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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1947, p. 11

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I~eoganzalof .1Nad NId1andi 3 fflgS UnfitIoFuil Stremgth . nana for a complete reorgani- When approached regarding bis zation af the Midland Regiment appointment as Commander of the a're already under way accarding Regiment, Lieut. Coi. Carr said: f4 Lieut. Coi. LyaUl Carr, Com- Fortune of War ~ùqxading f a the unit. Ac- tiv rcrutîg s çàected to be "«It was the fortune of war that buitaou anucWWs of persan- prevented the Midland Regt. from nel who saw service in the late fighting as a unit in the iast show. war and wiil be pursued until the Most of its personnel saw action unit is brought up to fuli strength. as in the case of the Hastings and Recruiting is open toalal ex-ser- Prince Edward Regiment, for vicemen of the Arzny, Navy and which I can speak personally, Air Force and training will com- in no small way to win their bat- mence as soon as units approach tie honors.. Although these men a basic level. 1 were dispersed to many units, the Suitblearmurie, werenot'Mad Midland' sirit and comrade- already established, are being Th emaRe ienti.bu ob pianned ana oiLice-rs oà trhe uniý "h eieti bu ob were in Bowmanville last week reorganized and re-built ta dlaim laaking over sites for the purpose. lis rightfui place as the crack Re- DURBAN (FARNERS) CGUNTY CO-OPERATIVE A ireneral meeting of ail interested ln the County Co-Operative ln belng ecalledl by the Directors fo be held in the Orono Town Hall WEDNESDAY; NOVENDER 5, 1947 AT 8 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING (This la of vital interest ta farmers) plan fo be there 1~ ..; . say aur friends from the U.S. Hundreds every year came ta, Ontario ta cheer their 4$favourites. We can't aiways give them "blue-line seats," but iet's ho sure -i alaur dealings with them-they get the best we have to offer. In bshort, let's see they have a *~really sweli tinie! r rEVIRYBODY'S BUSINEiS Ontario profits almost Eer tourist dollar la smuch frmtura hared this way L business as from gold 1. Hotels; 2. S tares; mining. It's up toeach 3. Restaurants; 4. of ust" kegi Taxes, etc.; 5. Amuse- business growing. monts; 6. Garages. <Leti mako thern want to corne back!" PUBLISHED UN THE PUBLIC INTERESTI Bu 1s BY JOHN LABATT LI begins OCTODER. 213 Schedule Io April l5th, 1948 ItEAD DOWN 1047 Stinday Sunday Daily Daily Daiiy Daily Sunday Sunday Oni- nly ExSun E . S n.Ex.Sun. Ex.Sun. Only Ony P.m. arn .m. .m. a.rn. n.M. ni. .M 6.15 10:30 ':40 7.40 NEWTONVILLE 6:25 10:40 4:50 1:50 CROOKED CREEK 8:15 6:30 10:45 4:55 7:55 6:40 10:55 5:02 8:02 STARK VILLE KENDAL V.- V11. .11. 8:5 5:28 -2:38 7:25 5:18 12.28 7:15 8:10 5:12 12:23 7:10 8:02 5:05 1 IZ: 15 7:00 THE ANAIAN TATMAN lnWVWTIT. , ftuuDw giment in this area. The nanie is beinig kept barely alive by a handful of iaithful xmen." "It la flot fair ta expect, those who have devoted the best years ai their lives ta corne back and carry on -the job that should be carried 'on more youthful shoul- ders." WUi Be Back "Many 1 know will return and these wiil form the backbone of the Regiment. Their enthusiasm, experienee and training abiiity wiil be necessary ta start the bail rolling. The rew officers and N. C.O.'s will be expected ta keep the Regiment's name always alive." "Many people wili question the necessity of a Reserve Unit when there is no war. A similar ques- tion may be asked, why we sup- poart a fire department in every city, town and village when there is no fire. The Government of our country deerns it necessary to have its Reserve Units brougtu ta strength; it is aur job t e that this is done." Backbone of Army 1 "The trained personnel of the1 Reserve Units priar ta the last war were the backbone ai Canada's magnificient army that gave such an account af itseli and helped ta bring ta an eqd anc ai the ghast- Liest wars man has ever seen." "The discipline, training and cornradeship experienced in the army can not be matched any- where in thé world. Reserve Un- its naw have at their commnand for training transport, carriers, mortars, anti-tank guns, wireless, motarcycles, platoon wcapans, in- cluding autamatic wcapons and rifles, etc.", Full Strength "It is the intenition ta iecruit up Coys and their beadquarters situ- ated as folio ws: Regimental Headquarters, Sup- port Company, Hcadquart er s CampanY-Port Hope. 1 platoan ai the above-Mill- brook. "A"' Company-Bawmanville. B"D" Company - Coîborne and Brigbton. "B" Company-Campbelîrd. The surrounding villages wil be included in their nearest Com- pany, Lieut. Col. Carr cantinucd: Armouries Here "Port Hope is ta have a tempor- ary armouries erected near the C. N. R. station in the near utr with a Permanent armauries ta be buiit when building materials are1 pot needed for more urgent con-1 structions. The personnel tram Part Hope will continue ta train in Millbrook armauries until the temporary armouries bas been completed. r ff LEARN TO RELAX Nathing wortbwhiie is accoAi- Splîshed withaut effort, which means, in many cases, tension ai mind as well as ai body. Young people returning ta schools and colleges at Ibis lime af year are reminded ai that, by bealtb lead- ers, who ask students ta bearj.n * 1mid that they need adequate t:: ,.sleep and relaxation if their minds are ta be fit for classroam wark, as well as equipped for the tasks which lie abead. Nature's antidotes ta fatigue are rest, sleep and relaxation, the medicos remind Canadians. DEFEATING DISEASE In twenty years Canada has eut her death rate from Diphtheria from 900 per year ta oniy 270 per year,' and, the heaith statisticians repart, the rate is still falling. These and other gains an the beaith front are credited ta the effective campaigris waged ta have cbildren immunized agaînst dis- case. Protection is affarded by science against sucli diseases as Diphtheria, Whoaping Cough and IMITED Scarlet Fever. Authorities de- clare Ibat it is the duty ai al parents ta have their children im- mnunized early in lii e. BIRDLAND -- PILEATED WOODPECKER If you are interested in thing.î in the woods. you cannat miss th( Pileated Woodpeckcr-providini sit is present. Either sight az sounci may draw your gttention. A great splash ai colour and an unusually loud noise, whether produced by the voice or the bibl repping against a trep trunk, make its indentification easy. This, aur biggcst Woodpecker, 17 inches in lcngth, is positively spectacular. The greater part of the plumage is black, while the throat, a streak down the long neck, and a large patch on the outstretched wings are white. But il is the fiaming red crest, fore- bead and moustache ai the maie that give a thrill ta even the most experienccd bird lover. The te- maie has a black furehead and lacks the moustache, but is other- wisc the same as ber mate, with a long, powertul, horn-coloured bill which can be used either as a drum-stick or a chisel. Uniess for pure e n oym e nt, there seems ta be no good reason Why the Pileated Wood p e c k e r beats a tatoo on dry, resonant limbs; but the large, square- shaped cavities which il naisily gouges out ai solid-looking wood is for the purpase ai getting at borers. on account ai its size, it is capable ai uncovering larvae and grubs that smaller members ai the family can neyer reach. This apparent destruction ai good trees is offset by the benefit derived tram remaving the in- sects. Ai-d 50 the handsome bird should be pratected for its econo- mic as well as its aesthetic value. Like the Flicker, it also feeds on ants; and ils notes, thougb lau- decr, resemble those of the same bird. The s]owly wbistled "cow, c0w, cow" i nte rs p e rs e d with .wick-up" many repeated, are quite trightening ta a brie wan- derer in our northern balsam - sPrucc torests. Here its 3-5 white eggs are laid in a big hclc made in a tree trunk. At one time the colloquial name was. vcry appropriately, "Cack- of-the-woodls". This was later carrupted into "Woadcock". But as this word is also used ta desig- nate a totaily different species, it should be discarded. Civilization has gradually pusbed the Pileated iVoadpecker back mbt the wilder- ness. This is the fault ai men vho, nominally bunting deer, con- idered it smart to return home vith a gargeous feathered tropby. Forunaelybath law and public practice that the P4leated is less rare than a iew years aga. Are young birds tau gbt? Rural Mail Carriers Urge Abolition of The "Tender" System The Rural Mail Cauriers' As- sociation ai Canada, reprcsenting Canada's 5000 cauriers met in convention at Guelph, ta discuss the many and vaicd problems relating ta rural mail delivery, and haxing especially in mind the deletian ai the word "TENDER" with ail that it implies, fram the prescrit "tender contract" system. At the pres-ent time practically everv route is operating for an individual price an an individual contract. This is quite -,; il should be. but il is not rigbt or just that three or four rouies o,,- erating tramn the same office, prac- tical the same miles ta travel, and the same numbe: of boxes ta serve, should be working under contracts withi hundrcds af dollars fifference in the contract price. This, in mast instances is not the courier's fault, but because he has a tender contract that bas Business Directory --- --- A-- W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank af Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 I3awrnbanville, Ontaria LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmnanviile i Phone: office 688 Residence 553 IV. F. WARD, BA. Barrister- Solicitor - Notary 9% King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 Hause 409 MISAPHA 1. HODGINS rBarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phono 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUI PL Graduates ai Rayai Dental Coilege, and Faculty ai Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bidg. King Street, Bowmanviile office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday * Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr J. C. Devitt 325 jDr. W. M. Rudeil 2827 jDR. E. W ý éSSON. L.D.S. D.D.S. Office in bis home' 100 Liberty Sf., N., I3owmanvifle Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon, Wednesday * Closed Sunday Phonp. 604 23-50 Monuments The Rutter Granite ComPanY Phone 50i - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. .particularly when you ride at' Evera th~e paciaus trunk compart. ment tells yau thot yau cant get ai body like this onywhere except on Chevrolet and ligher-priced cars. lt's a Unisteel Body' b> Fisher, witi, the most modern Styling, genuine Na-Draft Venti- lation, extra-raomy seats, and every feature far your camfort, canvenience and safety. occelerotor - action 1 Threod- Ing týhrouqh traffic - eveling a ili - stram- ing along the. straightaway . . . you'iI gmt plenty of e-action in this outstanding Iaw-cost performer. For beneath thut hood is o Volve-in-Head Thrif t-Master Engin. with the Iongest, strongest record of performance of any aiutomotive engino bulit todloy. Settie bock, sottledoawn - and YOu'il seote for c new Chevrolefil For your own thoughts wiliItell you thor', no other car in iis field that rides 1Me.fils - so smooth, so stecady, so safo I That's the. direct resuit of Unltized Kne- Action, end Unitized Knee-Actian s exclusive fe Chevrolet end higher-priced cars. Yes, indeed, you'Il enjoy everything, includ- ing ecanomy, when you set forth in one of these bigger-looking, better-looking Chev. rolets for 1947. It offers you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOW COST - big satisfaction at big savings - in ail items of purchase price, operation and upkeep. WIth pllli s thalles for the oye -for the. puise - und for the tlsrliy poclcetbaok - Chevrolet aiea pro- vides cil-round securlft, for ifs pas. songers. It brings you Fisheor Unlstpel construction - the Knoe-Action Ride - Positive-Action Hydraulkic rakes - a combination of features foun' oni>' in Chovrolet und hlghorprieed cars I Remember - it.will puy you tolceep you.' present car in good running condition by bringing it t. us for skilled service, now and at regular intervals, until you secure delivery of your new. Chevrol.t. CHEVRO .LET rCI2470 1 ROY Wu NICHOLS COUITICE SERVICEý BETWEEN Newtonville and Kendal Newtonville fo Crooked Creek 15c; Refurn 30c. Newtonville fo Shrkville 25c; Return 50c. New fonville ta Kendal 45c; Reftun 80c LturIey NuRs 4eirvice NewtucnviIIe > 1 t 1 BULLFnNS FROM 1 READ UP TUE CANADUN STATESM if., BowmANvnj5& ý ONTAlp-Tn been set et a price determined by aide. There he met a preacher Camping ls the highlight of the camps of a wnek' duratian et any person who wants ta put in riding on a pony. ««.-re you Boy Scout program, especially Inl mofe. Mafly OhWeIyIW~ a tender. Sa ai ten the tenderer seved" said the minister. "Yes, Caaa hreter reapl p has an entirely different field ai I be", he answered, 'but I h a p rndatie. Le east m le 273eop'a i nt l o du i 4 endeavaur andi rural mail ia the my doubts about yau. I have Canadiean Sot tedd56a efgrs sideline. Mare aiten the tenderer crossed the river but you be anSousatne 54fboefgr. has no experience cancerning the this side and the bridge be down." work ta be done, nar knowledge1 The world has gone a lang way ai the- expense that rural mail! since John Bunyan wrate "Pli- delivery ineurs, seeing oniy a grims Progress". I monthly Government c he q ue. My friend put up a question,' caming in. Before the first an aid one in the West-it stil cheque arriveshe realizes that he survives. "Suppose", he writes,i has tendered too low. "there are a hundred banks in The Postmaster General bas Manitoba on Monday morning1 qud arlatin necsayisthe ab- y teyartey ave $5and in,000 aut- C O N S U L T qud arlatinmeet tat ithe abnlyeathey aeioaning 0a,000nouiv iiity ta provide the necessary standing. Then they begin ta cal equiprnent. Our Association is in their loans. What happens? made up entireiy af rural mail The answer is herd times and contractors and we are fuIlyen- depression." Statements 1il k e CU N vinced that a good courier re- that were common during the de- quires more qualifications than pression af the thirties. just to-be able ta provide a horse Let us put them ta the test ai and buggy. reaiity: At the last Session ai Paria- l-Banks are money lenders. ment, the points af aur Associa- That is not their entire source ai tion were supported in open de- incarne, they have investmentý, bate in the House by more than a they render services for which Tewd ewr fClna oc ns quarter of its Members. Thank- smaîî fees are charged.Th dentokfClniloahLosie fui for and encouraged by thisj 2-Wysoldwiscalter uethcocosetrovgices anaast ndthei support, the Association is renewWhy shouid banksneau their luxe moconctoc h srviesleEstraOnut îngit efors o îav plnsca- bns "dawinther ony" de- United States, offers you convenient and corn ple te adrtseayavpns c oat heprive themselves ai their incarne otberal pltdadrayt rsn tte1unless they thought that it was frbetaelat a ea sat>bg. openîng af the next Session. necessary ta protect their deposi- For complete détails regardi,,g rta n d Not only have we in mind the tors, prevent their borrowers framn scbed'des, pleaie consudi your Local Ageiui impravernent ai caurier 's candi- averreaching. tions by replacing the "tender 3-But isn't it true that banks system" with ane that would be are more wiîîing ta loan at one C R O O C IE fair and justfor the courier, but time than they are at another? resulting irom this wouid be a Certainly. When skies are clear BOWM4NVILLE TELEPNONE: ES greatly irnproved service that and prospects bright they are _________________________________ would mean much ta boxholders more eager ta boan. Remember ail across Canada. too, that is the best time ta car- Election of officers rcturncd row. It's a case ai wiliing bar- Presidè'nt E. E. Randal] aof Aylmner row*er meeting wiîîing i e n der. and Secretary - Treasurer S.* H. There are, however, times-when, Webster ai Acton by acclamation; in'the iteres aiofail it is advis DBE READY newly elected were: lst. Vice, able ta apply the brakes ta credit Lloyd Schultz ai Woodstock and expansion. for thai nd. Vice, W. D. Britton ai Acton. But are the banks always res-P ponsible for the reduction ai last minute oans? Is there nt at tires a de- uspS1g ine in demand which is INVIT in spply Her isa staternent have J.Deahma from an expert, one who has with. a crisp 1 hae mntined t bfor, 1written widely an this subject: say it again. The most interest- "Ordinarily, ta bring about. a îPT ES mnts ing in mespeiteirom-the tapstineofstetdte taersutS O L mth Ig my, worka the om ctracpstin etd tra s it farmers oi Western C a n a d a. from borrowing. But it may hap- S ITI! Sometimes I think they are more pen that demand is sa cantracted puzzled now about the future ai and markets sa unfavorabie that farming than they ever were be- traders, seeing no prospect ai pro- fore, fit, abstain from enterprise and I lived in the West for twenty- do not barrow. The reluctance a a ~ i i. one years. I have been ah aover ai borrowers may cause a con- Let Oshaw Laundry keep you poiseu onthe it with the exception ai the ex- traction ai credit quite as effect- treme North. I have written for iveiy as the reluctance ai iend- ~4+,.fI Western papers about the East e rs." spingIJd o th fll ocal season w1LU an and for Eastern papers about the We must consider certain other West. Somne ai thes1e peopl,,± when factors. Bank laans in Canada experil y cleaned and pressed suif, coat or they see samethingI have written amounted ta $2,279,000,000 in 1929 with which they are in accord -drapped ta $ 1,141,000,000 in write and thank me. They write too whcn they are nat in accord-. 1936. The wholesale price level dress. that taa I value. The Scots have in 1929 was at 95.6i, in 1936 it was a phrase for it- "The best ai folk at 74.6. Manufacturers borrowing are the better ai being spoken ta" ta purchase raw materiais, re- I had a letter the other day f m from a man in what I would cal quired less money, prices oi rawO *ann Central Manitoba. He toid me a materials had dropped. Ail these Os a a -u dyD y Ce nn story about the aid days. A neigh- things were factors in reducing COMPANYUIW J - uryMITED* bour af his went ta town with a the volume of maney required C M A Y I IE grist. When he came to the river Don't blame ahl your troubles on PooZnt 30 the bridge was gone. He plunged 1L hn ent 30 Oshawa boldly into the water with the the banker, he has penty ai is oxen and got saely ta the other, own.1. _ IF's great to ride in

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