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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1947, p. 4

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P A G E F O U R ~~~~~~ÂY14LLb-£ '£M N 'B W uiiA .V IJ.L ' O N T A RIOi u H R D Y S P . 2 1 , T'TTW rqAT..qrti--,tit 2A '?m'aa A Ir in, CZ A 1 .+"A-V. -..,, ýýxewaK atiss ae ocxini aevrel. auuy, silent tnought, i15 I.iêrdon. after ail, the mightest agent in It is common to overlook what human affairs.-Channing. is. near by keeping the eye fixed Spiritual force is stronger thar on sometbing remote.-Samuel materiai; thoughts rule the world. JOhnson. -Emerson. CHEST CLINIC NOTICE t ader the auspices of the Ontario Department of Health %rrangements have been made to hold a Free Chesi Clinic Ths HeaJth Unit Office, Bowrnanville -September 301h, 1947 and Ocloher 1sf, 1947 P'atients reconimended for ('hest examination: (a) C'ontacts of know-n cases of tuberculosis; (b) Ex-.-atients of sanatoria %vho should be recheck'ed; (c) Fersons suspected of having tuberculosis, (d) Non-tubercuious chest conditions. Those wishing to take adi-antare of this opportunity shouid get in tnuph ith their familv Physician at once. G. W. IMLLER, M.D. M.O.H. Northumberland -Durham Health Unit STOP Battery Foilure Worries Rely on Our EX IDE SURE-START Ar SERVICE A egular visit to our station for Exide Sure -Start Service wilI liminate the threat of a starting -~ failure. This service guards you against O the inconvenience and expense of a strtnc failtire. It locates the cause of CaJl in for a Surc-Start test today. STOCKER'S GARAGE TEXACO Brakes Reiined- Mlarfak Lubrication 153 Kinz Street East - PRODUCTS Brake Dmum Lathing -Fimestone Tires - - Phone 804 p. WEDDING ANDERSON-QUANTRILL Standards of white gladioli, -palms and ferns formed an effec- tive setting in Trinity United iChurch, Cobourg, on Sept. 13th, !wh en Rev. H. P. Woodger united in marriage Patricia Marjory Quantrill and George Dentzei An- derson. The bride is tbe daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Quantrili, jCobourg, and the groom is a son ;(f Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson;, Bowmanville. Tbe wedding mus- ic was played by Mr. A. Morti- mer, and the soioist, Miss Betty Bruce, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "lil Walk Besîde You." The bride, given in marriage by hem father, w-as lovely in a gown of white corded taffeta fashioned with fitted bodice, high neckline and long sleeves. The full skirt ended in a train. She wore a fin- gertip veil and caried a shower o! pink roses. Her only jewellery was a string of pearîs, a gift from the groom. Mms. William Woods attended ber sister in a blue bro- caded taffeta gown styled with fitted bodice, sweetbeart neck- iune with short puff sleeves and bouffant skirt. Her matcbing hat was trimmed with pink tuile and she wore pale pink gloves and camried a bouquet of pink roses. Linda Patterson made a chamm- ing flowem girl in a frock of white tuile over blue taffeta. Her nose- gay was of pink carnations. Orms- by Anderson, Oshawa, was best man for bis brother, and the ush- ers were Ted Quantrili, brother of the bride, andi Alec Quigley. At the reception beld at Lake- view House, Cobourg-on - the -c Lake, the bide's mother receivéd the guests wearing a melon crepe frock, navy accessories and cor- sage of pink roses. She was as- sisted by the groom's mother in a black crepe dress, matching ac- cessories and corsage of red car- nations. For tbe wedding trip to North- ern points, the bride chose a, brown gabardine suit, matching accessories and corsage of talis- man roses. Tbey will eside at Cobourg. iTrinity Auxiliary Hold Fail Meeting Trinity Evè'ning Auxiliary held its opening meeting of the season, Tuesday evening, Sept. 16. A warm weicome was extended 'by the Community Fiendship Sec- retary, Miss Marion Belîman, to the five visitors present. The program, in charge of Mms. George Brown's group opened with a worship peiod conducted by Mms. E. Osborne, Mrs. C. Allun and Mms. Faimman. The remain- dem of the programn was given over to a study of three early trans- lators of the Bible. Mrs. Pickard gave an account ô! Saint Jerome wbo in the fiftb century translat- ed the Bible fmom the original Greek and Hebrew into Latin. Miss Marlon Belîman recounted Wycliffe's difficulties and success in making the Bible accessible to the illiterate people of England. Such were the conditions cf the time that even as late as the six- teenth century, copies of the Bib- le had to be smuggled into Eng- land. Mrs. Brown continued the story by telling how William Tyn- dall had bis translation of the Bible printed in Germany. Copies of this Bible founci in England, were burned; Tyndall himself was tbnown into jail and later publicly strangled for this crime. The meeting closed witb me- freshments being served by Mns. Brown's gmoup. STOOPED SHOULDERS Days are gone, health author ities declare, when men of learr ing may be distinguished b. stooped shoulders" as much a by signs of absent-mindeùnes. Today's intellectuals, we are toic are upstanding men and womneî who baven't let their book-lear ing "get themn down." At study or at work, Canadian should bend only -theim minds tý the task at hand, say the healt] experts. It is important to main tenance of healtb to assume an( retain proper posture, whethe: standing or sitting. ri, as '- is t. id Marred in St. John' s Churcli i MI 1~ MR. AND MRS. .GEORGE DADSON Whose marriage took place re- of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hart, cently. Formerly Miss Eleanor Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart, the bride is the daughter1 Dadson, of Bowmanvilie. Couple Will Reside Here MR. AND MRS. HOWARD DAVEY Who were married recently. [Mr. and Mrs. William Hale of The bride, who is the former Ed- Newtonville, and the bridegroomn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Day- ith May Hale, is the daughtero ey, Burketon. COMMUNITY COUNCIL 'NEWS ChiIdren's Pet Show Song Service in Trinity Church on Final arrangements have been Sunday evening, Oct. 5. Mr. Nor- 7- completed for the Children's Pet man Lindsay of the Community '- Show on Saturday afternoon and Programs Branch of the Depart- ,ail that is needed is good weather ment of Education will -be the 'and lots of chiidren with their song leader for this service and a * pes. comlet lit ofclasesvery interesting programn is being appears elsewhere in this issue' arranged. It is hoped that this Ail children are requested to have wili be the first in a series of ser- their pets at the High School 'vices heid once a month and ro- grounds at 1:30 p.m. for regis- tated amongst the various church- ,tration. The show wilî start at es. Complete details will be an. 0 2 p.m. In the event of a Junior nounced in next week's paper. hbail game being piayed here Sat- Crafts and Hobbies i- urday1 afternoon, the show will be A craft and hobby display andi dtransferrcd to Rotary Park. demonstration wiil be held in the ir Community Services Lions Community Centre on Tues- The Community Council are day and Wednesday evenings, planning to sponsor a Community Oct. 7 and 8, from. 7 to, 10 p.m. The dispiay xviii include leather- work, felt xvork, sheil and bead YOUR EYES work, model building, weaving, U~ E S sewing and many others. It is hoped that everyone interested in crafts and hobbies wilI plan to at- and tend. Registration for the local craft classes, commencing Oct. 14, Nwill be accepted on both nights of V 1 s10 Nthe display. Recreational Directors Met By Recreational Directors f r o m C. H. TUCK XVhitby, Oshawa, Lindsay, Peter- Opt i boro and Bowmanville met at Pet- erboro on Sept. 17, to discuss pro- Eyesight grams and also the formation of Speciallît a zone Recreational Directors As- Disney BIdg. sociation for this area, somewhat «)pp. ip.o.> sirnilar to, the Ottawa Valley As- sociation. It bas been found that Oshawa, Phone 1516 an association of this type greatly heips in the coordination of ac- (No. 36)tivities throughout the cities and (No. 36>towns in the areas involved. It Glare, because of modern con- was decided to invite the directors ditions, rcflectecl and direct, has fromn Beaverton and Picton to the become sucb a menace to most next meeting whicb will be held cycs that publiciy interested au- in Bowmanville on Oct. 22. thorities are working hard and Swimnaing Class many simple theories fail and On Friday, Oct. 3, every boy therefoize should not be considered and girl xvbo attended the swim.- from a simple angle because what igc lasses are invited to bring is game o oe pesonmay lottheir parents and friends to the bc so to another. High School Auditorium at 7 p.M. It is %vise always, before re- A very interesting program is be- sorting to simple first aid remed- ing planned which will include ies to have the condition of the mov îes on swimming. and water cyes investîgated first, and prop- safety, demonstration of life sav- ci' assistance applied according to1 ing and artificial respiration and the percentage that appears nec- presentation of certificates to essary or according to the quality those who passed their beginners of the vision existing. According swimi test. The local branch of tyour position reflected glare is the Red Cross Society are making olten more direct than the glare this event possible and it is hop- from ý our source of ligbt. We ed that everyone who is interested are scidorn called upon to direct in swimming and water safety our eycs to the sun, yet we often will plan to attend. notice rcflectedi rays even fromn ,he pavement. Because of steady fixed positions office desks, win- The U.S.A. is looking to its two dows and white paper and metal National Forests in Alaska, as furli,Iit give a more intense sources of newsprint. gilie i.n the ligbt itself. Eyes Amateur amchaeologists dlaim to subject, to glare more than others have unearthed a iost civilization arc, subject to it once the eyes are lot men fine feet taîl in California opened. See your optomnrist. caverns.,i OBITUARY MRS. MABEL A. FOSTER On Thursday, Sept. 18,. 1947,1 Mrs. Mabel A. Foster passedà away suddenly at the home of ber sis- ter, Mrs. Georte Lambert, 19 Giengrove Ave. E., Toronto. She had been in failing heaith for some time, but the news of ber death came as a great shock to both her family and friends. She had returned to Toronto from ber home in Bowmanville only four days previously. She was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Tremeer of Lindsay, and was born in Woodville, Ont. Her eamly life w-as spent at Randolph, Ont., and she came to Bowmanville as a bride in 1900. Hem husband was the late Fred A. Foster, "Nom- wood Place," Bowmanvilie who predeceased hem 10 years ago. She lived at Bowmanville all hem mar- ried life with the exception of the la st few winters whîch she spent with bier sister in Toronto. She was a member o! Trinity United Church of Bowmanville 'and a life member of the Tinity Woman's Missionary Society. Tfhe funeral service was con- ducted by hier pastor Rev. J. E.I Griffith on Saturday, Sept. 20, at thie Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. The interment was in Bowmanville Cemetemy. The fun- eral was prîvate and the paîl- bearers were Fred A. Tremeer, Bowmanx-ilie; Dr. Paul Rokin- witz, Hamilton; Mr. George Lam- bert and Mm. Charles W. Syh Toronto; Mm. Leonard Reynolds, Penetang; and Mm. Frank Batty, Bmooklin. Attending members of the fa- mily were Mm. and Mrs. Fred A. Tremeer wbo live at the family residence "Norwood Place," Mm. Claude Tremeer, Mm. and Mrs.i George Lambert, Mm. ançI Mrs. Leonard Reynolds, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rokinwitz, Mm. and Mrs. Charles W. Smyth, Mrs. Harry W. Foster, Mr. and Mms. George C. Foster and daughters, Vîvian and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoop- er, Mn. and Mms. Frank Batty and Miss Doris Batty, Mrs. Rose Wer- ry and Mm. Luther Stainton. She leaves to mourn lhem passing bier only daughter, Doris (Mrs. Fred A. Tremeer), Bowmanville, hem sister Grace (Mrs. George Lambert), Toronto, and hiem bro- ther, Claude M. Tremeer, Mid- land. Hem family wish to express their sinceme thanks and appreciation for the kind messages of sympathy and gifts of flowers received from friends everywheme. Scout Mothers Meet At Lions Centre September meeting of the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held in the Lions Community Centre on Sept. 18, after the repetition in unison, of the Scout Mothers' Prayer. Mrs. Walter DeGeer wel- comed ail present. Sixteen mem- bers answered the Roll Caîl. Treasurer reported $11.63 in tmeasury of which $1.00 was to be paid flower convenor for flowers she sent to the Crossey home at the time of their bereavement. Mrs. DeGeer stmessed the fact that we would welcome ail Scout or Cub mothers, even if they do not"pay membership fee. We are not asking for money but co-op- eration. The president aIso an- nounced that eacb was to bring a cup and saucer for ber use to be ieft at the Centre for others use- we have since been advised tbat the Lions are enlarging some de- partments, and would rather we use the dishes wbich are there. The Scout Mothers' Promise was repeated and the meeting closed wtih the closîng prayer. A so- cial haîf hour was enjoyed. Be stili, and know that T am God.-Psalms 46:10. FMlST PACK NEWS Since it was very chilly in the pack deni when the meeting start- ed, a game of boom coming over was started immediateiy atter the Grand Howl. This was gradually seded u ntil it became a wild scamle of'boys going in ail di- recto ns Then the pack settled donfr inspection which gave them a few minutes mest. Another lively game of twos and tbrees followed but this game wvas not so wild as the first game of the evening. Baloo demonstrated an easy me- thod of skipping and severai boys who could not skip bef ore found "'OLD FOLKS AT IOMl" "SOUVENIR" "ESTRELLETA" "VALSE BLUETTE" «"WHEN YOUJ'RE AWAY"p "ONE ALONE" "'ONLY A ROSE" "RIO RITA" "THE WHITE DOVE"; "WHEN I'M LOOKING AT YOU" "THE ROSE 0F TRALEE" "«IRELAND. MOTHER IRELAND" "SERENADE" ««L'AMOUR, TOUJOURS, L'AMOUR" "HOME ON THE RANGE" "TREES" - «'O SOLE MO" «'RIGOLETTO" "AVE MARIE" (Bach-Gounod) 4"AGNES DEI" - "AVE MARIE" (Bach-Gounod) "LES FILLES DE CADIX" "BLUE BIRD 0F HAPPINESS" "«THE LAST TIME I SAW PARIS' "CLAIR DE'LUNE" "TRAMP. TRAMP, TRAMP" - "IT'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE" - Nelson Eddy "THE MOUNTIES" "IRGSE MARIE"l "MAZURKA IN B PLAT" "'FANTASIE IMPROMPTU:, Record llstenlng room for your convenlence. Mail or S38 ii I 4i< ~ MILLER'S BEAUTY PARLOUR 103 King st. E. wmnie that it was very easy to learn. After the instruction period, More games, including a new ver- sion of creep mouse which wui vemy much liked, were played and the meeting'closed. There is stili room for rnany more new boys in the pack and some of the old mnembers have not eported back yet. Let's se* a full attendînce ext week. A helicopter lifeboat Is propo&.. ed for the United States Coast- guard Service. An Iowa mayor, witii a skia- rash on his feLgt attended an ur- gent meeting of council bare-foot- ed. ýelson Eddy [ose Iturbi rdrfihl Fritz Kreisler .Iascha Heifetz Richard Crooke Richard Crooka Lawrence Tibbett John MeCormack Richard Crooku John Charles Thomas' Enrico Caruso Beniamino Gigli Janette MacDonald John Charles Thomas "INDIAN LOVE CALL"» «'DEEP IN MY HEART" Fritz Kreisler «"MOTHER MACHREE"I 111 HEAR YOU CALLING ME" John McCormack The Radio Shop ng St. E. Bowrnanville Phone 573 IT- M /S My The housewife has the respoxi. sibility of the serious business of proper f amily nutrition and of making menus attractive f or light-hearted eating! Milk cornes to the rescue both ways 1 OLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 444 FOR DELIVERYj PAGE POUR IrHE CAMAlr)TAT-Z qprAmv-qlgAj lanumAvirTTýT-vq riý,TP"AlMTÉ% ý7 Bowmanville qqi-'t

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