TE AAIA TTdA.EWANfLE OTIOTHRDY AGS 8t,14 s<U~I ISTORY BOOKS Most history textbooks usod ln Canedian a nd United States ichoois tend to confuse and div- 4de the people ai the two coun- tries rather than help theni under. ,pýand each other. That is the con- élusibn ai a special Canada-Unit- ed States Commttee . wbich has examined the textbooks used by both. cauntries. 1 Two countries as ciaseiy assoc- ieted as these two North Americ- an aeighbors have a great deai of history ln common both before and aiter the revolution whlch separated thom politically. Most Canadians and Anlericans, declar- es The Financial Post, wlll agree with this international committee that'it là timne our history text- books were ubstantlally revised and rewritten. Our youth should gn a fuller understanding of our common and peaceful evolutian that is the envy of the rest of the wofld. ~~CRUMB COFFEE CAKE .'. 'ae .a~$~' ~ Ad 1 cavelape Royal Fst Ris. ing Dry Yeast and 1iuaspoon sugai to 12 cup lukewarm f 14, water, sûr and let stand 10. 3 tablespoons shortening, 1,4 7 cup sugar and 1/n teaspoon sait; ~. cool to lukewarm. Add 1 cup sifted flour to make a batter. ~'Add yeastnmixure and 1 beaten a egg. Beat weII. Add 21/ cups ~ ~ sftcd flour, or enough to make ~a ~ a sof: dough. Ktacad lightly; ~. ,,place in greased bowl. Cover; ~ '~' ~ set in warm place, free from ~, draft. Let rise until doublcd in bulk, about 2 houri. Roll out a * dough to 1/" thickness and à place in greased ahallow pan. Let rise in warm place, free from draft, until ligh:, about 11/2n hours. Prick top with fork and bruah with 3 tablespoons melted shortening. Cream 3 .... tablespoons butter or shorten- ing, add 3 tablespoons sugar gradually, mixing well. Add 1/4 cup sifted flour, '/a cup dry, fine cake or bread crumbi, and 1z teaspoafl.cintalmofl; stir until wel mixed and crumbly. Sprin- kie on top of cake. Let nise atgain in warm place about 12 bour. Bake in moderate overt a: 400'F. about 20 minutes. SPORT. _____ _____ ____ _____ ___1 Juniors Take Round From Cobourg ln Tlght Game Bowmanvilie Rotary Junior Basebail Teainiwon the third and final gamne in the OBA playdowns against Cabourg Kiwanians on the Hlgh School diamond here on Monday evening. The teams en- tered the 9th ahl even 5.5 but Clemence set the Cobourg lads dawn 3 in a row and then Dadson and McIlveen both bit doubles and the former came home stand- ing up ta settie the issue 6-5. Ciemence pitcbed sterling bal for Bawmanvilie and bad ta pitch. his way out of some difficult spots caused by errors ai bis teamznates. He fanned il1zmen and aside froni poorly bandied bunts, ailowed only 3 scratch bits. Jamieson pitchlng for Cobourg was steady ail the way and was given fine support from a well baianced team. He fanned 6, walked 3, but weakened in the finel frame. Clemence fanned 5 up ta the 3rd then let a man on witb a scratch single ta DeGeer. Cox at 3rd came up with two bad tbrows on easy bunts and a scratch bit, accouned for two unearned runs. Arty bed to fan the side out. Ca- bourg got another run in the 6th on a walk theit, a passed baIl at Srd and a play at the plate in which catcher Martin dropped the bail for an errar. ýWith the score 3-0 unearned, Hooper led off in the hast of the 6th with a double. Ciemence wehked. Williams bunted ta 3rd for a saiety on an error and Arty .scored. Cox lined through short for 2 runs and a 3-3 tie. In the 7th, Cobourg switched ta bunts thet put 2 on when lJadsan dropped one and a line drive ta left scored 2 runs. Bowmanville again evened in the same frame. Gord Sturrock walked, stole, ad- h ANN PAGE MILK BREAD White or Browni 2 24 oz aves 15C A & P Fana Fresh fruits and Vegetuhies GIAPES RE ALAGANI No. 1 Grade 2 29% ORANGES VALENCA,288'* 2 DM. 5 U h~ NATIVE GROWN DUOHE8S 6-qt.4e APLE Combination Grade Basket COI -NATIVE GROWN . for23 CAIROTS MARSH GROWN, WA$HED 3 Ibs.13 ONIONS YELLOW COOKING, No. 1 Grade 4 Ibs.15 NEWS vanced on Martin's bunt, came bomne an a steai and a wiid thraw. Hooper, Dadson and MeIlveen singled but Hooper was out at the plate. Ciemence doubied in Dad- son for a 5-5 tie. Ciemence aliowed no bits fram there in but bit a better who was left stranded. Dedsan and MdIl- veen with their two doubles, end- ed it. The local boys wiil enter the semi-finaIs against the wln- ners ai enother group flot known at the moment. Summary: Cobourg: 5 runs, 5 bits, 2 er- rors, 11 fanned, 1 waiked, 1 clip- ped by pitcher, 2 thefts, 7 leit on. Bowmanvile: 6 runs, 12 bits, 6 errors, 6 fenned, 3 walked, 7 -stoie, 8 lef t an. Doubles, Hoaper, Clemence, Dedson, and Mcilveen. Mita, Hooper 3, Dadson 3 MIli- veen 2, Cox 2. R HE Cobourg 002 001 200 5 5 2 Bow'vilie: 0N0 003 201 6 12 6 Cabourg: Quigiey 2b,; Camp- bell cf; H. Jamieson 3b; McMilian If; D. Goody rf; Hogan ss; Shor- ey c; F. Goody lb; J. Jamieson p. Bowmanvile; Martin c; Hooper ss; Dadson lb, McIlveen cf; Clem- ence p; Williams 2b; Cox 3b; De- Geer If; G. Sturrock rf; H. Stur- rock 1f (6th). Bowmanvllle Royal. Fail to Port Hope By Score of 5-0 Bowmanviîle Rayais came back from Port Hope with a 13-4 walk- away in the first game ai the 3-5 playdowns for the Intermed- late O.B.A. spot position. But tbey dropped into the category ai Toronto Maphe Leafs Wednesday at Bowmanvilie and stumbled in- ta a 5-0 setback at the bands of Max Smith, pitching for Ports. Michaels pitcbed good bail for Bowmanviile but was toucbed freely in the pinches and was let down witb 5 errons. A Port fan with a fistful ai folding money may have bad samething ta, do with it for the locals managed oniy 3 scratch bits by Doug. Furey, Al and Porky Qe-bonne in the 9 frames, wbile Ports gernered eleven. Smitb fanned only 3 but sefe bingies couldn't ho managed and be walk- ed none. He whammed Al Os- borne out ai the geme with a wild siant in the 7tb that cino)ed bis femur and Ames ran. Micb- * aeis fanned 4, walked 4. Ports iumhied 4 errons. Edwandson and Smith copped 3 bits apiece and Keeler 2 witjh Smith registering 3 nuns out ai five. Features were catches by Furey and* Bill Begnehi with the latter making a fast tbrow for a double in the 3rd. a repeat of bis great play at Part Hope. Smith started the scoring in tbei 3nd with a dlean single. Edward- son advanced hîm and the run scored before Bagneil doubled the side out. Smith started it again, in tbe th with a single. Keeler and Edwerdson singled fllling the secks witb 2 out. Then an error in leit toggied in 2 nuns. Twa enrors in the 9tb, foliowed by 2 bits netted anothen brace and the 5-0 shutout. Port Hope- Keeler lf, Dawiey 2h, Edwardson lb, Zealand c, Foote ss, Ashby cf, Bateman ni, Currelly. 3b, Smith p. Bowmanville: T. Bagneli ri, Yourth ss, Giihooley 2b, Furey if, C. Osborne 3 & lb, W. Bagneli cf, Al Osborne lb, Richards 3b, (8), Tyson c, Michael p. Porta 001 Ô20 002 Royals 000 000 0001 Umpa: Mickey Devive, Reg. Fair, bases. RHE 5 1l 4 0 35 plate; inside or outslde 1 Markham Too Hefty For Local Midgets In the first 2 ai 3 series in the Midget O.B.A. pleydowns, Mark- hem proved too beity for the pint- size Bowmanviile besebeil pros- pects wbo went down '6-1 in fine innings on the High School dia- mond, Friday evening. But tbe local kids were. in there iigbting ail the wey. Markbam fielded a team good enough for. Junior League stand- ing ahi deckIçId out ln sneppy uni- forma whiie the Bpwmanville kids, onphaned by ieck of service club sponsorsbip, appeared in, as- sorted dungarees and canoe sboes, with the odds against them save for expert coacbing by "Dutch" Osborne and sound management by A. H. Sturrock end bis assis- tant Bart Smitbson. Young Ken Fale was assigned' to pitch and went the -entire route with creditable effort.. F atsa Gallagher on the. receiving, end,- wes the lite of the team.and got 3 o!the 5 bits faihing to the team. Fells was touched for 5 hits in the firattframe which plus a weik and an error, accounted for 4 Markem runs. Tben be bianked the visitors for 7 innings straigbt before waiks ançI errors in the 9tb. netted the final twa runs. Bowmanviile got a lone talIy ln the lst. wben Levitt, sai e on an error, was advanced by hits ai Geilagher and Falls and came home on an overtbrow. The local kida nipped several Mark- hem attempts ta steal and piayed pretty sound basebali. Summary: Markham: 6 runs, 12 bits (3 doubles), 3 errons, 2 fanned, 3 walks, 8 thefts. Bowmenville: 1 run, 5 bits, 7 errons, 14 fanned, 0 waiks, 1 theit. Leit on base, Markham 8, Bow- manville 6. Bowmanviile: Hamilton as; Stutt 3b; Levitt 2b; Gaiiagher c; Falis p; Moorecrait r!; Harnden If; Rice lb; Masters cf; Franks If (7); Dudley ph (9). Bowmanville Juniors Battlng Averages" Eric MeIlveen again leads the Rotary Junior Baseball team in batting for- the season 1947. The general averages rate very highiy in the Lakesbore Basebaîl League for the pitcbing bas been af higb calibre. McIlveen's mark ai .419 is e standout and does not take into accaunt the meny times he got on base with deliberate walks. Arty Ciemence cptinues ta de- monstrete that he is a hitting moundsman, which no doubt lsae factor in bis receiving an ofier ta jQin the St. Louis Cardirials. Fol- lowing are tbe battlng averages of the entire teamn: AV E. McIlveen G. Sturrock A. Ciemence A. Sieep.------ G. Cox --------- W. Woodward R. Williamns F. Cowie --- - W. Dadson F. Hoaper A. Martin T. DeGeer D. Rundie --- Hf. Sturnock --- L. Piper........------- .419 .381 .367 .316 .297 .267 .238 .229 .226 . 2261 .200 .187 .154 .086 .000 Soot and scale in the 'furnace or boiler cost money, advises the iCanadian Institute of Piumbing and Heating. Chimneys and furnacea should b. cleaned out durlng the summer, ta save fuel bis. If you are beside yoursell *ith Get into each other's hearts and worry, thlnk af someone besldes we won't be at eaeh other's yourself. throats. *saIas Ue t W». PIsy.d 75 Y.ars Ago Toid by Jim WlUcox An interestlng story of basebail in the 70'9 of lait century is toid by Jarges Wilcax ln the States- nman files af Auguet 31, 1922. *Mr. Wllcox had returned tram Cin- cinnati, Ohio, to hi& native town to visit his brother Wm. Wiicox and sisters Mrs. Jahn Battreil and Mrs. P. Alcumbrack. Mr. Wiicox as a former pro- feszional bail player in Detroit and other American cities was an authority an the game and ai- thaugh he was just one year short ai three score and ten his rnemary waa exceptionally keen on the "gaod aid days" on the bail field. He regretted that he was born 50 years too soon ta participate in the big fat salaries then being paid ta ball players. In 1880, he re- ceived $150 for the season in De- trait and that was consîdered big money for a professionai play- er. Mr. Wilcax recaiied this iine-up ai the Bowmanviile team in 1878; Bill Jones lat, Thos. Shaw 2nd, Gea. Lockheart 3rd, Harry Cole- man short stop, Ed. Coleman, Bill Mitchell and Dave McAiden, field- ers, Cbariie Kelly pitcher; Jas.- Wilcox catcher and Ed. Living- stone utility player. Malcolm Mc- Tavish and W. J. McMurtry had charge of finances and Gea. Climie was officiai scorer. About this time Jim Scafield, a newcomer ta tawn, introduced the curved bail in the art of pitcbing. Bail playing was a strenuous game in the bld days and none ai the playérs used glaves or mnitts. A catcher as well as catchingwith bare bands did not know what a bead mask, chest protector or shin pade were. The backstops anly protection wa§ a thick piece of rubber which partiaily protected bis face. At the first ai the seas- on the players wouid harden their hands wjtb liberal applications ai arnica, well rubbed in. So we find that basebait ia, an aid time outdoor sport wbich was found ta have an enthusiastic fol- iawing in this lacality over 75 years ega. GIRLS'1 PIRST.OF-SEASON ; P EC1A L COATS $12m95 EACH WALKER'S Present . a FIRSTm -Frm-SEASON SPECIAL 4£' PU Dupes'Rgh uai Menti M a BDLUEDESURDEEf -STEM «S riSSTS A. & P. MONEY SAVINO FEATURES-TOP QUALITY-TENDER JUICY CUTS PRICED TO FIT VOUR BUDGET.i DL8DE RO&ST BLADE BONE OUT --I27c PORTEIHOU SSILOIN - M WIIM lb. 52e BNESI lb. 4 Of iP*RISMEi lb.35s GENIJUEZ 5 LM ~LM Slb.'4g< 'b-.29 SEE THESE SPECIAL FEATURES 114 THIS LARGE CHOICE 0F GIRLS' COATS * BIZEi8 8 to 14X *ALL WOOL FABRIOS *PLAID LININGS " INTERLINED " POOKETS " NAILHEAD TRIbMNGB *FUR TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED *LOW PRICE OP $12.95 Wdk~ S1~, Phoe45lTE MODERN STOREBomnle Juniors Take Cobourg lu Second O. BEAU Game v PIay.d Hore Saturday Losing the first game in the Junior O.B.A . playdowns, at Co- bourg, Bawmanvilie Rotary Jun- iors evened the count with an easy 5-1 victory an the Higb Scbool grounids, Saturday. Ciemnence was back on the mound for Bowman- villeand was neyer in doubt un- tii the 8tb when be bad ta bear down after an error in lef t and toslow-foot bunts filled the sacks. Harrison pitched fine bal for Cobourg but 9 theits by the locals plus timely bitting set him down for a loss. McIlveen was the star of the game, getting two hits, stealing 4 bases, registering 3 runs, one a dlean steal borne, and chalking up à feature catch in centre ta spark a double play. Cox also got two saieties and Gord Sturrock bit the q niy extra base ciaut ai the game. Mac started the scoring in the 2nd witb a Texas leaguer. Clem- ence was on through an error. Williams bunted safe, scoring Mac. Cox bunted set e scoring Arty. DeGeer whiffed but Stur- rocl< doubled for the 3rd caunter and was out stealing. Mac took one in the brisket in the 4th, stole twice foliowed by Williams who was also bit, and DeGeer sifted one ta left for a score. Mac hit again in the 8th and advanced an Arty's saf e bunt end the two teamed up an a dou- ble steal that Mac made good at the plate. DeGeer muffed in the 4th ta put a Cobourg runner on base. He advanced on a sacrifice and cantered home when DeGeer flat- footed an easy roller. Cowle taok lef t field in the 8th in time for one mufi end two goad catches. Summary: Cobourg, i run, 7 bits, 2 errors, 7 fanned, 0 walks, 0 theits, 8 left an. Bowmanville, 5 runs, 8 bits, 3 errors, 8 fanned, 1 walked, 9 stole, 4 le! t art. RHE Cobourg 000 100 000 i 7 2 Bowmanvilie 030 100 Qix 5 8 3 Bowmanville fMidgets Loso to Markham 3-O Bowmanvilie's Midget Base- bail Team, pleying a return game et Markham, Monday, hast the conteat by a 3-0 score and were thus elîmi-tated from the O.B.A. playdowns. Markham will now play Niagara Falls in the semi- finals. Aiter iosing the finat game et Bowmenville the local lads were given littie' chance af winning. et Merkbem egainst a team that had piayed together during the pat 4 seasans, wbile Bowmanville Mid- gets bave phayed oniy 3 games in thein entire career. But with young Falls pitching for Bowmanvilhe it proved ta be e close contest with Markham getting onIy one earned run. Bow- manvilie suffered bad umpiring on bases or tbey would bave reg- istered e score as well. Ringwood for Markbam had a slight edge an the mound. Me fanned 13, issued three walks while Falls fanned seven and walked four. Bath teama were beld ta four bits, but two Bow- manvilie errons accounted for two runs. The good showing et Markham was attributed ta the wise coach- ing ai Dutcb Osborne, who sig- nalIed instructions ta the team fram the bench. Four cars took the Bowmanvilie contingent ta Markham. They were dniven by Mns. M. Rice, Rasa Stutt and the team managers A. M. Sturrock and Bart Smithson. Plans are naw under way for the Bowmanville Midgets ta play exhibition games et Oshawa and Whitby in the next few weeks. R. H. E. Bowm'nvilie 000 000 000-O0 4 2 Merkhem 000 100 020-3 4 0 Bowmanville: Hamilton as, Stutt 3h, Harnden 2b,, Gallagher c, Falls p, Masters if, Levitt nf, Moorecraf t ci, Rice lb, Jones ph (9th). y Mun i fflý> THE CANADMN STATES)MN. SÔVn&ANVff,=. ONTAMO THURSDAY, AUGUST 2M, 1947 ,PA cr POUR IINEWMIDWAYTKiRII-LS SBEAUTY,ARTooemUsIc- Tvrcne I1aryest IMtere Services SUNDAY, AUGUST 3lst at 230 and 7:30 pam. DR. DAWSON MATHESON, Dean of Emmanuel- College, Toronto, will be the speaker at both services. Music by TYRONE CHOIR assisted by Mise Alne Northcutt, Bowmanville MONDAY, SEPTEMBER lst Program of Sports beginning at 3 p.m. GIRLS' SOFTBALL GAME - Newcastle vs Orono 4:30 p.m.-4SUPPER FOOTBALL GAME 8:00 p.nt-A DRAMA: "Look Out Lizzie" will b. presented by Sauina Young People. ADMISSION- 75o and 40e 1 Bowmanville i ý Phone 451