MWUEMAT. OCTONE 30, 1947 Interior Views of TME CANADIAIi STATESMAN, BO)WMAI<VnLLEONTARIO Recenily Modernized Bank ofMontreal, . Bowmanville 'yA sectional view of the main office showing new flooring. compartments and the manager's office at the right of the front er Saturday morning customers are being served by Chief Clerk Teller Miss Edith E. (Sally) Cole. The Manager, Geo. E. IM glassed-in office at the front window. Local Branch, Bank of Nontreal Celebrates Double Anniversary Coincident with the observance of the 130th annivers-ary of the founding cf the Bank of Montreal, the Bowmanville branch celebrat- es a double annivcrsary, for in 1857, or 90 years ago a branch cf the bank was opened bere. The Statesman was founded just tbree years previously and its old files contain a record of the event with the bopeful prediction of increas- ed industrial activity and agrîcul- tural production in this important centre on the Montreal-Toronto stage route. The et blishmeâl of the brandli in Bowanvîlledprogressively to the elimination cf the old bar- ter system and the disappearance of the old media cf exchange represènted 'by pounds, shillings and pence and miscellaneou cr- rencies cf the day. In fac! the Bank of Montreai bad an agency here as far back as 1848 whicb was closed eut only to reopen on a more permanent basis nine years later. C But agaîn in 1863, the activi business cf the Bank cf Montrea at this point was suspended an( the Ontario Bank established i, bead office here. It ccntinued ir operation, until October, 1906 Êwben it was taken over by th( Bank cf Montreal.* The Ontari( Bank buiit the handsome lime. stone, three stcry edifice whic] today is the Bcwmanvilie brancl- Soffice of the Bank cf Montreai The'building was crected in 1866 Few changes in the interior ol the bank building were made ovei its 81 year history, but pcssibly ir honor cf the double anniversary, the whole interior has heen re- modelled and redecorated this year. So behind its massive lime. stone exterior one finds an ultra- modemn arrangement cf sDace and furnishings adding greatly to tht comfort and convenience cf cli- ents. Modern Effeets The old metal-grîi tellers cage was removed and the cld Victor- I - uent forget tliat wtnter Is luit around the Make sure YOU are readY for these icy big>w zeo daiys. The anti-freeze ln your ema Important la weather like this. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WTM TUE BE S UPIER PY]RO ANTI-FR~ A GOOD SUPPLY NOW ON nAND Don'f go oui of fown for your We have themn on dlsulay as cheav as thejy area DE LA VAL PRESSURE WATER sySTEMS, MII SEPARATORS, MJLKERS, ETC. B.T. Waler Bowls 4we n.e ROW] DEALEE FOU Came Faim aebIniÜy - FIreutonq Deavai NMlkoan d Seziarators Beatty Brou. stable Eqilment I K" et, W.' Be corner. lats and sr Is very lires anYwhere. COOLERS, Nj eTlmes E new counters, teliers' One of the private compartments in the security room where clients have accs _eady onn itr hwscsoesi h rotcrio edn ntrance, as you enter. to their private safety deposit boxes. Newly furnished the booths provide safety to the rear archway which is the entry to the security and safety depost roorn. Miss D. L. Robertson and and privacy for cîipping coupons an*ranging pvae ppr.Saeài h ot Cole appears in the front teller's compartment. Mr. Robertson is conferring with isJ.D.Hgath Hmto, ecear-teauerofth owshp fDaligtn . Miss Helen A. Cox at the second teller's compartment and other staff members are is J . o a th a p o n e re a y t ea u e o h T w s i o a li g o .in th e b a ck g ro u n d . - S ta tesm a n staff p h o to s cg.Temanagers office ina1 n rs. E. Twist; redn y Boughlen's. eningan feonmuiws formai room at the back has now PRESENT MANAGER L rs. Audrey Snowden; prayer by R W S Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis, Newton- under the capable leadership of corne right up front and the old Mrs. L. Sands. Program conven- ville, at Mr. and Mrs. M. Robin- Mr. Neil Stewart. parttoshe flom or saceofa the 1*- er Mrs. Jessie Swallow took Busy Bees wiil meet at Mrs. son's. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Henry, To- miofie Ne lghngsescharge of the study book; piano Honeys on Nov. 5.MrNelSwatMisCSe- ronto, at Mr. Sid Halloweli's. mai ofic. Nw lghiný shdssolo ly Joan Wright: reading, "Do Home and Schooi Association art, Mrs. Watt, Kendal, at Mr. A. Miss Eileen Farrow, Bradley's, brilliance over the whole scene à '.' you know questionnaires." Piano were guests of Shaw's Association Dobson's. at home. fe and a iight green motif on the » solo, Catharine Campbell. Mrs. at a Hallowe'en party on Friday Two large congregations attend- Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell, il walls pieasantly reduces e y e Lyra Flintoff conducted "Quiz on evening. Mrs. A. Brown, Peggy cd the anniversary services at Shi- Helen and Gerald, were in Toron- ýd stain. Study book" Mrs. Ruby Stephen- Stephenson, Beryl Reichrath and lob. The guest speaker was Rev. to. 'S Low, convenient counters, step- son conducted a ae icsinWleeWlo on pie. s ilFox eci ýn ped up wîth modemn tellers' cages , S ai drinking, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and former pastor on this charge. Toronto. an d this per m its easy access to ~M rs. S id B arrab el, M rs. C . M ils, fam ily , M rs. H o tson , L ak e S h ore, S p c a m e t o g es o M s eri s E. C y da e M s. L C y - ie an then ris ayacest Ms .too hareofhe sine Twss. Mr. and Mrs . Rowl;,,and, Orono, Raymond Trim who sang a beau- dale and daughtcr, at Mrs. J. Clys- ýo. any employee for the transaction tu okcag ftebsns.M.adMs Gordon McKnight tiful solo. The evening music was dale's. o f business. New floors are of Ms .P oes on will and family and Mrs. W. Huggins, given by the adult chiwcb rsLe Halel aiudnc sks isAU goden rtern- i speak at a joint meeting of the Oshawa, at Mr. R. Graham's. wsgetyapcied Boh- were in Lindsay. EvnigAuihay ndAternoo Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, Toronto, . cut oak. And characteristic of 7- W.M.S. on Nov. 17, at 8 p.m. in at Mr. Geo. Stepbenson's. iservice with a smile, the mana- thcbrh Mrs. Clarence Turner and Sam ýf ger's door remains open for attended a Hereford sale at Lind- rfricndly interviews and soundLaeSo ,Clre ay i counsel. New settees bave been provided for customers in the ____ spacious corridor. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bradley, En- S A K IL S And safety hasn't been for- iskillen, Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett, ____ gotten. Early this year a mod- TroneJ.MW. El and M ssO.lake, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmer and ern alarîn system was installediMrJW Elliotb wtr and Mis Oiv Gwen, Bowmanville, at Mr. Clar- with instant contact with the po- enlotcWhtby wih r. nd rs lice offices, a wise. precaution AIf. Brown.enceaGilMers. Wli arw these days in view of the many George E. Moody Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson Mran Ms.WliFrow bank robberies taking place. The from August, 194i and Richard- with Mr. and Mrs. W. Newtonville, at Mr. Percy Far- secrit rom cntanin saetyBaskerville. row's. boes rithe use of tomerngsas y r DnLeach, Port Credit, Mr. Mrs. Richard Havwl iie boxsor teea ofnge and rivhae F R E A A E Chas. Torsell, Long Branch, Mrs: Miss Mary Katerson, Hampton. For those extra special dinners y'ou want to consuit u coobe earne n viee R E M NA E F. Finchan soPr Credit, Mrs. M. Sbutka was in Toron- meat departrnent for something different. Each and lîng p eo un aper. o tenlocal --Mr. H ans saa r r and Mrs. WH.Couasch Osh-every day we have a large variety from which to choose. b~anh asben rogh rgh ~Chas. McNeil. Cowanville, witb awa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cone ini today and look around. to date. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. rm ...Mr. and Mrs. N. McMillan and Miss Beuiah Hailoweil, Toron- ____________________________ ManagersWanM.adMsE.Tki to, witb Miss Norma Haiiowell. Turnig tethe ersonel o theGordon and David, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Dobson and Irxysopr u here and save staff from early days te the pres-....« Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Powell. Mary Lou were in Pontypool. cnt, the following is a record of M.adMs rbrBdi Mr. Gordon Hallowell, Mount thebrnchmaages:Marlene and Freddie, with Mr: Forest, visîted Mr. and Mrs. Ric- Gerg Det, ro Mrch, 1857 , and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin,, Brown's. badHloeiHED ATEsFR to Feb., 1859. W. R. Dean, from Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and M.adMs .Fîs edl Fresh and Cooked Meats- Vegetables- Fresh Fruit Dailv Celan859from c., 106toF. e- ........... family' and Mrs. A. Hotson with and Mrs. I. Paeden, Newtonville, Feb.185 toDec, 163,J. McMr. and bMrs. Robt. Graham, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden. High Quality Groceries. Do al your shopping ini one store 1929. F. O. Mcllvcen, froin Feb. -Brown's.Mran Ms. osHaowl and save tirne and rnoney. 1929 te Aug., 1947. Geo. E. Mou'- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams and and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. E. White dy, from Aug., 1947. , family with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce atne niesr evcsa The perîod between 1863 and WhtyNwateEiabhvl. 1906 marked the time the Ontar- MrMn.r.KnDenad M adMr.Ca.Cwn je Bnk as n- oeraion Geoge faily ithMrs E. ean Orno.Newtonville, at Mr. Clarence Gil- McGill was tic last manager of Mr. and Mrs. F. Raney, Toron- mer's. EDNONDSTONE'S MARKET the ntaie Bnk nd r Mc to wih Mr an Mr. W.Holes. Mrs. Wm. Todd, Oshawa, visit- theMr.tandoMrsnkGaod Mrelden- ed Lorne and Fred Todd. Ciellani took over from hlm when Mr and Mrs. Chas. Yulc and HARVEY JOINT, Proprietor the Bank of Montreal reentcred witb Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mran s.C s.Ylad, Mr. an±d Mrs. Alec Bar- the picture by absorbing the On-Bom.Roin oi, ay and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Phone 375 29 King St. Ez. tarioMranRoLawrencedSaeryndshawa troBn.Mr. Chas. Alldred, Barbara Ann arneSvey saa witb Present Staff and Brian in Oshawa with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson. I At the present time the staff F. O.Mellveen and Mrs. Sherman Burnett. Mr. Art McKay visitcd Mrs. R. has ten members whose namnes and Feb. 1929 to Aug. 1947 positions follow; ____ A. I C.ox; current ledger,_ Miss Ar- line Northcutt; savings i e d g e r, Miss Florence E. Chartran; col- lections, Miss Marie F. Moise; stenographer, Miss L. Doreen Jef- Ellis. Outpost, Bill's dog, Rover. I sof interest to note that the eniestaff with the exception of Mr. Moody and Mr. Robertson were born in this district. Mr. Barrett, a son of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Barrett, formerly of Hampton 'is considered a hometown boy. This happy circumstance lends a more friendly association in the attraction of business but the en- tire staff acts as a unit in extend- ing the friendliness and courtesy characteristic of the whole person- nel.. Congratulations The Statesman having been in existence when the orig i nal brnhoened and is stili here reaffirming its original welcon-ie to the Bank of Montreal, joins J.A. MeCleL*an with te entire community in ex- Oct. 1906 to Feb. 1926 .-tending congratulations at this double annivPrsary. The picture MA E presented in these coiumns on this occasion, we hope is one of faîth, MAIIUGR VE security, friendliness and cour- tesy, the sound and enduring fac- Gunner Chias. E. Smith bas re- tors that have shaped a great des- turned to Camp Shilo, after spend-i tiny for this country. îng a week witli Mr. and Mrs. Fref Stevens and other friends. SALEM Wm. TrenouthNpneeir. anid Bobcaygeon, were Sunday visitors! Salem Women's Association met with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormis-1 at the home of Mr. Lawrence ton. Squair on Oct. 16, as guests of Mirs. Sam Dewell, Mrs. Elmer Miss I. Stephens and Miss B. Wilbur, Hampton, were guests of «Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Blackburn. The president opened Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. the meeting and took charge of, Roy Topping (nee Doris Stevens) the business. Mrs. F. Blackburn on their marriage. was in charge of the program. The choir journeyed to Eliza- bethville on Sunday evening, as- Mrs. G. Barrie favorefl with a1 sisted in Thankoffering services. piano solo followed by a reading The choir members were accom- by Mrs. S. Buttery. Rev. A. E. Ipanied by a few members o f their Cressweli gave a very interesting own church. review of the life of Madame Cur- Mr. E. Twist and sons visited ie. Miss Stevens conducted a con- his brother, Fred at Whitby on test. Mrs. Blackburn and her Sunday. group served lunch. The Evening Auxiliary met at The W.A. had a refreshment the home of Mrs. Clifford Swal- bcoth at the Cann SaleonOt low. Mclcting opz r' :)h vc- 18 with very gratifying returs. ai duet by Mrs. Howard Cryder- jivianager, G~eO. E. Moody; ac- countant, Ralph E. Barrctt; chief clerk, D. L. Robertson; teller, Miss ANOTHER TEN NEW'HOMES SOUTHWAY -GARDENS lalaBEGLT NWB Down Payments Nonthly Paymntns BEDUCED m Contractor Velerans of World War Il Have firsi option Io purchase N.H.A. Specifigations 4-roont Bungalows, 5-roont Bungalows and 1 1/2 siorey for full inf ormaf ion ê JNSURANCE see fhe ADMINISTRÂTORS (-q-e REALTORS 6 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA PHONE 4j~O I R EMUNERATION to be allowed an executor is a matter for the courts in Ontario. The same services are assessed on the same basis whether they are-,erformed by a private executor or a trust.coX'Pany. By choosing the Toronto General Trusts to administer your estate, 3ou iget the extra value of proved efficiency and de- pend abi lity at no extra cost. fT H E 11 TORONTO' GENIER4L TRUSTS' CO RPORATIO N Head Office: 253 Bay Street, Toronto A GAN 1GN G ElS T AT E S 1N cE 182 -a- illè;ii cuuniers went witil the 1 'Iil FORMER MANAGER Brick or. Siucco Exieriors - Time Saving Floor Plans