t * !IlEDAY, -SEPT. 4th, 1047 h.- -Blackstockc 8 éptem~br meeting of Women's i1titute wax, nwived on ocie week 4~a=cont of the £air and was fie1d4 Aug. 27th in the United Churciz basement, with a good *;»tten4ance.- We were very for- ..tunate ta have wlth us.Miss Aik- nTyifone, who presented a fine 4Mreu -on, "*ldcrats" and ,,Uhbed shlls, UD,«'i irtnàgsï Bowmanville ýMotor Sales FOR SAFE, NEW ~IODrVÇEARS Yi en, ocon- oiichl service than any other tire. Get brand new Goodyears today! so Your GeOOD A Bowmanvil le Motor Sales C. E. Murreil DODGE-DESOTO DEALER 166 King St. IL, Phone 595 etc. Anather special feature was a sklt "Sleeping Garnients"' by the mexnbers of the Girls Club, and -6xey demonstrated their w*ork. The meeting was greatly enjoyed. Tbe Continuation School open- cd Tuesday with the former tea- chers agalii their places. Mn. R. P. Allin, Principal, with Mns. Ediith Butler, Miss J. Moore and Mr. C. R. Sutherlandi, assistants. Miss Phyllis Gray is back again at the Public School. *Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy (nec Margaret 140'ckén) who wene mannied at the Unitedi Church on Satuntiay, andi to Mn. andi Mis. Reginaid Middlle- ton (nec Elèanon Vine) who wene iarrieti at hen parents' home on Saturday. Mr. Bob Smith has been trans- ferred. from. Timmins to Cobourg by G.M. Parts anti Service andi visiteti bis parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Chas. Smith. Mn. anti Mrs. Jack Kewen, To- ronto, at the Tnewin Bras. ,Many fnam this district attend- cd the Port Penny Fair on Labor Day. Mrs. Osmond Wright visited her grandchildnen in Toronto. Haydon Mn. anti Mis. D. MacKenzie anti fami]y, Mn. anti Mrs. D. Fontaine, Mn. anti Mns. Jim Grant, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. Mn. anti Mrs. Bert Ashton anti family, Mn. Louis Ashton anti Mary Lou, Toronto, at Mn. H. Ashton's. Mn. anti Mns. Fred Ashton anti iamîly, Toronto, at Mn. A. Read's. Mn. anti Mns. Brock Penny, Cîow Lake, Miss T. Cox, Toronto, Mn. anti Mrs. Nelson Gage anti family, Thannhill, at Mn. M. Ber- trim's. Dr. anti Mrs. Steckley anti Patty, Oshawa, with Mn. Allun Staint on. Mn. and Mrs. Hanny Brooking, Port Bitain, Miss Dorothy Wright ai Bethestia, at Mn. C. Slemon's. Mn. anti Mns. Sulas Trewin, Mn. anti Mr. Cliffonti Trewin, Miss Clane Tnewin, Bowmanvile, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, at Mn. W. Trewin's. Mn. anti Mis. Cecil Siemon at Mr. Raymondi Davey's, Bunketon. . Margaret Rankine bas return- cd home for school aftcr spenti- ing the summer holitisys with ber mothen in Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Werry, Boyd andi June, Toronto, Mn. Ross Ashton, Leaside, Mn. anti Mns. R. Onmiston, Mns. H. J. Wcnry, En- niskillcn, at Mn. Lloyd Ashtoni's. Mr. andi Mis. Jack Potts anti Lynda motored to Colllngwood' andi vlslted bis parents. Miss June Anderson has ne- turneti to take upher duties as teachen. She la staying at Mn. H. Ashton's. Church service was withdrawn on Suntiay on account of Tyrone Hanvest Home, services. Sunday School will be reswnxed on Sun- day at the usual hour of 2 p.m., after bcing closeti duning July anti August, and church service at 3 p.m. Mn. anti Mis. A. Beech at Mn. W. Smith's, Oshawa. Those attending the Ex. from here wenc 'Mn. anti Mns. W. Blackburn and famuly, Mrs. T. Cowling and Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech, Mrs. A. Reati and Clayton. James Grahami accompanieti by Barr, Tyrone, visited at Carl Tic- vithick's, Brinsley, who accom- panieti them ta Grand Bend on Lake Huron for holidays. Due ta the excessive heat only tour wcne present for service on Sunday aftennoon. Mns. A. Read and Clayton at Mn. Bert Ashton's, Toronto. Mr. Melville Bentrim and Helen at Toronto. Mr. anti Mrs. Wesley Bnownlee, Leasitie, at Mn. Lloyd Ashton's. Ray Ashton rcturned home with them for a few days. Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ash- ton anti family, Toranto, at Mn. H. Ashton's. Newtonville Rev. anti Mns. H. A. Bunt anti Bert icturneti fnom holidaying on the shores of Rice Lake, Monday evcning. Mn. Bunt will be on handti t conduct the services on Suntiay, Sept. 7th. Dr. T. W. Thompson, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., together with Mrs. Thompson anti their two chiltiren, Betty anti Mary were callers, at the pansanage on Monday even- ing. Dr. Thompson is a brother ai Mrs. Bunt. Mn. Stephon Peer of Part Credit, was with the Thompson party. Rcv. anti Mns. H. A. Bunt wbo were on vacation at their cottage on Rice Lake ententaineti the ladies ai Kendal, Shiloh andi New- tonvilie on Wednesday. Two car loatis went from here anti repart a grand day. Sunday cvening Rev. Robent Wragg took the evening service and preachcd ta a goati congre- gation. H-e with bis wiie and two uittle daughters aie bolitiaying with bis mothen anti brother, Oswald. Mn. anti. Mis. Harvey Pactien anti family are home from Cali- fornia visiting bi s- mthen, Mis. John Pacten.. Mis. Ernest Tîigg anti daughteri Madeline Banken, Detroit, Mich., visiteti Mn. andi Mis. Willis Far- row. Mns. Mabel Langstaii, Mr. Wm. Burley anti Mn. anti Mrs. Willis Farrow motoreti ta Cetiar Valley, Manday ta join i.i the family ne- 'union i. honour of Mi. Alex Marshali's,9OYth birthday. He ne- sides with his daughter, Mns. McPherson. Emiiskillen Mr. anti Mrs. Milton Stainton, Dorothy anti Clarence, at Mi. Sid- Parson's, Bowmanville. Mn. anti Mrs. Hugh McKee, Miss Lena McKee, Manlette, Mich., Mrs. Gannet Towns, Daviti anti Alan, Cobourg, at Milton Stain- ton's. Mn. anti Mns. Gea. W. James, Town, anti Mrs. J. F. Oke, Hols- wvorthy, Devon, Englanti, wce guests ai Mn. anti Mis. J. A. Werry. It was a happy meeting for Mrs. Weriy anti Mrs. Oke as they came fram the same district n Devon. Cowanville Misses Georgina anti Pboebe Edwards, Mr. anti Mrs. J. J. W. Stninger hati tea with Mn. anti Mrs. Wcs. Stninger, Satuiday. Mns. Annie McKenzie, Man., sister oi Andrew Bandy, bas been 'visiting with Mn. anti Mis. Andrew Bantiy. Thc W.A. of Clarke wifl hald their meeting at the home oi Mns. Bob Hancock. New beginners at Cowanvillc Schoal are Helen Hancack, Ruth Getlick anti Hilliarti Simpson, Jr., with Miss Joan Harncss as thein teachen. Miss Hielen Getlick wiil enter High School, Bowmanvillc, anti Miss Doneen Witty will enter Higb School, Orono. Mrs. Nana Triggs, Mns. Matdine Banken and frienti, Detrait, Mich., visiteti with Mn. anti Mis. Wes. Stringer at dinnen time anti Mn. anti -Mrs. Clarence Burley's at tea time. Mns. Alf Perrin and son, Tom- my, attendeti a birtbday party at iMn. anti Mis. Bob Hendry's, Baw- manville, fan their son, Jimmy. Mn. and Mns. Frank Ogden, Mn. andi Mns. Oin Ogden anti baby, Toronto, at Mr. Hector Millson's. (Intendeti for last week) Mn. anti Mns. Erie Edwands andi san, Peterbano, at the Edwantis' home. Miss Helen HaUlowell with ber grantipanents in Part Hope. Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Glover and son, Toronto, Mn. anti Mrs. Stan Brown, Oshawa, Mis. Murray Ponter anti Sandra, Bowmanville, hati tea with Mn. anti Mis. Wes. Stringer, Suntiay. Miss Violet Hollingswonth bas accepteti a position i. the Walk- er's Store, Bawmanviile. Rev. W. P. Rotigens, a former ministen of Clarke, toak change ai the church service at Clarkç on 'Sunday anti will also be in chaàrge *next Sunday.. Tt is by presence ai mmnd in untrieti erergencies that the na- tive metal ai a man is testet.- * Lowell. Hampton. Mise PearlGilibert, R.N To- ronto,, visited her parents: Mr. and Mns. Geo. Gilbert." Mrs. Edith Blackr, Bowmanville, with Miss WilmaLeach. Mrs. K. Winterburn with fr1- ends at Lindsay. Miss Beverly Stevenson, Maple Grave, visited her coùsin,ýM4.ss Evelyn Randie. Mr. and Mrs. Brownï and daughters,. Nancy and. Virginia Courtice, and Miss Mary ,Wilki.s, R.N, Oshawa, with Mr. and'Mrs. Gerald Balson. Mrs. Arthur Loveli,' Dexter, Mich., visited her bx'others, Sam2 and Perey Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe, Marilyn and Pearl, Taunton., Mrs. Maude Bright, Raglan, Mrs. Geo. McCullough visited Mrs. Elmer Wilbur. Arnot Wotten, Gail and Ronnie Baker, Sauina, Miss Janice Baker, Georgetown, with their aunt, Mrs. Sam Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne McMul. len, Trenton, Mich., Mr. and.Mrs. Carl McMullen and family, Osh- awa, were visitors with Mrs. F. Rogers and Mrs. T. MeMullen. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young, Dennie and Sylvia, Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saiter. Miss Ruby Ciatworthy;- R.N., Bowmanville, with Mrs. Austin Barron.. Morley Hastings, Toronto, at G. Adcock's. Raymond Petit, Long Branch, spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Caughill, Burketon, witli Mrs. Ida Smale. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy at- tended the funex'als of Mr.- and Mrs. William Sameils, Nestieton, the latter passing away two weeks later than her busband. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smale and friends, Detroit, Mich,, visited his mother, Mrs. Ida Smale. Miss Ruby Dewell is holidaying at Percy Deweil's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jacob and daughter, Joan, Guelph, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn. Mr. L. S. Caverly, Toronto, withi Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly and C. W. Souch. Mrs. Annie Calwill, Owen* Sound, with Miss L. Reynolds, and renewing friendships in the village. Mrs. E. H. Cale with friends in Toronto. Raliy Day willi be obsenved in the Sunday School on Sunday aftennoon at 2:15. Mr. and Mrs. Wili Chapman have returned from a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nash, Detroit, Mich.. Miss Phyllis Niddery left on 1947 ANNUAL Auspices i;ÔuTH oNTARIO-.. AGIRICULTURAL - SOCIETY 1 3 BIG DAÀY S S T AR T 8 NO N., SEPT* 8 Exhi bits Horses - Cattie Sheep - Swine Vegetable Flower - Fruit Manufacturers 0 HARNESS R ACE S - Featuring - McDONNELL MOBILE STARTING GATE $1100 Parsec * e* - Pony Races BERNARD & BARRY MID WAY SHOWS . * e Bands GATES OPEN DAILY 9a.m. Admission 35c CHILDREN 10e Tyrone Mn. and Mrs. J. MacDonald, Qalt, sperit the weekend with Mr. andi Mrs*.'E.* Deeley. Mr. Dudley Deeiey spent the weekend in TÉoronto and attended the wedding of his friend, John Goode. Owing tq a death, in the family, Dr. Dawson Matheson,' Toranto, was unable ta take charge of the iTyrone Harve,5t Home services Sunday. Rev. Dr. C. Oke, Wel- *came, very kindly substituted and preached two splendid sermons. Tyrone choir furnished splendid music assisted by the maie quar- 1tette. i. the afternoon, and Miss Alne Northcutt, Bowmanville, *in the cvening sang a loveiy sala, i"I Walked Whene Jesus Walked.". Monday afternoon a football gaine between married men and single men resulted in score 2-1 for married men' Handball game betwecn Salem and Tyrone end- cd Salem .17, Tyrone 7. At five a'clack a delicious supper was served by the ladies tili ail were satisficd. Sauina Young People *presented their play 7' Look Out Lizzie," which was exceptionally wcli gîven with lQts af iaughs. This cammunity extends deep sympathy to Mrs. Fred McRo>berts and family in the death af hus- band and father and also ta the bereaved brothers and sister. Miss Ada Wight, Edmonton,' called on relatives. Miss Aima Madili, Port Arthur, with Mrs. Lorne Annis. Mn. andI Mrs._~ Chas. Wage, 'Bo'bbic, and SandYka, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon, Johnson City, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp. Mrs.' M. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. George White and Jean, Bowman- ville, Mr. and, Mrs. Wiii Cann, Salem, with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Werry. Miss Arline Nothcutt and frienti with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Brent. .Mrs. S. Jeweli with Mr. an.d Mrs. Earl Shipman, Courtice. Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Bishop, Helen and Donnie, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewel. Mrs. Mary Griffin, Enniskilien, Mrs. H, Rahm, Burkctoi-4 with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stonehouse, Oshawa, with Mn. -and Mis. Leslie Coambes.-1 Mr. anti Mrs. Charles Shaw andi family, Bowmanville, with Mr. andi Mns. E. A. Virtue. Mn. and Mrs. Eari Stephens, Joan and Louise, Sutton, Mn. andi Mrs. Leslie Brooks, Bawmanviiie, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Miss K. Macdonald, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macdion- ald. Miss Nina Hodgson, Washing- ton, D.C., with ber parents, Mr., andi Mrs. Robt. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, Kedron, Miss Eida Mountjoy, Osh- awa, Miss Shirley Park, Mr. andi Mis. Russell Wright, Dorothy and Marion and Mr. Douglas Barr with. Mr. anti Mrs. S. Jewell. Mrs. Stan Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville, with Mrs. Laura Virtue. Mrs. Harry Mercer, Orono, with Mr. Wm. Virtue and Mn. and Mrs. *Russell Virtue. Mns. Nellile Scorgie, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, Toronto, with Mrs. W. Worden. Mr. and Mrs. Harry James, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. Mr. Wili Webben, Newcastle, Mr. anti Mrs. Floyd Beckett, En- niskiilen, with Mn. anti Mns. 0. Beckett. Mns. Percy Cann, Reta and Joan, Salemn, with Mr. andi Mrs. Neil Ycllowlees. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatberly and chiltiren, Dixie, Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Hooey, New Toronta, with Mr. andi Mrs. R. Hatherly. Miss Lillian Taylor, Aylmer, with Mn. and Mrs. George Ail- dreati. Rev. DrtC..Oke, Welcomc, Mr. D. C. White, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. R. M White, Elizabethville, Mr. W. S. Staples, Bowmanville, with Mr. anti Mrs Everton White. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Carruthers, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Black, Toronta, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller. Miss Florence Gardner, Bow- manville, with Mrs. Annie Phil- lips. Mn. Wm. Virtue is visitin i Phone 747, 28 King St. W. Bowmanville PAGE ELEVEN Thursday for Torontô where she wi train at St. Michael's Hos- pital. Miss Nancy Johxns ..rntwneto teaching duties &.t Toronto on Monday. Miss Margaret Purdon returneti ta ber school. at Chernywood after spending a f.ew days at home. Schoql re-openeti hene on Tues- day with Mr.' R. Farrow, principal anti Mis. Chas. Warren in change af the Junior rooni. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warren have returneti froni an enjoyable two weeks' trip ta the, Thousand Islands, New. Yark, Montreal, Quebec City and Ottawa. Mr. anti Mms Merwin Mountjay mnotoncdt t Fenelon Falls and en- joyed . cruises on Sturgeon, Lake visiting Bobcaygeon anti other points. Neighbours ai Mn. anti Mrs. Norman Scott gatheneti at their home for an. evening togethen be- fore they leit for their ncw home at Columbus.. During the evening Wallace Pascoe calîcti the meet- ing ta, order anti lMrs. G. Bowman reati an addîess followcti by the presentation ai a lovely table lamp by Cecil Hubband, an behaîf af the community. Mn. anti Mrs, Scott both repiieti thanking their frientis for such a fine parting gi anti exprcssing regret at leav- ing the community where they have spent so many ycans. The evening was spent icnewing olti acquaintances anti meeting new ones, andi a generaus lunch was serveti. Wc are sorry ta lose Mn. anti Mns. Scott fromn this coni- munity. We welcomne Mn. anti Mns. Stanley Grills, Calumbus, who have purchaseti the faim. Mn. Scott helti an auction sale ai livcstock anti impiements on Friday. Murray Prescott has resumed studies at Port Penny High School. Mary Helen Bowman is attend- ing Blackstock Continuation School. Glenn Prescott visited with Keith Gibson, Gneenbank. Mrs. W. Ashton bas resumnet teaching duties. Miss Vena Stinson, Miss Ruth Prescott, Mn. W. Gray, Billy Gray, Toronta, are spentiing the holiday weekenti here. Mn. and Mis. E. W. Pascoe, Mn. anti Mrs. C. L. Mackey, Mis. L. Pascae, Mrs. A. Stephenson, Oshawa, Mr. andi Mrs. H. L. Pas- a i Burketon Oui -school. opened Sept. 2nd with a good attendance. Sevex'al ne w small childien starteti with Miss Jeanne Coulter of Pantypool as teacher. Sanie ai the older scholars are helping on the tobacco fanms for two wceks longer.. Mr. and Mis. Cecil Roblin anti chiltiren, Picton, with Mn. anti Mrs. Ken Rablin. Mn. anti Mrs. E. Adamis in Port Hope. Mrs. J. Gatchell, Murray anti Abbott with Mn. T. Gatcheîl, Kini- maunt. Miss Lois McMullen, Janetville, with Mn. anti Mns. E. Adams. Mn. anti Mrs. Herb Caughill anti Pat, Niagana-on-the-lake, with Mrs. E. Caughill. .Mn. anti Mrs. R. Gardinen, Nia- gara Falls, N.Y., with Mn. anti Mrs. J. Strange. Mn. R. J. MacDonald, Rolanti anti Larry, Mn. anti Mis. Chas. Brown, Detroit, Mn. anti Mis. Roy MacDonald anti Manline, Bow- manville, Mns. T. Bailcy and Ruby with Mn. W. J. Berry,-Bow- manville. Mn. anti Mrs. George Carter, Bowmanviile, Misses Mabel anti Neily Webb, Roy anti Genalti Barnard, Toronto, were holiday visitons with Mn. anti Mis. J. Carter. Mr. anti Mrs. Lamne Dean, Osh- awa, with Mn. anti Mrs. C. Dean. Enfi.eld coe, Columbus, James Eowman, Chanute Field, MI., U.S., atG. Bowman's. Several have attended the C.N. E. Mrs. James Davitison, Oshawa, at A. W. Prescott's. Mr. and Mis. A. W. Pîescott anti family at Harold -Pîescott's, Orono. Mr. anti Mis. Russell Radbourne andi Brent Radbourne, Miss Rose Brent, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. N. Hughson, Myrtie, Mr. anti Mrs. Newton Taylor and Stanley, ]Bunketon, at Talmage Taylor's. Mis. J. J. Ormiston,' Raglan, is convalescing at her daughter's, Mrs. J. Stark. Mis. A. MacRae sang a soiJion Sunday in ber usual lovely voice. Women's Imat Held Quiz Programme An unusual but none the less interesting pnogram featureti thc August meeting of Bowmanville Women's Institute which was helti i. the Union Hall, on Thursday, August 28. Mrs. G. C. Allchin anti group were conveners anti on account ai the very warm weather, decided to dispense with a speaker anti have instead, bni refenences ta the topic on Home Economics, given by several members of the gnaup. Mrs. C. Robinson anti Mis. Mina Colwell contiucted a quiz, asking questions in the style ai aur best radio cammentatons anti affcring "silver dollars" foi correct solu- tions. Severqil members answer- cd correctly such questions as "When faclng an etige, shoulti thé material used be cut straight or on the bias?" "How long is a reg- ulation tape measure?" anti "What anc the ingredients in baking powder?" anti many msore per- taining ta the topic, Prizes, in neat envelopes, causeti much mer- riment as they were pennies and not silver dollars. Mis. Walter Davis testeti the membens academic abiities whcn she off ereti fan thein considera- tion names of house iurnishings in a modern home, anti îeqitestcti that the woîds should be spelleti in an olt-iashioned spelling con- test. Mis. G. C. Alîchin ententaineti with an apprapniate reading. USED CARS FOR SALE, 1940 Plymouth Custom Sedan 1937 Plymouth Sedan ]BOTE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION ART'S GARAGE, HAMPTON GUARANTEED USED CARS PHONE 2148 Plan NOW For Your WHITE CHRISTMAS A set of sîlver, a git wivhch al the famlly wîil apprecl'm Our layaway plan, will have your ring on samebody 's finger by the holidays- fully pald for Give Brae- lets this Christmas! Wrlst-fiatter- lng, ultra- modern styl- Ing. Give her or hlmi a beautiful watch. Ail accurate time- keepers and guare auteed. See thens whlle we have a large stock. GENERAL REPAIRS TE£ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV1LLZ, ONTAIUO AT P. F. MORRI~S 00. STORES Duncan Phyfe Dinin*g Room Groupings New fali shipments ln walnut and mahogany 5 ta 9 piece suites in varions sizes New Studio Couches. and Bed Davenporis Cômfortable louages by day-an extra bed at night Fine veloun anti repp covers in a chaice ai calons. Ail with backs anti ward- robe drawer, wooti or chrome anms optianal. Befter Mattresses for Resiful Sleep! Spring-filled, cotton and feit mattresses in ail standard aizes now In stock Marshall - - Simmons Sleepmaster Guaranteed Bed-Sprlngs Sagless Cable Slat and Box Springs to give the perfect combination of sleep comnf rt Fa F. MORRIScou., PHONE 480 37 KING ST. EAST You'd like fo give beautiful gifis of lasti- ing quality. . You can by taking ad- vantage of our budget lay-away plan. Here's how if works-you select now the gifts you want from our entire stock and pay for them in convenient weekly or monthly instailments. When Christ- mias rolis around, your gifts will be completely paid for. The suggestions at right are but a few of the many lovely gifts on our shelves. Stace your Christmas bis Plan for Chriutmas in Seplember! HKOOPER'S' JEWELLERY. & GIFT SEOP mai lois# Y, PAGE zlxvm Mns. L. S. Duinas, p)resideLt presided for the business- met* ing when plai% were Outlitue4 for the anpual bazar to 4bo hel4 orâ October 30. Ton Ioelg yàua of thtobblng otdlca fort tIeci. sng oa n cslloass. iwa difftcnt to wlk ... 1 trid maby prepartions -ithout resuit." "dNOW, HURRAH'FOR MR.EXlà" I'After ODIY thme nights' wtre tw~ ps-Ex* rites Mrs ......."mis havE relef. Par-Ex is gand." Do S others aZe doing.' Let Par-Ex help YOU to new t1btilling oo coeor.Git aboule of Fi>r.Ex tod&y. QUicý relief or moner back. This la The Béat Place To 5.11 Your PRODUCE. At this season of the year-v are especially good buyers of' HENS - SPRING CHICK]UNS EGGS - SPRING LAMBS sf1. VEAL CALVES if we are not gettlnt your pro- duce now we would appreciate your givlng us a trial. You will find our prices equal ta or better than those you can.get elsewhere. Pickering Farnis Ltd Whitby 336- Night or Day Whitby -Ontario