~' -~ .- "J i t4tc~11flm "Durham Coulty'ýs, jteat Famil Journal" ~iME 9r~ SIXTEEN PAGES' BOWMANVILLE, -ONT., T.HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1,947 6c PER COPIY NME Itatesman Editor - Receives - Jo -Ih Hoo uAdverising* Ir Ris OutstandingService An6gthe several honors i ail-St IU to The Statesman this year To Speak at i.Paul.q âtineWas more greatly appreci- 4ted than, the Z lver Medal pre- fr '" ieieed to Editor Gea. 'V. James at h Srgely attended banquet held 1Wtfeitoyal York Hotel, Toronto, 7 ~4y, evening. The occasion was - ?1~3H annua1 dinner ai the As- ýaaton oi Canadian Advertisers, - Uandés, whose auspices four medals *re eanferred upon four execu- tIVea for outstanding contributions t.s advertlsing for the year 1947. ; ' »v 7hose so honored were L. R. Greene, president L. R. Gr>ene, Limlted, Toronto,. W. B. Tingle, Impérial Tobacco Ca., Montreal; Ç so., W. James, editor Canadian tatesman, Bowmanville, and H. - J.. averhill, Cockfield, Brown & Çà.,, Toronto. The medai con- Fered on the editor ai The States- ipkn was for: "The outstanding Oatibution te Canadian adver- 11alig by an executive ai any ad- Vertising xmedium." 1The awards wene voted. by an Rev. Earl S. Lautensiager tdependent jury which assessed telmenits ~of many pnoposed for Oi Howard Park United Churcir the7honors.in the field ai Canadian Toronto, who will be Anniversarý a.vertsing. 1Vt was the fit-st time Preacher at St. Paul's Unitec a*,editôr af a weekly paper was Church this Sunday, Nov. 9. iÉ .og>..htnored. In another column graduate ai the Universities o: ipPears a- summary af some ai Toronto and London,,England, hf tie, 4ontibutions made by the ed- bad a dis tinguished career ir itor In the promotion af advertis- Wonld War II as chaplain wit] hyg as an executive with the Can- the Heavy Bomber Squadrons ai àa an Weekly Newspapers Associ- the R.C.A.F. atiopn and which came under the adilidication ai the jury. S More than 800 riembers in the Remlembrance Day *elçts, oaijounnalism, advertising #n~d 'radio and their guests wee Service at Trinity trelcoMed by A.C.A. President Unvelling of Plaque >0e11 Powter in bebhaio his ex-___ lcutive and associates at the ban- Joint services wiil be beld in qÈict Arong the fity prominent Tinity United Church an Sunday figurèsat the head table were the Nov. 9, at il a.m. as Remembrance tour medallists and Rev. Norman Day tribute ta the local soldiers Xawson, Hamilton, chief speaker wba served in the defence ai free- êt the *evening. Opposite an the dam. Part ai the ceremonial wil] band dais Mart Kenny and bis include the unveiling ai a bronze Orchestra provided stirring music. plaque bearing the namnes ai thase ~Contrally beneath the micro- iromn Trinity wha served in Wonld phrone was a table reserved for War 2, 1939-45. Tfe- S tatesnian staff and guests ind tn continuation a table reserv- The Bowmanville Legion will cd'ibrlexecutive members and -parade ta the cburch in a body gucts of the Canadian Weekly to occupy a place centrally in the ewpapena Association and the cburcb. Chaplain ai the Legion, Iad4rers staff, a fine recogni- Rev. J. dePencier Wright will to hhoo alingtawek take part in the unveiling ai the lye&W.The ballroomn was brul- plaque. Rantwlth a great assembiy aif Ube address wili be gîven by lady- gueste. Bey. W. W. Burnett, B.A., M.C., .Guests et Thue 'tatesman table Who was seriously wounded while Included Mr. ai5ff Mrs. Vernon serving with the 8th New Bruns- Knowles, Montreal-, Mn. and Mrs. wick Hussars in Northern Italy. C. V. Charters, Ottawa; Mrs. Gea. W. James and staff niembers Jobhn MAhs, Wm. G. James, Clarence Poa m o Obe, George Grabam, Hugli Zic=~ald and A. L. Baker. -Guesta at the C.W.N.A. table Educa tion Week lncluded Mr. and Mrs. Gea. East, ýýoronta; Dr. Hiugh Templin, Fer-: The pragram outlined foi- Edu- tUo, and. Walter Legge. Granby, cation Week in Bowmanville Que., bath Past Presidents C.W.N. Schools which was omitted from ~A.;.Gdorge, Lake, Timmins; Wer- last week's paper include the foi- den, Leavens, Bolton; Boy Bean, lowing functions: Wtloo: Sam. Wilson, West To- (1) Tues., Nov. 4, Open House 3'02tO;, Hugh McCormici, Montreal at Public Schools wbere parents mrd Wý E. McCartney and Ted and the public visit scbool roomIs Beaborn, headqua.rers staff C.W.N. ta see classes in operation and Aý. - confer witb teacherE on childrens' 'The orchestra accorded the ed- probîems. Itor oi The Stàtesman a salute on being presented with bis niedal (2) Wed., Nov. 5, meeting ai wlth the familiar "Old Grey May- Home and Schaol Club. or," a subricjuet originating whcn (3) Thurs., Nov. 6, annual ban- lie *as Mayor oi Bowmanville. quet ai teachers and Board ai Ed- It eroved ta be a grand occa- ucation in Balmoral Hotel. sian highlighted by the sparkling' (4) Fni., Nov. 7, finals in County' and humorous address af Bey. Oratoricai Contest held in Black- Normtan Rawson.i stock, commencing at 7:30. 1 Toeaching music in Schools is Fine Cullural ActivilyStates Director h, ry ýd ie In Df iprovince thro ugb - the -côaachi ngand One ai the finest banquets even instruction ai the Home Ecanam- beld in the Royal York Hotel, To- ists working with the Women's.In- ronto, was sponsored on Satur- s stitute Brancb. day night injiýWor ai the mcm- bers ai the M'oodyear 25-year pin 1 club with representatîves fram al >O shawa Rotarians across the Dominion. Highlight of, came extended ta 91 employees ai Honor Stalesman the Goodyear Tire and Bubber Ca. wbo 'became members oi the 25- ditor at Luncheon Year Service Pin Group, in the last two years. (Oshawa Times-Gazette) The Bowmanvilie Good y e a n Members ai the Oshawa Rotary plant was well represented amang Club on Monday paid tnibute to the new memfbers with Il long- Rotarian George W. James, pub_ terni employees joining the club. lisher ai The Canadfian Statesman, This .distinguishçd.#ioup includ- Bowmanville, wbo on Fridlay ea Bandoipýh WbàâWard; George night was presented with a silver Vine and Beginald G. Harding, medal by the Association ai Can- Who compietcd their-25,years in adian Advertisers, in recognition 1946. This yean's pin holders are ai bis contribution ta the advancc- W. Nichais, I. Purdy, E. jaint, E. ment ai bis profession. . Joncs, T. Gould, F. A. Dilling, F. As amar of he stee inPiper and'L. M. Roach'. As a marks eldai the ece l The new members bning the oficthe shawaelduby themembersnumber ai service pin association ai te Osawa lubRotaianmembers ta a total ai 390-almost George Hart presented Rotanian 1in ite oa ube ipa Jams wth boque aibeati-pie employed in the Canadian fui 'munis. Goya raiain Referring ta the Bowmanville Ao utyarstanzin ga.a newspaper as anc ai the most Aen oarnand by the ommaittee Widely quated in Canada, Ratar- enargdbytecmie n ian Hart said he had been ane ai charge xith the first part under its readers for balf a century. Ro- the capable chairmanship ai Col. tanian James, he said, had made a 0.H Barrett, Assistant ta the remankabie record in journalismn President. Speakers an the pro- and had also cantributed gneatîy gram included A. W. Denny, vice- ta bs ow camuniy b seringpresident in charge ai production as councillar, reeve and mayor who pnoposed the toast ta the As a Ratarian, be bad 19 V2 years; Honored Gradua t es, a nd F.. perfect attendance. Broughton anc ai the new pin "It is usually the job ai the balders aptiy responded. George newspaperman ta turn the lime- Hinshaw, vice-president ai For- light on others. This time it is eign Operations for Goodyear, Ak- reversed. I am anly the front non, spoke. for a fcw minutes prais- window dressing. The men and ing the work done by the campany women in the back shap piayed in Canada. their part in winning the hanor PresIdent's Address c conienned upon me," declared Ra- Ini an address which traced the I: tanian James in repiy. Me ne- campany's growtb since its incep-C ferred ta bis 24 years' association tion in Bowmanville, in 1910, Mn. E with the Bowmanville Rotary A. G. Partridge, president ai the cl Club, saying that be bad been Company, exprcssed optimism for 0 much impréssed with the Rotary the campany's future. In con- t ideal ai "Service Before Self" and cluding his remarks, however, he had always tnied ta live up ta it. , nd aoA, '.'.. .4.' - . m4. M'edals Mark Contributions to -Canadian Advertising Homemaking Clubs Resume Work Under- Direction Miss Hart Once again the Homemaking Clubs, sponsored by the Women's Institute Branch, Department af Agriculture, are underway in Dur- ham County. This past week Miss Marlon H. Hart, County Home Ecanomist, bas -been conducting Training Schools for the club leaders. Two- day sessions have been held at bath Millbrook and Bowmanville for leaders from the fallowing centres: Millbrook, Blackstock, Nestleton, Tyrone, Maple Grave, Orono and Bowmanville. The unit or project which is be- ing studied this year is "The Club Girl Entertains," a most interest-. ing and informative one. During the next five and six months the leaders will be teaching the work ta young girls in their own com- munities between the ages of 12 and 26. The càmpletîon of the year's work will be marked by the Ac- hievement Day which wiil be held sometime next summer. At this, the girls exhibit their handiwork, participate in judging oi variaus classes, and present skits or de- monstrations on the highlights ai their year's work. It is a thor- oughly worthwhile and énjoyable unit for girls and leaders alike. "The Club Girl Entertains,11 is but one of the sixteen projects covering such fields as ,nutrition and cooking, clothing, hospitality and gardening which are being1 sponsored by the Women's In- stitute Branch. At 'the comple- tion of each two projects, a girl is presented with a Certificate ai Achievement, with special recog- nition at the end of six and twelve units. The more experienced girls have apportunities oi taking part in other caunty and Provincial Days, such as the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. This same work is being carried Hydro Employee Suffers Severe Shock at Solina Reg. Rackhamn is recovering in Bowmanville Hospital fromn a se- vere electnical sback received wben working wîtb the service crew ai the Bowmanville Public ûltiities CommissIon on Tuesday aftennoon. The accident accurred et,.3clina wbene lunes were being adjustcd opposite the store. Reg. was working among the wires atap a paie. wben bis bead came into contact with a live wire. Shacked sa severely be was un- able ta mave be was rescued by bis fellow warker Bruce Milne. Fortunatcly Dr. G. W. Miller ai the County Mealtb Unit and Miss Morlock, R.N, of the Health'Unit staff, wene on officiai duties at Sauina Scbool at the time and they rendered first aid befone the in- jured man was nushed ta hospital. Immediateiy attended by Dr. V. H. Storey wbo appiied modern metbads ai shock treatment, Reg. was soon able ta take an in- terest in relief from bis tempon- ary blackout and it is expected be wiil be able ta neturn ta work wvitbin a week. Keen Competition Potato Crop Contest Judging ai the Field Crop Com- petition in Potatoes for 1947, con- ducted under the auspices ai the Durham Centrai Agnicultural Sa- ciety bas been campleted by R. E. Goodin, Department ai Agri- culture, Toronto. Congratulations of the community are extended ta these winners: 1. Deibent Olan, Milibrook ries, ian, and rtly Im- Jim Reynolds SelIs Hampton Store To Mel. L. Davy, Detroit One ai the oldest established. ne- tail businesses in Durham County once again changes hands Decem- ber 1, when J. R. Reynolds, Hamp- ton, disposes ai bis generai store ta Melzar L. Davy ai Detroit. Tbe new awner wili spend the present month with Mr. Reynolds in get-I ting familiar with ail the details ai bis. new venture and meeting icustamers. Oniginally establisbed by the El- liott family almost a century aga, this Hampton store was owned for many years by W. W. Horn wbo sold aut ta Mr. Reynolds eleven years ago. Mr. Davy now becomes the 4th owner ai this continu- ously successiul enterprise. Mn. Reynolds will continue ta operate bis wholesale meat business wbich be bas deveioped ta bigh success while at the same time conducting the store. Mr. Davy who bas been witb General Matons, Detroit, for 20 years bas resigned as District Pay- master and will shartly move bis iamily ta Hampton, His only son, age 21, wili assist him in the Hampton store. One daugbter is married and lives in Windsor, Ont. Born in Elginburg, near King- stan, ai U.E.L. stock, as a youth Mr. Davy learned the gracery trade in bis .iather's store in King- stan befone joining Generai Mo- tors. Me feels be will be quite at home in this district since Mrs. Davy is a sister ai Mrs. Chanlie Knox, Onono, and bis fraternal connections also assure a wide welcome. Wark in the Masonic Order bas been Mn. Davy's chief hobby. Me is a Lufe Member ai bath the Min- den Lodge, A.F. and A.M. King- stan, and the Cataraqui Chapten, Kingston. He is a member af the 1 Hugh de Payon Preceptony, King- stn and Rameses Temple, Toron-_ ta, and a 32nd Degree Mason ai c the Detroit Consistory. He is al- n so a Past Patron, Eastern Star and 1 Past Watchman, Shepherd ai De- 1 àuunue a waring nte aganNa.G.20,lWbîtca iShneotypoo "'As recently as four or five înterest were lackîng. But in the - inflation. 3 Milton Weatherilt,BetthanySae o pls years ago the teaching af music in new setup under a qualified, ful- Mrs. Romaine Dumas, Sr., i<'The mong s n imhe daty" d agr Fd, . Wre aeil, FBthy SalGesof o ppies uchools had lmot armalsatus time teacher, the practical ap- siding with her daughter, Mrs. "i danger of inflation. At the 6. Leonarci Porter, Pontypool in the curriculum, but today it proach of shaning in activities by James Milligan, North Bay, for the 7.To.Wr, 'tpo ar fVtrn holda a very important place in ahl the pupils had brought a mark- winter. (Continued on Page 7.iThs. WrdBrw, Pontypool Cr fV trn the scheme ai a fuller education,"' edlimpetus in generai interest. Six) 8. Beverly Brown, Pontypoo etî R. Gordn alee t aClb Group Teachlng ŽII Fo TSevc soon once more and millions of « iay. oMarvile Rwa roduc- Music in schools as taught in G.oodyear ELm loyees i-ionourea orLonlg evc Canadians will be wearing blood- .d by Botarian Boss Stutt, mem- br of the Bowmanville 'Board - whole graups without seeking ta the one hundred thousand heroes develop or advance any particu- who gave their lives in the two 7ucatlon. Iar musical genius. The main job world wars. Thse Speaker envisioned was ta give an outlet T e C n da ei n u pe Native oi Peterboro, son ai a for inherent lemotions and devel- TetCanadiouandsLegion upe-r astd »rofe.uaor aifzmusic, Gardon op a sense ai cultural values that workers, wili have charge ai the al*graduated from Normal lead naturally ta a fuller living. sale af the poppies, 'wbich are Schýpland taught for two Years As a recreation between academic md ytedsbe eeasi aM a'ioundatian for bis ambition periods it also 'added greatly ta ab the ediftsabedteas in nr n to beçome a teacher ai music in application ta the general course Tothe.ve rthan Montr0apand pimary and secondary schools. ai studies. pToronto M iOretar45,0001pop M$p nsrvice in the late war as a Much interest centered in char- pn ies ereod in Ontare i in-4 squàdron Leader, R.C.A.F., be ai and orchestral music with the crease in 1947. 0qqap1.eeg bis musical education classical approach. Voice and ear ois rc ve f om t e al aed aught in the Orillia dsrc training and sight singing and of popp Maies received fromtheinsthe »_pOff recelving his recent ap- musical notations formed an im- cr ivtrn o~nt as Director ai Music portant part ai instruction. The iiow ndigephnt fdcae vowmanville Schoa]s. i was ta pravîde each pupil widowand rhnsa ecae àAnouncing his subject, "Music with a real vacabulary ai music.veras ,In» Schaols" Mr. Harle direct- Music was iound te, be af high We o r prahdti hdlot remarks mare particularly ethical value in securing a round- year ta buy a poppy, make your tà thse parents in the club ta eut- ed education. Mr. Harle conclud- contribution a generous one. Re- Mla thec advantages ta pupils in ed by cangratuiating the peaple ai member that whie the.flags have iecurin Inlii choal a good founda- Bowmanville and the students in stepped waving and the bands no tjmiAio muS appreclation. He scbools on baving a better than lne play every day ai the week, t*_ that a g sra ge af qual- ardinary appreciation ai gaod loner r tI o ffmle h igédinuic eacerswhe th re muicheae st hii a lot afaidlspro iWbe4 curriculum was laid down hver nlost theirmansty nepo vas *qi g ver a m e by the est b- G ardon L ave, T oronto, w as v d r i o r d f n e Itaîpet i taer'co ursyheestapo- guest ai Charles Carter Sr., at the logb2e ytfther e cart es ai - luncheon. Fred Hoar received At the annual dinner ai the Bar- prdbth eatnnofE-birthday ilowers. Bill Tennant rie Boy ScusAsoito beld Vathai. wan his l-year prefet attendance Scouts Ass.B. . otoko New Methode pin. Bart Smithson was welcom- Otatwaeek, r. B H.ortiiok a In tlhc old elementary appraach ed as an honorary me r ai the These four employees aifthe1 pany. Froni leit ta rîght, they are vice Pin dinner in honor ai mem- for Boy Scout Publications, was $0, * zualcal instruction in achools club. Jack Allun repaorted the Ro- Goody ear Tire and Bubber sCe. i Harry Alînian, Frank Oke, Harry bers ai the 25-Year Club at the guest speaker. The Examiner said 'tdthat little enthusiasm tary Bowling Club better than av- have gi'en mre than 150 years'Pye and Wm. Rudd. This photoi Royal York Hotel, Saturday. Bert gave a gripping plea for sup- 'LÎs&r=) ain ce motivation and I raue so early in the season. of outstandung service ta the coin- i was taken at the 1Mt annual Ser- Photo by Jean Merrill. part ai local Scout Associations. a CE i ci] an til pe an tm ej a les ori adi eni gni svw bei att cr Couacil Diappoints Crowd Hosîg snMot on Agend a Accounts Passed $15,9 75 Fully expectlng that details of Cornnittee has'power to act hi the town hausing praject would repairing ceiling and painting lir corne up in council at its regular Public Library. monthly meeting Monday even- Petition from citizens on Alex- ing, the largest crowd of the year ander Ave, for street lights warn filled the council chamber to hear handed ta P.U.C. for immediat. the proceedings. But the session attention. conducted with the entire council Dept. National Defence, King- present deait only with routine ston, wrote, "are stili considerlr±g business marking the shortest re- work requested on dit.ch at Down- gular session of the entire year. ham Nurseries and will advise The housîng discussion was post- further after ponderous delibera. poned when it was found that nec- tion." essary by-laws were not ready. Poppy Day General Bills Canadian Legion was granted No delegations were heard from permission to hoid Poppy Day, ratepayers since this order of bus- Sat., Nov. 8. Navy League grant- iness was omitted from the agenda ed $25.00 donation. Council ac- but it was learned that several cepted invitation ta annuai meet- present wished ta speak. Chief ing of Community Council in Li« item was the recommendation re- ans Centre, Nov. 20, at 8 p.m. Re- ceived from the engineers, Proc- port of recreationai director wlll tor, Redfern and Laughlin, that be heard. accounts of the Toronto Construc- Roads and Streets wili investi- tion Co. be paid, although resident gate complaint of Vivian H. Bun. engineer Irvin reported some ner re water and sult condition on work yet to be done on the dis- Alexander Ave., and report back. posai plant. Total current and Letter fromn contractor re in- public works payments for the stalling parking meters. Clerk wlll month were approximately $15,- advise he will be heard if he ap- 975. nPng At ha atxr Minute ftsin cicuns Mesionutresa tspal October seins preveaid frTatoCo8nha berctnppovead $for TorntoiCo- strunctioCa. a $98 or build- ing iansecor F. Paottisno h veterw ans ousing poc.o By- hlwiwasmpassedpalconr widthe holding wamunicialelctions andt withesesodywasirCtedpa mto itb thse Gaodearoman ta dscus assssrnnt. CôrsompanteMs. enKn Cedrresndne MrsJanKren- nedy, amb's ofLaan a chsure that srcinttyalor nd machins d- epareented owcn ecngee fad- aritentfrom canectinomep fa- cilîtie fo berynew home She h wast asedt rta rocd on brod ownd.get ankdone.li Boadtis wlanfret sanubicg Utlit ew onfeon C.uR.piîn waertaonewsouSe.,anC.rB.pBic akie ocsinStadrpr School Oraiory Winners Chosen Large Aiendance ai Open Houge Open House at Bownianvillo Goes fo' Chicago PbicSboiTesdayhed in drew a large gathering ai parents and citizens wbo were interested, ta see the classes actively pursu.è ing their studies. Principal A. M Thompson and his staff welcomed the visitons ia the vaniaus clasi moims wbene art displays were laid out for inspection together with bandicraits and general school work. A -feature was the group choruses conducted by Di- Îner ai Music, R. G. Harle, who led epuis n Mis uttonPC J4 Inth evening tbe Public Spealce j ngCoteta-okplace in the atins oselctwinnens ta appear -in the county finals ta, be heid in at 7:30. Principal Thonipson ac't- cd as chainman and introducect the 15 contestants. The tbnee wi.- Ernie Dickens, wbo bas been Diana Wcbber, (2) Ivan Woollcy. ilayîng hockey with Pittsburgb (3) Gloria Robson. The first two Pirates, as the property ai the wili appear la the Blackstock fin- a aeal tmis week whereby he wil now play with the Chicago Blaci Hawks. His many friends ii 3owmanville, where he spendi the summer and where his wifi Lnd son Eve, wish him every suc. cess back in N.H.L. dompany. iwimming Certificates Won by Many Local BOYS and Girls At the Red Cross Safety Meet- Ig held in the High School, Wed- esday evening, Oct. 29, many Ia- .ai children received swimming ýrtificates from the guest speak- r, Mrs. T. A. C. Tyrreil, Toron- , senior supervisor of swimming ind water safety in the Ontario 'ivision of Red Cross. The cer- ficates were won at the summer :hool for swimming held at the o0ys' Training School, under aus- ces of the local branch of Red ,ross and the Community Coun- 1i. Mrs. Tyrreli spoke on safety ,d instruction in the art of swim- ing and showed many colored ctures, giving point ta ber sub- ect. She complimented the young ,ople in having passed their tests id the great interest show-n by e local organizations in the saf- fy program, in its first year of peration. Aiready 16,000 Canadians have àken advantage of free Red Cross usons in water safety at widely rganized points throughout Can- la. A Bowmanville class is now roiled at the Red Cross swim- ng classes in Taranto which rants teacher's certificates In 'imiming and safety. The mem- ers motor up ta the city for in- 'uction and others will be ac- rnmodated as time permits. Mrs. Tyrreil directed the war (Continued on Page Six) il Judges kThe judges were Mrs. Willam n Clake, Chales Carter Jr. and, 5s Arnold Anderson ai the Hi.gh e Schoi staff. They bad a difiicult -task la adjudîcating the unifonm- ]y bigh standard ai speaking and greatly commendcd the efforts ai every contestant. Namnes, grades and subjects are as follows: Marie Lewins, Grade 8, Moving Pictunes; Mary Piekard, Grade 8, Edison; Ivan Wooiley, Grade8, Swimming and Water Saiety; Peg- gy Stevens, Grade 8, The Beaver; Diana Webber, Grade 8, Our Wes- tern Tnip; Shirley Marris, Grade >8, King oi Hobbies-Stamps; Pat- sy Tamlinson, Grade 8, Behind the Honey Pail; Virginia Stutt, Grade 7, Manufacture ai Matches; Gloria Robson, Grade 8, Birds; Bevenlya Fank, Grade 7, A Waîk in Spning; Janet McGregor, Grade 6, Prin- cess Elizabeth; Barbara Gddard, >Grade 7, Early History oi Bow- manvilie; Donothy Clark, Grade 8, Education; Donald Cramp, Grade 6, Education; Coileen Hut. chinson, Grade 8, Music. RECREATIONAL CALENDAU Frlday, Nov. 7 7 p.m.-Boys Model Clama, Lions Cornmunity Centre. Saturday, Nov, 8 8:30 p.m. - Teen Town, Hieli School. Monday, Nov. 10 9 P.mn.-Basketball Practice, Hiei School. Tuesdsy, Nov, il 7 P-.m.-Leathererait chass, Lions Cammunlty Centre. 8 P.m.-Community Cauncil Ex,. ecutive meeting, Lions Coin. munity Centre. Wedneaday, Nov. là 7 p.m.-Shellcraît Class. Thursday, Nov. 13 8 p.m.-Cribage Club, organàwa tion meetig Lions Centre,. - t t ouaow*oom - -_ --- - - -- - - com h. J t ýhe annual dinner of right), retiring president, were, onto, silver medal; Geo. W. Jan the Association of Canadian Ad- ieft to right: Larry R. 'Greene, editor of The Canadian Statesmr vertisers on Friday night at' the Toronto, goid medal for the most Bowmanville, silver medal,a Royal York Hotel, Toronto, with distinguished contribution to ad- W. B. Tingle, Montreal, receri presentatians of medals by Neil vertising; Harry J. Claverbili, of retired advertising manager, I Powter of Montreal (second from. Cockfield, Brown and Co., Tor- peril Tobacco Co., silver mec 1 - Mr. Mohun Baised Letter fram John Mohun, town employee, asking a raise on hie present monthly saiary «of $35.00 due to high cost ai living and lai view ai naises given other employ- ces in the $2,000 bnackets. Re- suIt was Councillor Nicholas ini. sisting a raise was in order. Mo- tion ai Councillor Mason approv. ed ta permît Mn. Mohun a 20 per cent increase which wihi now give bim a cost ai living saiary of $4Z monthiy. P.U.C. Statement Councillor Mason insisted that according ta the Municipal Act the Public Utilities Commission. are required ta submait ta cauncil their annual statement. It is eX- Pected at the next meeting. Beeve Baker carnied a resolu- tion that cierk notiiy General Mo- tons tbey wouid he heid nespan. sibie for damage ta walks by baclc- ing trucks aven same et Davis- n ïl Long Service Goodyear Employees Giiests of Hogor ai Fine Banquet Held aiRoyal York Hotel Saturday