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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1947, p. 15

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uiwiuuu PAGE ioei~ *~j4j~ £~AMAflIAII grAq'a'QftAAM u I __ ',. *1 ____________ I. BIRTUIS COUSINS-Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cousins are happy ta announce the blrth of their son, John Rol- and, at Bowmanville Hospital on Monday, October 27, 1947. 44-1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McRoberts announce the engagement of their dauighter, Mabel Viola, to Roy Maynord, son of Mr. John May- nard and the lote Mrs. Maynard. The wedding will take place on November 8th. 44-1* MARRIAGE TOAIING-STEVENS-In How- ~ark United Church, Toronto, 0Mber 25, 1947, by Rév. E. S. Lautenslager. Doris Constance, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Stevens, Bowmanville and Roy Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Topping, 29 Indian Grove, Tor- onto. 44-1' DEATH BROWN-At Bawmanville Hospi- tal on Friday, October 24, 1947, Clifford Russell Brown, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Brown. 10 Bradshaw Street, in bis Oth year. Service from Morris Funeral Chapel, October 27. In- terment in Anglican cemetery, at Blackstock. CARDS 0F THANKS Mrs. LîUîian Mountjoy wisbes ta express thanks ta the neigh- bars for their assistance and bard work in keeping the fire under1 contrai until the arrivai of the Bowmanville Fire Dept. 44-1* Miss Maude Reynolds wishes to thank ber many friends in town, country and city for the letters,c cards, fruit and flowers and foxr the many acts of kindness shown ber during her prolonged stay inr Toronto General Hospital. 44-1* Mr. and Mrs. Don F. YonsonI wish ta take this apportunity of thanking their friends and neigb- bours for cards and flowers sent ta Mrs. Yonson during ber stay at Oshawa Hospital. Ahl kindnesses were greatly oppreciated. 44-1 Mr. Alymer Beech, Haydon, wishes ta take this apportunity n of thonking bis friends and neigh- bors for cards and letters anda other kindnesses which werek greatly appreciated during bis stay at the Toronto General Hos- pital. Agoin I thank you anc and 9 aIl. 44-1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brownn wish ta thank their fiends, neigh-S bars and relati sfo)r kindnessd and sympethy eÏtressed an theirP sad bereavement and for the flor- VI al tributes. Special thanks ta t Nurse Mrs. Glen Martyn, Drs. C.a W and Keith Slemon, Rev. J. deP.P Wyt and Mrs. J. Gunn. 44-1' IN MEMORIAM b ]BAUTON-In memary of my bud- TJ die, Sgt. Bruton, C50,051, killed in 2, action Nov. lst, 1944.w You went, it seems but yesterday, i And now on crasses row on raw, w You linger where the poppies 5( grow, Not dead, but just away. -D. Baker C50,057. 44-1' tO FRY-In Iovi ng memory of our Ci dear niother and grandmotber, I Eliza J. Fry, wbo died, October 27, re .1946. t Peaceful be thy rest dear mother, E3 It is sweet ta breathe thy name. th In life we laved you dearly bo Ini death we do the same. 8:1 -Maudie, Olive, Bert and c Grandcbildren. 44-1'*-gr HILLIER-In ioving memory of mny father who passed away in e:i June, 1919, and mny mother Wbo C: passed away, October, 1946. N^ "'Deep in the heart lies a picture p.r 0f Ioved anes gone ta rest: of [n memory's frame we shall keep bol it, nis Because they were one of the best. n i - -Ever remembered by Daughter Th Ellen and San-in-law. 44-1 bel wh MOFFATT-In Ioving memory of wi my dear;;aunt, Mrs.1-mes--ffat,'m POUR dollars. Girl Guide money,'HCI lost on King St. between Elliott's Mrs Varlety Sbop and Caronatian Ont Cate. Finder please return ta Mn.o. A. Robson, Apt. 4, 27 Temn- WlI perance St. 44-1' lapai Wanted to Rent i ho ville TWO or three tnfurn4eshedrom tior, Phione 512. 44-1' Off]c Bo MREE roorna, partly furnished oc, idle aged couple ione 812. 44 Mui :USE on Carlisle Ave. Write the s. L. B. Nichols, Calabogie, AE it. 44-1 ers - ta ILL exchange 4-roomed heated cor artment on Concession St. for lasi nilar accommodation or amail No, use wîth garage in Bowman- e, preferably downtown loca- i.' Write Box 975 Statesman Dai fce, Bowmanville. 44-2' Oct ArUCICs ror Sale FOUR-piece wainut bedroom suite Phone 719. 44-1 1FURNACE blower complete with motor and thermostat. J. Flett, 23 Ontario St. 44-1' DE SOTO coupe, 1933, in good icondition. Apply 20 Second St. 44-1*' WINCHESTER rifle, 38-72, with sheils, $45. Apply Martin Man- ders, Kendal. 44-1' COCKSHUTT manure spreader, in good condition.- T. Woodlock. Phone 2721. 44-1 COMING EVENTS Open House at Bowmanville Public School, Tuesday, November 4, fromn 7:30 to 9:30 pan. The putb? lic is cordially 5 wvited. 44-1 Reserve Wed., Thurs., Pr!., No- vember 26, 27, 28, for Bowman- ville High School Commence- ment. 43-5 On Friday evening, October 31, there is a masquerade and box social in Tyrone Community Hall. Those in costume or bringlng boxes free, others 25 cents admis- sion. Ail welcorne. 43-2* A dance sponsored by Bowman- ville Foresters will be held in Newcastle Community Hall on Friday, November 7th at 9 p.m. Russ Creighton's Orchestra. Ad- mission 50c per person. 44-2 Clarke United Church Anniver- sary and Thankoffering November 2nd. Services at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Rev. G. C. Quigle. will be the guest speaker. Special music will be rendered at both services. 44-1 The Oshawa songsters will pre- sent a program at the Salvation Army on Monday, November 3rd at 8 p.m. Plan to bear these tal- ented people. Admission, silver collection. 44-1' Shooting match: Turkeys, geese, capons and chickens. 12 gauge shotguns, .22 rifles. November 1, starting at 12 noon sharp. K. W. Colbary, two miles north of Hampton, one mile east (on Guide board road). 44-1* Dance and Draw, Town Hall, Orono, Friday, October 31, 1947, under auspices of Heather Social Club. Three valuable prizes giv- en away ta lucky ticket holders. Roy Forrester's popular dance band in attendance. Admission to dance 50e per person. 43-2 Newtonville United Cburch An- niversary services will be held on Sunday, Navember 9, at 2:36 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. A. D. Matheson, M.A., D.D.. of Toronto will be guest speaker at both services. Special music by the choir, as- sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bickle. 44-2* Shooting match will be held at Lot 14, Con. 3, Manvers Twp., on property fo Fred Nimigon, one mile forth and one mile east of Pontypool, on Saturday, Nov. lst, at 12:30, for 75 B.B.B. tur- keys 14-30 lbs. Twelve and six- teen gauge shotguns, 22, 30-:30, 303 calibre rifles. Shelîs supplied and e guns il necessary. 43-2t Hallowe'en masquerade Frjday night, Oct. 31, in the Sunday School room of Eldad Church, un-$ der auspices of Solina Youngc People's Union. Everyone is in- r vited and the ladies are requested0 to bring a pumpkin pie. Coff ee E and other refreshments provided. Prizes for costumes. 44-1 E s Dance will be held under aus- fi pices of Newcastle Ladies' Soft- C, bail Club in Newcastle Commun- p ty Hall on Friday, Nov. 14th. F Tickets are now on sale at 3 for IV 25e for 10O valuable prizes which - wiii be drawn for at dance. Roy G Forrester and bis 7-piece band sl wiii be in attendance. Admission ýI Oce per person. 44-3 1] 13 The Lyric Maie Choir of Toron- C t, 32 voices, will render a high F lass program In the Town Hall, F )rono, on Wednesday, Nov. 12. b' This choir bas an international s reputation as well as being fea- CI Lred on Music Day at Toronto 01 Exhibition. On April 26, 1947, dl 1ey packed the Town Hall at CO- F )ourg. Doors open 7:30, concert :15. Admission: Adults 5Oc;- hiidren 25c. Don't miss this V ,rand program, 44-2 C in The re-opening and Thankoif- H ring services of Kt ndal United b: 'hurch will be beld on Sunday, sI ýovember 2nd at il a.m. and 7:30 sl m. with Rev. John McLachlan er ýfWhitevale as guest speaker at Ce >th services. Music will be fur- - shed by Shiloh choir. An An- oc versary supper will be served on E' 'ursd.ay evening, November 6, fie electric range, new, E. Cain. Phone 56 r BEATTY electric wasbîng ma- chine and Quebec beater. Phone 778. 44-1' SWEET cider 5Oc o gallon. Cider custom pressed. La Salle, Lot 2, Con. 3, East Whitby. Phone Osh- awa 3430J1. 43-2 WHITE enamel Clore Jewel range with copper reservoir, goad con- dition. Wilbert Bresett, 1 mile south of Prestonvale. 44-1' MASSEY-HARRIS 2-furrow disc plaw, in gaod condition. Also o farm wagon. Apply Wilson Ab- ernetby. Phone 2419. 44-1' PERSIAN lamb coat, full skins, size 42, Price $150, excellent con- dition. Phone 2890 or caîl 33 King St. E. 44-1' GURNEY kitchen range; electric range; ice-box; 50 lb. copacity, al in good condition. PhoLne 2425. 44-1 "MINUTE Minder"-tbe perfect present for women-times ony- thing ta 1 hour then rings a bell- see it at The Radia Shop, Bow- mnanvilie. 44-1 CRIBS, Strollers, Pranis, High Chairs. etc. Largest selection out- side of Toronto at less thon cata- logue prices! Sbop at F. F. MorriS Ca. for extra value. 41-1 RUG 9x 10 YÏ -, few barrels of Spy appies; purebred Leicester rnm 41 yeors aid; numben of Rock pul- lets 5 manths aid. Kenneth His, Orono, phone 5 r 3. 44-if MELOTTE creamt separatar, 500 ibs. 'capacity, in AI condition, white enamtel tank. John Nicholls, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie. Phone 2168. 44-1 FORD, 1940, deluxe 4 door,' beat- er, windshieid sprayens, 3, new ires, $900. J. Holden, Canadiant Carriers Ltd., Bowmianville Beach.( 44-1' N.EW wasbers with water pumps,r $159.50; Feltol rugis, aIl sizes; newr hesterfields, 30 per cent discount; new rangettes, porceloin enamel Dvens, $64.50. Murpby's. Phone 311. 44-i 3ED Chesterfield Suite-Factory ample, reg. $257.50, Bed Chester- ield and 2 comfortable iounging hairs, uphoîstered aIl over in im- orted wine colored tapestry. Floor somple suite only, at F. F. /Iorris Ca., $195.00. 44-1 X.M.C. 3-ton dump truck, 1941, bort wheei base, steel box, two, ;peed axie, 900-20 rear tires, truckC n good condition; Also 1940 Wil-e ys coupe, in excellent condition.1 asb or easy termis or trade-in. >bone 2148, Bowmanviiîe. 441* 1 'REE - free - ýfree - Venetian, It linds or Linen window shades in-n talled free with every cash pur- 1- ýhase of room outflt (two weeks C ýny). Select your living ronm, eý lning roam or bedroomt suite ata F. . Morris Ca. and receive thise ee premiuni! 44-1A ENETIAN Blinds-F. F. Morris- 'o. offer free estimtates, measur- g ond installation on Met-Wo, e .ees, Sun-Ray, Kirsch venetion Y linds, steel, aiurninurn and waod i lats avoulable, choice of colars in P: lats and tapes, guaranteed deliv- jc y within 7 doys of meosuring. 01 !ah 480. 44-1 f ýSHAWAS new furnlture store- ti vcrything in mode.rn. Chéster- th eld, bednoom and dicing rmomtf ites, and studios. Bedding andD on coverlngs a specialty. Qual- t y merchandise at competitive- ices. Before buying visit Brad- Y's New Furniture Store, 156 mcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf -H OLDING Baby Promn, complete w ith nunners, $14.50; 50 lb. ice- Pl >x, $14.50; Kroehler velour ches- S]- rfield, wine, one green chair, 2 ied six months, hoîf price $99.50; at tngette, $24.50; Chesterfield, repp, - 'od condition, $24.50; Axminster W tg with Zonite filler, 4x6, $12.50; ni oiL stove with shelf, ivory. new wi ning, $25; used leather library qt air, $25. Murphy's Phone 811. gc 44-1 - Voters' List Posed se .Si Ierk's Notie of Fini Postlnt Mi of Votera' Lisi be VOTERS' LIST, 1947, Municipaiy of Bowmanvilie P County cf Durham C OTICE la hereby given that I1 me compiied with Section 10 of p ýe Votera' Liat Act and that I ci ve posted up in mry office at ph )wmanvllle on the 25th day of tober, 1947, Uic list of al, per- ns cntitied ta vote ?in Uic said Tý unicipality at Municipal Elcc- irj )ns, and that such liat remains to ere for Inspection, tho iD I hereby call upon ail vot- fci 3 ta take Immediate proceedings ni have any errors or omissions yo ~rccted according ta law, the yo ;t day of appeal being Friday, te )vember l4th, 1947. Jc A. J. LYLE, Clerkca of thc Town of Bawmanville de] ted this 241h day of Du taber, 1947 44-2 Ca Real Estate For Sale FIFTY acre farm, Lot 17, Con. 9, Darlington, about 2%~ milez; west of Enniakillen. Phone 2759. 43-2 HOUSE on corner of Cburch and St. George Streets. Apply Brook- dole - Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. (No telephone colIs please). 44-1 PARTLY flnished cottage, three rooms with soni% furniÏùre, on Lakeshore Road. Cheap for cash. Imriediate possession. Phone 697 FIFTY acres near Tyrone village, 8 roamed bouse, barn, immediate possession. Price $2,800. $1,000 down, balance mortgoge. Write Box 974, Statesman Office, Bow- rrranville. 44-1' NEWCASTLE, 5-roomed stone bouse, 3/4af an ocre, 3rd Ccnces- sian of Clarke, Lot 21. Aira 8 rooms, insul brick south of No. 2 bighway, 50 acres, bydro avail- able. Mrs. Evelyn E. Cooke, real- estate, Newcastle. 44-11 IMMEDIATE possession, near Bowmanville, fourteen acres, good garden land, and apple orchard, 7- roomed frame bouse, hydro, bea- vy wiring, barn and hen bouse. Price $6,500, terms. Write Box 973 Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 44-1'* AUCTION SALE Giving Up Farming I bave been fovored witb instruc- tions froni Newton Wright ta seli by public auction on bis premises LOT 11, CON. 5, MANVERS, ai Ballyduif, 3 miles north of Pontypool, 35 Highway, on Friday, November 7 at 12 noon The following Iivestock, impie- ments, feeds and bousehold fur- niture: HORSES Bay horse, 9 years; boy horse, 8 years, weIi matched in every woy; brown horse, 8 years; brown more, 7 yeors. CATTLE Brindie cow, 5 years (renewed re- centiy); Jersey cow, 7 years (re- newed recently); Hereford cow, 7 years (renewed recently); Dur- ham cow, 8 years; blue caw, 7 years; red cow, 8 years (due in December); Hereford cow, 6 yeors; Hereford heifer, 3 years; 2 dry caws; heifer (due Novem- ber); brindle cow, 7 yeors; red cow, 7 years (pasture bred); 2 baby beef; 3 two-year-olds (1150 lbs.); 2 veai caives; 9 yearlings; 5 calves FARM-150 acres, more or less; 8 HOGS rooni frama bhouse in good repair; Fat sow; 1 young sow; 1 sow and good barn, cament faonr; cbicken 7 suckers (7 weeks old); 8 shoots; bouse; 100 acres workabie, ap'. i store hog; 2 fat hogs. proximately 25 ocres îixed wood POULTRY and 25 ocres posture; bydro avail- 200 Wbite Leghorn hens (year- able. Con. 9, Lots 26 and 27, 21/2oids); 100 White Leghorn puliets. miles southwest of Burketon. IMPLEMENTS Write Box 970 Statesman Office. M.-H. binder, ft. cut; M.-H. 43-2 mower, 5 ft.; Deering New Ideal IMMEDIATE possession; new in- rnower; M.-H. 13-hoe drill; Cock- bunalo, hrdwodshutt No. 5 manure spreader sui-bnick bnaohrwo (new); 14-disc harrow; 5-section throughaut, built-in cupboards hros hvoe a;M-.1 and b oo cas , h d ro w a er n c l - ft. ro ke; F rost & W ood 13-tooth lar. Two acres of best ganden cultivator; i Tudhope Anderson soul, well fenced, streani, oppie Steel Wheel trucks (new); 1-sec- trees, raspberries, strawberries, tion iow trucks; 1 set Tudhope An- cbîcken bouse with cbickens and derson sieighs; cutter; McCorniick new où brooder. Nice location erngagpo;Kdagro not fan frai Newcastle on good Deerîngsgn l ow; Kîd Kao; ngo 976,. StatemanOffie,.BWman-Boxfrew 2,000 lbs. scales; fanning ville. 44nOfic, ow - miii and boggen; boy fark; flot ville. _______________rock; buggy wbeels; 2½/2b.p. gas - engine and pump jack; new M.-H. Hlep Wanted cream separator No. 9; quantity of ASSITANTforlaunry wrk.trees; saws; tools; grain bags; ASSIoANTHotel 44rywi* chains; electic fence; 200 rads of B alm ral H ote . 4 -11 borbed w ire; ro ll pouitry fence; TWO girls for dining roani and 2conybue2weloros2 women for kitchan. Apply Mrs. sets of double barness. L.LakriNe OypiApt. 3. FEED CowLaskarisock w 42-4ia 1,100 bushels of mixed groin; 120 C o w a B l o k . 4 -4 * b u sh eis o f E rb a r i o a ts; 40 to n s o f GIRL waitrass and woman for good mixed boy; stock of oot coaking at Queen's Hotel, New- straw (ta be fed on place). castle. Apply Manager, or phone HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 1104Clake.44-i* Princess Pot cook stove; 3-burnar 1104 Clar e. àcool ail stove; baby carn age; side- MEN wanted-Fuli or pont tume board and many other articles. ta belp witb foul shipping, apply Terms Cash No Reserve Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, Aif Mitchell, Clerk; R. J. Paync, near C.N.R. Station. 44-2 auctioneer. 44-1 GIRL an woan wanted for gen- eral bouse work, no children; 3 adults, sieep in on out, na differ- ence, at 66 Warren Ave., Osbawa. Apply immediately, position open. 44-i MIEN or Wornen-Famuiex is the easy way ta big cash profits. If y'ou have seihing ability, a srnali capital and a dasire ta estabîish a profitable business of your awn, aoin us! Pnoducts known the wonld oven for their quality. SeIl direct from doon ta doon full or part me. Products sold thraugbout bhe yean. Details afid catal ogue frere on request. FAMILEX, )ept. D. 1600 Delonimien, Mon- treal. 44-1 Personal FAND SMOCKING an children's wean, etc., choice of patterns. Ap- Ply 24 Carlisle Ave, 42-3 SLE DOR Tablets are effective. 1weeks' suppiy $1; 12 waeks $5, t McGegor's Drug Store. 44-1 VHY suifer the agony of Rheu- matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, whan Rumnacaps wiil give you uick welconie relief. McGre- or's Drug Store. 44-1 [YGIE:NIC supplies (rubber ,oods) mailed postpaid ln plain ialed envelope with price list. ix sampies 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Wail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- )er Ca., Box 9i, Hamilton, Ont. 36-9 ERSONALIZ'ED--Cýh ri1stima s ýards-Your name and oddress >inted free on Youn Christmas irds. Order now frai Hobby- xaft Suppiy, 52 King St. West. banc 2174 between 4 and 6 p.m. 44tf rWO ways to big Christmas cann- ngs--If You will drop a postcard ýFideluty Moncyrnakers Club, hey will show you their 2 plans or earning big profita by Christ- ias. You need no expenlence, ,u provide a valuable service ta ,ur conimuniîy and profita came o you every day. Drap youn post- ard n a w-limited number of gencies available. Dept. IC Fi- llity Moneymaker$ Club, 210 )undas Street West, Toronto 2, 'nada. 44-1 Pets For Sale HOUND, 4 ',ý years old, for run- ning rabbits, fox and dean, $20. Phone Oshowa 908 n 2. 44-i COCKER Spaniel, female, tbrea yeans aId; wili give this pet free ta ony child wbo will give At a good borna. Harold Green, in cane of John Riekard, R.R. 2 Newcastle. 44-i Bowîonviile ter ta Box 972, Statesman Office. 43-2 44-1 Aucion Sales Blue ]Ribbon Shorthorn Sale, 40 head choice selections. At Black- stock, Saturday, November lst, 1947. starting at 1:30 p.m. Lunch; avhiiable in rink. Jac)c Baker, Manager, Hampton, Ont. 44-1 Classified Ad raites CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Must be pald befone Insertion IF CHARGED»: à cents a word (minimum 50c) 25e extra for box numbers or replies direeted to this office ADDITONAL INSERTIONS SAXE RATES Ail1 Classlfied Adiets Must Be In Not L"ter Thon N001N WEDNESDAY Tou muai include cash, stamps, or money order, with copy to zet low rate. Livestock For Sale SHROPSHIRE 3x shearling and nomn lambs. A. H. Brent, R.R. 5, Bowmanvjlie. Phone 2274. 44-1* FOUR year aid mare, about 1300 lbs.; four purebred Jersey heif- ers, fnes-h. H. C. Pedwell, New- castle. Phone Clarke 3823.' 44-1' GOOD Yorkshire pigs, $6 eacb; cboice mixed gladioli bulbs $1.00 per hundred. C. J. Mitchell, R.R. 1, Port Hope. Phone Clarke 3122. 44-1' TWELVE Yorkshire pigs 6 wks. aid; also sanie Holstein and Ayr- sbire cows and haifers. TB and blood tested. Phone Clarke 3904. 44-1* For Sale by TENDER Business Block and Apariments IN BOWMANVILLE TENDERS wiill ha eceived on or before 5:00 p.m., on October 31st, 1947, at tbe office of the under- signed for the purchase of the business and aportrnènt building known os the Harsey Block, sit- uate on tbe south side of King Street in thea Tawn of Bowrnan- ville, baving a frontage of opprox- iniately 66 feet and running frai King ta Queen Street. TENDERS must be accompanied by a certified chaque payable ta the Treasurer, Town of Bowman-- ville fan 5 % of the purchase price, balance in cash on ciosing on 'on befora December ist, 1947. De- posit ta be neturned if tender flot occepted. The bigbest or any ten- der nat neccsrnily accepted. A. J. LYLE, Town Claerk Niices BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 'As of this d ate Library hours are: Daily (except Wed.) 2:30 - 5.30 7:30.- 9:00 (Saturday 9:30) In order to provide for a wider distribution, borrowers May ne- tain new fiction for a peniad of flot more thon 7 days. Fergus E. Morrill, Secretary-Treàsurer October 27th, 1947 44-1 IN THE SURROGATE COURT 0F THE UNITED COUNTIES OF NORTHUMBERLA ND AND DURHAM IN THE MATTER 0F THE GUARDIANSJ4IP O-F HELEN LORRAINE ROGERS, the infant child, of Frank Rog=,s late of the Township of Danlington, in the County of Durhami, trucker, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that twenty days froni tbe date hereof Theima Dorotby Rogers and Ber- nice Toniuinson will niake appli- cation ta the Surrogate Court of the United Counties of Northumi- berland and Durhani ta be op- pointed gudrdians of the persan and estate of Helen Lorraine Rog- ers the infant child of Frank Rog- ers who died at Bowmanville on or about the 15th day of July, 1947, testate having in bis will appointed Thelma Dorothy Rogers and Bernice Tomiinson os Guard- ions of the said infant, the said Thelma Dorotby Rogers being a step niother and Bernice Tomlin- son a sister of tbe said Infant. THELMA DOROTHY ROGERS and BERNICE TOMLINSON by LAWRENCE C. MASON their Solicitor Dated at Bownianville this 3Oth day of October, 1947. 44-1 Court of Revisîon and Appeal TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Notice is hereby giveri that the flrst sittings of the Court of Rei- vision for the Township of Dar- iington will be beld in the Town Hall, in the village of liampton, on Satiirday, Nov. 15, 1947, at the hour of 2:00 p.m., ta hear and de- termine the several comploînts and omissions in the Assessment Rail for the said Municipality for the year 1948. Ail persans having business at the Court are requested ta attend. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk of the Twp. of Darlington Dated at Hampton this 2lst day of October, 1947. 44-2 Wanted To Buy BUCKWHEAT and Rye. Wiil poy higbest prices for botb. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. IV. Glf-nney. Newcastle. 42-tf ALL types live poultry and fea- tbers, top prices paîd. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf WE are offering bighest price& for Red Claver, Alsike, Alfalfa and Timothy. Submit samples. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577. 44-tf PUREBRED Yorkshire qire not under one year old, registered or eligible ta register. State full par-.1 ticulars. Box A, Raglan, Ont 44-1 LIVE horses for mink and fox food. Coul us for bighett prices. We also pick up dead farmn stockj free of charge. Margwiil Fur Farm, R.R. 1. Tyrone. Phone Bow- manville 2679.. 41-tf WANTED t'O buy near Bowman- ville 50 ta 100 acre farm, hydro in buildings preferred; will pay1 5 ta 6 thousand dollars cash. Write4 giving full particulars in flrst let-i TENDERS WANTED* TENDERS are called for the wirè6, ing of the Township garage in, Orono. The work ta be donc is- complete wlring and.o-utlets. Specw' ifications con be seen at the office! of the Township Clerk, Orono, orý Mr. W. A. Reid, Orono. Sealec4 tenders ta be sent ta Joseph J,à- Mellor, Orono, and must be in his bonds no later thon noon, Nov. 7%. 1947. Please state in tender whem, work con be completed. 44-L. Radio Service THE Radia Shop, Bowmanffl]ebc offers honest charges, latest type- equipment and trained person- nel. Our two radio tec.hnicians bath hold Government Certificates DISPERSAL SALE - Eigbteei bead, Scotch Shortborns, 9 Jersey femaies, occredited; implements and furniture, ot Mapledale Farm, 2 miles east of Nestieton an 7A Highway, Manday, November 3rd. Sale at 12:30. Terms cash. Fred R. Pbîlp. 44-1' I have been autborized ta sel! by public auction for Joe Emry, hall mile west of Harmony and south an Farewell Ave., on Wed- nesday, Nov. 5, bis horses, cattie, implements (sanie are new), bar- ness, mongels, and many other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Ternis cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 44-1 Wood Sale-The undersigned auc- tioneer will sel] by public ouction on Saturday, Nov. 1, for Bert Johnson, Lot 21, Con. 10, Dar- lington (haîf mile west of Davey's Store) 3 % acres of pine, oak, maple, beecb and bircb. Tbis waod is ail cut down and trimmed and will be sold in lots. Purchas- ers will bc given until flrst of May, 1948, ta remove the tumber. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Clif- fard Petbick, auctioneer. 44-1 Cecil Bebee and bons, Lot 26, Con. 7, Hope Twp. (1 mile east, hoîf mile south of Elizabethvilie), will seli by public auction on Thursday, Nov. 6 at 1 p.m.-15 milk cows; 40 head Durham stock- er cattie; 15 Holstein heifers; 4 brood 'saws; 35 feeder bogs; 125 liens; 9 ducks; 4 turkeys; 15 cords of dry hardwood, 1 borse. For furtber particulars see the bills. Terms cash. No reserve. Wiliard Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, auctian- GUIRL NEWS FIRST BOWMANVILLE GIRL GUIDES The High Schooi was olive with,, tramps, brides, witchès and mnne other gay cÔstumes whcn the Girr1, Guides beid their Hallowe'en mas., querade. Capt. Robson of Second Com- pany judged the costumes and the winners ware Virginia Stuti, Con-," nie King, Marie Ann Jeffi!ey, Myr-/' na Tuerk and Joan Wood. Relay' games wcre piayad and the high- light of the evening corne when the girls "bobbed" for oppies. Ma- ny bad wet faces and bair as they sot around the lunch nooni and cleaned Up on ail the grand food sent by the girls' mothers. When the girls were ready ta go borne, eocb received a taffy - appie te end an evening of fun. Remember Uic saup-bike nexe- Monday, nigbt aftan school and ~ the trail leaves frorn Liberty and Carlise Ave. Let's have everyone out in slacks, and prepared ta pars their tracking and fire-iigbt- ing. FALL and W1NTER SALE WED.-THURS.-FRJ..SAT - NOV.5-6-7-8 JURy Tour Rexail Drug Store Phome 778 DGWMAIVILLE 15 Kiug St. W. 'I AND LOVEL If It': loxaâ i I R ighi Custom Work CULTIVATING, plowing a n d seeding; aiso John Deere repair parts and repairing donc. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone 594. 17-tf Work Wanted RELIABLE middle aged woman wishes position os bousekeeper in Bawmanviile. Elderiy couple or gentleman preferred. Write box 977, Statesman Office. 44-1 Foundl BLACK and white springer spÈtrte iel, maie. Will owner please cali for same -and pay cast ol adver- tising. Harold Green, in care ot John Rickard, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 44-1 REPAIRS REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Higgon Eiectric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shae Repair: Good, su bstan tial workmanship, relia- biiity. dyeing, soiing, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-tf Announcements I wish to onnounce the re-open- ing of the barber shop at New- castle, formeriy operated by H * Toms, on Monday, October 2,7.7 H. Quinney. 4-2 GUTRNEY large size. 19 Orono. 1 -àýUUJUWAX, Uulu»" au, l"I 1 43.2 GIRL Phone 778 SOMANTILLE 15 Ring Si. W.

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