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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1947, p. 9

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V~WAYi OCTOIER 80, 1U~ TEE CAKADIAN W~ATMAN~ EOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO i SCIA Af PESONAL X»t. W. B. Pollard, SeaIorth, Is Mn. Milford Wilkins, Mn. and vIsItg Mrs. Y. C. Calmer. Un.. Theadore Wilkins, Ruth, .bi. W. B. Young, T~oronto, was Wayne and Gary, Oshawa, spent w«kend guest of hW'aunt,'Mns Suiiday with Mn. and Mrs. Albert J. HL Marris, B.ech-Xve. CClwell. Mir. and Mns. H. H. Tadgham, Mrs. J. M. Monison, Hamilton, Walkerviile, were guestaoaiMr. spent the weekend with ber mo- alid Mn. D. R. Morrison. then, Mrs. J. M. Rowe, and at- Mr. ussel Cndle, Lodontended the Dunford-Gibson wed- * Rusei Cadier Lodon ding on Saturday. viultêd hlm brother, Mr. Stuart .M.adMs ,SihFruo 'Candler. adr..SitFnuo Miss K. Ventresof Cheatnut of Octoben 22 attending the Royal Buill. Boston, Maso., vùdlted her Conservatory ai Music graduation ulsteZ, -Mrs.. G. T. Purdy. exercises and reception. Mn.. Mina Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Nina E. Neads, member Albert Colwell, Ted and Irwin, ai the Ontario Insurance Agents' visited Mrs. W. I. Colwell and Association, attended the conven- Mr. and Mr#. Atkineon, Toronto. tion at the Royal York Hotel, Tor- Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie bas ne- onto, last Thursday anid Frlday. turned from North Bay where she Mn. and Mrg. Fred Baker, Scu- visitèd ber daughter, Mrs. Mait- gag St., ententalned on Tuesday land Gould. evenlng and to dinnen Wednes- day for Mrs. Mary Coombe, Lon- -W -W-W -Wdon Engiand, wbo bas been thein guest the past week. do you Mr. and Mrs. Nelson M. Mason, Mn. and Mns. Bob Canningan <VebuB ll 0 1IL? Bobby,. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Mc- Mann and Freddie, Oshawa, spent Xi ANY 01 Eurnsr with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ~ Ou Mn. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy spent 'Ceau - Flowi" i the weekend inBelvlewt their son, Pnov. Constable Genald Purdy and Mrs. Purdy who e Conitinerg 1 v e s turned with them, Mrs. Purdy thee ene is:staying for a ek fiesehenefis:Mrs. Mary Coombe, London, England, Mr. J. H. Early, Saska- 1 Absonbs condensation- taon, Sask., and Mrs. Chas. Lan- keeps entire systein W&- caster, Jr., Oshawa, were guests ter-free with their cousins, Mn. and Mn.. 2 Dissolves guinsand R. H. Westaway. aluiges Mr.'-and Mrs. M. Thurston, Mr. a Elmintesstorte ank Ray Thurston, Mr. Ken Thurston 3 Elminaes torae 451k nd Miss JOan Quillan, Lindsay, clbanintisud pump-outs Mns. E. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. 4 Keeps lines elear, pre- Chas. Bail and sons, Fred and venta elogglng and con- Ron, Oshawa, were Sunday guests gealîng with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bennett and Elaine. 5 Insures quleker tartng' M. H. Staples, Orono, was guest 8 Lessens et baking -on speaker at the St. John's Church atamizers. Fewer burn- Fireside Hour, Sunday evening. on changes He.gave an interesting lecture on 7 Reduces carbon and soot the appreciation ai bymns and sangs. Press liaison failed in 8 InIproves combustion gettlng a repart af the meeting. 9 Gives cleaner firlng, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McNichal faster heating Brampton, and Miss Childs, Tor- 10 Increases furnace and onto, were recent guests with Mrs. bolier capacîty M. M. Gerry, Queen St., and witb Mrn. Mary Brown, Mn. McNichol's il Eliminates ail odors, sisten, now convalescing in Bow- smoky chimucys, piaffg manville Hospital. 12 Refractory brick work The Statesman added a ne.w lasts longer member ta its staff this week int the persan oi Fred Moore wha takes charge ai building main-E -~ tenance. Fred much resembles Al Baba, the philospher-janitar ai the late Elbert Hubbard of Ray- àd h croit lame, East Aurora, for he gets things done and gives reasons R a iiOP Winners this week aite in R so SClub Hockey Draws are; Diçk 38 King St. E. Phone 573 Little and Herb Goddard get the pasteboards for the game ln Maple BO WMAN VILLE Lea! Gardens, Wednesday night. _www_ W W W H. Patter and Ray Stacey won the» CLals ruc>z 'l4ri-J71 Iz One of life's greatest thrills la la rcilganew GRUEN Veri- Thia. ',Fo, it's the proudest nome ia trne and a preclons thing of beauty. No ather watcb wilI record cvery moment with sucb unernin Precision. INcision v IViri-Thln Precision muovement. __ - _ MV401PATEENS *-4NOITRA CMS MAR'S -%l . BLACKSTOCK Mr. aiid Mrs. Nathan Brown and Barbara, Vasey, with Mr. and Mrn. Roy Ferguson. Mr. and Mns. George Ruthen- ford and Allan, Oshawa, and Mns. George Fowler, wlth Mr. and Mn.. David Wilson. Mr. W. C. Fenguson and Mn. Roy Ferguson went ta Garnie on Tuesday ta attend a fumera. Mns. Robent Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Strong and famlly with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Co- bourg. Miss M. King returned bomne with thein. Mr. George Finisyson is home inom the Toronto Generai Hospit- ai gneatly improved in bealth. Ahtthe Bradburn famnily wene with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bnad- burn on Sumday ta celebrate Mn. Bnadbun;h's bintbdlay. Mrs. Creighton Devitt with Mn. and Mrs. Herman Wilson. Many fram hene attended tbe Nestîcton anniversary services on Sunday. Harold Fonder spent several days at the Guelph Agiculturai Collège last week and was placed hlgh man in the Swine Judging Competition. Congratulations! Workens from a Toronto monu- mental firin are busy this week putting the nmres on the Memor-j ial ai the Cartwright boys wha lost their lives in the recent .w4r. Mn. and Mrs. Clifford McGill, and children, Part Penny, with Mrs. Luther Mountjay.1 A very enjoyable evening was spent in the Community Hall, Wednesday evening. It was a1 showen in honor ai Mr. and Mns.1 Morley Bruce (nee Loin Stinson) who were marired rocemtly. ORONO NEWS Mrs. Vance Cooper entertained a number ai little girls and boys in honor a! ber daughter, Joy's fitb birthday. Misses A. and E. Morrison have came home frorm visitlng their sis- ter, Mrs. Anderson, in Hamilton. Mnr.and, Mrs. R. E. Logan mov- cd Friday ta their new apartinent aven their stone on Main St. Ernest Leamen bas bought the Supentest Service Station nean Enterprise from Gea. Forbes. He and Mrs. Leamen moved from Toronto and have taken aven the business. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn and Rev. and Mns. A. E. Eustace attended the weddlng ai Mn. Glenn A. Tamblyn ta Miss Lillian M. Waiker at Hart House Chapel an Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin have maved ta their borne on Cburcb St. South, punchased from. Mn. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Miss C. McKay bas returned from Lockwood Clinic, accampan- ied by ber sister, Mrs. Bell of Saskatchewan. They are staying with Miss Mabel Dairy. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. L. Pears on the arrivai a! a baby girl in Bowmanvilie Hospital. They are at present wîth Mns. Pears' parents, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Baîl. Mrs. J. Turner is back in Arm- strong's store aiter convalescing fnam an injury, the result of a fall in ber borne. Orono Police Trustees met Oct. Churches ST. ANDREW'8 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ministen: R. D. Duncanson Organist: Miss L. Osborne 10 a.m.-Sunday School. 1l a.m.-Marning Wonsbîp, sub- ject, "True Wisdom." 7 p.m.-Evening Service, subjeet, "The Message ai Ama's." ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Ministen: Rev. G. C. Qulgley Organiat: Mrs. Rota Dudley A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Dinecton. D. Alex McGregar Sunday, November 2 10 a.m.-Sunday School. Il a.m.-"Eanthen Vessels."1 il a.m.-Nursery School. 7 p.m.-Rev. W. W. Pattenson, Newcastle. Monday, November 3 8:30 p.m.-Young People's Social Evening. TRINITY UNITED (JHURCH Ministen: Rev. J. E. Griffith Organiat: Mn. W. E. C. Workman Sunday, Novemben Z il a.m.-"Our Chlldrn's Heni- tage." Baptisin. 7 p.m. -"Investmnents." Do we use a "bag with bobes?" il a.m.-The Nunsery. 11 a.n.-Junior Churcb. 2:30 p.m.--Sunday Scbooi. "Came Let us Worshlp"p ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright, Recton Mn. R. G. Harle, Organist Saturdsy, Novemben 1 AIl Saints Day (Specially for those who bave lait a loved one) 10 a.m.-Holy Communion. Sunday, November Z 10 a.m.-Sunday Scbool. Bible Clasa ion yaung and old in the Churcb. 1 1 a.m.-Holy Communion, sub- ject, "Spiritual Food." Nurseny 2 years and aven. 7 p.m.-Êvensong, subject, "The Tangue." Fireside Ongan selections by Mn. Harle,1 choir numbers and congregatiomal1 singing. AU Wanxuly Invited. -1 . .. - - . - . . . 1 NE WTON VILLE Mns. Wm. Milligan attended the fumerai ai ber sister, Mns. Check- ley in Hamiltan, Oct. 18. We ex- tend aur sincere sympathy. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunit and Mns. C. Burley attended the W. M.S. Prebyterial in Hampton on Oct. 22. Mrs. Burkell sold ber farm and implements Oct. 20. The sale was quite successfui. Sidney Lancas- ter purchased the iarm. Mrs. Bunkeli leit fon Hamiltan on Sunday. Frienids follow ber in thaugbt and wish ion ber bnîghter days abead. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Stapletan an the birtb ai a baby boy In Oshawa Hospital on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Cannai Nichalîs on blrth ai a baby girl on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Millson, (nee Iva Burley ai Pont Hope), on their marniage on Oct. 20, aiso ta Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stevens, (mee Jume Wane), who wene marired in Taronto Satur- day. Keîth Stapleton, son ai Mn. and. Mn. Gea. Stapletan, and Ross Ad- amns, son af Mn. and Mns. W. Ad- ams, Lakeshore, compnised. ane of the swlne judging teains at Guelph last week and they won iourth place in a class of aven 20. Mn. Gea. Stapleton and Launie attended J. L. Ashmane's Here- fond sale nean Lindsay Saturday. 604h WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mn. and Mrs. Robent Brown, formerly ai Roseneatb, now ne- sidlng with thein daughter, Mrs. N. W. Stevens, Newtanville, cele- brated their sixtietb wedd'mg an- niversany on Oct. 25. Besides thein daughter, Mns. Stevens, oth- ers present included thnee sons, Alex ai Peterbaro, Ray o! Rose- neath and Cephas o! Cobourg; seven grandchildren and ane great grandchild, a brother, George ai Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Brown, Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs. Wyley of Peterbono, Miss Isabella Brown, Roseneath, Mns. Maud Brown, Mn. and Mrs. Russau ai Hastings, Jim Beatty of Feneila and Wm. Beatty o! Wankworth. Mrs. Brown was formerly Miss 1 smre privilege for Saturdaj night. Mrs. A. S. Baker gave an ai- ternoon tea at the Lions Commun- ity Centre in hanor af Mrs. Mary Coombe of London, Englanâd. Mrs. Herinan Westaway alto gave a dinner panty #t the Balmoral Ho- tel in honon 8f ber cousin. Mns. Coombe lef t to-day for New York whene ahe tails this week by the Queen Elizabeth fer home aftier spending six months wlth her numerous relatives in Canada, much ai the time being guest af her cousin, Mn&. A. S. Whattarn, Oshawa. The speaker summed up bis splendid message which is ail toa briefly reported here, by insisting that thene must be a dominating spiritual note in al aur thinking and actions; we need not search fan it because It i. inherent in aur very being as the word af God abiding with us from infancy ta the close a! life, but too of ten sub- merged in the material things we have came ta cansîder as mare important than may be justified in a fast changing wonid. Mr. Domm closed by reading an in- spirational creed wliich conclud- cd:, "Can we look inta the stars at night and see beyond ta dlaim and reafirin relatianship with the Creator?" Vote of Thanks Morley Vanstone moved the vote ai thanks ta Mn. Domm, Mn. Dyer and the ladies who provided and senved the dinner. President Mel Dale a! Ratary welcomed the Lions as guests and the program anranged by the Lions was in- tnoduced by Lions President Earl Riddolls. Don Mason introduced Mn. Dyen and Stu James headed the corps a! auctianeers who said the hampers a!. appies, one of which fell ta Mr. Domm. Wilf. Carruthers led the cammunity Carruthers led cammunity singing with Dave Morrison at the piano. Bob Cochrane, Peterboro, form- erly o! Bowmanvilie, was the on- ly guest. Many adjourned ta the Lions Community Centre aften the meeting ta enjay the weekly Fni- day night dance. WESLEY VILLE Mn. Sidney Lockhart, Part Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicholîs. A euchre party was held at the home of Mrs. William Payne on Thursday evening with a good turnout. Ladies' high pnize was awarded ta Mrs. Harry Broo- ing, ladies' consolation pnize ta Mrs. Richard Best, men's high pnize ta George Martin, and con- solation prize ta Harry Brooking. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Harald Bar- 27, with ail memba present. Plans were laid down for seur- ing a garbage dump adjacent ta the village. 14 was- declded to hold the nomination meeting Nov. 21 in the Township Hall, from 7:30 p.m. ta 8:30 p.m., and a pub- lic meeting following. These bills were paid: Orono Hydro Street llghts, $175.00; Pire Hall, $2.00; George Butters, $4.00. Secretary was instructed to write ta W. A. Anderson re final locations of new hlghway at north end of village. Visitors: Mi. Jas. Stevenson with rela- tives at Montreal and South Mountain. Mra. Flintoif, Oshawa, wlth Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood. Mrs. Cooper Sr. with Mr. and Mns. C. V. Cooper, 6th lime. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawton, Han- wood, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wal- ker. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner and family, Bowmanville, with his mother, Mra. J. Turner. Miss G. Beck, Hamilton, with Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Farrow, Miflbrook, wlth bis sister, Mrs. I. Winter. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane and Samn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keane and Glenys with John Keane, Scarboro. Mr. and Mr&. C. S. McLaren and Don with relatives In Toronto on Saturday. Miss E. Burgess with ber bro- ther, Rev. Luxon Burgess, Elm- vale. PALW ~ Brown, daughten of James Brown of Scotch descent. And her hus- band was the on of James Brown of Engliah descent. Messges a i congratulations were recelved from the Provin- cial Secretary af Ontario and Hon. Earl Drape, M.P. The happy cou- ple recelved many gifla, cards and tongratulatory messages. Friends and neighbora take this opportunity ta wish them con- tinued bealth and happiness ta- getber. Joint Meeting (Continu4d from Page One) were paid for. At once they saw the point; the nickels paid by the people who made up the whole community for the service ai ail. It was a pointed lesson projected in a way that 'made them ,ieel that they had discover- ed it on their own and -they cheer- fully paid from then an. They perceived the End as a matter of social nelationship. Quoting again, the speaker read a letter taken from the Christian Science Monitûr. It praised the objectives oi the United Nations, prayed for divine guidance that its mission, universal peace, would ibanish war and hoped that change in human conduct would endure. It ciosed with a plea that the permanent building ta bause the Assembly would not be erect- ed in the wlriter's cammunity since it would so deplorably change the place. Change had twa meanings for too many people in this time for decision.NwFat Friendly Personal Service SALE SPECIAL Bole ( Guaranteed for 3y~ears Reg. $1.49 FALL DRUG SALE Money - Saving Specials for Wednesday, Oct. 29 to Wednesday, Nov. 5! Buy Now and Save I.D.A. Is Baec on the Air! MJDG ET QUIZ Win Wcekly Cash Prizes Fui1 information on entry form at Your I.D.A. Store Minerai 011l I.D.A.- 16 oz. 37c, 40 oz. '73c Idamait, Mal & Cod Liver 011 49c, 87c, 1.47 Mouth Wash, I.D.A.- 4 & 16 ozs. 18c, 54c Cleaning Fluid- - 4 & 10 ozs. 14c, 29c Milk of Magnesia 16 oz. 24c, 32 oz. 43c Slaflonery, super-Jum bo, reg. 27c - 17c Boracic Acid, J.D,.A., 1 lb. reg. 25c --.18C Castor 011l, I.D.A., 4 oz. reg. 'z5c - 18C Peroxide, I.D.A., 4, 8, 16 ozs. 1 c, 18c, 29c Vitamin BI Tabs - 100's 27c, 300's 59C~ Lowest Prices Us~~ lri e4A ~j Ayerst 10D Cod Liver 011 ----- --- 4 oz., 67c 16 oz. $1.69 Tha- concentrcited vita- min foodwith a delicious orange flavour. Helps build resistance. 1 IL $1.19-2 Ibs. $1 *98 AProdct of the OyaItine Rearch Lcboraoris Limu;d $l.5 2.15. $4.45 CaPSuie3 -----vl.25, S2.23, ý5.0 - i Your Local I.D.A. Drugglst r DRUOS Phone 792 W. Doliver PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY A&LEX MoGREGOR 1 rowclough. Mrs. O'Neill, Port Hope, wlth ber sister, Mrs. W. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke, Carol and Sharon Ann, with Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Col. borne. Mrs. H. Brooking and Mrs. Clarke spent Mon4ay'afternoon with Mrs. E. Barrowclough. Mr. W. A. Meadows, Port Hope, with his daughter, Mrs. C. Payne. Sunday School was held at il a.m. with a small attendance and two teachers absent. Mr. and Mrs. C. Macdonald, Maxville, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Barrowclough. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholis on the birth of a daughter, Gloria Jean, at Port Hope Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Clarke, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooking. Miss Anderson spent the week- end in Toronto, visiting relatives. Young People's Union was beld Wednesday evening with a good attendance. The topic discussed was 'Negro Spirituals', followed by a sing-song. Articles For Sale LARGE quan'.ity used radio parts, useful* ta beginners or amateurs, including a large number of tubes, some neyer beexi used. Phone 631 after 5 p.m. 44-if 1' pO FOR NIOR 'EN ER G' HIGHEST PRICES-PAI» For OId or Crippled Horses Eliminate the middlp man-get the entire proceeds for yourself by selling direetly to the consumer. MARGWJLL FUR FAIM R.R. 1. Tyrone. Telephone Bowmanvllle 2879 WE ALSO PICK UP DEAD FARM STOCK FREE 0F CHARGE r ý-- TM CAMAIME STATESMM BoirbtANVIZZIX ONTARIO IMM MAT; -OCTOM 1»1 1941 1

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