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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1947, p. 8

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- - - -----r-- *~ __________________________________________________ - ~ -w-, -ucw- SPAGE XIGHT' 'PU<!?JAlA»~P "Ot -fIwSA~e ~ &w~ n aumiv aL& M,'> .nITAM. HRDA' O ME ,1941t Mise Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, the anthem, "O Give Thanks Un- and Mrg. Beilehugh, Trenton, ta the Lord." with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Banathan. Mrs. H. Ragen and Mr. Walter SMr. Arthur Toms, Hamilton, Douglas have closed their New- with his parents, Mr. and Mr5. castle home for the winter months. Her.erandoms.WmStrshv Mrs. Ragen will spend the winter Mr. nd rs.Wm.Stoks avein Toronto and her brother, Mr. returned fromn their haneymoon Douglas, will divîde his time be- to the Adirondacks. tween New York and Florida. Mr. Frank Hoar and friend, Tor- His many friends are glad ta onto, with Mrs. Ed. Hoar. see Counillor H. T. Manes able ta The Young People's Union met be u gi fe i eetil Mondy eenin wih prsidntness. He wishes ta express his Glenn Allen preslding. Mission- thanks for the many kind inquir- ary Convener Francis Jase was ies during his illness. again In charge of the Worshlp Penlod. The main feature af the . Mrs. Robert Gibson is spend- evenng was colored xnoving pic- ing a week in Stouffville, the ture on omeMissons Joyce guest af Mr. and Mrs. Blake San- Martin iavored w1th a piano solo ders. and encore. Frances conducted A number af her iriends called nome Hallowe'en games. on Mrs. Frank Branton on Friday C.G.I.T. meeting, Oct. 28, toak aiternoon ta extend their gaod the iorm i a Hallowe'en supper wishes and felicitations on her1 Party and the Initiation ai new birthday. mnembers. The United Church Chair toak LIONS' HALLOWE'EN FROLIC part In the afternoon session ai the Anniversary Services ai The basement af the Commun- Clarke Church, Sunday. Mrs. ity Hall was filled with strangec Philp rendered a solo, "He Smil- masked figures on Friday even- cd On Me," and the choir sang ing when the Newcastle Lions DRITISH KNJT Knitted and Crepe Dresses and Suifs Fine Knifted Underwear and Outerwear for Men, Women and Children Represented by NRS. ALICE RICHARDS SPENCER CORSETIERE Phono Orono X7 r 18 PoPPY O N Box No. 33, urono DAY SATURDAY, NOVENDER 8th be sure fo give generously Thei. bowmanvilie Branch of the Canadian Leglon wil agala sii Popplca in order te, raise funds'for Indigent veterans, wldo and orphans et deceased Veterans in Two Wonld Wars. The. Popples are made by dlsabled veterans In the Veterait shopo In Toronto and Montreal. WEAR TOUR POPPY ON SATURDAY, AND ON REMEMBRANCE DAY, TUESDAY. NOV. llth. w r i. '4 e w 4 4 o 4 4 i I ST. PAULIS UNITED CHqURaCH Minuster: Rev. G. Cameron Qulgley Organlat: Mrs, Rets Dudley. Choir Dfrector: Alex MeGregor MINI IVERSA RY SERVICES SUNDAY, NOVENDER,91 Special Speaker: Rev. E. S. Lautensiager, Howard Park TJnifed Church, Toronto Guesf Soloist: Mr. Ronald Stewart, Toronto Il a.m. Theme "The Relation of*Thanks- giving fo Courage"## SOLOS: "Open the. Gates of the Temple" - Knapp "Whon Thcy Ringt the Golden Beils for Yan and Me" - -*-De Marbelle ANTREM: 'Harkcn Pnto Me My People" Sullivan 7 p.m. Theme "What God Requires of Us Today" SOLOS: "Tii PenItent"l "aTrut lu Hlmp ANTJIEM: "Sun of my Seul" - (8e1o18t Mis D. Croaser) - Van DeWater - - Hamblon * Nichai TOU ARE CORDIALLY INVTED TO ATTEND SERVICES NE WTON VILLE There was no service here Sun- day evening, there being Anniver- sary Services in Kendal. Same af aur members took the opportuni- tY ta go ta Kendal and meet with a former pastor, Rev. John Mc- Lachlan while others took in Clarke Anniversary Ser vi ce s where Newtanville Choir furnish- ed the music. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Hancack vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Kimbal. Mrs. Willis Farrow and lier W. I. Group held a card party at the -home ai Mrs. Gea. Henderson, -.Monday night. There were eight tables. Mr. and Mrs. Defae, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey. Mr. and Mrs. Daîpli Payne and son, Toronto, Mr. Stan Payne, and Miss Sybil Hood, Peterbaro, with Mr. and Mrs. Rheuben Payne. W.A. met at Mrs. Wm. Smith's on Oct. 29 with sixteen present. Plans were laid for the Presbytery dinner on Nov. 5, and also the ba- zaar an Nov. 20. An enjoyable so- cial hour followed the business periad. The United Church Community Club held a very successful mas- querade, Oct. 28. Many, bath adult and fhildren, were in costume. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt and Sid Lancaster had diiiiculty in judg- ing the winners. Little Diane gat first prize in the best dressed little girls. Dorothy Stapleton, as Lau- ra Secord, was winner in lier class. Mrs. Ronald Gibbs and sis- iter, Vina Stacey were best twa children. Ross Brown was first in camic. Mrs. C. M. Jones and Mrs. Willis Jones as a Scotch cou- ple were also winners. Mrs. Ross iHallowell favored with piano so- los. Mrs. Frankç Gilmer led in a sing-sang while aur pastar and Mr. Wm. Laing rounded aut the program. Mr. Neil Anderson led in contests and gamnes. Lunch was served. C. M. Jones, Earl Walkey and Ethan Jones were in attendance at Church services with their Part Hope Masonic brethren on Sun- day evening. This service was the beginning af a cenetennial ai Ma- sonry in Part Hope. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dawson, Lind- say, were guests ai Mns. Wade and Jean. On Wednesday evening, Qct. 22, a large number aif fienda gath- ered in the community hall in hon- or ai Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stone who were necently married. Mr. Wm. Laing was master ai cere- manies who presented a pragram of musical numbers by Mr. Ar- mond Hollingworth, Mrs. Archie Brown and the Misses Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Stone were called ta the platfarm which was beautifully decorated with autumn flowers. Mr. Frank MeMullen read a fitting addness while Murray and How- ard Payne, Keith Bunley and Han- ry Warrall presented the yaung couple, with an accasional chair, an end table and glass waten set. Bath the bride and groom sincene- ly thanked their friends for the kind thoughts and gifts. Aiter a sumptuous lunch the rest ai the evening was spent iu chatting and informal dancing for the yaunger folk. ]ROOFING~ Brick Siding Eavestroughlng OILD'URNERS Cal en unu for Guaranteel Worl. DAVIS & GRANT PHONES: 2841 - 2874 Married in Newcastle Scturday Club sponsored a Hallowe'en fro- lic. There were pirates, cowboys, knights of the road, ladies of aur grandxnother's day and nuinerous other original ..nd comic costumes. The evenmng's festivities started with a street parade aifail thase in costume. A splendid program had been provided and included a magican, treats, baloons, i c e cream, candy and fruit. The win- ners ai the different groups in costume were as follows. 5 yrs. and under, most original costume, Rannie Garrock, 2 yrs; mo&t com- ical, Karen Milligan, 4 yrs; the prizes for this group being donat- ed by Dyer's Drug Store. 6-7-8 yrs., most original, Gail Thomas; niost comical, Jimmy Scott, prizes by Thickson's Store. 9-10 yrs., Most original, Patsy Schram; most comical, Gordon Garrod, prizes by Britton's Store. 11-13 yrs., mast original, James Fîtzpatrick; most comical, Tillie Harris, Connie En- wright, prizes by Walton's Store. 14-15 yrs., most original, Mary Hagerman; mast comical, Newton Selby, prizes by Tom's Store. 16 and over, most comical, Fred Bond, prizes by Bonathan's Store. Donations were also received from the East End Garage, Fergu- son's Service Station, Queen's H-o- tel, Elmhurst Hotel, Kingsway Restaurant, Gateway Tea Room, and also many other interested citizens. Thanks to the Newcastle Lions Club in providing entertainment for the children, which was why there was very little damage done E in the village and as far as Hal- e lawe'en pranks were cancerned, n there were hardly any. Everyone S who attended the Hallowe'en par- ty voted it a huge success and- hope the Lions Club will continue it next year. St. George's Clunch, Newcastle, was thc setting ai an intenesting cvening ceremony an Saturday, Nov. 1, wheu the marringe took place ai Diana Galbraith, daugi- ter ai Mns. Wheelen and the late Mr. Alden Dodge Wheclen, Bow- manville, ta Mn. Narman Albert LGrandfield, Brantford, son ai Mn. and Mrs. Fred Grandfield, Ham- ilton. Rev. J. dePencier Wrght officiated, assisted by Rev. D. R. Dewdney. Mn. John B. Kent, Bowmanville, was at thc argan, accompanying the boy soloist, Master Edward Grandfield, bra- then ai thc groam. Mn. Alden Dodge Welce gave lis sister in mamiage. Her baud- some cream, velvet gown was made with square ncckline out- lined with Honiton lace, long sîceves and fuli skîrt farming a circular train. Her headdress was ai heirloom Honitan lace, a wide band ai which edgcd lien long vcii and sic carnied white dhrysauthe- mums and pom-poms. Hen only jeWcllcry was a landsome apai and diamond brooch set lu plat- inum, whici lad bclonged ta lien paternal graudmothen. Mns. an Clark Wooley, Toronto, matron ai honor, Miss Pat Grandfield and Miss Mary Southey, junior brides- mnid, were gowued alike lu deep Amenican Beauty velvet, made with moulcled bodices, sweetleart necklines and long sîceves. The full skirts, finished witl bustle zli i Shopping Days for Christmas Gifis An eariy selection Insures a better choice Chrisimas Cards Boxed assortments and singles Persanal Christmas Cards Books, for Young and old NEW FICTION, BIOGRA- PHY and TRAVEL fan boys and girls CLASSICS and ADVEN- TURE, PICTURE BOOKS, CUT OUTS and COLORING BOOKS Sfafionery Attractlveiy Boxed Caiorcd and White CHINA - GLASS NOVELTIES 3. W. JEWELL "BIG 20" PHONE 556 27 Klnt St. W., Bowmanviloe baws, formed short trains. Tley lad lalfhats ai the velvet. and their flowers wene pink cîrysan- tlemums aud pom-pams. Mr. Bruce M. Hamilton, Welland, was groomsman, and the ushers wene Messrs. Robent S. Gnandiield, Hamilton, William T. Heaslip, Jr., D. L. Smith and N. K. McKinnon, ail ai Toronto. After the receptian at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Southey, Bowmanville, the cauffle leit on a trip to the Laurentiaus, the bride. in a twa-piece irock ai grey woal with raccoon coat and black ac- cessonies. Tley will live iu Brant- fard. Guests werc present from Tan- onto, Ottawa, Montreal, Welland, Kingston, Hamilton, Brantford, Waodstock and Buffalo., Judge Miller Appointed New Counties' Judge Judge M. A. Miller ai Sarnia, las been appointed Judge ai the Counties' Court ai Northumber- land and Durham, it las been an- nounccd by thc Department ai Justice. The appaintment fills the vacancy crcnted by tic resignation af Judge J. C. M. German same time ago. Mn. A. C. Hoýdgetts, Ca- bourg, la a brother - iu - law ai Judge Miller. For tie pnst 7 on 8 yeans Judge Miller las been the County Court Judge ai Lambton County; also presiding aven a Juv- enle Court in tînt arca. The new judge pnactlscd law lu Alberta for several years, laten moving ta Guelph ta continue lis law pnac- tice. He las anc son, Dr. R. B. Miller, who is on the staff ai tic University ai Alberta. Judge and Mns. Miller have al- ready taken up resîdence in Ca- bourg. Mr. Narman Lylen, Brantford, Mrs. Addie Hayde, Torouto, withi their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden with their neiée, Mrs. Walter Symes and husband. Miss Mildred Snowdeu s p e n t weekend in Toronto with Mn. and Mrs. Roy McIntyne. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabeli and family ta aur com- munity. Tley have rented Mr. Thas. Snowdcu's house and mov- ed in. Wedding belîs are ringing in this cammunity this wcek. Rev. Jack Tlompson, Toronto, accupied the pulpit an Sunday iu the interests ai Missionary wark. There was a good turnout. A number from here journeyed ta Ebenezer an Monday evening ta sec the slides which Rev. Thomp- son showcd, and which were very instructive. Afterwards a social time was enjayed. Mn. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer jour- neyed ta Toronto on Sunday with Mn. and Mns. W. J. Gnose and spent the day with Mrs. H. C. Hurlbert wla is residing in Tor- onto. Mrs. L. Collacutt, Misses Pearl, Lenare Collacutt were hastesses to, a miscellaneaus shower for Mrs. Roy Tapping (uce Doris Stevens), on Tuesday evening. The hause was beautifully decorated for the occasion. As the bride entered t he raom, a fewbans af the wcd- ding rnarcl were played by Miss Edna Swaliow. The bride was escorted to her seat ai honon by Miss Lenore Callacutt, where twa baskets laaded with giits wenc waiting to be undone by the bride. After unwrapping the pancels, Doris tlanked ail for their lavely gits. A dainty lunch was served 'by the hastesses, assisted by scv- eral af the girl friends. Ail de- parted for their homes wishing the bride mudli happiness in ber new lame in Toronto whene they wil reside. Mn. Tom Colliss Is homte from the hospital and we wlsh hlm a speedy necavery. Men, Wonîen Over 40 Feel Wealc,Worn, Old? Dom uk PunO, hsI utn odake you tesag.dou 0? Tri Ouurez.Cntaine Oum bala latur30o Bi. HIL» en wt nn D vo tIity. __« 8&4 a aua sood drus stor e Oarwbou. Ronald Todgham 0f Chatham Makes H.adlln.s ln Business Iu a receut issue af The Chat- hami Dally News thene appcancd seven pages ai advertisements end congratulations on the opcning ai a handsomne new building the sigu on which lu nean lights read: Ron Todgham Matons Limited. The naine brought pleasing mem- onies for the editar of The States- man went through Bowmanvillc with a classmate named Herbent Tôdgham. Sa always on the look- out fon a stany boosting hametawn boys, on funthen investigation we learned that the president ai this big Chatham business was noue othen than Herb Tadgham's son. Whlle we can scancely dlaim Rau as a native son we may mild- ly insit thnt lis success can be tnaced through lis parents ta their hametown ai Bawmanville. For Ron's mathen was the former Ida Richards, at one time on the Post Office staff and who assisted the Postmnaster, the late J. B. Fair- bainn, ta write a History ai Bow- manv4le. Henb Todgham, a form- er apprentice lu Kerslake's Drug Store, grduated lu phanmacy and is today the manager fan the Peu- slar Drug Corporation at Walker- ville. But ta get bnck ta Rau and the big leadlines lie inspired iri thc Chatham Daily News: In 1929, Rau jained the Chryslen Corpora- tion and rase rapidly to an execu- tive position fram which le as- sisted lu promoting the nation- wide advertising campaign for Chryslen same yenns aga. TIen lu 1939 le took aven a dealership in Chatham- whicl resulted lu sudh mankcd success tînt lu 1947 lie was able to build and cquip anc ai the most modern establishments for sales nd service lu Ontai. Rau uaw las the sales agcncy fan Dodge and DeSoto tagether with an outhoard motor line and mnny othen popular electricai ag- encies. Completely equipped for service lis sales and service staff numbers 24 employees, which is same goinýg fan a chap wlose pic- turc pantrays a very yauthful ap- pearance and a smile that cannat but attract business. Wheu Rau opeued lis new building, high officials inciuding the president ai the Chrysien Cor- poration were night there ta ai- fer congratulations. But the key ta lis populaity was found lu a full page advertisement signed b3 aIl oi lis competitors lu Chatham, ofiering congratulations an his success. The Mayor ai Chatham nd ah tthc leading businessmen ai thc city also, exprcssed public ncclaim ta tîcir entcnpising cal- league and citizen Rau Todgham. Not to be autdane, The States- man nîso offens its congratulations ta a Bowmauville stcp-san, but goes one funther in cangratulat- ing Mr'. end Mns. Herbent Tadg- hnm au the success ai a brilliant son and stilI another step in con- grntulating the City ai Chatham far attracting au autstauding bus- inessman into its cammunity. Driukiug broth from a haudful of beans cooked for 10 minutes is said ta be a cure for hiccougîs. i PHONE "36 BOWMAN VILLE OuE TO GROWTH youngster wants to impreasu pO« indpenenc..those about him that 1ho18la Expressions ofindpne longer a mere ch.tld. ai thought as wcll as ai action- The2 authorities do suggest. hoWix are perfectly normal and health- ever, that nome ufldrstaù~I fui manifestations lnx adolescents, land careful sympathy and exp rts Th y a e m re- tance, should be extended by el&i Say the eprs hy r ee rs ta help the developlng youni> Iy-- evidence that the grawing ster to iollo!%te finer InstinctO6 The Iris Deauly, Salon phone 455 ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS PERMANENT WAVES This past ycar ha. bpen a succesaful and happy(I one for us. You have made us happy wlth your frlendshlp and kindness, and successful with your continued patronage. And now ta say "Thank You"l we are ofterlnt ail aur loveiy permanents at a redueed price for ail this month. Onr solutions are ail laboratory tested and Uic finest obtainabie. Couple this wlth the skiiled work- manship of expert operators and yau are sure to Starting November 15 aur Salon wv1ll be open Monday through Saturday ail day and also ln the evenings by appointment. on[aate IsSUED for any amount . . .. for a tersa of five year ... . guarantecd bath as ta principal aud itrest .... Interest cheques mailed ta, reach hoiders on due date, or, at halder's option, may be allowed ta accumulate at compound interest. An ideal iuvcstment for individuals, corn- panles; authanizcd by iaw for cemetery THE 5IERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tow.r, Taranto PRE-CHRISTNAS CLEARANCE SUIT andof eUIS ndWOGL DRESSES Î Sfylish All Wool Dresses You'Il be smant this winter if you're wearlng anc ai aur ail wooi dresses. They came iu the latest Pastel shades wlth a large vaniety of styles and sizes ta choose from., Suifs "of Distincti!on f or You 'Yeý wo are offerlng theso beautlfully made suits ai a tro- mondions reduction. The very latest styles are hon. waltfng for you and ail at prîces you eau afford. Came lu eanl jhile we stili have a complote stock of styles, siez sud shaa"eu. SEE OUR LADIES' COAT DEPARTMENT FOR TIM Couch,. Johuston & Cryderman, .. - -- ~. .4-.---.. Mr. Norman Albert Grandiield, The bride is the daughter oi-Mrs. Brantford and his bride, the farm- Wheeler and thc late Alden Dadge 3r Diana Galbraith Wheeler, B3ow- Wheeler ai Bawmanville, and the ,anville, who were married in t. George's Anglican Churdli, groom is the son ai Mr. and Mrs. rewcastîe, an Saturday, Nov. 1. Fredl Grandiield, Hamilton. ER 1 WEDDING THE CANADIAlq niqAnw-quàv ltnwwAwvff.T.vý etuffl,&,uvo% ý 1- li PHONE IUS p- BOWTdANVMLE MAPLE GROVE

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