TUSAY, SEPT. 2Mbh, 1947 cO Min g 0 0 "THE DAVIES" Noble Davie Frances Davie Nelles Davie Baritone Mezzo Soprano Basso Vera Henderson Davi, Musical Director wiI present a varied protramn including opera, oratorio. Srt. Vovular sangrs and ensemble numbers APPEARING Trlnlty United Church BOWMANVILLE Tuesday, Sept. 30 8:15 P.M. under auspices of TRINITY WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION Newcastle Community Hall Wednesday, Oct. 1 8:00 p.m. under auspices of NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH CHOIR ADMISSION 'Adulte . .50e - Children .... 25c Naple Grove Church 751h ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY and MONDAY, SEPT. 28-29 SUNDAY SERVICES 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. STANDARD TIME. WHEN Judge Hawley S. MoiU of Toronto Juvenile Court will speak at both services Speciai music by Mapie. Grove Choir, assisted by Ebenezer Maie Quartette, at both services. MONDAY, SEPT. 29 At 5 v.m. sunuer wii be served ln the enciosed shed. Foiiowlnx the suvver Solièna Younkr People wili pre- senrt their 3-art play entitled "Look Out Llzzie" and speciai musical numbers. Tickets: Aduits, supper and concert 75c.- concert only, 35c. Children, supper and concert, 40c; concert only, 20e Ail ser*jes wiii be held in the large enciosed shed, whieh willi be heated. PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED JUNIOR .B.A. DASEDAL (semi-finals) FORT ERIE LIONS versus HOWNANVILLE % SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 271h 3:00 p.m. High School Grounds, Bowmanville Admission - 25c 'TEE CÀXADIAN STA'rESMAN,_BOWMANVTLE, ONTrARIO F'. 9 s 0 0 9 9 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 ai R I M i Mr. Robert L. Stevens bas re- turned ta O.A.C., Guelph. We al wish bim the good success be bad last year. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Eiliait, Letb- bridge, Alta., visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Mr. Lau Pascoc, Toronto, Mr. Harry Pascae, Winnipeg, Man., visited the iormer's niece, Mrs. J. R. Metcali. Miss Alne Northcutt, town, with Miss Dorcen Jeffery. Mr. Lawrence Wragg, niece Marion Ritzie, Oshawa, were Sun- day visitors at Mrs. L. C. Snow- den's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery and Miss Doreen Jeffery, witb May and Percy Mitchell, Qsh 1awa. About sixty friends and rela- tives gatbered at the Sunday1 Scbooal com ta bonor tbree bri- dal couples on Friday evening, September 19. Tbe couples werc Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis (nec Lii- hian Snowden); Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Bell (nec Louise Foley), and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bothwell (nec Irene Piper, Town). The pragramn apened with a vocal solo by Miss Arline Northcutt, Bowmanville; readings by Greta Snowden and Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto; vo- cal solo, Mrs. Hurîbut. Mrs. Harry Freeman then cailed on Lillian and Bill and Louise and Clarence ta came ta the iront and Edna Swallow read a nicely worded ad- dress ta Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Wallace Munday presented a wall mirrar and a set ai ash trays. Mil- dred Snowden read the address ta Louise and Clarence and Dorcen Jeffery made the ipresentation ai a coffee table and a set ai ash trays. Mrs. James Mactyn read the address for Mr. and Mcs. Bath- well, wbo were flot present, and Doris Stevens made the presenta- tion ai a lamp table and a set ai ash trays. Aiter speeches were made by Rev. F. Yardley and Mc. Freeman, a social time was en- joyed.1 P09TYPOOL Mrs. Chas. Besi is in Toroni Iwith hec daugbter and will al Iattend the wcdding ai ber niecE Miss Vivian Hamilton spent th weekend at ber home. Mr. Wm. Meelee and Mr. Ro, McGill motored ta Toronto ai Sunday. Mr. L. Hooey and Mr. E. Werr, wece in this district and bougli a number ai cattlc. Misses Dareen Hudson an. Greta Penwarden bave taken pas itions in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill and Ar. nold motaced ta Brookiin on Wedý nesday. Mr. Jim Hackwaod bas takeni job with Mc. C. Hudson. Among those purchasing puri bred Gucrnsey calves from R McGill wece S. Staples ai View Lake. and R. Brown. Roy Penwarden bas lefi Ricb- ardson's store and bas takena position wiih Master Feeds in Toconto. Miss Jean Fisher bas taken a position in Peterboro. Gardon Fredcick bas been spcn' ding a wcck's bolidays ai bis home and at the same lime giving bis bouse a coat ai paint. Mr. Preston Neil, Bethany, spent Sunday ai bis home. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Baker and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughiin and Dawna, Nestleton, with ber mather, Mrs. Hugh Murphy. Mrs. Mary Sim, Oshawa, is vis- iting ber son, Mr. Robt. Sim. Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith accompanied Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith, Gloria and Bobby, Baw- manville ta Goodwood an Sunday and visiled Mr. and Mrs. J. Kidd. Mrs. Smith remained for a visit with ber brother. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, Jac. Marie 'nd Robert witb Mr. and Mrs. J. McRoberts. Tyrone. Men, Wonien Over 40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old? Want NonaI Pep, vi% Vllty ? "o ek, nndown. , ""hl' oniio mk 40. Sipplm fimn. ailm. Phfflphoni.,vltamnir "lat au £0wia drug si om. e n>whcr, BURKETON Harvest. Festival and Thank- of- fcrîng sérvices werc held Sunday. Mr. T. E. Hancock, student min- ister irom Pontypool, was guest speaker et bath services. In the aiternoon he spake ta te chiid- ren about "The Tbrec N's'p and "The Five Foxes." Special music was provided by the chair witb Mys. K. Roblin as pianist. Mrs. T. Hopley, Miss Gwen Dean and Miss Jean Coulter were greatly appreciated as soloist.s. W.A. met Sept. 18 wbcn theý women decided ta bave their baz- aar and concert October l3th, with home caoking and iarm produce. Visitors: Mr. T. E. Hancock, Pontypool, Mr. W. McMann, Pantypool, Miss Grace Harris, Toronto, Miss Ruby Bailey. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey. Mrs. Haesman, Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs. W. Breck were in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. Breck havi returned ta Kingston. A number ai friends irom Osb- awa gathercd at the home ai Mrs. T. Hapley for a weiner raast and social evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rabm, Westc'n, Mrs. Harry Rahm, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. ,A. Vigar, Norwich, witb Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. . Miss Jeanne Coulter is witb ber mother, wbo is ili. We w]sh Mrs. Hazel Dean and Mrs. Howard Harris a speedy re- covery from their aperations. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Massie, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Franklane, Tor- onto, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Needham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter1 wvere bome and visited friends. DEPARTMNT OP EDUCATION CONCERT S E RLES FOUR COItCERTe Dates and Proposed Artlsk as foiiows: 1. oct. loth- The Solway String Quartette 2.Oct. Sît- Katherlue Irwln, plaulst Mary Morrison, soprano Bernard Bray, harmonica Margaret Learner, viollnist o 3. Nov. 2lt- e. John Coveart, plaulat te Margaret Kerr, soprano James lune., violiist )y Mary Oxiey, ellast 4. Jan. soth- .y The Waterloo Concert t Band Season. Ticket $1.50 - BUY YOUR TICKET NOW Tickets available front any a member of the Lions Club or at McGregor's Drug Store. Business Arrangements by BOWMAN VILLE LIONS CLUB aN Bowmanville Badminton Club will re-open Its doors wlth an Intormai "Open Hous"Party Wednesday, Oct. 1 8:00 P.M. Ail interested lu the Club'. wlnter activities are lnvited. Master of Ceremonies: Mr. Walter Lane et Oshawa GAMES ROUND, SQUARE AND NOVELTY DANCING A Seàson's Membershlp Given Away. - LUNCH - Badminton play wll start October Sud. Playiug Membershlp 81.00 Assoclate Membershlp $3.00 B I iChildren's Wear Shop uTo Open Here Oct. 2 M. W I ARE HAPPY to advise the people of Eow- imanville and the surrounding district that on October E2nd we shall b. opening an attractive CÈldren ' Wear 9 Bhop in Bowmanville. BLÀUI<STOCK Congratulations to Mr. Sam~ JefirY who ce1cbraýed his 89th birthday, Sept. 21. ýHe spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm. Mrs. A. Loucks, Minden, and Mrs.- F. Cook, Beaverton, visited their sister, Mrs. Wilbur Archer. 1Mr. James Parr is in Port Perry Hospital. We hope be will soon .be. returned to good health and home again., Rev. and Mrs. Milton Sanderson and imily with Mr. and Mrs. C. Marlow. Congratulàâtions to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce (nec Lola Stinson) who were married on Saturday at the home afilher parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stinsan. Congratulations to Miss Mabel Van Camnp,,B.A., who was onc af the tbree womcn lawyers cal]cd to the Ontaria Bar at a ceremony on September 18 in Osgoode Hall. Her'parents Mr. and Mrs. William Van Camp were present also other relatives ta witness this proud oc- casion. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. James Bruce, Caesarea, and the/ members of the family of .Mr. James Bruce who died an Mon- dav night. The school busses bring the pu- blic scbool pupils af Grades 7 and 8 ta the Continuation scbool anc day a weck idr Home Economics and Shop Work. Jack Marlow, Murray Werry, Grant Ferguson and Richard Bowles have returned for their second year at university. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farder and Joyce visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Janetville. Mrs. Elizabeth Barton visited Mrs. Barton in Bowmanviile. Owing ta the intense heat and busy season the attendance was small at the September meeting of the W.M.S. bcld at the home oi Mrs. Carl Wrigbt. Thase who werc unable ta attend, missed a treat. Tbc meeting was held an the veranda wbicb was voted the coolest place found for many a iay. Mrs. Cecil Hill gave a very informai and informative account of lber stay at Whitby Coliege while attcnding the Scbool for. L.eaders. It was rated higb as re- Ports go. Mrs.- E. Dorreli intro- iuced the new Study Book "Great s the Company" wbicb bids fair ao be a vcry intercsting study for the coming year. A very pleas- ant and profitable afternoon was brought ta a close by serving tea and sandwiches by Mrs. Wrigbt and bier graup. Word bas been receivcd that Mr. Harold Woods, former Cartwright boy, died suddenly at bis home in Ottawa on September 12th. Mrs. Millard Fallis and Bob, oi Bowmanville, spent the weekend with friends i the vieinity. Only 270 out of 56,000 dwell. ings in Lcwisbam borougb, Eng- land, escaped bomb damage in the war. castle, wore a powder blue crepe WED INGgown with bluehbat and:accessor- roses. Her paternal grandmnothcr, BENNETT - KERNAGRAN Mrs. William Kernaghan, Lake- part, was in a gown ai black crepe Multi-coloured zinnias an the and lace and ber flowers were altar and baskets of fragrant gar- pink carnations. den flowers on the chancel steps The tea table centred with the graced St. George's Church, New- wedding cake and with white castle, on Saturday afternoon, tapers in silver bolders was pre- Sept. 20, for the wedding of Miss sidied over by Mrs. Douglas Dewd- Mary Ruth Kernaghan, daughter ney and Mrs. T. Pendergast wbc ai Mrs. W. O. Schram, Newcastle, paured tea. For travelling the and the late Ralph Kernaghan, bride donned a dressmakcr suit and' Raymond Charles Bennett, of lime glow wool with picture son ai Mr. and Mrs. Riymond hat ai black felt and lace, black~ Bennett, Toronto. The Rev. D. R. suede shoes and accessories and Dewdney oificiated and Mrs. corsage af ced roses. John Garrod presided at the Out-of-town guests at the organ. wedding were Mrs. William Kern- The bride given in marriage by ahn c n r.A alc ber uncle, Mr. Floyd Thomas, Mrs. T edratadMs hr looked exceptionaîîy îoveîy in l T Pendergast and r;M r.n ful skirted gown of white moire Mley Pend erat, aeplort rnd taffeta, the tight fitting bodice Mr. a r lodrnaha,oBan-; made with peplum and with an crft Mr. and Mrs. RayhmasoBn- Off-the-shoulder yoke oi nylon Bcroit M.san Bens. ttayMnd marquisette. Her finger-tip cm-Ben Bennett, MoaaBndtMr. broicieced tulle veil was held with B.erad Misnnett, Mran Mrs a halo ai tulle adorned withGRynMis oly yaad orange blossoms and she carried Messrs Jack and Keith Ryan, Mr. shawer bouquet oi crimson roses,an Mrs. Narval Reeveic, Mr. and bouvardia and.white satin stream- Mrs. JPh ilChdw, M r. oand er ,and wore a string oi pearls, M.E B e Ms.Jk ilE. Mis Cowan. th gi of the groom. The matronMrE.ebMs..TikrMc of honor, Mrs. Audrey Gogerty, and Mrs. Jack Garbe, al ai was in fiaor-length govn a oroto mauve tafleta, made with off- the-shoulder yoke and with the full skirt having a three-tiered Durhami C'ty Farmers draped bustle eftect at back. She Form Cooperative woreblak nlonlace elbow- length bm;iten and large black Hospitalization Schemle lace hat with streamers down the back. Hec flowers were a colon- A Ca-operative Hospitalization ial bouquet of yellow roses and Scheme has been arganized in bouvaiWia. The two junior brides- D maids, Miss Patricia Schram, Drham.,County at the instigation sister ai the bride, and Miss ai the Caunty Federatian af Sheila Gogerty were winsome in Agricul'ture. The directors are frocks oi green and ycllow or- Stanley Mead, Clare Allun, Mcs. gandy respectivcîy. Thcy were Rae Stewart, Earl Weatherilt, made with ruifles ai organdy with Mrs. Lawrence White, Robi. G. black velvet ribbon outlîning the Moifat, Forbes Heyland and E. yakes and with the fioor-length Twist, with two mare irom the bouffant skirts having sashes and narthern part ai the county ta be streamers ai black vclvet ribbon. added at the next meeting. Their cute open-crowned hats ai About 6.5 interested people met mohair ta match their gawns were in Orono Friday evening accepted trimmed with clusters af liiy-oi- their charter and appointed their the-Valley and black velvet rib- directors. At present there are bon. They carried old-fashioned 10)7 paid up members who decided nasegays ai pastel roses. The that the starting date be Sept. groamsman was Mr. Narval lst, 1947, and the effective date Reeve, Toronto, and the ushers, Oct. lst. The next starting date Mr. Fred Thomas and Mr. Philp xiii be Dec. lst and the effective Chadwick. date Jan. lst, 1948, an a nine The bridc's mother reccived months' baqis. Anyone in the wearing a model gown ai black caunty wishing ta take advantage siik crepe made with the new af this scheme mnay contact any. draped skirt. She wore a black ai the directors or the Secretary, lace picture bat trimmed with J. J. Mellar, Orono. large satin bow and streamers af sheli pink satin and with pae1 pink gloves and corsage oai Pi'k OVINS W ES cases. She was assisted by the graam's mother wearing blue M. Rawtinaon Ltmnited regutarty malin crep an lac gon, backhat utand ehip Household Purnitrire. Gon- with blue plume and corsage oai aAlta, itihClmbaadt cedrass.Cattfornta.Write, wfre or phone forreduced e re's mtrnlgrn-fretght rate$. Estabiihed 1885. mThe r Mrs m. Thomlanw- 61 Yange St., Toronto. Kingadale 5125 mothr, Ms. W. ThmasNew-MOVllNS, pAGKtNe, £Ni~pplus and £10850 -e ýe 0 e it -e k d e COME IN on Opening Day or any day after. We have had 20 years' experience in manufacturing children's clothes and feel that we can help you. ITHE "TOT" TOGGERYj MRS. BERNICE COLL]IS, PROPRIETOR fThe Quality Tea ORANGE PEKOE BUTTER Brights, Culx'erhousc - Choice Quality Monarch TOM TO UIC 220 oz 21Ç BABY CHEESE Mokas Dishes Sparkle VEL Saves Sa Apte Brand GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 'Mitchelis APPLE JIJICE Gra\os -Choice Quaiitv SAUERKRAUT Apbro Sections GRAPEFRUIT Swectened A3Imcer Mcat, Fruit INFANT FOUDS lieinz Dilled Large ý2qç CUCUMBER PcL Clarks 2oz10e ASPARAGUS SOUP 2 Domino 2 1"Tî,âz 23" TEA Lynn Valley, Frankford 28 '7 IO PEAS Standard Quality SOIt15~ Neilsons Burns Witb Vegetables Ise BEEF STEW Quickç ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSTNG SATURDAY gi~'e l(X)~k satisraction. &Vegetable Valia Choice Quaiity California APRICOTS il00t Z29Ç - 'iII.i!i rU [.j:m 16Oz Jar 29~ render, Fîrni Pascal 1 b39Ç Green Celery - 2 stalks i9c Julcy California, size 300, Il 26Ç Sunkist Lemons » 6 for 25e New Crop Local Grown P.Iag«45 Washed Carrots 3 Ibs. 13e Ontario No. 1 20 Oz 25Ç Cooking Onions - 3 Ibs. 1lic Ontario Selected 2Ç Washed Tunlps-- lb. 4c TIn Caifornia Valencia - sze 288ls 15 z gç Sunkist Oranges - doz. 29c Tin 9 AR RIVING DAILY - 6 QT. BASKETS Bartlett Pears, Prune Plums, Cooklng All Merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is tinconditionaiy guarantccd ta OUR STOCK will consiat of item. for the tiny tots, whether they b. six minutes or six years old. Our policy will be to give you good value for you.r money and good clothes for your MAPLE GROVE 1 1 . PA(M rrqiu A FEW of the items include baby'. underwear, overalls for kiddies, kimonas, girls' dresses, rompers, stockings, plaid shirts, blouses, suits, ski suits, snow jeans, helmets, sleeping bags, babys' snow suits and dozens of other hard-to-get articles.