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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1947, p. 3

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? E ~ E D A Y O C T B E R 3 0 . 9 4 ?T H E A N A I A N T A T S M A K B O M A N V L L E O N T 1 U OA C M T i R n I u u WEDDINGS Betty orraine, daughter of Mr. ild fr. Ross Stevens, Maple Grave, becaine the bridtIpf Fred- erick Cameron Hutton, 5Ix of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hutton, Toronto, at a charming bouse wedding a'c the bride's residence, M a p i e Grove, on Oct. 18. Rev. Frankc Yardley performed the ceremony with the bridai party standing be- neath an arch of pink and white. Mins Loryne White played the wedding music, and the soloist was Miss Lenore Collacutt. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a white broc- aded satin gown wlth fitted bo- dice with net yoke, long sleeves and full skirt. Her long veil fell ftrom a halo of net outlined with tiny seed pearîs, and she carried a cascade of red roses. Miss Mur- !el Stçvens was her sister's only attezidant. She chose a pink gown fashioried with fitted brocaded sa- tin bodice and bouffant net skirt. She e a pink floral bandeau and cWi'"ed pink roses. Mr. Char- les Reynolds, Jr., was best man. Following the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Hutton left by mnotor, for a wedding trip to the Muskoka district. They are now residing on the groom's farmn nean Eben- ezer. TAMBLYN-WALKER Hart House, University cf Ton- onto, was the setting for a wed- ding when Lilhian May, dàughten of Mn. and Mns. Frederick Waik- er, became the bride of Glenn AI- ian Tamblyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, of Orono. Rev. A. E. Eustace of Onono, penfonni- ed the ceremony. AIILn Chapple presided at the ongan. Given in marriage by ber fa- ther, the bride wore a suit of Eli- zabeth blue with wînter white ac- cessories. She carried a white pnayer-book with corsage of gar- denias. Miss Shirley Walker at- tended ber sister, wearing fi beig- suit with brown accessories and! a corsage of pink roses. uionaica Staples was best man. Mr. and Mns. Tamblyn motoned to New York after the neception at the Old Mil. Later they will make their home in Montreal. The groom is a graduate of University of Toronto in chemical engineer- ing. STORKS--DeLINE A wedding of local interest was held in the United Church, New- castle, Ont., on Saturday after- noon, Oct. 25, when William John Storks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel Storks,- Oshawa, took as bis bride, Pauline Jeanette DeLine, daughter of Mrs. Walter DeLine of Newcastle and the late Mr. De- Line. Rev. W. W. Pattersoin, of- ficiated at the candlelight cere- mony and the church was decon- ated with white, yeilow and bronze 'mums for the occasion. Mr. Harold DeLine gave bis sister in marriage. She wore an original gown of blush pink sat- in with a sheer yoke, outlined with satin leaves wbich also out- lined the peplum. Her long veil was held by a coronèt of white os- tnich tips and she carried a white Bible topped with a pink orchid. Mrs. Harold Carr was Matron of bonor, Miss Joyce Riddell, sen- ior bridesmaid and Miss Carolyn Fiedlander, junior bridesmaid, ail dressed in similar tafetta gowns of gold, turquoise and yel- low, respectively. They wore matching halo bats and carried roses. Mr. Allan Peterman was best man, and Mr. Neil Britton and Mr. Russell Green were ushens. Following the cenemony a re- ception was held in the chunch Sunday scbool, where Mrs. De- Line received the guests in a dove grey gown, witb matchin.g h'ýt, trimmed with cerise plume. The bridegroom's mother assistcd in an orchid gown. Both wore rose, corsages. The couple left on a trip to the Adirondacks and on their return will live in Newcastle. Collette Ferguson Given ATCM Dîploma At Royal Conservaloryl Miss Collette Fenguson's name appears in the list of those re- ceiving A.T.C.M. (pia-no, solo per- former's) eiplomacs presentéd by Sidney E. Smith, K.C., president cf the University cf Toronto, at the Royal Conservato'ry cf Music Graduation Exercises held in Con- vocation Hall on Wednesday ev- ening, Octoher 22. Collette has bad first class hon- ours or honour standing in al ber OWNED AND OPERAUET ....ATLANTIC& PACIFIC T.c., smaill 5& large 98C ANN PAGE MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN 24 oz loaf 1Oc HEINZ A8SORTED SOUPS - 2 Tins.25 LANG'S SWEET MIXED Pic]=S -~ 25e MEATV PlUNESMed. ize2 lbo..2m CUTS WASHING TIME ... Pkg.29 A & P super R ight QaI~M<t RED and BLUE BRAND REEÇ STEAKS s ROASIS DUNELESS ROMN T-DONElb 49Ç PORTEIHOUSE, WING03R5111*1 MIJNE 1131 EOAST FIRST ô NIDS *-b.** 3&< LAM -l -m Sea Food Dýugestl oma SILVEIIIGETSLMEDY THE PIECE* - - -b 1LAWd LEGS l b.4g fb. 27e 314 Removing Stains Froin Irish Linen W HEN youn prized Irish linens arc staincd with tea, coffee or fruit juice, stretch the stained por- tion cf the piece tautly over a bowl. From a beight, pour boiiing water on the stain and watch it disappear. An easy remedy and perfectly safe because hot water can't possibly harm any type of Irish linen. piano, theory and violin examin- ations. She has ber grade six in violin and in 1940 won the Con- servatcry medal for the higbest mark in Ontario in grade four, on that instrument. Collette is the only daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith Fenguson cf Bowmanville. She is attending Victoria College, University o f Toronto, and we wish for ber the same high standing in the course she is now pursuing. HAYDON. The holy rite cf baptisma was perfonmed at St. Olive's Churcb, Swansea, Toronto on Oct. 12 by Rsv. Sextus K. Stiles, when Cath- arina Maria, infant daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westover was baptized. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. St. Germain and Mr. Paul St. Germain moved te Cornwall on Monday, where they have punchased prcperty and intend kzeeping store. We are very sorry to lose tbem from our com- munity. Mr. P. A. Yegerings, Milliken, bas purchased the St. Germain farm. Mn. Chas. Rankin had the grad- er in levelling part cf bis land in preparation for movingh'is mink. We are sorry te hear that Mrs. H. J. Werry is seicusly ill. 4Thankoffering Service was beld Sunday evening with Rev. R. B. .1iarison, Blackstock, as guest spcaker. He read a portion of the ~ible as a "Recipe for Strength for car Lives." He said .what we be- Ivexe affects the conduct cf our Evcs. Let us believe we are a Lzrn-ile for God. Chistianity me=cs to obey Jesus. We should ,:rhis words and then set our- --.~s to carry them out. A vote ýiînlzs is tendered the Solina -r who vcry generously rend- -.threc excellent anthems, .___ýI eremuch appreciated. _2- .u1- wxas beau tifully de- ithflowers, plants,an A social evening was heïld at the c- --eir: and Mrs. Jack Potts Sr:ýaýy evening with 25 present x. .:n 2ar. zind Mrs. Wm. St. Ger- mni: a ni Paul were presented W~ith a lovcly electnic table lamp oni behalf of the community prier 'o their leaving cur midst. ýIirs. Ait. Richards, Salem, Mn. Carnet R-ichards, New Toronto, Mn Fred Ellis, Enniskiilen, at Mn' C. blemon's. Xlr. Dcugîus Barr, Tyrone, Mn. and Mm. l-tY Graham and Rena at M. L R.Graham's. M.and Mrs. Forget and fam- ilY, at Mr. F'rank Ccnnelly's and Mrs. M. Reid's, Peterboro. Mn. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Bow- matîville, Miss Phyllis Moore, Miss Beatrnice King, Toronto, at Mn. Wm. Trewin's. Mn. James Hanna was home for a few days acccmpanied by bis sister, Mrs. Robertson, and Mrs. Smith, Hamilton. Miss June Anderson in Toronto. Mn. John Graham, Oshawa, at Mrs. Russell Crossman's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmond and family, Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. Roland Thompson and Kar- en, Enniskillen at Mn. W. Thomp- son's. Mrs. Roy Graham and Rena at Mn. W. Rahm's, Tyrone. (Intended for hast week) Mn. and Mrs. Allan Bnooking and Margaret, Port Hope, Mrs. H. Clarkeý Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooking, Port Bitain, Mns. Harvey McGill, Mns. E. Wer- ry and babe, Enniskillen, Mrs. Douglas Cole, Bethesda,. at Mn. C. Slemon's. Mrs. Redpath, Fenelon Falls, Mn. Ross Ashton, Miss Marie Ash- ton, Leaside, at Mn. Lloyd Ash- ton's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Siemon, Mil- ton and Lloyd Slemon, at Mr. Han- ry Brooking's, Pont Britain. A man is just as big as the thing that makes hlmn angry. MOVINO WESTi if. Rawllnson LImited regularly make Up and ahi p HOusebold Furnitur.. Co- solldated Pool Cam. to Mdanitob..akatch- sWan. Albeta.,flritlabColumbia and go CalifornWa Write. wire or phone forreduced frelght rate. Establithed 1885. 610 yonge St., Toronto. ingtaJd. &125 ÏEvning Auxiliary 0f Trinity United Cburch Holde Monthly Meeting The Evening Auxiliany cf Trin- ity United Church met at the church on Oct. 21. The president, Miss H. Cryderman, was in the chair for the business period. The Comxnunity Fniendship Sec- retary, Miss M. Beilman, stressed the need of European children at this time. The Stewarctship Secret a n y, Mrs. C. H. Mason, gave a taik de- signed as a preparation for the Thankoffering meet i n g n é x t month. The program was in charge cf Mrs. Walton Pascoe's and Mrs. R. Cale's group. In the worship per- iod, Mrs. Mutton and Mrs. Pascoe led in prayers. Mrs. Vandriel sang a beautiful solo and aise a dedication when the offering was received. Mrs. A. Allun recounted the ad- ventures of John Eliiott among the Indians cf Massachusetts. He suc- ceeded in compiling an Indian Grammar and in publishing in 1661 a New Testament in the In- dian language. Mrs. G. White gave a summary cf the work cf Rev. Steven Riggs, who, affer working many years, wrote the greaten part cf the New Testament in the language cf the Dakota Indians. Mrs. McMillan gave belpful suggestions on conducting famnily worship and on bow te teach young children te pray and the way in which this may lead into the lgrger field cf family worship.1 Mrs. Robt. McCready Guest of Honor At Surprise Party October i1 was the scene cf a very happy surprise party given at the home cf Mns. Wallace Bra- den, Queen St., whicb was beauti- fully decorated with faîl flowers in honor cf Mrs. Robert McCnea- dy's wedding, (nee Frances Jew- ehl). Mrs. E. H. Brown and Mrs. McCready received the guests numb2ring over 50 lady friends. Miss Ann Brown received at the door, looked very winsome in pale blue gown.1 Mrs. McCready was coinpletely taken by surprise when she was rr-cnt(-1 with a levely table lamp and a large size master electril! toî'ster by Miss Ann Brown on be- haîf cf those present. After a pleasant hour a dainty luncil was served. Mrs. S. M. Scott and Mrs, E. H. Brown pour- ed tea assisted by Miss Geraldine Gracy, Miss Agnes, Christie, Miss Marlon Scott, Mrs. Clifferd An- derson, Mrs. Leslie Jackson and Mrs. Manson Comstock. Mn. and Mrs. Robent McCready wish te express their sincene thanks te Mn. and Mrs. Braden for their kindness extended te themn in their home, aise te all Bowman- ville friends wbo have extended te them good wishes for their future happiness. Mn. and Mrs. McCrea- dy will be at home on Dec. 1, 1947, at 118 Albert St., Ingersoll, Ont. Ski Club Rance Atracts New Members More than 100 young people enjoyed the dance and social ev- ening provided without charge by the Bowmanville Ski Club in the Lions Community Centre, Wed- nesday evening, Oct. 22. It was a get-together to welcome new members and the novelty dancing and music were features of the evening. The club members pro- vided lunch and refreshments and made everyone feel at home. Alterations and furnishings are going forward at the Ski head- quarters loaned by Mr. C. Avery on his farm east of Enniskillen where the ski runs are laid out for the winter months. It would be appreciated if new members would assist in the work yet to be done. Later in the season a form- ai dance will be held as a pleas- ant interlude. Meantime the ski enthusiasts patiently await the snow. Britons are drinking more cof- f ee. YOUR EYES and SVISION Eyesîght Specialist Disney BIdg. Oshawa, Phone 1516 (No. 43.) Those who nequire glasses therefore under certain circum- stance5 wear for thein reading, possess themselves cf glasses which seldom leave the room! where the cwner dees bis read- ing ancd full vision lenses and diot oifocals are the proper gîasbez for this purpese. Ondinary buf- ocajs even a bifccal with a large1 segment is inadequate because [where intensive neading is nec- essary, a restricted field is fouiad through any bifocal, will net per- mit cf dean unrestr.cted ccncen- tration and may a valuable point 'be lest, distunbed or interrupted to our disavantage unless we are comfortably and clearly equipped for the occasion. To be a successful neader you must have good eyesight. To«have goed eyesight it may be necessary to wear glasses. This is often a necessity in the acquining cf an edUcation and in fitting the child for ita future place in t.he world. SDue To The Large Deand For. LAMPS AT OUR MIANUFACTURER'S LAMP SALE The manufacturer is again co-operating wilh us by extending the~ lime limil of aur Great Lamp Sale. To ihose of you Iwho missed oui on noi being able fo purchase a lamp ai such reduced prices and because of the deplefion of our stock- we are happy fo announce ihai a new shipmeni is now available ai the same low prices HOOPER'.S JEWBLLERY AND GIFT SHOP SEE THEN TODAT These lovely china base lamps and maiching shades. Jusi righi for ihai new end fable. To ,make ihings brighi iry one of ihese beaubiful lamps ini many differeni colors and siyles. Reg. Price $10.95 sale price $7m5O_ Reg. Price $11.50 sale price $8300 _ LANPS TO DECORATE AND LIGHTEN If there is ene dark corner i our living room or bedroom, dispel the gzloom with this highly decorative china lamp. Picture a pair each side of your sofa, or one on your favorite corner table. A lovely bride moving into lier new home, would ap- preciate a beautiful lamp for a gift. PUT TOUR DEDROON IN A REMINISCENT NOOD with a pair cf lovely bedroom lamps. Just the thlng te set off your vanity table or night stand, for the Ideal Christmas gift for your best friends. We will be glad te hold them for you vlth a small deposît. Reg. price $6.95 Sale price $3,75 each TO PLEASE THE EYE AND PAMPER TOUR PURSE Th ese china lamps will fil he bill ike noihing else can. They have a rich lustre, buiter-smooihness fo the iouch. in various shapes and designs wiih perfeci- ly beaubiful correlaied shades. Reg. price $17.00 sale prîce $13mOO LAMP FASHIONS FOR ;LIGHT SMART"" HOMES To personify for you the flattenlng world cf niglit, leisure, and enjoyment of home, we buld restraint cf quality into lamps, that Imperceptible aura cf distinction which lingers and spreads over a room. Our beautiful lam-ns blend easiiy and gracefully with most any decor. Reg. Price $12.00 sale price $850 Reg. Price ' 14.00 sale price $9325 FOR RICHNESS IN DEAUTY . See our lovely hand blown glass lamps. Colorfully demlgned wlth flowers to bnlng the summer to Your home. Ail lamps can be match- cd at any time. dec orabive by day .. . buf really glowing beaufies by nighi PHONE 747 28 KING ST. W. TUA s ANN FAG MAYONNAISE m 8 e jr 21c FANCV JIJICE GRAPEFRUIT 20oztis27r. CANADIAN GLD CHEESE l b-§ ANN PAGE FAMOUS FRUIT CAKE 11h,47 C 2 lb 87c A & P FRUITS md VEGETAIES GRAGE CALIFORNIA Approx. 3 doz.W GIAPES CALIFORNIA N.;2Ibo.25 ONTARIO GROWN McINTOSH RED APIPLES LXIM\ESTIC, 6 qt. basket 4c ONTARIO GROWN WOLF RIVER or BAXTEP 9 ONTAI GROWN i IC 6 qt. b asket 30c A.ppxs Combination Grade 6-Qt. B.4b TGNAG.ES CALIFORNlA- 25. POMMTES P.E.I. No. i1 15-b. Peck 4 I A& P PROM<E 5W 0 Tiff E EK FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS 98'à GrapfruMit 6 for 25C doz 49c % IMIMAY, OCTOBIM 30. 10411 - 4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAZZVILLE, ONTARIO ilbaom %Wdffllffl 9 See fhem

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