L.LI.LI LD I I A A WMAN, BOW M ANV ILýLE, ONTA RO P G 40 Plumbing Rot Watfr Heating Repairs Agent for Oil-O-Maglc Oil Bumners Inztafled in Any Type of Furnace Jack DroughPhone 2384 3 King St.W. F'amous for their softness -ind absorbency. Size 30x 30 inches. $4.39 doz. NESTLETON Nestleton W.I. met at the home of President Mrs. H. Vine on Sept. 10 with 16 ladies present. Meet- ing opened wiUi the ôde and Mrs. Reg. Middleton at the piano. Meeting was in charge of Mrs. Cecil Wilson's graup on Social. Welfare. Mns. J. McKlbbon, Biackstock, gave a wonderful ad- dress on social service Nok. Readinga were given on "Defini- tions" by Mrs. M. Emerson, "Something Coaking," by Mrs. H. McLaughlin, "Do you just belong" by Mrs. L. Joblin. Solo, "Bless this house," by Mns. H. Vine. Roil caîl, a noted Canadian. A dainty lunch p was servedi bythe group. Ail were n given a liearty vote of thanks far a pleasant and profitable ai tir-0 noon. Next meeting at the home9 of Mrs. L., Joblin, Oct. 1, in the I evening. t Mr. Wm. Hawthorne, Port Hope, i. Mr. John Bycrs, Janetviile, vis- rý ited their aunt, Mrs. Jas. William- is son. c Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited Fi Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. Ir Mr. and Mrs. Merle Thampson, T1 Oshawa, called on friends. Mrs. Aima Emerton visited Mrs. Jas. Samelis.M Miss Elva Bradley, Oshawa, vis- ited Miss Giadys Forersan. Si Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson via- ited friends ln Peterboro. Mr. Pi Wilson atteudcd Prcabytery. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lord, Vas- Li ey, visited their cousins, Miss Eth- el and Mr. Henry Thompson. Tc BURKETON Visitors: Mr. C. Hoakin and Mrs. E. Caug- hli with Mr. and Mrs. G. Keud- rick, Poutypool. Mm. and Mrs. H. Galley, Niag- ara Falls, with Mrs. E. Caughiii. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Bil Slingerlaud and Lynda, Bowmanviile, Miss Mary Vigar, Norwich, with Mn. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Miss Pat Cobies and Miss Ber- nice Morton, Oshawa, spent 3 weeks with Mrs. Hacaman wlio las becu 111 with poison ivy. Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Carter have moved into their new home an Water Street in Petetboro. Congraâtuations ta Mn. and Mrs. Howard Davcy (nec Edith May Hale), wîo were married lu Tnin- ity United ClurcI, Bowmauville, Sept. 13. Hello Homemakers! One af the best fuel-saving utensils la the pressure saucepan. It la ideal for large and amail familles, rich and poor, career women and home- rnakers. Nutritive value, calour and flav- ýur are maintLined ta a higx de- gree if yau observe the correct length of cooking time while uslng lhe pressure miethod. Further- more, if you follow the rules, nothîng.ever burns and the pan s easy ta dlean. To remind you of seasonai dishes, ure submit a chart for preparation af four serv- ings. rime Table for Pressure Cocker Caoking Time in Minutes after indicator reaches "cook"') Meat balls (1 cup tomatoes) 10 mina. Swiss steak (1,4, cup water) 15 mins.-after browning. Picnic ham (14 cup water) 45 mina, for 5 lbs. Lamb Stew (l cup water) 15 mins., aongue (2 cups water) 50 muns. quash <Ih cup watcr) 13 mina. -in piecea. otatoes (/ cup water) 12 mins. whole urnipa s cup water) 4 mina. pieces.2 arrots (14 cup water) 3 mina. sliced. Pruit custard-4 mina.3 3rown Betty-10 mina. 'ranberry pudding-35 mina. 4 [ne oatmeal (21/2 cups water) 2 mins.-one cup cereai. ;paghetti (3 cups water) 6 mina. 5 anc cup of pieces. [ce (114 cups water) 10 mina.- one cup rice. Brown Soup Stock 2 Ibs. lean beef, 2 qts. water, 14~ up diced carrots, %/ cup sliced. nion, boue marrow, 1 smail bay ,a, 1 tbap. sait, '/, cup ceîery 6. ith leaves, spray parsley. Cut boue marrow into amali ieces and render. Cut meat lu 7 mall pieces, place hli in cook- radd water. Brown the other ilf of meat ln the melted mar- ,w, add remaining ingredients.8 ook 20 mina. Strain soup and ep in cool place. Meat Loaf8 11/2 lb, round steak, ½/ lb. park, eggs beaten, 2 thaps. chili sauté, lt and pepper, 1 onion, 1 carrot, staik celery, 1/2 cup corn flakes, tbsp. fat. t m 1ha Co And, behold., a certain lawyer keq stood up, and tempted him, say- ing, Master, what shall I do ta mnherit eternal life? He said un- 2e ta hlm, What la written in the sal law?, how readest thou?-Luke 1.s 10:25, 26. 1i That combine softness of texture a nd durability. Size 36x54 luches. $1.89 pr. 89C ea. A necessity for the wee baby. Colora are pink ar blue. Size 30x40 luches. $1.05 sa. PLASTIC Commode Easy ta train baby with anc af these commodes. Pink or hlue_ ÀLL-WOOL Shawls Made lu Engiand of soit ail-wooi yans. ta Makes an ideai gift.- --- ---$4uu5 WEE SOFTEE Shoes They wlll match with baby's wardrobe and are sa iight and fluffy. Pink, blue or O. white.95 FLANNELETTE Gowns Top notch value in white flannel- ette gowns. Easy ta launder.- DIAPER Flanneleiîe Soit, absorbent, bieadlied pure white. Ideai fan diapers or gowns. 36 luches wide. soc sa. 35c yde .VISION CH.TUCK opt. ~' Eycsrght Specialist - ~ Disney Bldt. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 (NO. 35) Certain people arc so ordaincd from birth that ln later lufe or lu fact ail throughlife, they bear au intaierauce ta liglit. This is na- tural ta their make up and they must be carrectcd agaiust IL. Thei compiete explanation furtherj wouid le lengthy here, but I wiii ailow a littie time ta it now just lu case I may not get back ta it properly later. Grey's anatomy tells us that it is« not generaily known when pig- ment is laid down lu thc human system and, if I ecali properly, it la not known from whence it cames. This la the expianation of why some people who are evid- entiy normai otherwise suifer from Intoierance ta light. There are many similar thinga ta be met witli and wlieu no ather explana- tian reveals the cause ai your trouble. it doca no harm ta spcak with your optometriat whose cx- perience shouid caver this. (To le cantiuued) TIc possibility la beiug expior- ed ai couverting the infamous Devils Island, off the coast af 1 qLqpwp@ýw i -- 1 want an income for the Ilre.çt"- of Thousands of people- who hoc! ta work liard for their living, are now enjoying a well-earned !'rest" in their latter years because thcy had the farethought ta take out retirement insurance. Coil and se@ our repre. sentative, or 'phone him, and lot hlmn show you how te Provide ci retirem.nt *Incarne for tiie days wh.n you no langer wanfta worlc bord - ond provide Insur- once protectian for your Ioved anc. in the. meontime. Iow cosul hf. insuranco sinc. 1869 IHave meat ground twice. Grate Jall ngredentsa nd mlx well. Forin Into a round loal by piac- mng the meat on wax paper and form round and firm wlth 3tour hands, remave paper. Heat cook- er, add shortening and sear until brown, loaf can be easily turned with pancake turner. After sear- ing, add 2 or 3 tbspa. water. Cook 15 minutes. .Swris Steik 2 ibs. round steak, (1 inch thick), sait and pepper, 2 tbsp. fat, 1 amall onion (eut fine), 2 tbsps. horseradish, iY4 cup water. Heat cooker, add fat. Season steak dipped in. flour pounded with knife. Brown on ail aides. Place cut 0ozins on steak with harseradish. Add water. Cook 15 minutes. Steak may be eut in- ta strips before cooking. About 3 ta 5 strips to the paund. Chocolat. Pudding 3 tbsps. shortenlng, 2/3 cup sug- ar, 1 egg, 2 anc oz. squares of un-i sweetened chacolate, 1 cup milk,i 13/ cup flaur, 3 tsp. bakIng pow-f der, 2 cups water. Cream short- ening and sugar; add egg and chocolat.; beat thoraughly, add sifted dry ingredienta alternatelyf with milk . Fill greased moulds 1 lined with wax paper 2/3 full; cover with wax or parchment pa- per. Place coffee can lid and racke i cooker with 2 cups urater. Steam withaut indicator weight for 15 minutes, then put on in- t dicator weight and cok 25 min- utes. iv Take A Tf p Ta obtain best resuits framD Pressure Cooker: 1. Keep the caver handie and coak-B er handie tight. 2. Always keep sealing bands clean and be sure vent pipe is hi open and dlean before each use. . Be careful not to drap indicatar weight. ta . Neyer pour cold water intoa a dry, overheated cooker as this m may cause it ta crack, ar 5Be sure at ail times ta remove indicator weight befare attempt- te ing to remove caver. Do not of farce caver open if it seema ta i stick -or is hard ta turn - this 2i means there la stilI pressure in sii the cooker and it should be cool- ze cd again in a pan of cold water. 1If the coaker should leak, re- Zi mave the gasket and turn it ov- PE er. Insert it again. wi When cooker is flot In use, it is FE advisabie ta keep the iid off, or av for compact storing, turn caver al upside down. Keep it in a dry ni ontinsert indicator weight ini water. as this will cause the M~ Inside of it to rust. at Neyer strike rlm of cooker with es spoon or knlfe. This will cause Al nicks and ailow steam ta escape. al * * * Anne Allan invites yau ta write en o her c/o of The Canadian States- itE nan. Send in your suggestions he in homemaking prablems and inr atch this columin for replies. ca YOUR EYES li HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth and son, Clare, visited Rev. and Mrs.1 W. Rackham at Manilla. Mrs. Ted Chant witli ler par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall at Oak Lake.1 Murate Rabbins, Toronto, vis- ited lis mather, Mrs. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. R. Symans, Mr. and Mrs. J. Symons and son, Rob- in, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Metcaif's.E Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parker. Tor-1 onto, with Mrs. M. Goodman and î Louise.0 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackburn, a Toronto, witli his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn.c Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli t have returned from their cottage F at Williams' Point,. whcre they ri have speut the summer and arec xlow residing ln the village, hav- ing purchased same time ago. the former Alvin Peters' property. Mrs. Annie Colwili returned ta p Owen Sound after spending two weeks amang her Ha mp toan t] friends. She was gucat af Misa L. r Reynolds. b Mr. and Mrs. Ewart J. Creep- rg er, Owen Sound, were vis fAra fi with Miss M. Katerson. i; b Miss Phylliss Niddery, Toi ~a-a to, spent the weekend at hod . s Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Ryan id ti Virs. Fred Sauders, Toronto, Wle b Sunday gucats of Mr. and A s.Z Joc. Chapman. n Miss N. Horn with Mrs. N. . a] )oidgc, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stapi e, sa 3ethany, at T. Wray's. e. Mrs. Winterburn has returli c til home after a ple-asant visit wi h Lindsay friends. le Mrs. Merwln Mauntjoy enti - taued the Ladies' Aid of Lot a g United Church for their Aug t F( meeting with a good attendanl e t and a heipful meeting. Co Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson a'- tended a 25th wedding celebratia iWî f Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowdel, ne Kedron (nee Hilda Langmaic, Mi Zion), held at the home of he -M ister, Mrs. Rosa Pearce, Ebene -ce .er, on Sat. evening, Sept. 13.- Mrs. Linstead entertained tht Zion Women's Association at tht Parsanage an Thurs., Sept. lith with a good turu out. Mrs. Chas Perguson, (nec Effa Balson, Oah. iwa), contributed several Music- il numbers on hem guitar and, noutli argan. A nice program, ind refreshments were enjoyed. Mr. and Mms. J. W. Balson and fiss Jean and Mr. Keith Billett ttended tIc wedding af their eld- at granddaugîter, Miss Velma dberta Baison, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Anson Baison. Mono %lila ta M. Noble Havey Stev- nson, Brooklin, at Brooklin Un- ed Clurch. The reception was 'ed at Mr. and Mrs. Victor Park- ris' home. The bride and groom ,aed on their grandparents rhile an their honcymoon. Noble aught adhool at Burketon prior ,taking a University course hast 7ar. They wil ive in Brook- in. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Macnab Mid daugîter attcnded the cere- nony at the cîurch. The Brook- In and Kinsale community A'here Velma was organist af the îurdh), rcmembered this young Eupie by showers and presenta- ins af occasional chair lu wine oior, a tri-light floor lamp, a offee table, numerous other hings, plus a purse of money. CARE IN CROWDS The asaembhy of youug people, iat a large educational institu- on, creates a special danger af )read of infection (such as in- ienza,) should disease accur. :dical officers warni that indiv- îais are particuiariy susceptible hcu tîey are chulledý, fatigued or orried. FHealth-conscious achool author- es iu Canada are insisting on creasingly highi personal Iealth undards. They are taking steps enaure proper enviraument and oviding thorough Ieaith super- sion for classes. Vatal Statiestl n Ontario and Quebec The Province af Ontario lias more septuagenarians drawlng old age pensions than the Province oi Qucbec, but Quebec has consid- crably more dhiîdren drawing fa- mily allowances than Ontario ac- cording ta figures juat publishcd by Federal authorities. At thc end ai 1945, there were 50,644 aid age pensioners, in Que- bec as against 59,774 ln Ontaro. Quebec had 1.45 per cent ofI&it PONTYPOOL On June 20, Neil Curtis was se- vereiy burned ln an accident an his farm whlen his gasoline soak- cd clothes ignited. NoW, nearly tîrce mantha later he has been disdharged from hospitai and ia back iu aur midst. His doctors advlse that lie must flot work in the bush for thc next four months. The accident jinx la stili with us, Mrs. Richard Kirk leaned against a door in her home, which, she suppased was securely fasten- ed, it wasn't, and, lu faling, Mns. Kirk, who is 84 years oldý broke lier wrlst and scverely iujurcd one aoflier legs. We ail wlsh lier a spcedy recovery. One oi aur mail couriers de- cided that tIc road was tac> rough ;a bother delivering over, but a visit from an inspector af the Postal Dept. made hlm change his nd, naw tIc service la being continued. We hear that the movie film be- ing "shot" lu this vicinity wil be a good one and sîouid te com-à pieted in a few days. The tîreshermen are foiiowing thc age aid, siliy custom of jam- ning two machines lu the neigli- borhood at thc samne time. The emedy lies lu the hands of tIc farmera themselves, ahi they have to do la ta go ta anc machine at atime and let the other machine it idie; One application af that medicine should suffice. Perlapa twa machines at que time used ta be O.K. when the farms were saore heaviiy populated, but today we have too mauy empty farina ud tao many childless Xrrmerq. Many tramn here attended Lind- îy Fair. AIl report gooa weaLàî- r, excellent fair arnd enjoyable ýme. Phowing for rye la quite a prab- mi lu some places, toa dry. Dick Robinson, officiai photo- Irapler of Dept. of Landsanad ýoresta, la lu aur neigîborhood, aking pictures for officiai ne- ,rds. Friday evening the Orange Hall as well filled with friends and ýighbors af Mr. and Mrs. Orme iller, wîen a presentation was iade ai two end tables ta the ne- !ntly marricd cauple. L. BROMLEy PHONI 653 VELLOW COOKING-No. 1 Grade GUNIIS - - - 4 Ibo..150 BRADFORD PASCAL-Ne. 1 CELERY STAIA 2 for 190 WHEN A VAÀYIDLE USE ]PAEOLIVE Cake TOILET SOAP TOILET 8OAIM CAENDEBouquet Cake 8 CONCENTRATED m aE SUs pkg. 319 CLEANSER 013DDUTC2 for 194 KKOVAH EEALEmSLTS Ti29m Canadien G3i. FaRMlly alowance h o w ev e r were pald ln respect of 1,104,641 children in that province, as côrn- pared wlth oniy 961,734 ln Ontar- io. Time Table Chsanges Effective SUNDAY, SEPT. go,*11" Full Information from agents M n lbIcj * lb. COD FU.LET FRESH lbll EEDDO~K FUI.ETFRESE lb 3 9o SAL ON TEIES COHOE lb 45c Branch Office 435 George Street, ifet.rborough Ontario W(APES ~1boc ASPHALT TILE FLO-ORING FOR FLOORS THAT ENDURE: Sultable fer Factory, Offiee, StorMeD orLCHoe QUAIID PPLICATO3 The Sheppard & Gi Lumber -Co. Limited ]Phone 715 Bowmanville 96 King et. E. '4 -NI If cosis so lile fo keep ihem properly dressed when you shop here. Every- ihing for baby's fallinfo winber ward- robe-uip-bop values you'1l find hard bo match. Corne-in oday. 'BIRDSEYE' Diapers 'ESMOND' Blankeis .'KINGCOT' Sheets NEW PACK AYLMER FANCV BliracHERD_-20 m ti3l VLIA CHOICE20zn8 YALE McLAREN18QUE -16o r49 LANG'8 SWEET i~~E 16XEonICjarS %,JSc PANCV CANADIAN OLD CHSEm-m-lb38 KRAFT MACARONI & CHEES!S DINNER - - 2~~33. i 6'P Dupe,' Rlght @ualIt~ Mata kla ".,9t&e4 m'i sded& Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bowmanvllile jMILK FED GRADE "#B" CAPONS BRoaSTJG HICE popuatin dawig ad a eR sinsasagint .5 l Otai.R4 FIELETA A & P FARI RESH Rf ilY md VEG A MLES CHEESE CALIFORNIA 100', 1/2 b pk- - GRAPEFRUIT - 4 for 25c; A. & P. Poui CALIFORNIA VALENCIA 844,s BUY 0P THE WEEK ORANGES 2 Doz. 399< Cal ifornia Tokay, TENDER, CORELESS, No. 1 GRADE Sýý IN ESTABLISHED L FO-OD STORES A p., Mý-A m TAMMDAT, SEPT. 1811. 1047 L: BROXLICY GrMe &&Avv