PAO! TWELVE E AAINSAEMN BWAVLE !TM HRSA.ATCTr2t~14 AMATEUR SHOW' ORONO FAIR'GROUNDS Saturday, September Gth, 1947 2:45 p.m. UNDER DIRECTION 0F W. J. RIDDELL (Open to res1dents of Newcastle, Bowmanville, Clarke and Darlington Townships) Entries must be in hands of Director on or before Friday, Sept. 5 1. PUBLIC SPEAKING (open to public sehool pupils who did flot pass High School En- trance previous to 1947) -__ -$2.00 $1.00 $ .50 2. PUBLIC SPEAKING (open to boys and girls 16 years and under).. 2.00 1.00 .50 3. GIRLS SINGING (16 years and under) ---- 2.00 1.50 1.00 4. GIRLS SINGING (12 years and under) ----- 2.00 1.50 1.00 5. BOYS SINGING (16 years and under) - 2.00 1.50 1.00 6. PIANO SOLO (open to boys and girls 14 years and under) "Two Little Froggies," by H. L. Cramm. from Grade V, T.C.M.----- 1.50 1.00 .50 7. PIANO SOLO (open to boys and girls il years and under) "Tema in G," by F. Schu- bert; from Grade III, T.C.M. 1.50 1.00 ..50 8. MOUTH ORGAN Contest (open) 2 numbers 1.50 1.00 .50 9. CORNET NUMBER (boys and girls 14 years and under) contestant to play "Old Black Joe" 2 verses and chorus; and sacred number "Blest be the Tie That Binds," 2 verses --- 1.50 1.00 .50 10. CORNET NUMBER (open) contestant to play "Rule Britannia," and 2 verses of "Abide W ith M e" - ------------ 1.50 ilOý1 .50 11, BEST COMIC NUMBER (onen) -----------15 1.00 .5 0 12. OLD TIME FIDDLERS CONTEST ------- 2. 00 1.00 .50 13. BEST AMATEUR CLOWN on the grounds, to be judged for make-up and ability to en- tertain. Judging to be donc from 2 to 4 pan. 4.00 3.00 2.00 14. SPECIAL-School Drill and Chorus. Pupils to meet at the Armouries at 12:30 and parade to grounds with band. Each school to com- plete their drill and sinq a chorus or yell in front of grandstand. Time 1 o'clock -.--- 10.00 8.00 6.00 (and to each school thereafter) - ------------ 2.00 ENTRY FORIN FOR AMNATEUR SHOW N am e ---- - ----------- -- Address ------ Class Number WILL TAKE AWAY ALL Dead or Crippled Farm Stock FREE 0F CHARGE Highest Prices Paid for OId Horses PHONE 4026 PETER BORO - REVERSE CHARGES N. PECONI, Proprietor. Bo wman ville -on-the-Beacli WEST BEACH "Wýene-Verfus" held a farewell party prior ta her departure for (Intended for lest week) her many friends. -Mrs. A. Fowlei Sincere thanks for social items poured tea and Mesdames LOWE in this column to Miss Catharine and Parker assisted by Mrs. Street combed the West Beach for news. deliclous luncheon. A lucky ipriZE M\r. and Mrs. F. Howard Kelly xvas given as, a farewell tokeri and Shari Amie, Atlanta, Georgia, and was won by Mrs. W. Severs. at the -Log Cahin." West Beach Store. During the tea Mr. and. Mrs. D. Keown in bouc Jean was presented witha 1"IKco-Wig ' ' beautiful bouquet of gladioli. Mrs. C. Fleming, Alan and The pacty broke up with greetings Helen, Oshawa, with Mrs. S. of "bon voyage" and "see'you next Sharples. summer Jean." Jean has beena Mrs. C. Flig and Brenda, Nora li îe-long member of Bawmanville Lea and the txvins with Mr. and Beach and takes a keen delight in Mrs. C. Lntta and family. all its activities aitho' handie-apped '\Ir. and1 Mrs. A. E. Keay and from taking an active part, and Allison.. and Mrs. Wm. Kent, bas made many fast friends a- Mr. arc Mirs. Robert Kent, Mr. mong young and old. "We'1l be and M1ers. Don Higgi ns, Mr. and seeing you Jean." Mrs. John She-ýw, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mrs. H. H. Dilling, Town, Mrs. Cuid2rhv anc is. Wm. Henderson, J. M. Burns, Robert and Judy, Oshawa, Nvith Mr. and Mrs. S. Peterboro, in "Linger Longer." Sharples. Miss Tanya Goddard, a little Mi'ýs Ruth Brown at "Twillin- 10-year-old enthusiast of theRe- gate" also Mr. and Mrs. J. Fer- cre'ational Council's Red Cross Mr. and Mrs. P. Lamb. Milton, to a practîcal test iast week when Mrs. A. Jiikelýzn, Fort Erie, Miss Billie Severs fell backwards off a iG crry LJaw. e c'yIi1 MrF. P u. log on which be was riding, into S.Cathar'nes, Mr. and Mrs. H. deep water. Tanya came ta bjs W. Piere en farnilY, Lindisay, rescue and held bis bead above Mr. andmi rs. T. Secx'os, Milton water, tceading water ail the time and Mi ' Lorclîe Helierin'cton, until assistance came from Mrs. Town, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bruce Murchison who> was sun- Eoîîesall -ndi Tecidy in the "Better bathing nearbybrnd towed hlm to 'Oic." shore, a bit frîgbtened but none Miss Shirle 'y Wact, Mis 's Aline the worse for bis scare. Funscton, Toronto. Vermin Roilan, Two American sailing yachts Town, with Mizs Marguerite secking refuge from the storm on Dovie in *adus. Monday cve.ning were lead into Mr.anid Mrs. F. I-obbs, Leaside, the shelter of our aged and tired Mr. lDon Wade v\' 7ilh his grand- barbotîr. But ta the borror of ail mother. Mcs. James Glenday in who saw tbem, their higb masts Il Glen -Doufi,."- almost struck the bigh tension Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kelly, Ber- wire strung accoss the harbotir, to nard, Mc accrun and Rita, Toronto the relief of onlookers a serious a' ý'Teriv Cc taý,c." accident was averted wben a line Miss Nac'ev Vacco' has rcturned xvas thrown to shore and on- fi ora h1oiide1v.n' w'ith ber grand- lookers lent a bielping hand and mo1hlrcii Pe-tei-Loro. the yacht came to a stop anly a Mr. Wmn. Carrne lins returned ta few feet from th2 wire, at the end Toronto afler vic-"tioning with bis of a straining line. We under- famili n " stand steps bave been taken to Mr. and Mrs. J. Cuilcy, Marilyn remedy this bigb tension situa- n-1 Dii Toronle, in Vcrc tion and the barbour is ta be ce- Ver fa ',paired. Mr. ard Mrs. Win. Dunn, To- ronto. hohicla ' iflfl xifl bis mother, Mrs. Vàm. Dunn in 'Rasty Nook,"T r n Mv'iss May Bot1rell, Mr. Gilbert _____ Jonces. Mim h 1-elen Jonds. Messrs Intcnded for lest Week, Bob and Bernard Joncs in "Sel- Mrs. Dr. Davison, Miss Peggy dom Inn." Davison, Harrogate, England, Mrs. Mvrs. Eciythe Ilundie and Gordie, 1 j.McMabon, Toronto, Mr. and Toronto, I'.Ihss Connie King, Town, Mrs. Lloyd Hoar and family, Her- in 'Boskey Deli." osih r.TA.ndsn- Mrs. F. J. Cole. Town, with her Trontsm it ran Mrs. T.A neS.on dagtc in B -cy Dell." rTrnowihM.nd rsS.. damtcr n "Bsl, Il Hoar and Mr. anid Mrs. Aldin Euichre pnirty on Tuesday at Hoar. Mr. R. I-illin's was wcii et- Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar accom- tendcd, prizes %,cicc won by Mrs. panied by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Win. Dun., Mrs. Gorhcam, Mrs. F. Hoar and family are spending a Pethi-k; m.-n's prize. Dav-id Auit. week at Sbadow Lake. Two birthiclay parties were held Ms a ire rne .. over the Ivccd:enci at thc Williams' Miss AieCeeeMTrotMs cotta.-i.Litt!'ý Penny Brown xvas MissClîc eero, TortoMrs.n celebcatîng ber first birthday MsCFaleHa tnwih latich,' s attenrer d bs f leb re Mrs. J. H. Mutton and Mcs. On uuc 1~ rurh,rs oflubJo15. Carnet McCoy, Rowmanville, Rcovn v'~s endred vith Mrs. P. Hayward. Bron v,-,s encere asurprise 'Mr. Milton Virtue, Mrs. Laura nrvon h2b:rthc1la , a sing-song fe-durcd this e~~h Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Virt- Partius hav ' been the order of ue and John and Mr. Wm. Hem- thi c T À. aý Jcln StcŽof i bly witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mon- --_______ -. . creith, Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beckett and family, Stretford, with his par- i ents, Mr. and Mcs. O. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frew, Mil- ibanct, wit h Mr. and Mrs. T. Barr, *i Mrs. Annie Pbillips and Mr. R. - jMcCullougb, Mr. and Mrs. Tel- mge Henry and Roy, Janetville, with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Mr. Bruce Macdonald with bis aunt, Mrs. A. Macdonald, Ca- bourg. -Mc. and Mrs. I. W. Larmeran Janet and Miss Dorotby Bail, Mill- y, brook, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Rose- vcar, Dorothy remeining for a holiday. Miss K. Macdonald, Oshawa, v;ith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maedon- ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whittaker ~ ~IL's,~.~' cd Eve Ana, Hamilton, with Mr. '~ '~J~ and Mrs. Walter Rebm. Miss Arvilia Beckett with ber cousins, Helen and Ruth Rabm, Mrs. Mabel Brown and son " Gaordon and Miss Bernice Brown, West Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb. ar re ýt. MOVING, PACKING, bHIPPINS a ic IlG Since the end of the wor, Hydro's peck locd demand has increosed approximately 500,000 horse- power or more thon 25(% of the highest wartime demand, and is stili 'floufting. ,Vhat are we doing about it? Above is a part, but only a part, Of the answer. It shows the great power development et Stewartville, on the Madawaska River in Eastern Ontario, whch was started mony months ogo when moterials and labor were in even shorter supply thon now. It wilI give you 8 1,000 horsepower commencing next yeor. With other Hydro developrnients being rushe-d ta completion, on added 500,000 horsepower wili be avoulable in the next five years. In the meonwhile we must cil use Hydro sparigly so tîcre wili be enough to go around. THE YDRO ELECRIC ýPOW R CO Mi.Sr ib N,ý?tC ;é MEADACIES Blinding pain, con- stant thrlobbing cao make l!. amiry be cauted bythe fail- l perform thefr nra doty cf f .ht i.t 800008 watt"s ndexoets adafroin the blooui Iflkidneya fai and Poisons remain in the. system. headachqsbackacbe, vhau- maic pans, didoubed ireat oea>'sites loi I... Dodd'a Kido.>' Pilla help your kidneys clou out trouble.maklng pions and excosa adla se that 700 lest befte-<.stbois vok botte. Cet DoUsdatW&ed a>' 4 awa, with Mr. Wm. Virtue. Mr'. and Mrs. G. Yeo, Oshawa, his mother, Mrs. J. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hodgson and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson. Mr. and Mrs.- E. A.. Virtue and John, Mrs. L. Virtue, Mr. W. Ham- biy and Miss Eiieen Spicer at Lakefield Harvest Home Ann iv- erpary Services Aug. 3lst and Sept. ist.ë Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawkey, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy, Bowrnanville with Mr. and \MrS. Albert Hawkey. The barn on the farm of Gordon Baker was struck with lightning and burneci to the ground during Monday night's heavy stormn. His entire crop of hay and grain was destroyed as he had just finished harvest on Saturday. The bull was the only animal that perished in the fire, also his wagon, har- ness, separator and many other articles were destroyed. Zion (Intended foc lest week) Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMaster and Ashton, Mr. Bob Ingram, Toronto, et Alex McMaster's.' Miss Bertha Geiss-berger at August Geiss'oerger's Harmony. Mr. Elmer Steinton, Wîngham, Mrs. Henry Patterson, Lucen, et Fred Cemeron's. Miss Grece Steinton with Helen and Carole Stephens, Osh- awa. Miss Gloria Atkins, Harmony, et Hans Geissbergec's. Misses Merjocie Blewett and Isie Becker, Oshawa, Mr. Donald Down, Haliburton, et Alex Me- Mester's. Miss Helen Devidson with Miss Lois Hemlyn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kinsman, Saskatchewan, Mc. and Mca. Douglas Flett and. family, Entais- killen, Mr. and Mrs. A. Young- man end Alaîn, Tyrone, Miss Pearl Leach, Saline, et Norman Leach's. Miss Joyce Martin, Newcastle, with Ree Venner. Mr. Bert Robinson, Harmony, et Nathan Hircock's. Mr. end Mrs. W. T. Kinsman, Saskatoon, et Alan Fisher's. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, George and Peggy, et Russel CochranéÊs, Br.ady. Mr. and Mca. Gardon Martin, Newcastle, et Arnold Vennec's. Mrs. Beryl Snider, Chicago, Miss May Mitchell, Oshawa, et Tracy Glaspel's. Mr. and Mrs. B. Johnson,Hali- burton, et Michael Nemis'. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baison & sons et Chas. Ferguson's, Oshawa. Mc. and Mrs. Crozier, Donne and Jean, Mrs. Bruce Beace, Port Perry, et Mei. Morgan's. Mc. and Mcs. Wesley Glenny &1 Douglas, Toronto, et Henry Bell's. Dr. and Mrs. E. Bell, Toronto, et R. W. Ball's. Mc. Murrey Morgan, Toronto, et Mel. Morgen's. Mc. and Mrs. N. H. Hiccock and David, Mc. Aubrey Hircnck, Miss Helen Canrcron et Coboucg, guests of Mc. Epb. Hircock and deughters, Mrs. N. Chubb, Ed- monton, Mrs. J. Welters, Ca- bourg. Mrs. Jas. McMullen bas ce- turned ta Harold. Wedding GELLIGAN-THOMPSON St. Mark's Anglican Church, Deseronto, graced wth standards .of suinmer flowers, was the set- ting on August 6, for the mac- niage of Doris Jean, eider daugh- ter af, Mr. and Mrs. Caec Thompson, Deseconto, formn lyo Bowrnanvllle, ta Mr. Ernest Charles Gilligan, son of Mc. and Mca. Russell Gilligan, Napaee. .Canon Kidd off iciated et the1 ceremony. Mr. Eppes played the bridal music and accompànied Miss Jones, Toronto, who sang "O Perfect- Love," ducing the signing of the register. The bride who was given in macciege by hec father, wore a white silk jersey dress with white accessories and she carried a cas- cade of pink .gladiolî petals. Miss Margaret Anne Thompson attended ber sister, dressed in all white and carrying a nosegey of pink carnations. Kenneth Hut- chinson, Trenton, was best man. A ceception for the immediate members of the familles was heid et the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Thompson ceceived the guests wearing a black dress and eccessories and corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother, Mrs. Gilligan, wore nevy blue and hec corsage wes white carna- tions. The happy couple left on a ma- toc trip through the States. Courtice Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Or;nîston and femily witb Chas. endi Mrs. Alldread, Lake Shore, Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCebe, Windsor, with the letter's sister, Mrs. Cecil Adams. and 'Ceeil, and elso ber neice, Mrs. Carl Down and Carl. Mcs. Semi Brooks and Miss Gwendolyn, Providence, with the Blake Oke Family. Mr. and Mca. Gea. Wrigbt, Osh- awa, Mrs. Alf. Pinch, Oshawa, and son, Mc. Will Pincb, Cleve- land,' Ohio, with Douglas and Mrs. Oke. Mc. and Mrs. Fulton and Alan visited Ray and Mrs. Cameron, Zion. Congratulations ta Gardon Os- borne who won 13 prizes witb 8 firsts but of an entry of 16 et the gladiolus show et Oshawa. Rev. Dr. enïd Mrs. McTevisb, Regina, and Harvey and Mrs. Lander, Winnipeg, with Mrs. Frenk Worden and Frank. This is Mr. Landers first visit in about 50 yeacs and being an oid Zian boy, celled on meny of the older anes he went to sehool witb. Women's Association met et the borne ai Mrs. Carman Choate with an ettendance of 15. The presi- dent, Mca. Johnston, opened the meeting with bymn, followed with prayer by Mca. Shutron. A violin and piano selection wes given by Barry Johnstan and Mrs. Mary Adams, "Strenger of Galilee." Sccipture ceading wes given .by Mcc. Chonte. Reedings wcra giv- en by Mrs. Simmons on medita- tian and Mrs. Penfound "How ta Meke our Church Prosper" a-Il by Mca. Barcebal, with the theme, "Fciendship." Committeesfo TORONTO A»LI îSAY IEXHIBITIO NSPECIALS GARTON CQACH LINES Cline? [)aily [rc Atîùtmsit 23 Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying ab~out driving in heavy traffic, parking or crowding for street cars« at the home of Ann Hoit were: Choate. Mrs. Barrabal and Mrs. program, Mrs. Geo. Barber, Mrs. Jelnston were in charge of this Cecil Adams; Lunch, Mis Ann program and lunch was served by Hoît, Mrs. Sydney Balson, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Adams and 3&0. Joe May Shipman and Mrs. Beryl McKenzie. B3OWMANVU LLg FARES One Way Return, MOTEAL $6.90 $11.05 OTTAWA ___ 5.45 8.75 CORNWALL ----___ 5.15 8.25' PRESCOTT -4.--0--6-- 4.1 (Transportation ,Tax Etra For full Information, please consuit your local agent, or Teleuhone 2666 GARTON COACH UNES Bowmanville Telephone 2666 LINDSAY EXHIBITION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 12 and 13 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Leave (Going> TORONTO EXHIBITION BUSSES DAILY FROM August 23 to September .6 DAYLIGHT BAVING TIME ' eaeead Dowir A.M. 7:00 7 :0l 7:15 7:25 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:20 10:00 rGoing> M Arrive Return :Read Up Pare Kawartha Maples .. 1:35 $3.00 Janetviiie .............1:25 3.00 Velverton .......... 1:15 2.95 Nestieton"..'.ý....... 1:05 2.85 Biackstock ........ 12:55 2.75 Burketon......... 12.45 2.65 Enniskilien . .... ... 12:35 2.55 Hampton .......... 12:25 2.40 Bowmanvilie ....... 12:15 2.20 Toronto Exhibition Lv. 10:45 p.m. Children - Haif Far. Fares Inlude Exhibition Admission Bus Takes Pamuengers Right On To Exhibition Grounds and Stayu There AU Day for Convenmence of Passengers. Read Up Pare Read Down 10:30 Bowmanviile....... 12-05 $1.75 10:40 Hampton .......... 11:50 11.65 10:50 Enniskil!en ........ 11 :40~ 1.65 11:00 Burketon.......... 11:35 1.35 11:10 Blackstock ........ 11:25 1.25 11:15 Nestieton ......... 11:15 1.'Q, 11:25 Yelverton ........ 11:05 Iè 11:35 Janetvilie.......... 10:55 .55 12:00 Lindsay ..........10:36 For Information: Phone BOWMANVILLE ................. 2666 LINDSAY .................... 1058 M__ PI a KEEP YOUR* SUMMER -CLOTHES Looking Their Smartest Take Advantage of Our Efficient Cleaning and Laundry Methodq To-day!1 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning COMPANY LIMITIED Phone Zenith 13000 Oshawa 1' ,, *lCIII 8 L 1 cT1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOViBL&NVI=, ONTAIUO TRURSDAY, AUGUST 2M. 1047 ;s ýs n a 0 ýs e e e s ri 0 s e m p R n m