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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1947, p. 15

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l' Uf! W I'T W 0 A ' UA EW D aV BIK!B - ERYANT-Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant (nee Jean Withers), are happy to announce the birth of Ehonda Ann, a sister for Donna and Roy, at Bowxnanville Hospi- tal on November 2, 1947. 45-1' KERSIEY-Mr. and Mrs. Reg Kersey, Ajax, are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son at Oshawa Hospital on Sunday, Nov. 2, 1947. 45-1' PORTER-Murray and Mildred Porter (nee Brown) are happy to a.inounce the birth of their daugh- ter, a baby sister for Sandra Mar- lene, on November 3. 1947, at Bowmanville Hospital. 45-1 RTýNDLE-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rtindle are happy to announce the blth of their daughter at Bow- mnanville Hospital on November 1, 1947. A aiter for Lynda. 45-1' ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mns. E. F. Bedford an- nounce the engagement of their daughter. Dorothy Lenore, to Al- bort Richard Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mason. Marriage wifl take place on Nov. 15. 45-1* Mrs. O. M. Gilhooly wishes to announce the engagement of her youngest daughter Betty to Mr. Lloyd Forsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Forsey, Bowmanville. The wedding will take place quietly .November 22, 1947. 45-1* MARRIAGE McNULTY-RUNDLE-Miss Mol- ville May Rundle, daughter of Mm. and Mrs. George Rundie, Mon- treal, P.Q., and Mm. Jack McNulty, son cf Mrs. Elizabeth McNulty, Bowmanville, and the late Francis Patrick McNulty, were united in marriage in Montreal, P.Q., on October 29, 1947, at 7:30 p.m. 45-1' DEATHS DICKINSON-At bis late rosi- dence, Port Britain (noar Port Hope), on Tuesday, Nevember 4, 1947, W. Mumwin Dickinson, ho- loved husband of Laine M. Thompson, dean son cf Mm. and Mns. Bon S. Dickinson, in bis 56th year. Tho funeral service (pri- vate) was beld this (Thursday) aftemnoon t the residence, fol- lovied by intermont at Welcorno cemetery. .45-1 MASTERS-In Bowmanville on November 2nd, 1947, James E. Masters, boloved husband of the late Martha Jane Graham, in his 88th yoar. Interment McCrae's cemetery. WERRY-At Enn ilien, on Oc- tober 31st, 1947, Xorgina Eliza- beth Werry, widow of Henry John Wery, aged 76 yoars. In- terment Bethesda cemotery. (O'C4D 0F THANKS MrÎs. C. Brown, George and Greta, wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses and floral trib- utes ln their recent boreavement. 45-1' The family of the late Mrs. He nry J. Werry wisb bi thank roi- ietives and fiends for cards, lot- ters, beautiful fiowors and ail who helpod in any way during ber last illness. 45-1 IN MEMORIAM McÊEYNOLDS-In levig maemory of my dean husband, William Mc- Reynolds, who diod November 8, 1941, and aise dear daughtem A'edra who ý:ied July 1th, 1933. We know that they are bappy In. our Savieur's homoe above, Grqwing fairer as they linger In' the suashine of His love. -Lovingly remernbered by wife and mother. 45-1 MceIYNOLDS-In loving memn- ory cf a dear father, William Mc- Reynolds, who died November 8, 1041, and aIse a dear sister A'edra who died July lOth, 1933. "Thy will bo done," seems bard te Say, When ones we loved have passed away. Some day perbars we'll under- stand When wo meot again la that bot- ter land. -Lovlngly remembered by Mýyrtie and WiIi. 45-1 WOOLNER-In loving momory of, our, dear mothor, Mrs. Martha Woolner, wbo passed away, Oc- tobp 31, 1941. -aly missed by Sons an(! Paughtens-in-law, qnd Barbara.« 45-1' Notice Ketth W. Slemon, M.D., 38 Cen- re *St., Physician and Surgeon. OfSe houri: Aftemnoon 2-4, except WIe4neday. Nights, Tuesday, ruiioday and Saturday 7-8. 41-tf fI1ucK DRIVERS t$,AKE «GTICE 7tuck drivers are hereby ad- 'lied that It is against the Traff ic ffaw 1cf Bowmanville to drive uçks over the curbs and park ru4*s on the sidewalks or boule- rards while IQading or unloading.j Violation cf this law wvill ho lealt with accordingly A. J. LYLE, .5-1 Town Clerk. COMING EVENTS Roserve Wod., Thuns., Tri., No- vombor 26, 27, 28, for Bowman- ville High School Commence- ment. 43-5 W.A. Bazaan ln Newtonville United Church basement, Nov. 20, 3 p.m. Aftennoon tea 4:30 te 6:30 p.m. 45-2 Reserve Thursday, Dec. 4 for the anual sale of work and ater- noon tea at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church. 45-1' Blackstock Continuation School annual exorcises and concert, on Thusday and Friday, Novomber 20 and 21 at Blackstock Commun- ity Hall. 45-2 Solina Women's Institute Ba- zaar at Eldad Chunch, Friday, No- vember 7. Home cooking, aprons, country store, afternoon tea. Cornmencing at 2:30 p.m. 45-1 Dance at Enniskillen, Fniday, November 7 under the auspices of the Enniskillea Athletic Club. Ruth Wilsoa's Variety Band. Ad- mission 50c. 45-1 A dance sponsored by Bowman- ville Foresters will be hold la Newcastle Communlty Hall on Friday, November 7th at 9 p.m. Russ Creighton's Orchestra. Ad- mission 50c per porson. 44-2 Dance at Bradley's Schooi, Tuesday night, November 11, un- dem auspices of the North Group of Solina Women's Instituto. Lunch will ho sold. Lucky draw on quilt. Admission 35c. 45-1 Reserve Thumsday, Nov. l3th for Bazaar and Cafeteria Tea to ho beld in basemoat cf Hampton Church under auspices cf We- men's Institute, cemmencing at 3 p.M. 1 45-' jHome League sale at the Sal- vatien Arrny. Sale of fancy work, home baking and homo made can- dy on Satumday, December 6tb. IOpened by Mrs. Dr. C. W. Slemoxi at 2:30. 45-1 Newtonville United Church An- nivesary services wilho held on Sunday, November 9, at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. A. D. Matheson, M.A., D.D, cf Torento will ho guost speaker at betb services. Special music by the choir, as- sisted by Mm. and Mmi. Roy Bickle. 44-2' Piano Rocital by. pupils of Vena McGill Ferguson, A.T.C.M., as- sisted hy Mrs. Gordon Harle, guest artist, at the Town Hall, Bowman- ville, on Friday, Nov. 14, 8 p.m. Pmoceeds in aid cf Hospital Build- ing Fund. Admission, aduits 25c, children 15c. 45-2 Dance wili ho beld under aus- pices of Newcastle Ladies' Soft- hall Club in Newcastle Commun- ity Hall on Friday, Nov. l4th. Tickets are now on sale at 3 for 25e for 10 valuable pnizes which will ho drawn for at dance. Roy Forrester and bis 7-piece band will ho in atteadance. Admission 50c per persen. -14-3- The Lynic Maie Choir of Toron- te, 32 veices, wilmnder a bigh class pregmam in the Town Hall, Orono, on Wednesday, Nov. 12. This choir bas an international reputation as well as being fea- tumed on Music Day at Toronto Exhibition. On Apnil 26, 1947, they packed the Town Hall at Co- bourg. Doons open 7:30, concert 8:15. Admission: Adults 50c; Children 25c. Do't mis.; this grand program. 44-2j Reception Rev. R. M. and Mrs. Seymour,- Enniskillen, wili be at home to the people of Ennlskillen Circuit and other friends on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Annivers- ary, Saturday, November 8th, 1947, aftomnoon and ovening. 44-2 Lost LICENSE plate 38649-T. Finder please phono Blake Short 2479, Bowmanville. 45-1 RED Cocker Spaniel puppy, maie. Little girl's pet. Reward. Mrs. Virtue, came cf Mrs. B. Milne. Phono 2955. 45-1' LADY'S Bulova watch lost ho- tween Goodyear and Church St., October 28. Reward. Please phono 327 atter five. 45-1' *WOULD the porsen who took the aew mail box fnom Mmi. L. Shampe's residonce, 1%' miles north cf Hampton, please rotura same immediately and thus pro- vent furtbem trouble. 45-1 Articles For Sale LARGE size heater in good con- dition. Phone 724. 45-1' BOY'S overcoat, size 15. Nearly new. Tel. 2908. 45-1 CASE throe-furrow 12" plow, practically new. Phone 2271. 45-1* MASTER Chevrolet, '38 deluxe sedan, four new tires. Good con- dition. 99 King St. E. 45-1' COMPLETE set of Books of Knowledge, new, latest edition. $60. Phono 2408. 45-1 MODEL A Ford, 1930, in good con- dition. Apply R. Virtue, 82 Church St. 45-1* WINCHESTER rifle '38, and quan- tity of ammunition. Phone 516. 45-1' STORM windows, combination doors, made to measurements. T. H. Tabb, Tyrone. 45-2* GIRL'S green tweed coat, size 10, brown tweed coat, size 12, also dresses and skirts. Mrs. Clarence Tink, phono 2361. 45-1* BOY'S 3-piece winter outflt, navy blue, size 6X, good, $8.00. Apply Mrs. Bridgett, Statesman Apts., top floor. 45-4* DODGE sedan, 1932, perfect mo- tor, new paint, good tires. Apply Bernie Reid, Log House, Maple Grove. 45-1 SET of Silent Glow oul burners, with 45 gallon drum, oul availabie. Mrs. Virtue, care of Mrs. B. Milne. Phono 2955. 45-1' TERRAPLANE coupe, 1936. four new tires. In good running con- dition. Bill Fortor, Veterans' Ave.,- Bowmanvilie. 45-1' )CROSLEY Shelvador refrigerator, L1947, 7 cubic foot. Fully guaran- toed. Apply 2 Loyers' Lane. 45-1 ALLIS-Chalmers all-crop 60 Com- bine with straw spreader, scower cleaner, pick-up attachment and extra sieves. Merlin Suggit, R.R. No. 2, Nostleton. 45-1' FURNACE, 710 Economy, com- pleto with pipes and registers. Reason for selling, remodelling the bouse. Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg. Phono 2192. 45-1 McCLARY Quebec range, size 20x 30",. Used two months. Also Çzeneral Electric radio with bat- teries. Alex Johnston. Phono Port Perry 172-12. 45-1* WHIPPET coach,, 1929, privately towned, guaranteed low mileage, .in very good mechanical condi- ttion, now tires. Phono 56 r 16, Orono, M. W. Chatterton. 45-1' LARGE quantity used radio parts, useful to beginners or amateurs; inciuding a largo number of tubes, some nover been used. Phono 631 after 5 p.m. 45-if SLIDING couches, daybods, com- for table cable springs and cre- tonne covered mattresses with full valance. Special this week, $24.75 complote. At F. F. Morris jCo., Bowmanville. 45-1 SOFTWOOb slabs, $6.50 per cord, four-foot lengths; mixed slabs, about haîf hardwood, $9 por cord, Bowrvitle. Gts eeoreWinn four-footlenGeirged ton Pontypool. Phono 82 r 14, Orono. 45-1' ELECTRIC and gasoline washers, immediate delivery. from $139.50. Transportation prepaid. Budget terms, special discounts to dealers. Christian's Electric and Hardware, Oshawa, Ontario. - 45-4 NEW rangettes with automatic oven control, $64.50; new chester- fields, velour coverings, 3 pieces, $129.50; new washing-machines with pumps $157.50. Murpby's, Phono 811. 45-1' TRUCKS-One 2-ton Morcury stake, 1946; one 1941 G.M.C.* haîf- ton panel; one 1939 G.M.C. haîf- ton panel, ahl in good condition. Apply itahmes Garage, 26 Athol St. West, Oshawa. 45-21 USED tracter piow; usèd spring toeth harcw; used co h.p. 60 cy- cle meter; used Gurney cook steve; circulating heater. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phono 497. 45-1 DURHAM Forest workmen are cutting surplus trees, sound green oak into random lengths, oasily handled, piled on good roadside. Being sold by truck load. Apply Ed. Youngman, Durham Forest, Pontypool. Phono Orono 82 r il. 45-2 VENETIAN Blinds-F. F. Morris Co. oiTer free estimates, measur- ing and installation on Met-Wo, Hees, Sun-Ray, Kirsch venotian blinds, steel, aluminum and wood siats available. choice of ct1?nrs in Auction Salem Mr. A. H. Koane, Lot 28, Con. 6, Clarke Twp., one mile riLorth of Orono, is giving up farming and will soul by public auction on Wednesday, November 19, at 1:00 p.m., ail his farm stock, impie- ments, etc. For furthor Iparticu- Jars see bis. Terms cas1h. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 45-1 Farm stock and implememts, the property of Clifford Allia, Lot 24, Con. 6, Darlington Twp., 11/4 miles forth of Solina, on Satur- day, Nov. 15, including fou.r hon- ses; 14 cows; 15 sprlng calves; s0w and 1l pigs; ton tons of hay, bar- ness, fuliliUne of implemerits and somo household furniture.. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 45-2 - - -- 1- Ah persons baving business at 1 have eceived instructions to the Court are requested te attend seil by publice2.uctioa for as afomesaid. Court of Revision TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE Is hereby given that the first sitting cf the Court of Re- vision for the Town cf Bowman- ville wiil eho bld in the Council Room in the said Town on Mon- day, November 24th, 1947, at 7:30 p.m. te hean and detemmine the several complaints cf errors and omissions la the Assoîsment Holl of the said Munlcipality for the yoar, 1948. And funther take notice that al ratepayens who deem thomselves' overcbanged or othorwiso impro- perly assessed may notify the Clerk of the Municlpality in wnit- ing cf such overcharge or Impro- per assessmont on or befere the 24th day of November, 19417,dand your complaint shaîl be tried by the said Court cf Revision. Theron Mountjoy LOT 12, CON. 8, DARLINGTON .Ilf Mile East cf Haydlon Safurday, November 8 The following: IMPLEMENTS- Chaif cutter; mow cf bay, 15x36; pig crate; wheelbamrow; seedi drill; hinder; set of steel wheel trucks. Quantity of posts; quantity cf sticks of timber; feed boxes; POULTRY 25 Plymouth Rock pullets; 35 yearling Rock bons, 15 'White Leghorn pullets; 75 Sussexc Rock pullets. FURNITURE The contents of a te A room home will be off ered, consistir-ig lof dishes, bedding, beds and d1ress- ors, tables, cabinets, book case, rocking chairs, chairs, lamps, lawn mower, wasbing machine, stoves, heaters, silverware, sew- ing machine. This is a large sale and muast be- gin sharp at 1:00 o'clock. Terms Cash. WVM. J. CHAILLIS, Auctioneer. 45-1 AUCTION Sà LE proporty of LOT 16, CONCESSION 3 one mile west cf Bowmarxville, 1 3j miles north of No. 2 higlhway, on Saturday, November 8 The following: CATTLE Holstein cow, three years, due in January; Hoistoin,threo yoars, just ronewed; Holstein boifer, 1 yoar; three Holstein heifers, two years. 10 sucking pigs. FEED 50 bushels ef eats; 12 tons of bay. IMPLEMENTS M.-H. binder, 6 ft.; Cockshutt hay ake; 3-sec. of harmows; tlhroo- herse cultivator; two-furrow trac- Pr plow; Case tracter, near]y new; manure spreader; fanning :nill; 8 ft. disc; ll-hoe drill; 200 cedar pests; seme firewood; cream sep- arator. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash CLIFFORD PETHICK, Anc tion- eer. 45-1 The Rosetown Eagle says the town ceuncil mimrons the to>wn, but that's just editomial mod.esty. Undouhtedly our k'eekly niews- papers nefloct the towns, villages and farming aroas for nearly two- thirds cf Canada's peeple. A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowtnanville Dated this 4th day of November, 1947. 45-2 Court ai Revision and Appeal TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Notice is hereby givon that tho first sittings of the Court of Re- vision for the Township of Dar- lington wili be held in the Town Hall, in the village of Hampton, on Saturday, Nov. 15 1947 at the hour of 2:00 p.m., to hear and do- termine the several- comipiaints and omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipaiity for the year 1948. AUl porsons having business at the Court are requested to attend. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk of the Twp. of Darlington Dated at Hampton this 2lst day of October, 1947. 44-2 Voters' List Posled Clerk's Notice of Flrst Postlng of Voters' List VOTERS' LIST, 1947, Munlcipallty of Bowmanville NOTICE is hereby givea that I have compiied with Section 10 of the Votons' List Act and that I have posted up la my office at Bowmanville on the 25th day of October, 1947, the list of ail pen- sons entitled to vote ia the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list romains there for inspection. AND I heroby caîl upenalal vot- ors te take immediate proceedlngs te bave any errors or omissions corocted according te law, the last day of appoal being Fiday, Nevember l4th, 1947. A. J. LYLE, Clemk cf the Town of Bewmanville Dated this 24th day cf October, 1947 44-2 The Si afesman Sold Ai Following Stores Dyer's Dmug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville C. B. Tymrell, Orono T. M. Shemon, Ennisklllen F. L. Byam, Tymone G. A. Barmen, Hampton Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock W. J. Bagneli, Jury & Lovel J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and The Statesman Office. With coeand co-quarter mill- ion acres cf woodland area, Can- ada nanks third, topped by Russia and Brazil. July this year. 1- M Classlfied' Ad Lates CABE RATE:S cents a werd (minimum s5e) *âMast becpal before insertion IF CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25e extra tei box numbers or replies directed to ~~ office ADITIONAL INSERTIONS SA?« RAITS All'CUassIfled Adiots Must Be In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY Tou must Include cauh, stamps, or money order, wlth copy. te get Io* rate. For Sale or Rent Wanted to Rent Personal CURTAINS laundered and stret- ched. 85 Ontario St., front door,, or phone 2630. 4-* SUFFERING f r o m backaches,~ rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago. is flot necossary. Use Rumacaps, at once for quick relief. McGre-:> gor's Drug Store. 45-1. HYGIENIC supplies (rubber, goods) mailed postpaid in plain~ sealed envelope with price 4,st. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. PERSONALIZED. C h ri1s tmzýas Cards-Your name and address printed free on your Christmas cards. Order now from Hobby craft Supply, 52 King St. Weff Phono 2174 between 4 and 6 p.m. 44tf Having corne up thnough Scout. ing frem a Wolf Cuh, General: Spry was an active Rover Scout~ and leader untîl ho went overseas in 1939. Ho resîgned as Vice Obiéf: of Staff, Canadian Army, last Fait' te become Canada's top-ranking: Scout exocutive. More than a 1,000 eatbquakes were ecorded the last haif cf NEWCASTLE - 50 acres fully equipped, barn, hon house, impie- ment shed, womkshop, garage, 1 team cf herses, cream sopanator, 8-oomed bouse, furnished; bard and soft wator in bouse. Would make a good hobby farm for chickens, hogs, bees, etc. Posses- sion Nov. 15. Mmi. Evelyn E. Cooke, Real Estate. 45-1' Llvestock For Sale CALF, 1 week old, for vealîng. John Liptay, Hampton, phono 2738. 45-1' ABOUT 120 Barred Rock pullets John Polak, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2751. 45-1* FIVE purebred Suffoik ewes, one purebred Suffolk ram. Reford Cameron. Phone 2537. 45-1 ELEVEN Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old. Blake Short, phone 2479. 45-1 TEN Yorkshire pigs, eight weeks old, weaned. M. Heard. Phono 2887. 45-1 ONE hundred Barred Rock pul- lots roady to lay. Alex Hondry, Newcastle. Phono Clarke 1913. 45-1* TWELVE Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old, also a few barrels of spy apples. Sidney Trewin, En- niskillen. Phono 2351. 45-1* NUMBER of Barred Rock pullets; quantity of citrons; large size coal stovo Oak Treasure; rug, 9x10. Kenneth Hilîs. Phono Orono 5 r 3. 45-if HOLSTEIN heifer due in Novem- ber; bred Hereford cow; 3 year- ling heifers; 8 pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply Joe Host, phono 2924, Bowmanville. 45-1' TWENTY-six hoavy hybrid pul- lots, March hatch. Laying, price reasonable. Stack of good hay, about ton ton. Phono 2208. John Hartwig. Box 308, Oshawa. 45-1' PUREBRED Holstein bull, not ne- gistered, 16 months old, mostly white, fromn one of the county's best sires and bis dam bas since made a very fine record. Howard Gibson, phono 2482, Bowmanville. 45-1 Real Estate For Sale FOUR-roomed bouse, 3 - piece bathroom, ail modemn convonien- ces. Apply 5 Victoria, Bowman- ville. 45-1 NEWCASTLE - 5-roomed stone bouse, 3/ of an acre, 3rd Conces- sion of Clarke, Lot 21. Mrs. Eve- lyn E. Cooke, Real Estate, New- castle. 45-if FIFTY acres near Tymone village 8 roomod bouse, barn, immediate possession. Price $2,800. $1,000 down, balance mortgage. Write Box 974, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 45-1 EIGHT-roomed bouse, with bath, hydro, bon bouse, barn, and two good building lots; situated 118 Elgin St. N. No reasonable offer refused. Immediate possession. Contact George Clayton, 515. 45-1 FARM for sale, 150 acres, 30 acres bush, stream running through the property. Good working land, plenty of good pasture, brick bouse, bigbway location. Write Box 980 Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 45-1' $2,000, immediate possession six- roomed frame bouse, in village of Woodville, 15 miles from Lindsay, baîf acre of land, hydro and well, bus service and paved roads. M. Hoard. Phono 2887, Bowmanville. IMMEDIATE possession, near Bowmanville, fourteen acres, good gardon land, and apple orchard, 7- roomed frame bouse, hydro, boa- vy wiring, barn and hon bouse. Pnice $6,5n0, terms. Write Box 973 Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 45-1 FARM-78 acres on No. 2 bigh- xvay, modern 6-room brick bunga- low, 3-pieco bath, sun porch, bard- wood floors, good cernent collar, furnace, storm and screen win- dows, hydre in buildings, wlred for stove. Garage, barn, chicken bouse, Young fruit trees. T. Luko, R.R. 2, Newcastle, Ont. 45-1* REWARD $.00. Silver bracelet.slatis a;nd ta-pes, guarantèèeedliv- REPAIRS Peruvian design. lest on Queen ery within 7 days cf measuring. St. in front cf No. 90, or on -On- Caîl 480. 45-1 STOVES nepaired or re-lined. tarie in front cf the Misses Gai- Furnaces cpairod or re-built. braiths. Reward cf $5.00 will ho OSHAWA'S new furnitune store- Apply Murphy's, 57 King St. W. paid te fander at Statesman office. Everyth)ng In mode:.n. Chester- Phono 811. 45-1' 45-1' field, bedreom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and REPAIRS te ail makes cf rofrig- F or Rent floor coverings a spocialty. QuaI- oratons, domestic and commercial ity ecads at competitive Higgon Electnic 42 King St. E., THREE nccrns, partly furnished, pnices. Before buying visit Brad- phon 438. 26-tf rniddle aged couple preferned. ley's Nqew FuÉniture Store, 156 Phono 812. 45-10 Slrncce St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: .Good, substantial workmanship.,relia- FURNISHED rcom for ent. Ap- ALMOST new, large Findlay oval bility, dyoing, soliag, sowiag, etc. ply 6 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville. coal steve with mservair and Tny the Neat-Way, King St., W. 45-1* wanming oven, $75.00. McClary 30-tf -coal steve, ivery porcelain, ena- WILL exchange 4-reemod heated mol even $39.50. McClary med- Cutm W r apartment on Concession St. for ium sizod coal heater looks liko utm W r similan accommodation or imali now, $14.75. Medium size coal CULTIVATING, plewing an d bouse witb garage in Bcwman- heator with two lids, $10.001. Ie seeding; also John Deere repain ville, preferahly dewntown loca- boxes, 50 lbs. capacity, $12.50 and parts and, nepairing done. F. S. tien. Write Box 975 Stateçman $29.50. Mantel radioq $10 and up. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phono Off ice, Bowmanville. 44-2' Murphy',, Phono 811, 45-1' 694. 17-tfi1 HOUSE, apartment or four or -fivo roomrs. Write Box 978, Statesman Office. 45-.2* TWO:rooms, downtown area, light housekeeping, unfurnished, for 2 mon. Write J. Browinell, Bow- manville. 45-1* WANTED TO RENT or Exch ange WILL exchango 4-roomed house with all conveniences, on Lamb's Lane, for 3 or 4 roomed apartment in Bowmanville. Write Box 979, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 45-1* Wantcd To Buy MANURE-About 12 te 15 truck loads within 4 miles of Whitby or Brooklin. Phone Bowmanville 2924. , 45-2*' BUCKWHEAT and Rye. Will pay bighest prices for both. Phono Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. 42-tf ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phono Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf WE are offering highest prices for Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa and Timothy. Submit samples. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phono 577. 44-tf LIVE horses for mink and fox food. Cali us for highest prices. We also pick up dead farmn stock free of charge. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bow- manville 2679. 41-tf HeIp Wanted COUNTRY woman, or girl, for general housework, ail convenien- ces. Phone 2880. 45-2'* TWO girls for dining roomn and 2 women for kitchen. Apply Mrs. L. Laskaris, New Olympia, Apt. 3, Cowan Block. 42-4* IMEN wanted-Full or part time to help with fail shipping, apply Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 44-2 URGENT: Generai maid for nurs- ing home in Toronto suburbs. Own quarters, liberal time off,' oven- ings free, good meals. Good home for the right person. Apply by letter. References if possible, to Box 981 Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 45-1 WANTED for Toronto home, girl or woman, 20 to 45 years old, for general housework, plain cooking. $70.00 monthly, room. board and uniforms supplied. Family con- sists. of two aduits, two grown children; six day week, four ev- enings free; two weeks' vacation with pay. Referen es required. Write or phone, Mrs. M. D. Allan, 9 Queensway Drive, Toronto 9, Ont. JUnction 6614. 45-2 Radio Service THE Radio Shop, Bewmanville, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and tnained person- nel. Our two radie technicians both hold Government Certificates ef Proficiency in Radio. Phono 573. 20-tf Canada's 100,000 Boy Scouts are under the direction ef Major-Gen- oral D. C. Spmy, C.B.E., D.S.O., who last September succeded Dr. John A. Stiles, O.B.E., when the latter retired. FALL and WINTER SALE REMAINDER 0F THIS WEEK THURS. -FR1.- SAT. -NOV. 6"à 7-m8 ANLOVEL Il l's Rexali It's Righi DGWNANVILLE 15 King St. W. Phone 778 JURY Your Roxali Drug Store KENDAL Don't forget the dance ln aid of the Boys' Basebaîl team. Miss Annie Thompson, Malte;ý4 was homo. Miss Myrtle Falls and cousin, Miss Bernieco Falls, Poterboro, with Mrs. Fred Falls. Mr. aad Mrs. Wm. Boyd, Ton. ente, with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Men- cor. Mr. and Mms. Ray Hughes, Port Hope, Mrs. Luxon and Marion with Mr. and Mrs.Norman Patton.,, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden and Mrs. T. Langstaff with Mrs. Jon.. nie Hoskin. Mr. Bill Hoy, who Is workinir in Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Bâb Stainton, Bowmanviile, with Mn. Jas. Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard and granddaughter and Mm. Eari Boyd and friend, Petorboro, with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honey and Mrs. A. Jackson, Millikon,. weme down for the re-opening services. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McTaggar4, New Toronto, were on thoir hon- eymoon at Blake Alexandor's. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowemy and littie Miss Darleno Cooper, with Mm. and Mrs. C. V. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Momley Robinson~ and Mrs. Annie Evans were gueits of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Ton- onto, Mr. Bill Robinson, Mm. and. Mrs. L. Woods and family, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. We are very pleased te have witb us again Mr. and Mrs. ,Win. Patterson, who have spont the past four menths with Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan, at Kirby. Sympathy is extended to Mr;- Jas. Swarbrick who was in Ton- onto attending the funeral of hisý sist or, Mrs. Elizabeth Whitehead-? on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Emnie Wrigbtmang Toronto, were in Kendal. Mm. and Mms. Hemb Reynolds were in Toronto. The mo-opening and Thankoffer ing services ef Kondal United Cburch was held Nov. 2. Rev.ý Joba McLachlan, Whitevale, gave. very interesting aiscourses. He especially complimentod the la-. dies of the W.A., who by their un*, tiring efforts successoded in havé. ing the church se pleasingly ne-:, locorated. Special music rend-w ered by Shiloh choir was much.; appreciated by the unusually large ý congregations at both services.'* Thankoffering amounted to $315.. T~he ladies of the W.A. are putting: on a meat supper Thursday even-; ing to, dean off the expenses cf lecorating. Mm. Carveth of New- wovmmm 0, Ion TM CMAnL« STATMUN. ewxmAuvm BOWINANVILLE 15 Ring Si. W.

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