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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1947, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE ~~~TEE CANADIAN STAT;M(AN, BOWMANVIT - - ONTAIUO 'HRDY OEBR614 tî TYRONE (Intended for lait week) ~,Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hicks, Har- ~riston, Mrs. Selena Stephens, Gor- rie, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Norman SWcodley. i', Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodley Swlth Mr .and Mrs. C. Bennett at Guelph. Mr. and Mns. Leonard Schup- 'I bach, Port Hfuron, Mrs. Ewart Cornish and daughter, Mary, Osh- Iý' awa, Mns. Patterson, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoopen, On- ono, with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodg-' son. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence English, Jimxnie and Roy, Newcastle, Mn. Sand Mrs. Bob Stainton, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. Mr. and Mns. S. Jewell with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shipman. SMn. John Mahon, Toronto, Mr. Sand Mrs. A. Graham, Barrie, Mr. 1.'Charlie Smith, Brandon, Man., ,with Mn. and Mrs. Aldon Hoar. SMrs. T. A. Anderson, Toronto, with M r. and Mns. S. T. Hoar. Mrs. Harold Skinner and Lloyd, 'visited Mns. Lake at Mnr. Al11. Brown's, Newcastle. Pe4~ 7«We Mr. -ad Mrs. C. K. Eowaii, Bethany, and Mr. Chas. Smith, Brandon, Man., visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry. Mrs. Jas. Storie bas .jeturned ta Onono alter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hodgson. Mr. J. B. Frost and Kathryn, Oshawa, at Mr. G. Rosevear's. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Mns. N. J. Woodley and Mrs. L. J. Goodman attended the funeral of Mrs. Richard Osborne in Tor- onto on Saturday. Mrs. Howard Philp with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Cuthbertson, at Norwoad. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Robinson, Gloria Jean and baby, Scott, Pet- erboro, and Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington, with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Mns. Lillicrapp rernain- ing. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clemens, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Brent. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wood and Mrs. May, Milibrco'l, and Mr. and Mns. R. J. Cassicýy, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. Hawrnzl Erznt. The sehool children enjayzd a1 bolidzy on Friday wvhen !I2rs. Philp attended the Teachers' Con- vention at Oshawa. fr Relax in the coinÇant cf a Colonial Coach when you travel, and save mnoney mile after mile. Convenient daily services on the principal high- ways of Eastera Ontario. Connections throughout Canada and the United States. Fail information/from tyour Local Agent. CARTON COACH LINES BOWMANVILLE TELEPHONE: 2666 PROVIDING 2O.dtf 1S NUS BUSINESS . A vivid drama of human joys and sorrows has moved across his ex. perience during the years he bas represented the Canada Life. He bas seen the heart-breaks of bereavement relieved by the happy discovery that wise provision haJ been made for the future. 4SSUR4j~rc~ 1 NE WTON VILLE (Intended for last week) NISSION BAND A Mission Band was organized Oct. 24 in the United Church basement with ,Mns. (Rev.) H. A. Bunt as Honarary President and Miss Mary Burley, Mrs. Ronald Bunley as leaders and these offic- ers were elected: president, Don- een Milîson; vice president, Don- na Stark: secy., Gloria Lane; treas., Douglas Rowe; press sec- ne taries, Ross Brown, Edward Rowe. Their teacher, Mn. Neil Ander- son, kindly invited the group ta meet in the Public Scbool. This would be a happy arrangement duning the winter months nather thani heating the basement. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE W.I. was held in the United Chunch basement with an attend- ance of 411, Libnary Committee reponted Newcastle had kinly of- fered a donation of 100 books. The name of Mrs. C. M. Jones was added to the Committee with the understanding that canvass~- ing would commence as soon as possible. Comfort Committee was instructed to rememben twa mem- bers wbo were ili and bereaved. It was decided to apply for legis- lation grant. As no delegate could be secun- ed to attend ah tbhree days of the Area Convention in November, it was decided that a car load go for one day. This bas since been an- ranged for Nov. i1 and aIl wish- ing to go are ta phone Mns. S. Johnston, not later than Oct. 31. Enquiries were made about street lighting and re-erection of the Milligan Monument. As no report was at band, the secretary was directed to Township Clerk for information. Han. President, Mrs. M. J. Hol- man welcomed our guests who j were tbe District President, Mns. i S. E. Werry, Solirfa and membens of Mornish Branch. Mrs. Wenny gave an uplifting and thougbt provoking addness on "Citizenship." She stressed the fact the W.I. Is the largest argan. ization of its kind in the world and what a wonderful opportunity is hers for doing good. Citizensbip is ability ta live in harmony flot only with our neighbons, but al lellow buman beings. The tbree C 0,MPA NI JAMES MARSHALL, District Manager S. R. JAMES 1I Couple- Take Wedding Trip New York MR. AND MRS. MARVIN S. ALLEN who were United in mar- niage, Saturday, October 18. The bride, formerly Margaret Scott, is the daughter of Mrs. William Scott, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Scott, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Allen of Bowmanville.-Photo courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette. IF YOU HAVE GOOD heavy, well-falled chickens or ca- polis, send ihem Io Mien your BAC K ACHES... Imaa. o iot..caua.d hy 4ay khq adi... WL.. kidyà gMtout o d.r Ozea acde and poisonsrebain i he i. hameh.,d4 ach m pa&de - hBov. Te huIp kq 01 éo7àe ,i à h:u.=oldn.whersdin a! mourning friends bespoke the bigh esteem in which he was held. The sympathy o! the community is extended ta the family, Cather- i, Neil and Jean (Mrs. Lof t- bouse). W.I. meeting was held in the library, October 16. Roll caîl was "Youn Birthday and Binthstone." Two dollars was donated ta the public speaking contest and 10 toward the expenses o! delegates ta the Central Ontario conven- tion, Nov. 10-12 in Toronto. No one present feit able ta take in the wbole three days but we hope ta be represented. The resolu- tions ta be pnesented at tbe con- vention wene nead and the one asking that tbe govennment ne- instate the grant for bot lunches in all public schoals was thought especially worthwhile upholding. Mrs. Hilditch read an article by ber daughter Betty Hughes en- titled "Cancerophobia Cure" which brought out the wisdom of getting after cancer early and the great strides forwand in its detection and cure. A dance was held by the W.!. in the Orange Hall on Friday even- ing the pnoceeds are for pan- cels for Bnitain. Special thanks are due Mn. and Mrs. Loweny, Mn. Ive. Little and Mns. Lloyd Gif of Radio Enilvens Sessions At the Woods? Senate H-aving just completed nedecor- ating the interion of the Senate Chamber a rich red, quite in the tradition of the House of Lords and the Senate at Ottawa, the speaker of Wood's Senate, Bow- manville, found one thing lacking, a radio and a loud speaker. The omission was soon made good. Without in any way insin- uating that the senate already pos- sessed several competent loud speakers, two new Senators, Walt DeGteer a d Roy Neads, whoso places of business are adjacent to the Senate, very generoualy donated a fine radio for he as- sembly. Political events at both Ottawa and Queen's Park wihl now be fol- lowed with great intereet and soap operas at4 croonlng torch singers are expeéted to provide a soothing background for wlnter euchre tournaments. Then, too, high arguments may be drowned out by turning Up the dials. An interesting winter session Is ini prospect. Electnicity is available ta almost everyone in New Zealand. Mrs. Crçaswel was not able to teach lait'week owing to ilhiess. r.Chng.very fart an lot mrs Mrvnvr. as. Binelows ot M-s McCoy who bas been in poo.. health for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bow- ers at Belleville. W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. S. Jewell on Nov. 6. Mrs. H. Findley and Dean, Un- ionville, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Rich- ards with relatives here. Mrs. H. Moses, Bowmanville, with Mns. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shaw, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett with Mr. and Mns. L. Bradley visited at Mr. A. Brown's, Newcastle. Mrs. W. Miller with Mrs. J. Bird, Bowmanville. Mrs. R. Graham and Rena, Hay- don, with ber parents. Friday evening a miscellaneous sbower was beld at Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grîffin's, Yelverton, for Mr. and Mns. Alex Perger, (nee Isa- belle Rahm). A pleasant evening was spent, with cards, crokinole and dancing and a nice lunch was served. Saturday evening the friends of Ennishillen Community gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and presented Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perger with an electnic table lamp, end table and reflector. Both made suitable replies for the gifts. Lunch was served with ice cream, the gift of the bride and groom. Glass for their assistance. Net proceeds, $22.75. ORONO NEWS (Intended for Last Week) New officers of Orono Lodge, 436, I.O.O.F., who were installed by Bro. Ross Watson, D.D.G.M. of Durham District No. 42 and his staff are: N.G., Robert Chater; V. G., Robent Keane; rec.-sec., W. J. Riddeil; fin.-sec., W. G. Watson; treas., Virtie Wilson; #warden, C. Martin; controller, N. Bairstow; chaplain, Gerald Shackleton; R.S. S., Claude Sharpe; L.S.S., Ken Shackleton, R.S.N.G., Dane Found; L.S.N.G., Leland Bahl; R.S.V.G., Sam Keane; L.S.V.G., Ray Bry- Son; inner guard, Fred Graham; outer guard, H. Linton. Bill Armstrong Jr., underwent an operation in Toronto General Hospital and is getting along well. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gilbant moved on Monday from the hou.%e near the Park to the brick house on Main St., vacated by Mn. and Mrs. Norman Allun. Annual meeting of Orono Hor- ticultural Society was held in St. Saviour's Church School room on Oct. 21, when these officers were elected: Pres., J. D. Brown; lst vice, F. J. Hall; 2nd vice, M. E. Sherwin; sec., Mrs. W. E. Davey; treas., D. E. Davey; auditors, Mrs. A. A. Drummond and J. C. Gam- ey; directors, Mrs. J. H. Morris, Mrs. E. J. Hamm, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mrs. C. Duncan, Mrs. F. Tamb- lyn, Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mrs. N. M. Hall, Mrs. M. E. Sherwin. Mrs. W. Harrison, who bas been secre- tary for a number of years, was presented with a purse of money, a gift from ber friends in the Hor- ticultural Society, where she has been a valuable member. Mr. F. J. Hall, on behaîf of the organiza- tion, expressed appreciation of ber efforts, and Mrs. Davey made the, presentation. A social bour was spent at tbe close. Rev. P. F. Gardiner of the Can- ton Circuit conducted anniversary services on Sunday at Kirby and also the morning service at Or- ono United Church. Orono choir was in attendance at the evening service at Kirby and sang two numbers. Rev. A. E. Eustace bad charge of anniversary services at Elizabethville Church on Sunday. A very bumorous and entertain- ing play was staged in tbe Town Hall Friday evening by a group of players fromn Bethany, who al played their parts very well. Aunt Tillies on ber trip to Hawaii was the name of this amusing play, wbich was under the auspices of St. Saviour's Anglican Churcb, The cast was served refreshment% bY tbe ladies of the cburch and an enjoyable social time spent. The new Canadian National Steamsbips "Prince George", the largest vessel built in Canada for 25 years, was launched recently at Esquimait, B.C. The cost of rail transportation in Canada is less than one cent for moving one ton of fneigbt one 1mile. pick-up and delivery We've heard It said that a wo- man can always take herseif out of the "blues" by going out and buylng a new dress. Since that isn't always practicable, the next best thlng works well, too-putting on crisp, freshly cleaned clothes has the same effect-especlally when It's the work of Bowmanvllle Cleaners and Dyers quallty. - - phone 520 g li e * e g j st a .. The Waadland Caribou, neither as wary nar as swiff ini avaiding danger as the White-Tcliled Deer, fails an easy prey ta hunters, largely thraugh its own sense of curiasity. Althaugli campletely pratected by law in Canada, il is in perhaps more imminent danger af extermination than any other af aur big-game animais. Only through. the strict observance af conservatian pninciples will this animal survive. The success af conservation measures depends an infarmed public opinion. Timely, autharitative literature on the conservation of aur natural resources and fuil-colour pnints af wildlife illustrations without adventising ore avait- able free by writing ta The Carling Conservation Club, Waterloo, Ontario. "I's" in the word might stand for Intelligence, Integrity and Indus- try. She unged ahi members to use the franchise and not besi- tate to let our Government mem- bers know what we want them to do. Mornish members then gave a fine program. Mrs. Lionel Hugh- es favored with a vocal solo "In My Cathedral" accompanied by Mrs. Reeves on the piano. Mns. W. Nicholîs gave an instructive and practical demonstration on the re-finishing of furniture. Mrs. Chas. Beighton entertained with an account of a motor trip ta Van- couver, enjayed by ber daugbter and party of fniends. IMns. Peance expressed apprec- iation of all for those providing the pnogram. Lunch was served by Mrs. Rawe's group. Next meet- ing at Mns. Geo. Henderson's, Nov. 19. WHY suffer the agony of Rbeum- atic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick welcome relief.' Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. 44-1 KENDAL (Intended for Last Week) Miss Margarët Jackson spent Fniday night witb Miss Hazel Far- row, Newcastle. Hazel spent the rest of the weekend with Mar- garet at Kendal. Bill Hoy bas joined Roy Sleep and Leonard Hilditch, working at Adams Lumber Ca., Newcastle. Miss Dorathy Elsey, Toronta, with Mr. and Mrs. Caunoux. Mns. Jessie Tremaine, witb ber sister, Mrs. Milton Itobinson. Miss Marion Therteli with ber grandpanents, Mn. and Mns. W. Thertell, Bawmanville, wbile the new home is being finisbed. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Horner, Port Hope, Mn. and Mns. W. Hon- nen, Campbellcnaft, were guests of Mrs. Joe Gardon. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Lippet (Sybil Colon), Connaught Laboratonies, visited aid friends in tbe village. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry and family and Mn. and Mrs. Clan- ence Thertell spent Saturday ev- ening with Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Glass, celebnating their sixth wed- ding anniversary. First meeting of Kendal Fanm Forum gathened at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Roy Mercen, Mon- day evening.. The construction crew of the H.E.P.C. have been in tbis dis- trict the past two weeks putting posts in for a new line along the Seventh, east of Kendal, and ex- tending othen uines ta give power ta the tobacca grawens and other farmers wbo bave waited so long fan it. A bingo was held at tbe home of Mrs. Hilditcb, Monday evening with Roy Sleep being high man. Proceeds were in aid of the sick folks. Mrs. Hilditch is "Sick Vis- itar" for the W.I. We wisb to congratulate Mn. John Bailey an securing second pnize on bis tobacco at Simcoe Fair, and in tbis way helping to bring Durham County ta the fore- gnound. Mn. Bailey was at Ken- dal last yean on the M. Sopen fanm. The many friends o! Mrs. John Patton wene very much surprised ta learn o! ber operation in St. Joseph's Hospital on October 17. We are pieased that she is getting along fine. Mn. Bunley, Newtonville, bas obtained the franchise for a bus line to and fnom Kendal with two trips daily. The funeral o! Mn. John Stew- art was beld Octoben 17 in Ken- dal United Cburcb, Mn. Stewart was an Elder ini the church and fan many years was teacher o! tbe Bible class, as long as his health would permit. The beau- tiful fiowers and the church full CARLING'S feitOPuOHI UCARUIJNG in*1 TRIE CARLINS BREWERIES LIMITED W T RLO O ONTA IO1 Ù;Î «ff/#4/-YO0U RS TO0 ENJOY - !OURS TO PROTECI' p MORE MONEY!I T'he Bison provicles a sfrikcing example of how man can reduce au entire species ta a more handfui of survivors now preserved in aur National Parks. PICKERING FARNS ai WHITBY, ONT. and you will have more money la fiake home WE SELL DIRECT TO THE CONSUMER AND CAN AFFORD TO PAY YOU A IJIGHER PRICE FOR YOUR GOOD CHICK- ENS AND CAPONS. live chickens, 7 lbs. and up, 30c per IL. live capons, 8 lbs. and up, 33c per ILb PICKERING FARNS LIMITED Whitby 336 - Nlght or Day WEITBY - - ONTARIO Because of their thorough training and wel-rounded experience, Canada Life representatives are well equipped to prescnibe the best life insurance for a family or an individuai. It may be well worth your while to consult the Canada Life representative in your community. THE CANADA LIFE 1 Or MMMMM-mq%- How Do You Feel Aboui Yourself? BO WMAN VILLE CLEANERS and DYERS 77 KING ST. W. PAGE TWILVIC IIRMSDAY, NOVEMER 8, 194t tý4- ýql

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