g TEE ANA!A2iSTAUXAK EQKMqVLL~ àNTAIO - -,......~-,. .. Goodlyear Service Liofl musical proramPrnn h. Cerliicaleu HAMPTOX day a1ternoon. Meeting iin-N IKL E O IU R I aginettes. - knkry, Atth reen CoetwcePZ.li 1*kesent time--and for years past Leslie Bell Singera under the di- service programn for women. stu- Whltby, with M.;ld rs.R-aeweconre. and florella, Newtonville, with - i--Canada and the United States rection of Dr. Leslie Bell were dents at McGiII University, and mloTid Farrow. A Hailowe'en masquerade was Mr. .and Mis. E. A. Werry. Friday, October 3lstGogniif ite~ntdNtos(A haveenjyedtheword'shigestthe outstanding features of the was commandant of the MeGil 1 an d Mrs. Bruç-Ëoarth held on.- Thdtsda-Y 'ikhIt, with a Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, Elizabeth Tamblyn,wdo i*>hliiGeeaSwtrld standard af living. But this pros- program. This brillant choral Detachment of the Canadian Red and son, Clare, witt i a~pAreaËts, tood .atten4an<.ý and. a haPPY ev- Toronto, at Mr. H. Steven's. HnyJ erpse oeta r .F o4~edo h i~ perity, which is the envy of ma- group o! 22 young ladies render- Cross Corps after a period as di- at 14ISiiUa. ening, was&. speût . A short -pro- Mis. E. Stutt with Mrs. E. Caug- the home of her eider agtriino cn ,Dmno Q ny countries, can be completely ed five beautiful numbers which rector o! physical education at. the Miss Arlene Northcutt, Bow. rgzam.was, given and' apples and im, Burketon. Helena, Mis. RusselOmsoPret<f~îtlue ;t*,spiral upwards without con thusiastic audience. She won tities in Swimming and Blanchiard. awarded. -Mr.::anid Mrs. 'Perey Albert Cole, Bowmanvjlle, Mrs. Deceased, was eldest agtro oeg xhneadls<20 trol." The remainder af the evenlng Diving for Toronto and McGill Mr. and Mrs. A. E. »iletport Cowllng, and. Mirs. Albert. Cole, J. E. AllUn, Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, o! the late Albert and lzbt pnepotn onre a "Mr. Partridge declared that i1 was occupied with a giant "Mill- Universities as well as Ontario and Perry, and Keith, TorontoatH. Mi.and i ev ceettaiIlh, gsyl- Mr.and wihMiss ohnE. Griffin She recedhr arleedua itn uue tstersosbliy !eeyn lonaires Night" and gaines with Dominion and also holds canoeing WoltHlM.ancol'x.'ýetAli ta ary o te igh aaint n-plenty of valuable prizes for the tities. She is a daughter of Canon via, and Lee, M!r.* and Mis. Ted and family, Yelverton, with Mrs. tion at Orono Sehool andltra ako xhneprhsi tocaryonth fgt gans i- ines.an Ms.H P PuMis. us Gwen Caverly, Toronto, Campin,ý GravenlhureMr. -and Mary Griffin. Toronto ConservatoryaiMscpoe arad- ycwtre flation by buying only whàt is winners. and Mrs..H.tP.hPlumptre. wasfome. necessary and by avo ding aliy ac- 25. Yeai.s Plus The meeting was held under Mrsi Howard Allin, .& and Mrs. Dr. and Mn. C. W. SiemonAthealago!iesesngwchorayiprtodtua tion: which might increase -pro- Other members of the,25-year chairmanship of Bart Smithson Mr. Cn AFlun nd augersv-i, BellevHlll, Patsy AnerJhnr,Bo.mAnnillwt r n r.i h coradltrwsagn asarayldcn ame 4uction, costs or raise retail pric- plus club tram Bowmanville with recreational director and Dr. W. Mart By an lrend ha ev- nB ellvill etHM ros.Alt haeH.Ani.ist of the church. epr-rdcn onre ocn es ~~~~the number of years setvice at M. Rudell, Chairman ai the Red aidetonBawamn Stfl enwire- Bowma .vl tHrl li'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Devitt On Dec. 16, 1892, shewa itdematreungpociobr. Entertlnment37 years wlth the cornpany, A. M. Cross Swimmning Committee assis-sieo Que Stweehy Mr. and Mri. James Gaimean, and family, Bobcaygeon, Mr. and in holy matrimony withHnyjcasaifcteia spunars Ehtertainment eyhg adMssE olw .Oe .ted in the presentation o f t h e hMrie purchadêd a bouse. Cobourg, with-her gâter, Miss Ida Mrs. W. R. Lamb, Nestîcton, at Werry and moved ta o ikIe pwlhcudntb iree Pye, Herb. Richards and E. Large. swimirigcrtucts.W 9a- MssPh .s idry,. Toronto, A. Smalc. They' alio èàlled on -Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb's. where she lived a lite o oigWlltl ero upue a calibre then took the interest ai R. Bate - isthre only ane with 36 neil, physical instructor, Boys' Mr. 'and Mrs. Jackç Niddery'an Wilfred Smnale.-- . t . rank M.bDaennoreaseen asserviaeriy dishome, e hér orchpestra provaced the years servie. .riin colas site nÇniBiàvle, e M . . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billctt and pleton, with his sister, Mrs. 0. C and community.poiuI a ltbe xet ba, isochesgaroun d eor ha With 35 years service are Thos. the program. S. NjdderýY's. Keith, Port Perry, Mis$s Marlan Ashton. Mrs Wrr gave ai hrtm dta twuddvlputlg muiclbakgondfr fs Wihtan . lifSai.'Chi M.andi Mrs. Norman Clemens Johnson, Toronto, with 'Mr. and ,Mr. and Mns. Thos. Abbott and and talent lavishly and neés-adohrwrtn onne a *ioving show which included ani Robinson is the only employee and Marilyni, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. H. Wilcox. faniily-with Mr. Russell Cochrane, ly in the interest a! goo ign aka eitt r-a aaiy imftator, Bernard Bnay, barman- Inom Bowmanvilîe with 33 years Weekly Crop Report Mrs. A. Clemens, Béwnanville, ____Brady. and capable leadcrshipi h h ako oeg ucai with ther.panand teM2-'Sste Laverne Cie Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wcaving, choir. She was keenlyinestdpwrbipotgcunish ic s lo st w o wa a so on t e awih t e o p ay In the 3-s tt e L atgC opm ens. Toronto, w ith M r. W . H. M oo e's. in W .M .S. and W .C .T U n yea grup re ay.Moniso, Grnered in Durham Mn. and Mko.. red Wilson, Miss (Intended, For Last Week),md h rbena md Mayon Sid Little and E. S. Vancoe. "a Mn. and Mns. Arthur flnunt and taugbt the primary chilrnadoe S L. Nichais and J. Grant have Marjory.Wllbur.and Ray Wilbur, An inteesting event was beld family with Mn. and Mrs. W. junior boys in hen carlendy. Tsulesdstetpsai m. ~~~~~~oth worked at the plant for 31 The wcekly crop reports sub- Toronto, Mr. and' Mrs. Harold in the chunch basement on Tues- Marks, Pont Penny. In Septemben, 1937,shsufrtaetonaeIprignton W Il c~~~~~yars. Those with 29 ycans are mitted by the Agicultunal Repre- Ashton, Enùiskilien, Mn. -and Mns. day evening when friends gath- Mn. ,and Mns. Camenon Oke cd a stroke inom wbich hiee.apnhs iosus a ea K ~~. A. Edgen, F. L. Calver, Albert sentative of Ontario, as compiled Reg. Kensey, Ajax, Mn. and Mns. érèd for a social vcning. In the Oshawa, with Mn. A. Oke. fully nccovened. OnOcoe 15m ycuniewileualet Pprand J. A.. Cale. Seven mcm- at Nov. 3, indicate that apples and R. Burn, Janetville, at S. Kèn- absence a! our. paston, Mn. Will Mr. and Mns. T. Abbott and she suffencd a sevene srkia-splmntterman oe bes in the 27-year cas. include oot cops have generally been sy's.- Willbun acted.as chairman and amly with M. and Ms. William alyzing er ight side n a nw upiswiepoucai H. Wakelin, C. Cattran, R. Mc- gannened due ta exceptionally fine The Sunday monning' chunch calleçi an Mn. and Mns. Stanley Scott, North Oshawa. uncanscious until the tn.eprigcutiswl eual 0ney Gnath, T. Hayes, G. Bageli and weahcn in Ocoben. service was canducted by Rev. E. (Buâ> Pingle -ta cone, ta the plat- Mn. zdnd Mn.. M. J. Hobbs and She was predeceasedb e amne herpout bod (YuCai Save Money Here) finallW rcptesented in the.27-year the rise in teed costs due ta ne- of!ering service o! the W.M.S., C. appropriate lines and AudneyKnElitB mavle sisten, Lena Mary (Mn.A.J (Vugroup by, Joe O'Neill, A. I. Coi- moval ai ceiiing and subsidies wlll G.I.T. and'Mission Band.' Mns. sey,,presented the x.ecent bride Mn. and Mrs. Aimer Beach, Knox), two brothens CalsN îh orssinUctann well, H. J. Dadson and Arthur J. seriously affect the livcstock in- (Rev.) R. M. Seymour, Enniskii- with a. lovely bouquet a! 'munis. Haydon, Mn. and Mns. Richard and Frcdenick W. Tamby.o oySotladr r o Piék out your Smnal quani- Joncs, dustny. In many districts young len, was gucst speaker and gave Lewis Truli presented.thern also Griffin, Union, Mn. and Mns. Wal- She leaves ta mourntaduh unrwyinanusctesn pigs are selling as low as $1 ta $2 a splendid addrcas combining with. a. combination. table, with ter Oke, with Mn. and Mns. FranktesHlnaMs.Rselrm-Cndasthwncresob- mink or fox tics o! amber each and many are being dcstroy- thanksgiving' a n d mission a n y the best wishes af the community. Moore, Melvenn. ton, HAima (Mns. Llod shtnis eea te ore r sean! now, be- ail soîd ont. ________ d at birth. thougbts. Miss Arlene Nonthcutt, . Mrs. Cana Alu1.n.and. daughters, Mn. and Mrs. Chanley StaplesansoGrnT.W rytw all sol out.'Bowma*-vilig éon .tribuscbcduleda tonlorsunessquentrdowT.ter fore theN arc Faîl plowing bas been mucb ne- Bomnilcnnbted two ap- ajr adI elrnce, Wène then and, Stewart, Bctbany, with Mn. tens, Aima (Mn.. Win. Sano)mnh n h e npoie pclte. We Have a few Exports o! bec! ta the United tanded on account a! lack o! nain. propniate solos. C.G.I.T.' girls asked ta tpke seats,.ori the. pa- Roy McGill. Nellie (Mns. J. D. Brow) w ob nattnigacfo i 301b paîs cit Kîndomamoutedta 0.7mii- Te DuhamCouty epot sateschated "Th Lod'sPrayr,"narnhad iorthir cavig. amp Mn an Mn. Dor.ananddf- bothr.DJhn ndailtn Tm- eadesbJothinlgavndpini wilf i n i s h 30b ilslf on pound (carcass basis) during that there bas been a fair acreage which was their. contribution ta ton ta neside i.Bowmaniville, they mily with Mn. and Mn,. Walter ln rnan nncid thein for yau, W. ivili de- the finst nine months o! 1947. Sea- o! red claver thncsbed with yields the service. The assistance o! Mn,. wene pncsented, with, a lovely min- Carn, Codrington, and Mn. and nen. Boyd ami June Weny a. nedytaivar lve.sanally ligbten cattie marketings averaging flot more than a bushel Seymour and Miss Northcutt. in non, hall tree, and vase.. Expres- Mn,. 1{anry Herrington, Frank- Manie, Ronald and Ray stn Te ady ty ea. is e during June and July Wene not an acre. Apple picking is about the service was appreclated. sions ai good will were read by fard.Te!ura snvc hld n top sufficient ta pravide an expont complete. Warin weatbennripened Atth Sunda3r School session Mrs. Harold Salter and presenta- Mn,. Frank Spry, Roy and Han- Novemben 3rd was con ce y C rsm sG f top.surplus. In September, says the apples- prematunely and the lack after thec lesson discussion in thç tians were- made by. Mn,.. Wilfned aid, Rochester, N.Y., with ber 5ssbler paston, Rev. R. Scyon b Cunnent Rcview o! Agicultunai ai adequate coîd storage facilities ýçla9ses, a set oi Missionary Lan- Gneenaway'and Miss Ruby Cal- ter, Mrs. Edgar Wright. paid a very wortby tribuet brj C RAS. R. KNOare usually suffic . ilencî. ,00'va-sentcd. Audrey Kersey reading consistirig-oa apiano solo b3yF'ay Judy, Lindsay, with Mn. Adam Undenstands" was rend d ORONO H 6~2 eavy ta provide a substantiel sur-armoeha the Script. me nReynolds, 'reading, by Mrs. S. Ken- Sharp. Dr. C. W. Slemon andDrKet BO P 642 plus for expont, stnikes in pack- There aemr hn100vr Womein's Institute will ein sey and piano dtiet by Mary Nid- Miss Jean Wenry, Petenbohoo Slemon accampanied ing plants reduccd meat output. lcties ai wheat. Uiechcurcb basement this Thurs- dery and Jean Balson'and a sing- pital, with ber parents, Mn. and KihSeo.b r.~. sang condupied by Mn,. tavcrîy. Mn,. F. Wenry. Douuolr amp oei Rcircshments folloWed ýand a so- The Service Club met Oct. 28 Six nephews were paîeaes cill hour Was enjoyed'. at the home af Mn,. Alvin Boyd Milton Stainton, Char]eKno,, w rulg al ap with 14 present. Aiter the bui-Evenett Brown, Le RyBrnndO.BdLm ness session, the cvening was spent Carias Tamblyn and JmTm Royal Winier Fair. in playing garnes. Lunch was blyn. mn euiu lrlti 97 sered y Ms.Alvin Boyd ad Temn euiu ber group. Next meeting at Mrs. butes and the hast o! relaie n !nd h éI G ri'.fiends wbo called and tedd BtromCohsRme Leads ihe World G.uth Durham Ministenial As- the funenal service .testiedtte$65 - h~~~~~~I Agriculture Show sociation met at the parsonage on love and esteem aile ay rvlig rn 49 Monday atronwt ode-fricnds. . Members o! the*pres, and radia tendance. A paper on "Ministen- "Till memory fades anite$7 4 '.x4b ~who were guests ai the dinectars ial Appnoach" was given by Rcv. depants ai the Royal Winter Pair at lun- F. Yardley, Cauntice. Next meet- She lives forever in au ens" rsa resn al S«.. ~~~~ cheon in 'the Caioséum, TPoronto, ing et the Rectany in Bowman- LfiS 45 r Friday, Oct. 30, beard the Manag- ville in Decemben. TA CAPACITY 0F EeircRdiTr s' ing Director, W. A- Dryden declare Rev. R. M. Seymour addnesc "~~">... ... ... ..that the Royal inL several depant- the Orange Lodge in Blackstock * si ~~~-44r~ ments leads the'eptire world as on Monday night, on "The Char- Tests madle at the CetaExRo.890fr .4..w '5' an inehe at ha tering ta the chara(terof Mosesbe- ha a hanse cnpull 1Easow$75 'Royl fr te"irsttim etthefore the burning bush. 1947 tain will canier World Cham- Sympatby is extcndcd to the cent o! its weight andtavl2 .pionships -in the grain classes. !amily ai the late Mn,. Henry Wer- miles a day with out undueitge '.But Mr. Dryden -also stated that .ry in ,thein bereavement. A suitable load ion a3,0lb -. ~ ~ ~ .**.*'~~~~~* the entire llvestock show et the- Rev. E. O. and Mn,. Seymour,tems30ta60l;fr3hns ¶~~"~-~~ ~ Royal was thec finestInl the'ýworld Kitchener, cafled at the pansan- 450 ta 540 lb; and for 4hne, . FRIU TR .~.and -visitons tramn abraad acclaim age on Monday. mo --aflthe hors. show as the best Been i 600 to 720 lb. A tcaean pul Poo81 7Kngt.. the entin. globe. -For the 1947 up ta 85 per cent af therwih sho th enris hve eenso BRIDE-TO-BE BONORED for a icw teet. 'i.... ~ ..>.'> ... ... . .~.~<« .great that -hundreds of! cattie, 1'ITH iMANY !'SHOIVERS 4"i ommodte& * . -Mns. W. J. Bragg, (nec JuneE .In.,l thQ fruit and tlowen section Ashton), and ber husband weneM .5»: .... ~~~~~~~jnetian with -the llowera show Uiis lâge. About sixty families met a erUcRylwl.hv a-tehl n ueadBl wete ~ Wt lsi ulr AUTLNO ~. .~. ~:~'~ . "«" ... 1ion Fair whenc madels will pan- escorted ta the plationm where DELUXE KIT - $25 fAN «»«. <'.................. ....... ade in garmeiits-macle of Cana- thcy received and unwrappedj REFILL KIT - $12 ~~........dian wool.. thein gifts. They bath madle short =_____________ ,~~ ~Othen attractions wil include a speeches, thanking thein friendsà .s»,-iIt1~~ ~rcat show and a dog show whicb fan the lavely gifts. They were M a po pnoved, popular last year.- Added then showened gencnously ihMSa po TÏYattractions in the hanse show will confetti after wbich Mn,. F. W. jPnell ---- --.---- 27c, E, 9 -. ~ be -an AIl-Canadianý military team Wenry et the piano led in the sing- Rayve-- - --e o!'9 hanses wbich -will compete ing "For they are jolly goodic-EDn----9,6,$10 la the musical rides against ion- lows." The rest af the evcning Cocoanut 011 ------- 9c i-elga entries. 'And coming on fnomn was spent in a social chit chat andà Lustre Cneam- ----$10 53.1f Chicago, is a 6-horse hookup aif dancing. A bountiful lunch was 3 Halo --------------- 29e,-4- 1Shetland ponies which will be served. hsea icl Thé shepherd dogg shawn in ac- manville, was h in hono a is l-MNyal Creophos __$ I tion last year will also perfornm laneous shower given = inAnidaltole 1 o. of~U ,.~ 1 ,.,.,,* ~ niaan don't v n g by M . R oy M cG ill and of facis, andu you-lhe rae frbusiness, wAsere uuyer may plyfoitues Preonare n'teisvMynîn MssMargaret FlsDvlpdFe travel fhisstreet many limes in meet seller; if serves as a medaexmpt oonMiss Ash- E PhonoLIGS RG T y iaor an"ciher sex N eempntolunom e ahedooMss adnBch!n your reading. Your paper serves for irader and barterer. Your oetmbtwn adolescence and rs Bueve ~IUW- " reo r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and aid age. Pneumopia, can oc- room. Mrs. Onville Ashton, Mrs. ~nuuumuuhumuuuuh.gui,.UUIIIIUUIIIMUIII as apat fornew ta nte you nespapr i thevoie ofth.cun la aay çlir»àte ,and in; ail Stanley May, Mn.. StewartRd as apat fo new toenfr yor nwspper s te vicli ofthseasans. It lacommon la. the win- man, Mn..Ira Traveli, Mn.. Ha- home. .. nws f loal nieesi peoletherefectô oftruh, . nI .springandi n regions aid Ashton assisted la .erving. locameople s ofelols tenesdiscople heof decryf and a da;y - id:as which ave gownanpeabou loca peoleas wll s th new dicipl ofdemoracy an.e dilyCanadians arc warned that any It is important to understand o of strage peule and oreignonset. of. chili, !ailiowed by feven ýhe positive truths on wbîch gen- Jlu .M Cer ofsrnepol n oeg olflivn.or by s.. pain, la the cheat, is a uinc health ls built, as it is ta oOtSrS danger signal. Sec the Doton. ïrealize bow taise are some a! the maintnanceo! well-being. Your Nessage Soon hy Nore Thai 14,000 leaders Woekly F'REE .SERVICE aseCaadilatathrtheir la-11amn DEDHOR$ES & CATTE formation on hwt keep heal- hm IREMOVZD MMDfftELY thy only from those !ully quali-Thrdy-2pmteS.. -. ..and ficd ta advise and ta treat them. T H CAN DIAN S A TE S ANTO. C"RGE It iflot sa!e totrifle with auch ~~ TORONT~O - àdel&lde. 3686 cal and mental heaith should b. .COBMURQ -"dsj entnusted fa, specialists--the doc- O I - <N~~ORIDO74 YOi?4,L»MTED tort, dentista, etc., trsined and CWIQSDU TR * . practised in treating human minds and bodies. -rGE SmX 1