. tage. Barister, Solicitor, Notary Public A beavy wrought-iron bandle King Street W., Bowmanville was removed, froni the door of a Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 A PPEAL cottage temporarily 'vacant and found attachcd to a raftlfrn W. F. WARD, BA. ofo ncof the Cedar Crcst cottages. Bamister - Solicitor - Notary The reputation o! our Beach su!- 91/2 King Street E. Your style-consciaus fers by such 'i¶ndalism. Let us Bawmanville - Ontario ail help ta check up on such "Ifind- Phone* Office 825 House 409 daughter wants high-fas- ings" and urge offenders ta e- AHA.HOGN tuernraisprpite rile aBrrister, Solicitor, Notary Public hMons. And you want 3Tou hironc Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville daughter's othes ta be * The Chapel-on-the-111îî Phone 351 umat ad pactcal We Ncarly sixty Chapel goers Sat- D EN TA L urday night at Daisy Dell brougbt in reports, laid pl4ns, allocatcd DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Shave the clothes ta niake their funds and appointcd next Graduates o! Rayai Dental year's officers under the capable Coîlege, and Faculty o! * everybody happy, Before chairmanship of Mr. W. H. Cari- Dcntistry, Toronto. ton. A seven-point program was Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. \ chool Opens.. select presented for discussion by Lead- King Street, Bawmanville ers McCartney and Harrap. These Office Hours: your new clothes here. points deait with the improve- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailyl ment of the seats; an effort ta en- 9 a.m. ta 12.noon Wedaesday lare the trepresentation. o! speak- Closed Suaday crs from lte local churches at aur Office Phone 790 services. 0f generai beach inter- Residence: est was the decision ta investigate Dr. J. C.. Devitt 325 C oucn, Johoston & ryoerm an the requirements and inaugurate Dr. W. M. Rudel ?827. a !und for the establishment o! iifc-saviag cquipment along the DR. E. W. SiSSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. PHONE 836 BOWMANVILLE shore. Mr. Jim White was asked Office ln bis borne ta get information. 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanvllle The afficers appointcd were: Office Hours: Leaders, W . S. McCartaey and 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon, Wedncsday Closed Sunday Phone 604235 Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Engraving, Goldleafing Monuments, Gravemarkers. 1 1877 m70 YEARS 0F SERVICE -1947 4(aqo.e &4c INSIDE AND OUTSIDE -for sale b y- ce C LCWt- 52 RING ST.. WEST Low Rail Fares te the CA NADIAN EXHIBITION AT TORONTO Aug. 22 - Sept. 6 PARE AND ONE THIRD For the Round Trip Good Golnt Thursday, Aug. 21 to Saturday, Sept. 6 inelusive. Return Limit - Sept. 10 Full information fram any Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL Geo. Harrap; organist, Grey Bi rick; assistant organist, Grace S therland; sang leader, Jack Aý well; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. NIash; assidtant treasurers, Robi and Gardon White; ushers, Mess: Gage, Bail and Nash. Presidej W. H. Carlton. SAfter the business the bostc speecily transformcd the exec tives' stand into a refectory tai centred with a buge 'cake letter with "Wclcomc ta Daisy Del' wbich weicomne was made goodi platters plled high wlth sar wiches, cakes and coolcies .a] cups of steamning coffee. Then carne a slng-song condu( ed by Grey Barrick with bis uk lele, a variation being provldcd1 a double quartette of kitcbi helpers, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M~ Kay, Jr., Mrs. Wm. Easter, M~ and Mrs. Arthur» Fox, Mr. Wi Huether,,Mr. J. Siater and Mr. White. )f During tbe proceedings Mi -Carlton was given an exquisi English china floral centre, tl * money for which had been co * lectcd by Grace Sutherland, Wi]. * Simpson and Sheila McCartne Lt Next the key men were called ethe floor and smnall tokens of al ,Preciation wcrc ofiered them,1 sWhich jingles by the Cave singý swcre attachcd. e To Will McCartncy: k"Hcre's a great big thermos jE :Made ta match your brand ne, ri car; sWc would put some spirit in eBut your sermons are agin it."1 To George Harrap: "Tho' you do flot drive a car You can stili be popu-lar. On a picnic you may lug *Lemonade in this big jug." To Grey Barrick:- (a frog gardeý 1ornament): "Whcn frogs are silent in the *ponds 1And trec-toads cease ta trill, We hope this will remnind you eat Duteh Oven. Add 1-3 eup wate Su-8 sweet patataes. Caver, simnxn %,tt- 4Omins. Add 2 % cups green pea 8 pecied, orange alices, 2 tabli )ert spoons currant jelly. Caver, cor, ru. tinue cooking 20 mins. Elgi' SPARERIRS !eu- Tbe favors of spareribg an Lbiesavory ceiry stuffing blend p ez Mao fcctiy. Place dressig in bakin disb caver wltb sparcrlbs, c ýby, uoýiw place dressing betwecn two match nd- ing sections of ribs that are atitchi nd Hel H me krs Wevb n ed or tied together. Sprinkle wit H ell H o eni kers W e ve een sait and pepper, tub w itb flou i ta tbe Canadian National Exhibi- Bake uncovered at 325-350 degý Ict- tion and what fun. Neyer saw s0 F. for 11/2 bours. ke- much intercst in the Exhibition in CREOLE FIJDGE CAKE > ymy hie. Little wonder since every en exhibitor bas gane ail out ta show Preparation: Have shortenini [c- us the use o! bis products. at room temperature. Line bot Mr. 0f special înterest ta home- toms of two 9-inch layer pan lm. makers is tbe Shopping Scbool in with paper; grease. Set aven Io Sthe "Women's Worid" at the Col- moderate heat (350 degs. CF.). Sif iseumn. Here you wiil find a flour once before measuring. (AI rs. modemn grocery store, and the measurements are level). lte attendants will give you shopping Measure into sifter: the budgets asscmbled for low cost, 2 cups siftcd flour, 1 tsp. 'moderate cost and fancy menus, soda, 1 1-3 cups packed brown la You should pick up copies or write sugar, 3/ tsp. sait. ey. ta the Womcn's Section for them Measure into mixing bowls: ta if you can't get down ta the Fair. 1/2 cup sbortcning. ap Careful mneal planning and skil- Measure into cup: etful shopping can do much to case cumik1tp.vnla thc financial strain on the food Have ready: - budget. Approved methods of 2 eggs, unbcaten, 3 squares jrcooking and adequate storage fac- unswectencd chocolate, melt- arilities are also important and this cd. aW point is proven by the many at- Stir shortening just ta soften tractive displays of the manu- Sift in dry ingredients, add 3/4 it !acturers in the Eicctrical Build- cup of miik, and mix until al] ing. flour is dampcned. Then beat ý Everywherc a# the Fair, visitars minutes. Add eggs, meitcd choc- arc directcd and instructcd by olate, and remainlng mfilk and trained personnel, by illuminated beat 1 minute longer. (Count signs, by "active" displays and only actual beating tinie. Or count encolorful exhibits. Do go and look bcatlng strokes. Allow about 150 nat the demonstrations. 1 can't full strokes per minute. Scr.ape begin ta tell you ail about the bowl and spoon oftcn:) Baking: C.N.E. It's the best I've seen. Turn into pans. Bake in maoderate Here are a few manufacturers' aven (350 degs. F.) about 30 min- recipes which wc enjoyed: utes. Spread seven-minute frost- ing between the layers and on top BASKET SALAD and sides of cake, and coat with de Hollow out grapefruit; Set 2 squares of unsweetened choc- scoppcd-out fruit aside for break- olate melted with 2 teaspoons of )u fast. Line shells with endive; fi butter. with drained fruit salad and serve TAKE A TIP n-with this dressing. . ea an ApeWior NU-AidRESN Saiad: Make Waldorf salad, as 3/ cup syrup from the fruit usual with chopped celery and )n salad, 2 tbsps, cornstarch, 1/4 walnuts, but substitute cut-up 'y tsp. sait, 1 tbsp. vinegar, %/2 aw pears for about bal! the ie cup finely choppcd dates, P/4 qatt !ape cup creani or top milk, whip- s ped, 1/2 cup chapped walnuts. 2. Salad Fillng for Pear Hal- le Mix together the syrup, corn- ires: . Raspbcrry Jelly with sprlnk- starch, sait and vinegar. Cook, ling of gratcd orange rind; cottage -stiirin2g constantîy, until mixture cheese with minced nasturium 'y is thick and clear. Continue cook- lcaves; chopped olives with may- 1- ing for 3 or 4 minutes longer. oninaise. t- Cool slightly; stir in dates and 3. Parsley Note: Add 1/4 cup snuts. Foidin crcam, wbipped chopped parslcy ta thin white light but flot stif!. Makes about sauce (i tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. fiaur, e2 cups dressing. 1/2 tsp. saIt and 1 cup milk). Pour e, DEEP SOUTH VEAL ROLL aver cooked carrot cubes and LReoebnsfo 2wol fresh green peas, combined in veal cutiets, % 2inch thick, flatn eulpootos cutiets with mallet. Spread cach 4. Scasonlng for Beets: Scason -ewith bai! of the following stuff- cubcd or siiccd cooked new beets îng: (Saute 2-3 cup chopped on- with vinegar, gratcd onion, sait, ions and 1 cup diced ceicry ina14 butter and a dash o! nutmcg. cup fat. Add 2 tablespoons chop - 5. Fruit Salad Dressing, Place ped parsley, 1 teaspoon sait 14 3 tbsps. tart currant jciiy in a teaspoon pepper, pinch of Rase- small bowl and slowly add Uic mary and Savory and 1 cup sof t juice of anc lemon, beating with bread crumbs). 'Rail up, secure. a rotary cgg beater until smooth. SBrown in 3 tablespoons fat in Add juice o! anc orange, and anc ýr, ig. h- h- th ig rt f; /4 t i W ithàU tA At Household Finance Cor- poration, you may borrow froin $20 to $1000 without endorsers or bankable security. And you may take 12 or 15 months to repay. Or even 20 or 24 months on loans of larger amounts. JUSI 3 SIMPLE STEPS.. to get the money-you need. Firsi: phone, visit or write the Household Finance office nearest your home. Second: decide how much money you need and how you want to repay it. Third: when your 15 Sirmcoe qtreet South (over Kresge's) Phono Oshawa 3601 OSHAWA, ONT. fleurs 9 Io 5 or by' oppolotmoni - Loont mode Io for.,.., end '.aidets of ,wrby t.,,,. money is youms, usually the saine day you apply. You may borrow at Household Finance for almost any worthwhile purpose: To pay overdue bille Repair your property Educational expense Purchase new cquipmnent Doctar, dentist fees Business apportunities So, next turne you need extra money, use Household's prompt, friendly money ser- vice. Phone, write or visit the Household Finance Corporation office nearest "THE MASINONGE"' after a painting by Shelley Logier.M Thé. Maskinonge, king af Cariada's fresh-water fighteru, la faut disappearing from many of aur lakes. As a result, thausands of fishermen are availing theniselvea of modern transportation ta reach hitherto inaccessible northern waters. True sportsmen at the sanie tme reaiize that even in these now areas, the supply of fish is limited. They welcome and coniorm with legialation providing for the conservation of the, Jrake" *%Boamen and baitmen, hotel-keepors and guides feel the pinch when the fisherman drives furtor north because he can catch nothing but percli and sunflîli in the, lake that used to teem with base and masklnongo/' Au excgrpt IYoU..CONSIVATION and CANADA'8 GAME 715KR ~G. C. Touer, JM.A . on*.tua.orsioesof pamphlets pubiixhod by The CARL ING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARJO tableSpoon *ach of honey and AUBTIALI«aN gjnDy marasehino cherry julce. Mix well and chill before serving. The Australian Patate Coni. 6- Quick LIMCheou Dish: Make mîttee. wili continue to adminis- French toast (dtp bread ito egg- milk mixture, using 1 beaten egg ter patato aubaidles through ýtre to % eup miik) and put- two 1947-48 sesson under. a system of sauteed slices together wit.h sliced contracts between farmers anid fresh cooked fruit; serve with bot the Commonwe alth Government. syu. * t,, *nThe sain nster for Com.l Anne Allan Invites yau ta write merce and Agriculture dcclared to ber (cia of The Statesman). tbat tbe worid shortage of food Send in your suggestions on made it desîrable ta niaintain boffiemaking problems and watch full potato production so that this coiumn for replies. Austraia cauid release other foods for export-says Agricul- ture Abroad, a digest of agricul- Criticism is the child and hand- tural policies In variaus countries, mali of reflection. It works by isaued by tbe Economics Division, censure, and censure impiea ar Dominion Department of Agri. standard.-&. G. White. IcUlture,, Ottawa. 0-339 ýl TIMPMAT, AIUGUST 28tli, 4