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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1947, p. 4

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PAGE POUR WEST 19£ARH Mr. and Un. Andixew Mathews, Miss Bettyr Mathews, Toronto, sperkt Labor Day in "Tacorna." Mr. Bud Ackerman, Toronto, spent the Labor Day weekend with Wullace Dilling in "Linger Lponger.". Mr. and Mns. W. Marshall, Miss Joan Marshall, Oshawa.. with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bennett. Mr. and Mri. J. Petch, Toronto, In the Terry cottage. Vlsiting with thern are Mns. H. J. Newton, Mr. and Mns. Donald Petch and fam- ily, Toronto. j Miss Faye Lawsen, Toronto, is vacationing with her grandmother Mrs. Wm. Dunn in "Rusty Nook." Mrs. Wrn. Currie and Miss Joyce Currie, spent a few days in Tor- onto, returning for the weekend ito EEEE's. Mn. and Mrs. R. H. Ackerman n oM. and Mrs. ..cCea, ith liersistn.DMvd.hN. Mulhllnd an Miss E. obinsyon aot a Mn. ars PCHesr.A.nd f- mily, Tanton, M.and s. B.ell J. aev rs jax, w lthteir itr Mrs. F. Cole in "Gany's Paradise." The sympathy of the beach is extended to Mrs. L. Dibbon, moth- er of Mr. Edwin Luttreli, who fel while attending the C.N.E. on Sat- urday and fractured her hip. Her rnany friends on the beach sin- cerely wish hen a speedy recov- ery. Mr. S. Sharpels with his motion sing-song films ententained the kiddies on Saturday evening, and kept them happy and in good spirits until the weiners and rolîs arrived, for their annual treat be- fore the close of another season. The deliclous hot dogs were pre. pared by Mesdames Green, Mur- chison, Goddard and Dilling, who also generôualy loaned the facil- ities of their cottage in prepana- tion. On Sunday evening this same entertainer provlded a full bill of motion pictures for the. enjoy- ment of ail. The feature pictune being Judy Canova In "Rit'the Hay." Af ter the entertalUznéht of Labor Day weekend everyone is unanirnous that Mr. Sharpel is the right man to carry on the next season'a entertainment. riinal euchre of the 1947 season was held at Mrs. A. Edwasfd's cottage. The following were the prize winners: Mns. M. Gorham, Mr. Buttonshaw, Mrs. D. Lattimner, Mr. Bert Edwands. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rance Dülhng, it's, a boy. SOCIALISM AND LABOR Commenting on a London re- port that Britain'a Labor govern- ment may have to compel workers to work in certain essential In- dustries, The Ottawa Journal wonders why this should occasion surprise. 'Why surprise?" Socialim, if contrai, and whene State control is accepted it is flot easy ta fi, limits to ItL In other worde, the State can't plan and control and direct industry while leaving la- 'bor, an essential part o! industry, free to do as it pleases. Thus if Britain's Labon government na- tionalizes the coal raines, maklng itself responsiblefhe produc- tion of coai, It at the same Urne makes itself responsible for get- ting minera to mnine coal. Other- Wise its acts wouid be meanlng- less. 'Socialism and totalitarîanism are twins; can't be separated; and Socialists who hold otherwise, Who say it can be reconciled with freedom, anen't honest. They cer- tainly are less honest than the Communists, who frankly rest their Socialisai on force." Business Dlir.ct@ry LEGAL W. E. STEMIEK.C. 1Barriter.- Solicitor - Notary 1 Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowinnville, Ontario Residenwe: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudel.!827. DE. E. W. SIS8ON, L..Q DI.S. Office Iln his home 100 Lberty St., N., Bowmanvlie Office Houri: 9 a.m. teoô p.m. daUly 9 a.m. to 12 noan, Wednesdày Cloied Sunday-' Phono 604 23-50 M onumets The Ruttor Granite Comayr Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Engraving. Goldleafing Monuments, GravenhMrb. lif THE Nti COVE N Caw-Caw-Caw-Here are rmy lait raucous notes for the season. "The cars like bectles crawl Siowly on the noad Without sound. Like black bugs, they climb His, round curves- Each with its solitary load, Homneward bound." At the cottages: At Summer Haven, Mn. and Mns. Albert, Copp, Mns. Breck Gour- lay, Heathen, and Chenyl. At Laf-a-Lot, Mn. and Mrs. G. Hewitt, Jr., and son Robent, Mn. and Mrs. L. Smith, Miss Linda Brandt, Mn. and Mns. S. J. Boun- dey and family. At El-ti-di-sa, Miss Donothy Pitt, Hamilton, wîth Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Ott. At Bracsidc: A happy wehcome te Elizabeth Irene Pickard by ber sistens Eleanon and Margaret on hon arrivai fromn the hospital on Sunday. Mther and baby fine. Mns. Lce Sutherland has necov- ened fronm er recent illness and neturned with Grace te Toronto. At Gale cottage oven the Labor Day- weekend; Mn. and Mrs. W. Htiethen, Mn. and Mrs, J. E. Sla- ter with th é William Pitfields. At -Ornanook, Mn. and Mns. Dyne and Gordon; I4vssns. Bill, Bob and Charles Ormsby, Fred Slingen, Murray McQuire. At Chequens: Major and Mns. Randolph Corey, Peter and Susan, Mns. James Walker and Teddy all of London; Col. and Mrs. Wm. Bonus and Charlotte Wood. . Butterfly nets have been in op- eration this week: Bilhy Huethen, the Barrick boys, John White and Holly Fox have made fine collec- Itiçins o! King Billies, Dragon Flics and two spedimens o! the Pnaying Mantis. Farewell weinen roasts wene held on Thunsday by Robin White and on Saturday by Salhy Ott. 1The Cha.pel-on-the-Hill How fan that little candle throws its bcam! The Visitons' Book shows tha t it shines as fan as Flonida, Que- bec, the Prairie Provinces, North Carolina, New York, New Jer-4 sey, New Zealanci ad China. A Frayer O Lord for eight years you have entrusted to aur little chapel "theo keeping of the ights * alang the shore." We have tried te do our boit ta, foflow your guidance. You have sent mon and women te va- cation at our beach who answer any cail to service whether it is te speak, te, teach, to sing or te do the simpler dut.ies o! this littie rus- tic place o! worship. We thank you for the kindly spirit that gives happiness and healing to young and old during holiday times. We ask that Nwe have continued signs o! youn favour in the yeans to corne. Amen. Last Sunday in spite o! the clos- ing up flurry 25 youngsters came for Mrs. Carlton's last lesson. The baskets o! chrysanthemum- like asters were sent by Mn. Hop- kins o! the Base Line and again Mn. John Martin o! Braeside sent flowers for a basket over the or- gan loift. A !ncsh coating o! gravel on the turf floor, during the week was put on by the boys' auxiliary, Gordon Dyne. Bob Onmsby, Fred Slinger, Murray McQuire, Tom Harrap, Bill Carlton, the three White boys, BiIly Huethen and the Barrick boys. At the laten gathering over 50 came to join in the service con- ducted by Mn. Albert Ball. Around this final service certain traditions have gnadually hecorne cstablish- ed. Grey Barrick plays !rom Dvorzak's New Wonld Symphony "Going Home" and Sibelius' "Dean Land o! Home" and the closing hymn is "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." Then Mn. Bahl draws the whole group into dloser companionship with the God wîth whom hie walks and talks. This Sunday he spoke from Joshua 8-14 in which Caleb said "I wholly followed the Lord my God," and gave this as a neason for the special favours that had been hestowed on him. So rapt was the attention that without doubt decisions were made for complete sunnender to the Divine wil.' Mn. Jack Attwell, bass, and Grey Barrick, tenon, sang "'Remember Me 0 Mighty One." When the birds gather for their hibennating thein chatter can be heard fan oven the fields, so a!ter this service the good-byes and "ýsee you next year" gave notice that the yearly retunn fiight was taking place. To those who were flot there the Cove people say: Good-bye and thank you. SCABS BECOME PATRIOTIC WORKERS <John Atkins in Uic Scene from Shingwauk Farm.) The stike-breakers in Great Britain who broke the strike o! a group o! miners by mannàng the hoists, the soldiers who broke the stnike o! food truckers, and the stevedones who broke the docki stnikes, werc patniots. How circumstances alter, cases. In North Arnenica ilegal strikes.1 can disrupt transportation and be- Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mn. G. Martin - ad family in Beaverton, on Lake Simcoe. .Ms. &W. Milligan, Bernice and Jean with Mr.'afld Mrs. Beverly Jaynes. Mr. and Mns. W. Baskerville In Toronto visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clarke and while there attended Exhibition. Mrs. Hazel Storey,* Pontiac, Mich.. with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bas- kerville. Mr. and Mrs. H. Roach and la- mily, Rochester, England, Miss Muriel Roadhouse, 1 Dixie, %r Don Leach, Mns. P. Flnch and son, Port Credit, with Mr. and Mns. H. Leach. Miss Dora Taylor and Mr. Stin- ley Taylor with Mr. and Mrs. ýA. Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldred and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred at- tended a family picnic at Cream of Barley Park, Bowmanville, more than 50 being present. Miss Donna Coulter, Downs- view with Mr. and Mns. S. Powell. Mr. and Mns. Harold Souch and family and Mr. Albert Souch, of Shiloh;, Mr. Ross Souch, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ad- ams. Mrs. Ed. Dean, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean. Miss Jean Holmes and Mr. Bob Shupak, Toronto; Mrs. D. A. Val- leau, Margaret and Dick, Osh- awa; Mrs. Joe Hockin, .Miss Pa- tricia Pearce, Newcastle; and Mr. Orville Stinson, Port Penny, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Murphy have neturned from Chilliwack, B.C., and are at Adscliffe cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldred and Lois, in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Alldred spent a few days last week at the W.M.S. school for 1eaddl's at Ontario La- dies' College, Whitby. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Murray and family, Stirling, and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard and family, of Shaw's, with Mr.. and Mrs. John Hendry. Mn. Archie Hendry and Mr. Keith Pedwell wene at the Exhibi- tion on Saturday, and then contin- ued on to St. Catharines, Buffalo and Niagara Falls and returned home Monday night. Glad to have Miss B. Hamilton back with us as teacher for an- other tenm. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin devil the employment and liveli- hoods of millions but anyone who does the work o! strikers is de- scribed as a loathsorne scab, and anyone who dernands the enforce- ment of law is labelled a labor- baiter, the dupe. or tool of ex- ploiters. It is virtually impossible for a good citizen, in either Canada or the United States, to raise his voice for arbitration, fair play and court justice without becorn- ing a target of professional de- framers and slanderers. Abuse has becorne a form o! blackrnail used in silencing public opinion. and lanmly, and Mr. and Mns. Wilbur Biaskerville and faniily at- tendod.a family picniîcand pres- entation for Mn. and Mns. A. Mar- tin ln honon o! their 25th wedding annlversary. Mn. J. Hornington, Toronto, wlth Mn. - nd Mns. H. Leach. Mn. and Mmi. W. H. Brown and famlly, Bownanvlle, wlth Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Skeldlng. Mn. and Mns. Bob Alldred and farnlly with Mn. and Mns. Les Alldncd, Orono.' Mn. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston and family with Mn. and Mns. Chas. Alldred and Mns. Hotson. Master Donnie Rickard with his gnandpanents, Mn. and Mrs. J. Hendry. Bowmanville Fier Posied for Course Ai Training School Two district. RCAF officers posted to, Vie iatest RCAF admin- istration course for junior of!ic- ers in Toronto arc FIL. G. C. Fishen, Oshawa, and FIL Charles H. A. Spencer, Bowmanville. This was announced by Air Force Headquanters, Ottawa. The school, which is known as No. 1 Composite Training Schooi, is located at the old Eglinton Hunt Club in Toronto. Formed durlng the war, it gives a course o! several months' duration which is being taken by junior officers o! the RCAF. -Many air crew officens duning the war, because o! the specialized nature o! thein operational duties, received little or ne experience in routine Air Fonce administration. These o!- ficens, who nemained on with the Peacetime Air Fonce, are now learning the method o! conduct- ing Service business, for Perman- ent Force officers must be admin- istrators as wchl as fhyers. PICK Local Sheepmeu Big Winners ai C.NE. No lesi than five local sheepmen wore big pnize and money winnelrs at the Canadian National Exhib- itioni lait woek. When The îStatesman's farm reporter touned the sheep barns Fniday, some o! the classes were stili to be judged but a good many ribbons were on disphay but ne exhibitons in sight. Theso important wins were noted: Ai! Ayre & Sons, Hampton, 1 Grand Championship, 2 Reserve Grand Championships, 7 fints, 6 seconds, 3 thirds and 2 fourths. R. B. Glaspeli topped the Hamp- shire field with 2 Championships on ewe and ram, any age, and 4 firsts inchuding the Canadian bred pen. J. M. Fisher, Nestieton, aise se- cured a finît in the same chass. Beath Farms, Kedron, had a walkaway in the Suffolk Classes with 4 firsts in single classes and firsts in both classes o! pens, and the Grand Charnpionship for best ewe, any age. Harold Skinner, Tyrene, had a splendid pen o! Shnopshires ready fôr the ring but judgirig appar- ently had net tajken place prier to our visit. 0 A sixth exhibitor counted as a local sheepman was.Anson Bal- son, manager e! Beardmore Farms, Mono Milîs, who alse won an array o! finîts. We are still ]ooking for neDonts o! the judging in Toronto dailies but cannot wait te get the complete list befone we go te press. The Australian and Phillipine climates are similar. The adhesive stamp was invent- ed in Dundee, Scotland. Heather bas been found suit- able in making synthetic flooning. PEP si "Poepsi-Co" is the registered trade mark i Canada of ithe Pesi-~Coic Company cf Canada Limtud You'II Like Its Flavour OOnly peafed tea s poclced b1v Doly's. Thot', why DoIy's hs dolicious. Next fini. you shop, asic your grocer for DoIy's T«. I'LL TAKE VANILLA m a a For favorite fiavonfuls' and sweet eat treats, folio w the cnowd te our Snack'n S oda Ban enjoy a ternpting, mouth watcning sundae in a variety o! delicieus flavons . . . delve inte one o! our sandwich specials for an appetite's delight . . . take a "straw vote" on aur fresh ice-cream packed sodas pr miikshakes! Corne in nowl IT'S THE RULE APTER SCHOOL The Carter Family 25 King Street East lRawmanyil1i TB£ CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOW?&AIVILLE. ONTARIO THUESDAY,' SEP¶". 4th/1#~ kýîýk- 1

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