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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1947, p. 11

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47 THURSDAV. SEPTr. 23th, 1947 ?HE CA!~'ADTAN STATESMMq'. BOWMAN VILLE. ONTAMO -- --- - 7 -"-~ A~W V Thre total drug store selling jthre huinan body, bas risen price of chemicals like those in 198 cents ta $31.04. PARE; TORONTO WEDNESDAYI OCT. TO WEDNE SDAY, OCT. 8 FERBS T Ne.M R AC E 2 EVERY DAY ADMISSION (Includlng Tax) from - - $1.20 CHILDREN UNDER 'SIXTEEN NOT'ADMITTED TOP NOTCH LUNCH COUNTER FINER FLAVOURq A & pDOKAR COFFEE lb 49c CUSTOM GROUND FOR Ait Miss Giadys Cbapman, Torontc spent a few days at hibme. Miss Gwen Caverly and Mi Curtis Brown, Toronto, spent Sun day et K. Ceverhy's. Mrs. E. H. Cale bas returne( 'rom a pleasant visit with Tor onto triends. Mn. and Mrs. Lou Williamsor Pontypoal, Miss Ruby Deweil Oshawa, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Solina 1Mr. Gien Eastwood, Miss Mildre( Brown, Greenwood, et Percy De well's. Mrs. Lumb, Mrs. Will Leasi Taunton, Mn. Johnston, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Baker, Bobbi( and Michael, Sauina, at Sam De well s. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks Glen and Sharon, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McWaters anc baby, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. Job] Buckley and children, Oshawa visited Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Stev. ens. Miss Lulu Reynolds and Mrs. Hl E. Tink, Sauina, accompanied Dr and Mrs. Ellis Reynolds on a tri] ta Ottawa and Algonquin Park lest week. Miss Marion Johnston, Tarante with Mrs. E. H. Cale. Mr. Donald Yellawiees, Toron. ta, Mr. and Mns. Ivan Ellicott anc Sandra, Peterbano, Mr. and Mrs Neil Yeliawlees, Canal and Donna Tyrone, et N. C. Yeilowiees'. A & P Funn fresh fruits and Vegetuhies GRANGES CA41FORNIA VALENCIA 344', Cez.3 CAROTS BRADFORD CORELESS 3 lbs. 13e A. & F I GAES I CELERYý P. PRODUCE SUYS 0F THE WEEK CALIFORNIA TOKAY i b. Sweot and Lusclous e'riU,~ PASCAL 2for WS5ZALG Extra Large 10< Ise CLARKE UNION Mr. Arthur Smyth, Torontc visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saur ders. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs i Richard Francis and family in thi sudden passing of Mr. Francis who was a former resident in oui section. Farmers are busy picking corn tomatoes and tobacco. Mr. Harry Keiley, Oshawa, vis itcd Mr. and Mrs. George Fogg. John and Ray Berry have pur chased a threshing miachine. One of the kilns at Mr. 13ailey' caught tire one night last week .Icstroying the tobacco therein. HAMPTON ROME ON FURLOUGH ENSILN Mr ______ianc oA pleasant famiiy <'ounion was1b n- held on Saturday at the home of AIl Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp in honor 1 rs. of Mrs. C. Sanderson, Toronto. fart ,ie Hera family, grandchildrprn, two Orr is, great grandchildren, ster and A brother were present for a birth- Hol 't day party. Those present includ- MiE n, ed Mr. James Byers, Blackstock, wit . .. ... .. ..Mrs. H. Wanamaken, Port Perry, 1 Mrs. G. Wanamaker, Seagrave, wit S- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Murray and Ray, Columbus, Rev. r- ........and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson, Roy, Harry and Beth, Mr. and Mrs. D. ,,S B. Kay and Bill Toronto, Mrs. V. ýk ~H. Ratz and Donna, Columbus,T ........ Mn. and Mrs. H. W. Gregg and Cla Donald, Kenmore, IL.Y. Mrs The Service Club met at thresi home of Mrs. H. DeGeer when bands for tire hospital were cut e oue. Thene was a gaod attendance. b R .E. Merrill Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowlands, Oshr- M r.. awa, with Mrs. E. Page, pur( 'l- nited Cburcb Missionary in Mn. and Mns. H. Siemon and vil]E Angola, Portuguese Africa annîv- Miss K. McNeih, Toronto, visited ' ýd ed in Toronto hast week by air via IMn. and r.RMeilbl - England and Newfoundîand. wa's hast home in 1939. Mr. Fer- Mrs. J. A. Wenny and Mrs. E. ity, n, gusan is a native of Bowmanville, A. Werry attended a kitchen phac 1, where bis fathen, Mr. W. C. Fer- shower for Miss Gwen Bray, Tor- Rici a, gusan resided for many yeans, but on to, at Dr. and Mrs. George Wer- lM ýd now lives witb bis daughter, Mrs. ry's, Oshawa, oni Friday evening. !am: aCecil Hill at Blackstock. His Mr. and Mrs. Menvirn Cryder- ian brother is Rev. C. H. Fergusan of man, Grant and Joan, Oshawa,' Ion kAvonmore, Ontario. Mrs. Fer- Mr. and Mrs. Weaving, Toronto, bar o, guson and their four daugirters Mrs. Elliot and Miss Mountjay, M ie went ta maternai borne at Stay- Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. W. I -ner, Ontario, and will join Mr. H. Moore's, Bow Fenguson in Toronto an Thursday. Mn. H. W. Gnegg and Mr. R Enni s Aften a brief holiday, Mr. Fer- Sharp \Vere on a fisbing trip with et eguson will proceed ta the Hart- Mr. A. Henry et Four-Mile Lake. M d fard Sehool of Religiaus Educa- Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs and Mn. n tion for post-graduate study dur- Joan witb Mn. and Mns. Heywood M: aing furlough. Short and Mns. R. Martin, Sea- Tonc M.adMrg. W. H. Moore have Mu: NES LE ONreturned home from visiting at with r. N STLE ON Toronto, London end Kincerdine. on. p Mr. and Mrs. F. McGill and Rc Nestleton W.A. met Sept. lath. Donald, Toronto, with Mrs. John ryM Meeting wes in charge of Mrs. McGill. T John Grieve's group with 10 la- Dr. and Mrs. Keith Slemon, son, dies and Rev. Harrison present. B owmanville, with Mr. and Mrs' Cam -Mrs. S. Malcolm, ist vîce-presi- H. Annis. Mi d dent, took the chair in absence Mn. and Mns. S. Stainton and Mert sof president Mrs. K. Samelis. Mrs.i family with rel4tives at Port Per- Deg( aPeniound, Oshawa, gave a spien- 'ry. Cros did telk. Reading, "Are You Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, and Willing,?" by Mrs. W. R. Jackson Toronto, with O. C. Ashton. M and reading by Mrs. R. W. Mar- Mr. and Mns. M. J. Hobbs and Asbt low "Do yau just belang?" Deinty Joan with Mr. and Mns. W. Rod- Satu lunch and social hait hour brought man, Lindsay. birth a pleasant and profitable meeting Miss Lillien Morrison, Mrs. Ver- ta a* close. Vote of thenks was 'na Wood, Toronto, et S. R. Pet- C gi.ven the group leader and ail in bick's, charge. Mns. Mary Griffin spent Sunday T] Mr. and Mrs. George Jobns' with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grittin, in u Mrs. Herbent Vine, Mr. and Mrs. Yelvertonl. roor Reg. Middleton, visited Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yeilowlees i nc Mrs. L. Joirlin. and family, Tyrone, with Mr. and ie Mrs. Stanley Malcolm visited [t bier mothen, Mrs. Anson Taylor. tue is with iris daugirten, Mrs. Wm. steff Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Ra- Cochrane, Kirby, at present. tidy dison, Sask., visited their cousins, Sunday Schooi Raily Service in c Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. will ire held next Sunday et 10 o'- airy Mn. and Mrs. Frank Joblin vis- dlock, regular chunch service at wher ited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin irefone il. or ci they moved to their new home at Mr. Chas. Bigelow is confined indiv Sutton. ta bis bed. hionE Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Ken, was Florence Tripp. Ciem. and Doreen with Mr. and a glo, *Mr. Robt. McGill, Cochrane, Mrs. J. Griffin, Yeiventon. on i, visited his sister, Mrs. Jas. Wiil- iamson. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Tnewin, En- niskilien, visited Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pleyfoot and Bryce, Lindsay, visited Miss Ethel Thornpson. Mrs. Jas. Williamson and Mn. O Arthur Jackman, visited Mr. and . Mrs. Ivan Wright, Janetviile. rs. John Oke. Mr., and Mrs. A. Brunt with Mr. nd Mrs. W. Mark, Port Perry. Mr. Ronald Ashton, with Mr. ian Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and Lmly wvith Mr. and Mrs. Keith rmiston, Courtice. Mdr. and Mrs. S. B. Colwili, Port ope, Miss Myrtie Tamblyn and iss Verna Orn-deton, Toronto, th Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston. Miss Winnifred Cole, Toronto, iti Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. HAYDON The men folk of the Thompson [n formed a bee on Saturday. rs. W. Thompson is having brick ling put on her bouse. Mfr. Alymer Beech Is, in Toronto Bneral Hospital. We hope he will home soon, much improved. Plans are being made for our iankoffering Services on Oct. 12. MIr. and Mr&. Bert Ashton have *chased the pasture field in thre lage from Mr. Russell Aunger. Ve welcome Mr. and Mrs. Um- 1and littie son to our commun- ,having moved on to, their ce, formerly owned by Mr. bhard McNeiI. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and iily, Mrs. T. Cowling and Viv- ienjoyed a motor trip ta Fene- iFalls, Bobcaygeon and Peter- ro. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Mr. nMartyn, Miss Ciare Trewin, vmanville, Mn. Frank Smith, ýiskillen, Miss June Anderson Mn. Wm. Trewin's. Miss Emma Werry, Toronto, at 1L. R. Ashton's. \Ir. and Mrs. Walter Blackburn, ronto, at Mr. Wilbur Black- n's. Ir. Gardon Siemon, Toronto, th iis father, Mn. Milton Slem- ionald Ashton with Alian Werý. Enniskillen. Ir. and Mrs. Lloyd. Yeo, and i, Bowmanville, at Mr. Don meron's. Urs. Russell Aunger, Mrs. W. *tin, Mrs. E. Degeer, Miss Cora geer were guests of Mrs. C. ssman, Bowmanville, for tes 1the evening. [nrs. H. Ashton and Mrs. B. hton ententained a few friends- Lrday evening, it being Bent's thday. !OAKROOM SANITATION .e danger of spread of disease untidy and unsanitary locker ns and at piled cloak-racks, .oted by Canadian healtir of- ýrs. tis suggested tiret scbool fs should train pupils to be yin the cloakroom, as well as class. Anterooms should be yand well laid out, so that, ere possible, separate lockers cupiroards mnay be aiiotted to ivdual pupils. Tire old-fas- .ed cioakroom, where clothing ;piled up or thrown about in oomy chamber, is frowned up- by the bealth people. September 23. 1947, MR.E. V. SCOBELL, Insuranee Agent Don't Put off Havîng Your Electrîcal Appliances Put in Working Order Bring them in to-day and aur expert eleotricians will repair them promptly and economically, ~ WIRING ESTIMÂTES For, Barn or Store gladly fu.mnished without obligation. HRIGGON ELECTRIC Your General Electric Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowmanville 42 King et. E. INVITED KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESEPkg. MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER KRAFT - 2 Pkgs. 33e QUAKER-QUICK or REGULAR GATS Pkg.o. 249 HEINZ TON. S.Onw Ti184:.10 GROVE BRAND MAPLE SYRUP - -o. 494 McLAREN'S JUMABO QUEEN OLIIES -« 1=.z.49e AVLMER COOKED SPAGHETTI2 Jars.25 PICKLING VIREGAR Gal. 35e JELLY JARS Do,. 4&< ROYAL MANOR CATSUP apJa Pkg. g OWNEO AND OPiflAflO 5! .,..ATLANTIC&PACIFIC t..c.&.é Che"k' Thbeaçe Values GRADE A PIILLT EGGS NEW PACK CHOICE CORIN CREAM STYLE FAN CV GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Ctn. Doz. 20.18<il VOUR BEST BUY ANN PAGE MCILK DREAD TYRONE tir. and Mrs. C. T. May, Mn. *Jack May, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hopper and Miss Helen Hoapen, Toronto; Mns. M. Silx'er, Bowmanvilhe, were guests of Mn. and Mns. Frank Werry. *Miss Helen Miller, Toronto; Miss Beth Miller, GreenbankitMn and Mrs. W. J. Miller. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Bigneli, Tan- onto, spent the weelçend with Mn.1 and Mns. Lamne Annis. Mn. and Mrs. Hedhey Oke, Bow- manville, Mrs. Sains and Canal and Mr. Bill Bickel, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons witb Mn. and Mrs. H.Philp. Mn. and Mrs. S. Jewehl with Mr. and Mns. Eveî'ett Mountjoy, Ked- non. i Mr. Joe Phillips and bride, *Maidstone, celled on bis grand- itether, Mr. J. D. Colwill and James. Mn. Harry Arnold, Toronto, vis-' it ed Mrs. Mina Hughson. Miss H. Macdonald, Oshawa, visited ber parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Wm. Macdonald. Mn. and Mns. Eeni Shipman,' i Courtice, with Mn. and Mns. S.r Jewell. iMn. and Mns. Gardon Larmar, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. G. R ose ve ar. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Bradley and Bnian, Enniskiiien, and Mr. Orval Bond, Oshawa, ith Mn. and Mns. D. Stainton. Mn. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Tan- onto, with Mrs. W. Worden. Mrs. *Worden returned ta Toronto with them for a visit. Mns. S. Beckett and Joan, Mrs. A. Spicer and children, Bowman- ville, with thein mothen,' Mns. Laura Vintue. Mn. and AIns. Chas. Jahnson, Oshawa, et Mn. Jae McRoberts. Sonne Mns. McRoirerts is not im- *proving very tast. 1There bas been e lot of colds and stomech fin going around. Mn. and Mrs. S. Jewell ettended the silven wedding ennix'ersanv af Mr. end Mns. Farter Snowden et the home ai Mr'. and Mrs. Ross Peence, Countice. S Mn. and Mns. S. Jewelh and Bill, 1 and Miss Donothy Wright attend- ed e gathening in hanor of Mn.F and Mrs. Sim Penfound et the home af Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Penfound, Courtice. Mrs. Thos. Tenant, Ottawa, vis- îted Mrs. A. Miller. Mn. and Mrs. Thomas~ Tabb witb Mn. and Mns. Elford, Part Pecrrv. Mn. Elford is in Pont Pen- i l{c~~itît ih r.eumnonia. Mn. and Mns. Ken Kenne, Mn. .1 n .ý.'J. ~îla;,Kent end Bn:.E_ -mony. Mn. and Mns.: Jack Corbett, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Otto Virtue. Mn. William Virtue's sale %-as quite a succcss on Satuî'dav. M . Jeck Gibbs has pnh:-thei îo perty Of Ji.V;intunC x:Cx~c Io take possession soon. Mr.* Vîr- TO A FREE DEMONSTRATION' MEETING OF TUE DALE CARNEGIE COURSE in * Effecfive Speaking 9b Personality Development *U Leadership Training Nonday, September 291h, 8 p.m. DALE CARNEGIE Author of "How ta Win Frlends and Influence People'l Genosha Hotel, Oshawa Mr. Plailip Rosa, Managing Director of the Carnegle institute, assisted hy Mr. Frank Rogers, certified Dale Carnegie instruet- ors, wiIl explain how the course la conducted. You will see the Date Carnegie Course in action. You will hear how it has helped so many to achievement and 'success. For alfree, exciting and In- tcresting evening, clip the coupon for free gucat tickets, and send it to THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTE 1200 BAY ST. TORONTO 5 MIDWAY 2522 SPONSORED BY THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE FREE DEMONSTRATION MEETING Nonday, Slpl. 291h. Gonosha Noie! Please send me ...... free guest tickets for the Demonstration meeting of the Dale Carnegie Course Name............................. A4ddress........................... occupation . ...- . .......................... WHITE or BROWN 24 oz loat 10 A 6' PMeu Bu>: 01 the Week HRAMS FRESH OR SWEET PICKLED 1 SIDE POR Fresh or Sweet PickIqd Boneles lb4 A 6 Psuper Righkt Oua lit, Me u& Sea Food Sumtons FEESE HADDOCKFU LT b g SALNON SILVERBRIGHT By the Piect lb. 37 Sliccd lb.39 COUSE SALIION y the Pie ' b. 47e Ii. l.45 8 p.m.- Sharp 'i. SALVATIONIET MUSICANS for bis services, and each la e«_ pected to contribute towardg thé Lateut international statistics cost of the music lhe play&. AUl Issued by The Salvation Army music used la composed, or arrana. show that there are 51,555 musi- ed by Salvationisis and passes by clans in its bands. Not one of them an accredited music board In Lon- receives a cent of remuneration don, England. ]BUSINESS SGLD 1 have sold my Insurance business to Mr. Stuart IL James, Insurance agent, at Bowmanville, as of October Tht, 1947. after wvhIch date ail business In coiinection 'ivth renewais and Increases In amounts undor presenit volloles çan be attended to by hlm. 1 have sold my conveyancing business to Mfr. Lawrence CJ. Mason. solicitor at Boivinanvllc, au of October lut 1947, and will hand over to hlm the oustody of &Il documents and unfinlshed business now ln my bandit te demi wlth. 1 wish to thank ail those who have favoured me with a share of their business in past years, which 1 have very much appreclated. ARE 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 * * ------------------------------------------------- 4 0 6 MU CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVffýLE, ONTATUG IbA#UV- ipt.imtruw Bownianville,

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