PAGE ETONT THE CANADIAN STATFSMMi, EOWMANVULE, OI~TAMO THURSDAY, NOV. 131h, 1341 STARK VILLE Mr. and Mis. Ait Dobson and Mary Lou spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Jack EWlott, Lindsay, and attended the funeral of Mis. Mac- Gaghey. Mr. Ray McKay, Bronte, Mr. W. McKay, Newtonviile, Mrs. R. Boughen with Mr. Art McKay. Mr. and Mis. M. Robinson have moved to their new home on the late T. J. Ballaglis faim. Ming Helen Decheit apent the weekend in Toronto. .No service at ShiIoh on Sunday last, due to anniversaîy at New- tonvilie. Miss Elleen Farrow, Bradley's, at home. There Io a choice In books as in friends, and the mind ginks or rises to the level of its habituai society.-Lowell. Weigh Qualiiy Againsi Price BO WMAN VILLE CLEANERS and DYERS 77 KING ST. W. -pick-up and delivery 1*'. a touth Problernito, mea- sure a service sueh as dry eleaning-especially ln the re- lationshlp of quallty t. prie.. W. havo conslstently made It a practice to give fuil value la our work, and to keep quallty and price. ln a balance that means cleanlng satisfaction to Fou. - - phone 520 Smart, modern plastic cabinet with grille ilayOur choice of four intriguing colors ... turquoise b lue, cardinal red, nile green and fawn. Five tubes. Illu- minated lucite diai. Automatic volume control. Attached antenna. A real bargain in a distinctive personal radio ... the Westinghouse '"Harmaony.Y D U O " the sensatio Westinghouse Wiih ihe Lif i-Oui Carry-Abouf Radio Six-tube superbeterodyne, bal- anced speaker, built-in antenna remarkabie ton. quallty and volume . . . ana be lifted out and plugged ln anywhere. Auiomaiic Record Changing Phonograph Piayr 10 or 12 records automa- ltcally. High-fidellty crystal pick-up. Singie-button control. Performance comparable to mi o s t console combînation.. Handsome mahogany cabinet. - ail for $139.50 (Budget Ternis Avallable) YOUR CHOICE Of COLOUR a enal new M CoU1d Sore Throct Swallow one ParadaI tablet. Gargie with two tablets dissolved in water. Go to bed and rest and sleep. Soon the pains and aches disappear and yau may avoid a disagiceable cold. Paradalisl a fast relief for head- aches, neuralgia, toothache, rheuma- t.ic and sciatie pai nlt is pleasant Ito use snd leavem n disagrecablo after effects. Paradai does not disappoint. ~DOL m NE WTON VILLE Anniversary services in the Un- ited Church Sunday weîe a great success. The flowers were par- ticularly beautîful. In the afteî- noon, music was provided by oui own choir in an acceptable man- ner. In the evening they were assisted by Mr. and Mis. Roy Bic- kie, Canton, who are aiways wel- comed by our cQngregation. Rev. D. A. Mathinson, D.D., Dean of Emanuel College, deliveîed two poweîfui addîesses. Over $500.00 was realized with some envelapes stili coming in. Mis. Chas. Reid and Miss Haz- el Reid, Toronto, wîth her sister, Mis. Wilfred Woods. Bert Bunt, Queen's University, at home at the parsonage. Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Jack Hatherley on the birth of a baby daughteî. Presbytery met in the United Chuîch on Wednesday. Thirty- eight were served hot dinners by the ladies of the Church. As we watched men trained for leadership in urban and rural communities working together to help salve problems, both local and world wide, we saw fresh hope for the future. Willis Jones, Hugh Stapleton, Cecil Caswell and Keith Burley, Elswoîth and Bud Jones, D on Vinkle and Mr. Manders of Shi- loh went to their various hunting lodges over the weekend. S.S. No. 9, Clarke We regret ta report Mrs. Van- derbelt under went another opera- tian in Bowmanville HospitalFril- day. Our Home and School Associa- tion meets on Wednesday night with Shaw's Association as aur guests and Mis. U. Jones, Oshawa, District Representative, Provincial Federation, wili be guest speaker. Mrs. Charles Clenney and chil- dren are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mis. Smith in Embro. Miss Helen Turner was South Clarke's contestant in the County Public Speaking Contest at Black- stock on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen visited Bert Moore, east of Port Hope. No. 9 ladies held a "Sheli Oqt for Britain" tea party Thuîsday evening, Nov. 6, at the Barchard home on the 3id Line. Each guest was asked to contribute something for a box for Britain. Even with such unfavorable weathem, sever- ai ladies came out and as a îesult we packed three, fifteen-pound boxes for Britain. These boxes were sent ta the Tamblyn Stores and will be given ta needy fam- ilies in Britain before Christmas. Comittee in charge were Mrs. G. Barchard, Mis. Wm. Barchard, Mis. Chas. Gibson and Mis. Fred Bowen. Mis. Austin Turner as- sisted Mis. G. Barchard receive and Mis. Howard Bowen poured tea. Donations were received from severai who were unabie ta at- tend. For this the camittee is very appieciative. PROVIDENCE ]PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM We met et the home of Mr. and Mis. Milton Wight with 22 pies- ent. Oui discussion tapie was "The Farmer Takes a Wife." We had eleven ladies at aur meeting. Those who were not there, some had smail childien ta look afteî, others had illness in the home and same had unexpected callers. In aur neighborhood we think that everybody is interested in -the for- um and came when it is possible. There are severai ways that wa- men can have conditions ta their liking. One is by a separate bouse on the faim for faim help, anath- er ta woîk peacefully with the husband for modern conveniences. We mean by this that if the hus- band gets something modern in the bain then the wife should have ber share of impravement. Each faîmeî's wife should have a household aceaunt of her own, as a man hasn't any ideas what it takes ta keep bouse and clothe the ENFIELD The annuai "At Home" of the W.A. was beld at the home of Mr. and Mis. Hoskin Smith, Friday evening. Over fifty people en- joyed a fine supper. Following the supper W. Pascoe calied the company ta. order and asked Rev. and Mis. Seymour ta occupy two chairs in a centre location. Mi. Pascoe fiîst called on Mis. Frank Maon wbo pinned floweîs on the bonoied couple, a tribute from Mr. and Mis. Mason on the occasion of the Scymaurs' Silver Wedding Anniveîsory. Mr. Poscoe called on Mis. G. Bowman who read an addîess followed by a presenta- tian by Kathleen Smith of a love- ly silver plate from the commun- ity. Rev. and Mis. Seymouir each îeplied expîessing great surprise and appreciation. The rest of the evening was spent in visîting and cards. Present fromn a distance were: Mi. and Mis. Harold Weî- ry, Ray Smith, Kedran, Mi. and Mis. Frank L. Mason, Mis. L. C. Pascae, Miss Bessie Pascoe, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mis. L. Bradley, En- niskillen, Mi. and Mis. F. L. Gil- bert, Solina, Mi. and Mis. Edwin Oîmiston, Maple Grave. Those attending Church Sundoy enjayed the dedication and tuin- ing on of the new lights. The fixtuies, which are extîemely niee, are a Êift from the Bank of Com- merce and Mi. Frank Mason. Osh- awa. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mis. H. Rowland with Mi. anc? Mis. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mis. W. A. Adams and family with Mi. and Mis. Harold Souch and Mi. A. Souch, Shiloh. Mi. A. MeNeil, Ottawa, Misses Lynn, Noel and Enid McNeil, Hat- field Hall, Cobourg, Mr. T. Mc- Neil, Cobourg and Mi. and Mis. Hector Bowen, Orono, with Mr. and Mis. Gardon Martin. Sorry ta lose Mi. and Mis. H. Leach and family who are maving ta Dunnville this week. Mr. and Mis. Robert Hicks and family are coming ta the Leach faimn from Oshawa. Mr. Bill Jaynes was in Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. Bill Lymer, Ma- pie Grave, with Mi. and Mis. Geo. Skelding. 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The 25th Wedding Annîveîsary of Mi. and Mis. Roy McKoy (nee Gladys Brown), Bronte, was cele- brated Nov. 8, at the home of their nephew and niece, Mn. and Mis. Robin Alîdieci with about 70 pies- ent. After the guests of honor weîe seated they were piesented with a corsage and bouttoniere by Misses Doreen Alldîed, Margar- et Brown. With Mi. Arthur Mc- Kay as chairman, the fallowing pragîam was much enjayed: mu- sical selections by Mis. T. Wilson, reading by Mis. W. Stringer, mu- sical selection by Mis. Wilson, reading by Miss Hazel Farrow. Severai people weîe called upon for speeches of congratulation of- ter which an appiopriate addîess wos îead by Miss June Boughen, Shiloh. Messrs. Les Alidred and Ken Bail piesented the bride and groom with a tîilight lamp and silven floweî centre fram the rela- tives ond fîiends and a silver cîeom and sugar on tîoy and sul- ver dish fîom their sons and daughters. Mr. and Mis. McKay made a fitting reply. The com- mIttee in charge, Mi. and Mis. Les Alidîed, Mm. and Mis. Robert Pat- terson, Orono, Mn. and Mis. Clint Brown, Newtonville, Mnr.and Mis. Ralph Boughen, Shiloh, served a lovely lunch and wedding cake over wbich a social hour was spent. With Mr. and Mis. Robin Ail- dred on Sunday, were Mis. R. Mc- Kay and Thorp, Miss Helen Mc- Full of Juice, Florida Size 250 Oranges - doz. 25c California Valencia Sîze 288 Oranges - doz. 29c California Red Emperor Grapes - 2 ibi. 27c Ciisp, Green Pascal, large staîks Celery - 2 for 23c Selected Ontario, Washed Carrois - 3 lhs. 13c Ontarlo, Fîesh, Tender Washed Spinach - 2 lbs. 19c Selected Ontario Washed Parsnips - 2 lbs. 15c California Iceberg Sîze 60's Lettuce - 2 for 27c Sel. and Graded Potatoes Murfee Queens 101lh 35c Ontario Grown Green Cabbage - head 15c W/U /14V( oVtée/SOO e,0(wn-s r#Is Y(4, ~(P~EEN/me7' w/Nf Kay and friend, Mr. and Mis. Jack McKay and Bonnie, Bronte, Mr. and Mis. Ernest Welsh, Mimico and Mr. and Mis. Les Aildred and family, Orono. 0 KENDAL Mr. Bob Alexander, Toronto, was home. Miss Juanita Mercer and fîiend, Peterbaro, with Mr. and Mrs. Heîb Mercer. Mrs. Eddie Couroux and Ray are -with Mis. Vance Allun in Or- ono, during the deer-hunting seas- on. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd were at their summer home which they have wired ready for inspection in readiness for the line when it îs completed. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, were in Peterboro on Saturday at- tending the Waters-Meîceî nup- tials. Kendai folks got a realistic fore- taste of winter on Sunday. Mr. J. Bailey has puîchased the Fred Cornish farm from John Gordon to grow tobacco. Congratulations to Miss Mary Mercer and Mm. Bamney Waters who were married in Peterboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Robinson mot- oîed Mrs. Jessie Tremaine, back to Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. R. Mercer, David and Don- nie are visiting hem mother, Mrs. N. McKay at West Hill. Mrs. Mercer plans to attend the W.I. convention. Mis. T. Hilditch and Mrs. F. Stoker are in Toronto ta attend the W.I. convention. A successful dance was held in the Orange Hall, Friday evening by the basebaîl team. Music was provided by Mrs. Alldred, Mrs. Glass, Mm. Ransbeîry and Mr. Scott. Wm. Mercer, Joe Maîtinell, Ray Maîtineli, Joe Jilisen and Martin Manders have journeyed north to various camps for the deer-hunt-'I ing season. An extra large crowd enjoyed the meat supper provided by the W.A. Thumsday evening at Ken- dal United Church. Ceciu Car- veth, Newcastle, showed moving pictures, comznunity sing-songs, forest tire prevention, Newfound- land, and Cargo of gold-depict- ing what steps have been taken in U.S.A. to guard the safety of the schooi children who travel by bus. YOUR EYES and Opt. Eyesight Specialist Disney BIdg. <Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 <No. 46) It can readily be understood that poor vision and its attendant discomfort a nA disadvantages holding progress in check wili dis- courage a student sufficiently ta make his career unsuccessful. He may be accounted slow, his men- tal development will be retarded and a general ail round misfit may develop,é where if proper care and corrections were given in early life a successful achievement could be recorded. If your child seems dull and slow and finds it an effort to keep pace with his fellows, At may be due to the eyes. Have them check- ed up and advice given. A very important sign of defec- tive eyes is a stmained expression, frowning or squinting the eyelids in an effort to see better and when persisted in without the at- tention or correction, may be' fol- lowed by damk lunes and crows feet, these latter are more fre- quently due to strained eyes than to old age. Consîder for a mo- ment the demands made upon the eyes today. The demands made upon your awn eyes. I ask yau to think. (To Be Continued) Undor the stimulus of frlondly rivalry, the Royal Wintor Fair promotes standardization and over- improvlng quality ln the groJoery and meat producfs you buy. Al Canada Is indebted fo "The Royal" for the vital. part if plays in our nation's agriculturo, and we of Ontario are justly prw~d of this triumph of co-operation. DATES iiOVEMBER 1lSth TO NOVEMBER 26th* BREWING COMPANY LIMITED Moen-Honey Flavoured FIG BARS Cello kg38e Royal City-B.C. Pack PEAS & CARROTS Aylmei-In Tomato Sauce, Baby LIMA DEANS Ti. 22Ç Claîk's Fresh & Fruity MINCEMEAT E~ 29~ Fîesh Giaund As Sold RICHMELLO COFFE Lb 49Ç Domino TEA Oui Own Blend spcz4 5~ Clark's Vegetable or TOMATO SOUP Inn8 Bright's--CulverhOUSe-- Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE 2nu à3 Aylmer 1 - GREENGACE PLUS M PPEJU NEAT BALLS 16 Onz3ÇPUJA2 RAISINS Caiiiornia Seeaiess Cs oz~. Saxonia CUT MED PEEL Van Camp's or Claik's PORE & BEANS 8 018ÇS avsSa nurrMO Daiton's "Jally Good" PMEDDATE Celo Pk2gçPalmolive PI'rED DTES elloSOAP Rase Sweet Wafer PICKLES leSoz- 294 m Aylmer-In Tomato Sauce, m -nCooked * Florida b<arsl' SPAGHETTI 2 Jars25 SiEEDLESS *G PEFR10 ITU VALUEE EFATV 96',s UNTLSATURDAY 6 oir 2C CLOSING onions 2 sc m M Mn m00 Wu W. psy highest prevaUIing market prices for ungraded eggs. Ship wlth confiduie to Dominion Stores Limited, 828 OJd Weston Road, To- ronto.-Reg. No. 0-29. Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is uncondi- tIonall> guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. DOMINION STORES LIMITCO 2 z .,. 3 l 200.17 EwKo CARUSO and"neltfàh voce = euo the gisesrat ie enor. Bat how Many kno«tht Enrico was au excellens c o wodeighued in te preperatioa of delicio, M"el? For ebi.. gmessinger,M kitchea was te.8=0 o f m a culeytriumph, as itka ui, o ings, J>rlomumeers, prnepresizdeaaacardinaIl, Areat gencrais, admirais, aeen usu reea>8Matera, eahbors, e p. À Il k MOUMIDERS 0FUMAADA (£WUMITED7 PPJZES AWAPED th EXHIBI1R; or ANIMALS AND «999 RFAM RMpoutl TOTAL NEARLY $100,000 YEARLY IN 196,1.E GRAND CHAMPION StEER WAS SOLD FOR 413.0> A POIJND - OVER~ t,2,00O '- AN ALL-TIME.RECOK.O FOR. CANADA TRERE ApE 29 ACRES OF COVE REO ExuiBIT spAcE ATr 'Ira RoVAt: wirm -A dOUSEUM ACCOMMODATING 10,00 SPECrATORS NURpH1y'#S APPLIANCE & FURNITURE ï~r~57 KING ST. W. Packageý 29Ç heuare8 ~~O~ -j, (<k A t In this comfortable Family Room, adjoining the, main chapel, you may choose complete privacy during the funeral service, or the portais may be opened so that you may be at one with guests assembled in the chapel itself. Only ai Morris Memorial Chapel are you offered ail of ihese facilities ai no exira cosi 4 Modem, air-conditioned, saund-proof building. " Commodious chapel, seating over 100, with adjoinlng Family Rooms. " Durhamn's largest funerai merchandise display rooms. " Most modemn embalming room with slumber vaults. " Rich toned Minshali organ and staff organist. " Radiant stained glass windows, indirect lighting. " Church atmosphere, tasteful and 4qmfortable fur- niture. " Competent staff, serving every need with sincerity and reverence. F. pu MORRIS Co. Mmm" -- --- ----- ---- THUMDAT, NOV. lm lit? THE CANADIAN STATTMUN, BOIMANVMM, ONTARIO PAGE MONT » ozl8ç Mn 1 1 1