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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1947, p. 6

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-c. THUBSDAY, AUQUST 2Sth. 194, TEE CANADIAK ETÂTESMAN U6WAN'u'TT.?.I! I~5~'AUf~ 0. 9.s8 Mary wilI take up nursing after al A~sU<k.L~~ I T LOOKED for a while as if a tem.' porary financial problem in the family miglit keep Mary from finishing "High". If she had to quit school to help the family inconie tiio would have meant good-bye to lier hopes of hecoming a nurse. But here she is, starting lier final year. Did lier Dad suddenly corne into sorne money?. No ... and yes. He consulted bis bank manager, who told hirn low the banki tbuough personal lbans, often helped people to meet just such situations. Arrangement& were made, and now Mary will t ake up nursing after ail. In 1946 Canada's hanks Irnade haif a million personal loans to Canadian men and women. - A BPONSORED &y YOUR *ANX -.0 The ncwcas Dr. and Mns. H. MacDonald of SToronto, who have been holiday- in Halibunton, have been vis- Siting Mr. an.d Mrs. H. S. Britton. Dr. and Mmi. Jack Hare have been spending a few daya wltI SMn. and Mrs. Percy Hane. Mrs. Harold Carr, Port Credit, ;visited hem mother, Mns. W. H. -Cooke. Miss Kathleen Toms spent Wed- nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormiston and Diane, M a p 1 e Grove. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bowman- ville, pneached at Mill St. Unitec Church, Sunday, August 24, and Iwill preach again August 31. Miss Pauline Deline was soloist, her selection being, "The Lord is My Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Rogers were guests of Mr. and Mns. Be- man. Mrs. T. A. Rogers stayed witii Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hancock while Ruth was away on a visit. The Dean of the University of Toronto Law School has an- nounced the appointment of E. Richard Lovekin, Esq., as the ed- itor of the "University of Tarante School of Law Rcview." A carload of members of the Young People's Union attendcd a Fellowship meeting at Ebenezer, Thursday evening, August 21 when the Forward Movemnent Team, Mr. Isaac Mathunni, India, and Mr. Allan Borland were in attendance. Mrs. Charles Alldread, delegate, United Church Evening Auxi- Iliary, W.M.S., and Mn,. Clarence Allin are attending the SchooI for Leaders at Ontario Ladies Col- loge, Whitby. Master Douglas Davey, Enter- prise, is vacationing with his cousin, Master Gardon Garrod. Mn. and Mrs. Irwin Colwill and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner were on a motor trip through Muskoka district. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and Larry spent a few days in Mid- land with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce. Ricky and Wayne stayed with their grandmother, Mi.H. R. Pearce and Mns. Patters. Mns. Embley and Tracy wene in Belleville for the weekend. Tracy has been on two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Riekard have moved into their new apant- ment above Mr. H., C. Bonathan's store. Misses Helen Ash and Eleanon Hancock attended the C.N.E. in Toronto. Miss Eileen Farrow was guest of Miss Margaret Ash. Miss Betty Gray is to take the Position at the Post Office. Miss Margaret Ash will teach ut Crooked Creek. She is now spending a few days in Toronto. Misses Evelyn Allun and Mar- janie Toms have returned fromn Ottawa. Rev ad Mms. Dewdney and family have returned from a wek's vacation at Clyffe House, Port y-y The Prefect of Studies, Loyola College, University of Montreal, has annaunced the appaintment of James P. Lovekin, Esq., M.A., as a Lay Professar in the De- partment of History. Mr. Lovekin has just returned fromn Boston where he completed the research wark for his M.A. Mr. Joseph Hockin, who has been attached ta the Officers'« Training Corps, Kingstan, is now working for Mr. H. C. Bonathan until the University at Ajax opens. Mrs. Hockin and David are here too, with Mrs. W. J. Hockin. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan were on a motor trip through the London and Niagara districts. The Newcastle Horticultumal Society heid a successful Flowor Show and Tea on August 21. The winners were: Wellington Foster Cup - Rev. W. W. Pattenson, with highost points in show; Silver- ware Cabinet - Mrs. J. H. Jose, runnen up of cup; T. Eaton Vase - Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Martin Presented With Gifts On Silver Weddlng About one hundned relatives held a family picnic in Cobourg recently ta celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary o! Inspecter and Mns. A. A. Martin, Brighton. After a bountiful dinner tapped with ice cream, Mm. Arthur Mc- Kay called on Mr. Gardon Martin brother o! the groom, to moud an address expressing the high os- teem in which Mn. and Mmi. Martin are held in the family group and in the surrounding country o! Newcastle and New- tonville, the home of thein child- hood days. Mn. and Mns. Harold Barrow- clough and Mr. Sidney Lockhart then pnesented them with a Dun- can Fyfe walnut ca!fee table, a beautiful mimeor, a silver tray, sugar and cneam set. The picnic was aranged by Mr. and Mmi. Harold Barowlough, Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton. Relatives wene present from Tar- ente, Beaverton, Lindsay, Belle- ville, Newcastle, Orono, Kendal, Newtanville, Pont Hope, Tyrone, Starkvllle, Pontypool and Ce- bourg. NEWCASTLE BEACH COrrAGER SOLVES PROBLEM HOW BEST TO SPEND TIME WHEN ON A VACATION How do people employ thein time when on vacation? Surely there must be something else to do besides deciding the water is too cold ta go in, or acquiring a tan that may range from honey bnown ta fiery red! Last Monday, as your Lake cor- respondent was rounding up news items she found the perfect an- swen to this pnoblem. Here is how: Tooling copper pictunes. This is a highly inter- esting and artistic hobby and is pnacticed by a tiny and vivaciaus lady, Miss Gladys Long. In a charming bungalow on Newcastle Beach, Miss Long turns out her works of art, the oigin of which she discovered in California. This copper craft is quite new, e6pecially in Canada and Eastern States, and the main trouble EVERYBODYS 1jsniTEss 'ty Few men reulize how much a geed memory can help themn succeed in their jobs. Se often I hear a man shamelessly admit: "I have a terrible memory." Always these individuals seem ta con- vey the impression that this was Justuan unlucky accident The truth la that although some people do have natur- ally retentive minds, anyone can imprave hi. memary to a remarkable degmee. To do so, of course, takes extma effort. But the rewards are many and important. At any tinie you may b. able ta supply sanie import- ant ersan with un exact fact or Rgure, and by such a simple uct suddenly gain new prestige. In many other wuys a good memory equips you for progress and builds self. conidence. Modemn psychology ha much ta teach on methods of memnory-trining thut muy help you. But even if you merely concentrate on re. membering you'il become a more efficient and valuable worker. Here is a fact te 'remember: The Life Insurance compani. ies in Canada invest aven 250 million dollars yearly in de- veloping industries and aid- ing government projects, thus the economic and social welfare of the nation. W- 177 lehdeedu Clarke 8814 Df Rev. Patterson, highest points in y- Flower Section; Kari Weyrich Co. s- Copper Tray - .Mrs. J. H. Jose, .2nd highest points in Flower Sec- Fe tion; Massey Cup - Mrs. W. SThomas, best display of House Plants; other exhibitors of House Plants, Jack Wade, Mrs. H. Brown and Mns. S. Johnson, *Newtonville. Other exhibitors in the show were Mrs. J. Brown, Dr. -Butler, Miss McIntosh, Mrs. A. SGlenney, Miss Trenwith, Mrs. e Morris, Newtonville, Miss Butler, Mrs. J. C. Hancock, Miss Warren, -Mrs. H. Hancock, Mrs. C. Megit, ,dMrs. Awde, Miss Joan Bennett, dMrs. C. Ferguson, Mrs. C. A. Cowan, Mrs. Gordon Gray, Mrs. G. Rickard, Miss Blackburn. The y Hicks Seeds prize donated by Dr. Sisson, Bowmanville was won by Miss C. Butler and C. Megit; Mar- *ket Basket prize donated by M. P. Brown, was won by Rev. Pat- h terson. Miss Helen Hallowell is visiting hem grandparentî, Mr. and Mmi. Rusk, Part Hope. Congratulations te Mn. and Mmi. Calvin Dunn wbe wene mur- ried recently. Miss Alice Hallewell, Tomante, ut home. Mm. and Mm.. Llew Hallowell and son Maurice weme ln Toronto when Mauice underwent un op- eratien. Ho is impmovlng n.lcely and is home. Mm. and Mn.. Miller, Coui-tice, with Mr. A. Minto. Mm.. Foresten and daughter Qf Westpomt, have returned home a!- ter visiting Mrs. A. Dobson. Mn. and M.. Sid Hallowell in Poterboro. Miss Domeen Farrow in Peter- bore. Mm.. R. Boughen vislted hem brother M. Art McKay. Mr. and Mmi. Ewamt Robinsan ln Orono. Mn. and Mrs. Ruusell Lowomy and family, Tarante, with M. and Mi. A. Dobsan. Grant Low- ery momained fer holidays. S.S. No.* 9, Clarke The scheol will be sauting next Tuesday with Miss Belch in charge. Our Home & School club meets the following week. Keep this in mind and aise have some change for focs on aponing night. Mn.. Abbie Pethick, Toronto, spent a couple o! day. with ber cousin, Mri. Fred Bowen and ut- tended the Liens Cumnivalinii Omano. Mn. and Mmi. W. A. Downing and Mary visited Geo. Laing and Fred Bowen's. Mmi. Fred Bowen enjoyed a three day holiday with hem sister, Mms. Stockdale in Toronto. Helen Turner la helidaying ut hon aunt's ut Lakefield. Roy Branch and son Russel and Dennis Gibson attended Tar- ante "Ex" on Satumday. Mr. and Mm.. David Hendenson were guests o! Miss Mary Bewen on route ta, and from Tarante. Bill Bowen ha. taken a position with the T. Eaton Ca. Miss Elîle Bottreli sperit a few diys wlth hem sister, Mm,. Carl Ferguson ut Bunketon. Mn. and Mmi. Austin Turner and Mm. and Mmi. Irwin Colwill eni oyed a trip thmough western Ontario gaing via Brampton, Owen Sound, Tobermomy, Muni- toulin Island, Sudbury, Hunts- ville, etc. Kendal, Mm. Alec Little, Toronto, was home. Mmi. Mary Luxon and Marlon with Mmi. Stan Gray, Perrytown. Mns. Wilkinson, Guelph, who taught schoal hene in '41 visited Mm.. Blake Alexander and other friendi. Mm. and Mm,. Chas. Walkem and family are vacutioning with ber parents, Mm. and Mms. C. V. Cooper. Thene is a mavemnent stamted ta secure bus service fmom New- tonville te Kendul. This would. be a stop in the right direction fan Kendul and we hope M. R. Bur- loy will be successful. The tobucco gmowems la thin section are vemy busy putting ln thein cnop of tebacco. The tobacco seems te have withstood thc ex- tnemely bat, dry weather and lu laoking goad. Kendal hadall fans wene much delighted when aur Kendal team jeunneyed to Oronue ad teck the second game of the play- offi by a score of 3-2 thus win- ning the serie in two, straight games fmomn Orono. Baseballisl seems to be lni gettiuug the correct, guage and pouash. However, Miss Long has enough to kecp ber busy for some time and bem collection of thege pictures ha really woruder- fui. Net only an artiat but ualooa glited author, Canadian -born, Miss Long bas written feature ar- ticles for a large city weekly, arud a weekly moviecoliimn. Sh1 a also been guest artist onnyea big radio shows as a whistler, which art she took up in Los An- geles just for "something to do." Her Hollywood movie activities,I cevering many years, took lier ta Mexico, te Alaska, Italy, France and Englund. It la flot surprising ta know she is quite familiar with the Italian and Spanish languag- es. Incidentally, hem mother wus quite a musican and linguist. Miss Long hopea te go back ta Hollywood titis wintem, but ut present she is enjoying a well-de- senved rest home, accampanied by a taîkative Blue Budgie, an amis- tocratic Pekingese, and a lavable blonde cocker spariiel. Kirby Mr. Wm. Thompson, Western Canada, bas been visiting Mn. and Mmi. Jas. Wannan and othen friends. We welcome the two piew fam- illes ta our community. Mr. Wilfred Blgolow and son have been holidýay>ig with hlm parents, Mn. und Mmi. A. J. Bige- low. Visitons: Miss Pearl Mor'now, Hamilton, wlth Mmi. A. J. Bigelow. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper and Grant, Sixth Line,, Mn. and Mmi. Lamne Bryson, Toronto; Mn.. Chas. Thompion, Arthur and An- nie, Kendal and Mn. und Mmi. Wm. Rutherford visited Mn. and Mn.. Wm. Wannan. Mm. and Mmi. Juck Reid and family, Crooked Creek, with Mr. and Mmi. S. B. Rutherford. Mms. Bigelow and Miss Pearl Monnow with Mrs. Wm. Wunnan. Mr. und Mmi. Ernest Gardiner, Quill Lake, Sask., visiting Mn. and Mm.. Wlll Fonder. Mmi. Clarence Marlow and, Bill with Rev. and Mm,. M. R. Sander- son in Tomante. Miss Gwenyth Marlow ut hom. M. and Mi. Walter Wight have movcd ta Armstrong from Churchill. Mr. Sam Jeffrey 'i. visiting Mm,. Kathenine Downey, Tomante. Mm. and Mmi. Bill Bailey, Allis- ton, with Mr. and Mm.. Frank Bailey. Miss Leona Devitt visited ut Ro- chester and Tfrenton. Mr. and Mmi. A. W. Pickand, Mn.. Stuart James, Norman and Douglas, Bowmanville, vislted Mr. W. C. Ferguson. Mms. Cocul Hill and Miss Mena Fenguson are attending the school for leaders in Whitby. Rev. and Mm.. T. W. Ishemwood, Stanley and Mary, are guests ut the Rectomy with Rev. John Mc- Kibbin and faniily. Mr. Isher- wood is new Dinector o! the Cari- adian School for Missions and was guest speaker ut St. John's anni- vemsary services, Sunday. We all hope Mr. George Finlay- son, who is a patient ut the Gen- oral Hospital will sean bo weil eough ta came home. Mr. and Mmi. Ivan Shook and Marianoe Anne, Tarante, with Mmi. John Mamlew. Mr. and Mmi. Rosi Curtis and family, Cobourg, and Mr. and Mmi. Gordon Strong and family, Purple Hill, with Mn.. Robt. Bruce and Miss Mue King. Mr. James Stronç had the mis- fortune ta break his leg. We are pleased ta welcome M. and Mi. Harold Wheelem and fa- mily ta the village. On August 19, Miss Phyllis Stmong entertained a f ew small friends ut hem birthday party. M. and Mi. Feston Ferguson visited their brother and sistens and othens in tho vicînjty while on their holiday. from Ottawa. M. and Mi. D. Domneli have gene ta Montreal by way of St. Cathemines, Niagara, Rochester, clrcling Lake Ontario, and home by Ottawa. The Wman's Missionary meet- ing was held ut Mi. E. Doroll's. As is usual the Auguit meeting took the form o! entemtaining the Mission and Baby Bands and their mothes. Donna Fonder, Sandra Ferguson and MarjrinoMcLean sang salai and Joan Venning and Mena Ferguson moud stanies. Mmi. R. Forguson gave the chapter on India. Mms. D. Dormeli assisted by Mena Ferguson entertained the chlîdren on the lawn while bus- iness was being taken cane of. Thero were 13 girls and four lit- tle boys, Bobbie Wight, Denny Presser, Jimmie Dayes and Lloyd Tnewin, ahl undor five monthi old ut the pamty. Ice cream and coek- les wore senved. Visitons: Mm.. E. Strutt, Enniskillen, Mn. and Mmi. R. Gardiner, Niagara Falls, N.Y., with Mrs. E. Caugh- M1. Mms. Lena Thompson, Mrs. V. Nestler, Miss Madelyn De Mers, Detroit, Mich., are with Mr. and Mm.. J. Carter. Fred Carter hs visiting Glenn Aldned, Norwood. Mn.. Robt. Carter i. with Mrs. W. Breck, Pont Hope. Mmi. Osborne and grandson, Paul, Port Hope, are with Mn. and Mmi. K. ]Roblin. an Nine out of ton Canadian furr homes still carry water fromi well for domestic needs. Young Womuen become a R.. N.I Hers is an oppoigualty for young wemen go train as Reglstered Nurses*. The Course lasts three years with two of them nt one of the centres below. Moathly allowaaces raagiag main $25 go $50 are granted duriusj the full perIod plus fn oom, board, laundry and uniformi. Students have three weeks' vacation each 7BBt. Seconda"y School Gradua. dion Diploma is required for enrolment. Ex. Service womea reouiroor 4Middle Schol ubjcts(apipera)é lteglsirgoIedenssophemes i . .iwIy »WtW- TeSuperintendent ONTARIO HOSPITAI. of ony one of the foflowing cenires IEOcCVII LONDON HAMILTON NWr TORtONVO KINOSTON WNITSY or am., Onftu. e spftI@ý pariem.nt Buildings. DUPARTAMUNT 0F HEALYN PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO Ni.. lu AdT KII. Nine billion dollars wu s pent in U.S.A. lIn 1946 for liquor. ear. hat the [Ott. ter een Ital and Dw- ood min the vuas kin- vay ex- uts; reil the oes- Mic- lily finunhed locally for another ye It was wlth deep regtret t) this comrnunlty learned cof1 sudden passing of Annette ElII Mer death came as a gros shock toa ai as Annette had be home fmom Bowmanville Hospi for ton d.ays and played amou appunently in geod health. Hc ever on Tuesday, a clot cf bl< suddenly fommed on thc bm and Annette was rushed te Wellesley Hospitul, ln Tomr Theme, a delicute eperation v pomfenmod but she nover reg& cd censciousness and passed aw. Aug. 13th. The heamtfelt îs' pathy cf the cemmunity la tended to the bereavcd paner te the three brothers, Rosa, N~ and Harland and aise te f rundpaments, Mn. and Mn.. W4 ley Elliott. Service was candi ted prlvutely fmom thc fam. nesidence, Aug. l6th. Blackstock i I j Koop wý et c"m uu m*m MOUETSI wm wma of ""W. Famu * Aýýj, Su-P es 1 W@ "W »MW Iko dà i SUN $17-00 Per ton sold by Owen Nicholas Readlng-Authracite Coul Semct-Solvay Coke Beciuty is oui' Business Smart Headwork Is Yours! 1 a nno0u n c n g the opening of Wanda' Beauty Shop 80 KING STREET WEIST Appolntments wilI be taken stamting Friday, August 29th. Please make appointments at desk. ALL TYPES or BRAUTY CULTOI j Shampoo Shampoa Shampoa Shampoo 2 7-63-89 $1.00 75e 25c-49c New Charm Kuri CoId Wave $1.79 FPOR HAY JE VER Razmah Caps - 50c-$1-$5 Allergltabs - $1.00 -$2.50 Estivin Drops - - $1.23 Lantigen l'E"l' - $6.00 Nyal Nasal Drops 350 Vicks Drops - - 43e Cert Health Sait$' English Style 1 lb. 59e Ton. Ray Sun GMasses wlth modern frames $2.75 - $3.25 - $6.00 - $1.00 Lux Soap 2 for - - 15o KERSLAKE SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE SUITABLE FOR BEETS AND CUCUMBERS NYSORBO*"" LINIMENT Relieves Arthlete7s Foot and is excellent for pain& and aprains, flou- rnts, lumbago, aciatica, etc. 4 oz. size 49c 10 oz. $ 1.00 aIZ. Noxzema Aika Thermos Lunch Cream Seltzer Botties Kits 39-59-98 29c-57c 1.19-1,850 69C Phon COWLING'S DRUG STORETrWel John T. MceCreery Optometrist Eyes Exmlùned - Glasseo Fîtted Thursday - 2 p.m. to, 8 p.m. Optical Repaira COWLING'S DRUG STORE -F. PACE Mx A BEAUTIFUL DU1A MON D RING US A LOVELY WAY TO EXPRESS D EVOTION Rer engagement diamond in more than a loTely gift. It wiU b. a source of joy and pride through anl the yeu head. Choc, it here from our uuletiOu of guarantue diamond rings. AI&L DL4MOND INGS INSUR» FREEE AND GUARANTEED PERFECT. DROP IN TODAY HOOPER 'S, JEWMELLRY & IFT SRP Phone 747 Bowmanville 28 King St. W. BE READY WITH sTUùRDY SNOES Make sure your children'a shoes are in perfect shape to mtart back to school. Brhng them lIn today for a complet. overhaul. Ail work guaranteed Only best materlal used DO WMAN VILLE SHIOE REPAIR 12 Division Street A THE C"ADL4N STATmomm. lowMANVMIX, ONTAwn f UNM 1 gai. quantity 35e gai. quantity 20e

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