TMURSDAY, NOV. luth, 1947 *flLa. UANAI>AALI bTAT~MAN, JMJWMAN VWLE. ONTARIO ns FAU5 WR ~Mf4f ______ ~gïN~P(455 ______ RE5bZ7Y s I. I i ffRTHS Pt)LLARD-Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Pqliard (nee Bernadette Bullen) a happy to announce the birth of their son, Douglas Allan, at Bowmanville Hospital on Tues- doy, November 11, 1947. 46-1* SOUCH-Harry and Eva Souch -(nee Welsh). are happy to an- n unce the birth of their daughter (Ltenore Marie), at Oshawa Hospi- tal on November 5th. 46-1* * DEATHS ELLIOTT-In Fort Erie, Ont., on November 10, 1947, Albert T. El- liott, in bis 78th year. Beloved hiisband of Annie V. Elliott and dear father of Helen M. and Kath- leen V. Elliott. Resting at the ,Atwood Funeral Home, Fort Erie. yunera1 service in St. Paul's Ilhurch Thursday afternoon at 2:- 30o'clock. Friends are invited to attend. 46-1 MCCULLOUGH-In Kingston on Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1947, Lena Horne, beloved wife of David A. McCullough, former]y of Bow- manvîlle. Private service took place at late residence, 358 Vic- toria St., on Thursday. 8 p.m. In- terment Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N.Y., on Friday at 3 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Joyce, of Lindsay, announce the engage- ment of their daughter Myrtie Doreen, to Alan Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn, Bowmanville. The wedding will take place in Cambridge St. Un- Articles For Sale HAND pump, Beatty. 26' cf pipe. J. C. Burdett, phone 2225. 46-1* GIRL'S 3-piece pink outflt, size one year. Phone 2214. 46-1 DODGE sedan, 1933, ln good con- dition. Phone 2707. 46-1 PLYMOUTH coach, 1942, ln Al condition. Phone Oshawa 295 r 12. 46-1 ALADDIN lamp, green base; alzo man's leather coat, size 40, both in good condition. Phone 2710. 46-1* COOK stove, six lid stove. Apply il Chapel Street. Phone 2248. 46-1* MODEL A Ford, 1929. Overhaul- ed in June. Apply E. R. Swain, Burketon. 46-1* HUDSON, 1936, 8 cylinder, fair condition. Reasonabîbe. Mrs. A. M. Darch. Phone 2890. 46-1 QUEBEC cook stove in good con- dition. Apply 33 Ontario St. 46-1* OLDS sedan, 1935, new tires, AI running condition. Phone 608 Bowmanville. 46-1 BOY'S overcoat, size 15, nearly new. Mrs. Herb Phillips, Lower Base Line. Phone 2908. 46-1 LOT and lumber, some furniture, kitchen cabinet sink new. Apply 91/ King St. W. 46-1* PONTIAC coach, 1934, good con- dition. Priced reasonably. Phone 2244. 46-1 ited Church, Lindsay, on Friday, CIRCULATOR heater, riaodemn November 14, at 2:30 p.m. 46-1, style in cream and brown. Excel- lent condition. 30 Wellington St. CARD 0F TH-ANKS Phone 503. 46-l* The amiy ofthelateJam sWIL mixers are back again! The amiy o th lae JmesA most useful present for moth- Masters wish ta thanlk friends and cm Only 69c at The Radio Shop, neigbboms also Dm. C. J. Austin and Bowmanjille. 46-1 Nortbcutt & Smith, undertakers, for the many kindnesses and flor- ELECTRIC refrigerator, 1947 al tributes received during tl"-;' Cosley Shelvador, 7 eu. ft., 5 yeam recent bereavement. 46-1* guarantee. C. A. Humpage, 2 La- HeIp Wanted vers' Lane. 46-1w BOY'S coat, size 7, bluish gmey. HOUSEKEEPER for lderly lady. Also four 100 ft. rolîs of snow fen- Write Box 983, Statesman office. iný like new, $10 per rail. Phone 46-1 800* 46-1* MARRIED man for dairy farm. Apply Ross Stevens, R.R. 3 Bow- manvîlle, phone 443. 46-1 COUNTRY woman, or girl, for generai housework, ahl convenien- ces. Phone 2880. 45-2* HOME wanted to look after small cbild during working bours. Write Box 984 Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 46-le Teacher for S.S. No. 7 School at 4urketon. Apply at once to the Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. Jean Grace, Burketon, phone 2722 Bow- manville. 46-1 WANTED for 79ronto home, girl or woman, 20 ts45 years old, for genemal housewomk, plain cooking. $70.00 monthly, room, board and unifomms supplied. Family con- st f two dulLs, two grown chi14ý six day veek, four ev- eningki free; two weeks' vacation wilh pay. References required. Write or phone, Mrs. M. D. Allan, 9 Queensway Drive, Toronto 9, Ont. JUnction 6614. 45-2 Honesty plus. A Torontonian Sound a gas bill and $10 bill close tagether; paid the bill and return- ed change ta the loser. DEER -rifle with ammunition; also 6-piece dinette suite, natural col- or. Mrs. John Van Allen, New- tonville, phone Clarke 3603. 46-1V TABLE çloth, large size, embroi- dered colored cut work, also cut- work aval cover in natuaa shade. Phone 2401. 46-1* STUDEBAXER Dictator, 1937, four-door sedan, good mechani- cal condition. F. Gilmer, New- tonville. Phone Clarke 613. 46-1 BOYS' 3-piece winter outfft, navy blue, size 6X, good, $8.00. Apply Mrs. Bridgett, Statesman Apts., top floor. 46-1* HUDSON Super 6, Sedan, 1946, in excellent condition $1,000 and best car offered. Apply 14 East Beach, Bowmanville, phone 2975. 46-1*1 TWELVE gauge shot gun; quanti- ty of hay for sale or will exchange for mangels or tumnips. A. John Baker, phone 2472 after 7 p.m. 46-1 ELECTRIC and gasoline wa'shers, immediate delivery, from $139.50. Transportation pmcpaid. Budget termns, special discounts ta dealers. Christian's Electric and Hardware, Oshawa, Ontario. 45-4 PERFECT GIFTS THAT GO PLACES Gay ond exch;ing; thoe .Beauty Saxes, e l char fvurites of many wom.n, moa Christmas gifts cf great distinction. A. TUCKAWAY KIT-nectly packed in simuiteu leather in plain, or alligator grain-Bfc, Brown or Red-containing 12 Issentiais for Loveliness çnd comb ... $ 13.00; imalier size $900. 8 SERVICE KIT-she'll freshen up in a twinkling with this speciaiiy designed trim Service Kit,.. carry it In ber hand . . . tuck it in her pocket ... in Black, Brown, Tan, Blue or Red Leather i ; . $7.00. JURY and LOVELL TUE REXALL STORE Kilig st. IV. PHONE 778 Bowmanvlll. Articles For Sale STORM windows, combination doors, made to measurements. T. H. Tabb, Tyrone. 45-20 ICE refrigerators-lO per cent. cash discount on ail refrigerators in stock, well insulated steel cases, 50-75-100 lb. models available, No- vemnber special at F. F. Morris Co. 46-1 TRUCKS-One 2-ton Mercury stake, 1946; one 1941 G.M.C. haîf- ton panel; one 1939 G.M.C. haif- ton panel, aIl in good condition. Apply .tlahmes Garage, 26 Athol St. West, Oshawa. 45-2 CEDAR and poplaxr wood, $10 per cord, cut into one foot stove lengths, delivered; elm $12 per cord, cut into one foot length, de- livered. F. Gilmer, Newtonville. Phone Clarke 613. 46-1 NEW washers, electric, $149.50; new electric ranges, table top, $269.00; new tub style chesterfield suites, velour, regular $295.00, for $242.50. Murphy's, phone 811. 46-1* BUICK sedan, 1938 Special, ex- cellent condition, recently over- hauled, one owner car, heater, slip covers, sealed heama headlights. Phone 890 betweeni 5:30 and 7 p.m. 46-if CHROME chairs, kitchen sets, etc. Special sale of new chrome chairs, dinette tables with plastic and ex- tension stainless porcelain tops, matched table and chair sets. No- vember special at F. F. Morris Co. 46-1 NEW Case horse rake; used rîding plow; used M-H. 13-disc drill; used eleciric stove; uised circula- tor heater; used Quebec heater; used Quebec heater complete with oul burner. W. H. Brown, as Dealer, phone 497. 4- LAMPS-Sale of Manufactumer's Samples at 50 per cent off list price, fine table, vanity and pin- up lamps witb tailored silk and satin shades. Select now at haîf price savings for Christmas. F. F. Morris Co. 46-1 DURHAM Forest workmen arc cutting surplus trees, sound green oak into randomn lengths, easily handied, piled on good roadside. Being sold by truck load. Apply Ed. Youngman, Durham Forest, Pontypool. Phone Orono 82 r 11. 45-2 SEE the "Electri-Cup" for a use- fui Christmas present. Aluminum cup-just plug it in and have bail- ing water for tea, coffcc, inhalant, baby's bottie etc.; in a few min- utes. Automatic shutoff device. Sec it at The Radio Shop, Bow- manville. 46-i $149.00 November Specials in Chesterfield Suites and Bedroom Suites. Popular velour covemed Chesterfield Suites and genuine walnut bedroom suites with large plate mimors. For extra value see these suites at F. F. Morris Co. 46-i OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modeý:n. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at m~mpetitive prices. Before buyin visit Brad- iey's New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf BRICKS-We have a 9" brick wali which is now standing inside of a new building. We would seli these bricks as they are, the pur- chaser to remove within a rea- sonable time. There are approx- imately 8,000 bricks which can be readily salvaged. About 50 per cent arc mcd brick and 50 per cent are a darker, harder brick. First reasonable off er will be accepted. Bowmanville Foundry Ca. Ltd. 46-1 TRADE-IN coal stoves, new lin- ings in fire boxes, $2450; coal beater, medium size, $10.00; Gil- son washing machine $59.50; dres- ser, $10,00; china cabinet, $7.50; electric steam radiator, $2500; steel beds with springs $12.50; 3- piece wine velour chesterfield, one blue chair, two weeks in use, regular $195.00 for $140.00; 3-pce. bedroom suite, reg. $ 150.00 for 99.50, like new; torchiere, ivory and gold, reg. $29.50 for $21.00; mantel radios, $1250; oil humner for kitchen stove $25.00. Mur- phy's, phone 811. 46-1* Wanted Tô Buy OLD car in running condition. Phone 2800. 46-1* MANURE-About 12 to 15 truck loads wt.fhin 4A,-,i1 ,-of UTithv nr. AUCTION SALE Mr. A. H. Keane LOT 28, CON 6, CLARKE TIVP. (one mile north of Orono) is giv- ing Up famming and wiU seli by plic auction on Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 1 p.m., four horses; 27 Durham cattle; 33 feeder hags; four brood sows; a number of geese; quantity of good Spy apples; fulli une of farm machiniery. For futher par- ticulars see bis. Terms cash. No reserve. A. E. Morton, clemk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 46-1 AUCTION SALE Auction sale of pumebred Short- homn cattie and good f arm machin- ery, the property of H. M. Kyle LOT 3, CON. 5, CLARKE TWP. (flrst famm east of Shiloh Churcb, known as the G. N. Smith proper- ty), on Saiurday, November 15 at 12:30 p.m., including two mat- cbed teams of Clyde borses; 30 head of Sborthorn cattie;, 15 Lei- cester ewes; Il lambs; 500 bushels mixed grain, 75 Hybrid bens; ful line of exccptionally good farm machinery. At the same time the famm consisting of 150 acres, will be offered for sale, subi ect to a me- servcd bid. Termas Cash. No Reserve. Sce Bis A. E. MORTON, Clcrk JACK REID, Auctioneer 46-1* AUCTION SALE I have receivcd instructions ta seli by public auction for Ephriam White LOT 24, Con. 6, CLARKE TWP. (2 miles north of Orono on High- way 35), on Friday, Nov. 2lsi at 12:30 p.m. The following: HORSES Black gelding 7 yeams old; black mare 8 years old (matcbed); bay Clyde gelding 7 ycars aid; bay mare il years aid (matcbed). CATTLE Red cow 5 ycars aId 2 calves at foot, bmed Oct. 15; red cow 4 yrs. aid due in February; mcd cow 4 years aid caif at foot, pasture bred; roan cow 8 years .old due January 6; mcd cow 8 years old caîf at foot, bred Oct. 26; roan cow, 6 years aid, caif at foot, bred Oct. 6; mcd -cow, aged, due Dec.da2; mcd caw 8 years aid due in Jan- uary; rcd cow 6 years old caif at foot; rcd caw 5 years aid due in February; red cow 5 years old caîf at foot, bred Sept. 30; mcd cow 7 years old bred June 20;'mcd cow 3 years aid caif at foot, bred Oct. 25; roan caw, 7 years old caîf at foot; purebred Shorthomn bull dark red, 4 yeams aid; 3 fat heif- crs 900 lbs. (approximate); 9 feeders; 20 stockers; 10 spring calves. SHEEP 13 Leicester. ewcs; i Leicester ram; 9 lambs. PIGS i fat Yorkshire sow; 10 pigs, 100 lbs. (approximate). HAY Quantity of good timothy hay. FURNITURE Quantity of fumnitume. GRAIN Quantity of mixcd grain IMPLEMENTS Binder, 6 ft. Decring; M.-H. corn binder; grain lifters; mower, 5 ft. Deering; bay rake, Deering; ted- dem, Masscy-Harris; harrows, 4- sections, Cockshutt; barrows, 5- sections; manure spreader, Tud- hope-Anderson; seed drill il-bac Massey-Harris; roller 9 ft. Inter- national (steel); gang plow, Im- periai Jr., M.-H.; piow, single 21, M.-H.; plow, single Percivai; scuf- fier; scales, Gurney beam, 2,000 lbs.; sleighs, toboggan; wagon; flat bay rack; fanning milI; Stewart horse and sbeep clippers; pig crate; buggy; cutter; democrat; Beatty car and slings; hay fork and ropes; 2 grindstones; 47 ft. 3/ in. iran piping. HARNESS 2 sets double harness; 2 21-mn. long straw coliars; 2 23-inch long straw collars; 1 20-inch long straw coliar; wbiffietrees, steel barrel; grain bags and numeraus ather articles. Terms Cash Remarks: Anyonc interested in purchasing good livestack wouid be well advised in attending this -ales Ted Jackson, auctioneer . 46-1* Court of Revisiou TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE is hereby given that the fimst sitting of the Court of Re- vision for the Town of Bowman- ville will be held in the Council Room in the said Town an Mon- day, November 24th, 1947, at 7:30 p.m. to hear and determine the severai complaints of errors and omissions in the Assessment Ral of the said Municipality for the year, 1948. And further take notice that al ratepayers wha deem themselves overcbamged or otherwise impra- perly assessed may notify the Cierk of the Municipality in writ- ing of such overcharge or impro- per assessment an or before the 24th day of Navember, 1947, and your complaint shall be tried by the said Court of Revision. Ahl persans having business at the Court are requested ta attend as aforesaid. A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowimanville Dated this 4th day of November, 1947. 4- Auctlon Sales Mr. Joe Thorne, Lot 17, Con. 3, Cavari Twp., two miles south and one mile east of Millbrook, will sell by public Luction on Friday, November 14, at 1 p.m. 50 head of choice, Durham and Hereford feeder cattle and some poultry. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 46-1 Furniture and Real Estate Sale -1 have been favoured with in- structions from Miss Ruby Ratel- lick, Lot 22, Con. 7, Hope Twp., (at Perrytown), to seIl by public auction on Saturday, Nov. 22, at 1 p.m., a seven-roomed frame house and haîf acre lot and its en- tire contents. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 46-2 Farm stock and implements, the propemty of Clifford Alin, Lot 24, Con. 6, Damlington Tw;p., 1¼, miles north of Solina, on Satur- day, Nov. 15, including four bor- ses; 14 caws; 15 spring calves; 50w and il pigs; ten tons of bay, bar- ness, full line of implements and some household furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 45-2 Wood Sale-The undersigned auctioneer will seli by public auc- tion for Fred Ferguson, Lot 11, Con. 4, Damlington (three miles north of Bowmanville, on Manvers Road), on Saturday, Nov. 22, four acres of standing timber, to be sold in quarter acre lots, more or less, consisting of beech, maple, hemlock and cedar. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30. Percy Westlake, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auction- eer. 46-2 Auction Sales Werry and Carr wIll sel! b; public auction on Frlday, Nov, 3 at the Byers farm, under the bl bill at Enniskillen, the followin Ten horses; 75 pigs; 100 cattl% these cattle are ail Qntario cMtl extra quality, including cows, fat cattie, stockers, and calves. Sale at 1 p.m. Cattle sold first. Thte livestock will be sold, cleaning up our summer's business. Terras cash. Roy McGill, clerk- Clif. ford Pethick and Jack Relâ, au~ tioneers. 4- 1 have been authorized to sel by public auction for Charles Mackie and Son. Lot 1, B.F.. East Whitby (Art Pascoe farm), cil Saturday, Nov. 22, farm stock, ira- plements (tractors and tractop equipment, new) trucks, hay. grain. potatoes. and many other articles. This 15 an outstanding sale of good stock, new imple- ments, trucks, etc. Sale at 12:30 sharp. See bills. Terms cash. Gordon Gifford, clerk; Elmer Wil. bur, auctioneer. 46-2 Auction sale of standing timbeIý sawmill, trucks, tractor and equip. ment. Property of B. W. Haynes Lot 33, Con. 7, Hope township, à miles east of Kendal and baif mil. south. To selI by public auction on Monday, Nov. 24, at i p.rn4 12 acres of standing timber cone sisting of pine, ash, maple, ceda~ beech and bemlock. It is estimati cd ta be 50,000 ft. of lumber. Huno dreds of cords of «'ood. Also to be sold 100 cords of dry map 60 cords of slabs; anc sawmil complete;' one McCormick-Deer. ing W-30 tractor on rubbem; onq '37 Fargo 2 ½,ý ton truck; one Whit* truck, 3-ton. For further partie*, ulars sec bills. Terms cash. Jac~ Reid, auctioneer. 46-1 ABOUT 120 Barred Rock pullets, $1.50. John Polak, R.R. 6, Bow- manville. Phone 2751. 46-i* GOOD caîf for vealing. L. J. Brock, Bowmanville, phone 2579. 46-1 ONE hundred White Leghorn pul- lets, laying; ulso black cow, part Jersey. 3 years old. Phone 2719, Bowmanville. 46-1 SEVERAL faîl and winter fresh- ening grade Holstein heifers at reasonable prices. Also two reg- istered Holstein bulîs. Walter Frank, R.R. 5, Bowma.nville. Phone 2403. 46-1* Pets For Sale COLLIE dog, good watch dog. Bert Johnson, Burketon, phone 2290. 46-1 Llvestock For Sale FIFTY Light Sussex pullets, six months old. Phone 579. 46-1 BLACK cow, 5 years, due Nov. 20. Apply R. Shortt, Edward St., in Newcastle. 46-1* TEN Leicester ewe lambs, $15.00 each. Fred Cowling, Burketon, Ont., R.R. 3. 46-1* SIX purebred Jersey heifers. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3823. 46-1* Radio Service THE Radio Shop, Bowmanville, offers honest charges', latest type equipment and trained person- nel. Our two radio technicians both hold Government Certificates of Proficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 20-tf Personal CURTAINS laundered and stret- ched. 85 Ontario St., front door, or phone 2630. 45-.4* IF backaches are slowing you up, take Rumacaps. Pains and aches are relieved afer the first dose. McGregor's Drug Store. 46-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples ý 5c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T- 38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 45-8 PERSONALIZED-C h ri st ma s Cards-Your name and address printed free on your Christmas cards. Order now from Hobby- craft Supply, 52 King St. West. Phone 2174 between 4 and 6 p.m. 44tf Notice MARE, about 1600 lbs., 6 years, or wil exchange for light horse not over 6 years. Also two sets good double harness, one wîth breech- ing. J. Shields, Middle Road, Bowmanville. Phone 2933. 46-1 ERNEST A. Werry would seli any quantity of cattle, your choice out of 100. See me before you flîl your faîl requirements. Can you feed any cattle for the winter? Phone 2570, Bowmanville. 46-1 Real Estate For Sale NEW bouse, ail modern conven- iences, no reasonable offer refus- cd. Apply 5 Victoria. 46-1 NEW bouse, village Newcastle, good locality, excellent garden soil. For full particulars write P.O. bo* 74 Newcastle. 46-1* THIS four-room home in Orono on one acre of choice garden soul is a good buy with immediate pos- session, at the full price of $2,750. Terms if dcsired. Has hydro and plenty of watcr. You can be iode- pendent heme. For inspection phone 56 r 19, Orono. 46-1* EIGHT-roomed bouse, with bath, hydro, bpn bouse, barn, and two good building lots; situated 118 Elgin St. N. Two cook stoves, Quebec heater, five oilcloth rugs. No reasonable off er rcfused. Im- mediate possession. Contact Geo. Clayton, 515. 46-i FARM, $7,000, 80 acres, brick bun- galow, all conveniences, 6 rooms, sun porch, hardwod floors, bath- room, heavy wiring, cement base- ment, barn, double garage, fruit trees. Nice location two miles east cf Newcastle. Possession April 1. In Newcastle, $4,600, double house, 6-room each side, hardwood floors, furnace in one apartment, hydro throughout, garage, haîf acre. Immediate possession of one apartment. $5,000 near Newcastle, Lot 29, Con. 2, new insul-brick bungalow, hamdwood floors, large living room, kitchen and dinette combined, one bedroom, good basement, two acres small fruit, chicken bouse, three-quartcrs mile from school. Apply Evelyn E. Cooke, Real Es- tate, Newcastle. Phone Clarke A2621. 46-1* Seed Cleaning SEED cleaning donc. One mile north of Burketon. Latest equip- ment. Ernie Swain. Phone Port Perry 193 r 13 (at meal boums if possible). 46-1* Wanted to Rent lUctUS TYPEWRITERtin good01condition. Brooklin. Phone Bowmanville YERT igodcnto. 2924. 45-2* Prefer portable. Phone 2405, Bowmanviiie. 46-1 USED 3-furrow 12" tractor plow in good condition. C. Payne, HO USE, apartment or four or five Newcastle R.R. 3, phone Clarke rooms. Write Box 978, Statesman 2811. 46-1 Office. 45-2* BUCKWHEAT and Rye. Wiil pay HOUSING accommodation for bighest prices for both. Phone young marrled couple witb baby, Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney, in the vicînity of Oshawa or Bow- Newcastle. 42-tf manville. Herbert Wright, R.R. 2, Nestîcton. Phone Port Perry ALL types live poultry and fea- 196 r Il. 46-1w thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, OS raatet rwl R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bcthany HOsh raarmn, rw 7 r 13. 1-tf mýae accommodation in Bowrnan- ville or Newcastle. Cou ple with WEare offcring highcst prices for two children anxious Ioa ocate in Red Claver, Aisike, Alfaifa and comnmunity for schooling accom- Timothy. Submit samples. Stew- modation. Wouid pay advance de- art's Seed Store. Phone 577. 44-tf posit. Write Box 982 Statesman LIVE borses for mink and fox Ofie 61 food. Caîl us for highest prices. Found We also pick up dead farmn stock free of charge. Margwill Fur BELIEVED left in wrong car, two Farm, R.R. 1. Tyrone. Phone Bow- pairs of shoes. Owner may have manvilie 2679. 41-tf samne by praving poperty and paying expenses. Phone 2640. WANTED-50 ta 100 acres, 5 or 46-1* 6-roomed bouse, near higbway or county road. Not far from schaal. Men are sometimes accused of Immediate possession if possible. pride mer.ely because their accus- Evelyn E. Cooke. Real Estate, crs xvould be proud themselves if Newcastle. Tel. Clarke A'-621. t1iev \were in theur plaçe.-Shen- 46-1 & Ston.e. REPAIRS REPAIRS to ahl makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electrie 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantiai workmanship, relia- bility, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-tf Custom Work CULTIVATING, plowing a n d seeding; also John Deere. repair parts and repairing donc. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone 594. 17-tf SMALL Gibson tractor work av- ai1ab1e. Gardens plowed, ground levelled; sidewalks snow-cleaned, at reasonable rates. Apply H. T. Moore, Bowmanville. Phone 671. 46-2* RtOYAL THEATRE BOWMANVELLE - PHONE 589 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - NOV. 13-14 BI1G NEW M-G-M MUS ICAL! HAPPY STARS! HAPPY ROMANCEI HAPPY SONGSI <FRANK I'AT44 sings 7 romantic sangs end findi l ovei t mis of hondsome llIy ds new heqrt-throb and selecf ed shori s SATURDAY, NOV0 . 15 "SWING THE WESTERN WAY" wlth The Hoosier Hoishois Added Attraction JACKIE .TACKIE COOPER COOGAN "IKILROY WAS HERE"v Carloon in Techinicolor Mono, Tues., Wed., November 17 - 18 - 19 SI£ TRADED NIER FUTURIE... b ~ ~ i ffor~tg f S-ISTIER' KENNY L -DEAN JAGCERy pUIlf MERALE -BEILAII80101 -CHIAMESDINRL Fox Laie News Carfoon' Keith W. Slemon, M.D., 38 Cen- tre St., Physician and Surgeon. Office hours: Afternoon 2-4, except Wednesday. Ne~ts, Tucsday, Thursday and Sa turday 7-8. 41-tf COMINO EVENTS *The Salvation Army Christmas Concert wiIl be beld on Friday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m. 46-1 Reserve Wed., Thums., Fmi., No- vember 26, 27, 28, for Bowman- vilîle High School Commence- ment. 43-5 W.A. Bazaar in Newtonviilc United Church basement, Nov. 20, ~3 p.m. Afternoon tea 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. 45-2 Blackstock Continuation School annual exercises and concert, an Thursday and Friday, November 20 and 21 at Blackstock Commun- ity Hall. 45-2 Dance in Enniskillen Commun- ity Hall Friday, Nov. 14, sponsor- cd by the Enniskillen Athictic Club. Ruth Wilson's Variety Band. Admission 50c. 46-1 Ladies' Legion Auxiliary baz- aar at the Legion Hall, Qucen St., Saturday, Nov. 29. Home caoking, aprons, fancy work, country store, afternoon tea. Corne and bring a friend. 46-1* Hampton United Church Har- vest Home Services, Sunday, Nov. 23, at 2 and 7 p.rn. Gucst speak- er, Rev. A. E. Eustace, Orono. Special music by Hampton Choir in the afternoon and by the Bow- manville Rotary Club Choir at the evening service. 46-2 Reserve Fmiday, Dec. l2th for sale of aprons, baby knitted gar- ments, men's knitted socks, boys' pyjamas, piiiow cases, stuffed an- imal toys and other usefui ar- ticles. Home cooking and aftcr- noon tea from 3 ta 7. St. Paui's lecture room, Group 4. 46-1w Piano Recital by pupiis of Vera McGill Ferguson, A.T.C.M., as- sisted by Mrs. Gordon Harle, guest amtist, at the Town Hall, Bowman- ville, on Friday, Nov. 14, at 8 p.m. Proceeds in aid of Hospital Build- ing Fund. Admission, adults 25c, cbiidren 15c. 45-2 Dance wiil be hcld under aus- pices of Newcastle Ladies' Sofit- bail Club in Newcastle Commun- ity Hall on Friday, Nov. i4th. Tickets are now on sale at 3 for 25c for 10 valuable prizes which wili be drawn for at dance. Roy Forrester and bis 7-picce band wiil be in attendance. Admission 50c per person. -14-3 After putting the matter ta, the test we have concluded that dlean- ing windows uses up toc, much en- ergy for the result achieved. A woman caught running nak- ed dowvn Bay Street, Toronto, told thec policeman that she was inVis- Lbl% and didna't need clothes. Classifled Ad Lates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Muat be pald. before insertion 17 CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 5oc> 25e extra for box numbers or replies dlrected ta this office ADDITONAL INSERTIONS SAIME RATES Ail Clasolfled Adiets Must Be ln Not Luter Than NOON WEDNESDAY Tou must include cesh, stamps, or money order, wlth copy to get low rate. J m TRupj3DAY, Nov. isth, 1947 m" U&NAMIA14 b-£ATkWAAN, ISUWMAýN v 11 -, -m ONTARIO IMAËSM 1 1