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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1947, p. 13

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Y, SEPT. 4~h, 184? THE CAi'~ADIA1'1 STA1'iShLAI.4. kîC>WMAN VILLE. ONTARIO '1b~ F4? ~6V4f 2556'17Y '5'~4Iflf I. . I BIRTiIS Duicly'arethippy-to unnoumce tb-6rt f e1on, John Paul, on August 24, 1947, at -Bowman- ileHospital. A baby brother for Stephen., 3671 COURTICE-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Court4eý (nee . ona Wood) are hiappy ta announce the birth of ýjhei.r. d1tughter Lynda Dianne, on Satûrday, August 23rd, 1947, at thejBowmanvilie Hospital. 36-1* COï-Mr. 'ad Mrs. Eiwood Cale, 555 Cgrlaw Ave., Taronto, Ont., wlshto announce the arrivai of theiÉ daughter Maorgaret Joanne at Toronto General Hospital on August 8th, 1947. 36-1 GIÉSÔN-Mr. and Mr. Wallace Gibson,. Newcastle,. announce the blrth of their son, James Russell, et Bownianville Hospital on Wed - nesday, August 27, 1947. A bro- ther for Gerald. 36-1* SDEATHS A kRNrTHY-At the residence of er daughter, Mrs. Edivin De .Wque«, 577 Armnour Rd., Peterbor- ougýh, on Wedneaday, September Ïr, 9 7. Mary Hogg Aberniethy, *wi ôÏ ot John J. Abernethy, in lier 84th year. Resting at the MisFuneral Chapel, Bowman- i ville, from Thursday afternoon. ý;viceA-n the-Chapel on Friday, ~Sep*ember 5th, at 4 p.m. Inter- rnqpt Bowmanvjlle cehietery. Aff LIN-At the residence, 7 Cen ti tBowmanville, on 6Aug1st 2b,1947, Elizabeth Ami Allun, aed 80 years. KLY-In Brantford on August 2941947, Isabelle L. Kelly, belov- qedia'ghter of Mr. and Mrs. H. ILI elyBowmanville, aged 19. ,M4LVEEN-On Tuesday, AuguÈt 29'; 1947, in Bowmanville, Ange- li" McBrieri, widow of Francis MXevééh, aged 90 years. Inter-t .zne"i August 28 at Clinton cern-f etery. 36-1t McROBERTS-In Tyrone on Au-1 I gust 30, 1947, Wilfred 'Fred' Mc- Rtoberts, beloved husband of Mar- igaret Brown in his 70th year. In-t ýterment Orono cemetery.t FRICKARD-At the Bewmanville 'Hospital on September 2nd, 1947, :Walter James Stanley Rickard, beloved hpsband a! Gertrude Pearce, aged 70 years. Resting a! the Morris Funcrai Chapel until Fn'iday riten. Private service at hiq 4te residence, Hlghway Na. 2, on*.Fr~iday at 2 o'clock. Funeral Iro~ the United Church, New- cxstlc at 3 p.m. Interment Bow- inanville cemctcry. SAMELLS-At Nestieton on Sun- dey, August 3)., 1947, Emma J. e6ountjoy, belwved wri!e o! the !1aýte William Samelis, in ber 79th year. Funeral service at Nestie- ton United Church on Tucsday, September 2, a! 2:30 p.m. In- t4~ment Nestieton cemetery. MARRIAGE TIGHE-CAMERON -In Hamil- ton on August 29, 1947, by the ]Rev. J. P. Dickenson, Miss Lois Cameron, daughter o! Mrs. John Walton and the late Mr. Walton, 60 Dentonia Park Ave., Tarante, and Frank Harrison Tighc, aides! son a! Mrs. F. T. Tighe and the late Dr. Tighe, Bowmanviile. 36-1' ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. anid Mrs. William Hale, o! Newtonville, announce thc en- gagement of their daughter Edith Mday ta Howard Keith Davey, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey, Burke- ton. The wedding ta take place the middle a! September. 36-1* The engagement is announced o! Marguerite (Sally) Switzer, R.N., Hamilton, Ont., yauriger daughter o! Mr. Frank Switzer and the late Mrs. Switzer, ta William McGre- gar Jones, Burlington, Ont., only son o! Mrs. W. D. Joncs and Uic late Mr. Joncs. The marriage will take place Sept. Oth, 1947. 36-1* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stinson, Nestlcton, Ont., wisb ta announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Lolà Bernice, ta Mor- ley Keith Bruce, eldest son a! Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce, o! Sca- grave, Ont. The marriage will take place an Saturday, Septem- ber 20. 36-1* The engagement is announced cf Mary Ruth Kcrnaghan, daugh- ter o! Mrs. W. 0. Scbram and the late Ralph Kernaghan, ta Ray- mond Charles Bennett, son o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Bennett, Toronto. The marriage ta take p)lace September 20, at 4 p.m.. at St. George's An- glican Churcb, Newcastle. 36-1* The engagement is announccd of Mary Audrey, only daugbter o! Mrs. Addie Rose, Peterborough, Ontario, and the late Mr. Rose, ta Lewis Roland Stone, youngcst son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stone, Newtonviiie, Ontario. The wed- ding wiil take place September 27th, at 2:30 p.m. in Murray St. Baptist Church, Peterborough, Ontario. 36-1*- CARDS 0F THÂNK wý- Mrs. Ross Richards wishes ta express sincere appreciation ta relatives and friends for their many kindnesses, flowcrs and carda sent durlng the three wecks she was in Oshawa General Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly wisb ta tbank their fricnds for cards, flewers and gifts sent their daugh- ter during ber ilîness and the kind friends who took tbem te sec their daugbter. AIse thanks for flow- Vcrs and messages e! sympatby in their bereavement with special tbanks ta Dr. C. W. Siemon. 36-1* Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Elliott and famiiy wish ta express ta their many friends, relatives and neigh- bers their heartfelt thanks and ,appreciation for acta cf kindness, messages o! sympathy, gifts and beautiful floral tributes, extended ta tbem during the iliness-and sad bereavemènt in the death o! their daughter, Annette, Especialiy thanking Dr. A. F. McKenzie for his untiring efforts and Rev. H. A. Bunt for his words o! comfort. 36-1* COMING EVENTS Sunday evcning service at Burk- eton is cancelled. Details later. Regular service Sunday morning at Il ani. 36-1* Personal SLENDOR Tabiets are eff ectiv 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks$ at McGregor's Drug Store. 36. vre. $-i HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid ini plain sealed envelope with price lis!. Six samples 25c; 24 sampies $1,00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-9.1 Vccal Studic Mrs. Gjordon Harle Mnr. Harle, who is a senior vocal student of'-Miss Bileen Law, Royal Conservatory of Music (Toronto) wishes te announce openings for a imited number of pupils in- terested in the art of singing. Information regarding rates, etc., may be obtained at the studio, 111 Ontario St., Bowmanville, Mrs. E. S. Ferguson, A.T.C.M. ANNOIJNCES THE OPENING 0F A MUSI C ALKTIN D E RGA R T EN A simple and attractive approach to the study of music for chlldren 4 to 7 years o! age. The course includes musical appreciation, Ear Training, Rhythm, Cutting out devices, Colouring with crayons, Singing andsimple piano technique. Registration Sept. 9th. Classes starting Sept. iflth. Not nec- essary to have a piano. For particulars apply MRS. E. S. FERGUSON- BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 606 Neu's Maior Bowling Leaguie will continue this season ai NqAITYN"S BOWLING ACADENT Every Wednesday evening, stariing Wednesday, Sepiember 24 LIMIT 0F Il TEAMS IN THE LEAGUE Anyc-e lnterested la bowling ln the beague contact any or the tollowlng: Alla» Osborne, Fred Cale, Allan Denscm or Jack Cole. MEMBERtSHIP FE - $1.001 I P 1IN MEMORIAM, BOWEN-In laving mnemory ai a dear wife mnd mother, Emmia T. Bowen who paased away, Septem- ber 11, 1943.. IIWe often sit and thînk cf ber wben wc are ail alone, For memory is Uic only fricnd that grief can cali its own. Like ivy on the witheicd oak; 'when ail other things decay, Our love for ber wiil stili kecp green and neyer fade away. -Ever rcmembcred by busband KILGANNON-In loving memory o! a dear son and brother Sergt. John H. Kilgannon who was kili- cd in action on August 31, 1944. "The world may change from year ta year, And friends from day ta day, But neyer shall the ane we loved From memory pass away." -Sadly mnisscd by Dad, Loretta, George and Annie. 36-1* LEGGOTT-In ioving memory of a dear wife and mother, Marion Leggott who passed away Sept. 5, 1944. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother, It is sweet ta breathe thy name; In lufe wc loved you dearly,. In death we do the same. -Sadly misscd by ber busband, Daugbters Marion, Esmond and Mary, and Sisters Hannab and Jennie. 36-1* PIPER-In iaving memory of My dear mother, Catherine M. Piper, wbo passcd away Sept. 5, 1946. Deep in the bcart lies a picture 0f a loved one gane ta rest. In mnemory's frame we shal keep it, Because she was one of the best. -Sadly missed by daughter Winnie 36-1* Notice Dr. Storey's office wili be clos- cd Sept. 3rd to Sept. 17 inclusive. 35-.3* The Law Office o! Lawrence C. Mason will be cîosed until Mon- day, September th. 35-2* Any persan baving clothes a! the home »of the late Mrs. Frank Oke are requested ta cail for same; before September 15. 34-3* Any girls interestcd in bowling this year please attend the meet- ing ta be beld on Monday, Sept. 8, 7:30 p.m., a! Martyn's Bowling Academy or leave your name with the president, Marg. E. King. 36-1 To Whom it May Concern: Please take notice that !rom this date no persans wiil be ai- lowed on the Elliot beach praper- ty or on the entrance ta same, ex- ccpt by peyrmission. (Signed) R. B. Turner,' Aug. 15, 1947 R.R. 3, Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. W. E. C. Workman have jus! returncd from taking a course in piano clasa teaching, un- der the direction o! "The Canadian Bureau for the Advancement o! Music" authorized by the "Dept. o! Education" and are now open- ing classes fer first and second ycar work. There will be from six ta, eight in a class and the tui- tion fee $5,00 per term cf twcnty lessons. Private tuition in the higher grades in piano, organ, singing and theory. Applications will be rcceived a! their studio, 64 Centre St., or address P.O. box 299, Margaret E. Workman, R.M.T. A.L.C.M., W. E. C. Workman, R.M.T., L.L.C.M., organis! and choir master, Trinity United Church, Bowmanvillc. 35-2 Lost GOLD wrist watch a! High Schoel bail park, in dugout, on Monday, Augus! 25._ Finder please return ta Statesman Office. 36-1* LADY'S ligh! blue cardigan, a! ball garne Port Hope vs Bowmýan- ville a! B.H.S. grounds. Finder please Icave a! Statesman Office. 36-1' WILL the persan who teck wrong coa! a! Tyrone, September 1, kindly phone 2272 and arrange an cxchange. Mrs. S. T. Hoar. 36-1 ON No. 2 Highway ini Newcastle or Bowmanville vicini!y on Aug- us! 29, 35 mmn Kodak in brown leather case. Reward tr return ta cwner, J. M. Milne, 4850 Wilson Ave., Montreal, or ta Police De- partment, Bowmanville. 36-1 Radio Service THE Radia Shop, Bowmanviile, offers honest charges, latest type cquipment and trained person- nel. Our two radia technicians bath hold Government Certificates of Proficicncy in Radio. Phone 573. 20-!! music y PIANO, Tbcory, Organ and Piano Accordion for children. Rates reasanable., Lessons will nesume on September 8. Phone 469 or cli at 110 Liberty St., North.* Phylls Challis, A.T.C.M. 36-1 Custom Work CULTIVATING, plowing a n d sceding; also John Deere repair parts and repairing donc, F. S. Alien, 44 Concession St. Phone 5". 17-tf Teacup Readings READING-Mrs. Branten will be a! Mrs. Bickell's, King St., an September Il. Phone 574 for ap- pointnients. 36-i Articles For Sale ELECTRIC refrigerator. Phone 725. 36-1 TOMATOES, Irene Stackaruk. Phone 2668. 36-1* FOURTEEN bundies steel laths. F. A. Bruce, phone 494. .36-1 Llvestock For Sale SIX Ybrkshire pigs, 8 weeks ali domng well. Phone 2662. 36-1* ELEVEN young piga, seven 1weeks' aid. Apply H-arry Baitlett. 36-1 TEN pigs, six weeks old. Phane 2980. Raymond Ciapp, Tyrong. 36-1* STEEL Bedstead, spring and mat- tress. camplete $8.00. Quebec heater, Beach Faundry, used one winter, likeinew. Miss R. Gravel, 9th Con., farm mile north of Les- -kard. Phone Orano 62 r 20. 36-1 SINGER motors and lights are nowv available ta attach on yaur sewing machines, brand new. Motars $28.50 and lights $5.25, ai- so buttanhale attachments $10.75. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St., phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in mode-:n. Chester- field, bedroom and dining roomn suites, and studios. Bcdding and floor coverings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoc St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf GOOD used cars at reasonable prices. Terms 'arranged. Let us knaw what you want and we wili f111 your order. AIl cars complete- ly checked by licensed mcchanic before re-sale. We take your old car as trade. We have for sale this weckend: 1941 Pontiac coupe; 1941 Buick convertible; 1936 Olds- mobile coach; 1935 Chpvrolet coach; 1939 LaSalle sedan; 1940 Chrysier sedan; 1939 Mercury convertible. Phone 447. Apply 69 Concession St., Bowmanville. 36-1 Real Estate For S-ale BUILDING lot, on Centre St. Phone 546. 36-1 FARM, 25 acres, Lot 22 N.iwcastle i %/ miles east. Two-rocmed bouse and barn. Apply Gardon Senke, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 35-2' BUILDING lots or five ta 25 acres choice garden land adjoining vil- lage of Caesarea, close ta Lake Scugog. Ernest A. Werry, phone 2570. 1 34-1, 36-1 FARM-100 acres choice land, well wa!ered, midst tobacco plan- tation. Pniced very cheap. Ternis may be arranged. Phone Ernest Werry, 2570. 34-1 36-1 FARM-100 acres, on 7a Higbway, two miles cas! a! Nesticton; real good fanm, buildings in good ne- pair; cernent silo; hydre. Apply Fred R. Phîlp, Nestleton, Ont. 36-1* SEVEN-roomn frame hause, elcc- tricity, sof! and fresh water, acre cf land, fruit trees, srnall barn, sauth of Maple Grave near lake. Apply Box 946 in cane o! States- man Office. 36-2 PROPERTY15 acres o! beaning apple orchard. good vanieties, sprayed and weil fertilized. Geod frame beuse, seven roonis, hydre, barn and ben bouse, near Bcw- manville. Aiso 48 acres, frarne house, bank barn, bath immediate possession. Lavern Clemens, Hampton. Phone 2436. 36-i Auction Sal es Wednesday, .,Sept .. 16-H1ouse and Lot, hien bouse, stable and the entire household.. furnituré, in- cluding washing imachine,, stove, etc. Particujars lateýr. Geôrge. Clayton, 118 Elgin St. Phone 515.' 1 have been, autbarized to, sel] by Public auction for Herb H. Nichalîs, Lot 6, Con. 2, . 1?)rling- ton (north o! Traini'ng, achool), on Tuesday, Sept. 16, al bis farm stock, implements, b ay, grain, harness, corn, new milking ma- chine, and some heuseholdeffecta. Sale a! 12:30. Terma cash. 'Ev- erton White, cîerk; Elmeir Wilbur, auctioneer. 35-2 The undersighed bas rcceived instructions from Mr. Alex Stew- art, te sdil by public auction a! Hiiltop Farm, 2 miles ea! o! New!onvillc, on, Highway Ne. 2, on Tuesday, Sept. 9, ut 1:30 p.m., 73 bead o! Durham and Hereford' cattie ranging in weight fromi 500 to 1000 Ibs. As Mr. Stewart bas gene into dairy cattie, the above cattie mua! be sold without' re-- serve. Jack Reid, . auctioncer. 36-2 Pestponed-The auction sale o! Mr. Fred Munroe, Lot 15, Con. 8, Hope township, a! Garden Hill Cerner which was ta bave been on Sept. 4, bas been postponcd, and ,wall be held Monday, Sept. 15 a! 1 p.m. sharp. This sala, will, include threc Percheron'herses,-15 Durham cattie; 14 pigs; fulll une af god,, machinery, including a Har- die orchard sprayer, powe' rdiv- en', cernent mixer; sawjng a chine, and 'mapy .other" àrticlcs. Sec bis. Jack Reid, .auctioneer. 1 36-1 For Rent SINGER portable eJctric in your own home. $5 per manth. Sing- er Scwing Machine Co., 16 On- tarie St., Oshawa. phone 696. 10-tf REPAIRS MACHINE shop, aIl kinds farm macbincry, tractors, etc., repaired. Phone Oshawa 289JI3. 34-4 REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- eratars, domestic and -commercial. ,HiÈgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 43B. . 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoc Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, relia- bility, dyeing, soling, 'sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-tf Seed Cleaning SEED cleaning plant 'open morn- ings and Tuesday and Thiirsday evenings or by appointment. Sit-i uated on highway one mile iierth o! Burkcton. Ernie Swain,- R.R. 1, Burketon. 34-tf Wanted GOOD home wunted for sub-nor- mal girl, cmi work, able to cure for herseli; wifl puy-ý well. Write Box 847, Statesma* Office. 3&-1 WANTED by famlly of three- accommodation, preferably unfur- nished, up ta $35 ibonthly. Write Box 949, Statesmian Office. 36-1* HeIp Wented GIRL for office work. Apply W. Hl. Brown, King St. W., Bowman- ville. Phone 497. 36-1 YOUNG lady fo agsist lIn stenography not nècessary. WOMAN or girl for gencral housework in farm home for twa months. Phone 2581. 38-l* BOY about 19 years of age, ta work In refreshment booth. Ap- ply at Booth, Cream of Barley Park. -36-1 EXPERIENCED girl or waman ta take care o! two littie girls. Please apply in persan, stating wages re- quired, at 22 Silver St., Bawman- WAIeTED-Waitresses, at the On- tario Ladies' Coliege, Whitby. Gaod wages; board and roam fur- nished Apply ta the Matran. Telephone 551, Whitby. 36-3 office, Write Chicks For Sale BAI7RED Rock and New Hamp- shire ullets, three to six months aid. icbardson Farms, Panty- pool. Phone 81 r 16, Orono. 36-1 BRAY pullets-8-10-12 week. AI- so dayolds and started. Prompt shipment. Ask for iist. Go over your flocks, culi for good fali- winter egg markets. Also day- aids and started. Order for Oct.- Nov. delivery naw aloo. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 36-1 Wanted to Rent ROOM without board by young gentleman employed on Boys' Training School staff. Phone 600. 36-1 * GOODYEAR employee wishes ta rent 'bouse in Bowmanvilie. No children. Write Box 942, States- man, Office. 35-2* Room and Board ROOM'and board accommodation for business girls. Apply Mrs. William Crossey, 33 Carlisle Ave. 36-1 sedan. an e seenat 18 Quen HEREFORD bull, :18 mantha aid. St. 36-if Phone 389 bctwecn five and seven p.m.36-i * OUTBOARD motor 3.6 b.p.. just pm broken in, will seli reasonably. THIRTY yç)ung pigs,.seven ýnd Phone 2921. 36-1 eigbt weeks oid. Laverne Cicm-, GOOD used truck platform 16x8 es, Hampton.. Phone 2436. 36-i with racks. Appiy S. W. Gray, TWENTY-flve Whitc Leghorn pul- R.R. No. 1, Port Hope. 36,-3* lets, five and a bai! mronths aid. Phone 2721. 36-1* ANNEX, neariy new, camplete with pipes, $40; aise Qucbec style TWENTY young pigs, six ta eight cookstove, $15. Murphy's. Phone weeks aid. Apply Austin*Wood, 811. 36-1 Bowmanville. Phone'2388. 36-1* ORDERS taken for dressed ca- FIFTEEN feeder steers,, alsa cows, pans. Order some for your lock- just calved. Apply I. transtein, er. Mrs. F. Bowen, phone Clarke Newcastle. 36-1* 3812. 36-1! SIXTY purebred Rock puliet 1s, DODGE sedan, 1930, in good run- four and one-haîf months ahi. Ap- ning condition, good tires, heater; ply A. E. Billett, Hampton, phone also 2 wbcel trailer. Apply 186 2557. 36-.1* Duke St. -* TWELVE Shorthorn yearling c at- SET used spring-tooth harrows: tic: 6 yaung cows,'also 100 acres rims te put on your wagon for bush. Jack G. Smith, phone Bob- rubber tires, W. H. Brown. caygeon 32 r 12. 33-4 phone 497. 36-i HOLSTEIN beifers and cows, ONE 3A Massey-Harris corn bind- springing and fresb; eigbt year- er, tracter and horse hitch, in ling beifers; two young huIls. good condition. Apply J. T. Ralph Davis, Phone 2413. 36-1* Cooper, R.'R. 6, Bowmanviile. Phone 2820. 36-2 BROWN horse, etgbt years old, weighing about 1400; also Massey- DAWSON'S Golden Chaif seed Harris twa-furrow disc plow, wbeat, Registered No. 1, Comnmer- Wilson Abernetby, 'phone 2419., cial No. i. guarantced pure as ta 36ml* variety. Apply Garnet B. Rick- ard. Phone 2813. 35-tf HOLSTEIN cow just irencwed. with heifer cal!f at.side,. aise STEEL pipes, 4"; two cupboards; Guernsey cow duc . Sept. _25th. some 10' and 12' jaists; radio, in Apply Aîchie. Thompson, R.R. 5, good condition; two amusement Bowmanville, phone 2714, 36-1 machines. Apply William. Wil- cox, 58 Queen St. 36-1* BLACK mare, 14 bands, four yrs. aid, two white feet and face, brok- USED sewing machines, baught en ta saddle; also Western saddle and sold. Highest prices paid. and bridle, if wantcd. 'D.' Bur- Write or phone Singer Sewîng dett, phone 2225 a!ter 5 p. Machine Company, 16 Ontario St. 36-1* Phane 696, Oshawa. 23-tf FORTY-twa good choice York- FINDLAY' Oval, ivary enamel' sbire pigs, six weeks aid; also kitchen range, with watcr front' quantity cf Melba àpplés, -good' Tudhope electric ranÉette; anc pr. for eatinig or cooking. Elford S.* ail burners with ail drum. Apply Cobbledick. Phone Clarke 1224. 54 Liberty St. S., phone 740. 36-1*' 36-î. ONE play pen, crib and high chair in good condition. Phone 2594. 36-1* PIANO-SmalI or medium size preferred. Telephone 492 or *write eox 353 Bowmanvilie. Fred J. Mitchell. 36-l* ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bcthany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf LIVZ borses for mink and fox food. Ail horses bumanely slaugh- tercd. Cali us for highest prices. Margwill.Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Ty- rone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 33-tf Loans Avallable for Farm Housing Classified Ad noates CASH RATE: 2 cens a word (minimum 350), must bc pald before Insertion IF CHARGED: S'cents a word (minimnum 500) 25e extra for box numbers or replies dlrectedbi ctis -office ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ail Classifiod Adiets Muet, Be0I, Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY You must Include cash, stamps, or money order, wlth copy * la get low rate. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson and family attended Port Perry Fair and visited at Russell Coch- rane's, Brady. Mr. and Mr;. Ivan Cochrane and deugbters, Ceurtice, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Covcrly and sons, Ebenezer, at Wes. Carneron's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and family, Solina, et Percy, David- son 's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMaster and Ashton, Mr. eob Ingram, Toron- ta, at Alex McMastèr's. Mr. and Mrs. August Geissber- ger and family, Harmony, at Hans Geissberger's. Miss Margaret Perkins la bol- idaying et Owen Sound. Mrs. W. H. Bray, Pickering, ut Mrs. J. W. MeMaster's. Miss Joan Hamblyn and Don. - .1 ELLIOTT'S Vfariely House 89 RING STREET EAST 'Opposite Gartolon'sBus station Loans for the construction o! farm bhousing are now available under the national bousing act, and applications for such are be- ing reccived by the regional and rbranch offices o! the Central Mortgage and Housung Corpora- tion,, a government-sponsored corporation. The maximum boan availabie ta the owncr o! a farmn on which there is no existing mortgage or other encumbrance, is $5000, or the actual c a s t o!f building the bouse, or two-thirds a! Uic appraised value o! the farm, whichevcr o! these is the leat ameunt. Wbere there is alrcady a mortgage in existance on the farm, a maximum o! $8000 may be secured, in which case the ex- isting mortgage will be clearcd ioff, and a first rnortgage taken by the bousing corporation for the entire amoeunt unvolved. The gavernmcnt bas announced that boans canne! be made avail- .abI'e for the present ini Saskat- chewan 'until the situation in con~- nection with the Saskatchewan *farm sccurity act, now before the courts, is'cieared up. Iii ,Ue pro- 'vinces o! Manitoba and Alberta, the govcrnment states, Jeans wili not be extended te, farms where. the.. principle incarne is from grain 'growing. This is for the reasort that negotiallis are proceeding ,,with the. gavernmcnts o! these two provinces te make passible !the applicationi o! a new type o! mortgage; which wil provide for flexible payznents o! intercat and principie, having regard to crôp éfailures,. this te replace thie ortho- ,lox type o! maortgaàe wbich cailed 'for fixed payments yeanly, re- 'grdiless af whether the farmer ilhad.a crop failtire or not. Until these negotiations are completed, 1farm houslng loans wili 'net be iavailable jor farms wbere Uic pnrinciple solurce a! uncorne is froni grain. ,.. Loans under this plan are for new housing only,- not for addi- 'hÛons to present housing or for iniprovements. Loans for thc latter are obtainable under the f arm imProvement blans mct. 1 - i 1- 1 1 1 1 Price of Àpples To ho Supported Authority liao been given by the Dominion Goyerntnent to the Agricultural Prices S up portI Board ta niake an agreement wlth the Nova Scotia At>vie Market- ing Board. to support the apples from the 1947 crop Ià*t Hon. Jamei G. Gardiner, Domih- ion Minister of Agriculture, an- nounced on August 2Srd before leaving for Geneva to. attend the third Conference oï the Frood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The reason for thus.ý action la that the British >llnistry o!f 'ooci is flot in. a position this year ta buy Canadian apples i the usumi way. As.-more Iflaz seventy-five per cent of the commercial apple crop of Nova Scotia- la normafly sola in Britain, the loss of tis market in obviously a serious matter for the apple growera o! that province. korturiately theire is a possibility o! selling more than the usuai qumntity of Nova Scotia apples in atiier provinces and in tne United States. It now seems certain, however, that there wili be a considéerable part, par- ticularly of varieties wnich nor- mally are useckxnainly in Britain, whicki cannot be reacWiy mrketecd elsewhete. Whiie ail of the détails, of the agreement have nol been worked out, thc main.features are now announced as' follows- (1) The agreement will pro- vicie for the continuança ot thc Nova bcotia A ppile Ivarceting Board as the oe marketing. a- gency, for Uic 1947 appie 'crop produced ini the AnnapoisaValley. (2) The Agricultura ; P r ice s Support Boarct will guarantee a minimum average return for all varieties 'and, grades handled by1 thc Marketng Board of $2.25 per1 barrel to the grower before pack-1 ing costs. (3) The Agricultural P r1 c esa Support Board wlll purchase up ta 200,000 barreis of.varieties and grades which are not readily sale- able on this continent and dispose o! them outside o! the 'markets available ta the Apple Marketing Board. It is lexpccted that the details of the agreement will be com- pietcd Within a few days and that provision will be made ta limit the proportion of lower grades wbich may be' includeci under the guarantee, and maospecify the quantities and, varieties ta be bought outrigbit by the Agricul- tural Prices Support Board. GENERAL trucking. J. Giies, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2121 34-4 Wanted 1'o Buy Dwma, Oha, 1Mr. and Mn. Wm. SlingerlaJld, Bowmnanvllle, ut P. Mfr. and Mn. Ted Staphen, Peterboro, Miss Shirley S__ephet, Oshawa, aI Russell Staint:r'. ISympmthy of!thecomnt Mf t ~r. Everett GWforduiand Gifford <Llilluan Cr mih ter a' ion illnes. Four new beginners s*aatod sehool an Tuesdmy. Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs.. J. L. Rock, Tow ronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. Swallow. Ain. Fred R. Foley SI. Ca"h. rines, spent weekencl with ber slster-hn-law,, Mrs. J. D., Stevene mnd other relatives, Miss Marguarit, Wright, St. Catharines, who bas been spend- ung ber bolidmys with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, han returned te ber position. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crydea'. mani attenided the 25th weddlng annivcl-sary o! Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry, Lake Shore, Clarke, on Saturday evening. Miss Bevcrly Shea and Mr. Jack Illidge, Tarante, spent Monday at Mrs. L. C. Snawden's. Mfr. and Mns. Lou Hockin, Mh. ' and Mrs. Ted Foley and chlldruui vlsitcd Mr. and Mrs, Lawree~ Staples, Bethany. Mfr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith, Lloy4. and Grant, Enfleld, were Sundt* visitera wltb Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Orritiston. Services an Sunday will be held as usual: Sunday School 1:30 p. m;, and church service 2:45 p.m. Several from here have attend. ed the C.N.E. Excerpt, mcm a recent "dceam up" advcrtisernent in Tarante dal- lies-"Under ail the dint and rub- blsh Toronto is a beautiful cite." Thank You.. To the many people who vlslted aur store durlng' the lirsI !ew days we were opened, we would 11k. t. express aur sincere thanka for Iheir patronage. To those who have nol eI Inspected aur store-yAu are cordlally lnvlted ta core ne anmd look around , at any time. TUE CÀrUiADlAIý STAILSUAN, LOWMAN V 11 J - . O.NTARLO X, SEPT. 41h, 1941 le - Olle 9

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