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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1947, p. 9

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TRUESDAY, NOV. lath, 1947 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE NINI Nov. 9. Rev. R. E. Morton, a IlW «d. au v J J a nformer pastor and naw o aing 1~. uOeveO nmpea OLservices. pcamui was rendered by the maie quar- Phone: Clarke 831* tette, Messrs. Ross, Glenn and Bill ______________________________________________Allun and Wilbur Baskerville, and j À by the chair who sang two anth- rsLeslie Faflls, Toranto, was Father Cofiey, was guest speak- ems in the marning and anc in tjest.of Mj Hattie Mason. er at the Newcastle Lions Club the evening. 'rS. . Sco Woward spent sev- sup.per at Elmhurst Htel oni Miss Doris Allin and Mr. Dave ïiI days inéroTo Thfirsday evening, Nov. 6. The, GettsTonowr ekd 'Ur. and Mrs. George Smith, subject ai his most interesig etis, o ro no, we rweekend Sttk ille, are having their home and instructive address being lin. i Xewcastie which they purchas- "Mussolini and Italy." Father Co-i- e-. from Dr. A. Hare. decorated fey spent four years in Italy prior MisMn, eacTrno prior ta maving into it. ta the Second Great War. wa ekn guest with her mo- Miss Annie Drummond has clos- Mr. and Mrs: Saxon Graham C.G.I.T. Group met Tuesday cv- ed her home and will spend the will leave shartly ta spend the ening with President Hazel Mac *initer manths with Mrs. E. Hoar.1 winter months in Florida. Fisher in charge. After the busi- ' 'Mrs. Gardon Watson and Jack,I Our hunters are busy leaving ness period she conducted t h e bron, Mhav ebertvisiwn. 1rmo for the hunting camps these days.. Worship periad assisted by Elean- hrMrs. H.erbet rown. be i T already gone in quest ai or Hancock and Miss Kathleen Mrs W J.Strk wil e hei $oiistat he ornng ervce u eer are Lloyd and George Step- Toms, Merle Fisher, recreation Lansigtnied Crch o sun-ce týhenson. Art Toms, Irwin Colwill, canvener, was in charge ai recrea- da! Tom Spencer, Fred Adair, Morley tiori. 'Miss Cara Butler spent Tuesday i Sallows, Stanley and George Gra- Y.P.U. met Nov. 3, with Presi- in Toronto. ham. dent Glenn Allin in the chair., Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown The children ai the, village and Francis Jase, Missionary convener, have moved into their apartment* district enjoyed movies which had his third meeting. Miss Kate on North St. vere heil in the basement af the MacLaurin, Bowmanville, a iorm- Mrs P. LeGresley has returned Community Hall on Saturday ev-! er missianary in India, was guest 11rom a three weeks' visit with her ening, when C. R. Carveth show- speaker and she gave a most in- ~-4ster in Chicago, Ill. cd his maving picture films ai Or- teresting talk on the dress and Xev. R. E. Morton and Mr. Law- ana Fair and Orano Fish and Hunt customs ai the people ai India. cence Mortan were weekend Club. Mrs. Walter Deline was hostess guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jase.« Large cangregatians attended on Thursday evening, Nov. 6, at a Mr. Donald Jase was also home the anniversary services ai Mill post nuptial reception in honor ai fror O..C.,Gueph. t. nitd Chrchon Snda, ler daughter, Mrs. William J. tramO.AC.,Gucph.St.Unitd Curc anSunayStarks, (nec Pauline Deline). The hostess received the many guests -in a brawn crepe dress-maker suit and was assisted by her daughter, wcaring a grey crepe gown. Pre- siding at the tea table, which look- exceptionally lave]y with silver k candelabra with taîl lightcd white tapers at each end af the table and wîth African violets as a cen- -s terpiece, were Mrs. Percy Hare, -~ Mrs. Cecil Fergusan and Mrs. H. S. Brittan. Bouquets ai iragrant flowers and silver candlc sticks wîth lighted white tapers also graced the buffet. Tea raam as- sistants were members ai the, C.G.I.T. ai which Mrs. W. J. Storks is a ca-leader. Mrs. Bren- ton Rickard and Mrs. Jack Wade were in charge ai the raom where the many beautiful gits were dis- Mr. Bert Jarvis and Miss Betty1 Morris, Taronto, were Sunday guests of Miss Evelyn Allin. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Kay1 .have returned iram New York,g and will be lcaving shortly ta spend the winter at their home in Flarida. *A short memarial service for1 the fallen ai the First and Second Great Wars was held in the Cam-i munity Hall'an Sunday marning4 prior ta the regular Church ser-i vices. Reeve George Walton pre-1 sided, and ai ter the singing ai the1 hymn "O Gad Our Help in Ages Past" Rev. R. E. Morton, Lansing, led in prayer. Rev. D. R. Dcw- dney read the poem "For the Faîl-i en," Mr. Carveth read the names1 ai the m-ren irom the village ai Newcastle and the Township ai f Clarke, who had laid down their DOUI'T WAIT ae atoe *sntsod nt.,mn conclusion the saddened notes ai Be smart and lei us put anti-freeze in your the Last Post sounded. Mr. Gar- ' don Gray,a former member of 1 car now! Any day now-the lemperature Uthe R.C..F,pl:ced the wet wilI drop away below freezing. Drive in Hall and Mr. Glenn Allun soundeds the Last Past. Mrs. John Garrad,1 now and we'1l compleiely winierize and organist of St.George% Church,l upne-up your car for safe, smooth driving ail Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, ,<winer. Lei us inspeci your car -today. ets orod Mr. Orville Cie: ments, Taronto, were Sunday E USE ONL T E B ST- SEguests oi Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fer-1 USE O LY T E BES -USEguson an.d attended thc anniver-% sary services in Newcastle Unit-s MAPLE LEAF SUPER ANTI-FREEZE ed Church. NEWCASTLE FORUM Our Forum held their opening Palme MototSale Nov. 3, at Wellington Far-S Palm r Noor S les row's with 17 members present. These officers werc elected: How- Phome 487 20 Kig SL, ES. ard Allun, president; and Bill AI- lin, secretary. This weck we met _____________________________________________________ at Bill Allin's with about twenty ______________________________________________ prescrit. We divided inta two Over $ 300,000,000 Io b. repaid the public THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT IS REDEEMING 15 MAY# 1940 ISSUE 0F WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES COMMENCING 15 NOVEMBER S ave this moncy. Start aSavings Account witb your nearest branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. - You can add to it on the i 5th of eacb month as the Govcrnment redeems each succeediug issue of these War Savings Certificates. This Bank welcomes you as a customer. THE CANADIAN BANK 0f COMMERCE BOWNIANVILLE BRANCH NEWCASTLE BRANCH ORONO BRANCH - . e - - e e e e - R. L. MITCHELL, Manager J. H. SMITH, Manager J. BLUE, Manager t: n fi ti ti a: ai rt ai ai gi ci l 'a C vl m 1 graups, one ail wornen and the T R N other almen. Smevcry livcly T R N discussions resulted an "How Can Women an the Farm Heip Bring Tyrone Junior Young Peaplc's About Condition Mare ta their hcld a meeting in the S.S. raom on Liking; and should farm Wvmen Nov. 7, with good attendance. Vel- have an Allowance?"' 'Next week ma Coilacutt's graup was in we will meet at Stan Allin's. charge ai thîs pragram, and scrlp- turc reading was by Stanley Hall. Elected Boy'. M.P. Everyonc jained in thc Lard's Prayer. Stan Hall an-d Louis Phil- For West Durham lips taok up the offering. Grace Hayward and Velma Taylor sang Elected by acclamation, Francis a lavely duet, "The Old Ruggcd Jase, Newcastle, son ai Mr. and Cross." Mrs. Leon Moore gave a Mrs. Harry Jase, becomes this splendid tapie iollowed by games year's Member ai Parliament for. and lunch. Next meeting Nov. 21 Durham West and Bownianvilie in with Edit-h Woodlcy's group in Uic Older Boys' Parliament ai On- charge. tario. He will be swarn in by the Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lewis, Wei- Deputy ai the Lieut. Governor, came, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reynolds when the annual session opens in and Dora, Port Hope, with Mr. and the near future. Ms ap lsel Nominations were cailed same Mrs. RAlpdGael.osnRoe time ago by the Returning Officer Ms nrwTosn oe for the District, J. Ralph Found, bank, Man., with Mr. and Mrs. W. Courtice, wha was pleased ta re- J. Miller. port ta the press the unanimous Mrs. W. Badgley, Toronto, with choice ai Francis Jase for the hon- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp. or. In offering congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, Neil,, Francis we couple the hope that he Don and Glen, Columbus, with will repart parliamentary pro- Mr. anid Mrs. F. Werry. ceedings when the session con- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, cludes. Grant and Beverley, with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright, Blackstock. S LV R WE DING Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buxley, iker, Mrs. F. Tachiner and Chris, REV. AND MRS. R. M. SEYMOUR Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, Tororito, with Mrs. W. T. Worden. Eriniskilleri Parsariage was the Miss Jennie Beckett at Mr. W. scene ai a gala event on Saturday, G. Allison's, Mapie Grave. Nov. 8, wheri Rev. R. M. and Mrs. Miss Margaret Murdioch, Maple Seymour were at home ta the pea- Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. pie ai the Ennîskillen Circuit and Tabb. other iriends on the occasion ai Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thompsan their twenty-fifth wedding anni- at Mr. Hugh Bradley's. Brooklin. versary. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tabb, xvith The raoms were tasteiully de- Mr. anid Mrs. Harry Fraser, Long corated with bouquets ai baby Sault. imums, snap dragons and asters Mr. and Mrs. -Howard Won-na- presented by Mr. and Mrs. A. catt and Ross, Dixie, with Mr. and Wearn, Enniskillen, Mrs. Rundle Mrs. A. E. Virtue. and Miss A. Hutchinsan, Oshawa. Mr. L. Thompson, Mr. H. Philp, Over one hundred names were. Mr. L. Byam, Mr. J. Hynes attend- recorded in the guest book. ed the L.O.L. in Toronto. Amang those present weîre: From Mr. and Mrs. H. Moses, Bow- the Cataraqui Circuit' Mr. and manville, with Mr. anid Mrs. L. Mrs. Harry Baker, Cataraqui, Mrs. Thompson. C. Riley, Mrs. A. E. Rowley, and Mr. Bruce Scott, Nakina, at Mr. Miss Margaret Leonard, Collins R. B. Scott's. Bay,-and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Burt, Mrs. C. McIntyre and Jean with Westbrook. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ma- Mrs. J. Cook. J. Cook, C. Mc- ker and Grace, Toronto, Rev. H. Intyre and Don Stainton are on P. L. and Mrs. Seymour, Kinigstan, a hunting trip ta Haliburtan. Dr. James and Mrs. Grant, Whit- Miss Evelyn Beckett with Mr. by, Mrs. Rundle anid Miss A. Hut- and Mrs. Clarerice -Bradley, Myr- chinsan, Oshawa, Mrs. R. Walton, tie. Kinigston. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rahm, Clem Rex'. and Mrs. Seymour receiv- and Doreen, with Mr. and Mrs. A. ed congratulation from the guests, Grace, Bawmanville. Mrs. Seymour wearirig black crepe Mr. Gardon Beckett, Oshawa, with eut steel buttons, a corsage ai with Mr. O. Beckett. red roses-the gift ai Miss Dora IMrs. E. Pattersari, Eriniskilien, Clark, Toronto, in the aitprnoon, with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. and in the evening, anc ai mauve Miss Helen Miller, Toronto, Miss baby 'mums, the gift ai Mr. and Beth Miller, Green'bank, with Mr. Mrs. Frank Mason ai Oshawa. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. They were assisted by their Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent, daughter, Margaret, ai Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coiby, During the aiternoon the guests West Hill. were received at the door by Mrs. Rannie and Marilyn Philp with E. A. Werry, Enniskillen, and in their cousins in Brighton. the evening by Mrs. Hoskin Miss Lillian McRoberts, Toron- Smith, Enfield. ta, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Me- The tea table with its hand- Roberts. made chînese lace cloth, the giit Mrs. L. J. Goodman is in Tar- oi Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MacLean, onto attending the W.I. conven- Ottawa, and in a eut glass vase, tion. a bouquet ai mauve and white W.I. wili meet Nov. 19 at Mrs. 'mums, the gift ai Kenneth Gra- S.* E. W'hite's. rîam's class ai boys ai Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. L. Rlobinson and Suriday School, pres en t ed a children, Peterboro, Mr. Harry charming scene. One ai silver tes White, Hamilton, with Mr. and services used was a present irom> Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mtrs. Seymour's parents, which Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Mr. A. T.!I rîad been presented ta them an the Stephens, Mr. B. J. Stephens, To- occasion ai their silver wedding ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Al. Bur- anniversary. gess. Pouring tea in the aiternoon Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott, Mrs. were Mrs. T. Hople'y, Burketon, W. Macdonald, with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. T.. M. Siemon, Enniskill- C. M. Carruthers, Bawmanville, an en; in the evening, Mrs. Godirey Sunday anid attended St. Paul's Bowmari, Eniield, anid Mrs. Har- anniversary service. vey McGill, Enniskillen. Those Miss Jayce Hill is in Bowman-! serving in the aiternoon were ville Hospital suffering from Miîsses Jean McLaughlin, Burke- pneumonia. ton and Joyce MeGili, Enniskill- Mr. anid Mrs. Howard Philp and en; evening, Misses Ruby and Miss Jean Philp attended the wed- Celia Griffin, Enfield, Mona Brunt ding ai their niece, Miss Joy Goad- and Jayce McGill, Eriniskillen. As- iellow, daughter of Hon. William sistirig in servirig were Mesdames Goodiellaw, M.P., anid Mrs. Good- P. Werry, A. Brurit, H. Milîs and iellow ai Codrington, ta Mr. Fran- F. Beckett. cis Hart, Smithiieid, on Saturday The people af Enniskillen Cir- afternoon. cuit expressed their good wishes The wedding oi Mabel 'Viola in the iollawing: a large silver McRoberts, daughter ai Mr. arid plate accomganied by an address Mrs. Jae MeRoberts, ta Roy MaY- of appreciation for the warl aif nard, son ai Mr. John Maynard, the pastar and his wife irom En-an clteMsManrto ield insilera cram nd ug-place in the Tyrorie Manise on Sat- an with tra3ý, tea strainen, cari- urday, Nov. 8, by Rev. A. E. Cress- WITH FAMILIES ail over the country looking for places to live, every fire adds to the housing short- age Right now, the number of homes going up is hardiy keeping pace wlth the num- ber burning down! Heip reduce these losses. Cheek your lire hazards ta- day! St uart R. James INSURANCE -REAL ESTATE Successor to J. J. Mason & Son Phones: Office 681 . Bouse 493 King Street, Bowmanvilie biawlng and thc wo od was none too dry. Returnlng ta camp, the scouts follawed a trail and did very well. Denis Pickard led in the "Scouts Own" service and thdy sang sev- eral hymns. Mr. Bent gave a talk on the second Scout law-Loy- B.TS. Scoute Visit Camp Sambc Over the. Woekend On Saturday afternoon, Camp Samac at North Oshawa, was a scene ai activity when 12 boys and Scoutmaster Bent of the B. T.S. 4th Troop, along with 5 Bow- manville Scouts made camp in "Kenabeck" catin. They wcre later joincd by Scoutmaster Denis Pickard and Jim DeGeer. Ater making their beds in dou- ble - decker bunks, Scoutmaster Bent and a few boys prepared supper, while the rest secured wood, water and generally roam- cd around exploring the camping grounds. A skit was put on after supper by the Bowmanville Scouts and some of the B.T.S. scoubt sang songs or gave imitations. Rover seconder Jack Munday gave a very good recitation. Retiring ta the bunks, the boys sang sangs and listened to the phonograph brought aut by Mr. Bent. After a pleasant night ai 'undisturbed slumber," the boys prepared breakfast and the rest explored along the creek. Denis Pickard, with the assistance of Jack Munday, George Brown, JimI DeGeer, Wallace Dilling and John! Brooks took the boys on a fire- lighting drill. Several passed this test even though there was a wind After dinner the boys cleaned up the cabins aird just as they finished, they were honared with a visit frorn Mr. Jack Eastaugh, and Mr. J. J. Brown, of the Boys' Training School. Mr. Eastaugh hopcd that this wauld b. only one of many such camping trips enjayi- IPRE-CHRISTNAS CLEARANCE SUITS and WGOL DRESSES Sf ylish Ail Wool Dresses You'll be smart this iNinter if yau're wearlng one ai our ail wool dresses. Thcy corne ln the < latest pastel shades ivith a large variety aof stylesI aned rose ta Mrs. Harry Baker ai ed quartette ai the Cataraqui Uataraqui, being hen birthday. Ail Church Chair 'during Mr. Sey- present sang "Happy birthday ta mour's pastarate thene.I ou." This was iollowed by a The happy occasion came toa a uet by Mns. Harny Baker and' close wishing the bride and groom Wargaret Seymour and a quartette ai 25 years aga many more years by Mr. anid Mrs. Harry Baker, o happiness and jy together. 1?LIIlS-UNIT Kniiied and Crepe Dresses and Suils Fine Kniiied Underwear and Outeiwear for Men, Women and CHILDREN Rtepresented by MIS. ALICE RICHARDS SPENCER CORSETIERE Phone Orono 27 r 16- Box No. 33, Orono and sizes ta choose from. '4 -arae? r' ~ 1' j J I Suifs of Distinction for You Yes, we are offering these beautlfully Malle suits at a tre- mendous reductian. The vcry lateât styles are here waltlng for you and aIl at prices yau eau affard. Camne lu eariy whle we stîli have a complete stock af styles, aises and shades. SEE OUR LADIES' COAT DEPARTMENT FOR THE LARGEST SELECTION OF WINTER COATS IN TOWN Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWMANVILLF Be Ready for~ SnowbaIl Tinte See Our GirWs' -Piece Coat Sets Warm coat sets, madje to wear. Kasha lined leggings. Ail wool î materiai. Sizes 1 to 6X. " "' $StO5R Slurdy Boys' Sels Feature an extra deep hem for ' extra wear next year. Three plece sets with Kasha iined let- gings. The ideai ciothes for warmth and long wear. Slze.. 1 to 6X. $18.30 up Boys' and Girls' Warm thrcepiece blanket cioth - ~,.snow suits. Corne ln navy, tmmed ith red, and brown trimmed with green. Sizes 3 1L4 $9.98 4 Others ln Windproot Cloth From $8.95 The Ideal Christmas Gifis Sec our splendid selection of TOYS, CLOWNS, DOLLS TEDDY BEARS and RATTLES COME IN AND LOOK AROUND AT OUR SPLENDID STOCK THE "TOT" TOGGElY, MRS. BERNICE COLL1S, PROPRIETOR 57 Ktng St. 19. (Ouosite Balmoral Hotel) Bowmanviie 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOV;NL&NVMLE, ONTARIO In the Loss Column ... -10 t BOWMANVIILLF THU RDAT, NOV. lath, 1947 1 - PACU Nn« PHONE 836

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