PAGE SI~ TEE CAPIADTAN ~TATI~flMA?? UÀW?.AArvT.?.rn ~w"Auv'i - ____ - -.---------**-.--**----, ~é. ~ I35bet fU ' CELER Y RELISI* anan. Combine % cup sa] eue@ augar, 3J cup muatar( anldl1 tespon tumeric. BIt * ~ e 1. cpigbt corn syrup, » 1Heins Ditlled White Vinegi 1 X clps water. Heat te b covéred. Add chopped peppe onons and 4 quarta ( mi ataîkas liced celery. Sin covered for, 3 minutes. Q . ack anc bot, steriiized jar time. Fi to Y8" from top. B *Vinegar solution covers *the vegetables. Seal ech jar at once. Yield: 10 pints. _e Se e Pickering Fari FIRSTII if you have go Chickens We arc paying a spi preminin for chickens capons aif t he hea weights, ai good qua We aise want your1 and brellera. Pickering Farms Whtby 336 » Nlght or Whitby - Ontario Mrs. J. Hubert, Taranto is guest parsonage on Sept. 16, te receive ofj a Miss Olive Thorne. donations. Miss M. E. Warren, Buffalo, N. Mrs. N. Rickard gave gleanings ', Y., is visiting her aiters, Mrs. F. from the scihool for leaders at Cowan and Miss 0. Warren. Whitby. Mrs. C. Hancock announ- Mis MuielLak, Trono, asced the theme for 1947-48, "The been spending her vacation withBilfo lth Wrd. Te lier mother, Mrs. Frank Gibson. uyboMwsalytknb eetred Mrs. D. B. Simpson, het last Mrs. Mcllow, Miss Blackburni and dium) week ta &pend a month in Chic- Mrs. Beman. Mrs. Mellow im- I aga, nIl personated "Paula," a wealthy Ro- .d amThe decpest sympathy af thc man matron af the fourth cen- lend ini community la extended ta the fa- tury. Aiter becoming a Christian muCUB ly of the late Mr. Walter Ric- she heiped St. Jerome translate the Bible into Latin. Miss Black- ,mad kard in the ls of a devoted hus- burn told the story of Wycliffe )(x g band and loving father. and Martin Luther and Mrs. Be- esn M A miscellaneous shower wasmagveabifs mryoth Ledum hed hurda eenneo Spt 4 work of Tyndale, being influenccd nmer, in the. kitchen of the omrnunity b ylfeadLte etas ýuickiY Hall in honor of Miss Rut.h Kern- lbtytWycle an Luthe Erngls- r at a igan whose marriage will take language. Failîng in England lie e sure lace in St. George's Anglican went to Germany where the Bi- Churcli, on Saturday, Sept. 20. ble was translated and printe.d, Miss A. H. Fisher, Belleville, and then taken into England. visited her mother, Mrs. George Severai members gave very inter- Rckard and also attended the etn at bu h il funerai aoflien cousin, Mr. Walter etn at bu h i1 Rickard. Mrs. Morhey Sallows, Danny and Teddy, vlsited her mother, OBITUARY Mrs. Banathan, Toronto.____ Miss Margaret Wright, Toron- ta, is holidaylng wlth lier grand- WALTER J. S. RICKARD mother, Mrs., A. Wetherell. A Sense of personal ioss and Mr. Arthur Toms, Hamilton, is deep regret was feit throughout visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. the community when it was ieann- Hecrbert Toms. cd that Walter Rickard had pass- 7Regular services have again cd away. 5 ~ commenced in Mill St. United Complications resuiting iran a Chunch after the summer months. severe attack ai astlima and heart ____Sunday Schaol, 10 a.m., Church trouble led ta his removai ta Bow- Service, Il a.m and 8 p.m. manville Hospital four weeks be- Mr. Keith Burley, Newtonville, fore. Everything that skili, love has sccured a franchise ta run a and care could de proved unav- bus from Newtonville ta carry ailing and quietly and suddeniy pupils to Newcastle High Scliooi at the end lie passed ta lis eter- and also te Bowrnanville High nai rest in the early hours af Imi School. Five lufth - orm pupils Sept. 2, 1947, at the age af seven- fnom Newcastle are now attend- ty years. ing Bowmanviiie High Scliool. Walter James Stanley Rickard Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, was barn July 15, 1877, eldest Is spending a week's holidays with son of the late James Rickard and )Od her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Elizabeth Symons. Hie recelved Mn. Ted Hoar, Oshawa, with his mother, Mrs. E. C. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. H-. C. Bonathan, t Mary Margaret and Ruth Bona- than, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton cel spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach. and Newcastle W.M.S.f Aiternoon Auxiiiany met Sept. avier 4, with 2nd vice-president, Mrs. C. Hancock in the chair. Mrs.t ality. Awde led ini responsive scripture. hes Secntary Miss E. . Blackburn hes read a letten fnamn Miss Ruth Han-f cock and Mrs. Jack Holmes thank- ing the society for thc enjoyable picnic on the Church lawn given BabyBan memersand he0 Lt.the ayBn ebran hrC td others. Day It was suggested that the aux- iiiary do somethlng ta aid the cy- clone stricken people of Coe Hli.v It was decided ta hld a tea at the . c d ri C It's so, easy it's fun when yen know how t. pres pare wholesorne mals for thls giorlous auturn mca- son. We've a liest of fancy, fine foods, lusclous fruit, nutritiouà -vegetabies, freali meats--ali the good things you need for your Invitlag malsi. '.S.-Now's a good trne te, stock up wlth &Il thc good things you want for those wlnter mals. COME IN TODAY AND SATISFY TOUR WANTS EDMGNDSTONE'S NARKET Pl Phoane 375 HARVEY JOINT, Proprietor 29 King St. E. W. J. S. Riekard his education at Shaw's Public ScloQI and Bawmanville High * Sdhoal. Faliowing lis father's Svocation le remained on the fanm. jOn Nov. 16, 1910 le was mannied ta, Gertrude Adeline Pearce, daugîter ai Uic late William Pearce and Adeline Baker ai Newcastle. Leit ta, mourn thc loss ai a de- vated lusband and father are lis wiie, Gertrude and their five children, Stanley, assistant Sup- eintendent ai Boys' Training Sclool, Bowmanvilic, Marion, teacher in Coliegiate at Bannie, Ont., Garnet, an the lomestead, Mns. Buxton (Helen), Toronto and Brenton, Newcastle. Also sunviv- mng arc twa sisters and twa broth- crs, Mrs. T. H. Clenence, Slaw's, Mrs. Harold Martyn, Stratiord, Dr. Howard Rickan4, Port Coi- borne and Rev. Roy Rickand, Pal- merston, and six grandsons. The pnivate service at the lame was conductcd by lis pastbr, Rev. W. W. Patterson, assisted by Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bawmanvillc. Rev. Rogers paid a warn and sincere tnibute ai praise ta the memory ai anc with wnom le lad been assaciated for six years wlcn pas- ton at Newcastle United Clurdli. le urged the sons ta still further emulate a father whose lufe and efforts lad been sa, noble and self- sacriiicing and devoted ta lame, rclurch and community in such e' For cil woud-euttlng rFest- lobour-sovliq p p p Iasy to Operot Phone, write, or cali on us now for full information and a fxt denon- Sturdy, d.p.ndable tration. We carry a camplete stock ai replacement parts, and guaran- 'iconomictee prompt reliable service. Asic about aur easy E c o n o iccd u d j.t t rm e. w__ DO WNAN VILLE KOTOR SALES 166 Kinq Si. E. M M M Phone 585 TAK HAR WRKOU O TEgUS B TAIN. A g. N worth while attainments. Proceeding to, Uic Newcastle United Church a public service was then conductcd by Rev. W. W. Patterson, assisted by Rev. J. E. Griffith, chairman ai the P>res- bytery, Rcv. W. P. Rogers and Rcv. G. Cameron Quiley ai St. Paul's, Bowmanvilie, a personal fnicnd. A duet was beautiiully rendered by Mesdames J. T. Brown and Howard Allin. The iiowcrs banking the altan rail and surnoundlng the casket wcne ample evidence ai Uic great lave, respect and esteem in whlch the hate Mr. Rlckard was held. Aisa testifying ta Uice same was thc presence af the large number ai friends, relatives and neiglibors wlia had came ta pay tîcîr iast respects ta anc wla lad long been an inspiration, support and ex- ample in ah tuhe better things ai bile in action, speech and sang. Palîbearens wene Messrs. Non- man L. Rickand, W. F. Rickard, ex-M.P., E. Symons, Welcome, Kyle Squair, Russell Bragg, How- ard Aluin. Interment was made in the iamily plot at Bowman- ville Ceneteny. In lis nemarks, Rev. Patterson made feeling reicrence ta many times wlen attendance at chair practice lad meant facing cold, stormi and other liardships during Mn. Rickard's 28 yeans ai devot- cd, fathful attendance as clair leader. lis great gift ai sang was dcvoted ta the Masten's praise un- tii seven years ago when iii healtl led lin ta resign. Among many activities the late Walter Rickard contributed ai time and talent ta lis community and was a tnusted citizen being eiected scloai trustee in Shaw's section for 22 yeans most ai which time he acted as secretary-treas- uren ai the Board. At the time ai lis deatl, Mn. Rickard was a memben ai High Schaol Board ne- pnesenting Caunty ai Durham, For many yeans lie attended an- nually ttue O.E.A. in Toronto as representative ai the Trustees and Ratepayens Association ai Dur- han County. An eider ai the United ChuncI, Newcastle, for the 22 years since Union, Mn. Rickard had also served as Sunday Schaol Superintendent and as represent- ative ai lame cdurcI at Presby- tcry. Conicrence at cach session oi same fon as aiten as leaith per- mitted. It was in this capacity hie and Rev. Quigley became per- sonal friends travelling ta and fnom Confenence. Among tiiose present at dhurci service were representatives of the staff ai B.T.S., membens ai Eiigh Sclool Board, members ai session.' Relatives and friends nron a distance included Mn. and M1rs. Jas. Spicer, Mns. Walter Ric- hardson and Mrs. VanPllew, Ton- onto; Dr. Howard Rickard, Port Colborne; Rev. Roy and Mrs. Ric- kard, Palmerston; Dr. Harold and YIrs. Martyn and daugîter, Strat- ford; Mrs. A. H. Fischer, Belle- ville; Mrs. S. Sculthorpe, Mrs. Staples, Mns. Williams, Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Symons. Port Hope. )thens were present iran Osh- awa, Sauina, Bownanvillc, Orono, Hampton and thc surraunding district. Teiegrams ai sympatly were received irain Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. J. GuI, Bnockvilic, and tIc Charles Cowie iamily, Saskatcîe- wan. Rover Holiday ing t.hree bridges a c r osà a tic dence. Many however turned out estreamrs along thi. nature trail. to be outright fabrications. eSeveral'bridges had already been A neetn lelh a i built aiong the trail by other story of Kurt Meyer, commander groupa who had vlsited the camp of Uic l2th S.S. Division whlch enti past. When ths was con- was reeponsîble for the murder 1pleted, the Rayeras&truck camp oi literaily thousands of allied .and returned homne wlth many troops Including hundreds oi Ca- lnew Ideas about Ravering Show- nadians around Caen. Candemn- ing that the moot had achieved cd to dcath, Meyer cscaped Uic Its purpose. noose or firing squad by being re- There werc about 250 Scouts ln prieved by the Canadien govern- attendance and the camp was ment. Most people in responsible Lthoroughly enjaycd by al, positions overseas are stili won- t ~dcring why Uic Canadien govern- L ment took tue action it did and The Lions Club it is stili arnystery. Future Uneertain (Contlnued fran Page One) Meyer is now senving a lie sen- ing Fr ncî an i c lla oraion tence in a Canadian penitentiary I ng F re ch m a of c oll b ora io n an d his w iie an d fam iiy , it is said , and that was near the Spanish wiiî soan be permîtted ta come border, ta Canada ta be near him. An- * Sliabbily clotued, supplled wlth ather unexpiaincd cincumstance plcnty ai Èrench money, the twa at the lands af the governmcnt. airmen, watched over by mcm- Concluding, the speaker de- bers of the underground, made scribed present day living candi- their way by train ta Paris. tions in Germany which wcre Schooled ta keep up a nonchal- getting littie better save in ru- ant manner, tliey made Uic jour- rai districts wliene agriculture ney and wcrc receiv;ed by others was resuming. Answcring the ai thc underground in Paris. Many question, what can be donc with Yhans for escape were debated be- the Germans?, the speaker aifer- are deciding ta walk the distance cd no opinion for the state ai apa- ta the Spanish frontier. thy amang the Germans defied Overiand Trip any ordinany intelligence ta find Over the space ai 90 miles or so a real solution. Great applause through country heavily garrîs- foiiowcd the thânks tendered the oned by German troops, the twa speaker by Lion Stu James. airmen had their mast diffîcult Business timc. Travelling by night provcd Reports an the fail and winter even mare dangeraus than pro- pragram of the club included an ceeding by day since aten they autiinc by Alex McGregor ai ar- stumbled into danger anly ta be rangements madle for thc concert rcscucd by good providence. senies ta be leld in conjunctian Nearîng the bonder, balf starved, with the Department ai Education came the only tine that a French- and Uic proposai ta hald Friday man saught ta seIl ou. the harrass- evening dances if satlsfactory an- ed airmen. They nan tili exhaust- rangements can be made. cd and escapcd the danger. Two presentations wenc made. Finally into the Pyreenes they Jack Brough rcceived a club gift managed ta cross the barder only and goad wishcs far Mrs. Bnough ta faîl into the lands ai the Span- and their new baby son. In his ish police. But here again pravi- thanks Jack told that thein daugli- dence, in the persan ai the local ter Judy was considerably im- commandant, came ta thc rescue. proved during recent weeks. The trip inta Madrid into consulan Aub Smith greeted. newly-wed protection was without incident Gond Elioitt with a gif t ai the and aiter farmalities were con- club fan lis wise prescience in cludcd, air passage ta Engiand utilizing summer hahidays. was securcd out ai Giibraiter. Better Morale War Crimes Work A repart ai the Past President's Turning ta investigation ai war Committee, presented b y E m crimes, Squadron Leader Jen- Crawford, suggested means ai do- nings told much ai the inside story ing away with maney games at ai how evidence was assembled Lions Carnivals, by arranging re- fan the trials af German war crim- venueý-bearing entertainment at mnals and collabonatons. Many the Lions Community Centre and fantastic stanies came from irre- a unanimaus vote coniirmed the sponsible sources and ail haci ta resolution. be traced ta get supparting vi-, President Eanl Riddole spoke GERTRUDE NIESEN, famous star ai the. Vanity Fair, modela thse ncw Bulova HER EXCELLENCY which will b. shown for the firat timo today Ex. AYERST Vitamin Products Aiphamettes $1. - $1.85 - $3.50 10D Cod Liver 011 67e - $1.69 Calcium A Capsules $1.lO - $2 Liquld 51.15 - 52.45 * "111% MYSORBO LINIMENT Relieves Athlete7lýsFoot t- UNIMEtl NNETftAtN Corega POWDER FOR HAY FEVER Fiy-Tox 240, 43c, 73o Lantigen E - - $6.00 Sheli Tox 24c, 43s, 73e Allergitabs - $1.00 - $2.50 A r sIB m 13 Razmah Caps. 50c, $1.00, $5.00 cao om 13 Ephedrine Nasal .Teliy - 50c Sheil Tex Sprayer 37c and is excellent for pain@ and sprain., neu- rides, lumbago, 4 oz. 10oz. six. 49c Blondex SHAMPOO FROSST'S Neo Chem. Food contains vitamlns and mv"' Capsules $1.25 - $2.25- NEW CHARM KURL with Rubber Reliera $1.79 Reilul for Charm Kuri $1.25 Certifled HBALTH SALTS Engiish Style 1 lb. 59o KERSLAKE'S Swcet Pickie Mixture 1 gai. 35e ' gai. 20e Thermos Pinta $1.19, $1.50 Thermos 1'2 Pints -$1.19 Lunch Kits - - 69e Thermos Quarts $ 2.50 PRELL The. New Creme Shampoa *Lacfign BABY FOOD * 100 A.S.A. Films Developed and Prinfed ..COW LING'S DRUG STORE Wefitu John T. McCreery Optometrlst 1 13708 Examlned Thursday - 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Optical Repaira COWLUNG'S DRUG STORE Il PAYS TO WAIT FOR QUALITY We are dealers for the foIIowing electrical appliance a a Specialized Service on ail our Produis R.C.A. Victor and Bluebird Records Phone 573 TUELAI)IE)SE-CI) BOWMANVILLE 38 King Si. E. forcefully on means of improving club morale, general attendance and Interest in club work. Some cammlttee meetings have not yet been held whlch holda up busi- ness. Other forma of disintercat inchuded leavir4g meetings before the gueat speaker was intraduced, a distinct discourteay. He aise candemned post-mortemns aiter decisions had been carrled hIop- en meetin. Mis remarks were tlmely and need to be repcatcd In other clubs ai like chanacter. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mn. Fred Cox met witu a pain- fui accident whcn lic knockcd the cap off his ight elbow. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bawcn, went ta Toronto Tlunsday with Russell Osborne and dauglitera, rcturned Friday nigît witu Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Dawning. Mrs. Alden Gibsan and Mru. Fred Bowen were visitons at the (Co.-nnued irom Page une) dividual gnoups and the camp kitchens werc cleaned up. Aiten dark variaus gnoups visited each other and coffea and cocoa werc served. About 1 1:00 p.m., cveny- anc crawlcd inta lhis tent and, sangs could be leard iran. the vaniaus tents until bate that nigît. The next marning the camp attended a Scouts' Own Clurch Service in which a very fine talk on the Scout Promise was dcli- vcrcd by anc ai the leaders ai thc moot. Then the camp broke up into vanious gnoups ior lectures on several Rover subjects. Aiten dinnen thc nature trail was again followcd with marc time spent on the many specimens. That nigît anound the camp-fine thc Rovens listencd ta, some fine stanies told by Ma on-G encrai Spny. The Chef Scout also, gave lis fancwell message at that time because le lad ta leave the ncxt morning. A Rover crcw iran Hamilton put On Monday morning tîcre was and thc camp-fine came ta a close. on a wcll-acted Indian pageant nothing ta do but stnike camp s0 the Scouts dccided ta do their good turn o the camp by buid- YOUR EYES t '~~VION eCI H. TUCK Opt. Eycsight Speclalist Dianey Bidif. (Opp. ]P.) Oshawa, ]Phone 1516 (No. 34) Thie length ai tine a warker Is subjccted ta an even source ai ligît because hia wank keeps lin steady in anc position will lcad ta larn much qulckcr than wifl be noticcd should thc sane vanker be standing at a ligher dcsk and walking about at lis work. '. The physicai condition and the eye condition ai anyone is anathen important feature ta be cansider- ed. In thec firat place thc anc who ia nat Up ta tue mark may find light mare aggnavating tIen wil the individual wha is normal phy- slcally. Calared lens In the eyc correction are tuercione found marc beneficial and nccessRry amangst certain patients until thcy become properly built up. Glane is a sYmpton when sonmc people use it to expres thei condition and in this way mly nat be a ighting fault whatcver. The anc who appraves yaur hgiî- ing may know this as wiU yaur optometrist. ÀM PAGE Sm THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMUNVILTYL nXTARYM ' 0 SCHOOL SNACKS Ini addition to thre. rne«Is a day, extra food, In the. torm of occasional lunches, Mnay b. needed by young pecople to keep up with rapid development. Nutrition ex- perts say that occasional "snacks" May cong!st of fresh or drled fruit,' raXe etables, crackers and mllk or ad , wlth butter or pea- nut butter. In-between luncheis should be small, s0 as flot to blunt the appetite for good healthfül meals at regular haurs. BABY TEETR Irregular teeth, which ruin the appearance, literally have their roots In childhood. They may be due to, neglect of baby teeth, tq such chlld habits as thumb-suck- lng or lip - bitlng, or to mouth breathlng due ta adenoids or other nasal obstruction, to retaining baby teeth longer than normal or to rieglect and loss Of the firat molar on the second set. Dental offictais at Ottawa ad-. vise regular twice yearly exani. inations ta enable dentis tat off- a m 32c Muses Ipitted BOWMANVILLE 38 King Si. E.